20 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Scturdey, June 7, 1958 New Jalna Book Marks History This is the centennial of the building of Jalna and in this re- spect it is recalled that Miss Mazo de la Roche has sold more than 2,000,000 copies of her books acters are introduced agai n.| Wakefield loses Molly for a while, | wheat acreage, Finch and Dennis fail to under-|about 500,000 acres in 1957, is be- stand each other. Finch's wife/ing cut by as much as 50 per and there seems to be no danger of them running dry. To mark this occasion Miss de la Roche has written a new book, "CENTENARY AT JALNA | : (The Macmillan Co .of Canadaheavy breathing, and the usual, placing of durum wheat un Ltd.) Renny decides that it would be pleasant: if Philip and Adeline were to get married in a kind of' started the whole _business off Durum wheat, a bonanza for Al- back in 1848. The thing is even-|berta farmers for several years, tually managed. In the course of has joined other varieties as a the novel, the other family char- dies, all of Adeline's ald suitors come back, causing a bit of comedy is provided by the ser- vant hall. There is an unending list of characters. This is a book to be enjoyed re-enactment of the original Phil- ip and Adeline m Jews Observe Sabbatical ating which Year Again TEL AVIV (Reuters)--For the by Whiteoak's fans. Some will find fault with the plot and it is quite a job for Author De La Roche to move her characters around without cluttering up the stage. The author has created a non- existant world on a pattern once popular in England. The White: oak family is an English county family of an Edwardian novel. This is the way every Canadian girl imagines they act, talk and °f durum was produced in south- first time since the days of the g.occ Second Temple, in the first cen-| tu Jalna is the dream manor, in Fm pnd a wai Durham Wheat Becomes Surplus Grain LETHBRIDGE, Alta. (CP) -- fsurplus grain. Southern Alberta's durum estimated at {cent this year, Surpluses, slow markets and EATON'S OPPORTUNITY © Iiosiisatred pen eae ds cabal der the quota delivery system are the reasons for the drop. | Durum is used in producing |macaroni and other products of | this type. | Alberta farmers swung strongly into durum production in 1953 when rust hit the macaroni-type |flour wheat crop in Manitoba. {The surplus of bread wheat was (affecting southern Alberta's (wheat growers and they were] |searching for an alternative crop Jeet would have a ready market. Before that, only 15,000 acres ern Alberta. | Within two years, the. durum| y after Christ, several thou-\y makebelieve land. The Master acreage increased 10 - fold in sand Jewish farmers in Israel of jaina is the head of a family| southern Alberta, Farmers in will obey the biblical command to tradition. He is a simple upright|southwestern Saskatchewan also ob-erve the sabbatical year. oul who understands horses bet- At least 15. villages affiliated ter than people. It's a nice world with the uitra - religious move- even if it has no connection with|plus, ment known as Palei Agudat Is- life in Canada. Those who know | | started production of durum and| {by 1956 there was a small sur- A big crop in almost every | rael will cease to cultivate their and Jove Whiteoaks will be happy|durum - producing area of the lands for 12 months, beginning with this book, but others may with the Jewish new year 5719-- not share their enthusiasm. TELEVISION LOG that is, on Sept. 15, 1958. The 5,000 people living in the | of strict observers of | ¢ law are determined to fol-| 'ow to the letter the directive: "And six years thou shalt sow thy land, and shalt gather in the | thereof: But the seventh | [world last year created a big] surplus problem. CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6---Toronto WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Caannel 4--Buffale | r thou shalt let it rest and lie that the poor of thy people ev eat: and what they leave, 1h6<Queen's Plate | 2-Where Were You us 23:10-11). g to the Jewish calen- dar, the year 5719 is such a sab- patieal year and in the villages of A 1 1 : 6.00 P.M. the orthodox the fields will le fal- |, o Co Fo airs low. These /férmers wiil hire themselves for work huildin g| houses, constructing roads and | doing other mon - agricultural! tasks. | For these religious farmers, | the coming year is gertain to be | one of hardship and financial dif- | : Lf ficulties. How the ancient people |11--Grand ©! of Israel managed when observ-| ing this biblical law is puzzling to lay scholars here, but histor-| jans are convinced that the sab-| batical year was generaliy ob-|1 served by the Jews from the 5th | century B. C. to the first century | A. D., in spite of the great priva- | 2--Dick Clark Show tions and near famine it mut) es rey ime have caused. Manitob gee anitoba uaMovie Institute Food Bills Reduced WINNIPEG (CP)--Food bills of five Manitoba government insti-| tutions are reduced by an esti-| mated $200,000 a year as a re-| sult of farm operations, farms] manager G. R. Chandler said. I Three .of the five farms are operated by the health and wel- fare department in conjunction with mental hospitais at Brandon and Selkirk and a school for men- tally defective persons at Port- age la Prairie. | Similar farms are operated through the attorney - general's | department at Headingley Jail and the home for boys at Port- age la Prairie. The five farms ocupy a total of 5539 acres with the greater | part of cultivated. acreage de-| voted to field crops, hay, ensilage | and pastures. Vegetable and] flower g at the healt} The farins are modern and mechanized and run on a strict business basis. Hoistein cattle at Selkirk are registered stock. All milk produced is consumed at the institution and all grain is used as feed. Each farm has its own pasteurization plant. rm operations are under the yervision of resident managers tients at hospital farms are as- signed to various jobs on the rec- 1 n of doctors .and the k is supervised by trained | iffed members. s many as 100 patients take in the farm program at don while there are 60 pa-| s at Selkirk and 50 at Port- e la Prairie taking part. Eighty prisoners at Headingley are as- gned to outside work and any- | where from five to 45 boys help | out at the home in Portage la rairie. nda foodstuffs raised on the s provide a large part of the more than 15,000 meals a day served at the institutions. | 8. 11,6---Wild 4--Have Gun Will Travel 00 P.M, | 4=Playhouse | 4--Uncle Jerry 0. | 5--=Roy Rogers 2.00 6--Junior 5--Frankie 2.30 SATURDAY EVE. 5.00 P.M. 4--Film 30 P.M, 3 Bill Hickock 3.00 5--Maverick 2-Billy Graham $-Billy 6-Here and There -Billy G 4--News; Sports 00 6.30 P.M. : 1- Federal Men 6-Mr. Fix-It, News S5--Lawrence Welk 4--Last of the Mohicans 2--Yesterday's Newsree; 11--Rev. 6---Lassie 00 P.M. 3.00 le Opry 6--F-~» Gun Will Travel 4-U of B Round Table 3-Ranch Party 7.30 P.M. 1-Lone Wolf 6--Holiday Ranch 5--People Are Funny 4--Perry Mason 6--Fighting 11-Lassie 5--Saber of 2--Lone R 6.00 11-Waterfro 6- Burns a: ntry Musie 4--The Sea 8.30 P, M. 2--Captain &~Top Dollar 9.00 P. S5--Scott Is 4--Oh! Susanna 3--Lawrence Welk 9.30 P. mM, S--Turning Point 7.00 5--Silent § S--Amateur Hour 4--Lassie 4----Gunsmoke 2--Fun Fest 10.30 P.M. 1,6--Hit Parade 5--Pat Boone 4--Silent Service 2--Harbor Command 11.00 P.M, 1--News: Late Show 6---News; Wrestling 5-26 Men 4,2---News: Sport: 5--~No Wan 5--Shirley weather; id Island s 11.15 P.M. 2.00 2-Just Music 11.30 P.M. S--Movie +GE Th 2-Swing Shift ¥=Pasehall SUNDAY yor 9.00 A.M. 8--Christian Science 4--Childrer's 4--Alfred 2-You 10.00 11,6--Close % M. S--Loretta $--Industry on Parade 9.30 AM. 5This is the Life 10.30 2-Ch : dik istize Me rar 6--Drama S-Christophers 5,4--What's Lamp Unto My t Fee! 2--Church Invitation 10.30 A.M. S-Look at Congress 2--Bible Adventure 6--Ne AM, S-Little scals 2-Swing Si 2--Film Feature 11.30 1.00 AM, 8-~Camera 6-Church Service S--All Star 4--Theatre 4--Eye on New York 2--Morning Gospel 11.30 AM, &~Camera Three 11.45 AM, 2-Faith Of Israel 12.00 NOON 5--Cartoon Theatre 4--~News: Weather 2-This Is the Life 12.1 PM look at Congress 123» PM 6--This is the Life S--Little Rascals 4--Film Featurette 2--Bell Aircraft 1.00 l1-Bravo Theatre 8--~Roy Forrest (5<~Mr. Wizard 4--Playhouse 2--~Science Sermons L30 P.M, | 6--County Calendar 5--Frontiers of Faith | 2--Playhouse | 8.00 8-To-da: & Capt. K 8.45 2-Rumpus 4.00 5--Susie house 9.30 S--District 4--Susie 10.00 2-My 10.30 | 2--Abbott 4--Arthur 2-Myv Fa 11--Sacred Heart §--Comment 12.00 NOON 11,6--Lost World 2 4--Soccer M 6--Game Country 6---Twentieth 2-Wide,Wide World 30 P.M, Roberts 2-Jet Jackson 11--This is the Life 4--Last Word 2-Texas Rangers 530 P.M. 6---Seascape 4--Face The Nation 5--Meet the Press 630 P. 11--Playhouse 6--Father Knows Best 4--Air Power 2--Bishop Sheen 11--Father Knows Best 6---December 2-Boots and Saddle 7.30 P.M, 7. ,] 11--Movie Showcase 6--News Magazine 4--Bachelor Father 2---Maverick 4.00 P.M, 6,4-Ed Sullivan 3---Adventure at 11,6--World's Stage 5--Dinah Shore 11,6--Showtime Asked 4--864,000 Challenge 2-1 Led Three Lives 11--Explorations 2 -Jackie Gleason nm P.M 11-~News: Late Show This Week Precinct MONDAY 4--Popeye's 2---Eddie Cantor 2--Boston Blackie S5--Dough Re Mi 4-~Garry 00! Lat §~-Treasure Hunt 4--How Do You Rate 11.00 AM. 5--Price Is Right P.M, Magazine Laine P.M, 11.30 5-Truth or Consequences 4--Dotto 2--Publie AM, Defender PM. 5--Tie Tac Dough Love of Life 4--~News 12.30 P.M. 8--It Could Be You 4--Search for Tomorrow 2--Matinee | 1.00 P.M, 5---Feature Movie 4--Meet The Millers L130 P.M, 4--The World Turns 00 P.M P.M, raham P.M. Century 4--Beat The Clock 2--Helen Neville 2.30 P.M. 6--Matinee 5--Home Cooking 4--House Party 2--Laff Time P.M. Words 3.00 P.M, 11--Movie Matinee 5--Matinee Theatre 4--The Big Payoff 2-American Bandstand 3.30 P.M, 4--The Verdict is Yours 2---Trust Your Wife 4.00 P.M, 6--Open House 5, 4--Serial Stories 2--American Band. stand London anger P.M, nt nd Allen rch Grief land 4.30 P.. 1L, 6--Howdy Doody MONDAY EVENING | PM 5.00 P.M. 11--Family Theatre 6--Hobby Corner S5--Playhouse 4--Fun to Learn 2--Superman 5.15 P.M. 6--Children's Newsreel 4--Children's Theatre 5.30 P.M 6,2--Mickey Mouse Bride ervice ning 6.00 P.M. P.M. 6--Captain Grief 4--Headlines; News Temple 2--Colonel Bleep P.M, Scott 6.30 P.M, 6--Patti Page 11, 3--News; Weather; Sports 645 P.M. 6, 5, 4---Weather News; 2--Comedy Capers | 7.00 P.M. eatre Corner P.M, 11--Movie 6--Tabloid 5-Dick Clark 4--Death Valley Days 2--Corliss Archer Hitchcock For It P.M. Up Young 7.30 P.M. 6-Provincial Affairs P.M, 5---Price is 2---Twilight Theatre 8.00 P.M, 1,6--Millionaire 5-Restless Gun 4--Burns and Allen 30 P.M. My Line 11,6--~On Camera 5 Wells Fargo 4-Arthur Godfrey 3-Bold Journey 9.00 P.M, 11.6--I Love Lucy 5--Twenty-One 4-Danny Thomas 2-Shirley Temple Weather; hift P.M. Three Theatre 9.30 P.M. . 11,6--Tugboat Annie 8--~Goodyear Theatre AM, MAKE JUNE 15th A BIG DAY FOR DAD Men's Luxurious English Cotton SPORT SHIRTS Ordinarily 12.95! Neat checks and colourful plaids -- exclusive pat- terns found only in this fine range of imported easy- care cotton fabrics. , . carefully taillored by one of Canada's foremost sport shirt stylists. They're single- needle stitched with neat soft collar, hidden top but- ton, two breast pockets, long sleeves, ocean pearl but- tons. Choose for Dad from a good range of blues, browns, greys, reds . . . sizes small, medium, large and extra large -- but not all 47 colours or patterns in every & ® size. Please state second choice! EATON Opportunity Day Special, each ........ Clearance of noted maker's samples ! Men's Fine Ties Ordinarily much higher priced! Dad is sure to eppreciate several of these fine rayon, silk-and-rayon end real silk ties. Choose from @ wide array of handsome stripes, allover woven patterns and underknot designs. All popular shades, hand-tailored and wool-lined to keep their shape! Stock up your own tie rack, too! Buy three for an extra saving of 11, ® EATON Opportunity Day Special, each V2 Usual Price! Ordinarily 2.50! Braided Elastic Bells Good quality braided rayon elastic belts, cleared by a noted maker! They're well-made for comfort and long wear -- choose several for Dad! i 2 3 You'll find a colour to harmonize with his blue, grey or PHONE RA 35-7373 medium-large (38 to 40), large (42 to 44), EATON Opportunity Day Special, @ach .....0 000000 HEATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 228 brown slacks! Sizes small (28 to 32), medium (34 to 36), ---- -- 4--Men of 2-Lawrence Welk P.M, 11--Man Behind The Badge 6, 4--Studio One §-Sheriff of Cochise 10.30 P.M. 11--Oh! Susanna S5--Lawrence Welk 2--~The Whistler 11.00 P.M, 11,6,5,4,2--News angarog P.M, Room AM. Play- AM, Aftorney AM, Moore tle Margie i a--Movie AM Theatre 11.30 P.M, 11--Late Show Costello | 6--Decoy | 4--Playhouse 2--Water Sports 12.00 P.M, 2---Swing_Shift and Godfrey vorite Story (wat } | I styled. | Cun BRIDAL SALON For complete privacy. The finest in Bridal Gowns, Bridesmaids' Dresses and Accessories, individually Fashion. Village "In The Heart of Downtown Oshawa" 26 Simcoe St. South | | | | RA 5-2722 Save On These! Fabrics that are fun fo sew . . Priced low, Monday ! 44" Printed Nylon Crunchy Washable, fresh-as-a-daisy nylon, that's crisp and pretty, doesn't need ironing! Fine for dresses, blouses, children's wear. Florals and novelty patterns in the group, in predominating colours of pink, t é& 1 o 38" Cotton Bark Cloth Special purchase! 38 plain cotton bark cloth . , . a good-looking, hand- washable fabric, with firm, interesting texture. Excellent for dresses, blouses, skirts, kiddies' wear, suits for year- round wear. Effective for covers or drapes! Choice of white, pink, royal, turquoise, beige, red, medium grey, gold-colour, - lime, lavender, light brown, black, green, bt | fuchsia. PHONE RA 5.7373 Clearance of Broadioom Remnants Reg. 2.25 to 41,34 rose, orchid, blue, yellow or white -- but not every colour in each pattern. EATON Opportunity Day Special, yard Ends of lines in luxurious broad- 35" "Sanforized' Cotton Broadcloth An excellent buy! For fashions or home decor; and especially good for children's clothes because it's "Sanforized'" and easy to wash. In pink, white, aqua) lipstick pink, rose, purple, orchid, lemon, maize, natural, citron, Carib- bean blue, copen, apple green, lime, Spanish moss, Kelly green, light brown, royal, silver-grey, wine, navy, black, EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 233 loom carpeting! Save on hard- twists, tone-on-tones, deep velvet pile, viscose, cotton! And they're in favoured decorator shades of green, grey, brown, gold-colour, rose, mushroom, Sizes approx. 1' x2 to 4 x 59", EATON Opportunity Day Special, e--h 10 to 20.67 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 272 PHONE RA 5.7373 FI¥d¥¥vdvrv'v vv vvyy EATON Opportunity Day Special, yard . . . EATON Opportunity Day Special, yard TR Tay # | or at EATON'S for Plumbing Fixtures For Cottage and Home Toilet Combination White china close-coupled design .. , , sultobled for new construction or as replacement, Seat extra, EATON Opportunity Day Special, « 29.50 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 456 PHONE RA 5.7373 1 a Special Purchase ! 1/8" Thick Pegboard Ordinarily much higher priced ! Keep kitchen, workshop tidy by hanging tools. 4 or utensils on hooks embedded in Pegboard, In convenient 2' x 4' size sheets i for savings, Monday. fh, Priced 99 (HOOKS EXTRA) EATON"S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 274 PHONE RA 5.7373 EATON Opportunity Day Special, per sheet ,... Special! Worthwhile savings on Galvanized Lawn-Guard Heavy galvanized, corrugated sheet metal, 4" wide. Placed in the ground around edges of flowerbeds, walks ond drives, helps prevent encroachment of weeds, grass, etc. . . , keeps borders neat and attractive, eliminates the work of edging. Easy to instal; comes in rolls for curving. EATON Opportunity Day Special: 185.1,.79 365. 3.40 BEATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 253 PHONE RA 5.7373 Dress Sheer Nylons Beautiful 60-gauge, full-fashioned hosiery te flatter your legs and pamper your purse! In soft shades of Sun Radiance and Spice Amber .. . and "Sanitized" of course, to preserve per- sonal daintiness. Sizes 9 to 11 in the group, Opportunity Day Special, Pairs 2 airs 4. EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 201 = i & pair & PHONE-RA 5-7373 Special Purchase! Percale Please, no telephone or mail orders Good quality cotton percale cases . . , snowy white, with pastel coloured borders in blue, green, yellow or pink, Hemstitched; approx. size 42 x 36". EATON Opportunity Day Special, ror 1.19 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 436 STORE HOURS: 9:30 A.M. TO 6 P.M. MONDAY TO SATURDAY. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 8 P.M. 4