BURKETON SCHOOL Accompanied by their teach- | located north east of Enniskil- er, Miss Laura Fielder and | len, Darlington Twp., paid a their mothers, 27 pupils of the visit to Oshawa on Monday. In Union School, RR 2, Burketon, | the morning they toured the | | main fire hall and the plant of | street south, where they were | ing the day's news being pre- | The Daily Times. After lunch takea on a tour of {pe plant. | pared for publication in the | they went to the plant of the | Part of the group, with their | news department of the news- Oshawa Dairy Limited, Simcoe | teacner, are shown here watch- | paper ---Times-Gazette Photo COMING - EVENTS n 3 Youths Much Progress 1 | SUPERSTITIOUS? Come to | Rotary Hall, Friday, June 13, at 8:3 dance and Millionaires' night, by § | Bernadette's Social Club. prizes, s Aja: | : Euro LIONS CLUB MONSTER DRIVE-IN BINGO Valuable 133 Convicted | | | pean Lands Visitors to the Canadian Build- | Mr. Frankfurter stated, "One| Parking Plan Support Seen Several city officials were and that they were to be highly available for comment today on| complimented for taking the first the city parking authority sug-|step in solving their own park- THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Soturday, June 7, 1958 3 Parking Authority Favored For City Detailed Survey Made By Specialis The Downtown Merchants Asso- ciation of Oshawa recently em- ployed George A. Devlin, vice- president "of National Garage Inc., of Detroit, and one of Amer- ica's top traffic authorities, to make a detailed survey of the gested by the Downown Merch- ing problem. ants Association. Bik OD Ese Ji. 3. Edgar F. Bastedo, president of | Bint, at the council will give the er va A = of Com-|the parking authority, and Mr. merce, had this to say: «Al-| Devlin's report, its fullest consi- though this report has not offi-| deration. | cially come before the directors! Alderman Albert V. Walker, lof the Chamber, from studies|Who along with Mr. Bint has made in the past I feel certain|Worked on parking committee of| that the directors will give their |the city council, was quoted as | whole-hearted support to any|follows: "A parking _ authority | proposal made by the merchants has been debated in this city for |for the establishment of a city some time, and I imagine that | parking authority, | "I have seen the Devlin repor and it seems completely in line with the recommendations made by Ralph Day, head of the Tor-| to Parking Authority who vis- as 1 1 Sie oanang oJ nh ago. cost of parking in the icty must town Merchants of come from the people who use Bg Bi to be com- it and from the merchants who mended for the forward step benefit by it," he continued. they have taken: towards the| "To date the revenue from our A j 'ny problem," | parking lots would not cover tht Solving of sis teray 1! costs of having attendants on the t/a good idea." "However, 1 do feel that the traffic committee of the council has done a good job and has gone as far as it could go. The Oshawa. By employing Mr. Devlin at their own expense, the associa- tion took the first step in a proj- ect designed to alleviate one of the most vexing problems facing the people of Oshawa and the city council for years. The association has come to the [firm conclusion that the best way | to solve the parking problém in ment of a city parking authority, | r commission. | |THREE-MEMBER BOARD | Under the Municipal Act, the {authority would be a corporate {body consisting of three people, |each a resident and ratepayer of |the city, appointed by the city council to hold office for three " No ber of the city council |weol t From U.S. 700 STREET SPACES It would appear that you have 700 on-street meter spaces, 200 off-street meter spaces, plus from, 400 to 600 commercial or free curb or private off-street parking" spaces serving the central busis FRM ES HRI ANATRIB IRA OREN ANY "I can assure you," said Mr. parking situation in downtown !mess district of Oshawa, stated' ithe report. This is slightly more. than the average for a city the" size of Oshawa. » The off-street parking facilitief' in Oshawa are generally very uns. attractive, very few being sure faced or being laid out so a give easy traffic flow, continued the report, a» Mr. Devlin did not feel, howe ever, that a multi-level parking" one properly handled would belthe city is through the establish-|lot would satisfactorily fill the needs of the city as well as would the purchase of additional sur- face parking lot area. He stated that the first objects ive of the city should be the estab- lishment of one or more, centraly ly located, self-service parking facilities, having a capacity of between 50 and 150 cars and with hourly rates and a cashier, DO NOT MEET NEED He stated that it has been his Saturday, June 14th ; 7:45 Tire Theft | Three Oshawa teenagers were |our land given by the Canadian structure. Critics called it the convicted of the theft of a tire in RUMMAGE and white elephant sale, university students who staffed most perfect design of. any on Oshawa Police Court Friday. All that the Saturday, June 14, 9.30 a.m. Sunday|{he building. [the grounds." three youths come from broken pletely on Rag gon of Woman's AS:| Globetrotter Frank Frankfurter, "Another amazing display I homes. | Donald E. Wannamaker, 17, of CD Workers 1332 of Oshawa's Crown Import Co., visited," "Mr. Frankfurter said," | -- also told The Daily 'Times-/was the Hanover Trade Fair in|.. wo y 3 ah . no 3 3 7 iliam street; Roger Cawker, Gazette that the fair was not a Germany. There were more than 144 Verdun' road: and ael Quinn, 18, of 77 Ontario Civil Defence workers in Osh- awa have just completed their sixth advance rescue course. | BINGO -- At UAWA Hall, May 2,|108 at the Brussels World Fair central group, with Gorgon-like 20 games -- $10 a game, 5 games -- | were very impressed by the intel- [tubular metalbeams radiating | $25. Jackpots -- one game $150. Share|ligent answers to questions about (from it, supported a four floor| the wealth to go. May 23, 24, June 6, 7. SEEN GOOD IDEA Alderman Cecil Bint stated merchants were com- sincere in their efforts OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE $1200.00 in Prizes June7,10,12 BINGO Coronation Orange Temple, Saturday, June 7th, 8 p.m. 20 regular games, share the wealth, 4 -$40 jackpots to 80. 1-$150 Special to go. 132b| RUMMAGE SALE -- House- hold articles, summer cloth- ing etc. Auspices of Mary Street Home and School! Club, St. John's Hall, Bloor Street, Tuesday, June 10, 11 p.m. Specials 1.30. [trade Fair, but an opportunity 2,000,000 visitors at this fair in Mich Ito gain prestige for the coun-| eight days, and believe me, there 4 {tries exhibiting, He has just re-|was every creed, race and color Breet Jere reyanded for sen- {turned from a month long busi-| buying products." ice to June J. ness visit to Europe. | Most of the Canadian exhibitors] Wannamaker and Cawker were "However, the Brussels Fair|at the fair were chemical com- convicted of stealing a station 133b was a chance to make money for|panies, he stated, showing The wagen tire and rim, the property Of these, 63 men have complet-| ' Ra : . Id i eligible to be appointed lots," he said. "Whether or not|3 member of the parking author- having attendants rather than j., meters would increase the rev-| "The parking authority would fix enue is something only the fu- the rates and charges for the use ture can tell." | of parking facilities unde its con- ig | trol, and management so that the revenue from them would be suf- |ficient to make the facilities self- 4 Accused { sustaining. Get Remands tee of the downtown merchants |association, is that it could pro- Four persons were remanded|ije a continuity of action for on four charges in Oshawa Police years to come. | The advantage of a parking au- thority, according to Stan Lovell, Curt Friday, Magistrate Frank 4 : o S. Ebbs presided. PLAN FOR FUTURE 'chairman of the parking commit- [the Russians and their satellite|Times-Gazette the huge fair cata- of Eugene Bailey, Queen street, EBENEZER SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY |countries behind the Iron Cur- log. Brooklin, on May 29. ed basic rescue training and 32| Edward Irwin Johnston, 25, of | company's experience that park- {ing meters do not satisfactorily {meet the parkin requirements of |a large portion of shopping type | customers. Parking meters require a pre- determination of length of parks ing stay, he said, and the avels, {age woman shopper cannot deters. {mine ahead how long it will take her to buy her hat. . Murray P. Johnston, president of the Downtown Merchants Assos ciation, had the following coms ments: "I'm very proud to state . {that the downtown merchants of Oshawa have strikingly indicated ... their interest in the people of this city by sponsoring the employ-, Not only will it be able to sive tain," stated Mr. Frankfurter. (mgm 11vING STANDARD Quinn was convicted of stealing have also completed the phase gampton, and David John Suth-|the present problems, but iti wo, "0 Weir Cn Bn on SUNDAY SERVICES JUNE 8 ot 2:30 P.M. ond 7:30 P.M. Speaker: Rev. Buttars of Pickering United Church "SUPPER WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11 at 4.30 and on At 8:00 p.m, The Hamilton Dramatic Club will present a 3-Act Play "IT LOOKS LIKE RAIN" SELLING SOUVENIRS "It was West Germany which|a truck tire and rim, the prop- * "These countries were selling [amazed me. The standard of liv- gry i) Mei Lakey, George street, completed the advanced syllabus souvenirs and other objects d'art|ing there is higher today than it|Brooklin, on May 29. All three and are fully trained in rescue. hand over fist," he said. 'The was before 1939, and a complete YOuths pieaded guilty. A charge Seven members have just com-| Russians had the whole basement rebirth from the shambles of (Of Possession of stolen goods leted a post-graduate course and of their building, largest on the 1945." ,.. {against Wanamaker was with ve qualified as instrustors. This grounds, set up like one floor of a| "West Germahs don't have time drawn by the crown. |brings the total of instructors! department store." _. |to talk Shout the vast they ae bi SAW WHEEL INSTALLED |qualified in rescue work to 13.| emi sic to the apn Bs WA he Tire" Bo) cota Troma, Opp," mew in sh des of the water, that the Russians| 'There appear to be no jobless, Whitby Detachment, testified that and army scheme will be held i SUPPER and CONCERT are hard up for cash, Mr. Frank-|and orders for high quality Ger-| he hag Svesugaiey tie Denis Oshava Avg. to 16, HM te Adults--$1.25 Child 5 |furter reiterated the statement|man merchandise are booked up|... reat T and;e 5 ! ir Aug. 15 ? ildren--350c {that Communists are after the to 1959," he continued. |Cawker installing a wheel out of Oshawa Friday, Aug. 15. long green stuff, that they took | Keynote to the German econ-|" their car. They said the wheel | Members will spend the night bil- June7,10 | ive tair as a chance to pick some omy, in Mr. Frankfurter's opin- had been given to them by an|leted in the area of Port Perry / | uncle. during the Phase B evacuation. |of it up. jon, were the working habits of | 8 | | «While the United States had [German management. | Quian had been seen by two| During the night a suitable in- |fashion shows and other crowd-| 'The new working habit of Ger- witnesses, William Biggs and Don cident will be arranged" and a |attracting gimmicks in their, man management is to wake up| Vipond, while trundling a wheel rescue mission will commence |pavilion," he said, *'their publiciat 5 a.m. and have one hour's |along the road. On the same day|Saturday morning necessitating |relations were poor. In all other exercise before breakfast. Work Lakey and Bailey had reported rescue action somewhere on the buildings, national representa-|starts at 7 a.m. and continues their tires stolen. The station north perimeter of Oshawa. {tives spoke French and Eng- | through to 7 p.m., with the excep-| wagon wheel was estimated at| An advanced treatment centre KINSMEN CLUB OF OSHAWA MONSTER BINGO FREE' ADMISSION 'B" syllabus. Twenty-four have! erland, 17, of 365 Park road south, |Would be able to study and solve | now, the problems that are bound 9. Bail was set at $500. (lto come in the future as the city Johnston and Sutherland are Brows, said Mr. Lovell. : charged with breaking and enter- | It is difficult for the council to ing of the Lakeview Dairy Bar, | accomplish this, he continued, be- 1160 Simcoe street south, on June | cause each year that it comes up 4. The store is owned by Mrs. for election its membership b changes, and a great deal of the ln ar RR benefit of the hard work it has mantle radio, a quantity of cigar-|done is lost. 3 : | The purpose of the parking ols ou a a" pocacasion commission, state officials of the oF a goods Downtown Merchants' Asso- > ciation, is not to take authority Wty Poisson, 4, 5 ut Moore from the city council, but rather any ae to June 27. Bail was con. |t¢, Telieve an already overburden- tinued. Peterson is charged with ed council. drunk driving and having no operator's licence on May 10. Defence Counsel George S. Boychyn asked for the adjourn- were remanded to Monday, June enthusiastic efforts council empioyed in urgent work and|powntown Merchants More than a $1,000 in prizes Including 2--%$250 Jackpots 1--$150 Jackpot (must go) 20 Games at $20, 5 Games at $25 Tuesday, June 10 at the Jubilee Pavilion TWO DOOR PRIZES Bus Service to the Door {lish, and in many cases Russian. tion of a two-hour siesta from 1 The Americans spoke only Eng-to 3 p.m." lish." Besides visiting these fairs, Mr. "Each nation showed the best|Frankfurter also toured England, [it has," he went on, "for exam-|Austria and France. He has an {ple, the French building was|extensive collection of photo- constructed on a revolutionary ar-| graphs from his trip, many of chitectural principal." |which are on display in Oshawa. $21, the truck tire at $5. "Ali these youths come from broken homes," said Magistrate Frank S. Ebbs. "I will take all this in consideration." d Dredge Secon = High School Tests ArmivesHere | McNamara Construction Co. and casualty collecting unit will | be operating as well as a recon- naisance group for radiological reading. The Ontario County Mu- tual Aid Fire Service will also] [take part in the operation. The| army's part of this Friday-Satur- |day operation will be separately | phased and will operate in an-| other section of the city. | Between now and the date of the exercise, since the civil de-| fence require more adequate training facilities for practical] would be needed for three weeks tion. survey and report on the parks ing problems of our fine city. "Mr. Devlin's services while in Oshawa and his subsequent re- ports were put at the disposal of * the city in general, to Alderman C. R. Bint and A. V., Walker, : chairmen and members of the |city pagking committee. dig |ENLIGHTENING SESSION | "It was very enlightening to sit {in on a meeting where Mayo |Gifford, G. A. Wandless, citys planning director, and Mr. Ric! son, city traffic enginee: plied Mr, Devlin with questio on every facet of parking, and tes The problem has been increas- hear the, sound answers pro®# ing every year in spite of the duced by Mr. Devlin based on hig = made by almost limitless experience in* parking committees in cities of almost similar size to § : |the past, and at present, states Oshawa all over {ment He said that Petersen was | Murray Johnston, president of the Canada. Associa- the U.S. and | "In my opinion the most {Mass | pressive factor underlined by Mr"% by his employer. He agreed to| While he was in Oshawa Mr. Devlin was the urgent necessity conseated. A charge of having liquor [plead guilty to the charges. Devlin studied the possibility of|of having centrally located lots |Crown Attorney Alex C. Hall, QC, | constructing a multi-level parking |facility in this city similar to the |type his company has construct- | controlled by attendants, i not ,. meters, so that people can shop freely and as long as they want against Thomas H. Slute, Lot 3, ed in several other Canadian and|without the threat of a fine in an Con, "9; Scugog Island, laid on| May 10, was adjourned for per-| sonal service of summons. 23-Mile Walk | WHITBY BRASS BAND | Ltd. of Toronto, which is under work, they plan to construct a| |contract to the federal govern-|rescue tower adjacent to the butts American cities. off-street parking lot. in > Start On Monday With the certainty of tomorrow, matics of Investment and Secre- | final examinations are rolling to- tarial Practice. |wards Oshawa high school stu-| Thursday, June 12 -- Account- |dents. Two weeks ago they| ancy Practice and Music. seemed far away to the students. Now they seem right on top of AL BINGO Wednesday, June 11th CLUB BAYVIEW ithors and Greek Composition. {ment, department of . public at Oshawa Airport. | works, to carry out the work of! The proposed tower plan has 'eepening the Oshawa Harbor, [heen enthusiastically received and| have sent their second dredge, |it has been agreed that civil de- which arrived Wednesday night, {fence srould continue its Tuesday {one of the McNamara family, the [will cokmence Tuesday, June 10, . % ) 2 0 2% |Oshawa Friday, June 13 -- Greek| Named the "Paul Jr.", -after evening meetings. Construction| piling at 8 a.m. on Sunday for Starts Here Twenty-two entrants including |a good representation from the |U nited States, will line up at the Civic © Administration BUEHLERS Tender EAT'N TRUE-TRIM BEEF bY Shag h Byron Street South, Whitby GAMES START AT 8 P.M. Bus Service leaves Oshowa Terminal--25¢ Return SPECIAL FEATURE OF $300 $20.00 each Horizontal Line--$200.00 Full Card TWO $250 JACKPOT GAMES 53 and 57 numbers or less, consolation $25 each game. Top line is worth $50.00 in first 10 numbers called. Must go once o¢ month. 5 GAMES AT $30 -- 20 GAMES AT $20 $1.00 Admission includes 1 Card Door Prize and Free Admission Tickets All proceeds go to the purchase of new instruments for the Whitby Bands. . ---- MONSTER BINGO MONDAY, JUNE 9, 8.00 P.M. CASH y 300.00 CASH PRIZES PRIZES INCLUDING :$100 FREE CASH DOOR PRIZES (Four Prizes: $50, $25, $15, $10 TWO $250 JACKPOTS ONE $150 JACKPOT (must go) 20 Games at $20--5 Games at $30 Plus Free Passes . " » ' . to Person on Right of Every Regular Winner RED BARN (TURN LEFT 1 BLOCK PAST A&P STORE, NORTH OSHAWA) $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES 1 CARD AND FREE CHANCE ON $100.00 CASH DOOR PRIZE . BUS SERVICE TO DOOR READY TO SIGN REGINA (CP)--Saskatchewan wll sign a hospital insurance agreement with federal gov- ernment this month, Health Min ister J. Walter. Erb said Friday EARLY COURIERS An official courier system started in 1721 between Quebec and Montreal carried mail as well as government dis patches. 133a | whom ~|school. 133altil private | them. | The chance to show what they| {have learned in the past school | |year is closest to the Grade 12] "Sonat : ist students whose examinations, start| and Pnglish Composiuen. ey n June 9 and finish on June 13. Wednesday, June 18 -- German]. . "5 ; | Three Gao 'subjects| Authors and German Composi-| Which is at present clearing the | will also be written in that week. Hon. dl J 19 Geom pig tie as So The annual departmental exam- ursgay, June = eom. k wo dredge is of the clam type and | will deepen the harbor basin to 121 feet, | The Sidney M, first of Me Namara's dredges to arrive, Monday, June 16 -- Chemistry and Zoology. Tuesday, June 17 Algebra |the start of the second annual |33-mile walking race from Osh- awa to Toronto City Hall. | The event is gponsored by the | Gladstone Athletic Club of Toron-| (to. Last year's walk was won by Alex Oakley, of Oshawa, who re- presented Canada at the Olympic (weather permitting. . | PRESIDENT'S CHOICE WASHINGTON (AP)--John A. {McCone, Los Angeles business- man, was nominated Friday by President Eisenhower to succeed |P! A |Lewis L. Strauss as a member of (Games in Australia. : {the Atomic Energy Commission.| The oldest competitor will be inations, set by the Province of etry and English Literature. Weel ; . Friday, June 20 French {Ontario for all Grade 13 students] oo 4 |will start on Tuesday, June 10, Authors, French Literature and : : H French Composition. jana continue until Friday, June| Monday, June 23 -- Trigonom- gd ¥ x etry and Statics and History. Fifty people will write these Tuesday, June 24 Physics |examinations at Oshawa Central anq Botany. Collegiate Institute, 41 who at-| Wednesday, June 25 -- Latin tend the school, and nine other Authors and Latin Composition. people from this area. Eighty-| Thursday, June 26 Prob- seven will write them at Oshawa jems and Geography. Collegiate and Vocational Insti} Friday, June 27 Spanish tute approximately a dozen. of| Authors and Spanish Composition. are from outside the a Register 1000 [rate New Pupils ibe finished school for the year. | Following is a list of the Grade, Approximately 1000 children 13 examinations and when they will attend kindergarten in Osh- {will be written. {awa public schools next fall, re- Tuesday, June 10 -- Italian!Ports Dr. C. M. Elliott, superin- Authors and Italian Composition. jeer of Dshawa public Schools. is represents an approximate Wednesday, June 11 -- Mathe- increase of 100 students over the {registration last fall. Dr. Elliott pointed out that al- though only slightly more than 800 students were actually regis- | tered for kindergarten in the reg- GUELPH (CP) Rev. Dr |isitation period just completed, 8 hu " {count last fall reveal at there |Charles Wallace Bishop, 78, re-| Llu" ob" wiiaren liking in Oshe {tired United Church of Canada awa. of kindergarten age. Others clergyman and former lectu " : : rin oo Pr eCLUTer will probably move into the city in religious knowledge at Carle. | between now and the fall. ton University, Ottawa, died Fri- 4 ; iol dav. | The superintendent of public ai a5 | schools stated that because of the Dr. Bishop was general secre-|compulsory age at which children tary for the National Ceuncil of| myst start school is six, some of the YMCA from 1912 to 1921. In|the 940 students counted jn the {1926 he was appointed principal|fall may not attend school. {of Albert College, Belleville, a| «Nevertheless, we are prepared | post he held for eight years un- for 1000 children," he said. "We taking over the pastoral will have new kindergartens at charge of Melville United Church|Cedardale and the Adelaide Mc- in Fergus, and later Morrison Laughlin Public i Street United Church, Niagara'addition to ». Falls, Ont | All students who have to write |final examinations in Grades 9, |and 10, and some subjects in| | Grade 11, will write from June 16] {to 20, at which time they will Carleton College Lecturer Dies | schools, and an the Sunset Heights kindergarten. The Kindergarten In 1946 he became a lecturer at Ritson public school will be en- at Carleton College' and retired larged to improve facilities for (from there in 1049. ithe students already there." 3 This new building to house the Toronto Office of Thomson Newspapers will be built at 421 University avenue. The 10- I NEW OFFICES, THOMSON PAPERS |72-year-old Harry Lohmann of Woodhaven, N.Y., who has been walking for the past 52 years. The youngest is 16-year-old Jack Brigstocke, a member of St. Paul's Crusaders' four-man team from Brooklandville, Md. In addi- tion, U.S. competitors from Balti- more, Ozone Park and the Ber- wick Club in Pennsylvania, are' expected. Art Keay, who was on Cana- da's 1928 Olympic track and field team as a steeplechase runner, will represent the Toronto Police AC in Sunday's walk. CHALKED WALLS, FACE JAIL | NEWMARKET (CP) Four .| teen-age boys who marked a pub- lic school's walls with chalk will spend seven days in jail because their parents won't pay $50 fines. Magistrate Hollinrake Friday sentenced the four to seven days 12 KING E. RA 3- Meat Specials 3633 ! Mon. Only! 1834 3 iigead STEAKS SIRLOIN & WING n. 83 LEAN CLUB STEAKS . 65° SAUSAGE FRESH MADE COUNTRY STYLE ~ 1.00 BEEF LIVE lor $30" for defacing the school | building. ! YOUNG TENDER -- SLICED" ¢ R .39 storey Thomson Building will be fully air-conditioned. and built of structural stecl with stone fa- cade. Completion-is scheduled | for May, 1959, 31 ROWE ST. Membership in the ' Ontario Motor League Is an Idea! Father's Day Gift Call JACK GRAHAM OSHAWA l | ~ RA 5-7422