§2 THE BAILY TIMIS-GAZETTY, Setundey, June 7, 1938 ; fg Cat-Like St k M : p or Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity kina Seen [Pox Profit.Taking Ld Week. | ni Ee DO nse i atow Near Kitchener | By GERRY MARTIN gasoline and oils, led to a spurt Jacobus 162436 160 120 156 +27 160 89 KITCHENER (CP) A cat 'anadian Press Staff Writer among western oils. Oils added | EITCHENE] 3. | Canadian stock markets ad-3-17 on index for the week. {like animal "that doesn't belong .- 4 during the week with just A Home Oil notice that it has was a slight pause for consolidationcancelled its five-per-cent con 1958 ThisWeek High Low Close Change Stock Bales Stock 480 475 475 Un Oils Vulcan Wayne Westburne Wespac Can OG 4612 By The Canadian Press d by 427 to 284 on the Issues unchanged A y Toronto Stock Exchange this week. totalled 174 Volums for the week was 14,546,000, up from the previous week's 12,534,000. Total sales for the year to date are 266,918,000. (Quotatio in cents un Industrials Stock N Hos B Nat Trust Nia Wire B North Star 1060 Nor Star A 250 North Star pr 99 N Star wits 1420 N Star wis 56 640 N St wis 57 1507 N Ont NG 4642 Sales S00 Jaye Expl 78350 78 75 75 --4 37 Jeanette 11750 9 8 8 8 Jellicoe 13 13 13 ona 27 br 3 + id in this neck of the woods" Jonsmith 11% 1014 114 |seen today in the nearby Willow and some profit-taking on Thurs-vertible subordinated debentures Jowser i the {Lake area by Harold Lavis of day. due July 1, 1971 for redemption Kerr Add $19% 18% 18% Galt | The New York market falteredled to brisk trading on both A Kilembe * 55 46D vat. | Wednesday after scoring good and B issues. Kilem wts 55 46 53 + H | He said he was working on a ging Monday and Tuesday, but, The price of copper and lead Kirk Min |cottage on the Grand River near| Canadian markets didn't begin tohad a bullish effect on the base . Kirk Town {Doon when he saw an animal/joce until Thursday. Theymetals index which gained al- |"as big as five of the biggest/ho,nced back Friday and weremost two points. Coppers were {house cats 1 ever saw and "as|gaining strength at the close. . generally ahead though gains black as a crow." The animal| ™r,qctrials had one of their big-Were small. & was on a branch about 10 feet up gest weeks this year, adding 6% Golds were listless most of the La Luz 275 |a cedar tree. points on index at Toronto, a 1958 week and iis about one - half ¥ high and equalling their positionPoint on ex. Changes were. batts Am 95 |six inches in diameter." of last September. small and gains just about bale Lencourt 6 Other workers arrived to view, Among industrials steels wereanced losses. > 1exindin 150 |it and one man approached to the big winners following reports Index changes at Toronto: In. Lancs 3% | within 20 feet of the animal. He|of increased production in thedustrials up 6.52 at 445.60; golds Lorado 49 [tossed a stone and it disappeared United States and Canada. SteelOff .46 to 84.50; base metals up Lorado, wis 28s into the bush. : Company of Canada added $2,501.86 to 154.26; western oils up 3.17 Lyndhst 10 Residents in the area said they at $59.25 and Algoma was upto 137.86. . Lynx 5 heard weird noises and district|g] 1215 at $29.50. Index gains at Montreal: Banks Macassa dogs barked all night. Waterloo BRISK AD .15 to 50.10; utilities 1.3 to 141.7; Township police and department OIL TRADING industrials 3.8 to 260.2; combined lof lands and forests officials] A report that the United States3 to 220.7; papers (new) 7.2 to |searched the area but found nojhad ordered a voluntary control 364.6; papers (old) 8.49 to 114.43; , | sign of the animal. lon the importation of unfinished golds 1.86 to 71.17, Harvest, Home Building Five Driver Give Business A Lift Test Stations WALTER BREEDE Jr. [number of Americans employed Closed Down 200 $41 41 41 +1 12 $9% 94 9% $13 13% 134, + % $13 13 13 $42 42 42 w 330 310 310 20 400 W C OG rts 1890 100 100 100 5 W Maygill 3100 460 410 425 28 f W Decalta 5697 $13% 1246 13% + W W Dec wis 9600 0 to § W Naco 1 $15 14% 15 --W 1 Windfall 10500 $154 15-5 + % Yan Can 140200 205 200 Curb $04 9% is + % 9550 $9 Le a -- 3% 50 45 --6 $25% 25% 25% -- % 320 300 305 758 605 11150 cean Cem fice Spec Jockey url Dalhousie Lake Cin L Dufault Lake Ling L Osu L Shore 39% Orange Cr Page-Hers Parker Pbina new Photo Eng Powell R Pow Corp Premium Prair Pipe Pres Elect Q N Gas Rapid Grip R Silk A Roe AV 26111 5 +4 Roe 5%pe 488 +14 Royal Bank 4604 +h Roy Bk rts 10276 Russell 2770 Bank Mont 1913 froma Bank NS 1100 : 59% SIL Cp A pr 50 Barcelona 100 400 400 : St Maurice BA Innes 125 Salada-S Bath Pow A 350 Salada-S A Bath Pow B 264 Salada-S B Beatty 440 Salada wis Beas Lunib 953 Sar Bridge Beil Phone 10839 Shawn A pr Biltmore pr 545 Sicks Blue Rib 100 Sicks vt Bowater 500 410 410 410 Breawd A Bowater pr 95 S444 444 4 Simpsons 7818 Bowat 5% pr 395 "« SKD Mig 1180 Brazil 8024 $6% 6 Somville pr 80 Alta Dist vt 1500 3665 14513 85100 1 Th 49. 5160 370 50 | 20483 55 "45 57 48 UL Acad U Advocate Agnico Akaitcho Alba Expl 5 Algom $18% 17% Algom deb $991 994 Algom wits 55 730 675 71 Am-Lardr 3 16 15 Amal Rare 30 26 Am Nephe 83 78 Anacon 6933-50 50 Anglo Hur 654 13 13 A Rouyn 2000 25 23% Ansil 41642 24 19 Apex Res 18950 44 4% Arcadia 12455 17 1444 Arcad wis 8 7a Area 103 95 Arjon 18 15 Atlas Yk 8 Atlin-R Aubelle Amacho Aumaq Aunor Avilla Bankno Banfield Barnat 1. +1 ' $21% 20% 21% +1% hig TA 95 90 90 +4 B Metals $50 50 S50 +14 Baska Southam $444 44 " 1 Beaucag Spartan $5% 5% SU -- 4 Belcher Spartan wis 160 150 150 Beleter St Pav $4044 39% 40% +1% Bethim St Radio Side 1414 1414 +1% Bevcon Stedman 0 3303 29% 30% + % Bibis Steel Can 3516 $597s S57 5014 +24 Bicroft S Propane 2450 , $6% S514 6 + 4 Bicroft § Prop wits 200 151 150 3 "1 Bideop Suptest ora 700 $1814 8 --W Black Suptest pr Bonville Switson Bordulac Bocscad 335 Bouzan 925 Boymar 85 Bralorne 3365 $4014 39% 39% -- 4 Broul Reef 250 $38% 37% Brohrst $91% 90 Brunsmn $43 43 3 Brunswick 1 Di $71% 25% 27 Buffad = 300 "6 5 N Dicken $591 y % +3 uff An 1500 88 88 ; Va Sis Sha 134 Buff RL 850 8 8 N Coldvue Bunker Hil 1100. 7% 74 N jam C and D N High 110487- 38 29 New Jason 11210 550 530 N Kelore 2860 850 800 Newlund =H 7 6 ' N Man 7052 98 3 ' N Minda 10500 34 39 9 N Mylam 10500 8 Newnor 500 New Rouyn 7 N_ Senator 7816 76130 Nick Rim 6 Nipissing 3640 Pp 1200 Nisto 4000 6 68300 Nor Acme 50300 13 1500 78 Noranda 41 670 780 pr Alum 2 pr 1365 Analog 500 Ang Pulp pr 85 Anthes Imp 385 Arcan 1600 Argus 4°72 Argus 2.40 pr 582 Argus 2.50 pr 80 Ash Temple, 300 A Art W150 $9% 430 $101 3254 Atlas Steel 2789 Aufo Elec 110 Auto Fab B 100 $48 41% Lamaque 0 260 260 3 75 | It had a head like a cat "about 275 275 $53 415 413 : $25 23 2% + wo | 27% 2% 27% + Wa | $41% 40% 4a + % $121 10)5 12% +1 $1712 2 790 17% 17% +2 $25% 25% 25% -- $47%% 47 47 +10 "w+ W --% 1150 11500 83780 135726 16900 26225 2200 24300 6171 4500 39508 2900 16625 14200 35000 330102 4260 18700 2 Magnet Br Tank pr ; NEW YORK (AP) -- Seasonal in May. Malartie Maneast Maralgo Marcon Maritim um upswings in harvesting, home| Unemployment dipped to 4,-) TORONTO (CP) -- The On' building and highway construc- 804,000 -- lowest since January. : 13% tion gave business a lift this This month it's likely to climb i Separement ii iy 700 | week. past the 5,000,000 mark again as ¢'08 own five testing stations- 220 Toronto and Hamilton 34419 : + 57 |areas in its switch to driving ex- 25100 20 Martin g | But there was still no sign of a job - hunting students swell the in the | Matatch 9000 Bay 23360 fullblown economic upturn. labor force. 25000 {aminations conducted by eivil 3 51925 79033 6320 635 7100 58 6700 5% 5 5 4000 6% 6 s+ U 5 New 4100 285 260 5 New Bruck B Build Prod Bullochs 170 Burlington 635 Burns 9231 Burrard A 175 87 500 20 1180 800 Tamblyn Tor Dm Bk Tor Iron A T Fin A T Fin B T Fin 4l4pe T Fin 5pe Tr C PL Trans-Mt Trans PPL 3209 Twin C Gas 10100 140 6% C and D 660 $705 69% 70 10 $103% 103% 335 31% 70% 62'4 103% 97 Cal Pow Cal Pow § pr Can Bread Can Cem Can Cem CI Fadry Cl F 44 Can Life Can Malt Can Malt pr 286 $25% 24% 185 842 4 1% n | : 1675 $39%4 38% 3 ! 3 28 23 Camp RL 440 $92 90 2 y $215 21% 214% 3 C Astoria 185 $39 38 $591 591% 59 C Dyno 630 $123 12% $46% 4 C Malart C Bk Com 3853 $474% 47 $144 14% Cdn Tho Cdn Brew 7047 $31% 30 3 'niv 5 $34 3 Canam Cdn Brew pr 500 $315 3044 k Viceroy A 480 475 Candore C Br Alum 647 39% 9 iy }} Viceroy B 175 175 Can Erin CBAL A wis 470 305 300 V Dare pr 1 Can-Met 13% Wainwr C-Met wis Walk GW Captain Webb Knp Cariboo Cassiar Castle Cayzor Cent Pat Cent Pore Cheskirk Chester Chib Jae Chib Jac Chib M Chimo Chrom 120 Coch Will 28780 Cody-R 20400 Coin Lake 6100 Coldstrm 79300 Colomac 16000 Coniagas 38300 Coniarm 1000 Con-Key 2650 Belekno 33666 Beta G 2500 Callinan 6925 C Cad 2500 614 Denison 33358 816% 15% Den wts 22670 580 555 Discovr 12820 320 375 9871 3195 12% 1s 1 10500 11% 12 9000 11 13 16874 11 8% 9% 6000 64 64 6% 8445 15% 13% 13% 6600 2 24 27050 10 14130 16 13000 6% 6 19500 9 7 16430, 5% 41% 8 29000 © 8 68 + 57 23800 173 + 18 Cable Camp Chib 84s 9 7 CSL 1318 13% - 12 Can Wire B 9) A 1 4% + 3% 51% 33% +144 40 20 175 McKe McMar McWat Mentor Merrill Nes Lab 22 |fabricated houses, cancelled Other bright spots on the econ- servants. g 590 4 New Alger 2700 . |plans for a one-week shutdown |OmiC scene: : | Chief examiner W. J. McIntyre » eS New Bid a0 6 514 9 |Bnd started hiring extra help.| With the auto industry still Inlgiq licensed examiners ceased 15500 4 : 18 |The reason: An unexpected in-|[low gear, new car dealers Tl ations ast week: at. Woods 53400 ] + 2 |flux of new orders. [ported a sharp sales pickup in|OPeTal ume of business loans by leading transport department. " New York banks kept falling.| A new station is to be opened Two big retail chains reported|in Stratford by July 1 and others red ink operations for the first|are pianned for Sudbury, Ottawa, fiscal quarter. and Oshawa. . Meta Uran Midrim i PE s 5 | Southwestern railroads began the last 11 days of May. | bridge), Brampton, Oakville, Dun' 2 --1 11 [rounding up freight cars to help| Steel production--still down 26 das and, Burlington. Residents, 11 Milliken 10 (haul a bumper crop of winter per cent from last year--hit its| seeking dbiving tests will have 10 (CIVIL SERVICE OF CANADA) Min Corp 6 |wheat. fastest stride in five months. 2 10 slations operate by oiviP 5% DEFENCE PRODUCTION OFFICERS --- ELECTRONICS (to Norgold 614 Norlartie Normetal 5645 4s 3 'UK Canadian # | Expansion Of Norsyne 101 « Trade Talks Northsp Nors A wis 24200 North Can Norvalie Nudul 45% | OTTAWA (CP) -- Finance Min- 2 13 | ister Fleming said Friday, after 17% 11% | repeated opposition questions, 345 575 | that expansion of Anglo-Canadian 2 19 |trade will be discussed with Brit- | ish Prime Minister Macmillan here next week. | Paul Martin, former Liberal health minister, asked in the Commons whether Canadian of- ficials would discuss with Mr. Macmillan the government's po-| licy of trade diversion to Britain from the U.S, and last year's British proposal for an Angio- Canadian free trade area. Weston B 2383 7% Weston 4%pc 85 $96 73% 7% Wstn 6pc pr 185 $108 350 316% 16% West A wts 9010 in 50 $40 40 sis 17% 140319 6500 14800 68 20900 58 265 280 Obaska 25 $27 O'Brien Woodwrd A 1235 $13% 13 Ogama Y Knit A 800 200 200 Y Knit B Curb Ang Cdn Anglo Nfld 26% 13% + % 200 +50 100 25 25 25 6 C Cdn Pet pr 1748 314% 14% 14% + % CIL 263 $16% 26% 16% + % Cdn Tire C util Min Ore | Mine and factory production] The stock market pushed re- 175 $106 101 106 25 397% NTH 97 ic project), De- Moly 2 |)aoued but government experts peatedly to a series of 1958 highs. (servants in Toronto and Hamil: fence Production, Ottawa. Up to $9,420. For spbeily, wells ; Moly wis Moneta | isi lovment Prices of steel scrap and re- ton. a feponied gon Fo oy {claimed copper moved up. Busi-| Mr. McIntyre sald travelling to Civil Service Commission, Ottawe, end ask 58-1151. ; X Maybrun Mcintyre Multi-M Nama Cr National Homes Corp., one of Nama Cr 0 Nationa 3 Neston? Too "3% the largest manufacturers of pre- BRIGHT SPOTS | 4900 i i i | i vill begin going into york-- struction |ness failures declined sharply. examiners will | g - PR Rg ~ Over on the minus side, lead small communities as the 250-odi | was largely responsible for an in- prices sagged to an eight - year licensed exgminels in Outarie ease of 1,154,000 in the total low, department store sales|are replaced by civil servants in, -- ---- trailed last year's pace and vol-| testing stations operated by the. PLANNING OFFICER -- SHIPBUILDING (to » r tion and material requirements for shipbuilding projects), Defence Production, Ottawa. Up to $9,420. For dural, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawes, end ask circular 58-1202, 575 Paymast Pce Exp Peerless Perron Pick Crow Pioneer Pitch Ore Placer Pow Rou CWN Gas pr 150 CWN 5% pec 425 estng Chart Trust monitor 'produc- Cc C C Cc c C Cc C 28 350% 75 $51 125 $444 16569 $13 910 $123 850 $160 158 592875 1600 225 9840 29 4529 63 87 17% Haliwel " Howey Marben Marcus > M and 8 10709 $18'% Dint Pap a Int Util Lob Inc MO Paper 57 18% 505 325 2325 8188 834% Y 760 $106% 106 $5% 5 818% 18 $17% 17% $11 11 290 145 70 Con Fire Con Gas Con Gas A 290 145 90 849% D Magnes D Steel ord 3205 D Stores 2820 Dom Tar 5295 Dom Tar pr Dom Text Dom Wool D and M Eddy A Mig (US) Gatineau Gat 5 pc pr Gen Bake Gen' Dynm pr Goodyear pr GL Paper 2120 GN Gas 1560 GN Gas pr 35 GN G 2.80 pr 105 Gas wis 9115 GN G B wts 2070 GW Coal A 1200 Greening 200 Greyhnd 3486 Guar Tr 502 Gypsum 628 Hard Carpet Hees Hendshot H Dauch Hit Tower H Smith H Smith pr 140 400 1100 100 103 455 110 Imp Inland C pr 2 Inland Gas 8410 Inind - G Inind G Int Pete Intprov Inter PL Lahatt Lakeland Lkelnd deb. Laura Sec Lob Gro MaeMill B M' Leaf Mill M LEM pr 75 Mags-Fer 12123 M F 26 McColl Mersey pr + Mex LP Lex LP pr Mid-West M West wts Molson A Molson B Mont Loco Mont Trst Moore Nat Drug Nat Drug pr 455 at Groc pro 79 ' . Ogilvie Price Br 639 Third CG Inv 470 $5 Zellers 150 330% Oils 1639 y § A 14135 y § pr 255 Bail § 5% Banff Bata Britalta 1125 2600 12000 26700 Cabanga Calalta Cal Ed Calvan, C 200 C Oil Lds 4500 C Oil L Wia 6400 CS Oil wts 2100 CS Pete 2890 Cdn Atl Of) 2665 C Chieftn 20000 Cdn Dev 28035 C High Cr 2500 C Hcmestd 13950 C Husky 8445 C Husky wits 3300 C Prospect 5625 Cdn W O 8702 C Willistn 100 Canso Nat 3259 Canso Oil 4147 Cent Del 285565 885 Charter Oil 23100 185 Com Pete 40 275 3 2500 34500 1990 Conro C Dragon 30 C East Cr 2 C Mic Mac 290 Con Peak C West Pete Cree Oil Cree wis 220 Dev-Pal 155 Dome Expl 11 Duvex 6000 685 430 Home 0il HB Oil G Humber Jump Pnd Jepiter 25588 PF 6311 8335 13800 1000 2700 LI Pete Majtrans Marigold Medal Midcon Mill City Nat Pete N Bristol N Chamb N Cincord Con 3500 N Davies 714 N Gas Expl 3525 N Superior 2900 Northeal 216829 NC Oils 2310 NCO wig 705 NCO pr 310 Northid 700 500 Okalta 5600 Pac Pete 17390 Pan West 7 Permo Oils 126 175 98 62 2000 Prairie- Oil 300 Provo Gas 17650 Quonto 8166 Reef Exp Richwll 34612 Rocky Pete 22534, Royalite Royalite pr Sapphire Sapph debs 60 Scurry 9958 205 Secur Free +3 615 So 1 18 Spooner 36535 22 Stanwell 10766 71 1 41925 54 9433 125 17315 «0 1 750 6 $32 Tex Cal Trans Can Triad OU 21% 0 $18% 1 5015 811% $21% 4 5 30% 27 61% 60. 3% MM 21% 21% to 8 122 17% 26 163 96 125 18% 26 164 9% 10 10% 21% 62 3004 193 565 16 20 70 to Z 50 120 65 157 Pr Bord 19% 23 Preson a Pronto C Mogul 10413 160 © Morison 35800 26 > Negus 23733 31 29 V 6 Nichol 1000 > N 9700 42 Pros Alr 2 500 11 ' Purdex > Red Pop 17000 9% 9 9 Que Ascot Regert 16350 13% 124 13 Que Sanorm 19500 9 8 9 Que Con Sud 7525 74 70 71 Que Conwest 2900 28 20 26 Que Cop Corp 84500 28 20 26 Que Cop-Man 3540 9% 84 Q Metal Coprand 21906 160 142 50 5 Qunston Coulee 34550 65 Quemont Crestaur 3000 11 Radiore Croinor 33100 Rayrock Crowpat 5500 8% Renabie Cusco 110192 22 Rexspar D'Aragon 4900 25 Roche De Cour 2500 30 Rockwin Deer Horn 1100 12% - D'Eldona 1000 8 8B -- Ryanor Delnite 1800 Pome 4840 $16% + Donalda 18000 Dcvan 32300 San Ant Sand Riv Sherritt Sigma 10000 Sil Miller 3700 5 E J Sil Stand 7930 5 5 Siscoe 6700 Stdcona 13600 Stanleigh 2985 1200 33500 28000 19400 1545 827% 36130 157 3220 55 4100 11% 8000 64 5500 8 10900 214 80 $764 45500 10 } 1128 79 5 E : Teck-H 6000 141% Temag 10200 35% Thom L 655 Tiara 150 3 Tombill 11 Torbit 16 Towag Golderst 16 Trans Res Gold Eagle 10 Trin Chib Gold Man 32 Ult Shaw GF Uran U Mining Grah Bsq J Asbes Granby U Estella Grandroy Un Keno Granduc U Mon Greyhk Gulch Guif Lead Gunnar Gunn wts Gwillim 2200 Halmon 192826 Hard Rock 9700 Har-Min 20437 Hasaga 14824 H of Lakes 14000 Headwy 79500 Heath 24550 6000 E Amphi East Mal Fast Sull East Met East Min Elder Eldrich El Sol Eureka Expl All Falcon Faraday Fara wits F'west T Fed Kirk Francur Frobishr Frob debs Gaitwin Galkeno Genex Stanrck Starratt Steeloy Steep R Sturgeon Sud Con Sullivan Sunburst Surf Inlet Sylvanite Taurcan Violam Waite Weedon Werner W Malar Willroy Will wits Wilisey Winch Wr Harg Yale Lead Heva 5Y Y Yellorex High-Bell 800 140 140 140 --5 Yk Bear Hollinger Yukeno Hoyle Zenmac Hugh-P% Curb Bulolo Coast Cop Gaspe Cop Pato Pend Yukon 8 77% 69% 32 18% 163 52 197 140 Irish Cop Ore Iron Bay Taurcan vt Con 3 13 Yukon Con 9048 67 65 Pronto wis 6; 16950 1625 12100 12600 2500 4670 13300 23875 2600 49390 24000 103858 55 53 55 St Michael Rowan Con 16000 675 Stanigh wis 15610 15025 00 35 23500 1464 D0 5000 1216700 400 200 20 125 5560 365 1000 9048 ated states of Indochina whose | future was entrusted to the three- power commission under the Gen- An eva agreement of July, 1954. The sioner on a tour to observe police other. two are Cambodia and di- operations watched the handling traffic accident at close Salmet Solk-| WASHINGTON (AP) -- Presi- Release From |vided Viet Nam. bli ti | As Canadian officers see it 1ga ons commission has accompl {what its terms of reference the ished spec- OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada con- ified, to try for a settlement with siders her job is done in Laos |the rebellious crypto-Communist | County sheriff's car when it and | wrote Friday's date, ' then ex- and is seeking release from her Pathet Lao (free Laos) holding international obligations there, A Canadian resolution urging that the supervisory powers pack up and go home is under consid- ealion in the Laotian political capital of Vientiane. The two other members of the interna- 4, with Pathet tional supervisory commission, tion, which, will India and Poland, arefopposed Laos is one of the three associ- tion remaining In cffice. negotiation, an agreement reached in November integr Lao part probably was rating icipe result' {the northern provinces of Laos. | After more than three years of | Pathet Lao info the national com- ;gint munity, Elections were held May $27 191 67 CLOSEUP FOR VISITOR +30 345 --5 19% --10 6 --2 -2 250 27 NIAGARA FALLS, of range Friday. R. Indonesian police commis-| eee | that people no longer look to fic- Mr. Fleming said Mr. Martin's | statements in the election cam- paign that the Progressive Con- servative government had irrit- ated Anglo-Canadian trade rela- tions were "completely without | foundation." | Mr. Martin repeated his ques- |tion. He said the matter, in |P rime Minister Diefenbaker's |ewn language, is of the most im- | portance. | Mr. Fleming replied that Cana- | dian officials would be glad to] have the opportunity to discuss] with Mr. Macmillan expansion of the *'fruitful" two-way flow of | {trade. | | Canadian | ¢ | Writers Come fod | Out Of Eggshell 5 15 | MONTREAL (CP) -- Novelist a9 12 | Gladys Taylor of Thetford Mines, 127° 101" Que., says Canadian writing "is coming out of its egg-shell of uncontroversial and uninspired efforts." She told delegates attending the national convention of the Cana- dian Authors Association Thurs- |day that "if we have not had a vital Canadian literature it is because we have no vital Cana-| dian readers." | Mrs. Taylor was presented with {the Ryerson Fiction Award and a $1,000 cheque for her book King Tree. "We writers are handicapped by Canadian readers' primness toward Canadian writers. | "It seems to be all right for non-Canadian authors to write ugly sex but when Canadian writ- | ers attempt to write anything deviating from the 'nice' story they are not accepted." Earlier, H. Gordon Green, newly-elected president of the 16% CAA, presented the report of a | three-author panel on fiction writ- 30 {ing and said the art is dying out. 191 | Canadians wanted more and 250 more factual information. 1% So many exciting and import- s¢ ant things are happening today Ition for impact, "Oh, It's D-Day' Ike Exclaims N.Y. (AP) ardi was riding in a Niagara another car collided. The other driver was given a summons for passing a stop sign. No one was hurt. ISLAND PEA K Mount Victoria, with an alti- tude of 7.485 feet, is the highest on Vancouver Island. OLD CITY England, received its Bristol in a variant of the former coali- first town charter from Henry II|House Republicans who came in {in 1171, dent Eisenhower signed his name, claimed: "Oh, it's D-Day!" That's the way it happened as| |the president suddenly recailed at | | breakfast that it was the 14th an. | |niversary of the Normandy Beach | landings in France. He directed that historic invasion as supreme commander of the Allied forces in Europe : Eisenhower had breakfast at the Wnite House with a greup of to discuss legislative problems. | PROFESSOR OF CiviL ENGINEERING (with research expéri- ence and peri at uni ty | ity level or relevant ET Tr rl a ge a, Kingston, Ont. Up to h Jige of Conude. to Civil Service Commission, Gttawe, end ask for circular 58-2009. LOGIST (univers raduate to serve $Niok A EY field pi po studies in mining practices), Mines and Technical Surveys, Ottawe. $8,340-$9,420. For details, write to Civil Service Com- mission and quote file 58-1500A, CHIEF OF INFORMATION SERVICES (with thorough knowl- edge of publicity methods, to supervise end direct the plan ning and operation of the Informeti Division), Publie Works, Ottawa. Up to $7,680. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, and ask for circular 58-708. MACHINE DESIGN SPECIALIST (mechanical engineer to con- duct research on sawmill equipment), Northern Affairs and Notional Resources, Ottawa. Up to $7,320. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottaws, ond esk for circular 58-1452, i " » PROJECT ENGINEERS (professional engineers superv maior airport contruction projects), Air Services, Department of Transport, wa, and other centres, $6,840 to $7,500 to start, plus allowances when in isolated or sem-isolated areas. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ot- tawa, and ask for circular 58-1255. 'x PERSONNEL ANALYST (uni ity 9 : 1] with of attitude sampling theory and statistical technique tional Defence, Ottawa. $6,840-$7,860. Time hi tended to June 15. For details, write to Civil Service Com- mission, Ottawa, and quote competition 58-260. REGIONAL LIAISON OFFICER (to maintain liaison between government departments and | 9 9 of , Citi hip and gl y North Bay, Ont. $6,300-57,020. --_r CIVIL DEFENCE LIAISON OFFICER (to represent Federal Civil Defence interests at R.C.A.F. Air Detence Command), Na- tional Health and Welfare, St. Hubert, P.Q. $6,300-$7,020. ACCOUNTS ADMINISTRATOR (with exper née in hospital accounting, to plan end direct ° 9 procedures), Indian and Northern Health Services, National Health and Welfare, Ottawa. $6,300-$7,020. VOCATIONAL TRAINING INSTRUCTORS (to conduct high school in y, electricity and hanics) Northern Affairs and Nationa! Resources, Yellowknife and Fort Smith, NN\W.T. $6,210-$6,660 and allowanc details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, ond ask for circular 58-539. STAFF TRAINING OFFICER (with experience in adult educa- tion or training), Public Works, Ottawa. $5,820-$6,540. PERSONNEL SELECTJON ANALYST (university graduate to eval, RCAF selection and traini dures), National Defence, Ottawa. June 15. For details, write to Civil Service Comm Ottawa, and quote competition 58-259. AUDITGR, TRANSPORT (with professional axperience, to p pare cost analyses for land rentals at Airports), Transport Department, Ottawa. $5,130-$5,880, TEXTILE APPRAISERS (with graduati from ao | in- stitute or college, to deal with velue and tariff classification of imported goods), Customs and Excise Division, Nations! Revenue Ottawa. $4,200-$5,640. LIBRARIANS (with Bachelor's degree in library science; knowl- edge of American Library Assoc n and the Library of Congress Cataloguing Rules is ed, and knowledge of Library of Congress system of Classification is desirabl For one vacancy, knowledge of English and French required; additional credit given for knowledge of other languages of value to the National Library), National Library, Ottawa. Up to $4,050. For details, write to Civil Service Commission, Ottawa, and quote competition 58-814, NUTRITIONIST (professional, with some experience), National Health and Welfare, Ottawa. $3,900-$4,350.. ' COMMUNICATION TECHNICIANS (to install, maintain and repair teletype, teleph cypher equi and other com- munications equioment), External Affairs, Ottawa, end Abroad. $3,750-$4,350, plus allowances when abroad. SECURITY GUARDS and CONFIDENTIAL MESSENGERS, Ex- . ternal Affairs, Offices Abroad. $2,790-$3,150 plus allow- ances, Except where otherwise indicated, details and application forms at main Post Offices, National Employment Offices and Civil Service Commission Offices. h )