Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 7 Jun 1958, p. 13

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In the Land of Promise ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON sy awa 2. 3m: | Inflation In Religion YHEDARY TWILAAZIITL Sannin Jee 2-00 13 Scripture--Joshua 4; 11:16-23; 23; 24. more clearly remembered made NORTHERN LURE : the great answer, "Lord, to| Red-colored bait--even a eran. * -- whom shall we go? thou hast on a hook -- at 7 Observed By Preachers [ii min smi ad tet cmt Z eve and Bear lakes R. BARCLAY WARREN were filled." He proceeded 10! net that Carist: the Son of he wrest the a Many are asking if the upsurge, explain to these followers that living God." of interest in religion in Canadathey must in a very real spirit-|" mm erna or and USA is really revival. More ual sense, partake of Him and LL alive we ISRAEL COTTON people belong to churches and live by Him. "He that eateth my| yocus Christ Himself, abiding The republic of Israel har more are churchgoers. A church flesh and drinketh my blood, 4 ruling in our lives. vested its first commercial oe editor says, "If inflation means dwelleth in me, and I in him. As ton crop from an that there is more money but|the living Father hath sent me, 740 acres in 1954, its value is less, then it may and I live by the Father: so he SMART DOGS properly be said that religion in| that eateth me, even he shall| Sheep dogs of the Shetland MISSION. the last few years has been hit|live by me." Many of the dis-|Isles, noted for intelligence, are NOTED ARY by inflation." The religious edi-|ciples said, "This is an hard [small animals with long noses James Nisbet, first tor of a daily newspaper quotes| saying." He pointed out that and pricked ears. Presbyterian missionary in west» a minister as saying that most|they couldn't come to Him ex- ere, Catada, fouled Prince Ak suburban churches are no more cept by Divine assistance. "No HISTORIC HOP A y 3 After the people had crossed over the After long years of peace in the prom- After his warning to his people to be than good clubs: "Country man can come unto me, except| First aerial crossing of the cross over the Jordan river on dry Jordan river, the priests bearing the ised land, Joshua became old and true to their God, Joshua died, being Clubs," "Sunday Clubs." lit were given unto him of my English channel was by Louis % i , hi We have in' the sixth chapter Father." Bleriot's monoplane on July 25, 'ground as the Lord rolled back the ark started across. Joshua command stricken. He called all the leaders of 110 years old. He was buried in the of he oe infla.| a that 'tiie madly of Ws| io y WESTMOUNT "water. Joshua then chose 12 men to ed the priests with the ark to come the people together and warned them border of the land which was his in- | tion struck religion during the!disciples went back, and walk- ' - CH each carry a large stone across to out of the river bed, and the waters to be true to Jehovah or they would heritance. ministry of our Lord. He haded no more with him." There UNITED CHUR! make a memorial- for the miracle. then "returned to their place." be punished. MEMORY VERSE--Joshua 24:23. |fed a great multitude from a will come a sifting time to this H ! On Fieve. oi" Githon Sh. d lad's lunch. The people wanted generation. Then will B. Jen ARMONY a Ath : died, being 110 years old," and Ottawa at the conference. The to make him king. He went over morc clearly who. really fears | Minister: Rev. Wm. A. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON was buried "in the border of nd] Tax Conference Prone asked for $100,000,000/the sea to Capernaum during | God, has turned his back on sin| UNITED CHURCH || Organist: Mrs. Willard Cook, inheritance." -- Joshua 25-26, 29-| . before ihe last conference and re-|the night. The next day the peo-|and has taken up his cross to Rev. N. T. Holmes, B.A, B.D. | ARCT. | Inevitable ----- Frost ceived $22,000,000 as an "interim |ple followed. Jesus said to them, | follow Jesus. Minister i 29- 30. ! : " " | Wars and rumors of wars still |payment. Ye seek me, not because vel Jesus asked the twelve, 'Will| The Children Of Isr ael plague the world. Will the time| TORONTO (CP) -- Premier| In predicting a conference by|%aW the miracles, but because|ye also go away?" Peter, whose on Metall, ARL.T. 11:00 AM ever come when all nations shall| Frost says a Dominion-provincial| a, tumn, Mr. Frost said he did|Y® did eat of thé leaves, and faulty speeches are often the rgonist an rmoster || : -M. | "rest from war" as did the Israel-tax conference is 'inevitable | pot intend to provide any ammun- |= I MORNING WORSHIP I0SS or an nto an n ites after their conquests? {before the end of the summer. [ition for Liberal leaders in Par- [| Mr. Jomes Young will preach, | The children of Israel often] The premier told a press con-|liament who have been pressing " i N During Servi By NEWMAN CAMPBELL |midst of the Jordan river,| where violated their covenant in later ference Thursday he is "full of | Prime Minister Diefenbaker for LUTHERAN Gibbons Street 11:00 AM. gery rg Service) "Our Lesson begins with the the feet of the priests had/trod. {times. Do we of this generation|hope and confidence" Ontario will a statement on when the confer- I BEGINNERS' CLASS 9:45 AM. -- JUNIOR, crossing of the Jordan river, and] In chapter 11 we are fiven alObey the Lord who has given us|get an additional $78,000,000 from ence will be held. I CHURCH | : Baptist Church » SENIOR CHURCH concludes with the death and summary of the wars of the chil-| 50 many blessings? Those who do| I I ; 11:00 AM. burial of Joshua, covering a dren of Israel with the tribes that have peace in their souls. Let us| 150 Albert St. I Pastor MORNING WORSHIP 2:00 P.M. -- NURSERY, period of 25 years of war-filled inhabited the land that the Lord too, put away strange gods of | | REV. A. G. E. MITCHELL PRIMARY CHURCH history."--Dr, Wilbur M. Smith. had promised should be theirs. Sel ance and GOSPEL HALL f P FAG Shea thi A HEARTY WELCOME SCHOOL As the Lord rolled back the Marching armed into the land, | crime. y we do oy live I ostor: F. A. Gumz, TO ALL. : waters of the Red sea to allow the Israelites under Joshua con-'0vely lives, pleasing to our B.A, MA. B.D. 9:45 AM. the Israclites to escape the Egyp- quered, "took all that land, the Father who is in Heaven, and 40 NASSAU ST. pine .tlans, so He rolled back the 'hills, and all the south country,|loved by many on earth, whether waters of the Jordan river, for and all the land of Goshen, and We be child, man or woman. SUNDAY 11:00 AM ANNUAL PICNIC -- June 21 "them to cross into the promised the valley, and the plain, and the 10:30 AM.--"R MBER! H RD" | land of Canaan. The priests had mountain of Israel, and the val-| PIONEER LABORATORY | 130 AM EMEMEERING THE LO SERVICES 11:00 AM. St Andrew's United Church carried the Ark of the Covenantlley of the same." Joshua made! The first physics laboratory in 2:30 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASS 10:00 AM MORNING WORSHIP . Canada was established in 1878 7:00 P.M.--GOSPEL SERVICE AND JAPTISM I : : 4 MEMORY VERSE {by James London at the Univer | SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 P.M. | MINISTER: REV, GEORGE TELFORD, M.A., D.D. Put away . . . the strange gods which are among you, and | sity of 'Toronto. | Speakers -- DOUG, & GEORGE TELFER of Toronto, f EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Orgonist and Choirmaster: MR, KELVIN JAMES, A.T.C.M. incline your heart unto the Lord God."'--Joshua 24:23. | Ne *Ved., 7:45 p.m. -- Bible Study and Proyer Meeting 10:00 AM. f over safely, and them Joshua|war, a long time on the kings of The Ontario Agricultural Col. A VERY CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL Lutheran Hour: CFRB SUN., JUNE 15 -- 9:45 = 11 am. {| 11:00 AM.--"THE WAY OF THE SPIRIT" said: "Take 3 12 es out of te these ands, conquering with the lege at Guelph was opened in] I "THIS IS THE LIFE" I PRAIRIE BiBLe PREACHING people, out of every tribe a man, Lord's help. 1874 as the Ontario school of agri- f : -- and command ye them, saying,| '"'So Joshua took the whole land, culture. of agrss| | Channel 6 -- 12:30 P.M. SINGING end PREACHING! 9:50 A.M.--Senior, Intermediate and Junior Classes : Pake you hence out of the midst according to all that the Lord| | . £ 11:00 A.M.--Beginners' Nursery and Primary Classes of Jordan, out of the place where/said unto Moses; and Joshua] | 17 ERIE ST. DIAL RA 5.3872 REV. R. E. DARGAN, Pastor NO EVENING SERVICE 10:00 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL the priests' fete stood firm, 12/gave it for an inheritance unto! stones, and ye shall carry them|Israel according to their divisions The over with you, and leave them in| by their tribes. And the land rest- v the lodging place, where ye shall ed from war." --Joshua 11:23. Christadelphians FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH lodge this night.""--Joshua 4:2-3. | Joshua, grown old and feeble, CHRIST'S BRETHR It was done, and Joshua set up) called ali the elders of the people | "MASI ARETHAEN = SEE 812 HORTOP STREET I I -these stones as a memorial of together and warned them that : I the safe crossing of the river, %o|uniess they were true to God,| |nVite seekers after Truth Affiliated with the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec. | CENTRE ST UNITED CHURCH | Ll | .that when their descendants ask-|they would not prosper. Then he | to apply for Free Bible J Rev. N. Frank Swackhommer, B.A., Minister ed why the stones were set there, called all his people together to | literature. JHE CHURCH: OF THE Lom a 1i7¢ Jam Music Director: Mrs. M, Joyce Rev. Warren G. Dickson, B.A, Minister 4 Mr. R. K. Kellington, Organist end Chelr Master . they would be told that it was|hear his warning, and the people NO OBLIGATION 10 A.M. done because of the crossing of said, "We will serve the Lord." | . FOR DADS, MOMS, LADS & LASSES «their ancestors over the Jordan) So Joshua made a covenant] Write 11:00 AM.--COMMUNION OF THE en dry 'land. {with the people that day, and set CHRISTADELPHIAN 11 A.M. : RG RP YOUR FRIENDS LORD'S SUPPER 10 AM.: -- SUNDAY SCHOOL a De Talwle J by Stmguce bi ECCLESIA 7 PM FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR 1 7:00 PM.--"THE AUTHORITY OF 10:00 A.M.--Rehearsal by the Elders for the ost ice Box 121 . . man could carry on his shoulder, |these words into the book of the YOUR FAMILY IS WELCOME JESUS" | Communion Service. ; and the 12 stones were set up in law. Oshawa, Ontario Listen to the "Light end Lite Hour", 900 CHML, 9 a.m, Every Sundoy WELCOME ! 11:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION 3 a ®ilgal, located between the Jor-| "And it came to pass after dan river and Jericho. Twelve these things, that Joshua the son | A speciol offering for the Benevolent Fund will be token during the Communion Service, stones were also set up in thelof Nun, the servant of the Lord, | EVERYBODY WELCOME THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX ST. PAUL'S | CALVARY BAPTIST 4 Simcoe St, N. at Brock St. Mr. Tron A Fuh ROR Director CENTRE & JOHN STS, Albert Street United Church r Bs Minister: REV, ROBT. B. MILROY, M.A Interim Mode: , MA, m rater: REV. D. R. McKILLICAN, B.A, B.D, DAVID JENKINS, Choir Master Diol 19, Markhom, Ontario re oo 11-00 AM. and 7:00 P.M. MINISTER -- REV. §. C. H. ATKINSON CHURCH SCHOOL 10:00 AM. | 11:00 AM.--HOLY COMMUNION : JUNIOR BIBLE CLASS | REV. C. P. VAN DUZEN NURSERY AT THIS SERVICE 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. --_ 7 P.M.--THE SUNDAY EVENING HOUR THE MINISTER WILL PREACH 11:00 AM WED., 7:45 p.m.--PRAYER AND PRAISE MEETING. : Broadcast CKL SAT., 8:00 p.m.--PRAYER MEETING, 2:15 P.M. MORNING WORSHIP a 5 THE ANSWERL ; SOUTH CHURCH SCHOOL Rev. Joseph Wasson, D.D, | 9:45 A.M.--PRIMARY THROUGH SENIOR S.5, : 11:00 A.M.--NURSERY KINDERGARTEN, BEGINNERS, 4 :15 P.M, YOUNG PEOPLES socery Jooaw Jl cHRICTIAN SCIENCE rrr cn -- o casome st ost || NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 9:30 AM: | SIMCOE STREET NORTH AT ROSSLAND ROAD . MINISTER -- REV, H. A. MELLOW B.A, COLLEGE HILL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH || «oon Tie OnLy CAUSE AND CREATOR: || ------ SReAN -- bk 3. & hosonson_ REV Fy TARR D 3 Pastor Wednasdoy Svaning meeting et 8:00 ofclock includes | N00 A= i £ REALM Op Ye PIRIY College Lf . f lestimonies i Uy isti i . I READING ROOM HOURS IN CHURCH EDIFICE: f will bu the apasker, Monday 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m, I NO EVENING SERVICE REVIVAL MEET INGS Tuesday and Thursday 2:00 p.m, to 4:30 p.m. | 9:50 P.M.--FRIENDLY CHAT OVER CKLB-- The angel appearing to Joshua, GREAT EVANGELISTIC RALLY IN | Rev. y Nate: Sa oo" the message "Put +. +. the st ods which incline your heart unto the Lord God."--Josnua 21.28. | [EN MASONIC TEMPLE AM--JUNIOR INTERMEDIATE, TEEN CLASS. on canTee ST | THE BAHA'T WORLD FAITH |" "mii SHARE : WITH EVANGELIST SIMCOE STREET | ALLAN MALLORY "God has bestowed upon PENTECOSTAL CHURCH | : ob PLUS CHARLES AND LORRAINE MORRISON | or the gift of ind 5 11:00 AM.--MORNING WORSHIP REV. R. A, BOMBAY, S PASTOR YOU CANNOT AFFQRD TO MISS THESE gvery fact or truth presented MEETINGS ; to him and ajudge it to be REV, MERVIN A. BURY. MA. BD. Minisler 10 AM. and 11 AM, AY TTT VERVONE WeLSOME reasonable.' Mr. Rhyddid Williams, Chir Director and Organist S. S. Attendance Awards : For Further Information Write:=-- and Robert Raikes Diplomas | . OSHAWA BAHA'I COMMUNITY Youth Department Nursery and Church School 7 P.M. "SEALED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT" Secretary: Ph, RA 3-328] 10:00 AY von ov oy AM. A Good Place To Come! I PLAN NOW TO ATTEND THE 11:00 AM--"THE NEW LIFE" Read: St. John 3: 1-16. Solo: "How Great Thou Art" (Hine) V V . | ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Mr. fd Destam: 2 THE SALVATION ARMY R E I AL : SUNDAY SERVICES | Aire; Lut Us Wong' tine) SIMCOE AND OAK STREETS CR S AD | 8 AM--11 AM--7 PM. NO EVENING SERVICE BRIGADIER AND MRS. VICTOR MACLEAN . a H . . % d 5 ' ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY U E ¥\ 2 Ped | | ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Lr Cr URCH 11:00 AM --' INWARD KNOWLE ; . § Centre ond Bagot Streets | 50 4 WARD. 9 DGE OF . COMMENCING JUNE 15 yo id | Rev. Clinton D. Cross, B.A., L.Th. RA 5.2386 | 2:00 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE : : 9:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 AM.--MORNING PRAYER--THE RECTOR CLASSES COME PRAYING AND BELIEVING : 7:00 P.M.--EVENING PRAYER--REV. P. TRANT 7:00 P.M.--'BARRIERS ON HEAVEN'S HIGHWAY' | PURPOSE OF THIS REVIVAL ; q || 7 SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH! FUNDAMENTAL PREACHING! THE BEST IN MUSIC & SONG! at EVERYBODY WELCOME CHRISTIANS REVIVED es CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH The Church in the heart of the city with the World on its heart. BACKSLIDES RESTORED ; : Mary and Hilcroft Streets | MINISTER: REV. JOHN K, MOFFAT, B.A, SINNERS CONVERTED : Rector, The Ven. H. D. Cleverdon -- Phone 5-5793 Director of Music: Mr. R. G. Geen, LT.CM. , : SICK HEALED Le . ict too i "" HOLY TRINITY CHURCH 11:00 AM. The Christian and Missionary Alliance DELIVERANCE EVANGELIST Comer Cour and Barrie Streets, one block east of Albert || SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY Richmond St. E. -- Paster: Rev. Wm, J. Newell Ist SERVICE 2:30 P.M. RECTOR -- THE REV. E. A. IRWIN, LST. Mr. George Pearce, member of the staff of O.C.V.I and $ A (Between Central Pork Blva. and Cadilloc N.) OSHAWA REVIVAL TENT C. R. CU I | ING seth teacher of the Young People's Class, will speak. A L TEN . ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH Service conducted by Mr, Fred Britten. 7:00 P.M.--(2) GOD ANSWERS THE SPIRITUAL From WILSON RD. SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE. I The Intermediate Choir, under Mr, James Wagg, will lead | INSURGENT OSHAWA GOSPEL MISSION Vancouver, B.C. Incumbent: The Rev. R. A, Sharp -- RA 5-704 Be actions by the Primary Choir and the Kinder- Enjoy this Hour of Bible-Teaching Evangelis - ---------- ten Department, . * Good Gospel 'Music a wr 1221 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH onverted from Youth ST. MARK'S CHURCH Al pA the Sunday School, except Infants and (6) NTI | i ali aie: 3 : Nursery, will attend the Anriversary Service. * 11 AM.--(6) THE PASTOR CONTINUES THIS YALLABLE. , Evangelistic -- Non-Denominational ~-- Independent Gang Life to Christ. STEVENSON RD. NORTH ON BEURLING AVE. INFANTS AND NURSERY AT 11 AM. IN USUAL PLACES I ! SANS CHRIS L E. H. ROTHENBUSH, Directo THE REV. J. N. LOTHIAN, S.Th. | 10 AM.--FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL ee 476 Beutling Ave, -- Priest in Charge NO EVENING SERVICE

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