Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 7 Jun 1958, p. 15

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> 145--Real Estate For Sale THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Seturdey, Jue 7, 1958 18 $2,000 DOWN $12,800 full price, naturcl fireplace, landscaped lot, 2 storey brick close to school, bus ond church. RA 3-9705 |44--For Rent THRE E usfurnished rooms. Apply 590 Wilson Read ste. unelé > &44--For Rent - |ROOM in private home, spring mat- tress, very Sentral, Suit gentleman. 102 Elgin East. Julys * (81--Articles for Rent -- / 36--Female Help Wanted {EXPERIENCED waitress |room, steady position, No work. Apply Hotel L . #8--Summer Resorts MILFORD MANOR Milford Bay, Muskoke One of Muskoka's largest Re- sorts. featuring Orchestra Dancing, Free Golf, Water Skiing, all Sports facilities, | "'Orgonized Entertainment, For | , descriptive literature or reser- | * vations write direct or phone + Toronto, Plymouth 7-2770. June 27 | 45--Real Estate For Sole 45---Real Estate For Sale 5S yr Wented \ Open House dition. with low mileage. Saturday and Sunday'. New six room ranch style bungalow with attached garoge, large kitchen, colored bathroom with vanity. Large wooded lot. Close to school and city» bus. Two blocks west of of Werner's. South Oshawa. 1200 Cloverdale. DO-IT-YOURSELF RENT A FLOOR FA SANDER AND FINISHER |PART - time sewing instructress, ex- from perienced preferred. Must have car. for dining late night 133b central, room apartment, Thi Apply THREE - TWO rooms, furnished, ground floor, private entrance, refrigerator, sink snd |os "zo lnr Tiiner Raita "osty. |cupboards, couple only. Vacant June 28.| vit, | HARRISON & KINSMAN [RA 5251, Mrs. Walker. Th [eke But 88 Tubes Gurete, eB BR oN. ED. "ere TT usines 4 ly 4 337 Simcoe St. S. RA 3-4425 | FULL-time nurse required, also sun |BOCSE In Gibresiunt. oF Brock Hid, Rainey or W. J. Riddell, Orono, Ont. 1314 ne | release nurse. Phone RA 52330, 131f] city two suit June 13 two Phone Claremont 25. 131f RA | waANTED -- Experienced short order TWO - room furnished apartment, with Ine |cook, Apply Mrs, Healle, ftlying Scos- sink and refrigerator, suitable for busi- ons rooms, friends to Share man, Newcastle. 132¢| ness couple, two men, or girls, central, ss 36 weekly, lgnt Hy houssgesping, close oa 59, | EXPERIENCED Tor Mia [RA S00 1314, shoring J 4 'koka summer home. Modern kitchen, THREE - room b t uy small adult family. Phone RA 39134 or | unfurnished, hydro, heavy duty wirin, 59129. RA 57418 or 592 Bloor Street East. jr SHORT order cook. Must be fully ex- THREE - room, wel ~ 5 ~ contained apart- (Beis Gen on gil Apply Mr, Camp- ment, three - piece bath, All conveni-| bell, Genosha Hotel. hominy ences. Child welcome. Vacant July 1. | EXPERIENCED i on Call after 6. RA 56923. lalso bus girls. Apply Mr. My RENTAL agency, Lloyd Realty -- Genosha Hotel. Junelf home or apartment of your iy Lisyd Jay (Oshawa) Ltd, 98 oe RA 85123, July? |Street. ude room, with light housekeep- (SINGLE furnished room, ing if desired. Phone RA 3.4385. 133b|GM. RA 8-5320. THREE - room apartment, private/SINGLE furnished bedroom home. ed bat; very entrance. Phone RA 5-7849. a o CASH FOR YOUR CAR MACKIE MOTORS WILSON RD, S. RA 5-5743 or RA 5-1392 JunelD HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up er down. Liens poid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S, RA 3.9421 HO & room COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL SITE ZONED M18 6,000.00 132' siding frontoge edjoin- ing C.N.R. freight shed, 86' depth, frame warehouse on property, principals only. RA 5-4725. 1314 TOOLS FOR RENT Cement Finishing Machine, Motor Chain Sow, Electric Hedge Trimmer, Many other Tools and Equipment. ® Spring Special © B-H. White Outside Faint Beaver Brand 15% off, . WEBBINGS HARDWARE 282 King St. W. RA 3-4873 %| Ample Free Parking IWANTED -- experienced woman for) coe June 11 Eouater serving. Apply Jubilee Pavil- 1281 32 Articles Wanted 37--wale Help Wanted WANTED ~ Garden tractor, with at wives -- Real estate J tachments. Phone RA 8.5286 or 736 Must be ambitious, eager to learn, Cedar Street. TTS till June29 looking for a career, have a good car. je pay highest commission. Apply IF your basement and garage is clut- go ofieiq Insurance Associates Lid. tered up with articles taking valuable], gy "sor pi McFeeters, RA 3.2265. 1320 space, give us a call. We will pay you ' |four corners. Apply 29 Elgin Stree! cash, 446 Simcoe Street South. RA PRINTING salesman, full or part. East. RA 85160. i s-8131. June 22, tne. EAPCHICE Delta Ot of ee THREE rooms, private bath, NOS, upright, miniature 4 | decorated, north end. RA 5-2767. A yan St; ature ~~ Savy ground floor of a growing print shop. NICE, ¢ clean "and "quiet, two unfurnish- {wile 8 Box 525, Tim Gazette. July 2 Producing top notch job and commer- - ---- |clal work inth e Letterpress and Offset| £4 rooms and kitchen. Apply 208 Clarke field. Highest commission. Write Box| 2 sm ---------------- 2, Times - Gazette, Whitby. 129 IN | Port ¥ Perry -- thes 100 na and su sun- |mannER wanted. Apply Doug's Barber Jon port Perry a on Raw furs, live poultry fpe-- thers, scrap iron end pe . TURNER £5 27 Bout X © PRACTICALLY furnished threes room gy es and courteous drivers wanted. apartment, all conveniences, ground (collect) - Fe SIX . room brick house and garage, in Boymatyille, Semel located on good Write Box or Times Gazette. 13le TWO or three unfurnished rooms, sec- ond floor. Apply 38 Jun Street. 1204 TWO - room furnished apartment, and (also one single room. Apply 195 Aen #7 LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH DAY CAMP BOYS & GIRLS 7-14 * all Swimming, Crofts, 7 Archery, Sports, Reg. Nurse. Brochure Times Resort Desk | - for , information Die! RA | ' 5.2737 d June 27 RA 8.8882 1320 ig lot, 67 x 136, sewer and as, or. | 47 --Automobiles For Sale | 30f| RA 53-6958 after § p.m 's1 Pontiac, 2-door, excellent condition, BRICK house with attached garage, pk sell. Phone RA 83-1773. 1332 9 x 171 MO 84029, Whitby 1 '57 Pontiac Laurentian four door, de- wanted. Buyers waiting some luxe sedan, eight cylinder, automatic, all cash or your equity. W. McAuley whitewalls, etc., excellent condition, 84 Realtor RA 3.2513. Ed. Hinkson sales-|Warren Avenue. 1384 mau RA 8828. ba 5 Ch station wageon. RA gy FOR modern homes and Phone RA 57423 or RA 5-9877. June 13 SERVICE stations for sale, good loca- tions. Reasonably priced, $17,000 and up. W. McAuley, Realtor, RA 3.2512, MO 8.3231, Salesmen, Ed Hinkion, RA Tor Audrey Moore, RA 8-4088. 132 =~ All services, ideal Togations hg x 161. Terms if needed. 536 Lor- raine Street, RA 51168. Jume 7) ooo To enger, "47 Dodge. Tn good ERY $8503, ang meat business Tor | condition. Clean. RA sale. Established 30 years. Store com- | pv plete with stock and equipment. Must|'4g Pontiac coach, fair condition, $95, be sold due to illness. Apply 138 Mu or best offer. RA 5.6934. 132¢ Street. tad Sedan, good radio, heat: $500 down. Six-room, two-storey ok er, battery, brakes 'ete. Bring a permit private drive, beautiful large rooms,|to drive it home. Nearest suitable offer close to bus and schools, shopping oneito $100 cash. R. Appleby, Ashburn. |block. For further information contact Phone C mont 31415. 130 |Howie McCabe at RA 56544. 1 "57 Olds low yw mileage, reason NEW six-room ranch-siyle bungalow able. Apply 1 9 Xing 5 vi BY with attached garage, colored bath. '8 Volkswagon, owned half-y room. Large lot. RA 8.8882. 1304 | |cellent condition. Call after 6 p.m. RX NOTHING DOWN COLONIAL HOME Offers several choices on 3- ond 2-bedroom bungalows delivered. to your lot, ready for easy erection. Colonial Homes, RA 8-8571. 289 Park Road South, Oshawa, Junel2 $900 DOWN Those of you who ore passing up these new bungalows ot this price -- will never see them being sold at this price again, featuring these extras: oil, alum, storm door, graded with top soil, ceramic tiled bath, 6% int. loundry tubs, paid services, low taxes. All these and more for only the above ntioned down pay- ment, Model home open every doy. For more information call Howie McCabe ot RA 5.6544. JOHN A, J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS near Sout 13le for gen- Central. 13M} with Fulltin| vate en-| girls only. | 1294 July 2 CLEAN CARS WANTED TRADE UP OR DOWN LIENS PAID OFF WILBAK MOTORS 137 KING ST. W. RA 5-0732 June 21 49---Automobile Repairs Torrance Muskoka, 4 miles from Bala. Seven lokeshore > housekeeping cottages, differ- ent sizes, with central flush toilets, spring water, sandy beach, hydro, wood, ice, end boats, also camping grounds, "For information and rotes, write or phone Oliver Hut- chinson, Torrance, Ontario. Phone Bolo 342-W2, H July 4 possession. East, 2677 a 7 pm. or 120 Fish TWO - room apartment NISHED room and kitchen, suil-| trance, able for two, mear GM, hospital, reasonable rent, And | Near bus. RA 56792. oat THREE unfurnished rooms, nice local- , RA 59298 or 227 Dearosis 13 THREE - room apartment, modern cupboards, sink and heavy wiring in kitchen. Private three piece "bath. Tile floors, Nicely decorated. Posses- sion July 1. Dial RA 5-1674 131e| ONE room, for one lady or one gentle-| n, furnished. Phone RA 8.5267. 13le oom apartment, TV wel 7, newly decorated. r 438 Eulalie Avenue. oat FHREE - room apartment, _unfurnish- | i ement "apartment, rT Bays) wiring. 815 Rowena Street, RL {decorated, stove included, now vacant. ar 132 , experience nec-|Couple preferred, $45 monthly, Apply - room coitage for rent. Battery Lorne Goodman, |72 Wilson Road North. RA 50235, 1331) ger and brand new key achile 58 Maly Stree! 133 TWO rooms. Apply 314 Elgin East. 133f for sale. RA 88125. 1% EE En "ors btouka SEW hick Rous for eat Ty Cols ATARTHRNT ___ Ue Tin oath all company benefits, good prospects, ! kitchen. One pre-school-age child wel. June i ally Write Box | Aix Fe For information he come, RA 3733 after § p.m. ot m aze! e duit CEDARDALE , [EETREsestarive ori comtion | CXPRIDGE fombonse best toon My Serioms "Apis 60 Coe 1 |ing sales work, to call on stores, ton: ship, no electricity, very reasonable 132 SCRAP commercial establishments, etc. 15 rent, $10 Apply H. U 3 IRON METALS LTD: Ig IRON :: METALS | PAPERS :: RAGS 1950 V Apply 734 Ritson Road 8. i3le 50 Plymouth, just spent § 300 on moto |transmission, clutch, and tires, offer. RA 5.8640 after § p.m. iit "56 Chev. Sopen, privately owned. Phone RA 5-6394 1326 Bpnrnine Furnished cottages for rent. One three-bedroom with ell city conveniences, one two- bedroom with most city con- »: veniences, each have boat + end beautiful sandy beach, "* available for month of August end later if required, situated , ot Jasper Park, Balsam Lake. »~ Jasper Foreman, 45 Francis #+ St, Lindsay -- FA 4-5308. July4 Nosy in person only. United Taxi, i floor. Apply Box 529, Times-Gazelte, East. [Frew truck mechanic licensed. ! TWO room 1 RA 59387 RA 5-3516. Ip 'MBERS 7, top wages. Clayton Orpwood Garage BA' STATION King and Park Rd. Oshawa RA 8-1711 GENERAL REPAIRS 1951 Cadillae, four new tires, $300. Can be financed. Pickering 699J, 130c |ATTENTION farmers! '48 Ford truck, |three-ton, high racks, $200, 338 Wilsen |South, RA 3.7502. TUNE-UP ' deluxe, All parts Ta excellent cosaition, Phone RA BRAKES 7188 | COMPLETE OVERHAUL 's6 Oldsmobile fordor hardtop, auto- a matic power brakes, tutone green Guaranteed work by certified mechanics white, new tires. Only $2295. Seaway June28T.T.8. SMITHS CAR CLEAN UP Make yours like new, Sitnon- izing job, paint touch up, chrome, upholstery, tires cleaned, mats, trunks, wheels cleaned, painted. Many other extres. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. iths Car Clinic. RA '5-7192 If you want to sell your home and want fast efficient ser- vice, don't hesitate any longer, YY us a coll at A 3-2254 anytime LLOYD AYERS REALTOR Ozzie Addison Sales Representative POW - WOW * Come and enjoy the fun at Pow-Wow Point Lodge, Huntsville, All Summer sports, delicious meals, American # plan, $38-$60 weekly. Write direct or call Huntsville 844)3, ATRO resort, LLOYD REALTY INSURANCE REALTORS OPEN EVENINGS ONLY TWO LEFT AT THIS LOW, LOW PRICE. $1,350 DOWN AND $12,450 FULL PRICE. July 3 '53 Dodge ranch wagon, with oe] new motor, body and tires. Perfect, 130f| only $795. You Auto Buy N way | Motors, opposite | Shopping ( Cig 132 | HARMONY HEIGHTS | This is one of the best offer- ings that we have had for a LOW -- LOW -- LOW |excellent condition. Private. Phone RA long time. Just look at a 5.2802. June 27 few of the many outstanding - |= Plymouth, $30. Take over we ments. |'81 Chevrolet coach, excellent condition, / {clean, $495. "50 Chevrolet deluxe, five features: |passenger coupe, A-1 condition, $395. DOWN |Terms. RA 5.4513, RA 5-7436, 1294 NEW 6% 'N.HA. |i9 Ford $125. New brake job, new FEATURES: 4-pc, tiled bath starter and seat covers. RA 35-3710. 1238¢ Youngstown kitchen BUSINESS 1S GOOD iT : Stained trim WELLMAN S Electric hot water tank Because people on tuning from high powered, elongate 3 bedrooms gos eating monsters to sane Schools very close economical means of trons- Public and Sebarate Large lots 56 x 110 portation, 35-40 M.P.G. up to 85 M.P.H, without sacri acer 40. 30 iousond R BL Dab = on oo of tires is not "RIDE IN STYLE... PAY Co bie . FOR LESS PER MILE" AT JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LTD. REALTORS AT RA Hillman of course sold ond serviced by 'Wellman Motors | 5-6544. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS ROSENEATH MANOR Beaumaris, Ont, "50 Acres of Playground". Complete summer resort, golf, tennis, badminton, vol. leyball, dancing, sandy beach, oll on our: own grounds. * Close to.bus, railway. Fold- | ers, write direct, | room self - contained up Possession immedi. | rpart- | 3 4 stairs apartment. J « room downstairs Apply { "51 Chev, $150cash, must sell good buy {for handyman, RA 5.2061, 134 | i982 Pontiac sedan, new motor, radio, SHAW RAG AND METAL Jake Shaw will pay you more for your scrap iron, tin, copper brass | lead, aluminum, etc. 89 BLOOR ST. EAST RA 5-2311 Open Saturdays Also Auto Wrecking | June 12 | June24| 34--Auction Sales | ® Six large rooms ® Completely decorated In dy : ARDEN | » Housekeeping cottages on Kennebec Lake. Hydro, large screen verandahs. Good fish- =" ing ond swimming. Boat and Ice complete. $30 weekly, RA 5:1763 | 1 TWO large, unfurnished rooms, kitchen Pal Blvd., Toront: 133; Ke, h fore. "Can FAS Ti0L Youu Hse pa aluevios Bivd., Torus o._ 1330 3 h sink and cupboard, bedroom with ----'¢/FURNISHED bedroom, clean, quiel, clothes closets, washing facilities | BUSINESS "opportunity for 'wo men private home. Would suit refined gen- [Phene RA 3.9462. 1320 |desiring sales career. Excellent promo- tleman. RA 5-387 9. - we Shemini. |TWO Tar large unfurnished rooms to let in OPEN SETORDAVE ACL BAY tion program, $100 a week steady I0- SINGLE room for young man cr lady: new house. . Very reasonable. Tele. RA 5.3432 130f [® laundry done, and one pha? CE rah id RATED nei eo per day. $12.50 a week. Call at 724 Sim. rooms an: chen, share ba RESIDENCE RA 5.4159 (WANTED experienced caretaker, aso| Por Ga, $1250 8 {840 monthly. Phone, RA S4183 atier § |doorman, for Friday and Saturday 1290 100 ANNIS STREET nights. Jubliee Pavilion. 128¢ $1X - room house for rent. Apply Fr FREE PICK-UP aC ~ | Sylvia Street. 1334 | i June20, THREE - room unfurnished apartment,' - SEWING "rage, per month, half hydro. 212 ment. Possession June 31. MACHINE Ritson Road South. 131¢ | Westmount, THREE - light housekeeping Too mu, FURNISHED extra large bed - sitting upstairs, heating and lights. Call eve- room, private bath, broadioom, twin nings, RA 5.7586 or apply 580 Drew Hollywood beds, suit two business | Street. Elna Sewing Machines re- 1204 quires a Salesman who would | working mother. ow day aire, for THREE - room unfurnished basement like to advance to o store [imal children. Light wiring, sn apartment, private toilet and shower, kitchen, ground floor, Private atrance; manager position. We offer |Ra 81715 1314 (0U heated. RA 35-1850. 128 salary plus commission, bonus |GNE large threeroom apartment vies THREE unfurnished housekeeping ond special auto allowance. Sood conveniences, central 10. tii gs Could be "used in your choice of colors th. RA 8-8861. i i i offer: n mon! |THPEE rooms and bath, near south!s Brick Construction pr id A genuine leads per SELF - contained apartment, two GM. Immediate possession, Apply 254 Brick Construc oy. , NO canvassing. OF lrooms, living - room, large pe as Road. June 26 @ Large hollywood kitchen with| confidentiol interview call ee ee ie or ianed |ONE-~, and two - bedroom apartments,| natural wood cupboards RTC Ww aH " Al stove and refrigerator, free parking! } h d iple! MR. COKER i od pidierred. & and TV outlet, $85 and $90 monthly, ® Ceramic tile bath and triple) RA 5 2591 0 h RA 8-054 RA 5 imeos| mirror I - snawa i 131c june8 JOHN'S GARAGE Repairs to all ears. Two locations to serve 3 Motor overhaul, brakes," clutch, transmission, differens tial, tune ups. \ 226 Celine RA 3-4233 Or Corner of RA eave Ritson ot A: Station ; come. Write Box 5%, Timestiamite r south General Motors. TV privil- iphone RA 37345 after 5 p.m. Juels continuous hot water, suit couple; ga. ately. Five 131f people, better home, Phone RA 5-3093. THREE large rooms for family with bath, also extra room in basement. 00 ms, Our advertising program $65 a cation. RA 3-7793, June 31 uty wising. Adults preferred. Phone| South. 129f | Apply Superintendent, Apartment 2, 105 TERLE - yoom furnished apartment, |Craydon Road, Whitby, 130 o Spacious landscaped lot Apply 63 Drew Street. 129| THREE large room basement upar-| For more information, 5 dogs | meflt, furnished or unfurnished, private FURNISHED room, girls _only, iwo bath, central. RA 52341. 183 Arthur {may share. Reta electric {Street. 1281 to hospitai |S - room, semi-furnished or un- ond Mr, Arthur J, Clarke, Lot 20, Concession 5, Darlington SANDY BAY ... Rice Lake, housekeeping, cot- | " : tages, sleep 6. geping ve- | Township, Va mile west of -.frigerators and plates, wood | Hampton, has sold his farm, | stoves. Good fishing, safe | Will sell by public auction * 'sandy beach. Write to R, Saturdoy, June 14th at 1 ~*McCracken, R.R. 4, Hastings, p.m. sharp his entire herd of "Ont, Durham cattle, tractor and tractor machinery, wood, furniture, etc. Further par- ticulars see bills, Terms cash, Jack Reid, Auctioneer, DON'T WAIT, CALL DOUG | 4 | 41--Room and Board | ROOM "and board for two. New, single |tle, laundry privile beds and dresser. Private bath and en. |and downtown. Phone RA 5-0238. 132{ FOUR - trance, in new home. Phone RA 35-0750. furnished tw furnished apartment, stove and refrig. |COSY, completely furnished two-room 1338 | OE eel boasts. radio. ve. erator. Apply 496 Simcoe North, Apt. 4, | BEST in town, single beds, all modern fgerator, ™v outlet, Jaundey Jacililes, »]RA 5-6309. 128 conveniences, close to south GM. RA parking space. Automatic heat. Cool in TRRFE . room unfurnished apart 54165, Aply 5% lesraine SUSE, ad East. RA Fo BY? Ein Sige ment Private bath. Adults. Abstainers. 68 MeMillan Drive side entrance July SING. beds, good meals, washing 1 June21 one. Four blocks east of Motors, 135 ATTRACTIVELY furnished rooms {Central Park North. RA 3.2688. June § available in private home. 82 Park PRIVATE room for one gentleman, Road North, 5 p.m, to 7 p.m. RA 8.8671 133¢ meals optional. Phone RA 8.5001. 130f| June22 TWO boarders, to share room, or one + [NEW four-room bungalow. No children 35--Employment Wanted {boarder, room and board and aches please. Apply 461 Bloor East. 13 TYPING done at home, Accurate, Rea-| well, RA 5.9193 -- | THREE or four-room SHER | sonable. Phone RA 56179. 130¢ ROO. and board, "five apartment, heavy duty wiring. RA 5-3204. 130f CHILD looked after § Say Week, over.| Our comers. Phone RA 5.9303. fro | 281 night if desired. RA 3.362 133f WILL give board and good care for| MAN, fully experienced es FR types of children, 6 to 12 years, for summer lumber and building materials, Beret months, Write Mrs, George Hopkins, | as shipper. Write Box 442, RR 1, Fenelon Falls, Ont. 1281) Hime s-Gazette. dh pear | "Five days a week. Phone RA cellent cook and good references. 9 to 6, 3-3146. 129¢ Phone RA 5-1904. 132f ROOM and board, close to North GM EXPERIENCED carpenter requires Gentlemen preferred. Apply 260 Gibb| part-time work, any kind. Phone RA Street. 131e| 5-7066 aiter 6 p.m. 130f ROOM and board for one gentleman, | | Phone RA 5-2305 132¢ 36--Femcle Help Wan PORT SYDNEY TRPERIENCED p Wanted | RooM and board for genjleman, Bus ' » switthboard operator at door. Bonniebrae. Phone RA 3.3623. | Phone Utterson 62 Ring 3 and typist with some bookkeeping ex- 132¢ #ar une perience for permanent position. Write LARGE bedroom, twin Beds, suita ti) ble | giving full details to Box 534, Times- for two girls, breakfast if desired. RA | | Gazette. 1291 3.3062. 1221 AVON'S 7 72nd Anniver: specials asl = sure good income to ambitious mature 42--Room and Board woman who has 3 or 4 spare hours each WwW d day. Good openings available in Dur ante | and board wanted for single ham County, For further information Room write Mrs. G. Tate, 304 Frederick Ave young Dutch man, Phone MO 8.4259 3le 130c * nue, Peterborough. PRIVATE HURST RA 8.5123 or 8-8726. LLOYD REALTY (OSHAWA) LTD. | | 93 SIMCOE ST. N. = RA 8.5123 LIST WITH LLOYD June 6 GREAT FISHING! ¢IN LAND O' LAKES Housekeeping cabins, boats, swimming. $25 week, Write: JUKES CAMP MATAWATCHAN, ONTARIO Junel7| 7 oa: Warehouse for Rent 5,400 feet floor space, down- town section. High folding doors for trucks. RA 3-9481 -- 684 Glencairn Street, 1294 | SACRIFICE PRICE 50-Articles For Sale TECEVISION eis for Text ¥1 por ay, recorders Tay minjmam. Als fa %, and record players oF tebe. eagher's, $5 King Street West, RA 3-3425. Jung 21 AWNINGS, plain colors, or gay stripes. Prompt service. Free estimates, Ordes now for early delivery. Chair and table rentals. Cleve Fox, 413 Simcoe North, Oshawa, June 18 NEW rugs from old! Save up to % Made from your oa rugs, ool, clothing, ete. Beautifs ible broadloom. Phone RA sisi | | Ltd. for nearly ten years. | Come in today for Free Dem- | onstration or call: | FOR QUICK SALE Will accept low down payment. Five-room brick and stone bungalow, three bedrooms, clothes closets, large kitchen, built-in cupboards, Leorge bright living room, four-piece bathroom, bath and shower, all hardwood and tile floors, oil heated, full size basement, laundry tubs, copper plumb- ing. Very large size lot, Beautiful location on Meadow 33¢ RA 5-7981 And we will pick you up. Small payment or trade, up to 36 months on balance. June2 BUCK'S BODY SHOP Excellent collision work, weld- ing, painting, towing and storage. 'Cars bought end sold. H. Marlyn, proprietor, 361 Bleor St. E. RA 5-4513 or RA 5-7456. Junel7} SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER-VOLKSWAGEN SALES ond SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT, We are interested in procur- TEL: RAndolph 3-3461 ing listings on ao few good jun properties around the City. ond 5-room apartments. - Electrically equipped. Best location. $90 ond $105. RA 8-8676 Modern 4- THREE rooms and kitchen, private bath, for family with one child. Anply 144 Albert Street. THREE - room apartment and bath, 120f Apply 61 Nassau Street. BACHELOR quarters, . nicely furni furnish. ed, bed - sitting room, dinette, kitchen- Private entrance, 460 King West, Shopping Centre. 1291 1294] 450--Real Estate Exchange GENERAL store and service station, attached house, modern conveniences, 26 miles north of Oshawa, for sale or exchange on farm close to O vi Write Box 540 Times-Gazette, LOT 100 x 150, good location, culvert Crescent off Gerrard Rd. Pri- with driveway approach. Well partly vote, immediate occupancy. |dug. Priced low for cash, $850. RA A 3-3211 or S38. ic | vow . 100m apartment, private en. | RA 35-2539 after 6 p.m. '46--Real Estate Wanted {trance, private bath, heavy wiring, con. 133f WANTED -- Modern bengalow, four tinuous hot water, bus at the door, 782 large rooms, in good locality, prefer- 132b Ritson Road South 1291 ably in north section. Apply Box 532. 1294 FURNISHED rooms, suitable for Te NEW N H | . y. \. 8 CLYFFE HOUSE MARY LAKE 77 Sandy beach, water skiing, «-boats, tennis, Special atten- tion to meals. Reserve now ¢ fo ra wonderful vacation, MISS DORIS JENNER HOUSEKEEPING work wanted Ex. bus. Junel?7 FOR RENT freyn SELF - contained three - ment, sink and cupboards, adults. 880 Simcoe Street North, May31,Junes,7 PRACTICALLY gomplete, three room DUCK POND apartment, all conveniences, ground 40 acres in oll. $150 en acre. Can take all or half. | floor. Apply Box 529, mes Cazes Phone RA 3-4780; or write to Clarence Black, RR, No. 2, Costieton at NORTHERN Electric Ry King West. Dial RA 3-3435, ELECTRIC razor service, cords and n. Msaghars, ) King Street West, RA FIVE violins, excellent tone. Reasonable price. Apply lafter 3 p.m. 176 Roxborough Avenue. 1284 one over 100 years a FAMOUS PICKEREL SPOT Below Healey Falls where «Crowe and Trent Rivers join. * Troll," drift or cost May, June "at Cole's Point Resort, Family cottages with boat $30 week up, also week-ends. Cliff "Penhale, Box 268, Compbell- "ford, Phone 646WS5, SMALL house, four or five rooms, | north or east end, buy or rent. Reason: able. Box 441, Times-Gazette. 1314 | WAREHOUSE SPACE FOR RENT 5,000 square feet. Housekeeping if desired. Very centval.| Phone RA 5-3751. 129¢ ONE large, furnished, room; heated, water, chen sink, bathroom, refrigerator. Suit| one lady or gentleman. Private en-| trance. Apply 214 Cadillac avenue south. 120 | BOAT And car trailer, #69. Phone BA pn Victor transistor radio, used only |» short time, $25; one used all-wave |radio, 5 wave bands for overseas re | ception, beautiful tone, $35. Meagher", ©26|5 King Street West. RA 3.3425, 1 , housexceping| cupboard, kit- |43--Wanted to to Rent | WANTED -- small house or four-re "room Concrete | | June 15 SECRETARY |self-contained apartment, reasonable 1 concrete block wall, SELF - contained apartment, three $975.00 'PINELANDS *-- Recipe for the "Long Hot Summer: A little tennis on our clay courts, pitch horseshoes, o swim in crystal-clear Lake Joseph at our fomous private beach, a delightful meal with friendly folks, a game of « shuffleboard on our new ~ courts. It all adds up to a = holiday you dreamed of, "" Folders available aot Times Gazette booth or write Pine- lands Lodges, Port Carling ~-- phone 90, June22 19--Summer Properties JOTTAGE at West Beach, for sal or wnt, five rooms and porch, For par- | feulars call 118 Cove * Road. 133b For Sale or Wanted For Law Firm Te commence on or before | June 30, lego! preferred byt not essential. experience Staff oware of advertisement, Write Box 429, Times-Gazette 1291 s-------- CLERK-TYPIST OR CASHIER | Required by Oshawa office of National com- rent. Phone RA 8-1425 133¢| floor, |URGENTLY needed by couple with schoolage child, four or five.room house. Reasonable rent. RA 5-5802. 132c| WANTED -- medium size house, with small barn in the vicinity of Pickering, Whitby or Brooklin. Few acres. Apply | Box 531 129¢ COUPLE without children require four-, or five - yoom bungalow in Oshawa, or on highway near Oshawa. Write Box 543, Times-Gazette 132 new building at é6 Russett St., Oshawa. Contact: -- C. M. McCULLOUGH RA 5-3539 |child welcome. RA 35-5746. THREE - room apartment, TV_acrial, {private bath, newly decorated, Call RA 133f apartment, Sink in kitchen. One small 37--Male Help V Wanted |37--Male Help Wanted REAL ESTATE SALESMAN MUST KNOW EUROPEAN LANGUAGES We require two Solesmen for our new office, and applicants must be neat, courteous and have own car. Your opportunity rooms and bath, all conveniences. One 1291 DOWN These new 3-bedroom, solid brick are o terrific buy at this low, low down payment, Sev- aid or 438 Eulalle Avenue, 1294 {Four -- - room apartment, furnished, | heated, If you are interested in sell- ing your home please tele- phone our office. We would be pleased to.extend our ser- vices to you. Robert S, Mc- Collum, Realtor, RA 5-6402. June2] central. RA 3.7692 after 5.30 p.m, 1320 TWO-, eral different models to choose from. or three room unfurnished |child welcome. Central. Phone oa 51935. ONE Iarge furnished ! a room, lights, water, cupboards, kit- chen with sink. Bedroom. Refrigerator. Suit one lady or gentlemen, Apply a Cadillac Avenue South, THREE - room cottage, heavy it sink, cupboards, garden. Thornton Road North district. RA 3-9040 after 7 p.m. 132 Following ore Just some of the features: 1. Steel kitchen 2. Ceramic tile bath 3. Recreation room facllities 4. Sodded front loewn 5. Gravel drive And many other features. If you want to sell your home, ond want fost, efficient ser vice, don't hesitate any long- er -- give us a coll ot -2254 Anytime LLOYD AYERS, REALTOR Ozzie Addison-- Sales Representative 1314 SALESMEN ON LOCATION, RA 8-1338 ANYTIME 45--Real Estate For Sale LOT, 43 x 132, wewer and water. Price $1600. Phone RA 13-2050. 1314 LOY for sale, 48 x 120, sewers and 1314 |47--Automobliles For Sale | TWO NSV motor bik | "81 Chev., two-tone and extras, Best {cash offer. 301 Fes venue. 131b ood condition. BUYING or SELLING See TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA (Just. Eost of Wilson Road) June RA 3-4494 Res: RA 5.5574 21 QUALITY AND ECONOMY IS OUR MOTTO BEFORE YOU BUY GIVE US A TRY HOLODY ALUMINUM SALES ALUMINUM DOORS WINDOWS AIR SHADE The finest Aluminum Awning available with the exclusive "FLAIR-VENT" and "SKY- LITE" design. JUNE SPECIAL SELF-STORING DOORS oany. sidewalks. RA 5.9264. ® Excellent Working . | to learn a profession with unlimited possibilities. Contact-- - Ls '54 NASH METROPOLITAN, AGRT - room, income home, oil heat- fully ecuipped, 25,000 Completely installed . $795 Phone for FREE DOOR OFFER LIFETIME GUARANTEE RA 5-2431 Che ok or rot | ere of land, om Buck] dy Lake. Sandy beach, good fishing, | sunting and swimmin L166) g. Phone 0) '53 PONTIAC CLUB ' CPE. Custom radio, 30,900 miles $895 '53 CHEV. SEDAN, very clean '53 PONTIAC SEDAN $795 '53 CHEV. BEL AIR SEDAN. $995 BOTTAGE for sale, View Lake, on torth-east shore of Lake Scugog. Ap-| oly L. E. Magill, 57 Cambridge Street Jouth, Lindsay, or phone Fairview' IR2570, Lindsay TFS, July FOR sale -- Sturgeon Lake front cot: lage, three bedrooms, pressure water! July 9 HOLODY SALES ALUMINUM DOORS WINDOWS AIR SHADE The finest Aluminum Awning - available with the exclusive : "FLAIR-VENT" and "SKY- LITE" design, ' MAY SPECIAL SELF-STORING DOORS 54.95 completely installed LIFETIME GUARANTEE RA 5-2431 June9 d on Page 18) radio, $495 DODGE SEDAN .. $495 NORRIS OXFORD $275 '51 CHEV. SEDAN, '51 5) \ Conditions DOUG WILSON, REALTOR an OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -- RA 5-6588 , month. Can be purchased for low (down pavment of $2000 and carries CORPORATION RA 5-6561 Rr Toe Su "ARE YOU INTERESTED IN INCREAS. | WSURance reaions JOTTAGES to rent by the week or LAURA SECORD ED INCOME? Open Evenings Private drive with garage Close to public and high ® Pension Plan, INCOME home, centrally located, Hospitalization, ete. Fanaa ARE YOU 22-40. YEARS OF AGE? = [FSef wiles Rort Perry, 'call ANherst 2073. Open | : CENTRALLY 'LOCATED CANDY SHOP ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SALES YO A LTO T0 MANAGEMENT? schools Very reasonable down INDUSTRIAL 13 ment Dresemtls setied at On| ACCEPTANCE DO YOU HAVE AT LEAST A HIGH Jest Ha Si doe! oat ouse, 3 H ? 1 i ET al indy x SCHOO. EDI/CATION: | LLOYD REALTY | for inspection June 7 or 8 1281 | $1--Articles for Rent MISS THIS ONE! requires "se Bark brick 'bungalow A position is open on our soles staff for a man enswering the above description who is seeking wider scope, payment Beautifully landscaped Full Time Refined SALESLADY Apply: LAURA SECORD CANDY SHOP OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Chain Saws, Gas and Electric, Complete Floor Sanding ond Polishing Equipment ond Materials (new mdchines); Skill Saw; Sanders;. Drill; Extension Ladders; Paint Sproyers; 10-ft. Tree Pruner; Pipe Threading Equipment: Electric Hammer; Chain Hoist; Post Hole Auger; Blow Torch; ~ Electric Soldering fron; Surap Pumps: Lown- mowers; Electric Hedge Trim- mers, Stan's Sharpening Ser. vice, corner King ond Burke + $3. -- Diol RA 3-3224. dunedt| '50 PONTIAC SEDAN $295 10 OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM Low Down Payments With Easy Terms WILBAK MOTORS 137 KING W, RA 5-0732 He will be carefully selected and thoroughly trained to do the job. He will be paid a salary plus @ commission during his period of training. He may also' qualify for our Management Training Plan, Must be seen to be appre- ciated, Don't delay! PLEASE He. will be located in Oshawa and not required to travel. Re- CALL BILL MILLAR -- RA plies, which will be treated in strictest confidence, should be | as complete as' pe and include details of experience and | ties t 5 years. © Our staff know of this "50 Buic Kk hardtop, fully equipped, $375. | Phone RA 5510 133a 19 Ford for sale, body OK. RA 5.3710 133f 'ST Olds 88 Soma ulate, four door hardtop. RA 5-33. 133¢ 50 Cmeviolet, Foti condition, $345.1 1230 Phana RA $5 133 I "Chevrolet detuxe, small mileage, | sonable, RA 5-3048. 131f REALTOR {heater, new tires, good condition, $450 [etl condition, $800. RA 3-4300. 132b |wind screen, spotlight. A-1 condition 132¢ : Bl] i sedans, two of these u- such os--fireplaces, gar- ny pon. good tires, custom bullt radio, directional separate schools end your | Brooklin. June 7,13 the pas N. RA 5-8461---MO 8-3337 | Apply 86 Quebec Street. 131c BOEM CONSTRUCTION {outstanding value, $1895, terms, Try BETTER BUILT BY BOEM Stew at Wellman's, RA 3.4431, 13ic 133f 1951 Morris Oxford, black, 1000 miles (on new motor. Beautiful condition. Rea- A J SC HATZ [i immaculate condition, rea- . » sonable, RA 5.6057. 1301 [1951 Ford hard top convertable, radio, |or nearest offer. Phone L. Wilson, RA GENERAL INSURANCE 15-2962, 755 Somerville avenue und WE LIST PHOTO CO-OP, [8 pm. only me | "53 Buick two - door, 43,000 miles, 304 Dundas Street West miles, ex. WHITBY tor scooter for sale, very rea- padi Drive to work on 25c. Rasoline | weekly. RA 3-724. 132 | 48, 45 Harley Davidson motorcycle with THIS WEEKEND 30% 55a tiers om. 'Take a drive up to Cochrane |'80 Pontiac, will trade for 25 HP oul Street, Whitby, fine homes bedrd motor, car or truck, Phone & for low prices, many features {lar models to choose from, reduced to oges ond/or carports, full [lear only $345. Seaway Motors, oppo, or divided basement, ceramic [site ghopping Centre. I tiled baths, good size lots, 139 Chev. sedan. Good "condition, g sodded, close to public and [gigmais™ seat covers, 5250. RA S308. 133a guarantee N.H.A, mortgages. |g Ariel motorcycle, 500 cc, top shape 8-5123, For further information call [Reasonable for cash sale. Phone 245) Bill Schatzmann evenings MO LLOYD REALTY (Oshawo) Ltd. 8-3253 Onieria. RA 8.5123 . PICKERING 590 t LIST WITH LLOYD Member Local AND CALL THE MOVER Real Estate Board 113a 93 Simcoe St ig $125. Runs good B 444, Daily-Times Gazette, Oshawa ne RA r 3-4641 Tuesday 10th, between t} | fous of 7:00 end 9:00 p.m. end esk for Mr. J, D. Anderson ul, June [ES -- "LC 132bi

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