Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 7 Jun 1958, p. 8

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OGH Class Of 1958 Graduates With Due Ceremony At OCVI Ten young women in starchy, white uniforms recited their Flord es Class of 1957 prize for efficiency in bedside nursing to Miss Helen i A 7 iid i INTERMEDIATE AND JUNIOR PRIZE WINNERS AT GRADUATION men indicated a busy and suc- Soroptimist's Gift Is Fond Tribute To Miss Hancock Oficers and committee chair- Ni ot before | Honey of Seagrave, presented Srerbors of the bOArd of yi 2 4 | cessfu! year when they presented members of the board of Oshawa by Miss Barbara McClelland, last year's winner; the Dr. G, L. Bird prize for surgical nursing to Miss | Helen Parrott. of Ashburn, pre- | sented by Dr. Grant Bird; the Dr. | |W. H. Stanley prize for obstetrical | nursing to Miss Maryann Mayer of Oshawa, presented by Dr. J. E. Todd in the absence of Dr. W. H, Stanley; the Dr. F. J. Rundle prize for surgical tech-| nique to Miss Barbara Burton, of Carnarvon, presented by Mrs. F. J. Rundle. INTERMEDIATES yo : In the intermediate year, the The chairman brought the con-|g nervisors' prize for highest | | graulations of the board and ex-|qianding in nursing proficiency to | pressed regret at the smallness of fice Mary Terwillegar of Osh- the year's class, especially ib, presented by Miss Eleanor | view of the fact that the hospital | ner president of the gradu-| "= was faced with the need for furth- | 7te nursing staff of the hospital) er expansion. [the B and Professional PRESENTS DIPLOMAS Women's Club of Oshawa prize for| General Hospital, staff doctors and nurses, nurses in training and a full audience in the OCVI audi- - toriurh last night. Presiding for the graduation ex- ercises for the Class of 1958 of the School of Nursing was the board chairman, Mr. A. E, Gil vray. On behalf of His Worship Mayor Lyman Gifford, Alderman Ernest Marks Q.C. brought civic greetings, congratulating the graduates and thanking them for their service to the community during the past three years. At the graduation exercises A former superintendent of Osh-| op oct standing in theory to Miss| for the Class of 1958 Oshawa | awa General Hospital, Miss Eu-|po ony Redpath of Oshawa, pre-| General Hospital School of Nur- genie M. Stuart, assicate profes-| oie the club president, Miss| ing, last night, prizes were sor Hospital Administration, Uni- Evelyn Moore. awarded to students in inter- versity of Toronto, presented the > MISS MARY TERWILLEGAR pins and diplomas to each of the following: Mary Etta Atkinson, Lefroy; Vida Joan Burgin, Claremont; Barbara Ann Burton, Carnarvon; Lillian Anne Gatchell, Oshawa; Helen Joyce Honey, Seadrave; Sondra Evelyn Louise James Port Perry: Phyllis Marie Jones, Balsam: Maryann Mayer, Osh awa; Florence Helen Parrott Ashburn: Eleanor Jeanette Rus sell, Oshawa. Miss Stuart said that since the first three nurses graduated from Oshawa General Hospital in 1903 over five hundred had now passed JUNIORS In the junior year the Alumnae ~ | Association, OGR School of Nurs- ling, prize for general proficiency to Miss Norma Dyke of Jamzica, BWI, presented by Miss Lulu | Dean, vice-president of the Alum- mediate and junior years. Miss MISS DOROTHY REDPATH | Mary Terwillegar, Oshawa, re- ceived the Supervisors' Prize for highest standing in nursing i proficiency and Miss Dorothy | Redpath, Oshawa, the Business | and Professional Women's Club As # cation, civil defence, and public i interests MISS NORMA DYKE of Oshawa prize for highest standing in theory. In the Junior year, Miss Norma Dyke, Jamal- ca, BWI, won the Alumnae As- sociation OGH School of Nurs- ing prize for general proficiency MISS BARBARA STACEY | and Miss Barbara Stacey, Osh- awa, the Award certificate "The Canadian Nurse" for sec- cond highest standing. --Times-Gazette Staff Photos | nae Association; the Award Cer- tificate, 'The Canadian Nurse' for second highest standing in general proficiency to Miss Bar- bara Stacey of Ochawa, present. ed by Miss Frances Howard on behalf of the editorial board, RNAO. POST-GRADUATE i! The E. A. Lovell post-graduate through the school of Nursing to scholarship, presented by Mrs. obtain their diplomas. A. Lovell, was awarded to Mr. "Time bring changes', she said Mansell Gerrow. "and to me the occasion is a wist- | The valedictory 'for the class | ful one, for there is missing, to- was given by Miss Barbara Bur-| night, a pioneer of the hospital ton who declared that it was dif- and friend of the nurses who of- ficult to express the mingled joy ficated in this ceremony for 45 and sadness that the graduates years Sorrows wveeten present joy. The initials | the word TIME represent remembered felt as their paths diverged. | 28 h : | '"'After three years in which we| HSS {have come to know one another uth, Ideals, Ministrations and|so well in which we have taken Empathy, the high standards by which the late Mrs. R. §, Me- Laughlin, so fondly remembered by many of us, set her sights." SOLEMN PLEDGE Led by the director of nursing, Mrs. Mary Telford, the class re- cited the pledge, each graduat holding her bouquet of dark ri roses tied with yellow ribbon, Dr. J. E. Todd, chief of medic. staff, addressed the graduat "Today's nurses," he said, "mus know not only the science of medi. eine but also the psychiatry of human nature. The nursing pro- fession brings to a woman great advantages as a wife and mother, and in later life there are many fields of endeavor open to her, through her éarly training, I am bappy"', she added, "to be the bearer of good wishes from the medical staff." PRIZE WINNERS Mr. W. A. Holland, superintend- ent, announced the 'winners of scholarships and prizes. In the graduating class the awards were @s follows: The Adelaide L. McLaughlin femorial prize for general pro- ciency to Miss Phyllis Jones of alsam, presnted by Colonel 15 S. McLaughlin; the Mazo Wil- ams Memorial prize for highest standing in theory to Miss Elean- or Russell of Oshawa, presented by Miss Gladys Hill, associate director of nursing education; the| &: | R. S. McLaughlin, the board, doc-| {so many hurdles together we now realize that we are on the thres- {hold of a new life. 3 | At times the lamps burned low, | | 2 |especially in the beginning, but our disappointments were far out- ghed by success and our f | thanks are due to our instructors, | ° the nursing staff and the school | | (physicians. We would like to ex- | § press our appreciation to Colonel tors and our parents for their | understanding and kindness. | "We will always endeavor to {substantiate their faith in us. To Pictured above are the three | [those who will follow us, we would Oshawa girls who graduated say 'Tread bravely, tread kindly, from Oshawa General Hospital tread steadfastly' ", School of Nursing, Friday. A highly entertaining musical, They are, left to right, Anne | interlude was provided by the] -- GRADUATES FROM OSHA Gatchell, Eleanor Russell, and Maryann Mayer. The three nurses are part of the class of 10 students which graduated last night. The graduation exer- | SUNSHINE REBEKAH LODGE g 222, held its regular meeting in LODGES AND SOCIETIES Sunshine Rebekah Lodge, No. the lodge rooms on Monday even- ing, with Noble Grand Sister Flor- ence Johnston presiding assist: . (personal memorial to the | their individual reports at the an- (nual meeting of the Oshawa and District Soroptimist Internation- al. A resume of services to New Canadians, sanitorium patients, Iretarded children, UNESCO, and lelderly citizens coupled with an |active interest in gereatrics, edu- | affairs showed a wide sphere of Pr t elect Madeline Kelly presented the.club with a ma- {hogany flagholder, graduated to 'hold the national emblems of the |six countries in the American | Federation of Soroptimists, as a late Margaret Hancock who was a charter member of the Oshawa International. | Miss Hancock's own Soroptimist | pin had been clverly mounted in the holder above the memorial plaque in the centre base. The gift will have its initial use at the instaliation dinner at the Hotel Genosha June 19, when Miss Kelly and her incoming board will be installed in office by past regional governor Helen Manchester of Toronto. { A permanent memorial to Miss | © Hancock, in the form of a yearly | pursary to the value of $300 was established in April of this year by her fellow Soroptimists. This will assist to further the educa- tion of a young woman in her chosen field, fulfilling the spirit of assistance and service which was characteristic of Miss Han-| id, ed by Sister Luella Pine, vice grand, who reported on the mem- bers who were fil. A highlight of the meeting was the presentation of certificates | to several members of the lodge of the one so enthusiastically re-| Diane and Tommy are the chil for being "letter perfect" in the | unwritten work of the lodge. Arrangements were made for i the annual lodge bazaar which WA | cises, held at OCVI, were the | the climax of two weeks of so- | cial functions held Yor the grad- | uating class. will be held in the early autumn. Several convenors for the booths were also appointed. Some discussion took place as to whether the degree staff would confer the degree work at the next meeting and it was decided to leave this matter in abeyance. Reports were submitted by the various officers, and lodge closed in usual form after which ail ad- journed to the banquet hall foi card g and refresh t served by the committee in charge. In view of Grand Lodge ses- sions being held on the regular meeting night, June 16, the next meeting will be held on Monday evening, June 23. They ring the bell! Yes, Classi- {fied ads really "ring the bell" {when it comes to getting action. | Dial RA 3-3492, Junior Farmers' Male Quartette of Uxbridge comprised of Alan Ball, Jack Pearson, Hugh Baird and Walter Kerry who sang in close harmony, 'Clementine' and "You'll Never Walk Alone" ac- companied at the plano by Jean Pearson. At the end of the ceremony, little Miss Sheila Kimmerly, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Rimmetly, presented Mrs, Tel- or th a sheaf of red roses from the Sraduses and capitvat- Jo Aldwinckle, e audience with her graceful |eustoen. gr 8 THE DAILY Women's Women, Editor Dial RA 3-3474 TIMES-GAZETTE, Sautrday, June 7, 1958 A reception was held in the rec- reation room of McLaughlin Hall for the nurses and their guests. Waistline Returns | To Mervin In London Salons | At Kinsale United Church re- Margaret Burton, Brooklin, We George Misselbrook Mr. Murray Gilbert acted as|Heath; WA president, Mrs. Knox Presbyterian Church and daughter banquet on Mon- day evening in the church hall. The decorations were in the form of a maypole in CGIT col- ors. Spring flowers decorated the tables. The theme for the even- ing was "Our Church Family". song. Pianist for the evening was Miss Freda Dancey. Miss Mary Carolyn Archer, presi- dent of the CGIT, introduced the head table guests as foilows: Ex. plorer leader, Miss Marion G. and Explorers held a mother Mrs. A. H. Dancey led in a sing- | Knox Presbyterian CGIT Holds Mother And Daughter Banquet greetings from Church group in Tamiskaming. Her subject was "Missions". The worship Service was con- ducted by Mary Carolyn Archer. The scripture was read by Mary Joan Garrow. The offering was |¢aken up by Carolyn McDonald, {Joan Weir and Dianne Garrow. The evening closed with the bene- diction pronounced by Mr. Mil- roy and the singing of "Taps". ha J Irene Horvath cock's own life. | Plans were laid for the fall pro- gram which will open with a China Fashion Show of the. nature | ceived by local women in the fall| A BIRTHDAY PICTURE Celebrating her first birthday | Glowaski, Bloor Street East, today is Diane Marie Glowaski | grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. whe 1s som with her Seater, | Site Che, 203 put fy Thomas Michael, who is seven. grandchildren of Ms. Lavina' | Strychalski, all of Oshawa. dren of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas | --Photo by Ireland of 1957. | | GROUPS, CLUBS | CARRION BIRDS times seen in the Maritimes and Canada has two species of vul- the turkey vulture of Manitoba tures--the black vulture some-|{and Ontario. AUXILIARIES CHRIST CHURCH WA The monthly meeting of Christ Memorial Church WA was held in the Parish Hall on Tuesday, June 8, with the president, Mrs, 8S. Evans, presiding. | After a short devotional period | the reports of the officers were | given, The treasurer's report was | encouraging, showing ail commit. | ments had been met. | Several of the members attend- | ed the annual WA meeting in To- | ronto and gave the highlight of those meetings. The group was pleased to have | 50 many of the branches of the! Oshawa Deanery attend the de-| votional and missionary meet. ing on Tuesday, May 27, and to| see. the film, "As a Mustard Seed Grows" and to enjoy a so- cial hour. This is the last meeting until Tuesday, September 9. Mrs, Thomas Hopkins and her commit- tee served tea. HOLY TRINITY WA The regular meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of Holy Trin- ity Anglican Church was held on Tuesday, June 3. The president, Mrs. Robert Wil- liams, PRened the meeting with the members prayer and Lord's prayer. Reports were given by Mrs. Chris Willoughby, secretary, and Mrs. Wililam Sargent, treasurer. Plans were made for a straw- berry tea and home baking sale | f | DELAY CAN BE DANGEROUS CALL RA 3.4832 TODAY A BONDED MESSENGER WILL PICK UP YOUR TREASURED FUR. Cleaners, Dyers and Shirt Lounderers 434 SIMCOE ST. S. RA .3-4832 Convenient 16 BOND ST. W. Branches ot 251 KING ST. E. to be held on Wednesday, June 25. |cently, Margaret Rose Burton, best man, Ushering were Messrs. | Vogt; WMS president, Mrs. Leon- LONDON (AP) -- The trapeze daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. George Bruton and Gerald Strong. ard Beecroft; Christian educa- line survives, but with hints of| Burton of Brooklin, became the| A reception was held in the tion leader, Mrs. A. H. Dancey; bumps and dents. {bride of Mervin George Missel-| Township Hall, Brooklin. To re. Buest speaker, Miss Ruby Wal- That's the verdict for Britigh/brook, son of Mr. and Mrs. ceive, the bride's mother wore ker, regional secretary of the To-| Women given Tuesday in the au. George Misselbrook of Cavalier, |Justy rose nylon and lace with Tonto and Kingston Synod{ Mrs. tumn collection of Christian Diors, Saskatchewan, powder biue hat and beige acces-|W: R. Archer, the Reverend R. Loudon House. It indicated that| The Reverend Henry Moore oi-|sories. The bridegroom's mother Milroy, Mrs. Agnes Milroy; CGIT ji. vi Jo be terseet to define ficiated. The wedding music was assisting was in navy blue crepe |'€aders, Miss Mary Callison, Mrs, gts and Vaistlites Sieny. di |Biaved by Miss Jean Pascoe and |with white accessories. Both wore |G: Edwards; Explorer leaders, y «| > 8 " Dorfe: ' f | i fied and softened, Is still the fav-| Love" and - Because. S0isazea ol roses and lies of the a rua Danceyn Mis Cary: For the wedding*trip to Saskat.| Thanks were expressed hy chewan the bride wore a pale Jackie Rogan to those who had pink rylon dress with white ac. Prepared tie banquet. The toast cessories and a corsage of pink {0 the church was given by Caro- 158 | and white carnations. Mr. and lyn Schad and responded to by Hogel was in beige with beige| Mrs. Misselbrook will live near the Reverend R. B. Milroy. The|and brown accessories. Yellow Kinsale. toast to the mothers was given |chrysanthemums comprised her by Janette Lee and responded corsage. | Out of to a lows guests gi presentise by Mrs. G. V. Lee. | Mr. Carl E. Henry acted as tp Saskatchewan, Kitchener,| ope program was as follows: [best man. Kingston, Toronto, Ri ¢ hm ond piano soio, Bette Weir; a skit by| Later the couple left for a wed- Hill, Port Credit, Whitby, Scar-|CGIT girl; the guest speaker, ding trip to points east and will borough and Pickering. IMiss Ruby Walker,. broughtilive in Oshawa on their return. STORE HOURS: Dolly 9 em. to 5.30 pm. Except Wednesday -- 9 a.m. to 12.20 a.m. OPEN_FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 PM. Alan Henry Wed The marrriage of Irene Evelyn Horvath, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Horvath, and Alan Stanford Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Henry, all of Osh- awa, was soiemnized recently in the Manse of St. Andrew's Church with the Reverend George Tel- ford officiating. The bride, who was attended by Miss Carolyn Hogel, wore a blue suit with belge accessories and a corsage of gardenias. Miss ta OWNTOWN (0) ia TELEPHONE RA 3-2294 RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS 21 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Shop Daily and Save! AT DOWNTOWN ZELLER'S # MONDAY ONLY! LADIES' SUMMER COTTONS 2.98 BUY TWO FOR 8.97 AND SAVE 2.99 Your chance to complete your wardrobe for Summer and save! Lovely polished cotton prints so smart for afternoons. Wonderful range of beautiful Summer colors. Well made and so easy to launder. Sizes 12 to 20 and 16V2 to 24V2. See them first thing Mon- day morning! some stopping allerina Some had scarf collars. | °f lace over nylon trimmed with Neck lines of coats were nearly Fhinestones. A jewelled headdress all loose, standing away from held her short net veil and she the shoulders, carried a cascade of red and Suit jackets were short, some white roses. belted. They came with straight,| Miss Annie Ryland was maid- pleated or bell-shaped skirts. The|of-honor in yellow net. The scarf collar appeared again on bridesmaids were Miss Marjorie some suits. | Misselbrook in blue and Miss Party dresses were short, with Doreen Burton in deep rose straight or bell-bottom skirts. The They Wore matching feathered jcolors ranged from blacks headdresses and carried cascades | through greys and browns, of roses and carnations in con- {lighted up by a few reds and|trasting hues. Bonny Ryland was some emerald green. flower girl in pale green with | Lapras ------ matching headdress and carried {pink roses and lilies of the val- | Belleville Woman 2 To Address Forum SOCIAL NOTICE "JUNE BRIDE ~ In a garden setting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Vallieres, Miss Yvonne Vallieres will become the bride of Mr, James Rob- TOD EE -------- AY'S WINNER ert Chamness on Sunday, June 29. The bride-to-be gradu- ated from Hinsdale Sanatarium and Hospital, Hinsdale, llinois, Winner ! -- Mrs. Lownie, 238 Cadillac Ave. South, Oshawa The Prize! VICTORIAN SIDE CHAIR The Winning Ticket Drawn by Mrs. Ronald Cox, 244 Gliddon Ave., Oshawa Watch For Your Name . . . You Could Be A Winner Every adult visiting Oshawa's newest store, up until June 30th, will recelve @ FREE DRAW TICKET in the GIANT DRAW. Remember we want you to come in and look around end get acquainted with the mer chandise we carry. If you decide to purchase, you will receive an additional FREE TICKET for every dollar invested in merchandise selected from any department, now featuring Grand Opening Sale Prices that REALLY mean savings. oe Everyday A Prize!...Every Day A Winner! tiful lamps . chairs tables . . . carpets . radios and a few big prizes, including @ ary refrigerator, an Easy automatic clothes dryer, an Electrohome Hi<Fi- set and a Coffield washer Call in at Cherneys often and pick up your FREE DRAW TICKET. Newspaper . . . Radio. . . Windows For Daily Specials Bea McC will be given away. Our services are designed for your use and convenience, ZELLER'S last October. Her fiance is the | ot Economists AT HOME son of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. | TORONTO (CP) -- A woman| Mr. and Mrs, John Richards, Chamness of Hinsdale. {who says there are thousands of 217 Palace street. Whitby, will diferent ways of cooking an egg be, Home to tris elses, Widow Receives will be the only Canadian speaker day, June 17, 1958, ro 3 os at the ninth international con- 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. on the occas- | gress on home economics at Col-|jon of their 50th wedding anni- $ 7 From {lege Park, Md., in July versary. I} She is Miss Dorothy Batcheller . of Belleville, home economics di- ENGAGEMENT g way ept. {rector of the Poultry Products| Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lambert {Institute, an organization es- Of Toronto announce the engage- SUDBURY (CP) -- A Sturgeon tablished by the poultry indus-{ment of their daughter, Sylvia Lil- Falls widow and her six children try and allied trades to boost con- lian to Mr. Stanley Lakin, son of will receive $17,000 from the de-/rumption of poultry and eggs. |Mr. and Mrs. Harold' Lakin of partment of highways in settle-| nics Batcheller's job is chiefly, Oshawa. The wedding is to take ment of a damage action arising public - relations--her subject at| Place at Parkdale United Church, from 3 oat Seeieut caused by ap. congress is "home economics | 10x m0: on Saturday, June 14, rost boil on Highway 64. education through mass media"--. 2¢ 5-%0 p.m The lawsuit was brought in Su- but it also involves testing ENGAGEMEN eme Foust by is. Fioreace D. recipes Mr. aod ing T ANY sth rose S. - : . i Ss . ailieres, vt as aally di oir] At her home. in Belleville, Town Line North, Oshawa, wish Aug. 1 when the panel truck in| Where she is the wife of proba-|to announce the engagement of which he was riding overturned Ho" officer D. E. MacKinnon, she their daughter, Yvonne Amn, to or the road near Verner, 50 mile | tries t ew ways of cooking|Mr, James Robert Chamness, east of here. {eggs and poultry. son of Mr, and Mrs, D. C. Driver Clement Gautrier of! ry ~ |Chamness of Hinsdale, Illinois. Cache Bay said the vehicle went| SUNDAY SERVICE STOPS |The marriage is to take place out of control when a wheel hit a| BRANTFORD (CP) After {On Sunday, June 29, at 4 o'clock 'the Store that Offers More' Conveniently Located In DOWNTOWN OSHAWA © DEPENDABLE--Serving Oshawa & district over 20 years. TELEPHONE --You may order by telephone: RA 3-2294. DELIVERY --Two deliveries daily within city limit, LAYAWAY --For your convenience at no extra cost. CHEQUES --Baby bonus and pay cheques cashed. GUARANTEE --Merchancdise satisfactory or money refunded. ® holé in the road surface. The hearing a protest over the Town a! the home of the bride's: par- plaintiff claimed the department of Paris, the Ontario transport ©0'S: of Righways had falled.to main-|board Friday approved the|~ tain the road in a safe condition. Brantford Public Utility Commis- Witnesses agreed there were no sion's discontinuance of Sunday | Terrycloth makes excellent kit ns warning drivers of the bus service between here and chen towels, especially for glass es, caused when frost boils Paris. Lack of patronage was ware and silver, because it will Bollapse |given as the reason. |absorb water in a hurry. HOUSEHOLD HINT C7 . " 1 4

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