45--Real Estate For Sale THE DAILY TIMIS-SAZITTS, Tusdey, June 10, 1938 15 30.-Last and Found J8---Ssmols Help Wanled J44---Fus Rem I. Re rome diion Pu gore. VERY well kept tral incom LE od | : {TH RB E E unfurnished FOUR - reom 's and itches, |SER sale, a. wel , very cen 0 . Six-room home . : po, ova Poe Re tele Peg ia eS, oon. Ay Wien 04 Sih gf Op Ua. Sh Go Ube, Repay ch A708 ho, 11 Teo Lada ts BB 10% 45 mec Eovare For Sele |45Real Sarete For Sula | ward. Phone RA 58564 139a[RA 52501, Mrs. r. on Brak 53301. 135(|MO 83231, Salesmen, Ed RA one . half cash. Interested Phone RA ing country. Make your Agr EIGRT . room, income home, oil heat:| LOY = sewers FOUND -- sot of kaye, bearing the EXPERIENCED. house # for Mus HOUSER in Clon Io narod. | FREE ---- caf alah, Moore, RA $4088. 132f|y)0sy 134e - Ph ie P Gover. | d Realty) ng. central, $700 down 176 War |sidewalks. RA. ville pri Sh a Classified a San Phone RA 39194 orlcity Jonvenlnass, tuo Mitchans. hele heavy wiring. 7) ment, Street, SPLIT level, attached Sarage, land, WO ITH TA ' eis Wi July 10]7eR reuse. agents ay ¢ Pier SR li 7 dr --------_ Yt allele XX i AL 1 ER LOST --~ One trek rack unpainted. also student for curb serv-|men§ three - piece bath. All conveni-[charger and brand new key machine RA 51644. Julyd COMMERCIAL OR by. Phone MO 83-4122. 1341 COLONIAL HOME rebil Sales, Aunts In serwen. Davies Drvets ences, hig voices, Vacant July Lior fui RA B95. ba INDUSTRIAL SITE COLONIAL HOME FORT Pury, Trevor Weil Offers severol choices en 3° -- Dark bound five months| MO 34066, Whitby, r 6. . #|VERY central, large, comfortably fur- < " , redecorated. Three ot, samwers to Blacks, Chilaren's AID. reli woman. | WENTAL agency, Lioyd Realty -- ihe ished bedrooms. Apply 8 wis LLOYD REALTY £8000 0%" orn Zoe a ns od water Installed. Tot ond dnd Sungdlin y Bote on Weyl on base Maer syuin wi|h6. + MI day per week. One Joa Laoye. Realty. (Oshawa Lids 98 Sim: | 300M "Ta private home, prise al Aa i deliyered to your let, ready |One block off main street. Seat easy erection. Colonial Courtice. RA' $0000. Reward, iauf| 386 rdar|coe Street North, RA 83123. July? irom very hentral. Suit senhonin son INSURANCE REALTORS 132° siding frontage adjoin: for easy erection, Colenial [borough AM 1.8517, 134c RA 8.8571. 289 WANTED ~ - pivedlesiced nar Scos-| NICE, clean and quiel, two unfurnish-|Elgin Street East. Julys OPEN EVENINGS ing C.N.R. freight shed, 86 Homes, 8.8571. 289 Park FOR modern homes and bulidings. Heres Kod o 3.8 a2 = & IT --Articles for Rent eoak, h 4 1324| ed rooms and kitchen. Apply 208 Clarke | FURNISHED rooms, Iriends To share, depth, frame warehouse on Road 2 how Ra 574 9% RA 3907 Jame 13 . July® fi RAEI LTB i Reser wm wa i ih i RE) OY [UO LT ALIS | Ry ce on LOYD REALTY aiso bus girls. Apply Mr. Campbell, I shop ' Boe y Ee $1, 4725 : 5-7 pm "sur 0 FART To wa required RE floor. "Apply Box 320, Times Gazelle | THRER "unfurnished rooms. Hica local DOWN AND § 12,450 FULL 131f $2,000 DOWN INSURANCE REALTORS FOR RESULTS . h or arborn e ; Chain Saws, Gos end Electric, Advantage. Waite Box. 41 Timer ewe room Basement APATUERI, newly " oe ihe TH Yin 1s ore ot fon Bint Hier SACRIFICE PRICE $12,800 full price, natural Open Evenings in Rest CALL nae Floor Sanding end Fol preg Trg i gdb lg Cg Si Ba 45--Reol Estate For Sgle | ings thet we have had for a FOR QUICK SALE Trspiges. Jsrdacaped 1) 2 $850 DOWN $850 . Polishi fw i ] "e pares if gL Apply Mr, Lamp. 72 Wilson Road North. RA 5.0235. 13| ----rr Tr TT ond water] long time. Just look ot L} Will accept low down payment Siarey a . Only $59.00 monthly on one RA 8-5123 teriols w machines); . - . une2| Sow brick in Oshawa, : Sei ¢| few of the many outstanding My : . . $4 for. the Balance, Bo Saw; Sandor Dl; Ioana: paeReaEeE for Bare Loven Teoma, Tight en, the lnke-shore| La O00 MISTS P__ ll fears fiveroam, 'buick. and, stor RA 3-9705 Tongage for the balance. | Lioyd Realty (Oshawa) it niin 10h rin Sunday' ol, 20 monty. Wee Box Aux on™" . a 1314190" x 171 MO 8-4029, WI 130 o Six large reoms clothes closets, large kitchen, 130f i Hos paves 7) fooma y rs; 4 3 Times-Gazette. a rr : ond a good furnace. Pipe Threading Equi wv i a private home, Would nals Teh HOysEs be your Boren kg Eo eo Completely decorated In i epicure, Loge " lot, requires plumbing. or PRICED TO SELL Electric, yg Ch 3 nn |37--Male Help Wanted tleman, RA 5-3879, 133 Reaiar RA 33512. Bd. Hinkson sales.| your choice of colors high gam, "h La) you yam AA wil your howe price $7,630. Showr: by on va To st; Post Hole r; Blow RE salesman for large THREE large rooms for family withmau 8-6228. Juned?|, wick Construction oll by Mri Show g | - pointment only. Gall oF Tw Lovly Nveuasi Suses jovi Torch J oT ering Urgasiation, SAiALy aud Semi So" nildren. Light witiag. sink a8 Toom bungalow. wit private Anos Large hollywood kitchen with| oil heated, full size Pe Se os hit ony office only. ga tile floors, modem bath, v mowers; Electric Hedge Trim. |iterences reauired. Wete Box. ii; Khehon, ground oor. Private entrance; LIE SAIL, aR a nd hoon laundry tubs, copper plumb- 2254 LLOYD REALTY (Oshawe) Ltd, | © Peeted: garage, good div - mess, Stony Sharpening Sars YOUNG men, 10 to 30 years of ase, ONE datde-Shieoocn apartment With ape Sn ei pa © Covarie Wie' both. end "wile Becutitul Tscation on Meadow ibis IS Sitmcte Se. 0: reliable _porty. » vice, corner ng ol 4 ' Mi be t|bath, a sement. ; jaragdy d : Sts. -- Dial RA 3.3224, for men's sisting stove, Mut be Weal) Jovie be, ysed in #88, a/rwom. Large lo s-0082. css Spocieus Tondscased 108 Crescent off Gerrard Rd, Pri LLOYD AYERS LIST WITH LLOYD GERALD BARROW, 'BROKE June ce (month. RA 8-08 FIVE - room bungalow, good location, ¢ ; d vote, immediate occupancy. THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 25 Burk St. RA 5.3852 REPRESENTATIVE for air eendition- | coarsamen= or girls only, two|close fo schools, Shopping Centre.] For more Information, en RA 3. or REALTOR 1350 ing sales work, to call on sores, office: may. share. bi ge Tg ag [Cheap Jor Sash. Or reasonshle down [yop WAIT, CALL DOUG RA 5.2539 after 6 Ozzie Addison 135b DO-IT-YOURSELF [per cent commission. Ful or as. a Trin RAs |r ment, June 9,10,11,16,17,18) HURST RA 8.5123 or RA ghe a Soles Representative 130f RENT A FL time. Call RA_STil. Re | Yugo? 8-8726. 133 : HARMONY HEIGHTS | $900 DOWN SANDER AND LOR BUSINESS opportunity for 'wo men Lc, "arn "461 Bloor East. 130 | JUST completed, Suter Sut. brick 1 desiring sales career. promo- | a ---- bunaalon. Convenlent y - ated near rom HARRISON & KINSMAN 337 Simcoe St. S. RA 3.4425 June 13 tion program, $100 a week steady in-|SIX - pri Fg Write Box 538, Timas-Gazette. located, WANTED: Reliable man as dealer in| ____ TOOLS FOR RENT Cement Finishing Machine, Motor Chain Electric Hedge Trimmer, other Tools and Equi nt. o Spring Spec. Beaver Brand 15% off, WEBBINGS HARDWARE 282 King St. W. RA 3.4873 Ample Free Parking June 1] 32--Articles Wanted WANTED -- Baby playpen, reason RA 5-8997, IF your basement and 135a ga tered up with articles taking valuable a call. We will pay iy A A ge is clut- space, give us cash. Simcoe Street South. #8131. June 22) longer-life fluorescent and in- [clean home, kitchen privileges. WANTED -- Garden tractor, with at-| condescent light bulbs, High- |one or two Fetined Seatiomin or ladles, fachments. Phone RA 8.5286 or 736| est commission arrongement |RA 5-8876-or apply 12 Burk, 13 ar Street. TTS tll June2d| ith year-round repeat busi- (THREE - room apartment. Apply 2 FIANOS, upright, miniature or baby {Fane. Pay cash. State make and price. , live poultry, feo- RA 3-2043 te Box 525, Times-Gazette. July 2 scrop iron end metal. (collect) SCRAP June 12 CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METALS LTD, IRON :: METALS PAPERS :: RAGS | OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5.3432 RESIDENCE RA 5.4159 100 ANNIS STREET FREE PICK-UP June20 SHAW RAG AND METAL able. have been sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished on credit, Write Rawleigh's Dept. F-310-163 4008 Riche- lieu, Montreal. June 10,21 SALESMEN for surrounding areas to sell roof coatings, paints, to industrial L{irms, property owners. Whole or part. time, Selling plan meets competition. Canadian made. Shipped from Toronto. United Builders, 6007 Euclid, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. 135a FOUR Box 304 Times-Gazette, 1354 ONE furnished room, pre ferred. Phone RA 5-1278, THREE. of four-room apartment ply 187 Cromwell Avenue, 5 to 6 p.m water, very central, GENUINE OPPORTUNITY Immediate opening in Oshawa and District for an aggressive ond reliable man, age 35 to 60, to call on stores, offices, restaurants, service stations, factories, with our guaranteed 53-0393, 1354 Available end of June, east end 135¢ {low. |RA 59641 after 6 p.m. apartment, in apartment building. Suit |gentleman or lady. RA 5.8160. 13 | FURNISHED bedroom, twin beds, Suit Division, en i [FURNISHED extra large bed.sitting room, picture windows, private bath, twin beds, nicely furnished, washing facilities, cooking if desired. RA sum 35¢ ness assures obove-average earnings and o secure, digni- fied career. No out-of-town travelling, no week-end work, no night work. Write Mr, Miller, Hi-Test Corporation, THREE rooms and bath, near south s, Ontario, GM. Immediate possession. Apply 254 134c Malaga Road. June 26 | ATTRACTIVELY furnished room¢ 38---Male or Female Help available In private home. 82 Park Road North, § p.m, to 7 p.m. RA 8-867] Wanted June22 | ORGANIST 4 and choir director, P ert TWO rooms, Apply 314 Eigin East. 133 erry Uni Church. Starting Septem. |=----= - cotiage, heavy wired, ber 1. morning service only. State ox oupbotR, garden. Thornton Road perience, qualifications and salary ex. N rict. RA 3.9040 after 7 p.m. pected. Apply Mrs. J. E. Jackson, Port| Oo distric ne | TREE ~ room fiat, yitatle Sor She child. Apply 278 Verdun Roa r 41--Roem and Board 8 p.m. 1348 BOOM and board for two. New, wingle| GROUND floor, private unfurnished beds and dresser. Private bath and en. apartment, Three rooms, bath, ecu trance, In new home. Phone RA 3.0750. |hoards and sink in kitchen, Newly d 133f | corated, heavy wiring. Near Duplat RA 5-647. " 13 FOUR large rooms upstairs, Nght wir- ing, , and hydro Pcluded. Central, child welcome. | 7943. 194 R8ey in m conveniences, close to south GM. RA 51168. Apply 836 Lorraine Street. June28| private entrance, ONE room, two new beds,| Athol East. RA 3 and one single room. (Small kitchen FOUR . room apartment on second can make own breakfast or lunches.)|figor of Duplex for rent on Athol Street win b hr East. C d d and new Phone RA 5-5565, 135¢ stove and 'frig. $80 per mont, Call SINGLE beds. good meals, Reg. Aer at RA 32805. Stole Toe one. Four blocks east of Motors, 135 |surance Associates Jdmited. i Central Park North. RA 3.2688. June 6 NEARLY new, # 5xroom 2 salou, i d of June, near , PRIVATE room for one gentleman,| Available en BN meals optional. Phone RA 8.5001. 130f RA 51995 after 5 p.m. TWO boarders, to Tare Toons, 5% Fie iBELF . contained unfurnished apart: | ment, two rooms and bath, very cen- bg AA S018). boarg and hg £251 4 immediate possession, $40 month. Jake Shaw will pay you more for your scrap iron, tin, copper brass lead, aluminum, etc. 89° BLOOR ST. EAST eges, laundry done, and one meal RA 5-2311 per day. $12.50 a week. Call at 724 Sim- (ment. Heavy duty wiring. Apply 1 0 Saturdo cos Street South, 135f Park Road North, 1 pen vs LARGE bedroom, twin beds, suitable|TWO - room furnished apartment, Also Auto Wrecking for two girls, breakfast if desired. RA [sink and refrigerator, suitable for busi: June 123-3062, ar i 132f ness couple, two girls, er men. 164 ROOM and board, five-day week. 743|Alice Street. i 34--Auction Sales Gifford Street, RA 3.3239. 133 {FOUR - room apartment, all conveni- Mr. Arthur J, Clarke, Lot 20, Concession 5, Darlington Township, 2 mile west of Hampton has sold his farm, will sell by public auction Saturday, June 14th at | p.m. sharp his entire herd of Durham cattle, tractor and tractor machinery, wood, furniture, etc. Further par- ticulars see bills. Terms cash. -- "lly. Adults, Dial RA 5-1543 office hours, ROOM and board for one 1 n. RA 3.2454 enings. _ 134 Phone RA 3008. DM or ou hriok hows, Gow 0 worth ROOM and board for gentleman, Bus|GM available July 1, Ritson Road at door. Bonniebrae. Phone RA 3-323.|North. RA 3-3563. 134¢ 132540 bedrooms, Kitchen, bathroom and SINGLE room for young man or lady, garage. Apply 25 Division Street, 134f near south General Motors. TV privil.| -- No - |FOUR - room self - contained apart- ROOM and board, good home cooking, ences, free parking, 91 Celina Street, central, 10 minutes' walk to four| side door. ~~ LL corners; also garage for rent. 240 ivi- TAREE - room upstairs flat, heavy sion, Street. 135f | wiring, Sink in kitchen, washing facill- ties in basement, continuous hot water. 43--Wanted to Rent Private front entrance, private three Tri Rai ramet bath. ewl; decorated, RA WANTED ~-- small house or four-room Place. v Newly 134f self-contained apartment, reasonable > rent. Phone RA 8-1425, 133¢c| THREE - light housekee| rooms, stairs, heating and lights. Call eve. upatar RA 57586 or apply 580 Drew Street. 134 LIBRARIAN and family, girl 15, boy 8, require unfurnished bungalow or house, three bedrooms, central area, Jack Reid, Auctioneer, 133¢| 35--Employment Wanted | CHILD looked after 5-day night if desired. RA 3-3623. week, over- | 4 1331 . A reliable woman would like to Rive | lov'ng day care in her own home. RA 81195. Ise. MAN, fully experienced in all | lumber and building materials, desires position as shipper. Write Box 442, Times-Gazette. 132¢ HOUSEKEEPING work wanted Ex. cellent cook and good references. 9 fo 6. | Phone RA 5-1904, al 1321 CHILD looked after overnight if de- sired. RA 8-8043, 135¢ | 1 Tl aaa sd EXPERIENCED eo 8 To part-time work, any kind. Phone RA 57066 after 6 p.m. 130f 36--Femcule Help Wanted ENCE - time help, no Nah school girls. Apply Pennyworth's t. Store. 1351 student. Would like to gain experience; in office, but will take any job avail able. Start June 16. Phone 660J, Ajax. 135a BUSINESS girls! Do you work | there are a lot of employes? If so, would you like to become an Avon re. | presentative for your place of business. | Write to Miss E. Outerbridge, 42 Sara) by August 1. Medd, 39 Ross Street, ONE large furnished housekeeping Barrie. 135c (room, lights, water, cupboards, kit. chen with sink. m. Refrigerator COUPLE without children require four. or five room bungalow in Oshawa, or Bedroo! e s Suit one lady or gentlemen. Apply a on highway near Oshawa. Write Box C2dillac Avegue South. 543, Times-Gazette. 132 [THREE rooms and kitchen, private heute SHE ~--------=--"|bath, for family with one child. Apply For Rent 144 Albert Street. 130 Sd birth i-------------- |SELF-contained four room apartment, toon hate 8 (re VR SSOEPR LLL posession. Aa $410 oF RA Rainey or W. J. Riddell, Orono, Ont |3-2925 = i ' - a __PITHREE - room, self-contained apart- FURNISHED sleeping room, central,{ment, central, garage and parking. plenty of hot water, also one light/Phone RA 5-3954. #135¢ housekeeping room, partly furnished, SELF . contained three-room apart- bstainers, 48 Brock Street East. EL or cipal, 20 135a NEWLY decorated bachelor apartment for a lady in apartment building. Ap- itable fe i ply 67 Gibb Street, Apt. 8, 1384 suitable for couple, handy for bus or| -- ae BMODDIRG Senire. wise garage." Avpiy 4810) TOL or Awply 40] Bimens Booth: Rosehill Boulevard. 135¢ Men preferred. Appl i TWO large, unfurnished rooms, kitchen | with sink and cupboard, bedroom with LARGE, clothes closets, washing facilities. | room, central, gentleman preferred. Phone RA 3.9462. 132f{/Phone RA 3.9225. 1384 TWO large unfurnished rooms to let In GNFURNISHED three.room apartment new house. Very reasonable. Tele-|yith bath, heavy duty wiring, $65 MWe Junelf monthly, heat and lights included, ONE-, and two - bedroom apartments, adults. 197 Oshawa Blvd, South. 133a Slove and refrigerator, free parking ATTRACTIVE furnished room, mult ane Tv Sule: 3 a4 Yo only lady or gentleman. Parking space, rea- PPI Suberintendent, Apartment 2, ble t . Apply 229 Nassau Street Craydon Road, Whitby. Sinai e terms, /SPply 135¢ THREE - room apartment, TV aerial, cir r rent. Phone RA private bath, newly decorated. Call Sqr Tr ment for rent. Phone HA RA 59387 or 438 Eulalie Avenue ps - 132)" APARTMENT -- three rooms, main THREE unfurnished 'rooms, stove and Simcoe Street North. cupboards in kitchen, three-piece bath. | Phone RA 5.6676. 1356 TWO furnished hou sekeeping rooms clean furnished housekeeping 105 1306 room brick, bungalow, eentrally oll-heated. Available July . | . Phone RA 39343 after 130¢| 595 monthly. Ph |. room house, oll-heated, close to south GM. Possession July 1. Wilke MO this week. ed FURNISHED room, continuous hot Gentleman, ab- stainer, Apply 232 Athol East or RA INEARLY new six-room brick, bunga- |sELF - contained, furnished, bachelor | mort- LLOYD REALTY starter ormaiien. Phone RA (OSHAWA) LTD. 93 SIMCOE ST. N. > NT ne 3 Toca. . A|APARTMENT four rooms, second SERVICE stations for sale, good 7 {fine opportunity to on inte old brofits floor, gompletely self-contained, heavy Hons, Reasonably priced, yl and RA 8.5123 able business where Rawleigh Products| wiring Adults. RA "3-9859, Wiitoy MO.SINL. Seieomen: Ed. Hal LST WITH Lov son, RA 8-8228; Audrey Moore Whithy, 8-4088, 134 29f| $800 DOWN Well kept ten room insul stone home on a large lot 126 ft. by 175 ft., forced air oil heoting, 3-piece both plus extra stool, Lorge rooms throughout, Some furnishings. Present income $105 month. Leaving owner 6 rooms, would make excellent rooming or boarding house, Full price $14,900. 135s A REAL STEAL . in This three-bedroom brick bungalow In Oshewa with a beautiful new home, near shopping centre, Ap-| view of the lake, oil heating, lovely large kitchen with dining :| area, Full price $12,450 with only $1,350 down. Call Mrs. Coulson, RA 3-9139, DON'T MISS OUT Just a few left. Down payment only $1,895 for these beoutiful three-bedroom oir conditioned bungalows with attached garage. Excellent orea, close to both separote end public schools in | Whitby, One N.H.A, mortgage, OLIVE HOWE, REALTOR | 130 BROCK STREET NORTH WHITBY MO 8-2527 1350| BUILDING LOTS TAUNTON RD, E. -- 3 lots 82 ft. x 265 ft. priced from $1,000 to $1,200. Easy terms, $1,000 DOWN ATHOL ST. E. -- 6-room 2-storey brick home in good condition, Good deep lot, well landscaped. Hot water heating--coal, 3-piece bath, loads of cupboards. Full price $10,600 and only $69 monthly to carry. Immediate possession. ) 5 $1,400 DOWN ROWENA ST.--5-room insul stone bungalow. Very good condi- tion throughout. Near-new furnace--coal, 3-pce. bath, 3 bed- rooms, modern cupboards, Full price only $6,900 and only $73 menthly to corry, ~ SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD, RA 3-2265 THINKING OF BUYING We have a fully serviced lot, just off King St. E. 2 blocks from St. Gertrudes. Trees and shrubs already in, 82' frontage on Palace St. Price $3,500.00 Cash. CLOSE TO O.C.V.l. AND HOSPITAL Wanted family for 6 room 2 storey brick and garage. Located only o ball's throw from North Simcoe Public School and a short walk to O.C.V.l. Real close to hospital, priced right for sale. Surprisingly easy to buy, HAVE A LOOK YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU DID, Large six room brick one and @ half storey home on Wilson Rd. S. A short distance from King St. E., Downstairs comprised of living room, kitchen and 2 bedrooms and 4-pc. bath, Upstairs consists of 2 very large rooms and 3-pc. bath, Upstairs now rented for $50.00 per month, Large completed rec: room in bosement, Landscaped and decorated. Oil heating, oluminum storms and screens. Good for income or someone need- ing 4 bedrooms, NEW HOMES Located in North-West Area of the city. Down payment on these new homes is only $1,940.00 and carries for $65.00 per month, WANTED -- INVESTMENT -- BUYER Apartment house located on King St, West, close to Oshawa Shop- ping Centre, Situated on a lot with 85' frontage on King with a depth of 318', Divided in to 2-4 room apartments, & 2-3 room opartments, Gross income $3,500 per year. Plenty of room ex- pansion, Shown by appointment only call Reg. Aker daytime, RA 3-2265, evenings RA 5-0201, 2 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BETTER 12 PRINCE ST. -- RA 8-1624 6 SIMCOE ST. N. -- RA 3-2265 AFTER SIX PLEASE CALL Steve Macko RA 5.0771 Joe Bosco RA 5.9870 Bill McFeeters RA 5-1726 Don Poole RA 5.8489 Reg. Aker RA 5.0201 1350 L. S. SNELGROVE CO. LTD. 43 PARK RD. S., OSHAWA $600 down, 4 room winterized cottage, Lake Scugog. Aski $3,700. Furnished 5 room cottage at Caesarea. Asking $4,75 with terms, $5,300 full price 4 room bungalow with lot 56 x 407. Courtice areo. $5,500 full price 6 room home, double garage, 114 acres $2500 down} $7,800 full price 414 room bungalow, 3 piece bath, furnace, gar- age, $1900 down. . $1,500 down 5 room bungalow, eil heating, garage, central, $9,500 cash, S room bungalow, 4 piece bath, T.V. eerial, oll heat large lot, Louisa St, $9,800 6 room split level home, attached garage, oil heat, elum- inum storms and screens. $11,800 5 room bungalow, 4-piece bath, oil heating, T.V. anten- na, Grierson St, open to offer. $1,350 down. Large 5 room brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, euto- matic heating N.H.A. resale. $11,900 Highland Ave. near King St. 5 room brick bungalow, oil heating, garage. $1,500 down. Store and dwelling with fixtures, centrally located in Bowmanville, $3,700 down. N.H.A. resale, 5 room solid brick bungalow, decorated and landscaped. $3,500 down. 6 room solid brick one year old bungalow, hot water oil heating, tiled bath, tiled kitchen, Myers St, NEW N.H.A. HOMES CUSTOM BUILT HOMES, choice lots, north west area, Be early on these, only a few left. Down payments from $1,900 and up. Lloyd Ayers REALTOR--RA 3-2254 i 1350 Ristow & Olsen REALTORS BYRON COURT New N.H.A, brick bungalow, three bedrooms. Completely decorated, colored bathroom fixtures and ceramic tile, Richly finished cupboards and exhqust fan in kitchen. Finished room in basement with parquet floor and two piece washroom. Priced ot $13,975 with $2,250 down. Call Ron Douglas at RA 5.6165. DIVISION ST. North of Alice St. $2,000 down moves you into this older-type home with three bedrooms, good-size living room, garage, laun-' dry tubs, TV aerial, modern kitchen and private drive. Call George Topping at RA 5-6165 for full details. HANDY MAN SPECIAL Located on Parklane Ave. is this three bedroom home with many | modern features, Special Weldtex and cedar siding outside. Field | stone fireplace and panelling in living room, The finishing touches of a handy-man will make this one of the smartest homes in Osh- owa. Call Ron Douglas at RA 5-6165, Co-op 135 GRANDVIEW AREA | A large lot and pleasant area make this three bedroom home ideal for you. Modern kitchen, breezewoy with attached garoge and completely londscaped make this @ must buy home, &i eorge Topping at RA 5-6165. NEW GRAY-BRICK BUNGALOW Five room, three bedroom, large modern kitchen. Naturol fires place in a spacious living' room. Just one year old, must be sold, Will consider low down payment. Call Jon Miller at RA 5.2993 | | | | anytime, OPEN TILL 9 P.M. RA 5.6165 RA 5.3412 19 ATHOL ST.WEST OSHAWA Member of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board 135 a NEAT AS A PIN -- 2 BEDROOMS Here is @ modern 4-room bungalow with large rooms through- out. An eye-catching kitchen, panelled living room end 4-piece bath. Located on large landscaped lot in attractive Kendalwood Acres, This home is available for early possesion, List price $9,400 -- terms. Call Howard Oke at RA 5-6588 or RA 5-5598 enytime. : RESIDENTIAL GRIERSON -- 5 ROOMS This is a rarity indeed. A modern brick bungalow with all the extras included. Located just north of Rossland Road, this home has large rooms throughout -- natural fireplace in liv- nig room -- forced wir oil heating -- aluminum storms and screens ond ao large private lot. List price $11,600 -- N.H-A.* terms, Call Frank McCann at RA 5-6588 or RA 8-892] any- time, MODERN AND CENTRAL TO TOWN Imagine, a modern 5-room bungalow at the amazing price of only $8,900. This home -- built in 1953 -- is situated on a large lot, comes equipped with aluminum storms and screens, natural fireplace ond decorated. Easy terms available, Coll Bill Norris at RA 5-6588 or Ajox 1290 anytime, MODERN -- ROOMY -- REASONABLE $13,500 full price. 5 room brick bungalow, tiled bath, beautifully decorated, recreation room with bar, valance boxes, T.V., antenna, paved drive. $14,000. 6 room ranch bungalow, hot water oil heating, double garage, Courtice district mac Bivd., Toronto 19, Ont. RU 2.1567. (AFA! private entrance, cupboards in NEW. 3-BEDROOM dune 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, . | ; en 02 Bie Saris HH EL BUNGALOW FOR RENT THREE room unfurnished apart Large kitchen, tiled bath- CLERK-TYPIST [ov roves Bi Boalt L2r2e SOS phan "a OR i June21| dows. Available August 15. CASHIER Te eve PHONE RA 3.3160 | R ii WAREHOUSE 135¢ equire! y Oshawa office of National com- SPACE Warehouse for Rent 5,400 feet floor space, down- pany lien Working FOR RENT town section. High folding Conditions 5,000 square feet. Concrete doors for trucks. RA 3.9481 » © Good Salory floor, concrete block wall, = 684 Glencoirn Street. 133¢ ® Pension Plan, new building at 66 Russett wh ------ an =o] Hospitalization, etc t= st Oshawe | INDUSTRIAL i " | Modern 4- and 5-room { Contact; -- apartments. Electrically ACCEPTANCE | C.'M.. McCULLOUGH equipped. Best location. CORPORATION RA. 5.3539 $90 ond $105. RA 5-6561 -3539 RA 8.8676 © 1% 133 Juma) $4,000 down. 5 room bungalow with bathrooms and kitchens, LaSalle Ave. Warren Ave. $1,900 down. 62 room brick home, decorated and landscaped, income property, 2 bathrooms, aluminum storms, oil heating, garage. $1,500 down. 9 room duplex, 2 bathrooms end kitchens, oil heat- ing, large lot, 3 car garage, hen house, fruit trees, large lot east of City limits, Harris Court. 5 room brick and stone ranch bungalow, practically new, attached garage, aluminum storms, colored bath, substantial cash required Elizabeth Cr. 62 ft. 6 room ranch bungalow, enclosed breezeway, ottoched garage, colored and tiled bath, storms and screens, decorated and landscaped Building lots in town and between Oshawa ond Whitby, various sizes ond priced from $1,050 with a low as $300 down payment. basement opartment, 2 Here is a modern 5-room brick bungalow adequately suited for the medium size or large size family, Three good-size bed- Those of you who are passing up "these new bungalows ot this price -- will never see them being sold at this price again, fecturing these extras: oil, alum, storm door, graded with top soil, ceramic tiled" LOW -- LOW -- LOW 1,950 bath, 6% int., laundry tubs, DOWN paid services, low taxes: Ms oe NEW N.H.A. these and more for only " £5 above-mentioned down pay- FEATURES; ment, Model home open every day. For more information call Howie McCabe or Eugene Patterson at RA 5-6544 or 4-pc, tiled bath Youngstown kitchen Stained trim RA 5.7621. Electric hot water tank 3 bedrooms JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD: LIMITED REALTORS 1356+ at EL RRS Rh # Large lots 56 x 110 . Schools very close Public ond Separate MODELS To Be seen | M. O. TINDALL: FOR APPOINTMENT | REALTOR Ai CONTACT 43 BOND STREET WEST po OD ONNaLL 2 ACRES, TRULLS ROAD -- R . . ew five-room bungalow, .. some finishing to do, $7,500 BOLAHOOD LTD. --$1,000 down REALTORS AT RA 2 ACRES, COURTICE --= 5-6544, EXCLUSIVE Nearly-new, five-room mod- AGENTS ern bungalow, all conven- , iences, small fruit, ete. 129¢ A. J. SCHATZ $12,500 -- $5,000 down. * * 5 ACRES, COLUMBUS == 380-foot road frontage, close to school. 20 ACRES, MANCHESTER-- WE LIST PHOTQ CO-OP 1,980-foot road frontage, Total price $1,500. 60 ACRES, NEAR SONYA Fairly good. buildings, hydro, 7% SIMCOE ST, S. OSHAWA LOT WITH A VIEW $500 down 90 x 170 eleve- throughout, real good soil ted lot, foundation, in for all workable, Sickness forces split level home with attached sale. Total. price $8,500: ccc garage. Bricks and blocks Terms. ze now on property included in eu price A beautiful site for We have Others to choose your future home. rom, 1350 NORTH OSHAWA id oy $14,500 3 bedroom ' ranch bungalow, large modern kit- chen with exhaust fan, alu- minum storms and screens. Completely fenced end lot landscaped with patio N.H.A. mortgage carries $45 month, NICE FAMILY HOME $2,700 down 2 storey im- maculate brick home located Simcoe St. N. Area Exception- NEW N.HA. + HOMES $975.00 DOWN These new 3-bedreom, solid = olly large living room, full size dining room, family kit« chen, modern in every way. Close to schools and trans. portation: Real value, brick are a terrific buy at this = low, low down payment, Sev- eral different models to, . choose from. "KR Following are Just some of the features: 1. Steel kitchen 2. Ceramic tile bath 3. Recreation room facilities $600 down six rooms on large lot in Ajax district for details on this and others. Bill Green Pickering 590 evening MO 6 2 83154, 4, Sodded front lawn Call Mrs. Simpson evenings 5. Grovel drive . RA 5.7420 And many other features,. RA 5-8461 MO 8.3337 SALESMEN ON LOCATION, hh PICKERING 590 MEMBER LOCAL REAL ESTATE 1350 RA 8-1338 = ANYTIME BOEM CONSTRUCTION BETTER BUILT BY BOEM 133¢° 45a--Real Estate Exchange JOHN A, J. Bolahood LIMITED REALTORS | GESRRAL, Mor aed eee enon 26 miles north of Oshawa, for sate or + exchange on farm close to Oshawa. Write Box 540 Times-Gazette. 131¢ 46--Real Estate Wanted SMALL house, four or five rooms, north or east end, buy or rent. Reason- able. Box 441, Times-Gazette. 1318 OPEN EVENINGS 169 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-6544 RITSON ROAD NORTH 14 acres, nice four room house, all good size rooms, 2 barns 20 x 40; asparagus, raspberries, strawberries, good size garden, taxes only 62.50 yearly, for appointment call Len Abremoff at RA 5-6544. COUNTRY LIVING CITY CONVENIENCES $9,900. full price, three years old, TV4 storey family home with 3 large bedrooms, mod- ern kitchep, four-piece bath, full basemént and oil heating, situated on lorge lot 78 x 250, excellent garden land with raspberries, strawberries and asparagus, Close to new school, and church on paved We are interested in procur- ing listings on a few good "I" properties around the City, * If you are interested in sell ing your home please tele- phone our office, We would be pleased to extend our sers -..« vices to you. Robert S, Mee no Callum, Realtor. RA 5-6402. .. . \ June2i" If you want to sell your home, * and want fast, cfficient sei- nme vice, don't hesitate any long- er -- give us a call at i) RA 3-2254 = Anytime fra LLOYD AYERS, REALTOR , . rooms, comfortable living room and large kitchen with ample cupboard space. Complete with forced air oil heating, storms and screens, paved drive and landscaped -- this home is avail= able at the amazingly low price of only $11,400 -- N-H.A. terms, Call Frank Sworik at RA 8-5117 or RA 3-2763 anytime. NEW N.HA. HOMES -- $975 DOWN Be sure to contact this office for full data on new N.H.A. homes " in all parts of the City, Down payments' start from $975 and up. Early possessions arranged. HOURS 9 AM. TO 9 P.M. WILSON REALTOR 2 Offices for Your Convenience Shopping Centre 381 Simcoe South Members of the Local Reol Estote Boord 125q RA 5.6588 RA 8.5117 - ' 135 Ozzie Addison-- Soles Representative road, 2 minutes 'walk to bus, For full details and locatien call Jim Laverty aot RA 5-6544. NORTH WEST Beautiful brick bungalow situ- hi 3 1370 ¢ 47--Automobiles For Sale. 51 Pontiac, immaculate cond'tion, 'feas' sonable. RA 5-6057, - 130 ated in very. good location (48, 45 Harley Davidson motorcycle = tif wind screen, spotlight, A-1 cond close to public and separate schools large ultra modern kitchen, 4 pec. ceramic tiled bath, cornice moulded ceiling plumbing in basement, for bathroom-must be seen. A steal at the 'price being asked. Contact Eugene Patterson ot RA 5-6544. CALL ANYTIME 24 HOUR ANSWERING SERVICE AT RA 5-6544 RA 5-9536 after 5 p.m. £ '48 Chevrolet sedan, good cor Apply 248 Tresane Street before RA 35-0554. ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Save up. to 20 per cent. Nine months to. paw. For personal service at your home,: call RA 5-2802. July 9. '51 Mercury sedans, two of these popu- lar models to choose from, reduced clear, only $345. Seaway Motors, oppb- . site Shopping Centre. 132¢ 1 "48 Pontiac coach, fair condition, . $95, - 56934. "nf or best offer. RA 135 (Continued on Page 16)