18 THE DALY TIMES-GAZETTE, Seturdey, June 7, 1938 By MARTIN TAYLOR Canadian Press Staff Writer Art Plunges Vancouver | Into Cultural Strife Muirhead returned last month|player cast for this year's festi- from a visit to Britain with Sir|val. VANCOUVER (CP) -- A three- Jacob's offer. HAS LEADING ROLE TORONTO (CP) -- Diana Mad- dox has been signed to the lead-| ing role of hero in Much Ado About Nothing at the Stratford Festival opening June 23. The British horn actress is the last | CHICAGO (AP) -- There's joy lin the heart of Aussie, a patient {bird who's finally got it made. | SAVED FROM GALLOWS After 24 Years Of Trying ussie The EMU Is Father Zoo opened in 1934. For eight weeks each year thereafter Aus. | je sat on the eggs laid by his | S the emu enclosure, bunched them together on a straw pallet, and Aussie, well-trained, went into his ting on three eggs that were lald later. eight weeks sitting routine. Weeks passed. On May 25 Aus- sie grunted in delight. Keepers rushed up. Two little black and white chicks were bobbling| round. | The newcomers now are the| REPEAT PERFORMANCE Recital The arts council established a After 24 years of waiting and | mates. And each year there was size of grown chickens. But it's ton piece of modern religious] Yul Brynner, Maria Schell (right) and Claire Bloom enact | Brothers Karamazov" opens [# thes dramatic personae of the | next Wednesday at the R ed in glowing color, 'The |success of efforts to raise sculpture in a studio 6,000 miles citizen's committee to examine | mnged art-conscious | the question. ; i Mh igor Ra strife, The committee decided the ra- Vancouver Community Arts Vine was a place where _the Council has suggested that Sir|Visitor "could achieve the right Jacob Epstein's creation Behold | contemplative mood the Man, a brooding giant-faced| The Oran~e Lodge countered figure of Christ offered to Van- with a reselution describing the couver by the artist for $15,000,|work a '"'h'deous, degrading and should be purchased, shipped|sacrilegious spectacle. : here from London and erected in| Employees of the mayor's of- a ravine at central Little Moun-|fice were busy today answering tain Park. calls from taxpaters sages air Lodge of Brit-| their views on whether he sculp- ogg hl gy oh ihe alture has a place in a public campaign to have the 12-foot- park. They said the calls were high statue banned from the city heavily weighted against the pro- on grounds that it is a "blas- posal. One woman said she would phemous Frankenstein monstros- seek a court injunction. ity." ---- Whether the work can | brought here at all depends be, OIL AREA on! Alberta's oil-producing Turner the Valley was named after Robert 20,000 needed. and James Turner, Scottish im- + | The controversy" started when migrants who settled there in Jove triangle in 'The Brothers Theatre. {landscape architect D es m on d|1886. Karamazov", filmization of the | great Dostoyevsky novel. Film- | COME and DANCE | Mitchell Zaleski's Orchestra at the POLISH NATIONAL UNION HALL 168 Banting Ave. FUN FOR ALL! EVERY SATURDAY 8:30 - 12 ALE aR Reo) UPLES PN INR [ol FREE AVIS COIN EL COME GET MORE OUT OF LIFE... GO OUT TO A MOVIE! DAVID 0. SELZNICK presents his production of ERNEST HEMINGWAY'S AREWELL = TO ARMS ROCK HUDSON JENNIFER JONES - ITTORD DE SEA A CinemaScoPE AR Evaent FEATURE DAILY AT 1:30 - 4:05 - 6:45 - 9:2C MATINEE | EVENING ADULTS 60c | ADULTS 35¢ | STUDENTS STUDENTS LOGES 10c EXTRA Je 2 2 22 2 2k 2 2 he Db 2b 2b = B Prices For This Engagement LE 50¢ GLEN FORD and WILLIAM HOLDEN in "MAN FROM COLORADO" pg & PLUS MORE ACTION H CORNEL WILDE and DONNA REED in H "BEYOND NOMBASA™ I BOX-OFFICE OPEN AT 8:00 P.M. SHOW STARTS AT DUSK ] CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND SNACK BAR BA CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON Be a DANCE TONIGHT OLD TIME--MODERN--COUNTRY fii S¢ | § PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE PRESENTS THE NEXT KINSMEN SUPER CAR BINGO 8:30 SHARP FRIDAY, JUNE 13 $4,000 IN PRIZES including a brand new 1958 FORD CAR 12 regular games--$5Q cash each game 3 special games--$150 cash each game plus two valuable door prizes THE BIG GAME--A full house for the 11958 FORD Someone will drive home in this brand new FORD on June 13. It could be you ! PLAN NOW TO ATTEND! } MUSIC BY TORONTO'S FABULOUS TORNADOES STARS OF C.K.G.N. TELEVISION AT NORTH BAY, ONT. RED BARN DANCELAND PREPARE NOM Smorgasbord in the Continental Manner ... &) Ne : LZ Eat to your heart's content . . . Unlimited, portions of delicious, foods » ay FULLY AIR-CONDITIONED % SUNDAYS % 5 P.M. to 8 P.M. Chain HOTELS % HIGHWAY 401 -- BOWMANVILLE CLOVERLEAF % $2.50 PER PERSON (CHILDREN HALF PRICE) Regular full-course steak, roast beef and chicken dinners also dvailable. For Reservations: Bowmanville, MArket 3-3373 | Will Prove You Can Learn To Dance in 3 Hours The Arthur Murray Way A *190 Trial Lesson Now's the time to prepare for vacation fun. Arthur Murray is starting a special brush-up course that will let you bring your dancing up-to-date quickly, easily and best of all, inexpensively. He has also made plans for some special pre-vacation lessons for begin- ners, too. So whatever your dancing experience, there's a course for you. Don't put off coming in, visit the studio now and make sure of vaca- tion fun later. ' Open 'til 10 P.M. School of Dancing 114 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH RA 8-1681 | OSHAWA FOR VACATION OTTAWA (CP) -- The cabinet | ras commuted to life imprison-| ment the death sentence imposed on Roy Chudek of Bowman, Man, convicted of murder in the fatal . Litt {nothing but disappointment. |a little hard to know which mem- bind ky oo g-sitting, he has| "0 ore females were added|ber of Aussie's harem to con- It wasn't 'for Aussie, an|to Aussie's harem in 1954, but it |gratulate. i Seti ay os ie! ip only meant more eggs for him to| In the emu way of doing ik M : {sit on. None hatched. |things, all females have become shooting of his wife. Chudek, 26-|in years as emus go. | |protectors. Aussie's five mates {year-old oil driller, was sentenced| The five-foot, - tall bird was |W ie the same old|sound a booming cry of attack i | whenever keepers appear. by the ~ ACADEMY MONDAY, JUNE 9, 8 p.m. 0.C.C.I. SIMCOE §. TICKETS 50¢c and 75¢ ot Door {to be hanged June 17. The jury brought to Chicago with three fe-| tory last Margh 25. Keepers Meanwhile, Aussie is back sit- SHOCK-GUNNED WITH EXCITEMENT ! | | |recommended mercy. {male emus when the Brookfield |. ihered the eggs scattered about [1 {el le] bi aR 2- FIRST OSHAWA SHOWINGS! i ------_---- MONTGOMERY oy b HUNTZ HALL Ano THE Bowery Boys Cedar Beach Park NORTH SHORE. OF CONFIDENTIAL ) < LAST DAY: Alec Guinness in "ALL AT SEA" & "PASSPORT Monday & Tues TO TREASON" (ADULT) MONDAY ye TUES. MAT. I MUSSELLMAN'S LAKE THE SKYLINERS Featuring JACK ROACH DANCING EVERY SATURDAY Exclusive Oshawa Showing FIRST TIME AT THESE PRICES PLAZA THEATRE THE RANK ORGANIZATION presents Bolshoi allet "A MAJOR EVENT OF THE 'DANCE SEASON...A MUST!" JOHN MARTIN, NEW YORK TIMES A RANK ORGANIZATION A b DAN DURYEA- DIANNE FOSTER PRESENTATION xs Filmed in London in EASTMAN COLOR 88.205 WE DARE GIRLS *' ssover yr au AND WIN ONE OF SUCH FAMOUS PERFUMES AS) BLACK LEOPARD - MY SI INDONESIA , 72% 2 00h Unlike anything you have ever seen! WE WARN: YOU this is the most! ~ MON. - TUE. - WED. - JUNE 16 - 17 - 18 MATINEE - 2 P.M. - 75¢ EVENING 7-9 P.M. $1.00 STUDENTS & CHILDREN 75c ALL TIMES SEATS NOW ON SALE Avoid Disappointment -- Order By Mail Today ELAINE STEWART on BRANDON deWILDE er WARNER Bros. PRESENT ALAN LADD i>: EDW.G.ROBINSON JOANNE DRU HELL ON FRISCO BAY inCINEMASCOPE ano WARNERCOLO | Enclosed find $ [J MATINEE [0 EVENING PERFORMANCE seats aot $ each for | Address City . R a STARTING PLAZA THEATRE 104 KING ST. E., OSHAWA ENCLOSE STAMPED SELF-ADDRESSED ENVELOPE FOR RETURN OF TICKETS OPENING NIGHT MONDAY, JUNE 9th ROLLER SKATING Famous "Chicago Skates" For Rent. Skate to the Best Music on Ontario's Finest Flgor Every Monday and Wednesday Night, 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. PRICES: SKATES PROVIDED 50c YOUR OWN SKATES 25¢ MAKE A DATE--ROLLER SKATE OSHAWA ARENA | RA 5-8071 ARENA ST. I DOORS OPEN 6:30 P.M. NL ---- NEVER 'HRRE BEFORE! Dr Satan's 'MONDAY and POSING : APPARITION © MARILYN ONROE? menacing famous pin-up pose) FREE} SO YOU'LL ALWAYS REMEMBER TO BOYS: Large Spirit Portrait MARILYN MONROE Famous Pin-Up Pose) TO GIRLS: Large Spirit Portrait * ELVIS PRESLEY 1001 MORE THRILLS! plus HORROR MOVIE! 18 » WALLACE FORD "The Ape Man" PLUS "Monster Maker" ONE NIGHT ONLY TUES. 10 JUNE AVOID STANDING IN LINE BY TICKETS NOW On Sale At Our 1 00 "a LJ Box-Office .. Bi in in The LOGES! CONTINUOUS FROF LRM. « SAT 12 NOON HARVEY DANCE | Sewanee tan kde nay