. . THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Soturday, June 7, 1958 7 o So wil 4H Girls Show Fort Henry Guns 100 erge B 4 : : | COBOURG -- A list of the ser- akin : Skill (Felon. Branch 13, was released| UXBRIDGE -- 1g © Girls' Conference. Thess gitls Years Older, Frost Says LIONS at the last general meeting. The were the order of the day at thc|are Janet McTavish, Quaker Hill; : list appoints the sergeant-at-arms| Ontario County 4-H Homemaking |Roberta McElroy, Beaverton,| TORONTO (CP) -- Premier|sent there to prepare a new Brit from June 7 through to August 30.|Club Achievement Day for thc|Marie Gray, Rathburn; and Gail Frost Thursday announced that|ish military post. (LUB 0 d . THE Those appointed are as follows: | 'Supper Club", held at Brock Dis-| Martin, Udney. The Conference| research has revealed several old] Fort Frontenac was built ir June 7, George Waller, president; [trict High School, Cannington |~ill be held the last week of | guns at Kingston's Fort Henry|1678 and abandoned by the June 14, Ed Cook, first vice-presi-| Saturday, May 31. One hundrec|Jjune at the OAC, Guelph, where|are possibly 100 years older than|French in 1758, or 25 years be dent; June 21, Bill Smith, second (and twelve girls represented 11jiwo hundred girls will meet to they were thought to be, dating!fore the arrival of Maj. Ross. vice-president; June 28, Tom|clubs in the county. discuss mutual problems, be en-ihack to the French regime in| premier Frost said Professo: Lightburn, secretary; July 5, Ar-| Miss Wilda Gordon, Ontario|tertained and learn. . |Canada. |Preston's book on Fort Fronte- OF nold Hall, treasurer; July 12,icounty Home Economist was in| The fall Homemaking Club Pro-| The premier also announced yo." ontaine many documents Dave Carr; July 19, J. D. Burnet: | charge assisted by Mrs. C. Manr ject will be 'Meat in the Menu", | publication of the second volume .. 1: 1 have never seen the light July 26, W. D. Cockburn; August|of Peterborough, Mrs. R. Jeffrey|a food club dealing with the selec-/in a historical series sponsored | day." The book would be onc [2 R. A. Barr; August 9, N. Jibb;|of Fronienac, Leeds and Gren-|lion of meat cuts, cooking pro-by the Ontario government of alt about 20 on Ontario's history "8 August 16, W. Hircock: August 23,|vijlle, and Mrs. Jenipher Ritchie|cedures and making the most of book called Roval Fort Frontenac| cn ncored hy the provincial gov- | |G. Seymour-Taylor; August 30, L./of Carleton, Dundas and Rus-/less tender cuts of meat. The|by Professor Richard A. Preston] i | {Cable. sell. Leaders' Training School will bejof the Royal Military College at |Siment and the. Champlain So Each girl exhibited four tea bis- eld in September. Kingston. cuits of her own making and alsc| Anyone interested in this work| Dr. Leopold Laontagne, pro | ® Inspection her Record Book. The morning|is welcome to contact the Ontario fessor of languages at RMC, ed- 12 A it t Is Presents activity included menu judging|Department of Agriculture Of- ited the volun. gl a (4) % and placing a tea biscuit class. fice, Uxbridge. | Professor Presion, now work- | i vi ked t i t ton | Is Conducted ime es seme -- pan woes poe. Koes. Placed Under Another with oral reasons. A thir activity | MAPLE GROVE covered 2 document showing sev- COBOURG -- The annual in. Was. to plan suitable supper (eral of the guns at Fo enry H A t | |pection of the 589 Sabre Squadron, | Menus, each for a different sea- * mpg 0. 0. LAVERTY ware, ued by the French Sither/ ouse ITes Royal Canadian Air Cadets, was SOD Of the year. Correspondent ® oh L big Os and COLOMBO, Ceylon (Reuters) held recently in the Cobourg/SIX CLUBS REPRESENTED | MAPLE GROVE -- The Wom- 3 PS It 8% On 8 1€ prime Minister Solomon Bandar- {armouries. Wing Commander W.| six clubs presented exhibits en's Institute 'will meet in the PECOVERED IN 1938 |anaike's government Friday {Mann acted as the inspecting of-| ith jy-| church b t on Mond. - ; : 4 a member of the club giv- church basement on Monday eve-| y [ficer, accompanied by his assist- | ing a ee te: cau BIN ining. Guest speaker will be Mr. The guns were recovered in moved to crush further disorders ant, Squadron Leader R. Pattie. "Tes Biscuits and Variations"|G- Wilson, Oshawa, who will ex- 1938 from the Prince Regent, a in Ceylon by placing 12 more DRIVE-IN TAKES OVER QUEBEC LIBERALS Both officers are from the Train- | wag the topic presented by the plain the work of Glenholme| British igate of ge War of 1012 leading agitators under house ar-| ing Command at RCAF Staltion,| Altona Amaieur Cooks, Marion|school for retarded children. |Bay near "Kingston in {he early rest. Ottawa--Jean Lesage, former ing out his desk in the Parlia- becomes effective June 12, after | Trenton. 4 i Bete commentator; Udney Busy} Mrs. William Laird is ill inl 2 Ten other members of the ban- resources minister in the Liber- | ment buildings, Ottawa prior to | which he will seek election to | Douglas Whitley, area vice- Bees North, Cecelia McCarthy) Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. |* Those same guns afe described ned Federal party were put un- BINGO | ! | | f "al Cabinet has been appointed i by ity. His re- | the Quebec legislature. |chairman and chairman of the commentator, and also by a new Mr. and Mrs, Fred Wright and] ' © hut h + leader of the Quebec provincial | leaving Tor Que if y | 9 Pp PI Ontario Committee Air Cadet| lub, Brooklin Happly Circle. San-|family were Sunday visitors to|*® 8 Socument py Xvid i Ses 0 Ta Liberal party. He is seen clean- | signation from his federal seat --CP Photo League, and Oliver Johns, presi-/dra Campbeii was the speaker. his parents, Mr and Mrs. Nor-| Sof ston, Is 1 t d ut iN - -- = [dent of the Cobourg Rotary Club, | ki :Iman Wright,, Enniskillen {ments found at Fort Frontenac bers of Parliament and among ry »| Rathburn Country Cooks 'chose ght., : {by Maj. John Ross of the 34th those arrested Friday was Sena- vhi ' [es , Servi it" { i i which sponsors the squadron,| "Ways of Serving Fruit" and| Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pipher_and| pi nent in 1783 when he was tor G. Nalliah. - f T were also on hand for the oc-|Margaret Gray gave the com-|/Judy paid a recent visit to Mrs. U R G Gra ton jes casion. ni "Salads" i Fo Bc of (McGill, Enniskillen. | SATURDAY With Ww 1 Col. W. E. Bawden, command-| the Sunderland Salty Stitch Club's| Mr. and rs: Soon Shanks pa ant of the 26 Central Ordnance|presentation, Annie May Cragg Marion 2nd Ron. Mr. Russell | Staff Reporter--ROBERT CZIRANKA--FR. 2-7657 |. 1 e come Depot and chairman of the Co- a for her club. Type agg Leach, Port Perry, Mrs. H. Mills, | GET JUNE 14TH Grafton and Weicome played to|bourg Rotary youth committee.|ton Busy Bees presented "Tea|Chester and Bruce, Enniskillen, 2 2-2 tie last nicht before darkness {and H. O. Taylor, a member of Biscuits with Variation" and|/Miss Sheila Jackson and Bill YOUR : forced the calling of the game at |the youth committee and secre- | Helen Morrison gave the com-|Begley, Bowmanville, were Sun-| I 7:45 P.M. au 5 a e 5 Grafton in a South Durham tary of the club, were present ment. |day visitors to Mr. and Mrs. | League encounter. |at the inspection, which received| Demonstrations and skits were|Cecil Mills. | NEW I Curt Stanley late of the Cobourg the praise of WC Mann. {presented by five clubs. All| Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Munday, ° I ction |intermediates of the Lakeshore | The squadron is under the members of the Bethesda Blue and Paul, Vancouver, are holi- nspe | League hurled 6 hit ball but was command of FO J. B. Ward, as- Belles took part in "Food Guide daying with Mrs. Munday's par- : matched by veteran Jim Inga- sisted by the adjufant, FO Lloyd for Health". "Table Setting and ents, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bur- BOWMANVILLE -- The Cadet| Members of the inspection party mells of the Grafton crew. Lang, and PO A. Lytle. The Service for the Farm Family" 8ess. : io Training included: Major Virgin, €ol. Mc- Stanley fanned four and walked instructors for the squadron are was presented by five members| Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snowden , School ae Laughlin, John Morrison, superin- three but was always tight in the Del Passey, chief instructor, and of the Udney Busy Bees South./Blackstock, called on Mr. and 8 Xx 2x pS ' were commended by members of tendent of the school; Lt. Hunter, pinches, mineralogy instructor: Hugh Cow-| Brougham Merry Mixers all Mrs. Alan Snowden, and also the inspection party at its annual and Capt. Al Cuthbertson, chief = Ingamells fanned three and|ley, instructor for internal com-took part in "Let's Make Tea| Visited Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Wed- fnspection held Friday evening, -|instructor of the corps. passed four but like Stanley bore buston engines; Fred Burge, Biscuits", and Janet McTavish nesday evening. LESS 4 ior A. R. Virgin, Toronto, Ihe inspection opened with 2 down in the pinches and held small arms; Dr. L. Lawson. navi- land Lois Noble presented the Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cryder- ® Major A. R. Virgin, "Oronto n,apch past. Major Virgin took the the visitors, | gation instructor; and Ed Woods,|same topic for the Quaker Hillman and family attended Salem THAN \ inspecting officer, who is director) vo "hic was followed by the principles of flight. |Club. "Food Makes A Difference' anniversary Sunday. They called (ENTRE of training schools for the Prov-i 2 © 4 to lion ¥included A Bing Lord, id BP | was the topic presented by nine/on Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist and letely installs ond pays for a new Coleman Oil Furnace {ince of Ontario, termed excel | eries of intricate march drills eX- pot singles and Floyd Beebe, the |- CLASSIC POET members of Scugog Junior Home-|also visited Mr. and Mrs. G.| completely installs ond pays, . lent" the displays performed bY|ccjiently executed. The band is catcher, also picked up a brace,| Alfred Housman, distinguished makers. (Shackleton, i | 24 HOUR A DAY SERVICE ; the cadets. under the command of Lt. W. W. yp cor ota. ' | English poet who died in 1936,| "The Supper Club" was the 12th| Mr. and Mrs. Ken Flint were : He commended the boys for Bagnell, | Ross Beatty, Grafton catcher, was a professor of Latin at Cam.| Homemaking Club completed by|Sunday guests of Mrs. Kaiser, Over « their neatness and ability to carty| A Bren gun and rifle display , 4" yore" Wildey, the Grafton bridge University |four girls in Ontario County. Pro- Toronto. 'out orders and drills: Major Vir- qemonstrating the training receiv- right-fielder had two each for the : (vincial Honor Certificates and| David Mann spent the weekend \ gin described the. physical train-leq by the corps during the year ni { pins were presented to Elizabeth With Larry and Blayne Flint. Pr : # 4 it Grafton crew. | es a + ing class display as "particularly was 'the next display. This was| =, °° = °" 1 Alsop, Beaverton; Elva Stear-| Mrs. James Allen and Mr. a5 | 4 | good". under the direction of Lt. A. W.| line scores 000;:0'-- 2 rns Metro Riflemen man, Mrs. Alma Maynard and Donald Allen, Oshawa, were Sun- SMALL i { a i Col. L. T. McLaughlin, CMG, West and Lt. J. L. Graham. / r I 'l Betty Noble, all of the Quaker day visitors to Mr. and Mrs. Rob- . Jus $ 8 - n 6 hits, 1 error. Sh t H Tod Lia fert Lab 4 famil : : p DSO, VD, of Bowmanville, ad-|pycpyy ENT CONDITION |" Grafton 001, 001, 0 -- 2 runs,| WNOOL L1€TE ay [Hil Club. Oe A aay: DOWN y ; dressed the cadets and large aud- "VC Toyo '6 hits, 1 error. "| The Toronto Metropolitan Sport: PRESENT PINS Mist Margaret Suowgen, Mn a : }ence and congratulated the boys! Members of the physical train © V8, © TOR 4 Boban: i ai ry LP por : > a and Mrs. Alan Snowden, and Len ' + on their efficiency. 'You can only ing group thrilled the audience Alieres, Sianey anc.beoee; ing Rifle League clubs are hold-| County Honor Certificates and Goodmurphy, spent the weekend PAYMENT . * learn to do things by putting your With brilliant displays of gymnas- Ingamells and Beatty. |ing an open outdoor match today | pins were presented to girls com- with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Davidson, EF + E k rd in Prizes 'heart into it," he said. tics. The display was indicative| Cobourg Juveniles defeated at the Whitby Ranges on thepleting six Homemaking club pro- at the Davidson cottage at Ban- { : of the excellent physical condition Bowmanville teenagers last night farm of R. J. McQuay. This ic|jects: Mary Ellen Hill, Gail croft. f---- !BAND -- FIRST CLASS |of the cadets and the fine train-|in a lakeshore league er the d year that this league Gray, Beaverton; Linda Bag-| Weekend visitors with Mr. and HEATING Lt. S. P. Hunter, Kingston,|ing program used at the school. 6-3 at Cobourg. |has been in operation, but the shaw; Daphne Eades, Sunder- Mrs. Cecil Mills and family were! 5 YEARS ; ; Akl | , Cadet Tra Officer for the|This was under the direction of| Bill Wakely huried three-hit/first outdoor shoot, that the land; Marie Finn, Karen Anne Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jennings and i i + Eastern lo area, was mark-/Lt. Bagnell. ball for the winners and was|'eague has held. Morgan and Meada Speiran of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gibson, all of| : SURVEY \ "ing officer for the inspection. He| Other officers associated with never in trouble. Cobourg were| Ten ciubs are expected to com- Udney North. | Acton. { also congratulated the cadets and the corps are Lt. W. M. Rabb and never behind and Bowmanville's pete with approximately 100| Forty - three certificates off Mr. and Mrs. Pat Tresise, Gail : said he had been most impressed Staff Sgt. J. Lang, Kingston, who three runs came in the sixth|shooters who will shoot in in-| Achievement were presented to and Kathy, Oshawa, were recent , with the show. He described the visits the school once a week to after the Cobourg crew had dividual, pairs, and teams of four, |girls completing an even number visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred ' Cadet Band as 'first class" and give instruction. jumped into a 5-0 lead. They matches. There will be matches of projects. Each member, leader Wright and family. I "said the displays showed consider-| The corps will be attending a added another in the sixth on the for prone. kneeling and standing and assistant leader received a! The Bowmanville 2nd Cubs took - able skill -and hard work on the two-week training course at Camp Bowmanville crew when those with about 23 positions for shoot-|silver 4H Homemaking Club a weekend camping trip. Mr. ( . , part of the group. Borden beginning June 29. worthies committed three mis. ing targets. Shooting will be con- Spoom, i il and Mrs. Dick Bailey were 'inf - Y 13 cues in a row. tinuous from 9:00 a.m. until pecial announcements includ-| charge. 1 z Wakely fanned 13 men and gave 3:00 p.m. |ed the naming of four Home-| Mr. and Mrs. A. Barnes and 1188 RITSON RD. S. RA 5-7018 )] h t Dro three walks. [WHITBY WON {making Club girls to representiTed were recent guests of Mr. : erc an S Dan Dudley worked the full dis-| Last year Whitby club led the Ontario County at the Provincial and Mrs. Alex Leaitch, Ajax. ] tance for the losers and was league and won the championship, = TTT - = touched for seven hits, two of|shootoff, and this year they led a one ener them by the pitcher, one, a tri-| the league and came second in " ple by Dave Greenaway. | the snootoff. The losers had eight errors and| The executive of the Whitby ALL PRIZES MUST BE WON The Whitby Merchants dropp- match sentence to P. Tran of the ! BIC | i : ; Jd J ed a 10to5 decision to the St.| Merchants, this heipey bring: about Dudley's Sub Sve, ost Fresien, Belte : ! , Catherines Athletics in their i ped Going into the final stanza down "yo 4ins the Cobourg attackjvice-president Jim McQuay: , ing game of the OLA Jue by 5 to 4, the Merchants faded and was pitcher Bill Wakely with two [secretary, Fred Warburton; range 3 lastoose _sthedie 2 fibyithe Athletics doubled the eount blows. Headman for the Bow-| officer, Elmer Treen. RB Arena on Thursday night. A few|g to 4 before the Merchants tal- 4 Fas - i bad defensive iapses spelled the tied on an end to end rush by TLE" VAS Loh Bas MOB), Tendctl UG ast toporiod OF YOUR j fiftereiee belwenn Bisig ho Glen Jets, i Jeote the Men granted to the rubbertown crew. |wiil hold their annual club match y r : » bin By The locals were well in Sines is i ors) Be Line score: {for the outdoor championships. « .. for the splendid reception accorded us on our grand opening Thursday the game until the third period. more on goals by Moore and Rere)| Bowmanville 000. 003 000 -- 38 Seniors will sompere Jor the club ... your attendance was most welcome and has already made us feel welcome The first period was a hard- for a finai count of 10 to 5. | "coho, 0 063, 201, 00x -- 6 runs, [compete for the Landymore Art to the Motor City. We shall endeavour in every way possible to repay this fine hitting boisterous affair in which| The Merchants displayed to|7 hits, 2 errors. {Studios trophies. welcome by bringing you the finest furniture at the lowest possible prices. the Merchants held a slight edge the fans that all they lack is the Batteries Dudley and Kennett; | in the play. The locals, however, experience..of competition and Wakely and Dechamp. CASTLE GHOST | didn't capitalize on their scoring that when they get "their legs" | ------ -- -- Glamis Castle, childhood home OR + chances and whes te) Sid man- they'll more than hold their " of Queen Mother Elizabeth, is WE ALSO DESIRE T0 EXTEND OUR shot away, ow > , Brats in the ot. Catherines oo dl LICENCE |uaunied by the ghost of the I rts va mee yp anders To | a SINCERE THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING CONTRACTORS At the other end, Matt Camp- I | S us en 10 i "bel: came up with some sensation- ' | | J "pel ith sation armers ls al stops as on many occasions he eet ony S | COBOURG -- An eighteen-year- . was left wide open and foiled old Cobourg youth was suspend- P od 5 what were almost certain goals By CLIFF GORDON ed from driving for one year on a I uce AVAILABL : 2 5 Ostranders of the Davisville Sr. charge of careless driving by ild; : SCORE WITH PENALTY league in Toronto will play at the Magistrate R. B. Baxter in court Se d P tato H. M. BROOKS LTD, General Building Contractors, Oshawa and In spite o% he Jost of the Jocal park tonight against the here yesterday. Thomas Fergu-| e 0 es to all the personnell of the above company, especially Mr. Louis : penalties with clubs on occa- Tony's Refreshment team from son was fined $25 and costs as| J 0 ( a Trull and Mr i sion being two men short, the Oshawa. This will be an exhibi- well as having his driver's Beat EE. Out. (CP) = and + Allan Brooks, General supervisors, A ------ . penalties didn't figure heavily in tion game but it has the ear- suspended. lers are producing seed potatoes . . . . the scoring. In fact, the second St. markings of a real dandy. |, Constable Homer Seale. Co-lin this Georgian Bay area under W.M. CALDWELL, Industrial Designer, Oshawa, for interior color Admissi ! Catherines goal came wil The Ostranders have as their bourg police, told the court that," cnocial law passed for their and store fix i $ Attietics shorthanded them- top hurler. Bill Paton, and many|0: the evening. of May 31 he 0b Bench by the passed fof hej: ture design. 1.00 Admission * selves. ; |of the softball fans in this area|Serve e accused's half ton|y, re f TT : | After 14 minutes of hard-check- will remember him as a real truck attempting to pass another Twelve square miles of light, BARNE & RIEDER, Architects, Toronto. ing lasosse, Kerr po fe Tislions crowd pleaser. He is an orthodox sav on the right Sige while Pro-isandy soil--bounded by water on Includes out in front when he beat Matt hurler like Bagnell of the locals, ceeding west on King street. | 5 . « Campbell from close in on a shot and has rfl go the ball. They| The truck struck the curb blow- iy gain Rg ng McCRONE BROS., Electrical Contractors, 962 Gerrard. St. E, which gave the Whitby net- have several other good name ing two tires on the right sidelpase by the Seed Potato Act. Toronto and to their General Foreman, Mr. Keith Gaudaur. 3 minder no chance " players who will be out to show ik 2 erved only the Joulevard, Passed in 1951 after a petition V7} " i At 17.55 Glen Lotton put the they have the class to give the He then proceeded north on Math-' ac submitted by 80 per cent of . . Merchants in the game when Tony's a work over. ew street, east on University ave-|the growers, the act 2 lb the HILL-CORNISH ELECTRIC LTD., Oshawa, for installation of A ! he snared a pass from Jerry Bur- coach Dib Little of the Tony's Nuc, and then drove south on & area for seed potato production Ceiling Lighting Fixtures. 'rows right at the crease and pac accured us that Charlie Side street lonly. Such a restriction is unique LAP CARD 3 'flipped it past McCrerry in the! juctice the ever pleasing colored As Constable Seale pulled the jn Ontario although seed potatoes R L : ea x . St. Catherines' cage ; star of the local team will toe the Cruiser up. behind the truck he|in Prince Edward Island are pro- OSS E. MIL S CO., Oshawa, Installing Floor Tiling. ny . With 14 seconds left in the first jah for tonight's game. We un- Observed that Ferguson pulled to tected by a similar arrangement. RPE yr :grame, Troyon broke into the derstand that there are a lot of the curb, ducked out. of sight,| Last year the growers produced HAROLD R. STARK, PLUMBING, HEATING AND ENGINEER § . ' ' - 'clear and tallied for the visitors fans who work nights and they|{hen got out on the passenger's 71890 bushels of seed potatoes, . for a first period score of 2/10 1. have not had the chance to see Side varieties being mostly Katahdin, ING LTD., Oshawa. . "ALL At 2:54 of the second frame, the local team in action. Also, The constable pursued Ferg- Sebago, Irish Cobbler and Huron Herb Tran "squirted" a long on€ many of them have yet to see USon through a number of back-fA)l were of high quality, says : . : past McCrerry who thought he Justice in action. This writer in Yards but lost him in the dark. Dick Goodin of the Ontario agri- W. F. MERCER, Contractor, Oshawa, Merchandise display fix 'had the short side covered, but 12 years of following ball in these Shortly after returning to the of-lculture department's field crops tures. + the Athletics jumped into a 3 to 2 parts had never seen the big fel- fice Constable Sedle, said al branch. 'lead less than a minute later at low chuck ball before two weeks! €rguson came in and gave him-| "The growers have enjoyed an . : oH 3.43 when Young scored. ago. self up. |excellent reputation not only with- HARLEIGH MFG. Cco., Oshawa Display Fixtures. : : Only six seconds later the hard] We chatted with manager Frank ~ REE RR in the province but also in the fi + fighting Whitby squad tied it up! Foley last night for a few mo-| Rota Tours neighboring states of New York, 'again with Jerry Burrows the ments, and he advised us that he Iy Pennsylvania and Michigan.' FOR + marksman, and Burrows came is working on another big game The area is supervised by the ! through with his second goal of for the district fans. It will be Area Plant field crops branch in co - opera-, + the game at 9:38 to put the jocals against the "Colored Ghosts", an {tion with a three-man growers'| 'in front for the first time in the all colored team from the States.! COBOURG -- The Cobourg Ro- committee and inspector Jerome f : game with a 4 to 3 count. The Tony's played the same team last tary Club yesterday toured the Charlebois appointed by the local 18 * locals lead was short »d how- vear and they drew a tremendous (General Wire and Cable Company township. The federal agriculture 1 'ever, and two St. Kitt's goals amount of fans plant here. The tour took the department issues official tags 'came at 12.13 and 13.38 to put -- place of a guest speaker at the {OF bags of potatoes meeting ithe Merchants behind again HISTORIC CARRIAGE weekly dinner meeting of the adopted standards 18 . i : The caleche, a popular con- club SES Sirs | ™ | PENALTY FILLED ore oe oh Dopalar com CHD: ou: - oR : 4 vance ar anada, The tour was arranged and con-| PIONEER PLANT . | |! This second frame was again a is a two-wheeled, one-seated ve- ducted by Carl Fabrikus, general-| The first aluminum plant in KING EAST AT MARY ST. OSHAWA RA '8-1641 Y ty-filled affair with a bundle hicle with another seat for the manager and member of the Ro-|Canada was started at Niagara minors, misconducts and aldriver. |tary Club, _ 'Falls, Ont., in 1895, . ; v