26 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, June 10, 1958 JA MS -- GRAPE CONSERVE 4 lbs. blue grapes is (6 gts. basket) J ; 1 Ib. seedless raisins ] 2 oranges (medium) 1% cups shelled pecans (walnuts) chopped fine Sugar Wash and stem grapes, separ- ate skins from pulp and cook pulp until seeds separate, (press through colander). To each cup grapes use 3% cup sugar. Combine adding the raisins { : and oranges which have been slic- { ed very thin. Boil until thick stir- ring frequently. Add nuts. Pour into sterile jeily glasses and seal, storing where dry and cool, Mrs. Archie Bell, Audley WA, Audley United Church. TOMATO MARMALADM About 20 medium size red tomatoes oranges lemons tsp. salt cups sugar Pee: tomatoes and slice into large kettle. (There should be about 3 qts. prepared tomatoes) Peel oranges and lemons Slice peel very thin and add with salt to tomatoes. Bring to boil slowly, stirring frequently, and cook for 20 minutes. Slice orange and lemon pulp, removing seeds. Add orange and lemon with sugar to hot tomato mixture. Bring slowly to boiiing point, stir- ring frequently. Cook rapidly for 25 to 35 minutes, stirring constant- ly. Pour into hot sealers. Seal tightly. Cool and store. Makes about 5 pints. Keeps well Mrs, George Squire, Audley WA, Audley United Church. aX ye em . EI. GRAPE JELLY Welche's Grape Juice (unsweet- ened) makes delicious grape jelly when used with Certo and is only haif the work. Mrs. George Puckrin, Audley WA, Audley United Church. 'PEACH CONSERVE 6 qts. peaches 8 oranges 1 lemon Sugar 1 lb. nuts Blanch, peel and slice peaches. Squeeze juice and pulp of oranges; put rind through a mincer or chop fine. Put peaches in kettle; add fruit juice and rind. Weigh; add 1 lb. sugar to 1 1b. fruit. Cook until clear; stir frequently. Add lemon juice and chopped nuts; cook 5 mins. Bot- tle; seal when cold. Mrs. Jean Wonnacott, Audley WA, Audley United Church. NEW METHOD RASPBERRY JAM 6 cups raspberries fairly closely packed 6 cups sugar (warmed) Measure berries into preserving kettle, place over flame and mash while they heat. Bring to a full rolling boil and boil 2 minutes. Add warmed sugar. Bring again to a full rolling boii and boil 1 minute. Remove from heat and beat with a Dover beater for 4 min. (or 'use electric beater). Pour into sterilized jars and seal immediately. Mrs. J. R. Davidson, Audley WA, Audley United Church. PICKLES 1 per. Add: PEACH CONSERVE 5 ° orangess 8 peaches Pec' and put through food chop- 1% times as much sugar. Cook slowly until thick, and add 1 cup cherries. Helen English, Friendship Group WA, 1 Northminster United Church. HOT DOG PICKLE (Mustard) gts. cucumbers (green) 3 2 6 cooking apples Put through food grinder and cover with 1 cup coarse pickling salt. Let stand overnight, qts. onions drain. Mix: cups granulated sugar : qt. white vinegar 1 tbsp. mustard seed Add green pickle mixture and bring to a boil. Cook 20 min- utes, then add: % cup flour 2 tbsps dry mustard tbsp. tumeric 1 tbsp. celery seed Use part of the vinegar to mix flour and spicés in thin paste. Add slowly and stir constantly until thickened. Remove from stove and seal. Makes about 12 PRIZE RELISH green tomatoes onions carrcts cucumbers red peppers green peppers thsp. celery seed % tsp. red pepper 1% cups vinegar 1% cups granulated sugar 4 thsps. salt 1 tbsp. mustard seed i Remove seeds from peppers cucumbers, Put all vegetables through the food chopper. Place in large bowl in layers, spreading salt between layers. Let stand 4 hours. Drain. Combine vinegar, sugar and spices and bring to a HNN WRBO boil. Add vegetables and boil one minute. Seal while hot. Makes about 8 pints. . : Mrs. John Grant, Myrtle Parent-Teacher Assoc. pts. Mrs. R. W. Chute, King Street Home and School Association. then OSHAWA"S FINEST DRY CLEANING SERVICE MAPLE CLEANERS FREE PICK-UP AND- DELIVERY RA 5-0643 FOR QUICK QUALITY SERVICE CALL MAPLE CLEANERS 4 a sing A SE enn an Rr gil 390 RITSON RD. our wide array of dairy foods, specially low priced for this event! Me™ SDA il , Dairy Month is a good time for you to discover new taste treats (and re- discover old favorites) from JUNE is Dairy Month Ask for these Ideal Dairy products . .. MILK Guernsey Milk Standard Milk Homogenized Milk CREAMS : Table Cream Whipping Cream Salad Cream COTTAGE CHEESE SHERBERTS : Choice Flavors FRESH EGGS In Cartons NORTH BUTTER Creamy, First Grade Unsalted Creamy ICE CREAM 2V4-gal. size for home freezers, also 1-gal. and V2-gal. sizes BRICKS All popular flavors There's an Ideal Dairy outlet near you PHONE RA 5-5812 2 pe i