DATE LOAF cups dates (stoned amd cut) tsp. baking soda tsp. salt cup boiling water tbsps. melted shortening cup sugar well beaten egg 1% cups flour Sprinkle soda and salt over dates, pour on boiling water and fet stand until cool. Combine egg 'and melted butter, add date mix- dure. Sift flour, add the mits and eombine mixtures, and beat un- til well mixed. Bake in a moder- ate oven at 350 deg. for 1 hour. Mrs. Dorothy Shmyr, Happy Helpers Group, Nerthminster WA QUICK NUT BREAD cups pastry flour teaspoon salt teaspoons baking powder teaspoons melted shortening cup water cup Graham flour cup sugar cup chopped nuts egg beaten light Stir together flours, salt, sugar and baking powder. Add shorten- ing, egg water and nuts and stir just enough to mix well. Turn into greased loaf pan and let stand 15 minutes. Bake for 45 minutes in moderate oven. Mrs. Frank Thornton, Myrtle Parent-Teacher Assoe. Pol pe pk pt ft BO Wt BO OLD FASHIONED DOUGHNUTS 8% cup sugar (white) 1 egg 1 cup sour milk 4 tablespoons shortening % teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon soda 1% teaspoon ginger 3 . 4 cups all purpose flour Seasoning (nutmeg or van- illa) Fry in mixture of one-half oil and one-half shortening. Cream sugar, egg and shorten- ing. Sift dry ingredients together. Add sour milk to creamed mix- ture, add dry ingredients. This should make a stiff batter that will hold a spoon upright. Batter can be used at once but best re- sults if batter is placed in re- frigerator for two hours. Roll out to Yi-inch thick. Cut out doughnuts. Fat should be 350 de- grees or until fat starts to smoke. Drop doughnuts in fat: turn over first time in about 30 seconds. Turn frequently until cooked. By turning frequently doughnuts do not crack or absorb fat. Ruth Hopson, First Baptist Church WA 'REFRIGERATOR ROLLS 12 cup. butter or shortening 4 cup -gran, sugar 34 tsp. salt Pour over above mixture 1% cups hot water, when dissolved and cooled add 2 eggs well beaten. Dissolve 1 pkg. Fleisch- mann's active dry yeast in %2 cup lukewarm water in which 1 tsp. gran. sugar has been thoroughly dissolved. Let stand 10 minutes, then stir well. Add to above in- gredients. Add 6 cups bread flour unsifted, mix well, cover and put in refrigerator for at least three hours. Take out as wanted and shape into rolls in the usual way, let rise until very light then bake in 375 degree oven. Mrs. Lorne Parrott, Myrtle Parent-Teacher Assoc. BRAN MUEKFINS 2 cups all bran ho 5 4 cup molasses 13% cups milk 15 tsp. salt 3 tbsps. melted shortening Soak all bran in molasses and milk for 15 minutes. Add beaten egg, shortening and flour which has been sifted with salt and sola, alsq sugar. Mix lightly. Bake in moderate oven 400 de- grees about 20 minutes. A little vanilla may be added if desired. Mrs. Lorne Parrott, Myrtle Parent-Teacher Assoc. PANCAKES 5 eggs 34 cup milk 1 tsp. soda 1 tsp. baking powder 2 cups flour Mix together. Bake om umn- greased iron pan. Serves 6. Mrs. Don Gerrow, Scugog Home and Schoel. SWEET BUNS 2 pack dry yeast . 1 tsp. sugar 15 cup warm water (Dissolve all three together) 2 cups warm water in bowl add 1, cup sugar 2 unbeaten eggs 1 tbsp. salt Add yeast mixture and 4 cups flour. Add 2 tbsp. melted shorten- ing, 4 cups flour. Knead. Let rise and knead down. Let rise and shape into buns, place in pans. Let rise. Bake 400 deg. F for 20 min. Mrs. Don Gerrow, Scugog Home and School. + PRUNE BREAD 1 cup white sugar 2/3 cup butter and shortening Mixed with: 2 eggs 2 thsps. sour milk 1% cups flour 1 tsp. soda 1 tsp. vanilla 1 tsp. cinnamon ¥% tsp. nutmeg 15 tsp. cloves 14 tsp. salt 1 cup cooked prunes Mix all together and bake in loaf pan for one hour. Slow oven, 325 degrees. Ruth Hopson First Baptist "Church WA BANANA BREAD 1/3 cup shortening 2/3 cup sugar 2 beaten eggs 13%cup flour 2 tsp. baking powder Y; tsp. baking soda 15 tsp. salt 2 or 3 ripe Banana well mashed Cream sugar and shortening. Add beaten eggs. Sift flour, bak- ing powder, soda, salt together. Add flour mixture and bananas alternately io creamed mixture. Put in greased loaf pan 8% x 4% x 3. Bake 1 hour and 10 min. in 350 deg. F. oven, % cup chopped walnuts may be added if desired. Reta C. Wilson, Scugog Home and Scheel. OAT MUFFINS robin hood oatse sour milk or buttermilk sifted flour sifted flour baking powder 15 tsp. baking soda 1% tsp. salt 1% cup brown sugar 1 egg beaten Put oats in bowl and add milk allow to stand 1 hour before mak- ing muffins. Add oat mixtures to egg and shortening. Add dry im- gredients. Bake at 400 deg. F for 20 minutes. Serve hot. cup cup cup cup tsp. | Joan Aldred, Scugog Home and School. WHOLE WHEAT MUFFINS 2/3 cup sifted flour 1 cup whole wheat flour 4 tsp. baking powder 1% tsp. salt 14 cup w. sugar 1" egg beaten 1 cup milk 4 tbsp. melted butter Mix together and bake at 400 deg. F for 20 minutes. Makes 12 muffins. Mrs. Neil Lamont, Scugog Home and School. "THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tussdsy, Juse 10, 1958 3 CARAMEL BISCUITS 2 cups sifted flour 4 tsp. baking powder 1% tsp. salt 4 tbsp. 1 egg 1% cup milk 1% cup brown sugar 1% cup chopped nuts or raisins Sift dry ingredients. Cut in shortening, beat egg slightly and add to milk and to first mixture. Roll out Y-inch thick. Sprinkle with brown sugar and nuts, roll as for a jelly roll. Cut im 1-inch pieces. Stand on end. Bake in 375 deg. oven for 30 minutes. Makes 18. Mrs. Don Gerrow, Scugog Home and School. BRAN MUFFINS ¥% cup butter 14 cup brown sugar eggs vs cup milk cup flour teaspoons baking powder 14 teaspoon salt 3% cup bran Nuts and dates are optional. Mrs. Ronald Cox, Audley United Church, Woman's Association. RAISIN LOAF 1 ' cup seeded raisins soaking in 1 cup boiling water Let cool. 2 tbsp. shortening 1 cup brown sugar 1 egg Beat together. Combine: 1 tsp. Baking Soda 1 tsp. vanilla % tsp. salt % cup chopped nuts 1% cup all purpose flour Add raisins. . Bake at 275 deg. F. for 1% hours in a loaf pan. Mrs. Cameron Aldred, Scugog Home and School Assa. tablespoons cream cup sugar % teaspoon soda (dissolved in milk) 1 teaspoon baking powder pinch salt _ Flour to make a soft dough. Roll out, cut in rings and cook in hot fat. Mrs. Ronald Cox, Audley United Church, Woman's Association. 1 egg 1 cup sour milk 2 1 SCONES 2% cups flour: 2. teaspoon baking powder 1 small teaspoon salt 4 cup brown sugar 1 egg--beat and remove part part for glazing tops Wet dry ingredients with egg. 1 cup sour cream and % ecwp buttermilk or sour milk. Roll out on board and glaze tops with egg. Bake in moderate to hot oven. Raisins or currants may be added. Mrs. Ronald Cox, Audley United Church, Woman's Association. PINEAPPLE BREAD 3% cup sugar 3 tablespoons butter 1 egg, beaten 3 cups flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 14 teaspoons soda 1 teaspoon salt 1% cups crushed pineapple (undrained) % cup whole wheat flour 3% cup chopped nuts (Pecans or walnuts) Cream sugar and butter. Add egg and beat well. Add flour sift- ed with baking powder, soda and salt, crushed pineapple undraim ed, whole wheat flour and nuts. Mix together quickly and put im a loaf pan. Bake in oven, 350 degrees F. for 1 hour. Miss Susan Puckrin, .. Audley W.A., Audley United Church. FRUIT BREAD 2Y, cups sifted bread flour 4 tsps. baking powder Ys tsp. salt 1%. cup chopped nuts % cup chopped mixed peel 1% cup currants 2 eggs 1 cup milk (I use Ya cup cherry juice and fill cup with milk) 3 tbsps. butter 4 tbsps. chopped cherries Sift flour, baking powder, sugar and salt. Add fruit and nuts. Beat eggs and combine with milk and melted butter. Add liquid to flour mixture and stir just enough te moisten the flour. Pour into a well greased loaf pan. Let stand in a 'warm place for 20 mins, Bake at 375 deg. for 1 hour. Mrs. Fred Puckrin, Audley W.A., Audley United Church. , "se see o I EYES... YOU CAN'T CLOSE YOUR TO... QUALITY DRY CLEANING You wouldn't drive your car blindfolded, for fear of an accident. Then why close your eyes to quality dry cleaning? Dust and dirt in your clothes will deteriorate the material and provide a place for moths to breed. Why take chances with that good suit or dress. Let our fully experienced staff help you with all your dry cleaning problems. FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY * SHIRT SERVICE and OFF-SEASON STORAGE ALDSWORTH CLEANERS 36 ATHOL STREET Dial RA 5-1812