Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 10 Jun 1958, p. 14

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4 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTR, Tussdey, June 10, 1958 ; F OFFICE HOURS 5% |THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Want Ads [Ei] -- : 1--Accountants 8--Building Trades > 8--Building Trades 13--Gardening & Supplies|17--Money to Loan 22--Radio and T.V. Repairs|28--Summer Resorts : first TELEVISION, home nd cor Sediy ve ICE Lake, ancy's Ontario Accounting Serv-|KEN Ashmore Asphalt Paving, Sand BILL and Muury painting and decor- RUSTIC cedar rafl fences, also cedar|CLIENTS' monies available for first Please Note INDEX Clancy's ng [438 Gravel Haulage. Phone RA BM412 ating, interior and exterior. RA 3308. posts, il sizes. Phone Bowmanvile ana second puis. All makes. Specialized work [electric slove, ments of sal - Deadlines now In_ effect for I 0 WAN ! AD 'RA 50397; Resi. Sue2? M Sw Swarts, ry RA 3 " this col 4 . ra ana gardens FE Roto- FOR rent by the week or season, i umn: BUILDING fireplaces, chimneys, re- Public, 26% King East, TV 24 hour service on sets, new i Fo beds» = s dence, RA 13-7605. tilled and disced. Landsca No " Ral 3.4697. RELLY bout hs housekeeping £4 Births, Memorioms, Cards of 8 - and Xe FOR SALE too, small or la A Sup ks -- CLASSIFICATION eA: 'aspen Tor ey, CW Wo free etmates NA oo and fine driveway [13 une1s| FIRST and second mortgages, oie Beamas, Rotors. RA 5.5121. um 30 boul, fib 0, ta J WR, Accountants tees, Ajax, To- avel, $7 per Mad. Also fine pra ol ® "ot, i aerials installed, moved flush toilet, J a os Hon: J. W. JA5; BRICK "lavina, Diack ying, Sane grovel 37 pur $9 per load, [aid or to trucks in Heid. Lowest aiek md Hentick, Burristers, 31.3 pire. Gn Canal 17 4 speciatty. Ron. {445 P65, JER To 11 AM. SAME DAY 3--Chiropracter ; & ; CA George 2970. Phone RA 5-5279. prices. _ Lindsay ping. [ictaac DIAL RA 3.3492 4-=Deristy i BE ch, 2 Sis * ys CARPENTRY and general contracting. June 22) ORCAPING. ga 7 G5 na plowed, FAEe: A = BOB ARNOLD'S RADIO frigerator, boats, Phone MO --N Services coe Street North, Oshawa. New work, alterations, repairs, etc. 4 $Plurving TALE, Frisdianoer, Banter aad Coonan, guaranteed. Moders Home Build: 10--Sharpening Service Sisced, clesnup. lobe, Sop soll. sod, Creighion, Fraser, Drynan and 'Mur: AND APPLIANCE SERVICE |Whitbr. S Auditors, Ji Senet July2 ROCKBAVEN housekeeping hesied I Sree Bats 3. % i my n saws, scissors, knives, ote. Perey, Neil, DE hain .- free estimates. Repairs to radios/ car radios, (tages, on Treat Ri BIRTHS 8.8369, Fi hi Wg ;| 18a--Mortgages trigerators ard boats. § 423 a wok 2 a week 7a--Vaterinarians ; 4 : 102 Highland, RA ._ Junelb| is (dG tobs done RA 57754. Juneld 2 Jul, record players, toasters, irons, |up, 8--Building Trades . 62 PLASTERING and rotary mowers, scissors, Tardy Ha ORTGAGES, Agreements To mowers, LAWNS snd ga rotilled, rold | Mi! mt, Sold And ereaged on up,| polishers, vgfuum cleaners, ial 8. Hopkins and Company, Certified harpened, filed. rald 5 9--Building Material NEW AND REPAIRS shears sharpe saws Geral Mobiarmid, 304 Bloor Street West. RA city. rural and summer cottage PIODET-| otc For free. pick-up ond PAIGNTON HRLES HULATT -- Mr, and Mrs, Victor ix 10--=Sharpening Service Public Accountants, 172 King Street Power, 1262 Simcoe North, RA 3.7016, 7901, latt (nee Bracey) are' very happy to East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 5-3509, Stucco, sidewalks, founda- June20 a ty. 5 11--Business Opportunities . 3 NUECo: WANT sod? Youll be a good ,| delivery phone RA 8-8297, uly2| ions plastered, waterproof- |FOWER and hand TawAmowers and | WANT od? Soul be alaing a Sood Ltd, 112 2 Simeos Street North, Oshawa, June? W oN ARE ROSAS A ETT P.O. announce the arrival of their son, Paul. A baby brother for Lois and Diane, atl] ]o--Business Opportunities vice. ision sharpened, saws filed. Onf wn RO J.T rein Spacing Lecouing ind" x WaoD's PLASTERING Pick ind Sehyery. a ts sade) sa Buty re uae TE Rave Clients wi Tone bo Fun for all members of the plete bookkeping service com X ele, June RUSSELL -- Cod and Joan (mee|| 13--Gordening & Supplies and. financial Jeports, 688 Osler Set, RA 8-1311 RA a Precision sbaspening GARDENS and lawns roto-tilled, level: Shate 1. a een discount. 'Louis PORTABLET.V. family. Speciol June rates Wetawal) ase Dappy > Spmounes Sou He fiousmheld Rapes -- nt Julyé|theass, sie. Work guatysisel. Disk 9p AN, Soe crm BL MeV adbese ig) for children under 10 yeors, . 18 Instruction and delivery. Amey, 106 ve- hi MA " -- $2.00 weekly. aturday, June 7, 5! 2--Barristers ly a Son "Gogol He at Ag | --Money to Loan Eo §. Jones, BA, and Thomas H, jaws or 2A ae LH psy Courtice Sod and 19--Personal SALE OR RENT Complete recreation facilities. soir tor Tory y [eiroray 1 Greer, Associate Barristers and Soc] ANDREW BUTLER EE EOE we ey ing Servi LADY driving to Toronto would lke PARKWAY T.V. Shore lunches at no extre 18--Loan Wane tors, 63 Simcoe Street South, RA 53525. BUILDING CONTRACTORS |Guaranteed work, pick up and delivery. LQNdSCAping Services | riders. Phone RA 58101. charge for fishermen, 18a--Mortgages ; tlable, Junes| go ite Cut, Sharpenning and Re.| Lowns sodded or seeded, top ENIO lies, (rubber a, 918 SIMCOE ST. NORTH du . DEATHS Mortgage loans -availa Brickwork, Block and Stonework, |Fudge Rite Cut, Sharpe a A HYGI supp Heated Deluxe. Motel, Cot- 19--Personal H ir, 207 Church Street. RA 5-7616. ; ill. sh : fled post paid in plain sealed en. hha GREER, Murphy 4nd MacDooaid, Bar. Chimneys, Fireplaces, Jy vune'ui| Soil ond Fl, Sivubbery. For. ;malich vou wl § samples 25 RA 3-3043 tage or Lodge Accommoda- " risters, Solicitors and Notaries Concrete Work, cents: 24 samples $1.00, Mail e July®| tion from $42 to $75 weekly. 4 21~Personol Service 6 King Street East, RA 34717. Russell oo "pone "Alterations, Ed Knowlton -- RA 5-6047 |pept, A-11, Nov Rubber Co., Box 91, i BAGLOW -- Suddenly at the home of|| ,2_Rodie Repairs J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald, Oc irss rooed LAWNMOWERS ! \ July7 Hamilton, Ontario. June 28. Wonderful food graciously her daughter, 300 William Street East, | 23 omens Column ane Free Estimates. LAWNMOWERS ! TWO would like fo contact TV - Hi-Fi served in our modern dining 30 Monday, Jute 8; 04. dele Party: | e--swarket osha GREER wd ely. Darian Soler RA S0847 LAWNMOWERS ! W. H. PARRY ~~ [smeoie'tcaveuing to Torts betwen : reom. Tow and loving mother of Mrs. John|| 25--Pets and Livestock Bint RA"3.2278. Residence phones: M. July 9 SHARPENING AND Londscope Supplies, Flag: |otom 10 8:0. RA 3 avo Vite Service To Satisfy Write for free color folders. ¥, Jarrell (Ruby), The late Mrs. Bag-|| 26--Farmer's Column Greer, BA. Sc., RA 5-3368; Terence v. _ REPAIRING ' HAVE you a drinking problem? . " Junelé low is resting at the Mcintosh Funeralll 57 cq) Wood Kelly, BA, BC. RA 53602 Juneld Quick Serre ore < Guaron: stone, Rockery, Cut Stone, [Alcoholic Anonymouse, Box 02. Time. CALL RA 8-5286 3 4 i ul Home. Service i the chapel ob THUS 1 7, smmer Resorts | and Basted isters| Block laying, footings, com- teed job. Pick-up ond De- Loom, fovics os Walks |Gazette. 24 HOURS ANYTIME " ay, June 12, at 2 p.m. rmen 280---Hunti {and Solicitors, Clients' funds available plete foundations, framing five oyed, Iractor Grading, ANYONE going to Toronto dally or . Torrance Muskoka, '4 miles Cemetery. #5 wd ng les For Sol [for first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street and trimming. Workmanship 40 STAN'S DIAL RA 5.2279 anyone wishing to go dally; west end. Oshawa Electronics from Bala. Seven lakeshore tn the|| 27--Summer Properties For Sole |North, RA 5.3566. Charles C. edit II: Co Harsii i Call MO 82755 Whitby. 13% June 2| housekeeping cott diff a a hl ar Banka, | Ouoromeed Free Eoimate, | ARPENING SERVICE fa una] housskesing cotoges difer a: , » ost a : r. en , en Browne seloved husband. of | 31--Articles For Rent Ee PHONE RA 5-055 GOOD TOP SOIL ELECTROLYSIS ~~ |23--Women's Column toilets, spring woter, sandy Gweneth May Wood, father of Jacque. 32--Artices Wanted Sifice, Fh 3.3741, Residence, RA 5.3541. june29 $7.50 PER LOAD Removal of Superfluous Hair. |SFEGIAL -- Tesi permanents. 313, beach, hydro, wood, ice, and le. Bobert, ther sod Michue, in Auction Soles unei {T--Business Opportunities| Grove! % in, stone, fll dso | Marie Aurduff wil be In _|cod wavel, 53s, Fags Wirising] boots, alsa camping grounds. 1 . | mploym JOHN A. Cameron, Barrister, Solicitor ey Vy loughi discing, level Oshawa June 24, 25. Phone . : strong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with|| 5 00 Lo wonted {and Notary Public, 18% King Street WATER WELL DRILLING PET shop in (shawa, sacrifice, $1500. pig ng filling. or 4 Genosha Hotel on these dates Tn Ai iments, Tdi wile er Phene Olive Hus memorial service in the chapel on Wed-| RA 32260, NHA and private nesday, June 11, 2 p.m. Interment Osh-|| 37--Male Help Wanted JE es Sd July? GERALD FULTON Awply § Celina Street, RA S033. 1321) g"Jl 30 AA Sere, wick 4 Henderson 3m vasy| chinson, Torrance, awa Union Cemetery. 38--Male or Female Help Wanted hades Bas. Gov't. Licensed Driller PART - time business, steady income, Julyd June25/Road North 18 one Bala "Wz, HUMPHREYS and Boychyn, [ Hig ne, GRAVELLE -- At Brantford, on.|| 39--Agents Wanted ters, Solicitors; R, D, Humphreys, QC; Reasonable Prices Sniipment and car. $1 Phone Ba Joly 40--Opportunities G. E. Boychyn, BA, W. A. Hillman, Honest Workmanship , Mouday, duos 9 1950, Wishael : © "WHERE WELL DRESSED a Gravel, beloved husband of Martha []:4}=-Room end Ecard Otftee On 177s Res. BA 5.4604; "or Well Tile For Sale : "SPRING PLANNING" SANDALWOOD IRE SHOP" Furnished . cottages for rent, Frenzuk, loving father of Mrs. George|| 42--Room and Board Wanted Whitby, MO 82761. Money to loan, RA 5.4067 FOR LEASE RESTAURANT LA VOGUE JACQUELINE | One three-bedroom with. sli . Schell (Anne) Whitby, Mrs. Art| 43_wanted To Rent | Julyl Tune 10 Well located Service Stotion ORDER NOW. 1626 SIMCOE ST. NORTH JA Yooue ACQUELIN ET ora One "thor ' | bedroom with most city con- Menielly (Lillian), Mrs. Jack Mercer | et | 44--For Rent |MANNING F. Swartz, Barrister, Solici in Pickering area. Handling Lawn Seeds, Bulk Vegetable Under New Management le SPORTSWEAR ® MILLINERY edaom with West City goa: vi thi (Stella) Port Hope, Michael, Picton,| oa loan. Henry : Peter, North Bay, John, Newcastle, Al-|| 45--Real Estate For Sale tor, Notary. Money to 4 major oil compony products, | | y t East. RA 34697, Dinners-- Take-out Orders ho 4 I i ins De Rest Eatate Exchong' Block, 26% King Street Eas : ART STEVENS Freitas Seeds, Flower Seeds, Lawn i mtb PE {* BRIDE ond ATTENDANTS | C0 tiell sandy beach, to f 4029. Jul : | Nagar Falls, Toe xe Mr. Suavele) 46--Real Estate Wanted Residence, Dinl_3-4029 Sn -- _ EXCAVATION neighborhood of 100,000 Fertilizers, Garden Fertilizers, une 16! LA VOGUE JACQUELINE available for month of August... 47--Autornobiles. For: Sale CREIGHTON, Fraser, Divaan abd) op, duo trenching end gallons yearly, Peat Moss, Fruit Tree Sprays, | CELINA ot ATHOL ond later. if required, situoted . Requiem Mass in St. Gregory's Church | , Solicitors, N Wednesday, June 11 at 9 a.m, Inter. AAtemebiles Pusch tary Pubic, Bank of Coston, Build. septic tanks installed, weep- Apply-- Garden Tools, Bug Killers. FREE ADMISSION Downtown Oshawa ot Jasper Park, Balsam Lake. 3 ment Union Cemetery. 49--Automabils Repairs ling, 5 Simeoe Street North, RA 3-346;| ing tile for sale. BOX 645, TIMES-GAZETTE June 11| Jasper Foreman, 45 Francis ar || 50--Articles For Sale IT, K. Creighton, QC; N, C. Fraser, PHONE 133¢| * For Delivery To the Drive-in Theatre St, Lindsay -- FA 4-5308, "3 --- Hi tal i " br ey 51--Swop ond Barter ac: G. K. Drypan, GO. L. Murdoch, BROOKLIN 173W available to customers of the July" Worboy, beloved wife of the iate Frank|| S2--Legal Notices |NHA mortgages arranged. July2 GRAND Restourant, 14V3 Informal Kobernick, loving mother of Jack Men. CLASSIFIED AD RATES [70SEP# P. Mangan, QC, Barister, June 16 TO LEASE Cooper Smit Co. | King St. E: (upstairs), WEDDING PORTRAITS Se OSAW a. SpE OF ys, 9a eos at AR Pi | Modern good gallohage Service "Chinese Food Our Specialty" By ROBERT ALDSWORTH POW - WOW eo a RY he 25 words or less |i; 18 nce" RA 5.3405. Julyl| Air conditioning, oil, gos, Station with Greasing Equipment 16 CELINA ST. RA 3-2312 Take Out Orders Campbell's Studio Come and enjoy 'the fun et George Kory, Oshawa, in her 63rd year. Cash Charge | FN A. MacDonald, BA, Barrister| and coal burners. Sheet metal June 20 RA 3-9422 Est. 1908 Pow-Wow Point Lodge, The iste Mrs. Kobernick Js resting ail] 3 CONSECUTIVE and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street North | work ond built-up. roofing. WRITE BOX 502 July 3| 26 Simcoe St. S. RA 3-2532 Huntsville. All Summer sports, cintosh Funeral Home. Service| E 2 hone July] delicio meals, merican In the chapel on Thursday, June 12, at| 6 CONSECUTIVE DONALD Blake | A Barrister _and LOCKWOOD TIMES-GAZETTE TOP SOIL | dures Fy $38-560 weekly, Writ 315 pm, Interment Mount Lawn] INSERTIONS ~~ 3.00 3.30 [[OONALD Jake x Street East. Tele: For 'thet Special Someone ! plan, $ eekly. . Cemetery. 1350 it not paid within 7 days the |phone: Business RA 5.5501; Residence HEATING LTD. 135¢ $8 er load A crete hey of MDD 25---Pets and Livestock direct y ALL 11 Huntsville Charge rate will apply. BA. JIU, darn JUV 288 Arthur St. RA 3:2511 : " P ad LORIE and BULOVA watches, DOG, boxer, fawn. female, 10 months 34413, ATRO 36M, July 3 Above rates apply only to orl- || RALPH S. Jones, BA, and "Thomas H. J n 13--Gordening & Supplies Gravel, Sod, Loam, Fill, edigreed, Apply 313 Elgin Street uly For Funeral Flower ginal orders for consecutive. inser- Shor, Anos. Baise and Solel une LANDSCAPING, gardens plowed, Grading and Plowing. Diamonas, Cultured Pearls, West, Oshawa. RA. 8.5444, 3c t dered | tors, mcoe Street South, X A N { 3 LEWINGTON'S tions, Sussequent inseryiens on ih Moigage loans available. July? Jack Cc MacDonald dissed, Sleat-4p By top soll, sod, ALF LINES CORNISH JEWELLERS DEATHIFUL DAEY pLsasies, Teady fon ROSENEATH MANOR Ra ---- » faliing umaris, y : 20 BOND STREET WEST. (Broat. IN Eigih Steet Fast. June B| zy ou. "of "hioveiounds, Your Watch Personally GERMAN Shepherd pups, registered. Complete 'summer rescrt, FLOWERS stiginal or | Business listings || 5--MNursing Services EVERGREENS wan ted -- cedars, PHONE RA 3.9533 | 56/83" urohntior 3 nea de PAINTER & DECORATOR aor, pers, Wied ret cot HAULAGE 24 King St. East. Osh Each additional line 75¢c per month. ACCOMMODATION now available, bed! Paoperhanging ond Painting [for quantity orders. Metropolitan Nurs- Serviced Apply 544 Harmony Road South. 134f : ing St. East, Oshawa Each initial letter, abbreviation, |lor up-patients, $22 - $25 weekly, South Gyptex erles, 115 Parkside Drive, Toronto. 135b Phone RA 5-1905 Serviced, SHORT Saired pees Tod Saks. i A golf, tennis, badminton, vol- (2 doors from Kom's Drug || o Each Inti oer Comunt or | Haven Rest Home, Newcastle, Phone Fre Estimiotes GARDENS roto-tilled and plowed, lev. he. ie June20 (32000 Bown aay leyball, dancing, sandy beach, store). word, Box charged 15¢ additional. |[2426. July? Al work' Guordnteed elling done, | Fepericned Sperator, Free LOADER 10 HIRE 20--Cartage POODLE clipping, bathing, dog un all on our awn grounds. July. 21 "All Classified Advertisements 50 Nassou St, RA 3.7080 | |sstimates, No gardens too small Glen prt. SRY | + LE LL gun.( Close to bus, railway, Fold- . " A : June25 | TRUCKING and moving done. Short|Cedarview Kennels, R ers, write direct, dtd MUST be in 9 a.m. the do: A N 2 CARD OF THANKS Si. ho i NUR REN ue Jur? LOAM and topsoil. Cheap po Pea nanoes. nN por dour, HO FOUR aquariums for sale, | Tip - June30. REGULATIONS-- \ where In town. Galt Cartage. Phone RA HILLSIDE wi from 6 to 2 gallons. os | KING ST. WEST 5-4498, June30 plants, tropical tration sys- J The Daily Times-Gazette shall || a : LOAM AND ii, Feasible L ANDSC. API NG 21--Personal Service te bill tropic ah Gu varie ARDEN Exclusive nursing home for GARDENS Roto . 1 mah to take this opportunity of Sober emants submitted Saris | convalescent and elderly pec. GRAVEL SUPPLY |rates. Phone RA 8.1388 after 4% pm GREEN VELVET SOD supply 8-404. 1321] Housekeeping . cottages on and nurses of the Oshawa Generall| than in writing, nor for more than ple. (Men and Women), | Good top 30il. loam ill. road and laid NURSERY STOCK | FLOORS FLOORS FLOORS (FOR sale -- Three male, registered| Kennebec Lake. Hydro, large tal, for kindness shown to Emmal|| ON¢ Incorrect insertion of any a Nurses and dieticiens in op soil, loam fill, ROTO tiling. Reasonable rates. Call © Hine § Sold, Installed, Repaired by |German Shepherd puppies, eight weeks| screen verandahs. Good fish J. Barnes during her illness and be.|| YOrtisement, nor beyond the price ttendance. Tray service gravel, cement gravel, stone = |Harald Jensen, RA 3-4114. June20 verything for your go den a Aba a old, sire, Champion German import, . 2" ioe Spooe'oHg Feavemen a aim oo | amass. | ond For etocion | PHONE RA 3.9020 | Experts with 25 yeors ex- |moner champion stock. Whitey, Bo| 1n0 3 --Dozald Urquhart radio, ounge. di July3| perience. Free estimates, |8-4%09. 132¢| ice complete $30 weekly. i I pel | PHONE RA 5-2330 Iy 2 9 RA 5. 5279 SOUTH END Hy. All work guaranteed, FOR sale = Cairn Terrier pups, pedi- RA 5-1763 . | its own classification. July 14--Household Repairs ROSS ENDICOTT FLOORS gree mock. 2 Zutew Stites ax, i June24 Bulgarian Defence June 10 SOD SU PPLY YOUR local chimney cleaner, chim: PH. RA. 5.2274 - - - CLAREMONT VILLA neys built and repaired, gas linings in. . "in 1 Ch f D ssed . ; A stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- July4 DOG TRAINING GREAT FISHING! 1€ 1Smi H y S Started Bright, cheerful Rest Home. PRE-CAST Top quality Sod delivered or |mates. .RA 3-2097. July' IN LAND O' LAKES LONDON (Reuters) -- Gen. Good food and kind care laid. Prompt delivery. Free CHESTERFIELDS rebullt, Tecovered info SCHOOL "Housekeeping cabins, boats, Petr Panchevsky has been dis- for convalescents and senior CONCRETE oS metes, We oi I ote. Bat pu sy fg We train you fo train your swimming. ws week. : soc in the Tield Tor trucks. |ieed, Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Up.| WEDDING PORTRAITS dog. Classes now commencing. . missed as Bulgarian defence min. | H ] Pl | citizens $50 monthly and up, foter. an ropped from gauidate ospita an, Se rs Fpproved DY | SIDEWALK SLABS RA 3-9020 DRS Soy 10 Bond Street West, pg, ROBERT ALDSWORTH PICKERING 240M4 JUKES. "CAMP FR Phone Claremont 26W1. COLORED PATIO SLABS June S| FGRNITURE repaired aad vowel] CAMPBELL'S STUDIO AND PICKERING 87J3 MATAWATCHAN, ONTARIO Communist party politburo, the M S | ; wll 17 official Bulgarian hi agency | 1nister ays Supervisor Mrs, M. Williom- UNIT STEPS--RAILINGS stered. See our materials for recover. Est. 1908 Junel8 June BTA. said Monday night. | TORONTO (CP) -- The hos- | Julyh] "soriic' FANKS ing. Bru BR Dalton, 75 Charles + son, CURBING OSHAWA Street. RA 3.7212. Junei1| 26 Simcoe St. S. RA 3-2532 - The surprise move came fol-| July 9|26--Farmer's Column Housekeeping Cottages Jowing the party congress here pital insurance plan to come into tometrists BAR-B-Q's . SOD SUPPLY Sepang and. iniahing Furniture. Kin DEAD farm stock picked up Jromptly. Safe Sandy Beach, Good fish- 6--0 -B- wor : and the return to Moscow Mon. effect in Ontario next Jan. 1 is|. piomets SATISFACTION GUARANTEED | We specialize in good quality | i June? OSHAWA. TELEPHONE Margwill Pur Farm, Totone. © Junayi| ing. Electric frig ond stove, day of Soviet Premier Nikita the "direct result" of initiative 0: May lich OPOMEtis, tpecialiing sod only. For prompt delivery ANSWERING SERVICE 115 De Kalb pullets, ready to iay. RA Lawton's Cove 5392, 1301 in muscle anomalies, eyes 0 Khrushchev, who attended the taken by the province's Progres. Bases. Eveniney Mow Wear ot. bs BROOKLIN DIAL RA 8-8639 | FURNACES CLEANED | Courteous operators to answer [8 Sou ithe meeting. : |invalids examined at home, RA 5.6143 0 h d |! - - The news agency said Panchev-|5ive Conservative government, | Disney Bldg., 31 King East. June2s CONCRETE Junel2 COMPLETE if Be on Aig tert |28--Summer Resorts Oshawa. RA 5-1287 sky will be replaced by Gen. Municipal Affairs Minister War- T= SUIveYo SUMMER SERVICE enjoying Telephone Freedom. |COTTAGES, excelent fishing snd T.W.T.Junel3 Ivan Mihailov, a deputy prime render said Monday night. TF bid id yore ne PRODUCTS CROSS TOWN SOD OIL FURNACES $7.00 Apply for our service now ot (bathing, Slectrie oud boats: HA Bsn. : 3 minister and until now miniser| In a CBC Provincial Affairs Land Surveyors, Professional 'Engineer. LIMITED SUPPLY COAL FURNACES $4.00 143 King East, RA 52401, d ne ah RA Ton, MILFORD MANOR ceeded in the transport post by| fele Vision iin FBR iad nd. s A-1 'rolled fertilized sod, eut Drow ii vy Ajax yop Point, ri ha PR lb gy Dancho Dimitrov. {of the plan to the policy of build: |¥..J. DoRevan and Associates, Land Phone Brooklin 155 fresh daily. Sod for trucks in a3 {cepts For Bett D able rent. Furnished if desired. Nice| sorts featuring Orchestra Panchevsky's deputy in the de- ing "up hospital resources and|Sireet mare hoi Rdg June3| field. Delivered or laid, Free PHONE RA 8-1905 Cle e ad wv Blagt Lor Mummer. E. Roberts, Thick | | Dancing, Free "Golf;. Water jense department, Zhivko Zhiv- formation of the hospitai services 5832 or Junel0 estimates, Prompt. delivery. ANYTIME Joel eaning Ca son's Roa i Skiing, all Sports. facilities, ov, also has been released from | commission two years ago "to| DONALD H. TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Phone RA 8-8868. unel5 MODERN a Be BRL -- 10, id Organized Entertainment. For his duties and will become minis- Surveyor, 216 Alice Street. RA 56881. July3 % descriptive literature or reser- te of culture and education. © |[Lcuioe,8 unified and efficient ag avs DRIVEWAYS uly3| 15--Instruction DRY CLEANERS [tn ome Ra a tioey| vations write direct or phone 2 2 The agency said the praesid- |p the best possible service at|8--Building Trades E DUTCH 321 OLIVE AVE, shoe Lake. Excellent swimming. Wil| Toronto, Plymouth 7-2770, jum of the Bulgarian parliament, ' " TH U Music Studio for all Instruments sleep five adults, also crib for baby. J hick d th h the lowest possible cost. : ALL plumbing and heating supplies. PAVED y RA 5-7193 Hydro, as for ow said Panchevsky would be giyen|" AS & result, he said, the prov. Phone TA'5 3521 Harold B. Sark Ld GARDENS ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES © ONE STOP SERVICE Avuitlie bom Joie 8 hy Fa BVeD ince would be able to provide plumbing. Heating aud engineering; 12; July 19.26; Augu Sept, 37, LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH another post, Ho 3 ; JOHN T. E. EBBERS New and Used Pionos © ODORLESS DRY CLEAN. [Dial RA § » emia __.____|"full hospital treatment with all | iii types of building, full contracts or CASH OR CREDIT For a fine quality landscap- Full Selection of all instruments ING FOR Rent -- Cottage on Scugog Island y DAY CAMP Aras, operating rove. and otis | Mocs 'i taminger anrints Swcwiel UP TO 30 MONTHS | ing and flagatone' work, sod: (New and Used) Our new "shirt service Is ior. Phone RA SoM mab| . FOR BOYS & GIRLS 7-14 At . Bl ts drugs, operating Hom, and other curbs and sidewalks, pre-fab or poured. TO PAY ding and seeding lawns. All 477 Simcoe Street South Beyond Compare Rid itis Crafts, omic bias a Sic » time (T2°% or Kinds of pruning. First-class 2une30 gv. GIBSON -- GEO, RUSSELL | PINELANDS -- Recipe for | Archery, Sports Reg. Nurse: need of the patients." BRICK laying. Block laying, general Guaranteed to Be the experiencé, Nursery stock. To--inswronce : RUSSELL | EINES rs atne, for Bremer pos ep, Nur May Be Used | 3 Yio. A S20 Junelo| Best Drives in the City Phone RA 5-7502 or phone little tennis on our clay for information Dial RA Outlining the province's social # --- - ALLSTATE Auto In 8 | welfare program, Mr. Warrender Wagon tnd Assiciates, Commer 5.3973 == R.R. No, 1, Oth. [SULTS uly ntusaton: pay for MODELLING courts, pitch horseshoes, ao 5-2737 Tone 2? ~- Junelo a $9,500,000 in 1943 to $43,000,000 for FORBNG ag Fesine pipes fittings, in driveways in business in Vibrator Massage for better beach, a delightful meal with FAMOUS PICKEREL SPOT fixtures, new and used, changing from| Oshawa 13 years. SOD - TOP SOIL - MANURE FIRE INSURANCE health ond more enjoyable friendly folks, a game of Below Healey Falls where The first paving contractor awa, Y 3 M Por] im in crystolcleor. Loke gi To Dig Harbor said its cost had increased from uve South, Afux. Phone Ajax 720. in Oshawa ever to specialize June24 Lyre ashi un, your oe SELF IMPROVEMENT an el famous Aired the current year. WASHINGTON (AP) -- The! On education, he said provin-|septic tanks to sewer a specialty. In- United States may use atomic |cial school grants were increased |stallations at reasonable rates. Infor. HOY NURSERY STOCK | WITH BROAD living: using MAXINE'S sys- shuffleboard on our new Crowe and Trent Rivers join. : ! | XTENDED COVERAGE tem for courts. It all adds up to ae ; blasts to dig a harbor north of [by $19,000.000 last year "and this of phmbine. Din ah aan 405, type GARDEN MAINTENANCE EX] e REDUCING ) Troll, drift or cast May, June Atomie Energy Commission an-|vear there is provision for an in- Da amesi| DRIVEWAY PAVING HARDSAND LANDSCAPING Al Risk Outiwerd Nistor od e GENERAL BODY CULTURE holiday Lr reamed 4. St Soles Point Rewer Sumi BUNESH. J onaaY. i Stease Sn hie 2: [Oa orate Baste ing, ahos: ' CONTRACTOR All work and materials | a Composite Policy. Auto In- JANE BLACK STUPIO Gazette booth or write Pine up nD week-ends. Cliff os i gr so pied gn an i og per cent). > June! RA 8-8101 guaranteed. surance. Instalment Plans if 451 Simcoe S. RA 5.9602 lands Ltigey, Port Catling = Penhale, Box 268, Campbell- PT vr eeyor = - ired one 90. » CARPENTRY, framing, trimming, Kit. RA 5-1721 Getisd, oT S. McCALLUM June 21| Phone June22 ford. Phone 646 WS. June 18 ™ Joon. Cam. Seppings ho docu two years, chen cabinets, custom work. Altera- July3 mpson, this summer to decide tions, repairs, No job too big or small. June 15 PHONE RA 5-6402 if the project can be carried out. | Work guaranteed. RA 3.3579. June21 | Julyé COLD FUR STORAGE 29--Su P a ATTENTION! -- For a per- mmer Properties One purpose of the studies wit| Deborah Kerr SONG, annus cement wore MODERNIZE AJAX SOD SUPPLY | | + ON THE PREMISES |. foci cave outing of heliacr: For Sale or Wantea be to make sure the vent pre; tions. Free estimates. RA 8-5350. July? and [17 --Money To Loan | PHONE RA 5-6312 Cee ork ers You iE PORT SAR sisted, hie 3= ah would be safe for persons within | Sues For Divorce CARPENTER wari work, remodelling Kitch. BEAUTIFY Sod delivered and laid, loam, NEED CASH n comfortable Cottages, Camp |dro, deep lot. RA & and outside the immediate area pboards, bath 1 i i Trailer Sites, lovel and for fish and wildlife. SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP)--!(0, Sion Te pe $d, Sil and stone; grading, MORRISON FU RS ee Tog LB FoR ti re © Lake Tron co An AEC statement said the and fishing, warm bathing, |syster running hot and cold waters |Actress Deborah Ror Mondayipie. James Clarke RA 51754. June2l YOUR HOME asphalt, excavating. Phone | . 4 i Ifiled a suit for divorce from her|aNy kind of X, Brick Diock > AJAX 431 or RA 5-3422, | 12 KING ST. WEST i block boat house. Key at Watson's harbor couid be excavated inp G4" of 12 years. RAF hero| mw int WoT OLS ek Sock with an | See Seaboard June 20 otien Tek bar, Todi hy Candy Corners, Fenelon Falls, or call 1960. if this summer's investiga-| ter repairs. No job too 1, J 15 BA 5.5571, Toronto. Junels tions indicate the project is safe| TOY Bartley, sonable, Ajax 147M. "June 24 ASPHALT DRIVE adi "Your Lending. Neighbor" Turn south off Highway, : | our Lending Neighbor' and practicable, | Bartley recently charged GaxpENTER "work, framing. trim. FOR SUITS -- DRESSES 2. 3% miles east of Brigh- y screen writer Peter Viertel had|ming, kitch iN " [BACKYARD BARBECUING N Ya Fi : $50.00 down, balance aver Both Canada and the Soviet Iming, kitchen cabinets, NHA approved. Call LOANS UP TO $3.000 Oshawa's Finest Cleaners won. Apply: 3 Sols Ave. ages $30.00 monthly. sla u o |enticed the beautiful red-haired Alterations and repairs. No job too big t | N 3} 4 Ua . heen Informed of He} lactress away from him. Viertel, Sy small. Work guaranteed. RA KEN ASHMORE Outdear: Virepiaees for ber DIAL RA 5-1023 i) Julya| interest, Ctinada's lowest 3-3579. June3! becuing at its best, built and OSHAWA OFFICE 3 ~ ! a United Stateson @ movie location with Miss BOTLDERS, contractors ---- Carpenter PAVING CONTRACTOR | installed by = -- : p wl RADIANT CLEANERS pri Duis aor gi Serr in Vienna, termed the 29> Simcoe St. Sout OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE CLYFFE HOUSE , 0 $3, or co would be invited to witness the . A work, alterations, repairs. Kitchen cab- ! ORE excavating explosions. charge "absurd and ridiculous." inets our specially. No job ier bis or RA 8-8412 CONCRETE PRODUCTS * RA 5.1121 June}? MARY LAKE ley hs hg : Il. Free estimates. Work guaran. The harbor studies are part of| Miss Kerr's suit charged ex-|sid z i i i i a project to find new peaceful treme cruelty without making|ie= S4 TI or RA S30. Rs Also several thousand yards Phone RA 8 ie Se i2 COBOURG OFFICE 22--Radio and T.V, Repairs| Sondy beach, water skiing, theics of Omgie's finest uses for nuclear blasts. Among any specific allegations. A wood floor expert. "OW of | King Street West [es Channel an aerial completely boats, tennis, Special atten- fo As bre sur St Susan. the possibilities are movement of| The couple has two children, nd sass. ho 3 wig fai thea: RA : | FR 2.7461 [5512 Say ue. Ay ue RA tion to meqls, Reserve. now owners on same easy terms. large masses of earth and rock,|Melanie, 11, and Francesca, 9 i or RA 3.3070 | TE jor TOP SOIL 3 For Sale {LENS and Tous Antenae, repairs.| fo 1a wonderiul vocotion, Write for free . literature. extraction of petroleum from low- They are with their fathers in| = = building repairs, chimneys IMMEDIATE DELIVERY | GOOD LOAM SEABOARD FINANCE CO. Complete Rotor antenna, §75. Phone RA | MISS DORIS JENNER Pitts Homes and Cottages, grade deposits creation of heat England Suit. repaired; iden ales ng repairs: | tn Whitby, Oshawa, Bowman. | | OF CANADA LIMITED pina Ma Basa Julys, PORT SYDNEY | Ltd., P.O. Box 222, Cobourg, and power and mass production) The actress asked custody of Flasier repairs. sidew 57247, Gordon| ville, Newcastle and Brooklin. | W. H. Parry, RA 5-2279 Formerly Bellvue {CORON BY TY were fr AACSSEY| Phone Utterson 62 Ring 3 Ontario, : of isotopes, ithe children. May. Juneas| July 4 June 15 tts "til june 16|Guaranteed Job. TTS Julys 'une2d vA TLTE J } ticns besides the

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