Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 7 Jun 1958, p. 16

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16 THE DAILY TIMESGAZETTE, Seturdey, June 7, 1958 50--Articles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale SCREENS and storms, reasonable, sizes 52 x 56, 40 x 44, 22 x #4, 22 x 56. RA 3.4452. 133¢ GRAVITY furnace, ofl burner and con- ONE Singer sewing machine, g trols. RA 56978. 125 gition $45. RA 8-894. c ood con.| REPOSSESSED Fedders air condition- er, used only two months. Fully guar anteed, % ton unit. Cools, exhausts and tomatic thermostat, ideal 18 FT. cabin cruiser, excellent condl-|g) ee tioh. 53 Stone Street. Phose RA 3.9021. Ic Bapalies ! 1281 | paint, 85 Simcoe Street North. June 10| clear 35 Glendale deluxe cabin trafler, fully | Gerrans mn ™ no re™ suns fishing, A ks brand sey. In tackle, tools and car accessories. Easy | on Nonquon Road. Norm Ward Auto| weekly payments. June 7| Carts, 79 Simeoe Street North. June 10 $165, cash or terms. for small store or office. New $353. To only $287. Combustion Control rvices, RA 5-7181. 133¢ ONE train case, $9. Lady's suit, 16, $14. One Bible story book $12, | Repeater, 22 calibre $15. |Sharbot Street. 30 | Westinghouse tabletop stove, four burn. | oii nces, TV, sewing machines, pianos, mooth running, only a amas A 10 _HP Johnson, s hone RA 81131 GENERAL Electric refrigerator, also/we pay cash for used furniture, ap- A June after 6 p.m. RA 5-1423, YOUR old electric razor is worth er stove, both in very good condition. A 8-8509. 130¢| Also sell and exchange. 19 July 6 stoves, Prince Street, RA 8-1131. A , As a trade-in on a mew razor agher's. Large selection to choose| WE pay cash for used furniture appli-|GNE new Duo-Therm Oil Heater and , Meagher's, 5 King Street West, ances, TV sewing machines, 3-3425. June 29 (stoves. Also $35 on boats, motors and trail. Prince Street. RA 8-1131. , Cedar strip, fibreglass, aluminum ORCHESTRA drums, complete moulded plywood. See Provincial terms. Phone RA 8.5387. Co, 43 Bond Street West. RA THISTLE baby carriage, blue conver 1 June 10/,;pe, 1 Phone RA sale now on, Maple finished bunk 8-1092, = 130 , complete with ribbon SPrings. | yniNG room suite, % bed spring and fortable mattresses, ladder andi ooo "Teen an" 'plastic venetian freed rai sae tric. ds, Coninenal Ts Sie ia rd mics-mate! . Sool Aiwaler, 5 une 6 pianos, | 7 1: sell and exchange. 33 (0 Sum, Aply ALK RA 81072 or 4353 Ritson Road N. 133 300 Annapolis St., 133b 12 ft. 9" boat and 5 hp motor, $125. USED bath tubs on legs,. For quick sale. Price $35. Apply 98 Wilson Road | South, 1334 AN § mm Brownie movie camera with case and color filter. Phone RA 35-0813, 1429 Simcoe Street North. 133f 59.95, clear out price, $42, all sizes, Our|16 HP ow. rent location saves you money. model, one owner, Very reasonable, 'Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. | Apply 493 Floyd Avenue, off Gibbons, , ed 131¢ | north of King. 129 ANOTHER big buy, three-plece bed-|Npyw records -- Decca, Victor, Capitol, 00m suite, latest design, Ms and Ms. [ete. 78's and 45's. Four for $1.00 Meagh- » acious chest, ol » Tha finish, $119; baby carriages ®™® 3 King West. June m $24, baby cribs from $36, free RANGETTE, oven control, two-burner. springfilled mattress. Our low rent Rug 7° x 12'. Both TWO pair of drapes, for living and bed- room, 144" wide, and 192" wide. One davenport and chair, wine color, one bunk bed. 58 Nassau Street. 133f KNIT King knitting machine. Bargain, $100. One motor bike, like new. Phone RA 5-1042. 133f 51--Swap ond Barter Good condition. ation saves you money. Ed Wilsohs ideal for cottage. Phone RA 3-2848. 131f Chureh Street. 31¢ | VILLIAMS pianos, now at a price you AVE money, look at this big buy, can afford, at Parkway Television, 918 TELEVISION, outboard and gas motor, |floor furnace, space heater, boiler and |rads, steel and wood cabinets, plumb- fwo-piece chesterfield sulte, smart mod- | §imeoe Street North. RA 3-3043. June 20 rn design, attractive Sovering, 2 yu. FOR sa bon's very low price, two Pec A | maid's dress, with jacket and accessor- Lilia Bay Bag Roggio size 15. Only worn once. Call BA \lson's, 37 cents per foot. Our low 3-3145. 13 #t location saves you money. Ed Wil- 5 hp Johnson outboard motor, excellent 13: gon Furniture, 20 Church Street. 13lc condition. Little used. Phon R ARTS -- Repairs -- Accessories, Con-| enient weekly, monthly payments. ALMOST pew, a Ded chesterfield, kit- onty's BA Station, 284 Simcoe South chen table porcelain top, buffet, table i June 10 1amp, four adjustable screens, foot UU | bber tired shopping buggy. ACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, stool, ru arts, attachments, brushes, guaran: Park Road North, 149 129f feed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. | STERFIELD bed with green slip Rentalls, Vacuum cleaners. Repair | A Nical for a citi ye Sree 2% ervice. RA 81081 anytime. June 18/507 I EA /: pay cash for all good used furni-|__-- ety i ie AY oe and exchange. 445 Simcoe | ELTO 12 hp outboard motor, new last Street South. RA 58131. After hours RA |year, new motor condition, priced for i June 22 quick sale. RA 5-8008 evenings. 130f EV oie and clothesline posts for| LLOYD baby carriage, rangette, roll i ge dy A 3.3202. » 129f away bed, G. E. washing machine, rea. jae a e---- sonable. RA 8-1773. 131c TENTS, camping supplies, dunDage| FURNACE pipes and 75b. ice box bags, sleeping bags, tarpaulins, tourist Good condition. Phone RA 5.1227. 131 al d tents. Oshawa Hardware, | Wall and pup tents ;| ASTRAL refrigerator, perfect condition, § Church Street, RA I um I best cash offer. RA 58640. 1314 WB pay highest price in the city for ONE Plycraft aioe Fop-shouL, Tet used furniture, Pretty's Used Furniture || be 2 & : o!long, Price $100, Apply 8S omer. Store, RA 3.3271. June 1 |vine. Tot BARGAINS! One Marconi HiFi, eab-| ich agra TV, A-1 condition, $65. or aon ateal "tris, 13 cedar posts, 40c apiece. RA 31033. pal » i ' 12 rug (new) $119.50; one ___ sit Jia one Ys reg. value over ANTIQUE walnut sofa, dressing table, 300, mow $149.50; one bedroom suite {walnut panel bed, springs and Marshall uged) $49.50; % bed or full metal bed mattress. RA 3-9867 after 5 pm. 132 SR and mattress (used) $15.95; | CHESTERFIELD suite, cherry red ong, Singer portable (new motor) sews | oehler. le -- Yellow taffeta brides | ; for what have you. Chinn's Park Road South and | Hillside, RA 3-7088, June 12 52--Legal Notices The Corporation of the City of Oshawa NOTICE OF STREET CLOSING TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa at its regular meeting to be held day, June 30, 1958 to pass a by-law to Plan 308 which lies south of lots 167 to 170 both inclu- sive, according to the said plan. AND take further notice that at the said meeting the Council shall hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent ony person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by the said by-law and who applies to be heard, DATED AT OSHAWA Good condition. Phone RA opd, $25; one cabinet model TV, $75; |g ann 1326 o-piece bed chesterfield (almost new) |" __ ___ son $49.50; two-piece leatherette bed ches-|12 foot plywood boat and trailer, so | fenfield (new) $89.50; girl's bike, only | Apply 281 Oshawa Blvd North. : 1324} $15; boy's bike, $22. For bargains try Ging oiece walnut dining room suite Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince | lo = "ho ase, 9x 12 Sarukhan rug. | Street. Phone RA 8-1131 June 13 RA 3.2717 132¢ | $109.95 for big 10% cu. ft. sheer-look | poye he railer, good condition, rea Frigidaire, 42 1b. freezer, only 28"1.,,.010 "Apply 299 Eulalie Avenue. 132 , save $168 off with trade. Kelly "rind n apne RA 55121. June 24 REMINGTON-Rand bookkeeping ma a ---------------------- --. chine, A-1 condition, also arc welder, | HIGREST prices paid in Oshawa for 180 amps., 220 volts, five year factory | used furniture by the Community Fur- guarantee, very reasonable for quick] piture Store, 19 Prince Street. Phone sale. Apply 286 Frontenac Avenue. RA RA 81131 June 135.9216. 132b TV sets, aerials [HI-FI four speed record player, 4 'fogs, A Or and dryers. speakers, like new, $175. Phone RA Kelly Frigidaire, 81 King West. | 3.3785. 132¢ RAIL June 3 NVERTIBLE carriage and mattress, . interior, exterior, flat, gloss good condition. Phone" RA 3.3760. 132b a. lors $2.95 gal. Oshawa ans | FRIGIDAIRE sale, ranges, washers, ag Electric, 8 Church. RA 37624. 4, rc Refrigerators and freezers up - July 1 [to $200 off. Kelly TV, 81 King West. "Frigidaire, Deluxe 'model. | RA 53-5121. dune 3 SINC. F. Paxton RA 83131, 85, Mon. (CRIB, wood stove, Norge refrigerator diy. to Friday. 129f 'and range, man's bicycle, child's FREEZER, Amana, "upright. | 20 cubic |SWing, metal ironing board, bird eage, fat three years old. Phone RA 59403. (RA $2343. #4 129f | TYPEWRITER, like new; little Mc- i' | Kaskey adding machine; National cash BFF. Goodrich Stores, tires, batteries, register, 1c to $5 punch, only $25. RA refrigerators, television. 3.4434 TTS June 24 budget pias. RA 3450. July 3 SPECIAL 8 ¥ used surf-board. Apply Kowalchuk, 73 Queen Street. 131f , most all sizes, $3 up. 3 re et lasso uns PRE SUMMER FEHORD ORGAN (Wurlitzer) PRICES "Free home demonstrations windows, awnings, Phone Alto Music Supplies, inch door completely installed $41.95. No extras RA 5-1501. New ond Used Musical In- to buy. Finest in #eatures, finest in quality. Call now struments for sole, Studios: 447 Simcoe St. S. | for free estimates. RA June 29| 8-8571. COLONIAL ALUMINUM BUDGET PRICES ! Office and display court See the power loaded new Evenings Call RA 8-1062 | ELTOS! 3 to 35 hp. 2 Be Sure With Colonial | electric starting models. - Junel2] Full warranty, Choose yours now. Terms, Cy Preece FOR THE FINEST QUALITY Goroge. Elto Sales and rvice, Gliddon at Verdun AT THE BEST PRICES d. RA 5-9251. oP) June 16 FOR LUXURY OUTBOARDING ! THIS 7TH DAY OF JUNE 1958. "L. R. BARRAND" City Clerk. June7,14,21,28 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of GEORGE FRANCIS IVES, General Motors employe, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of GEORGE FRANCIS IVES, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Gen- erol Motors Employe, de- ceased, who died on or about the 18th day of March, 1958, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Representative of the said deceased on or be- fore the 5th day of July, 1958, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the said Personal Representative will distribute the assets of the said deceased having re- gard only to claims of which he shall then have notice. DATED ot Oshawa this 18th day of April, 1958. EDGAR FRANK BASTEDO, Executor, by his solicitors, Messrs. McGibbon & Bastedo Barristers and Solicitors, 20 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. Stay Out Of Gas Business -- Frost WINDSOR (CP) -- Premier Frost in a letter to the city has advised Ontario municipalities to stay out of the gas distribution business. The letter said a St. Thomas June7,14,21 |S2--Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors ond others having claims ogoinst the estate of DONALD WILLIAM BECK- ELL, fate of the City of Osh- awa, in the County and Pro- vince of Ontatio, are required to send full particulars and details of their claims in writ- ing to the undersigned, Soli- citors for the Administrotrix, on or before the 30th doy of June, 1958, inasmuch as after that date, the assets of this estate will be distributed, having regard only to the claims that have been receiv- ed by the undersigned, GREER, MURPHY & MACDONALD, Barristers and Solicitors, 6 King Street East, OSHAWA, Ontario, Solicitors for DORIS BECKELL, Administratrix, may24,31,jun? For Results CALL 'Play Ball' At Frenchman's Bay MRS, WM. FERTILE Correspondent bridal shower was held Friday evening in honor of Miss Betty Browning at the home of Mrs, John Fertile. There were 18 guests and she received many lovely gifts. The hostesses were ela Dawson. Miss Browning and in Toronto on June 14. There will be a baseball game at the Community Park Saturday, |June 14, at 2 p.m. between the | Frenchman's Bay Seniors and the BA team of Toronto, There h teams orga Wee, Bantam, Junior and Senior. The schedules are to be drawn up this week. anxious to play baseball would like to form two team They hag their first workot Monday night against a boys' Pee Wee team. The score was 16 to 10 for the ladies Dorothy Wiseman was the big § hitter of three home runs. the evening, Sandy getting Gerry Coliey and Joyce Fertile. Dorothy Buck and Lois Fertiie each had two hits, while Eleanor walks, There are probably some sore muscles amongst the ladies and Mrs. W. Davies of Gilbert Playford of Downsview, ford and family this week. Billy and Diane, attended a fam- ly reunion in Barie last week- end at the home of Mr. man's sister, Mrs. H. Tudhope. Birthday wishes are extended to Mrs. L. Johnston at Fairview the Bay. Mrs. Dave O'Brien is confined on the sick list, to bed with flu. school with an infected foot after stepping on a nail. 'Harold Beeler is home after ronto East General Hospital, Both Mr. and Mrs. Beeler are pro- serious accident. | Ted and Dorothy Barnes and § | baby daughter, Susan, of Halifax, {are home visiting Dorothy's par- RA 3-3492 | FRENCHMAN'S BAY -- A| Mrs. John Fertile and Miss Pam- § Peter Dawson are to be married § ave been four baseball § ized at the Bay, Pee § Some of the ladies are also § and Fertile H had four nice hits, Ivy Swan had § three hits, as did Sandy Buck, § Thomas got on base twice with § Sioux Lookout and Mr. and Mrs. § visited their nephew, Eric Play- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wiseman, § Wise- § Lodge from her many friends at to the Oshawa General Hospital, § Mrs. John O'Brien, Mrs. Pettit gt and baby Stephen Jones are also Mrs. Murray Powell is confined © Teddy Fertile is home from spending three months in the To- B gressing favorably following their & BOAT KITS $56.00 and Up Open evenings ond week- ends, Brooklin Marine Storage Supply Ltd. PHONE 87 June24 17" table T.V. set, cll-wave T.V. antenna, Philco refrig- erator, .two months old, vec- uum cleaner, junior boys bike, regular girls bicycle, small billiard table, baby crib, stroller. All in good condition. RA 8-8180. July5 SEE! FRIGIDAIRE wo SHEER LOOK - PLUS A | AT ME APPLIANCES "$0 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5.5332 June3 PETERBOROUGH BOATS Cedarstrip, aluminum, mould- ed plywood, fibreglas. Moulded mahogany hull Evinrude motors ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS, DOORS, AWNINGS KOOLVENT-NASH RA 3-2219 June28 SEE! FRIGIDAIRE! SHEER LOOK -- PLUS HOME APPLIANCES %0 SIMCOE ST. 5. RA 5:5332 Have your heating needs ottended to now -- Avoid delays this Fall. No pay- ments until September. OIL FIRED UNITS GAS FIRED UNITS OIL & GAS CONVERSIONS Registered Ontario Fuel Board Installer W. BORROWDALE HEATING SALES, OSHAWA CE TEE-NEE TRAILERS yaway plan, no finance charges. Factory approved service, Marine Storage and Supply Ltd, Brocklin, Ontario Phone 87 Open evenings and weekends. June 7° Winte 40 CHESTERFIELD AND | BED DAVENPORT | SUITES ALWAYS ON | DISPLAY. AT BRADLEYS | FURNITURE DRIVE - IN 299 SIMCOE S. June9 r-Seal UM WINDOWS AND DOCRS Kool Lite Aluminum Awnings CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE RAILINGS - Interior and Exterior Fireplace Furnishing BP Les eveniss SIS PRINCE ST oh Les Eveniss RA 3.2707 oe a Don Howe gs ond Bathtub Enc SALES LTD. RA 5.4632 Bill Galbraith RA 5-8832 RA 5.0313 June lection and distribution of gas|Royal Canadian Navy |on a basis similar to Ontario| Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hern have |Hydro"s was being given consid-|returned to this community and | eration. |are living in Oak Lee Cottage. Mr. Frost said gas as a fuel| The Bay Road School took top |would present different problems| honors in Section B at Kiwanis {from hydro. He said municipali-|{Track and Field Day held last |} ties would be competing with|Friday at Kiwanis Park, Dunbar. | taxpayers in the fuel business. [ton. DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 3. Swindle 1. A lineage (slang) 5. Kind of room 4. Unit of 9. Spanish work gentleman 5. Beneath 10. Feneing 6. Armadillo swords 7. Extent of 12. Sound, as time 2 bell 8. A grain 13. Very slow sorghum (an. 9. Stunted thro. vegetation pol.) 15. An invader 11. Submarine 27. Not of England detector ethical 16. Guido's 15. Mr. Roose. 29. Famous lowest note velt's scholarship 17. Seethe program 80. Cut, as 19, Sun god 17. Asterisk wood 20. Give 18. Heavy 82. Large | 22. American weight bundles | naturalist { 24. Touches 26. It flows to - the Moselle 28. Lamprey | catchers | 81. Printer's measure | 82. Poor grade cotton batting 33. Exclamation | 34. Of the mail | service | 37. Striking | success | (slang) | SILIAITIE BROE [FIAT] [TIOWIE IRIE IVIEIRIY] RIOIL [E1S RL 1E IN] 1 IN] KIL INIOIL IE] INJAJGIERTIONN [L IOIDIETS BA [OTAINA EINIDESIA TIT INIETT] CIEIRIEIS ERT! | [TIAILIE INTHE IRN] AILIOINIGENTIOIG [ATE] LIAISTERMAIL IT ICE] JAS TKS] &7 Yesterday's Answer 85. Farm structure 36. Russian news agency 37. Salary 39. River (S.A) 40. Knock 21. Shinto temple 22. Thaw 23. Em. ploy 25. Per. mit 26. Social groups Test Sultan's decree Mud volcano Confined | 43. Misplaces | ment | 44, Simians ! DOWN | 1.Tell | 2. White ant resolution asking the province to|ents, Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Hearns, |} study advisability of placing col-|While Ted is 'on leave from the J § Look What A Times Want Ad | Did For Me 'I wanted so much fo have our chesterfield re-covered but both Ralph and I reasoned that our budget could not stand it. Then one day when talking fo my next door neighbor she mentioned how she had sold her old, but still useful machine through a Times-Gazette Want Ad, geting the very price she wanied. That gave me an idea. RALPH AND I GOT BUSY that same night gathering up the chil- dren's outgrown playthings and spare articles which we thought might be of use to others. The next morning I listed them in the "Articles for Sale" column of the Daily Times-Gazeite. What happened then was simply amazing. "WE RECEIVED DOZENS OF PHONE CALLS from all over the city and district. To make a long story short, everything was sold with- in two days. Ralph was just as delighted as I was and we're planning on having the chesterfield set re-covered next week. What's more, the cellar and den are so much more tidy. It goes without saying that The Times Want Ads get resulis." What can Times Want Ads do for you ? Day after day Times Want Ads are al work selling property, locating fen- ants, finding qualified help, recovering lost articles, and gelting resulis no matter what the problem. That's be- cause Times Want Ads reach so many Oshawa and District homes and get such Placing Times W penetrating readership that they pay off Is ag simple as g ant Ads regularly when put on the Job. WHY 3 BA 3.3 19 NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF TIMES Where Irained a4 WANT ADS YOURSELF ? 2re waiting th io RA 3-3492 § & Times-Gazette Want Ads IT'S S0 Easy 79 P TINES WANT gpa. t

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