NOT MUCH WATER, BUT = By LARRY COLLINS Canadian Press Staff Writer | REGINA (CP)---Lack of ocean {or lake waters has not prevented {ning national and internation: | honors Clup members train on Lake |Wascana, a man - made lake {within the city limits, which af- fords less than a mile of straight water It's not more than 10 feet deep and has been known to run dry. Nevertheless, RBC rowers have won events in Northwest In- ternational competition and once were considered possible Oiympic material. * Regina Boat Club Has Fine Championship List {the Regina Boat Club from win-| {nipeg Canoe Club to Fort Garry {and back. Two years ago, an RBC team won the Northwest In- {ternational Workboat fours. Older members claim the men iciub isn't what it used to be. | "The young men of today don't {like to sweat," says Bevan Law- {son, who is compiling a history {of the club to commemorate its 50th anniversary. 'They have too much money and too many cars. 1 was one of those who used to run three miles just for the love |of running." NOTABLE RECORD The records show some formid- {urday but he found it so much to Lake Wascana, about a mile] long and a quarter-mile wide, is| able achievements by RBC mem. of little practical use to Regina. |bers of 20 years ago. A list of It is too small to supply the city prizes won between 1934 and 1938, Thirwell beat Tim Holland, of US. and Carr, who won the championship five years ago, defeated Michael Donal of Eng-, land, in their semi-final games. Carr dropped a 75-foot put on Jovial Joe Carr (right) of Dublin, won the British Ama- teur golf championship on Sat- urday when he defeated Alan Thirwel (left) of England, 3 and 2, at St. Andrew's, Scotland. WINNER AND RUNNER-UP FOR GOLF TITLE with water, but it serves as a good setting for Saskatchewan's iegislative buildings on'its south shore, ISLAND HOME The Regina Boat Club, which celebrated its 50th anniversary last fall, stands on a tiny isiand pear the opposite shore. The island is a product of drought. After Wascana had dried up com- pletely once, a deepening project was undertaken by the federal, provincial and municipal govern- ments, and the earth dredged out the 30th hole to cinch his title and became the first in 29 years to win the title for the second time. Cyril Tolley did it in 1920 and 1929. --AP Wirephoto provided the island. Oldtimers In Sports Despite its shortness, Wascana has served as the training ground for long races. Last year, two MAJOR LEAGUE LEADERS oud, ihe fe Still Holding Own | By JACK SULLIVAN And the same day, Stan Musial, | Canadian Press Staff Writer |who is only 38 and hitting better By THE ASSOCIATEDP PRESS |Junior competition in Winnipeg, a American League 65-mile canoe race from the Win. AB R H Pet. After what happened last week, |than .400, had three-for-three, in- Nieman, Baltimore 109 16 40 .367 old-timers in sport needn't take cluding a home run, a back seat to the younger gen- Cardinals belted Pittsburgh 6-3. eration. NHI " " If any. proof is needed, the AND NICE" CUYS doubters can read of these ac-| National Hockey League brass eomplishments by the veterans: apparently don't like "nice"| Fifty - one - year - old Charlie 8UYS- : Smirke was aboard Hard Ridden,| Johnny Gottselig of Chicago 18-to-1 shot winner of the Derby|Black Hawks was reminiscing 2nd Lemon, Washington, 5. for his fourth Derby triumph at|with Elmer (Montreal Star) Fer- Epsom, England. {guson and sald: 'Look at our In Toronto, 65 - year - old Ada Elmer Vasko. He's big, fast, but 2 Mackenzie won her 81st golf title/a good-natured kid who never | in 39 years. That easily could be|gets angry, doesn't want to check a world record. She won the Tor- anybody too hard. I wish some- ento and district ladles cham- | plonship with a 36-hole total of|on the nose one night and get 160, five over par. him real angry." | Ada was apologefic about it all. fer to feel that the younger play-| chimed in with this: "When I ers would have been in the 70s/went to Hawks they told me I'd as St. Louis|Kuenn, Detroit | Fpx, Chicago {McDougald, N.Y, 9-1, .900 one would hit him a good punch more, and Turley, 62. Voluble Rudy Pilous, Chicago Musial, St. Louis "It was a bad showing but I pre-|coach who took over last season, | Mays, San Fran Green, Ashburn, Phil a 146 25 49 .336 uns--Cerv, Kansas City, 38. | A d d G Rant bated | Awarded ame Doubles. Kueqn, 16. MONTREAL (CP)--The Inter. : i: : between Toronto and Columbus, ome runs--Cerv, 15. | Stolen bases -- Aparicio, Chic- suspended Sunday in fhe sixth Pitching -- Turley, New York, umbus, league President Frank Shaughnessy announced Monday. Strikeouts -- Harshman, Balti- the club's best years, is topped by the winning of both the junior and senior fours in the Canadian Henley at Port Dalhousie, Ont. A member of the victorious crew |was present deputy mayor J. W. | Peart of Regina. The team was promised consideration in choice of a Canadian Olympic team but | was not picked. i In 1923, RBC members co pleted -a canoe trip from Regin to Winnipeg in 21 days. An RBC rugby team formed | the nucleus of the present Sas- katchewan Roughriders of the | Western Interprovincial Football | Union | By RON ANDREWS Canadian Press Staff Writer ORILLIA (CP) -- George Shep- herd of the University of West- ern Ontario had never run in the 440-yard hurdles race before Sat-| bis liking at the Ontario men and women's senior track and field championship that he broke the| native Canadian recerd. | The 20-year-old athlete won the event, his first of two victories, in 53.8 seconds, knocking three- tenths of a second off the former mark held by Montreal's Keith Holmes, who established it at the 1954 British Empire Games at Vancouver. Shepherd was the only compet- itor able to break a Canadian: mark as Toronto's East York Track Club dominated the meet, winning eight of the 28 events. Two other Ontario records were, broken during the day. SELECTION TRIALS LATER Shepherd followed up with a victory in the 440 - yard race, winning it in 49.4 seconds, four- tenths of a second off the provin- cial record, He will join most of the other winners at Saskatoon later this month when the trials {Sets New Canadian Record First Time Tries Hurdles | "THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Tuesday, dune 10, 1953 1} ng broad jump and hop, step and jump wins, shared individual honors among the men with En- gel and Shepherd. of the meet, with 34 points, three| The, EXPecied auto _ he m than Ti t Club. ure : ao 0 Dap uh lsome sprinters finding the cinder e race for team honors Wasi gex rather ioose. tight until Mrs. Gilling pulled her : 3 club ahead-with wins in the dis-| Dick Carmichael of the RCAF's cus and shot put. | Trenton station set a record in Engel won the 100-yard dash in the men's three-mile run with a 10.1 seconds and the 20-yard time of 14:36.3. The old mark race in 22.7 seconds. |was 14:45.8, Marion Munroe, 16- TORONTO COP WINS {Hill track club, set the other rec Toronto policeman Stan Raike, ord in the women's 60-yard dash, discus. and Richard Rau of Ham- tenth of a second better than the ilton Olympic Club, with runn:iold mark. |vear-old athlete from Richmond, Hamilton Olympic with Rich. 'mond Hill second. with victories in the shot put and winhing it in 7.2 seconds, one | = 2 Gord Dickson of Hamilton Olympic was the busiest athlete, He woh the six-mile grind, fin. ished third in the three-mile run and fourth in the mile for a total of 10 miles run under a hot sun. Miss Munroe and Pat Cole of Hamilton Olympic were the stars of the women's events, each win. ning two races and finishing sec- ond in another as well as runn- ing in the 440-yard relay, won Businessmen's Luncheon Hot & Cold Buffet BH Two Giant x Color Features for selection of Canada's B.E. {Games team are held. | East York athletes, led by Jeff [¥ngle and Mrs. Jackie MacDon-| ald Gilling, compiled 60 points to beat second - place Hamilton Olympic club which finished with 45. In third place was the Rich- mond Hill Track Ciub, sponsors [ JAMES STENAR! -NUDIE MURPHY | t Pn «=== DAN DURYEA* DIANNE FOSTER GB. LANG STEYR BRENDON NDE a mer JEFF MORROW and FAITH DOMERGUE -- IN -- "This Island Earth ® PLUS o ALAN LADD EDW. G.ROBINSON breaks loose!. 2.420, (TLTE wri | 167 25 57 341) C 1 b 14% a 2 Golumbus Jets Runs batted in--Cerv, 45. Triples--Martyn, Kansas City, national League baseball game go, 13. inning, has been awarded to Col- The Jets were leading Toronto National League {game was cailed by curfew to AB R H Pct. enable Toronto to catch a plane. 165 26 69 418 ghaughnessy said the umpires' 213 48 87 .408 report showed Toronto was guilty St. 126 19 44 349) ot "nagrant stalling" and that it Louis [8:0 in the sixth inning when the but for the greens which were meet a real nice bunch of guys. 185 32 63 .341 Ces i Runs--Mays, 48. was necessary to eject Maple I ETT, SEE THE NEW RITZ ROCK 'N' ROLL! from the edge of your seal you'll see. i | I felt bad right away. I don't]! Runs batted in--Banks. Chic- Leafs manager Dixie Walker and | want nice boys. 1 want someago. and Thomas, Pittsburgh. 49, "C21 Lou Kahn from the game. | said. fighting kids, and we'll have al Hits--Mays, 87. "7 Both were fined. Amounts of "I was just trying to make the fighting team in the playoffs next| Doubles--Hoak, Cincinnati, 17,/the fines were not disclosed. is play better," she added. "'I|season. | Triples--Mays, 8. Normally games suspended by really tricky and made it neces- sary to slam the ball in," she ADULT ENTERTAINMENT A AAA { nd I was outdriving those kids| At the same bull session, coach| Home runs--Banks, 17. curfew are continued later from and that's what gets me, It's Phil Watson of New York| Stolen bases--Mays, 10. the point at which they were ridiculous." Rangers was talking about the| Pitching -- Purkey, Cincinnati, |halted. Sunday's game now goes Ridiculous or not, she was play-|Canadiens' Maurice Richard. : y ing with golfers who weren"t|/And Watson, who is probab and Bo Spahn, Milwalse, Pl ito he Teeqrds as an 80 win for "Starts Tomorrow -- Continuing «= THURSDAY end FRIDAY P the even born when Ada won her | most-quoted coach in the league, first Canadian Open erown in|came up with this gem: 1919, "Know what." If I had the The same day, 37 . year - old| Rocket I wouldn't even play him. Warren Spahn who is some|I'd put him under a glass bowl shucks as a pitcher for Milwau-|in Madison Square Garden and kee Braves, came up with a I'd tell the people. 'All right now, Kills Wolf With His Bare Hands THEATRE GUIDE Brock (Whitby) --"Peyton Plate' SUDBURY, Ont. (CP) -- It| yj, CinemaScope. Evening shows Horio man BILTMORE TONIGHT ONLY--"SHRIEKS IN THE NIGHT" --BIG STAGE SHOW! i 't as easy as it looked at pinch-hit single that gave the|get your three bucks ready and|}Vasn at 6.30 and 9.15 p.m. Braves a wild 10-9 victory over|line up to see the greatest of first, but Paul Gauthier got his | San Francisco Giants. them all--the greatest.' $25 bounty in the long run. {Marks -- "Night Passage" shown Gauthier, of Rutter, 30 miles! daily at 12.30, 3.45, 6.55, 10.20 southeast of here, overtook a tim-| pn" also "Hell on Frisco" shown daily at 2.05, 5.20, 8.35 R IN BRIEFS ber wolf on the road recently and | bumped it with his truck. i CAMPY SELLS BOAT GLEN COVE, N.Y. (AP)--Crip- pled Roy Campanella's $47,000 41- foot cabin cruiser was sold at auction Saturday for $2,500. An agent for Irving Weiss, a New York auto dealer, made the high- est bid for the twin-engined, cus- tom built boat which can sleep eight. The 36-year-old Los An- geles eatcher was forced to sell as the result of the auto accident) which fractured his neck last January, stronger than that. The maxl-| is alleged to have attacked the umpire. WIND SPOILS CHANCE SANGER, Calif. (AP) -- Ray Norton of San Jose State College onds flat Saturday night but an|h aiding wind nullified the race as a performance equalling the gistered its maximum eight miles|a It recovered just as Gauthier| grabbed it by the tafi and took | ran the 220-yard dash in 20 sec-|Off down the road--with Gauthier | tempts to throw the beast world record. The wind gauge re-| Gauthier finally swung it into the an hour and gusts were far|on the road. He got his $25. | py Last complete show at The wolf dropped in its tracks| 835 p.m. at Moron, Cuba. The right-hander and Gatuhier was already think- ing of ways to spend the bounty Plaza money as he hopped out of his| truck to throw it in the back.| -- 'Street of Sinners" (adult) shown daily at 1.15, 3.49, 6.25, 9.03 p.m. also '"Chi- cago Confidential" ghown daily at 2.31, 5.07, 7.41, 10.19 p.m. Last complete show at 9 p.m. But the wolf was only stunned. | anging on grimly. {Regent -- "Farewell to Arms' After several unsuccessful at-| in CinemaScope and color shown daily at 1.00, 3.45, 6.35, 9.20 p.m. Last complete show at 9.15 p.m. Doors open daily at 12.30 p.m. ir and brought it crashing down | SUES BALL CLUB mum allowance allowable for a ST. LOUIS (AP) -- A $50,000 | World record is 4% m.p.h. | damage suit was filed Saturday! ' against St. Louis Cardinals by a SETS WOMEN'S RECORD | 75-year-old man who was hit by a baseball outside of Busch Stad-|!2s of Romania established a| fum last Tuesday. The suit was | World record Saturday in the VIENNA (AP) -- Yolanda Ba-|CH 'TELEVISION LOG CH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6---Toronte WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffale brought by Louis Scher. He was|Women's high jump, radio Buch-| ypgspay gvENING . 6--Sportevi on the way to the park to see the|arest reported, with a leap of 5 5.00 P.M. HL i 118--Howdy Doe Cardinals play Pittsburgh when feet 9% inches. The listed world |!l--Family Theatre 2-Swing Shift 4--Edge of Night {record is held by Cheng Feng-| 8--Magic of Musie 11:45 PM. WEDNESDAY PIL he said a ball hit in batting prac- £ B-| 5 Playhouse Boxing 5.00 P tice went over the pavilion roof| Yung of China, whose mark is 5| ¢--Fun to Le WEDNESDAY U~Family Theatre and struck him on the right feet 9%. Fo JL aneciet 5.00 AM. Then ia Tentpe igilder. OLIVER READY --Cudren's pot br * Captain Kangares Learn ALTHEA WINS AGAIN | HAMILTON (CP) -- Murray © 'rs ra. re Wid BL Aceh MANCHESTER, Eng. (AP)-- Oliver, who received a broken | --Casey Jones 3-Rumpe) Room Children's Theatre Poised Althea Gibson of New |arm while playing with Hamilton | 2--Mickes Mouse Suse tenis 3 2 York Sunday defeated tense, 18-|Cubs aginst Peterborough TPTs| gj, $% NM. ,, | &Poveye's Play 3--Mickey Moves year-old Maria Bueno of Brazil{ln an Ontario Hockey Associa.| Headlines, Sports Po Catitor tian ri 6-1, 8-6 to win the Northern Eng-|tion Junior A playoff game, said| 35k King 0.30 AM. Emi aa. News land tennis championship for the Friday he is ready to start play-| 6.15 8--District Attorney 2--Colonel Bleep third straight year. Ramanathan |ing baseball in the Cleveland In.| "Ci*ce Kid SeSusis Backs 1 PM, Krishnan, India's No. 1 player, |dians farm system. Oliver signed | ,, 3.32 10.00 AM, iii Ta A Yeteated Naresh Kumar, his|with the American League team Weather; Sports S=-Doush Re 4 in, 2,--News. Weether avis Cup teammate, 5-7, 6-8, 6-2, last summer. He said he expects ®--Kaleldoscops My Little. Margie rind in the men's final. to be assigned to a ciass D team. LE oa y 1030 a3; ai Th i 5,4 Treasu! t : SECOND RACING WIN SEEK WORLD STATUS 2--Comedy Capers Pi Do You Rate Ne Capers PARIS (AP) -- The French 2 Swi 1.00 P.M. 3-Aubott and, Coselle 7.00 P.M. fill | LUCERNE, Switzerland (AP) 11--Movie 1.00 AM, 11--Frontier Doctor lly Duskhka won the Prix de(The Internation ile| 6--Tabloia $--Price In Right | ational Automobile 6--Tablod Dianne, the French Oaks, by 1% | : 5--Circus Boy 4--Arthur Godfrey 5 lengths from Cataracie Tn a fieic Federation is planning to expand | | Annie Oakley 2-My Favorite Story S=Zorre of 19 at Chantill lhe For | he present European hill climb: | 2--My Hero , 11.30 AM. J-fizons, Rangers oo roe Ly id y. fe | DE championship into a world, 7.30 P.M. i 7.30 P.M, owner iy Dupre, as the competition by including the an-| $Robin Hood Tou oF Consg. 118,2--Disneyland three days. His Bella Paoli won 20a! Zhke's Peak race at Color-| Psunartoot pas December Bride the Epsom in E 'riday. |2d0 Springs, Colo., in the point, 5.00 P.M. an 8.00 P.M, Pp: ngland Friday [tabulation The present champ- |1.6--Front Fase $Nam Wet d-laave 4 to Beaver PITCHER SUSPENDED tonship is determined on points §-The Investigators 2 Love of Life 116--Wyatt Earp MONTREAL (CP) -- President Scored in six European meets, Hollywood Comedy 1215 P.M. S--Father Knows Best Frank Shaughnessy of the Inter- i 3s PM, Speaker of the 4--Big Record national Baseball League an-| SHOW SHOWS PROFIT ae te "es rm, FyTombions nounced Sunday that pitcher Ra.| 'TORONTO (CP) -- Net earn- 2-Wvatt Earp Sit Lovid Be You 1 The 0. PM. oul Sanchez of the Havana Cub- ings of the Canadian National 1 PM. 2Midday Movie | 6.5Kratt Tn ans team has been suspended in- SPOrtsman's Show were more 'y' PT eg "te eh { Ctinonaire definitely. The set-down came as than $107,000, Frank H. Kortright, ¢ result of a fracas between San. President of the show, announced 5--Movie theawrs McGraw 4--Meet the Millers 4~To Tell The Truth | 2--Oszzie and Harriet 2.30 PM {11--City Detective : ! ee : A i, Robs 1:30 P.M chez and umpire Frank Guzetta Thursday in his annual report.| 2B" key Ariow 4--The World Turns | 4--I've Got a Secret in Friday night's suspended game Mr. Kortright told the annual ,, =» *M oh P.M. 2-Sea Hunt - -| meeting the show distributed| «Req Shelton | 4-Beat the Clock | ow PM more than $84,000 in conserva-' 2--Pantomime Quiz | 2 Helen, Neville Ht Chewy Show nm REMEMBER WHEN 2. + y tion grants in the last fiscal year. werte i % 6--Matinee | 4--Circle Theatre' " & ; . . 3 of ction 5 0 1 By THE CANADIAN PRESS The next show is to be held 5.Californians 3-Home Cooking | 2--Boxing + March 13-21, 1959 4--House Party I 0 PM ~ Arcaworth, the colt that had' ors 4 354.000 Question 2--Laff Time . | 83--Gray Ghost just won the King's Plate at ; "ATR Ls 5. Point 3.00 P.M. | 10:45 P.M. Toronto, and a iot of the bettors' BACK WITH TICATS 11.6~Moods in 3 1 Movie Matines | 258 Room 0-3 ol oi { HAMILTON (CP) -- End Hal '!/6-Moods in Musie 4--The Big Payoff | noo PM. money was left behind at the Newton has signed for his sec. 5000's and Saddles | 5_Matinee Cheatre 11,63.4.2--News ost in the running of the $5,000- ond season with Hamilton Tiger- ee Paral 2- American Bandstand Weather Sporty dded Orpen memorial handicap Cats of the Big Four Football| 100 P.M. verti Pe | aviewnemt ". long Branch racetrack 19 Union. The 24-year-old native of |" ye. 2News | 2-Trust Your Wife 3 Shock yer's ago today. The winner Windsor joined the club in 1956 iis 4 gore 6-0 408 rh Spots Rest RA 1 RRA : 0 ~Open House Ns PM, in a Be 1, a runner-up in following a season with London 8--»iew;oint 5-Queen for a Diy 1-The {ate Show ¢ s Plate of the previous |Lords of the Ontario Rugby Foot- * Mo ite 4--Scrials | 8--Sherlock Holmes season J opie: . 2 American 4 Firs! Run Theatre |bgll Union senior series. | 11~Late Show | "Bandstand | 3--Swing Shift J » Pra | Fp LAST DAY: STREET OF SINNERS™" A - FUNNIEST MEN vun riot in the world's . vildest "5 TOMORROW y TECHNRAMA Sg TECHNICOLOR® dult "CHICAGO CONFIDENTIAL" PETERBOROUGH M 1 | FRIDAY, including a 12 regular games--$ THE BIG GAME for the 19 | PRESENTS THE NEXT KINSMEN SUPER CAR BINGO | 8:15 SHARP EB $4,000 IN PRIZES | 1958 FORD CAR 3 special games--$150 cash egch game plus a valuable door prize Someone will drive home in this brand new FORD | on May 23. It PLAN NOW TO ATTEND! EMORIAL CENTRE MAY 23 brand new 50 cash each game --A full house 58 FORD could be you! YUL BRYNNE v BOB HOPE---EVA MARIE SAINT AND GEORGE SAUNDERS That Certain Feeling BOX OFFICE OPEN AT 8:00 P.M. | 472% Fully Air-Conditioned Highway No. 401 at Bowman ille Cloverleaf Just 12 Minutes from Downtown Oshawa CLOT RIT AND WIN ONE OF SUCH FAMOUS PERFUMES AS ARPEGE « CHANEL #0. 5 BLACK LEOPARD + MY Si INDONESIA , Jos omc on mvt UE "ON STAGE NEW KIN OF HORROR SHOW! 3 FIRST TIME HERE! . } Unlike tying you pL IF YOU THINK YOU'VE SEEN El HORROR SHO BEFORE AS SEEN IN V SEVEN Exclusive Oshawa Showing FIRST TIME AT THESE PRICES The Tein ES MATINEE - 2 P.M. - 75¢ PLAZA THEATRE THE RANK ORGANIZATION present Balle: "A MAJOR EVENT OF THE 'DANCE SEASON...R MUST JOHN MARTIN, NEW YORK TIMES A WANK ORGAMIZATION PRESENTATION Flimed In London in EASTMAN COLOR MON. - TUE. - WED. STUDENTS & CHILDREN 75¢ ALL TIMES Pd 1 -JUNE 16-17 - 18 EVENING 7-9 P.M. $1.00 SEATS NOW ON SALE Avoid Disappointment -- Order By Mail Today na ---- ---- -- | Enclosed find § for seats ot § each for. . | 0 MATINEE | 71 EVENING PERFORMANCE ON BATE] cnuvisivicossinisrsssvrnsnsreossssseh . I Nome ........ | Address City . PLAZA THEATRE 104 KING ST, E, OSHAWA ENCLOSE STAMPED SELF-ADDRESSED ENVELOPE FOR RETURN OF TICKETS At last its bold and passionate story is on the giant screen in magnificent color! M-G-M presents ADULT EVERY THRILL IN THE BOOK Dr. Satan's Shh MIRE t / NN bn A LIVING Np CORPSES (GHouLs! k ALL-ON'STAGE! FREE! SO'YOU'LL ALWAYS REMEMB TOMBOYS: Large Spirit Por MARILYN MONRO hnfous PikU 1001 MORE THREES! Flusl HORROR MOVE R ENTERTAINMENT | THE BROTHERS | KARAMAZOV MARIA SCHELL - CLAIRE BLOOM LEE J.COBB ALBERT SALI cu ies RICHARD BASEHART TODAY ONLY "Farewell To Arms" CinemaScope end Color a FAMOUS PAYIRS | "CO ATATIVEA | | | DOORS OPEN 6.30 TONIGHT - SHOW STARTS 7:15 STAGE SHOW 8.20' TICKETS ARIE KK KKK: