22° THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, June 10, 1958 FROSTINGS LEMON BUTTER 3 eggs $3 lemons 2 cups white sugar 3% 1b. butter Beat eggs, add sugar and lemon Juice. Add butter and cook over bot water. Do not boil. Mrs. Jean Wonnacott, Audley WA, Audley United Church. CHOCOLATE BUTTER FROSTING 3% cup soft butter 2 cups sifted icing sugar 3% tsp. vanilla 1%ounces (12 squares) unsweetened chocolate 2 tbsps. cream Cream butter. Add sugar, add flavouring and cream. Beat thor- oughly. Sufficient to cover top and sides of 8 in. cake. J. Aldred, Scugog Home and School. 7 MINUTE ICING 2 egg whites 1% cups white sugar 5 tbsps. water 1 tbsp. light corn syrup 1 tsp. vanilla Combine ingredients ex- cept vanilla in top part of double boiler and beat with beater to blend. Place over boiling water. Beat for 7 minutes or until it is fluffy and will hold its shape. Re- move from heat, add vanilla. Will cover nicely 1 large cake. J. Aldred, Scugog Home and School. BUTTERSCOTCH FROSTING 1 cup brown sugar 3 tbsp. margarine and 2 tbsp. butter or all margarine ¥% cup milk 1 cup icing sugar Method: Melt brown sugar and butter over low heat. Add milk and boil slowly for 3 mins. Set aside to cool. Add icing sugar and beat until thick enough to spread easily. Joyce Grose, Beta Sigma Phi. NO ICING SUGAR ICING Beat till stiff but not dry 1 egg white Gradually add brown sugar by the teaspoon, until the mixture will stand in peaks, beating con- tinuously. Add 3 drops of vanilla, or almond extract. Enough to cover an 8inch layer cake. Mrs. Cam Aldred, Scugog Home and Scheol. FRUIT WHIP (for cake topping) Any fruit can be used for this such as: strawberry, raspberry, apple, prune, banana, ete. 1 cup of fruit 1 cup white sugar 2 egg whites Whip egg white stiff, gradually whip in sugar and fruit. Makes enough for fill and cover layer cake. Mrs. Milton Demara, Scugog Home and School Assoc. LEMON BUTTER 8 eggs well beaten 4 cups of sugar 1 cup of butter grated rind of 6 lemons 138 (cups) Juice of 6 lemons (1 cup) Combine eggs and sugar in double boiler. Add butter, rind and juice of .lemons. Cook over gently boiling water, stirring often until thickened. Bottle and cool. Fills 8 8-o0z. glasses. Clara Dowson, Scugog Home and School. QUICK CHOCOLATE FROSTING 11/3 (15-0z. can) sweetened condensed milk 1 tbsp. water 1s tsp. salt 2 squares (2 oz.) unsweetened chocolate 15 tsp. vanilla Put Eagle Brand, water, salt in top of double boiler. Mix well. Add chocolate. Cook over rapidly boiling water, stirring frequently, until thick (about 10 min.) Re- move from heat. Cool. Add van- illa. Spread on cold cake. Mrs. Kenneth Markle, Westmount WA. LEMON BUTTER 6 egg yolks 4 egg whites 1% cup lemon -juice grated rind of 3 lemons 2 cups of sugar Ya 1b. of butter Beat egg whites and yolks and place in top of a double boiler. Add lemon juice and rind sugar butter. Cook stirring frequently over rapidly boiling water until thick. This may be used for tarts, jelly roll, cake fillings, ete. Mrs. R. Winter Jr., Audley United Church, Woman's Association. EASY JELLY ICING Put into top of double boiler 1% cup tart jelly 1 egg white unbeaten is tsp. salt Place over boiling water. Cook beating constantly until jelly is melted. Remove from heat, con- tinue beating until mixture will hold its shape. Enough te ice 1 medium sized cake. Hilda Lamont, Scugog Home and School. ANGEL FOOD CAKE 1% pint whipping cream small tin crushed pineapple 1 pkg. Jello instant pudding vanilla chopped red and green cherries (optional) Whip cream. Dissolve instant pudding in pineapple. Combine cream, pineapple mixture and cherries and frost cake, Refriger- ate. Cake can be cut and frosted on 3 sides just before serving. Mrs. Jack Chambers, First Baptist Church WA , LEMON FILLING 3 tbsps. cornstarch 2-3 cup sugar 1 tsp. butter 1 cup boiling water 2 egg yolks 2 tbsps. lemon juice 1 tsp. grated rind Mix cornstarch and sugar in saucepan. Add boiling water, cook slowly until thick. Cook 10 mins. Mrs. Brian Churchyard, Audley WA, Audley United Church. ALL PURPOSE ICING 1 cup brown sugar Yi cup cream or rich milk 1 tbsp. butter Boil gently for 2 minutes. Add 1 tsp. vanilla. Let cook 15 min utes. Thicken with icing sugar. Reta Wilson, Seugog Home and School Assee. LEMON TART FILLING 1 ezg 3 cup white sugar 3 tbsps. butter Juice and rind of one lemon Beat egg, add sugar, butter, juice and rind of lemon. Bake in hot oven. Mrs. V. Haight, "| Bathe Park Auxiliary. DATE FILLING 1 cup chopped dates 3% cup water 4 tbsps. brown sugar Combine and cook for 3 minutes or until consistency of jam. Stir accasionally. This will fill a 89 inch cake. J. Aldred, % Scugoeg Home and School. ; FOR INFORMATION AND APPOINTMEMT TELEPHONE RA 5-8631 Vincent Presents "OZONE" Spectacular treatment of skin, scalp and hair, entirely new in beauty culture. "OZONE" helps to normalize skin, scalp and hair conditions. Visit our salon and relax under the soothing and healing influence of "OZONE." MISS BETTY of Switzerland is your Beautician | 4 onCeridd FINE HAIR STYLING ""The Solon of Smart Oshawe Women" 110 KING ST. E., OSHAWA PARKING AT REAR Change to DO IT NOW! Automatic Gas Heating YOUR HOME WON'T GET COLD ... WINTER . . .- IF YOU HAVE A ... BRYANT GAS FURNACE SEE THEM AT OUR SHOWROOM! "qu Choose 2 great Heating Units ~ For Added COMFORT, CONVENIENCE & SAVINGS! CHANGE TO OIL OR GAS! LENN X" EVEN IN THE MIDDLE OF from these ""AIRE-FLOW HEATING' SMALL IN SIZE BUT... Actually requiring less than 4 sq. ft. of floor space, this new Lennox is compact and highly efficient. Complete with blower that "floats" on rubber for super-quiet operation, Micro-Mix Burner with "Flame Cushion" - Owly Lemmem Micro-Mix Burners give you the exclusive new "Flame Cushion' feature for absolute quiet, cleanliness and effici- ency of operation. A brand new engineering: achievement in oil burners, Solve Your Heating Problems Forever By Contacting . . . ALF. HARRELL & SON 1072 SIMCOE ST. NORTH OSHAWA DIAL RA 5-0438