Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 7 Jun 1958, p. 5

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Cooking School 'Schedule Here h 3 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTR, Seturdey, ume 7, 1958 § Dunlop Canada, Rubber t WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY | 1 | © For at least three evenings next week, many Whitby husbands will be partaking of cold cuts for din- ner as wives will be busy taking {lessons on how to be better cooks. |The wives will be attending the | Dominion Stores cooking school, {Fun With Food, which is being lheld on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, at the town hall. Conducting the school will be; Miss Adele Hunt, a nationaily | LOBA MEETING The Vimy Ridge Lodge LOBA| No. 639 will hold their meeting on Monday, June 9 at the LOL Hall at 8 p.m. All members urged to 'Workers Sign Contract | Dunlop Canada Ltd., at Whitby, for doctor's services at home, in attend. |and their empioyees through Lo-|the hospital or at the office. Aln- - {cal 494 of the Rubber Workers bulance service will be provided ST. ANDREW'S WMS have signed an agreement for a within 100 miles. , The régular meeting of the new contract for the next year.| The weckly indemnity has been Presbyterian Church WMS will be| The signing took place yesterday increased from 13 weeks to 26 held at the church hall on Tues- in Whitby. | weeks for each sickness, Pen. day, at 3 p.m. Mrs. G. Robson| Main feature of the new con-|cioners retiring after May 1, 1958, will be in charge of the study tract, which expires on April 30, also receive the benefits of Blue known home economist and lec- book. turer, who will advise house | hour across the board. In addi-| WA PICNIC tion to this pay hike, the em-| 1959, is a raise of four cent: per Cross and PSI. Signing the new contract on be. | wives of many of the cooking] |*eats she has learned in her years | of study. During the school, some 45 bags of 'groceries will be given away lalong with door prizes, flowers, etc. It is the third such cooking! The United Church WA Eve- ning Group will hold their last 4 of meeting o fthe season on Tues- td at 8 pom, It will be in the for weather therwise at the church hall. rounds, permitting, rm of a picnic on the church] | ployees were granted other fringe benefits. These included a five year pen- sion plan, company paid. Accord- ing to the plan, the basic aver- pension is $112 per month at | half of Dunlop Canada Limited {at Whitby was K, Byard, vice- | president of manufacturing. Sign- ing or behalf of Local 494 United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum and Plastic Workers' of America was G. R. Brooks, president of the wr dad NEGOTIATING TEAM AT DUNLOP CANADA 'rchoo! to be held here. EASTERN STAR MEET | The Whitby Chapter Order of {the Eastern Star will hold their regular meeting on Tuesday at ~ WHITBY JERSONALS ial s. Reid Clarke and children, | AFTERNOON GUILD | n and Judy, from Vernon, | age age 65. The pepsion is guaran-|j,.q| teed for five years. ! Also written into the contract] is an improved welfare plan, also | company paid. Life insurance for | male employees has been in-| creased from $2,000 to $4,500. For | women employees, insurance has | been increased from $1,000 to| WASHER | BEFAIRY | | WORK GUARANTEED A raise of four cents hour across the board and other fringe benefits were this week granted Local 494 of the United Rubber Workers at Whitby by Dunlop Canada Ltd., who oper- heres Shown above are mem- bers of the company and the local's bargaining committee at the conclusion of negotiations. Seated left to right are K. E. per | ate tire and pillofoam plants | superintendent (pillofoam); T. C. Norwood, production man- ager; D. MacKinley and G. D. McClure, bargaining committee members; W. A. Rogers, secre- tary of Local 494. --Robertson, Whitby | Cowan, personnel manager of | gerald, field representative of ! Dunlop; K. Byard, vice-presi- | the International Union of Rub- dent of manufacturing for Dun- | ber Workers; standing, same lop; G. R. Brooks, president of | order, are J. H. McBride, pro- Local 494: H. McAlonan, vice- | duction superintendent (tires); | president of Local 494; C. Fitz- | W. D. Morrison, production ' 'C., who have been visiting the rmer's parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. W. McQuay, for the past sev- eral weeks are spending this week in Kingston at the home of | Mrs. Clarke's sister and brother- in-law, Dr, and Mrs. J. J. Wiggin. | The Fireside Evening Group |, h WMS of the United Church Will | gat. together trip for the middle Blue Cross Comprehensive, with | hold a picnic supper on Monday | The All Sainst' Anglican Church $3,000, The insurance includes | Cl Ha | Afternoon Guild will hold their doubie indemnity in the event of last meeting of the season on accidenta. death, I Tuesday at 3 p.m. at the parish all, Miss Fletcher will be in harge of the devotional. rry Watson. The meeting end- d with plans being made for a f July. New pensioners retiring after May 1, 1958, are to receive one- half of the above insurance, ex- |cluding the doubie indemnity. HOSPITALIZATION Hospitalization clauses include plete overhauls. BUTT RADIO And Appliances 118 Brock St. S., Whitby MO 8-3707 semi-private hospitalization; PSI! | BY THE WAY at the home of Mrs. J. Richard-| [son "Little Haven" of RR No. 2 | Whitby, Cars will leave at the Church at 5.45 p.m. Out of town guests who attend- | |ed the Donahue-Smith wedding heid at All Saints' Anglican Whitby Policeman Is Commended For Action [fs ited By LLOYD ROBERTSON |do nothing but sort out traffic Patricia Fester, Miss Elenor Fes- It has often been said that a!jams and hand out parking tags. |ter, of Beamsville, Mr. and Mrs. | policeman"s lot is not a happy one, BY THE WAY , .. The Grand |E, Piikington, Kingston, Mrs. J. but for one member of the Whit- Jury sitting in Whitby this week |Tapper, Timmins, Mr. and Mrs. | by Police Department it must made a recommendation that FE, Wasik, Brantford, Mr. and have been a happy occasion on! Grand Juries be not abolished. | Mrs. B. Mugfor, Miss Patricia Wednesday. Not only had he This would ordinarily seem like Mugford, Miss Donna Mugford, watched a.successful conclusion an unusual recommendation ex-| Miss Lillian Mugford,. of Toronto. to a case on which he had spent cept that Grand Juries in other ; many hours but he heard pe counties have recommended that Mrs. James Smyth, of Henry cf commendation for his quick they be abolished. Although the street, opened her home last 9 Onts ert : Thursday evening to the them- thinking. Ontario County Grand Jury did . ' 5 a ion? i ir "bers of the Co-Op Guild for their The words of commendation not mention it in their recom ast meeting of the season. It was | | | | | | | | n A Mrs. Mabei McGregor, of RR No. 1 Whitby, recently had as her guests Mr. Lawrence Bath and Mrs, Mary Allen, of Locust Hill, Mr. T. W, Gresham, of Bristol, England, arrived on the Emprees of England to spend the summer months with his son and family | at 1003 Walnut street. | Whithy Churches ST. ANDREW'S | FAITH BAPTIST PRESBYTERIAN 421 BROCK ST. NORTH--WHITBY Corner Byron end St. John Sts, REV. DAVID MARSHALL Mrs. P. N. SPRATT Created To Individuel Requirements FAITH TIDINGS 9:15 A.M.--Radio Broadcast CKLB fi Hi Organist: 9:45 A.M. -- Sunday School 11.00 o.m.--~Junior Church Mr, Gunner Knudsen STAFFORD BROS. 9:45 a.m. Sunday School came from Judge John E. Prit- mendation, they dispored of one- chard, speaking about the ac- quarter of the criminal court |tions of PC Kenneth Edwards. docket by bringing in a no bill in |11is Honor congratulated PC Ed- the case of one accused, This| wards for his good police work action had not only prevented which had resulted in two west-|that accused from being put on lern Ontario men, Victor Powell trial unne arily but saved the and Gerrard McDonnell, being county considerable money in convicted of theft of a pay teie- petty jury costs had the accuse phone. | Evidence In the case had been not grilty |*hat PC Edwards had been on a biast by the citizens of Port Whit- | d tended the Eastwood-Parkill wed- gone before them and been found ding recentiy held at St. Andrew's With one final | United Church, Oshawa. in the form of a supper. The pre- | sident, Mrs. George Munns Sr. was in the chair for a short busi-| ness session. The group will re-| sume their activities in Septem- | Monumental Works 318 Dundos East MO 8-3552 11.00 a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m. Beginners' Class ber. | Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Hall at-| 7:00 p.m.--Evening . Service. Our Young People 8:30 ? p.m. --Fireside Service Everyone Welcome | Mrs. J. Ward, of High Street is' FOR MISSED « LET'S ALL EMMANUEL REFORMED routine patrol when he spotted by, it now appears that the re- opening her home on Tuesday to a suspicious looking car at 4:15 moval of the Port Whitby fire the members of the Whitby Bapt- a.m. and had stopped it. He had truck has been accepted. Council ist Church Ladies Aid for their noticed a small pile of silver on|!as decided to let the hall on regular monthly meeting. Every SIGNING NEW AGREEMENT The climax of negotiations | yesterday afternoon with the | ing, on the left, who signed for PAPERS GO TO CHURCH 3rd Concession West of Brock N. "between Dunlop Canada at | signing of a one-year contract. Whitby and Local 494 of the | Shown above are K. Byard, « United Rubber Workers same | vice-president of manufactur- | | 'ident of Local 494 who signed Dunlop, and G. R. Brook, pres- : R p 1 p the seat and decided that the two| Watson St. be used for a Boy occupants should be required to Scout headquarters and the rate- answer some pertinent questions. Payers intimated they were happy Taking the two back to the four with the arrangement. And to on behalf of his local. --Robertson, Whitby WHITBY and DISTRICT corners, he picked up PC Ger- turn the knife in an old wound, ald Robinson and returned to the We predicted they would never sccused's car and the charges move that fire truck! . . . followed their investigation. |check with the calendar indicates To further complicate their in- (that almost six months have CSA Director Outlines All Government S _An outline of all the services, ticularly costly for this section of provided by the provincial gov-|the province which is now the ernment was this week given most highly populated area in members of the Kiwanis Club of Canada vehicle-wise. Whitby at their weekly dinner] On the opposite side of the meeting in the Hotel Royal. Tell- ledger is the Department of ing of the work of 21 departments Lands and Forests, which in re- of the government was Harold|cent years, has been showing an Mace, a director of the Civillannual profit on its operations. Service Association of Ontario. |This department controls the cut- Mr. Mace, who has been ating of timber and pulp wood and Whitby resident for the past 20/is responsible for reforestation years and a former member of and all conservation. : the town council, noted that there| Also producing a revenue is the have been many changes in gov-| Department of Mines, which reg- ernment service since the first ulates mining and collects the civil servants were retained more royalties and taxes on claims. In than 80 years ago. return, they ; supply an assay .'At that time, he said, there Service for miners. were only two departments of To assist municipalities and government with 735 employes to also control their affairs is the serve the one million people of Department of Municipal Affairs, the province. Now there are 30, Which, he said, "has quite an im-| 000 clvil servants in the 21 de- pret on Sreryday life in this A 1 pastinems 2d commissions of jy op LANDLORDS {offer similar benefits. | years, he said, the CSA has been| vestigation, an Indian youth ap- | drifted by since the town's sign peared in the police station some by-law came into being and there six weeks later and "confessed" Still seems to be the occasional to the crime. PC Edwards and remnant of a sign hanging over Robinson then exhibited some the street When the building in- more good police work. They spector made one service station didn't believe the lad and before operator move his gasoline price they had finished their question-|-ign from its spot between the ing he admitted that he had been sidewalk and the street edge we ervices Commissions of government in-| clude the Hydro Electric Power Commission and the newly form- ed Ontario Water Resources Commission. He forecast that one of the bigger commissions, with the advent of the new hospital plan, will be the Hospital Serv- keep it quiet when they win? ices Commission. day nights commencing at 800 -- _ ° - Of the part of civil servants in p.m. until 10.30 p.m. [ " the oh of government| For the first time in Whitby 250 POISON CASES branches, he said that there was young boys can be seen carrying! WINDSOR (CP)--Windsor has a day when those outside the civil lacrosse sticks instead of a base- had roughly 250 cases of child service had looked upon govern-|ball bat. This is a welcome sight poisoning in the last six montk fessior. ing. Do we have to point a Words of commendation sel-| finger? . . . Another sweepstake dom fall in the path of a poiice- has been run and won and still man, who many people suspect 0 winners from Whitby. Does -- ---- no one buy tickets or do they ment employes as people with a for the Whitby Lacrosse Associa-|Dr. Henry Breault, head of Hotel |, soft job and big pay. Times have|tion, and gives them a terrific Dieu Hospital's poison control changed, he said, and although boost to see the youngsters of the centre said Friday. He com- there are civil servants being paid town enjoying this sport. Without mented after Pauline Zakoor, $16,000 per year, the average getting overly sentimental, we two-year-old daughter of Mr, and wage across all departments is|predict a greater boom than has Mrs. Stanley Zakoor was treated quite low. {already been shown in this town after swallowing 16 children's Certain fringe benefits offered for lacrosse once the season gets headache tablets. The child was were at one time an inducement, well under way. in satisfactory condition. he said, but now most employers In recent offered money to make a con- thought something was happen. = member invited to attend. Stephen, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mcintyre, will be celebrat- |ing his 3rd birthday on Sunday. | | His friends wish him many happy |returns of the day. f The Clover Leaf Club were en- tertained by Mrs. A. Barnett of Port Whitby. A hot lunch was |served by the hostess assisted hy Mrs. N. Bradley of Oshawa. | All members were present ex-| cept Mrs. Goldburn who is at IN WHITBY Phone MO. 8-3111 1# you have mot received your Times-Gazette by 7 P.M., Call BELL TAXI All colls must be Jlaced between 7 end 7.30 p.m. REV, J. DYKSTRA CHURCH THIS SUNDAY WHITBY UNITED CHURCH 10:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP (ENGLISH) 2:30 P.M. AFTERNOON SERVICE (DUTCH) |present spending a vacation in| | England. Games were played and | {prizes given to lucky winners. The | Rev. John M. Smith, B.A, Mrs. J. Beaton Minister Organist door prize was won by Mrs. | 1 | FILMS DEVELOPED 24 - HOUR Do justice to your pictures moke sure they are sharp ond clear, bring them to RIGLER'S STORE 200 BROCK ST. §. MO 8.9022 SERVICE | MORNING WORSHIP--11 AM. "HUMAN NEED AND OUR CHRISTIAN SERVICE" SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM. Girls and boys under 9 years. 11 AM. Junior Worship. Infant Care. 10 AM. Girls ond boys - 9 years and over. WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH REV. J. M. WARD, MINISTER Mrs, W. E. Summers, AT.CM, 10:00 AM. --SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A M.--CHILDREN'S DAY SERVICE All parents invited. REV. HAROLD FULLER Editor-in-chief of African Challenge FIRESIDE WITH AFRICAN PICTURES 7:00 PM.-- The budget of 80 years ago, he said, was less than one million dollars annually. This year, he said, the budget is more than one billion dollars. Citing the work of the varisus departments, Mr. Mace noted that the Department of Agricul- ture conducts experimental farms and agriculture colleges and sthools. This department also Looking after child welfare and homes for the aged is the Depart. | ment of Welfare which may take on the task of unemployment re-| lief. The landlords of all provin- cially owned property is the De-| partment of Public Works. This department, he said, has been static for many years but is new spending $30 million per year in new buildings which are then pressing for wage increases. "We have never made excess-| ive demands," he wanis, "and as a result have maintained a good relationship with the premier and his cabinet We are only asking a decent life and decent remuneration. To this end, we are urging all our mem- bers to exercise economy in their departments." told the Ki- WHITBY CLASSIFIED Meet GEORGE PAXTON IMPERIAL BANK WANTED -- Two tires 500 x 14, Cochrane Street, MO 8.4828 FOR rent -- five-room apartment, in new building, reasonable rent. Mrs Sobczak, Watson street, Port Whithy 133a FOR Rent -- Furnished bedroom, gentleman preferred, abstainer. In |quiet respectable home, breakfast op 208 133a At the Lions Club MONSTER BINGO OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE SATURDAY, JUNE 14 WANTED to buy -- field of sod, one to 10 acres anywhere. MO 8.2587 130f FOR Rent - Six room bungalow, 1 mile north four corners. Immediate possession. MO .8-3220, after 6 MO 8-3006 132¢ FOR rent - New cabin trailer, $40 per week: garden tiller, lawn mowers, $1 per hour. Wilde Rental Service and Sales, 1101 MO 8-3226 Henry Street, leased to the other departments supervises the marketing of all which use them. farm products and controls any tional. 117 Cedar Street, Whitby; MO 132b | FOR Sale -- Domestic 'frig., very good Club thanks were extended by|g.23ss Harry Simpson. 128¢ ALTERATIONS, 1emodelling or build grants or bursaries for agricul- tural purposes. BUSY DEPARTMENT Although most people believe that the Attorney General's de- | THE SPORTS BEAT anything in wood, trim, screens, tile, 'inoleum, cupboards. MO 8-4007 after 5.30 p.m June 16 SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary way, new tanks Installed, Walt , 204 Chestnut West, Phone MO 8-2563. June 24 . Reasonable. MO 8.3136 eve- nings. 132¢ FOR Sale -- Electric refrigerator, apartment size, in perfect condition, al most new. Phone Ajax 622 after 6 o'clock 132f |FOR Rent -- Furnished room in re- THE SENSATIONAL Mighty Midget BY TH E TON! Buy now on special 'blue coal' Budget Plan...and save! partment is solely for the admin-| istration of justice, it is under| this department that the Fire Marshal's office is operated. The| AG's department also looks after] the Ontario Provincial Police and] is the sponsor of the securities| commission. *The Department of Education, fie said, is in charge of educa- tion for the province and also holds a control over local boards of education. One of this depart- mient's most important tasks is making certain that there are énough teachers for the prov ince's schools. Mr. Mace pointed out that it has been estimated that within 10 years, another 20,- 000 teachers will be required just to fill the gap left from retire- ments of present teachers, "Looking after the health of the province is the Department of Health, which not only operates hospitals for the treatment of ancer and TB but also the men- {al hospitals. He forecast that the mental hospital system of On fario will continue to grow as the present pace of living does not dppear to promote a decrease in the incidence of mental health. LARGEST BUDGET ; Having the largest budget of any department of government is the Department of Highways, he said. Maintenance and .new high Way construction, he said, is par- Brooklin Meets Whitby In Lacrosse Opener By ALLAN BAILEY |by boys kept in the game until Lacrosse fans in Brooklin and|the third period, and then the roof district will get their first chance fell in and the Garden City boys to see this year's Intermedi-/Tacked up a 10 to 5 win. ate club in action tonight when/gy AC they tangle with the newly form-| UX RACES spectable home. Phone before 3 pm. to MO 8-4257. Junel3 HOUSES wanted. Buyers waiting, some all cash or vour equity. W. McAuley, Realtor, MO 8-3231. Rep. Audrey Moore MO 8-4088. June 27 BUY and sell used furniture. Special- izing In handmade and remodelled fur- ture. All work guaranteed. MO 8.3053; 121 Brock South. Junei2 CUSTOM sewing on draperies, mea surements taken and cut from material vou huve purchased. Free est'mates 8-3151 FOR Rent -- Two room apartment with small kitchenette, stove and 'frig.; also large housekeeping room, two beds. 305 Perry; MO 8-4470 129 AERIALS moved, repaired; new aer- ials installed as low as $39. Independent Service. MO 8-2081. June 17 ALTERATIONS, pant cuffing, drape|{ and alierations, also drapery. 1013 June 14 Centre South. MO 8-3360. LAWN mowers sharpened. Pick up and delivered. Phone MO 8.3708 or MO 8-4977 June 15 ordering now! 2. Save worry! No b next winter's coal safe in Thrill-0-Rama 7. Save money! You get big special discount by ig winter bills. Buy now= pay later on easy installments! 3. Save time! No last minute rush--you can have your bin now! ed Whitby club in the Brooklin arena. The Brooklin club lost their first league game last Saturday night in Huntsville, and will play an exhibition game with Whitby be fore they get into the le again. The game is expected to draw a large crowd, due to the festivities of Brooklin Spring Fair, and one would be wise to get their ducats for the game early to be assured of good seats, JUNIOR LOSE TO ST. KITTS and Friday nights. ague grind pic car being repaired The CNE Stock car races are now being held twice a week. They hold forth every Tuesday Last Friday night Bill Vaughan had a rather unfortunate night when he blew up his engine and he reports that is still in the "hospital" Burt Smith was more fortunate and came up with {two thirds, with Danny Kemp just| making a trial run. Tonight there will be four local cars running |LAWN BOWLING TOURNEY There is a lawn bowling tourna- Whitby Merchants of the Junior, ent scheduled for. today and "pA Lacrosse Association were de- lacrosse loop in the Ontario President J. M. Hicks reports that there will be a full house for the feated Thursday night in the Whit- Men's Doubles tournament, They by arena by the St. Catherines will be playing for the "Farewell" Athletics. The only fault that the! rophy. Whitby club has at the moment is ROLLER SKATING a lack of game experience, and once their belt, they they get a few games under crowd to attend roller sk Last Saturday was the largest ating this should be able to season according to a lh E , arena man hold their own in the league and ager, make a good showing. The Whit- is Art Moore. Roller skating beld every Tuesday and Satur-| SOD for Sale -- For the finest in sod call Grant Landscaping, MO 8.2587 June 21 For cutting and hanging. MO . June 10 Apply MO 8-2120 June 1 DRESSMAKING and alterations, formal and bridesmaid"s gowns made to your satisfaction. Call MO 8.4398; 863 Byron North, Monday-Friday June 30 BECOME an Avon Representative and ' add to family income. Only a few hours| daily. We train you. Write or phone RL 2.7567, Miss E. Outerbridge, 45 Sara nac Boulevard, Toronto 19, Ontario, May29,30,31;June5.6,7| FOR sale -- 21" Coronet Console Tele- vision. Excellent condition. Reasonable Owner leaving town. 601 Dundas East, back door; MO 82435 131c| OF CALIFORNIA | ¥r RACING THRILLS % MOTORCYCLE MADNESS %¢ SUICIDAL STUNTS ¥r 20 BiG FEATURES DON'T MISS IT!!! JUNE 10th HITBY COMMUNITY ARENA ROTO-tilling. Reasonable rates Jack Mulligan, Whitby, FOR RENT Motors, Boat Trailers, Trailer, Tents, Camp Stoves, Lanterns, Lawn Rollers. Lawn Mowers, Point Sprayer, Garden Tiller For Sacle -- Boats, Trailers. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE MO 8.3226 Boats Cabin Motors, | | | FOR sale -- Lloyd baby carriage, good condition, MO 8.2693 131c FOR sale Dining room suite. six chairs, table, buffet, perfect condition, $45. Three antique couches. MO 8.3042. 131e] FOR rent three - room self-contain ed apartment. Business couple prefer red. Phone MO 8.4610 131c FOR rent Six - Street South Whithy Available July 15. Apply after 4_p.m. Mr. Vandan June 12 carse or fine, $7.00 per Cement Gravel, $1.60 Sand and Loam Fill. For ry to Oshawa - Whitby = Ajox orea ERIC BRANTON MO 8-2660 room house, Byron Is The 'blue coal' Gyarantee Only top quality, specially tested Pennsylvania an- thracite receives the 'blue coal' seal of approval-- 4 9 the blue tint that is your guarantee of quality. blue @ A] Call us today! Clean, Safe, Low-Cost Heat JAMES SAWDON & SONS 244 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY, PHONE MO 8-3524 E. C. CROXALL & SON BROOKLIN, ONTARIO PHONE 75 hoogen, 66 Church Street, Pickering | f Ule A June 30 «Don't be color-blind about coal---- buy 'blue coal'

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