An authoritative guide for pus. zled parents, friends and relatives| Survey Shows Type Of Gifts Favored By Most Graduates | like to receive. Larger portables, | both transistor and conventional| New Waxes Mean Less Work | French Milliners Note Trend Better Results By ELEANOR ROSS | THE DAILY TIMES-SAZETTE, Tuesdey, June 10, 1958 LJ To Pretty Caps To Save Curls : of the happy graduate has just type, were also voted for -- as| The description of spring clean-| By PEGGY MASSIN terns of leaves, birds and flows been issued by the Graduation were portable TV's. {ing in a certain turn-of-the-cen:| pypre (Reuters)--French de. ers. pi Day Council. | Cameras are a favorite gift for|tury novel is so graphic that it signers Rave sree up WHE 2 Phen] : Based on a survey among grad-| graduates on all school levels -- makes one weep for the plight of 8 ey The Bo oA on uates at colleges, high schools/and since even the most inexpen-\the housewife of yesteryear, . : o i i s com ith flash i i this summer, despite the ravages Fs aud grade, the guide is must sive cameras a ashiSummer living must have beni. =) "water "sun and: sand. OSHAWA'S reading if you are planning to|equipment, filters and other ac-|pretty grim, too, with all that| ; [buy a gift for a graduate in the|cessories, many graduates indi-/heavy furniture which had to pe Pierre Cardin's charming caps near future, | Graduate"s gift preferences range from "an MG" -- this from| a student at a large Eastern col- 'lege -- to a key case, but a sur- prising number in the various age groups tended to have similar preferences. Here is a list you might cut out 'and place in your handbag or wallet if you are going gift-shop- ping soon: Men college graduates -- many of whom are getting jobs that in- lyolve travelling -- rate leather luggage at the top of their list. Aside from its utilitarian advan-| tages, they mentioned the "pres- tige factor' involved in carrying good luggage, Next in order --| 'and for the same reasons tache cases. Women rate leather train cases! list. number one on their They | | Editor C. Gwyn Kinsey is Mrs. | tion, Port Perry, winner of | were received and the balance, hen travelling. The train | Bert Guthrie, president of the | second prize, $15, and left is | not included in the Cook Book gage Buse in Bl am | Woman's Association of Audley | Miss Joyce Power, president of | will be featured in the Wom- gage is high also on the list of United Church. Next is Mrs. | Ontario Gamma Epsilon, Beta | en's pages with the names of high school seniors who are plan-| Current with the publication of the Times - Gazette Cook Book today is the announce- ment of the winners of the re- cated that a capacious leather gadget bag would make a wel- come gift with a camera. Gadget bags also make a separate gift for youngsters who already have cameras. The type and price range of the camera and bag that you will buy - will differ, of course, between a grade school and college graduate. p The new slim typewriters which come with good looking rugged leather carrying cases are popu- lar among graduates of all age groups, even youngsters. Many of the college seniors in- dicated that a set of matching golf clubs in a rugged leather bag would be a very welcome gift. Here again the "prestige" factor entered -- with many of those pearance of good clubs and a good bag would be helpful in| hoped to play. pen-and-pencil sets, bicycles, wal- lets, matching handbag accessor- ies such as French purses, com-| pacts, cigarette cases, lighters cipe contest. Receiving a $25 James Wilson, president, Scu- | Sigma Phi, winner of the third the contributors. ning to go to college. |and spectacle cases -- all in em-| cleaned and polished all time, As for floors, keeping them waxed was a torture! If Granama decided to wax her kitchen floor, for instance, shelhair. They are becoming more | set aside one day -- yes, one whole day--for the job! When night, came, she and the hired girl dollapsed in their chairs and surely wondered if the results were worth the effort. But, today, housecleaning chores that formerly required hours of back . breaking labor have been reduced to a matter of minutes. Hurray for progress! One of the most important household aids is wax. In a var- jety of new forms, wax reduces both the amount of time required for a job and the frequency with were leather briefcases and at- queried indicating that the ap- which the task must be repeated. are as frankly becoming as theg NEW TYPE OF WAX Grandma's granddaughter has -- preferably in fashion colors -- business-social golf games they ready on her pantry shelf a new| 'headache' bands, worn framing type floor wax that can be ap- also stress the importance of Less expensive gifts included plied in no time. A clear liquid, out like a souffle behind. [ carrying "important" looking lug-| fitted toilet cases, manicure sets, jt js guaranteed not to turn yel- | low as do so many self-polishing waxes, After it has been applied, it takes only a damp mop to keep the floor shining, |vised by another Parisian hair-| Polishing furniture is another the, 2nd turbans are about the pret: | Carita, the hairdresser, spbn- tiest protective ideas in Paris. sors lifelike wigs made of real | and more in evidence. The trend is to adopt some manner of headcovering at all times. If it is not a wig or whim. sical beach-hat, it can be one of the milliner's bathing caps, made of such seaworthy media as rub- ber or plastic, and styled with al. the allure of an Easter bomnet, Swimming caps for funetional purposes no longer have to make the head look something like a hardboiled egg. They are draped, | pleated, folded and trimmed in! actual millinery techniques, and {clothes themselves. | Another new accessory idea is| the hairiine, with locks fluffed Scarves are going to play a, leading role in holiday wardrobes this year. An innovation which | rivals Carita"s wigs has been de- | dresser, Nino. The effect of a LIONS CLUB Monster DRIVE-IN Saturday, June 14th 7:45 P.M. * cheque for the first prize from | gog Home and School Associa- | prize of $10. Over 2000 recipes --Times-Gazette Staff Photo A large number of the high|bossed leather, stud boxes, jewel matter-of-minutes job with a new a {school and college graduates -- cases, clock-radios to get them up|wax that comes in a pressurized|l0ose and casual, shoulder-length | OVER ishing American", Catholic wives|both sexes -- chose the smallion time for class or job, watches] can, This particular wax may be| Coiffure is hand-painted on silk end mothers must be energetic! transistor radios with their own -- that old reliable, and even mu- sprayed onto a cloth so that one Sau: ¥es and matched exactly to] |in preserving Christian standards! leather cases as gifts they would sical instruments. polishes while dusting. It can|the client's own hair color and $ 1 2 0 0 St. Gregory's CWL Care Of Youth, Aged, Newcomer ey . : of morality. the Christian|-- --|also be applied direct o the|texture by a sample lock which) Reports Activities | Christian Endeavor Of CWL foun ot sociey crumbs, KEEP IN TRIM an piled dircelly 10 the provides. The pric to order In Prizes i i i on wood melamine plastics, por- At June Meeting | Of the forms of Catholic Action|ism which is gradually gaining| nants cannot prevail the final| celain, brass, stainless steel, take about 10 days to make. | ; {espoused by the C.W.L., the Rev-|control of the univarsities, the | destruction of civilization", chrome, plastic wall tile, marble] The Lanvin - Castilio boutique | The president, Mrs. C. C. erend J. E. Lawlor singled out|press, the motion pictures, and| He concluded, "With the quiet and leather. {has turned big silk scarves into! Murty, presided at the June the promotion of Christian Edu- | even of social and political move-| determination of a well-disciplin | Give "DAD" His "Father's Day" Gift Early Pay His Way To The Bingo : | As If all these new housekeep-{sports shirts and overblouses meeting of St. Sub. | cation, Support for the Home ments, It should be obvious thatieq membership, and the blessing |ing aids were not enough, manu- made of two large squares form: | Missions, and Immigration in alirreligion which never built a of God upon you, you can in the | A ' SW. wal the front and back, with division of the Catholic Women's|s i to St. Gregory's Catholic Wo- hospital, an orphanage or a future as in the past, speak of . ». . Shares Dieting Experience facturers offer a clean - up waxiing ; [for gas range, refrigerator and border designs of leaves and League in the parish auditor- men's League last week. In the school is ill-equipped to build a Tu ne en fum field of educaticp he mentioned better society. plishments for your Church and|. 1, a recent column your dieti-/Slim Kate again and be proud of only cleans and polishes, but Styles are bold brush stroke pat- By IDA JEAN KAIN Wish me luck. I'm going to be other kitchen equipment. It notivines meeting at the shoulders. The treasurer, Miss Theresa contributing to scholarships and! «por you who oppose that mod- your community, and continue, i ' . oh helps to ward off dirt, dust and -- - Coyne, and the conveners of the | PriZ€S ® Sucorage aud ons ern spirit with all ts energies, after your great Exemplar, the a ee Joos ug Sons YSel Nien 3 Bot out with my finger marks. . various standing committees pre- atholic Youth in the Grade and there must be a new 2nd fuller humble Virgin Mary, "To doimake dieting easier. Experi:| our. little girls. Marriage Month g a High Schools, the Academies and | recourse to moral and religious good by stealth and blush to find ments have shown that it is next| There's a challenge, girls. Get) gaorer or later you'll have oc- sented their reports, and Mrs.| Universities through the country. pinciples. Now, when the sacred |it fame." Mrs. Murty thanked to impossible to fool nature--for into the spirit of the thing the casion to use the Classified coi | Sh I A. C. Love reported on the re-| i doing so", he said "you character of marriage and family| Father Lawlor for his inspiring long, anyway. Appetite depres-| way this young mother has--and|umns to fill some need. Now? | OWS lNCrease cent Archdiocesan Convention in|Show the good judgment of those js listed almost with '"'the van: |sants are effective for a limited | Gregory's talk, [time only, perhaps a few weeks. fail! Toronto, which she had attended Who recognize that education as delegate. Included in the fi-| without religion is one of the nancial report was an item of $25, | principal causes of juvenile de- which Mrs. Murty explained had|linquency about which our mod- been turned in by Mrs. Robert ern pedagogues and law-enforce-| Smyth's group and was earmark-| ment agencies are 'so alarmed. | ed for CARE. |In doing so, you also attest your Mrs. C. S. Lee reported a faith in the future, for these same goodly number of members par- YO! Whom you are helping to ticipating actively in Civic Action |academic success, are the hope through the various local organ- | of the coming years, and on their izations. |mfrching feet the Church goes Mrs. C. E. Egerer reported 117|for%ard confidently into the {u- visits made to patients in the # y Oshawa General Hospital during PRAISE AND PRAYERS the previous five weeks. Speaking of the Missions, he On membership, Mrs. O. R. asked .the continued support of Gay reported a total of 160 mem- the Sisters of Service, without bers to date, with the canvass Which their myriad works of still uncompleted. mercy in the home and foreign missions could nat be continued. lB, Delong Jepuies Sarl ormers" he told his audience, pilgrimage to St. Anne de Beau-|. May repay vou with praise and pre, Cap de Madeleiene and st.| flattery; they will repay you with] Joseph's Oratory at Montreal, |Lheir grateful prayers, and the Mrs. Murty touched briefly on daily Masses offered for your | some of the highlights of the intentions in their simple chapels Archdiocean Convention and | 2 the scattered Outposts of Jur pointed out the need of thore far-flung missions is an incentive widespread and active participa- oo Soniinle You generous assis tion in the work of the League at A oDjective wor | all levels. Mrs. Murty also men-| a : i : berry Referring to Immigration, Fa- Hones at 2 Pyiority Drojest Jor ther Lawlor stated that to further fall would Ye the furnishing of a the directives of the Archbishop general sitting - Yoom in the par- in bringing useful citizens to Can- ish auditorium ada and to assist in their place- : {ment here is one more of the At the gonclusion of the, busi worthy designs of the CWL uh ie Thorn gs tolate at the present hour. Miss Sylvia Elaine Ashby and Wilfred Adolph Knapp whose engagement is announc- ed today wiil exchange vows at St. George's Memorial Church on Saturday, June 28. The MARY .HAWORTH'S MAIL ous service, After a short period, the appetite curbing effect wanes. For this reason, Dr. L. H. New- | burgh, eminent authority on over-| {weight and its treatment, forth-| | rightly declares that appetite de-| pressants are not fair to dieters, | {for anything of this sort merely| |puts off the day of real control, | A report from a now successful {reducer bears this out. She tes: "You asked for our experience with appetite depressants. 1 had |been taking a depressant on and [otf since my first pregnancy nine| years ago. So, I think you'll agree| |T'm qualified to say something | concerning same. | FACED UP TO IT | "As you so aptly put it, depres-, sants work for a short time only. I myself relied on them strongly, and found as their effect les- sened, 1 would lapse into a pe- riod of self-pity and remark to | myself that something was wrong 1 [with me organically. | '| "Now I know the only thing {wrong was my reasoning. I faced| bride-to-be is the daughter of jup to it and went ahead and| 3 : {reduced on my own. | MIS Dosert Dizos of Oshawa "I've had four babies and was " left plump after each one. I licked by. 2 hel Jlagce is We son the problem three times, without to hin rs F APP [pills, going from size 16 to my tt Ushaye regular size 12 or 13. Certainly |exercises were included! { "I'll have to admit that since |my fourth baby arrived, my brother, past president of the TODAYS CHALLENGE Oshawa Horticultural Soclety,| He reminded his listeners of who gave a fascinating demon-|the challenge of the Cardinal stration of cut flowers arrange. Archbishop made to them at the) ments, interspersed with many | Archdiocesan Conventior, and| valuable suggestions for peripolnted ot that the spiritual dedi-| eagerly receptive audience. Miss cation of their lives to the princi- KE Connolly Mrs. Fair-|ples and practices of daily Christ- DEAR MARY HAWORTH: For brother on behalf of the mem-|ian life should always be first about 15 years I have loved a man bers, after which refreshments |in their consideration. "The spirit considerably older than myself. were served by the social co-|of the times in which we live", he| We have been very dear to one conveners," Mrs. Ray Scott and|told them," is a spirit of religious. another dearer than many Mrs. Sidney Beaupre. |indifference and modern pagan- would be after a lifetime toge- -- {ther -- but for various 'reasons 4 were unable to marry. ' | About five years ago he began to insist that I was seeing others, and would show bitter hatred to- wards me. This has continued periodically since. At times he tries desperately hard to believe in me and is his old loving self-- |the most wonderful person in the {world. Then suddenly, inexplica- Baffled By Behavior Of Man After 15 Years' { weight graph shows starts and |stops. May I tell you what stif- |fened my resolution and brought {me back on the slimming beam? . » Well, oddly enough it was re- rien 1p marks from other plumples, older relatives and slim single |iodic black moods are sparked|gals to this effect: 'Well, after by recurrent inexplicable distrust | all, you have four children.' Be- of you. |cause I have a family, I'm ex- However, the plain truth is that|pected to be fat! That did it. | Ralph suffers from paranoid-type|poR FOURTH TIME confusion of mind, always char-| «mph ice before I've gotten my acterized by the patient's fitful figure back and I will again! I dire suspicion of persons nearest-| sed to be told that I didn't look |and-dearest to him. He fancies|jjxe the mother of three chil- | they plot to injure or betray him, | gren (at that time) |one way or another. " it is! D In short, Ralph's bitter distrust] Come on gals. i rmination. 3 you, hese Jay years, is a pain-tlem, I'm size 16 right now and] Married recently at Christ aap om of psychoneurotic i's tight around the hips. I Memorial Church were Mr. and sickness that waxes and wanes|yeighed 164 pounds for my five| Mrs, Lorne Frederick Crowells. --and back of which you still ine i i i catch glimpses of his normal self: feet four inches medium build.| The bride, the Lo meL Mis: | NEWLYWEDS | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nor: man Smith and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Crowells, all of Oshawa. --Photo by Ireland you will find it impossible So Dial RA 3.3492 for quick, courte- | {tions, about 20 per cent of the! | year's total. | Extra sessions of the Supreme In Divorce Suits TORONTO (CP) -- In June, traditionally the marriage month, | the Osgoode Hall law courts here| list nearly 600 divorce applica- { Court are needed to deal with the | cases before the courts recess for! {July and August. | Although the number of divorce applications is increasing, the courts note that the percentage of broken marriages remains about the same. | In 1947, when Osgoode Hall be. | came the central registry for On: | tario divorce abplications, there 1957 there were 3,- for absol de- an increase of 600 over 044 crees, 1057. The rush of divorce applica- tions that followed the ending of the Second World War is over| $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES FREE LAP CARD "All Proceeds for LIONS CHARITIES" * * now. In 1947, the rate was 84 di- | the TENENEENENENAENERORRRRE READ! Give DAD NEWEST v J [3 3 Kindly and considerate. I've now reached 152 pounds | Jessie Ann Ralph should take steps, im- mediately, to obtain first-rate psychiatric and internist help, in| diagnosing the cause of his seri- ous affliction, and treating it cor-! rectly. Sickness of this kind usu- ps rally gets worse if allowed to] drift; and conspicuously so, ny : later life over, and tell me why he thinks| "y : ' { ecelvn himbut he wont Ge ae Som alga when he | cuss it. I believe his secrecy is {ness struck, due to frantic con- at the root of the trouble. If he i 3 |would speak openly, we could|S¢™® about your supposed alli- : -.|ances with other men, is all face the problem, whatever it is, wrong. That's getting the cart be-| and put an end to the vicious dis-| | trust that is destroying both i Ra Aga Lod of us i i ie oy | confidence in himself, and imme-| { | ovhen the trouble started, he giately "translated it into the] 4 (became so upset that he Jolie ekedq fear that you already !much weight and was on the] % ; verge of a breakdown. At that isd, or eventually would, let him, time I had a friend, it is true; al" yo" was a very sick man at| |ireasired pisonie 1ejend nd ros that time -- psychologically and! v 4 e, and ad physically. You became involvetl| been in my life before 1 met in his symptoms because vou Ralph, as he knew. But Ralph pa ¢ . were dear to him: and he lost says this friendship doesn't worry, \ - ' . weight because he was sick--not him--it is the "others' that he orolests primarily because of you. Be ; I have tried in small ways and neath it all is an obscure sense large to prove my over but of guilt, 1 think. He feels he has [feel as though 1 were fighting a wronged you in evading marri- age. E : ; shadow. It is a bewildering and Bpe H. Everyday A Prize ! CRY Every Day A Winner ! Mary Haworth counsels through her column, not by mail oe per- sonal interview. Write her in care' | of this newspaper. bly, he is cold, bitter, resentful and suspicious again. | Unfortunately for me, I am not seeing anyone--there is no one else--and I go on loving Ralph regardless of what he says or does WON'T SPEAK OPENLY 1 wish he would talk things ---- a TODAY'S WINNER IN| THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN OSHAWA <%=" AT CHERNEY'S NEW STORE THE WINNER: MR. ROBERT MONTGOMERY. tat wen The Prize! TV SWIVEL CHAIR The Winning, Ticket Drawn by . . . RS. GEO. E. WILSON, 472 Eulalie Ave., Oshawa Watch For Your Name . . . You Could Be A Winner Every adult visiting Oshawa's newest store, up until June 30th, will receive ao FREE DRAW TICKET in the GIANT DRAW. Remember we wont you to come in ond look around and get acquainted with the mers ¢hondise we corry. If you decide to purchase, additional FREE TICKET for every dollor invested in merchandise selected from any deporiment, now featuring Grand Opening Sole Prices that REALLY mean savings. No one but Elizabeth Arden, with her incomparable knowledge of skin care, could have created such superb products, so handsomely packaged, so suavely maschline! Be one of the first men to know what the distinguished name of Elizabeth Arden can mean to a man's sense of well being. AFTER SHAVE LOTION. ...oivenvnvrinninnnnns ayes 3.50 MEN'S COLOGNE vatsssisanees 8.80 MEN'S SOAP. . eS veins 5.00 ». BOXED TALC, AFTER SHAVE LOTION AND FOAM SHAVING CRBAM................. you will receive or Beautiful lamps . chairs tables carpets , , , radios ond a few big prizes, including a McClary refrigerator, an Easy automatic clothes dryer, an Electrohome Hi-Fi- set and a Coffield washer will be given away. Coll in at Cherney's often and pick up your FREE DRAW TICKET, + B. {CHRONIC ILLNESS DEAR F. B.: As I see the pic- ture, your friend Ralph has been mentally ill, intermittently, of NEW EXPERIENCE | recent years. When the trouble| WELLINGTON, N.Z. (Reuters) | started five years ago, you say, "It's the first time in my life he became so upset that he lost/that I've ever tried to save a { much weight and was gon the pub," said Rt. Rev. F. O. Hulme 4 \verge of a breakdown. Moir, bishop of Nelson. He and Mr. Herbert Knister, Belle- | It has been your impression, a friend were passing the hotel ville, and Mrs. Harold Evans, |and his conviction, that his acute|about midnight wnen they saw RR 8, Bowmanville |disturbance of that time was|/flame« and rushed in to' spread caused by sudden distrust of your|the alarm, The hotel was de- --Photo by Ireland loyalty to him. And that his per. stroyed. | o, 'the Store that Offers More' g" A BONNY ONE-YEAR-OL Sette. Pos PT 8 KING ST. E PHONE RA 3 2245 OSHAWA FREE DELIVERY 530 SIMCOE ST.$ PHONE RAS Conveniently Located In Leslie Ellen Evans is cele brating her first birthday today She is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Harold Evans, RR 3, Bow- manville and granddaughter of | DOWNTOWN OSHAWA eS --------------------------------------=) ¥