CHOCOLATE FUDGE EGGS /| 2/3 cup evaporated milk 12/3 cups granulated sugar 1% teaspoon 1% cups (ip edi diced ~Y na allows 1% cups chocolate chips 1 tsp. vanilla 15 cup chopped nuts Mix evaporated milk, sugar and salt in saucepan over medium heat. Stir until boiling, then cook 5 pninutes stirring con- stantly. Remove from heat, add the other ingredients. Stir 1 to 2 minutes (until marshmallows melt). Let stand until cool, then form into egg shape about 2" long by 1" wide. Roll in coconut if desired. Makes 30, fudge eggs. Mrs. J. Cooper, Bathe Park Auxiliary. CHOCOLATE FINGERS 1 cup peanut butter (8 ounces) 1 cup butter or margarine 1 cup icing sugar or more 1 cup dates cut fine : 1 cup walnuts 1, teaspocn vanilla dash of salt Roll in balls in palm of hand and put on a tray with wax paper. Set in refrigerator. for 3% hour or more. Melt together 3 squares unsweetened chocolate and 1% inch of parawax. Dip cookies into this mixture and lift with fork. Put back on tray and keep in refrigerator until used. Mrs. C. McMann, Bathe Park Auxiliary. MARSHMALLOW DELIGHTS 15 marshmallows 15 graham wafers 4 tbsps. cream 1 cup chopped red and green cherries 1 cup chopped nuts and coco- nut Cut mallows into small pieces. Sprinkle with cream. Let stand for 1 honr. Roll graham wafers till fine and mix into marshmal- lows. Add dates, cherries. Shape into balls and roll in coconut. Mrs. Bell, Salvation Army Home League DIVINITY FUDGE 1 cup sugar Ys cup corm syrup Ys cup water 1 egg white 1/3 cup nuts or cherries 1/3 tsp. vanilla Cook sugar, syrup and water to hard ball stage 250 deg. to 265 deg. Pour slowly with con- stant beating over egg white. When mixture holds its shape add nuts and flavoring. Drop by spoonfulls on wax paper. Mrs. Brian Churchyard, Audley United Church W.A, ( POTATO CANDY 1 large potato 1 tbsp. butter icing sugar Baze potato. Scoop out pulp and mash with butter and flavor- img until very light and smooth. Add icing sugar to make a paste which can be rolled into small balls. Roll balls in cinnamon to resemble small potatoes. Mrs. Lorne Saunders, Audley WA, Audley United Church CHOCOLATE CAPRICES 1 package chocolate chips % cup Seetened condensed m 1 cup finely crushed graham wafers 14 cup raisins % cup chopped nuts % teaspoon vanilla Heat chocolate chips over hot water until partly melted. Re- move from heat and stir rapidly until entirely melted. Add re- maining ingredients. Mix thor- oughly. Drop from teaspoons on waxed paper. Cool until firm. Makes 3 dozen. Mrs. J. Cooper, Bathe Park Auxiliary ' TAFFY APPLES 4 cups white sugar 14 cup corn syrup 14 cup vinegar 1% cups water few drops red food coloring Mix ingredients thoroughly and heat stirring only until sugar is dissolved. Boil to the crack stage 290 degrees without stirring dur- ing the boiling period. Add color- ing and remo---e from heat. Do not stir. Stand pan of syrup in a an of hot water and dip apples. Stand apples in racks or on wax- ed paper to harden. (Insert wood- en skewer in apples before dip- ping.) This amount of syrup will glaze about 25 apples. Mrs. Allan Downey, Myrtle Parent-Teacher Assoc. COCONUT CREAM cups gran. sugar thbsps. butter 4 tsp. cream of tartar cups milk 4 cup coconut % tsp. vanilla Mix sugar and milk in deep pan and bring to a boil, at this point add cream of tartar, and cook until soft ball stage, 238 degrees. Remove from fire, add buttef, coconut and vanilla. Beat until smooth and creamy. Drop in spoonfuls on waxed paper. (A 'ew drops of vegetable color- ing may be added if desired.) Mrs. Roy Morrison, Myrtle Parent-Teacher Assoe. "Nw ow cup Carnation milk (undiluted) tablespoons butter teaspoon vanilla Put chocolate, sugar, eorn syrup and milk into saucepan. Place over medium heat and stir until sugar is melted. Bring to boil and stir occasion- ally to 234 degrees or until a soft, firm ball forms when a little is dropped into cold water. Remove from heat, add butter and leave until pam is cool enough to hold in hand. Add van- illa and beat until it begins to thicken. Spread in buttered pan and cut in squares when cool. Mrs. Frank Thornton, Myrtle Parent-Teacher Assee. Jk ie cup chopped nuts Melt % cup of the sugar in a heavy pan and stir until dark brown in color. In another pan combine remaining sugar and milk and heat to boiling point. Add slowly to the melted sugar, stirring constantly. Cook to 240 degrees or to soft ball stage. Add butter and vanilla, remove from heat and beat with mix-master until creamy. Add nuts and pour into buttered pan, when cool cut in squares. Mrs. R. Gow, Bathe Park Ladies' Aux. |THE DAIRY TIMEBGAZETTR, Tessdoy, June 10, 1958 13 10 marshmallows 1 cup white sugar 2 tbsps. corn syrup 3 thsps. butter 1/3 cup peanut butter salt Place sugar, milk, pan, chop chocolate and add to sugar, stir until it reaches boil- ing. Continue boiling until soft ball stage is reached. Remove from heat, add peanut butter and butter, let stand without stirring until lukewarm. Add vanilla and beat. Just before pouring add cut up marshmallows and stir. Pour in 8 x 8 pan before marsh- mallows are all melted. Mrs. R. Gow, Bathe Park Ladies' Aux. SUGARED ALMONDS 1 cup shelled almonds (skin on) % cup white sugar Y cup boiling water ¥% tsp. cinnamon Ys tsp. salt Use large perfect almonds. Place all ingredients in a medium - sized heavy saucepan-- about 1%-quart size. Stir con- tinuously with a fork. Cook over moderate heat till almonds be- come sugary and lightly glazed (10 - 13 mins.) Pour at once on large plate or enamel-top table. Quickly sepaiate almonds with 2 forks. Miss Evelyn Everson, The Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association in. * NO COOK FUDGE 3% cup shortening cup seeded raisins cup finely chopped f-wits (candied) walnuts . lemon flavoring fruit juice sugar well beaten . baking powder tsp. each of soda, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg Cream sugar, shortenhsg, add egg, then dry ingredients, and - fruit. Let stand 1 hour. Put in 8 pans 8 x 12. Oven 400. Time 13 to 15° min. Mrs. Beard, Salvation Army Home League 1 package semi-sweet chocolate : 8 ozs. 1 tablespoon margarine or unsalted butter 2 cups shelled, unsalted peanuts Combine semi-sweet chocolate with butter or margarine im top of double boiler. Melt over hot, not boiling, water. Stir untfl smooth, Add peanuts; mix well; turn mixture on waxed paper; separate with fork and cool. Mrs. N. James, Salvation Army Home League PHILADELPHIA FUDGE 1 pkge. Philadelphia cheese 2 cups icing sugar 1% cup chopped nuts (optional) pinch salt 1, tsp. vanilla 2 squares chocolate (melted) Mix all together, spread in pang set away to harden. Mrs. Saunders, Salvation Army Home League TAILORED-TO-MEASURE LINED DRAPERIES AT SPECIAL SPRING PRICES! The Loveliest Windows «.. Can Be Yours With Such Little Effort «.. When You Shop At WARD'S! ' : . And with this SPECIAL OFFER you don't have to lift a finger... .,. Ward's drapery experts measure your windows--make your new draperies-- and, if you desire, supply and install a drapery track of your choice . . . you will be required to do is to choose the MATERIAL . . . easy, Ward's will bring samples to your home for you to select from . . . It's EASY -- It's DOLLAR SAVING -- and BUDGET TERMS are available on draperies. all and to make it 4-FT. WINDOW 2 WIDTHS 6-FT. WINDOW 3 WIDTHS 8-FT. WINDOW 4 WIDTHS 5 WIDTHS 10-FT. WINDOW 12-FT. WINDOW 6 WIDTHS 14-FT. WINDOW 7 WIDTHS 16-FT. 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