- TIMES-GAZETTE HOME OF THE WEEK FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSE By ROGER C. WHITMAN OILY SPOT ON STONE |ICONCRETE-SMEARED down a heavy asphalt - saturated QUESTION: I had three small] QUESTION: We have a new|felt, overlapping the sheets about statuettes, held in place with brick home and garage. When ala quarter of their width. Mop the THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Seturdey, June 7, 1938 17 on Ontario. The British Museum library is Mr, and Mrs. Murray McMillan London contains more than 6s. fe Scott from Ton Mills Were 000,000 printed books. » _ |week-end guests at t me of : MRS. BANK. Sur Mrs. McMillan's parents, Mr. and Cumberland on Vancouver 1s (Mrs. John Miller. a an Explains Work Aged Home ' after the COLUMBUS -- The Woman's| Friends and neighbors were| producing named altel hf ial Association he'" its May meeting pleased to learn of the return|ip England. Wednesday afte--oon in the 1ow- Bome of Mrs. George McCulloch er church hall. The meeting Was snd Mrs. Donald Cochrane both opened by Mrs. Walter Beath of whom underwent operations with a piano selection followed |i, Oshawa General Hospital. by the president, Mrs. Allan Me: My and Mrs. Allan McKenzie Kenzie, who read a poem. Mrs.\ were Sunday tea guests of Mr. on our fireplace. One of them |bricks were smeared with con- the laps. On top of this a wood broke and we discovered than an |crete. iow can I clean them block flooring is put down in a] oily spot had penetrated the without harming the bricks? mastic cement. It would also be | stone, We have been unable to}! ANSWER: Moisten the con-|Wise to insulate the perimeter of remove the spots. Can you sug-|crete with a solution of one part the concrete slab. gest any way to make them look muriatic (hydrochloric) acid in 20| less conspicuous? |parts of water, allowing it to re- EFFLORESCENCE |E. White lead the worship period, and Mrs. Ralph Davis, Solina.| ANSWER: Cover each spotimain for only a few minutes,| QUESTION: Our downspout and delivered a paper on the| Harry Powell of Hamilton spent Eo es, Liss 94s pip hots gees sod song hav ics Soeavuton', ions by, Fo fare il ab" we $ OF ¥ 1 "| clear water. cement will soft-irain spell this past summer our prayer. mer Powell recently. ec With begrige. Cover with Elass en and can be scraped off. If | exterior brick wall became very| Mrs, I. Ormiston read the scrip-| pr, Gerald Scott is being con-| Fong wo b ig 3 evariora Jon. necessary, repeat the application. |wet. The moisture penetrated the (ture. Mrs. E. White gave a report | gratulated on his graduation on en iy, ; rush off., ees € After cleaning, any trace of acid inner brick wall of the basement of the presbytery meeting which May 31 as a-doctor from Queen's treatment if necessary. J e care- remaining should be neutralized and a white deposit formed on the was held in Brooklin last month. | University, Kingston. Dr. "ott ful of the fire hazard when Using with household ammonia, follow- wall. What is the best way to re-| Mrs. Meredith Dring presided is a former resident of Columbus. the benzine. ed by thorough rinsing. The acid move it? |for the program. ss. B. opie Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller from COPPER GUEEN STAIN ie concent. vie, marie 10 one pi Sot, | Farts cand a J Sh ad hin" vor Sea (UETION: A Nghtaing rod fo toatr it weap 5" clots, fog inough of kane DBE Wen Wirpdiced Mot Buk vr: "were Saturday evening vie and stained the stucco wall a cop-| gloves, snd goggles to protect the gaits in Sisk; vals Working lof Fairview Lodge, Whitby. Mrs.|Mrs. John Miller. ' per green. How can these stains|eyes. on es i War evapor. [Coates Seoutibed he weil od Susan and Debra Wylie Bhi removed? i management of the . -|spending a few days this week at . i % ates, the salts remain as a crys- ; ked Mrs. Coates : I uy BY. Py Wik 2 OE it. ip HbA talline deposit, Wash the surface 1, Oriston tanked the home of their grandparents) ; : The paint in ammonia or one-quarter cup of... La on of Di old house . A social hour| ) Iyli " of the wall with a fiber brosh{[0y Jer, address ] Rev. and Mrs. R. Wylie of Tor I using a solution of one part of | : rvice | : 4 { am Bert Toto OM 8, Tn, 1,07, 8, 2h Sse, pone, seve. aod ir, Mr Hop with generous amount of jclear|" or after painting. The cracking parts of water, allowing to re-|sonducted by guest preacher the| daughter born Thursday, May 29, yaa g To prevent future" stain |SCcR8 to go through all the pre-|main not longer than two or three|gey ¢. L. Gifford formerly of to Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Francis ig TA Lin rod, where {oes Seale gt past also. What minutes and then flushing off with ottawa, The Rev. Gifford spoke of Zion. 4 ; can we do about it? touches the wall, with thin varn- ish. First clean copper, then wash| ANSWER: There may be too with benzine. Apply any good|Many coats of paint on the wall plenty of clear water. All traces on the theme "God's Tender Con-| Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hannam, of the acid can be removed by cern" and special music was Brooklin were Sunday evening j on the wall washing with a solution of one|provided by the choir under the|callers at the home of Mr. and i thi ith |and the weight of the paint is| llon Stade shar Yaruish, thinned with Cat "pulls it apart". Remove of water. Remember the acid is, Monday evening, members of mixture of linseed oil and tur-|the present paint down to the | highly corresive and great care the Columbus congregation Join-| remover in paste form, following splashing it. Wear old clothes and at Kedron Church to discuss the| label directions carefully. When goggles to protect the eyes. |important matter of pulpit sup- MORTAR EETWEEN | [ply, of extreme i~terest to mem. | QUESTION: How can the mor-| oe" iar cealer afd finish with| PLYWOOD PANELING CARE hers and adherents of both : : d lity flat wall paint. If I. of stall be replaced? It is falling | £000, gua i 4 QUESTION: How can I cledn "0 Tuesday morning several out. {the primer sealer can be omitted. home which is all marine ply- members of the WA held a "bee of old cement as possible with a | WARMER PLAYROOM FLOOR | parlor. thin screwdriver blade or a sim-| | ANSWER: If your plywood PERSONALS ticles and wet the surfaces in the Our side porch into a playroom |gepor by the manufacturer, I in the Oshawa General Hospital joints with clear water, Then fill {for the children. It will be in-| esommend getting in touch with |for several weeks now and it is : : : yondering if the concrete floor : ff mixed to a pasty consistency with | Wondering 1 1 : used, and they require different to return home. ; clear water. There is also a spe-| Will be too cold. Would it be ad-lyings of care. If, however, the| Mrs. E. Prouse, Brooklin and some hardware and paint stores| ANSWER: The floor would be which was applied after installa- from Barrie were Saturday sup- |just for this purpose. Be sure to warmer if a wood floor were nut tion of paneling, just dust wood per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wal: | pint of ammonia in two gallons direction of Mrs. Wallace Seott Pentive. plaster, using a prepared paint should be exercised to avoid ed with the Kedron congregation the plaster is clean, apply a coat tar between the tiles in our show-| churehes. a water-mixed paint is to be used, | 204 care for the inside of our ANSWER: Scrape out as much | wood paneling" to clean the church kitchen and ilar tool. Brush out all loose par-| QUESTION: We are converting | ,aneling was prefinished at the| Mr. John Lambert has been| | with white portland cement |Sulated and heated, but we are yin, "various types of finish are hoped that he will soon be able cial tile cement now available at visable to put down a wood floor? finish is a shellac or lacquer, Mrs. C. Morrison and Dorathy wipe all smears from the face of | down over the concrete. But first regularly and apply a thin coat of ter Holliday. green art gum, on jutting stones retaining wall was built, the apshalt dampproofing betwen | HOME DESIGN No. 213 Selection of your home won be a bit difficult when you ~ see this intriguing design with its modern and artisti fea- tures. Original and unusual is the glassed roof on the lovely terrace directly off the living room area, Here you can -stretch out in pure comfort with the beauty of nearby planting boxes adding to your bliss. Stepping into the vesti- bule, you will see the small trell ses on either side, adding a bit of privacy and a charm- ing touch, This home with its large living room including "fireplace, dining area, full bath with adjoining lavatory, "rectangular kitchen "and full basement is one of he finest among moderate priced three bedroom homes. Standard buil- ders' bluerints costing $9.75 a set may be obtained for tis design No. 213. For further in- formation write to: The Build. ers' Page Editor, The Times- Gazette, Oshawa. /. new Home Planner book, entitled *'71 Se- Jected Low Cost Homes for Ca- nadians," price 75c, includes this design #nd may be ob- tained at the newspaper office "or by writing to this same ad- «dress. NO-213 1093- 5Q. FT. Vag 33 Hose YOU BUILD FOR THE FUTURE WHEN YOU BUILD WITH HENDERSON'S CONCRETE BLOCKS You get g. reliable cost conv struction with our new concrete block construction -- they are equally edapteble to the conm- struction of your home, your farm, the community, school or a commercial building. Ask the men who ere experienced in concrete block. A Henderson Block neighborhood contractor or architect -- to specify Hen: n Concrete Blocks. FLORIDA ROOM] H-ox12-0 | = cL i LAY LIVING -RINING 21-5134 J I wrrenen ET 11gxi0-0 35-0" The Building Editor, Oshawa Times-Gazette, Oshawa, Ontario. A BIG ENOUGH VOCABULARY To GIVE SOUP A DIFFERENT NAME EVERY DAY Il1* | ' Henderson IN THE HOME WORKSHOP PATTERN 3i2 © By RUTH W. SPEARS | ~ A remodeled chair may start a| Jew and useful life. Here is an| old rocker that has been com-| pletely transformed. Pattern 312, which shows every detail in mak- ing over many types of chairs and gives illustrated directions for repairing sagging springs and doing simple upholstery, will be mailed for 40 cents. Address let- ters to The Home Workshop De- partient, The Times - Gazette, Oshawa. 1 3 ; Ca wy 3 <€ H &i | bs S17 "hh | i bey By RUTH W. SPEARS Garden cut-outs are full of in- terest placed in a group as shown here. Pattern 228, which gives ac- | tral-size cutting and painting guides for this deer and friends the squirrel, bunny and two pert birds, is 40 cents. This pattern is also included in Packet 39 which contains more than a dozen ac- tual-size guides for Lawn and | Garden Figures -- all for $1.75. Address letters to The Home Workshop = Department, The Times-Gazette, Oshawa, MYRTLE MYRTLE -- On Sunday, June L the Sunday School anniver- sary services were well attended. The church was decorated with flowers. The superintendent, Rev. H H. Mutton, occupied the pulpit. The guest speaker was Kenneth ( ) Please send me further deta ils about how to obtain standard Builders blue prints for home design No. 213. Plans entitled *'71 Selected (Please make remittance | Gazette.) Nam low cost H for Capadi " the tile while they are still wet: |it is necessary to damppreof the |@ good grade of paste wax. otherwise, it is a difficult job to remove them. payable to The Oshawa Times- | YOUR GARDEN Handsome Spring Shrub Addition To By A. W. RUNDLE A most handsome flowering | spring shrub to consider in land- scape plans is the viburnum. The | varieties available are suitable not only as specimen plants, but | also may be used to advantage in massed shrub plantings. Small. er, dwarf varieties are some-| times seen as hedge material and | indeed, give a good, compact] form used in this way, with, we should add, a bonus of most at. does make a good dispiay of | {ractive seasonal bloom. | The viburnum opulus, perhaps | the best known type, bears flat | clusters of white fiowers in early bush, as it is often called, is of | upright growth and rather | spreading habit. It reaches a - | h 3a This European cranberry Shrub can be trained very effec- spent a Percy home. The evening was opened by a reading by Mrs. | Armsirong and bingo was played and lunch was served. Thursday evening the Ground | Observers Corps attended a rally | at Oshawa Airport. Hon. Dr.| Matthew Dymond and test pilot W. 'Spud' Potacki of A. V. Roe, | Malton, were guest speakers | and were introduced by Mrs, J, K Lawrence, assistant regional su- | pervisor, Myrtle. Thursday evening a shower was held for Susan Appleton, who is to wed soon, at Ashburn Sunday School rooms. Friday evening in the local hall a presentation was made to Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Arnell who are leaving for Port Perry. 0. H. Downey acted as master of cere- | monies and presented a lazyboy chair and footstool and magazine rack, a gift of the community. | Mr. and Mrs. Will Lamb, To- | ronto, and Miss Doreen Fletcher, | Saskatchewan, Mr. and Mrs. | Will Ward, Walter Stacey, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Broome | and family were weekend visitors ! of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Lane. Landscape height of 10-12 feet at maturity. Was led by Mrs. L. In the fall, bunches of large, bril- liant red berries are produced out winter, Its soil requirements are not ex- tensive but it will thrive in a egol, moist and fertile soil. position in the full sun. Hold Forum 'At Maple Grove WMS MRS. D. C. LAVERTY MAPLE GROVE -- The month- ly meeting of the WMS Evening | Auxiliary was held May 22, at concrete. Mop on a coat of liquid |asphalt dampproofing, then put |Mrs. H. E. Gould were Mr, and |Mrs. George Brown, Billy, Mar- lene and Georgie, Toronto, Mrs. Robert Jarvie was Sunday guest of her son, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jarvie, Osh- |awa. [ Mr. and Mrs. Chesley Burton, {Oshawa, were Sundav guests of Mr. and Mrs. Burton, Heather and Bob. Cecil KEDRON MRS. HAROLD WHERRY Correspondent KEDRON There were 5 Miss Grace Zyvicker from Osh- awa spent the week-end with Loraine McKenzie. Many parents and children {from Columbus and surrounding school area attended the Relig: |ious Rally at Brooklin under the" {leadership of Mr. Nelson. Isobel 4 Corner and Ken Nottingham from | McKenzie's School were first and members of the Columbus and! hirq winners and will go on to Kedron congregations present for Port Perry to compete for tlhe the business meeting held dinner Kedron Church Monday evening. Ross Lee, chairman of the pas- toral relations committee, presid-! Mr. and Mrs. Bill Davidson, ed, and Rev. M. C. Fisher of | the home of Mrs. Cecil Mills. The Toronto, called on her parents, Newcastle, represented the Con meeting was in charge of Mrs, | Mr. and Mrs. Alan Snowden, Fri- ference Settlement Stephen Doyle's group. Mrs, Ken day evening. Kuhnke gave the scripture read- ing and a prayer of intercession Snowden. A forum on racial discrimina- ficn was conducted by Mrs. 'S. 2nd remain on the shrub through. | Seymour, Mrs. K. Kuhnke and (Mrs. C. Mills. President, Mrs. W. H. Brown, was in the chajr for a short busi- 1t likes a hess period. The minutes were|A)fpred Tenthorey, L'A {read by secretary, Mrs. Morley Two varieties of note are the Flintoff, followed by roll call voseum and manum, The former | Mrs. Howard Bradlev presented 4 |the treasurer's report. is known as the Snowball an Mrs. . Doyle's group LEAVE HOSPITAL Bonnie MacMillan is home from Oshawa General Hospital and re- ports feeling much better. Mrs. C, Barr and Danny hav Sunday with Mr. | were her parents, Mr. mable. { Mr. and Mrs. Jim Laverty and | family enjoyed a motor trip to| returned from a visit at Camp Valcartier, Quebec. Visitors last Committee. {In addition to discussion on the |minister for the circuit, other items of interest to the two con- gregations were discussed. Local members of the Ontario County Holstein Club executives © met Wednesday evening to com- |plete plans for the annual "'Twi- light" meeting of the club, to he and Mrs. C. Barr paid this year at the home of and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. July 15. Rev. R. H. Rickard baptised Wilfred Evans Dunnville where they visited his|Leslie John and Sherry-Lynn Bas- brother, Mr. and Mrs, Mac La- tin, children of Mr. and Mrs. conduct- verty and Mrs. M. Laverty. {Bryan Bastin; and Gary Arthur | | IMORTGAGE LOANS in|banner. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCulloch spent a few days with their son Murray McCulloch of Aldershot, EE a AVAILABLE Ralph 8. Jones | Barrister & Solicitor LORNE GOODMAN Plumbing & Heating 758 Mary St. RA 5-1044 JCONCRETE PRODUCTS #8 CONCRETE, CINDER & SLAG RA. 63 AING STW OSkiuy o Eliminates heavy digging and tiresome hoeing. Once over does the job -- no plows, discs and har- rows to buy. oe Revolving teeth break up and aerate the soil, cultivate be- tween rows, destroy weeds, mulch leaves and compost. 65 Simcoe St. South Dial RA 5-3525 © Trims lawns or cuts high grass by attaching "econo. my 20" Roto-Cutter Atach- ment, new self-propelled 22" model or 26" Roto: Cutter (for 3.3 H.P. Roto. + of which have globe-shaped clus-| {out bloom, although it is quite sus- ed three lively games and served ceptible to attack by aphids and (lunch. should be sprayed early in the PERSONALS season with Malathion, 'This| Mrs. Mary Whalen, Kingston, few days with her son Mrs. John Whalen Mrs. Bob Bothwell entertained and Paul Terry Reid, children of a number of Wolf Cubs Thurs. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reid, in |day evening. |Kedron Church. A reception' was | Mr: and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden held following the christenings. and Betty Lou attended the anni-|Besides the parents of the chil- |versary service at Salem church |dren baptized, guests of Mr. and and and were supper guests of Mrs, Mrs. J. Elliott included Rey. Snowden's sister, Mr. and Mrs, [R. H. and Mrs. Rickard, Mr. and (Keith Tennant. and Mrs. Howard Kerr and car [WINNING STREAK George of Bancroft; Mr. and Mrs. races in Indianapolis. Mr. Cox Maple Grove Seniors continued Milton Reid of Bancroft; Mrs. took part in the races, their winning streak on Saturday Norman Mooney and children of Mr. and Mrs. William Parker when they won from Bowmanville| Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Roy and family have moved into 5.1 at Maple Grove. They have | Care, Jack and Patty of Cobourg; Oshawa. ; {been victorious in all games play-| Mr. and Mrs. W. Eliott, Shir- Sunday visitors with Mr. and ed this season. {ley and Evelyn, of Oshawa. Mrs. Robert Shearer were her| Sunday visitors with Mr. and| Ellen Reid was taken to Osh- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tucker, |yys. Ernest Willoughby and fam. |3Wa General Hospital with pneu- Whitby, and his parents, Mr, and |{ly were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Goy- Monia on Monday last. Mrs. Robert Shearer, of Oshawa. |ecki. Sharon and Randy and Mr. Danny Shearer celebrated his|and Mrs, Dan Willoughby, Ronnie third birthéay with a party of ang Dianne, all of Oshawa. The 13th-century wars of Geng- friends and relatives. Celebrat-| saturday visitors with Mr. and his Khan are estimated to have ing birthdays this week areinrs, james Smith and family|cost 6,000,000 lives. Linda Black and David Plazek. |ywere his brothers Len and Angus Mr. and Mrs. Bill O'Neill and | gmith and family, and Victor family spent the weekend with |Takach, all of Oshawa. his uncle and aunt, Mr. and {Mrs. Harold Rayner, of Detroit, | Mich., at the cottage on Big| tively as a standard. The nanum py, and is a dwarf type, highly regarded family for hedging material or as a ? rockery specimen. | The Japanese Snowball or vi- burnum tormentosum is another good choice but with better re- sistance to aphids. Its branch formation is horizontal and is of upright habit. In autumm the dark green leaves turn a riko | crimson color. | Two favorites of ours in this | large viburnum family are the v.| carlesii and carlcephallum, both! Mr. and Mrs. Bud Cox family attended the stock OLD CONQUEROR ters of white, very fragrant bloom. These also can be train- ed as standards. A picture of the viburnum fam- y would not be complete with- a mention of the variety rhytidophyllum, or leatherleaf vi- burnum. This little-known type is, surprisingly enough, evergreen. Its thick leaves are of a very in- u SEA UNICORN The narwhal or sea unicorn of the Arctic Ocean has a tusk of MYSTERY ISLAND pure ivory from six to 10 feet Easter Island, with its hun-|long. dreds of ancient stone figures, is Hoe). Change from tiller to cutter in seconds with new "PRESS-MATIC" Hitch. 1 Ladies are particularly enthusiastic about the Roto-Hoe. It's so te handle. Roto-Hoe for 1958 offers a choice of 3 models and he dy attachments. Prices are surprisingly low.. Before you corsider the many imitations, why not find out why, sinée 1936, tens of thousands of gardeners have bought the pioneer of all front-mounted tillers . . . ROTO-HOE. Wriig for free literature. FALCON EQUIPMENT COMPANY LTD. 299 Danforth Rd. Teronte 13, Ont. 2875 St. Joseph $t. Lachine, P.Q. ( ge Haney ner] WHETHER You TH OR f SOUTH OR WEST,... LOOK YOU'LL FIND; W/L "4 ORT W.R. THOMPSON | PLUM! ING ~ HEATING | ~ HEATING teresting texture and wili remain 2,000 miles west of Chile in the Cedar Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Pingle and family were guests of his brother, | Mr. 'and Mrs. 'Bert Pingle, To ronto. | Mrs. George Alexander of Hil- lier, is visiting her daughter, | un the branches in good condition Pacific. throughout winter if placed in a location protected from excessive wind and sun, Its yellow - white Mecca, flowers open in June. This shrub Mrs, H. E. Gould. Mrs. Gould the birthplace of Mohammed, is | will reach a height of approxi-|has been ill but is improving. |65 miles east of the Red Sea port mately 10 feet. Sunday visitors with Mr. andlof Jiddah. SACRED CITY sacred to millions as SERVICE STATIONS OPEN THIS SUNDAY Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. J. Peters on the hirth of a baby girl. Sunday at Oshswa Hospital. Their son, Bruce Peters, was injured in a Biron, The junior choir sang under the leadership of Mrs. A. B. Deeming. Mrs. W. Boyes accompanied in the absence of Her father whe is ill. fall from his bicycle and is also Tue day evening bride-elect confined to hospital. Shirley Wade was surprised at. A. B. Deeming is also reported a cup and saucer shower at the iin hospital in Oshawa. SAVE! ; 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. BARNEY'S B-A STATION NONQUON ROAD PRESTON'S SUNOCO STATION 925 SIMCOE NORTH RICH-TIRE SERVICE STATION 24 RICHMOND ST. EAST HOUSTON'S TEXACO STATION 67 KING WEST CLARK'S SUPERTEST STATION 272 KING WEST FINA STATION "627 SIMCOE SOUTH DON ROBINSON'S ESSO STATION SIMCOE ST. SOUTH AND BRUCE ST. FOOTE'S SHELL STATION 97 KING EAST WHITE ROSE STATION KING EAST AT CITY LIMITS SABYAN'S REGENT STATION 334 RITSON SOUTH WHITEFIELD'S SUNOCO STATION 831 RITSON SOUTH CRANFIELD'S B-A STATION 331 PARK SOUTH GANGEMI"S WHITE ROSE STATION 831 SIMCOE SOUTH without a worry in: the world Relax! Forget about cold rooms, high fuel bills, furnace breakdowns, costly repairs. Install Gar Wood automatic heating--your passport to perfect heating comfort . . for a lifetime! ys bod AUTOMATIC HEATING AT ITS BEST! » WARM AIR & HOT WATER AIR CONDITIONING ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS ® CLEAN AND DURABLE ON WALLBOARD FOR WALLS «++ CEILINGS LESS THAN See your local lumber or building supply dealer, GYPROC nee-rrorecrive WALLBOARD ® BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME W. B. BENNETT PAVING LTD. FREE ESTIMATES This action can affect your future heating comfort. See us today for o free copy of our booklet "Proof! Gar Wood is by far your Wigest Investment". MCLAUGHLIN HEATING 104 KING ST, WEST RA 3-3481 A DIVISION OF McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES LTD. GW-58DN-2 OIL HEATING \ BOX 305 OSHAWA RA 8-8132 MADE IN CANADA EXCLUSIVELY BY ENGINEERING INDUSTRIES CO. LTD., 650 DUPONT ST., TORONTO |