L} = Intercounty Softball League ¥ Moving Into High Gear Now The Inter - County Softball bel, 2b; Heron, cf; D. Mornylo, p; | League, now ready to move jafo Welsh, If; Hodgson, p in 6th. | the third week of schedule play, is starting to "separate the men TIREMEN DEFLATED /s'" as the battle for| | playoff positions and top berths is| waged. Thursday night saw four| more games played, with only| one game being close, a 12-11 vic-| tory by Hoy Pavers over Foley second inning, six more in fourth and four in the fifth, | most of their total, with S ing at North Oshawa diamond on phylk of the stick-work. Thursday night. | Canadian Tire picked up four these were the big hitters for the runs inthe first Jig and three winners, in the slug-fest. more in the second, as Boyce Plumbing. trouble on the mound but trom|, THOMP SON S aire. Shepperse, SPAVERS WIN. AGAIY that point on, they didn't do a 0! wig "Biel Til. Gilles: To win the game, Hoy Pavers thing until they picked up their pie 2b: Hutcheon c Halik P; scored in every inning for the last two runs in the 7th inning, | to 7 Yio pda first five with a three-riin rally in| with Frayne and Trimm provid- 7. To the second stanza and a four-run ing the punch. In the early] splurge in the fourth being the frames, Robipson, Lawrence and | to! {big frames. Tony Carines hit a|Givens were the big hitters. | Adams, homer to climax the 4th-inning| Crawfords got a run in the first |HEW, PLD : | outburst while Lyzun was an-!frame by Hoy and then broke out] : = 70% (cther big batter for the winners. for ve moe in the second as/SHUTOUT FOR KEPLER Miant In the fifth, with the score 93, Pazitka had his pitching troubles] Doug Keeler pitchie ar oi 'Hoy Pavers came up with one Two more runs in the third made |one-hitter when MeLayg a more big inning, for three runs on| the score 87. In the fifth, the win. Planked Ebenezer 6-0 af Lakeview {an error, double by Hodgson and ners added two more -- with er-| {a homer by Hanna, with two out. rors again playing a big part and | Kornylo started on the mound then in the sixth frame they scor- |for the winners. He gave up two|ed seven runs in a wild outburst |runs in the first frame mostly on and they continued in the 7th to| linfieid errors and i the third, score nine more. Hoy, Wal-| | Foley managed a run on a walk, lace, Stone, Andeyson and-Boyce | |error and choice play. They|ali were good ah the plate; in weren't even in the picture until the one-sided win. |Mornylo weakened in the sixth. | | McGarry's single, three succes- : Wodnisky, If; Bone- ragametz, ss; Turpin, ark. Keeler had eight strikeouts and issued only one walk. His lone hit came with two men out in the last inning when B. Shearer clipped a single. McLaughlin Fuel scored two runs in the first inning on four hits, "singles by Vann, A. Law- | rence and Corrigan and a double | The winners got five runs in the bout between two women wrest- the |iers. He did it with an announce- for ment over the public address sys- hepper- tem. Crawford Construction whipped son, Bathe, Ulrich, Weldon, Gil-| Council had decided last Mon- Canadian Tire 26-9 in their meet-1espie and Hutcheon doing the day to ban appearance of women Sutton, Siblock, Jones, Adams, northeast of Ottawa. Town au- | LOCAL 205 -- DeMille, 2b; Sut. ~ n, 3b; Sibiock, ¢; Jones, Ib; | Lawrence, | x Gloria Palmer and the Black| Mayor Calls Halt |p ethee would not wrestle. They Women Wrestlers [Voie soa crit caen Haws Players Suspended BUCKINGHAM, Que. (cp)--|in the all-male main bout. For Their Attacks pension for punching referee R, Mayor Arthur Latour Thursday Eany in the els bout pe night entered the ring to halt a girls started tangling o On Soccer Referees Clark of Niagara Falls. The inci- HAMILTON (CP) -- Assaults dent took place when St. Anne's apron. They carried the activity onto the floor among the 500 {spectators who quarter filled the \\(~ oferees has brought suspen-| played Germans. Both are Niag- arena. 4 !sions totaliing three years to two ara Falis teams. At that point the mayor jumped | njayers in the Southern Ontario into the ring and announced the Specer League. ARETIC FISH gifs were Jot io Yefurs to the| otto Schillegger of Kitchener The Arctic ocean is a valuable ving. They didgt, ; Victorias was set down for two fishing ground containing whales, Council had decided to ban years for knocking down and'cod, walrus and seals. women wrestlers after hearing -- rie compiaints from four comminity groups: The Knights of Colum. bus, Richelieu Club, Sacred Heart | League and the Lacordaire, a temperance organization. THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTY, Saturdey, June 7, 1938 J] | then spitting on referee 'Bill Wil 'son of Hamilton during a game with Gue'ph May 24. | Joseph Paonessa of Niagara Falls received a one-year sus- wrestiers in this town 25 miles thorities sent a telegram to Mont- | real promoter Claude Desharnais| fraying the girl grapplers billed for Thursday night's card were not to appear. Desharnais announced Thurs- day night the ladies--bilied as CITY OF OSHAWA "TENDERS FOR DEMOLITION SEALED TENDERS, addressed to Chairman, City Property Committee, c/o City Clerk and endorsed "Tender for Demolition' will:be received until 5:00 P.M., MONDAY, JULY 7th, 1958 for the purchase, for the purpose of demolition of: a brick church located at the south-west corner of King Street East and Prospect Street, in Oshawa. Almost every man enjoys WHITE Tender Forms and further information may be ob- tained at the office of the undersigned. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. F.E. CROME, P. ENG,, City Engineer. Suggested price | | | | (3) Dick, (8) (6) and | and Daviault Parsons | 31 12 21 Pct.GBL 600 592 S511 500 .490 A479 ' 422 Another entry is Stefan Lew- A404 andowski, 27-year - old surgeon vho is ore of a four-man Polish team entered in the Centennial Games, His best time in the mile is 4:00.6 but he feeis he isn't in after a rough winter in 1 On hand to watch Reno Ber- | plans to teach when he isn't _toia-of Windsor graduate from playing ball for the Tigers. A Bachelor of Arts degree is his | : | the Tigers, scoring a run in | Detroit's 3-0 win over Chicago. CRAWFORD -- Lepn, 2b; Hoy, by J. Lawrence. In the fourth, SPORT FROM BRITAIN ss; Yuill, c; Gallagher, lb; Stone, Pipher and Wiltshire singled and Hodgson took over and both Snow |e. Johnston, If; Wallake, 1b. badly : ing) . - i ' Jie rh ' their final two runs, on a single 1l t on Sets New and Mackness clicked, to make it| "co NApiAN TIRE -- Robinson, to George, Corrigan's double, : 1 1€ ad S a seven-run rally and put the ef; Goguen, rf; Givens, 2b; Law- hit batter, an error and a sacri- : 3 EC 1f scored after two out on a hit b Y|Pazitak, p; Trimm, rf. R. Osborne, ¢; Lowrey, 1b; Beer, Cricket Pattern Himse | Meal isi but the game ended FREE-SCORING TILT |ss; B Shearer, 2b; B. Down, rf; wi le Lying rul On se ase. pson's Plumbing whipped | Johnson, 3b; Ron Osborne, If; E. : | Ww Wf Si ' 3 |in their game at Harman Park. NDON (CP) -- The eight] Watson resolutely stuck close Berwick, if; Sinden, rf; McGarry, | i ; A hs Mii headline on The News|to the old lineup and hoped for|3b; Selby, ss; Burr, 2b; Brent,| This was a wide-open affair and bs Van, oe George, 1b; Chronicle's sports page read | Corrigan, 3b; Reed, rf; Wiltshire, Robin Qardues, Sa. o is} HOY PAVERS -- Mornylo, ss; | for Loca: 205, had much to brag . 4 " » younger batsmen, bu s attack ryzun, 3b; Hanna, c¢; Tutak,|about as the rival England's newest "county," T as * , 9b; : tak, | ra more familiarly as Leices pemsined far from overwhelm-'yf. Cairnes, If; Barker, 1b; Wru-|charge of this game. tershire. The newspaper was pay- | captaincy is transforming $e the side's batting potential came| LEGION MINOR BASEBALL jcestershire County crickets Wats himself, His first Juicer appearance. in a friendly match| SUDDARD'S ONE-HITTER |Kerton, 2b; Hobbs, ss; Shearer, H ice Midgets, in an Oshawa Legion] UPSET VICTOR'S SPORTS side proclaimed by its record regular county matches he twice! § | | ! A the worst in first-class cricket, [reached three figures and passed Minor Assoc. Midget League In the red-hot Legion Bantam with two victories in 28 starts last 50 on three other occasions, top-| game in Ajax on Thursday night, League game at Harman Park Three times he accounted for | : r E : ve | WIN, |deserved 7-1 win over Victor's! : CONSISTENT BAT {more iii Sal Leicestershire! Suddard struck out nine batters/ Sports. His own career appeared to gan io spread. All-rounder Jack and had a no-hitter going, with] Yahn pitched the win for the! : have ebbed from its high point|yan Geloven, who exceeded to spoil the effort. Prior to this'in the fourth, Coughlin singl-| and won the accolade of Wisden, any weeks. Gard and Suddard had issued one walk and ed, moved on a double by Watt the cricket bible, as one of its| faim alse began Io find their 'e Walked Ellis after Hill had and scored on an infield out but| & five cricketers of the year. batting eye. | hits by Judd and Suddard, in the for Victor's, breezed through the | Yorkshire lineup but was dropped a victory over. Derbyshire lifted first inning and they loaded the first two frames then ran into » by England after 15 test appear-| Leicestershire a few places from bases in the fourth on three- trouble in the third inning. Noakes ances, most of them disappoint- the bottom of the table. is unlikely to rise much|Score against Ellis' fine pitching|two gone, Issel singled, Solomon last season when Charles higher. But Leicestershire's home| until the sixth. Suddard started) and Lang singled, for a Imer's retirement left the Lel- attendance, lowest of the 17 if Off himself with his third-|four-run rally. They added their + gestershire captaincy vacant. then Higgins and so did MaclIn- Polenzuk, an error and Buechler's | astablishéd batsman, 26-year-old |lose almost as many matches as BLY to make it a two-run rally.|triple, followed . by Solomon's ! Maurice Hallam, and no bowlers| Leicestershire did. But in the dis- 0 the 7th, Judd walked, Wright single. « of repute. The only off-season ac-\mal background of the last two {and then another fumble, with two|their blows when they did the] : out, gave Jury and Lovell their most good. i . . . other two runs, for their 4-0 vic-| VICTOR'S: Cover, If; Johnson, ; Detroit Ti ers Finall JURY and LOVELL: Mech, 2b; lin, p; Watt, c; McDonald, ss;| } | Judd, rf; Wright, 3b; Suddard, p; Burrie, rf; Kolesnik, 2b; Ferries, | Campbell, 1b; Topping, ss; Hig-|cf; Clapp, rf. | i ' |gins, If; Maclnally, cf; Burke, c;| OSHAWA DAIRY: Buechler, If;| ! Iomo yey egro arm an | Williams, cf. Issel, ss; Solomon, c¢; Lang, 1b; | the | Blundell, 1b; Hill, rf; . first Negro player to their major Negro. league roster. | : x . | In recent months the club has In a four-player switch the Ti- | 0) pqer pressure in Detroit By THE CANADIAN PRESS Jancse A : 4 National League Teed; , ton, W Va, farm in the Ameri. yp, , boycott threat later collap-|Phil can Association. Virgil, a Negro, sed. A spokesman for the Tigers St. Louis has brief previous major league sald Thursday's promotion of Vir-| Morehead, Meyer (7) and Lo-|Havana 100 301 1-6 6 0 gil had nothing to do with the pata; Jones and H.. Smith, | (Called curfew, will be completed The Tigers also promoted Herb agitation. Pittsburgh "100 000 000--1 4 1!later) Moford, a 29-year-old righthander with a 6-0 record at Charleston. he said. "We hive maintained we Smith (8) and Foiles, Kravitz chez (6) Cade (6) Amor (7) and would bring one or more up to| 8 Drott and S. Taylor, Izquierdo. Tigers, and infielder Lou Skizas, |'he Tigers when they could play Muwaukee 000 010 020-3 9 1 American League obtained during the winter from WL Kansas City. the clue." all; Drysdale, Podres (8) La-|Kansas City '523 The Tigers are in seventh place be 19) and Walker, Boston 24.489 10 HRs: LA-Furillo (6), Z ic tem but have remained with Bos-!in the American League. > urillo. (8), Zimmer|Chicago 46 Ne . » San Fran 101 200 000--4 7 1| Baltimore 24 455 entenni a 1ke t Haddix, W. Schmidt (4) and|Washington 21 26 .447 12 \°[ Burgess, Bailey (8); Monzant, Today's Games Looks To Be Keen Race if .cnum co sma ug i3) 5 Simattt 3 {(14), Taussig (1). | Kansas City at Baltimore--Gar-| VANCOUVER (CP) -- Someone| Ibbotson had a 3:57.2 mile last American League {ver (7-1) vs Harshman (5-4). Centennial Mile here to one of John Landy's 3:58 is the recog-| Hoeft and Wilson; Griggs, Chicago at Boston -- Donovan two Australians entered nized world record. [Stobbs (4) Byerly (8) and Court- (2-6) V8 der hig But no one is, making any pre- - Ibbotson says he won't be out "®Y ona Ww Eve Melbourne school teacher, and he said. Jack Crump manager of 5 1d bespectacied Alex Henderson, the English team Bm said he Boston ad hci Tl, ein Ey . wow at Arizona State College doesnt carte if the. windif Wilson, Staley (7) and Lollar; |&incinnati 1 ge. doesn't care if the winning time Nixon, Wall (2) Delock (8) Kiely Chicago 25 Ibbotson, who has run the fastest Los Angees, 19 mile in history. Lincoln and Hen- zone 13 > To s : oy 8 Cleveland 030 001 001--5 7 oday's Games derson were relaxed and confi New ond 100 0 20x--6 11 And Probable Pitchers training.' said Lincoln of his eS HR: NYK-Mantle 2 (10), ,Diltsburgh at Chicago -- Gross mile nightly workouts, He has shape Kansas City 000 010 000--1 7 0 (2-0) vs Phillips (4-0) | run three sub-four-minute miles Baltimore 000 000 11x--2 8 0 Milwaukee at Los Angeles (N) Henderson, at 25 years older 3) HR: KcY-Chiti (3). that he has been building up all STARS IT Herbert, Gorman (8) and|Loronto . Gave up only four hits, fanned] Havana a one-hit shutout six innings while| Columbus ~~ 201 000 000--3 9 1| Buffalo sweep over the Athletics. {O'Donnell (9) and Rand. with two homers, his ninth and Ricketts and Oliver; 3-for-3 performance in 6-5 victory Richmond Indians, | G Assumption College with a | few hours after the ceremonies sister, Julie. The only Canadian | sive errors then a homer by Mc- of and rf: Cornish,\3b; Ander- ~ame home when J. Lawrence hit {score at 12 - 10. rence, 3b; Collins, 1b; Polishuk, | fice fly by Pipher. By ED SIMON whose batting deficiencies had] FOLEY PLUMBING--McAllis-| Thom Down the best. He unearthed unsus-p. Magee, 2b; McHugh and Wil. none of the pitchers, Halik for the "Watsonshire Lose Cheerfully." |e; Keeler, p. ing a just tribute to Willie Wat- SPARKED REVIVAL | "At 38, Watson left his native against Worcestershire, produced| BLANKS AJAX MIDGETS ¢; Claringbold, rf; McCartney, rf. summer, and three the previous ping the averages with 83.85. Ray Suddard held the Ajax Mer-|last night, Oshawa Dairy pulled 50 {Wo men out in the last inning| 'Milkmen'. Victors threatened in| in 1953 when he scored 109 in his|oniy five times in the entire 1957| singled -- but he got his shutout. they didn't do much after that. He continued the most consis-| Bowling and fielding lapses off- | straight singles by Wright, Sud-| started it off with a homer. Hoop- «ing. The county, intent on re- Despite Watson's batting, {counties last season, is likely to|Straight hit of the game. Camp-|other three runs in the sixth -- Watson inherited a side of expand. singled, Suddard forced Judd but| Hits were scarce throughout but : quisition was Alan Revill, a 35-/years, a cheerful loser is some- tory, | AJAX: Brewer, 3b; Daze, If;|Yahn, p; Tullock, 3b; Noakes, rf;! DETROIT (AP) -- Detroit Ti-|ton only two American] gers brought up third baseman |c. certain Negro groups to use | 000 000 100--1 7 1 Oldis " experience with New York "We have always said we had Chicago 110 300 01x--6 9 0, Johnson, Newkirk (6) Coleman In return the Tigers farmed out adequately for us. Right now Los Angeles 000 001 0214 10 1| Pct. GBL The Tigers have had numerous (5). {Cleveland 26.458 11% Miller (6) Grissom (8) and R. And Probable Pitchers taking a look at the record might |vear but it may not be recog- Detroit 023 100 320-11 14 o| Cleveland at New York--Nar- n . | iti § " i | HRs: Det- nD, dictions, particularly the two to beat the mile record. a. Groth (1), Zernial pp, = vee 27 For one thing it would be fool: is 4:20 as long as his man posts| 9) and Berberet. White (9). Pittsburgh 23 dent looking Thursday. Tomanek and Nixon, Brown (8) Philadelphia at St. Louis--Sim- 3 Poland His last clocking was a 4.01 in Kellner, Trucks (8) and Chiti: ~-Burdette (4-3) vs Koufax (2-2), | «than Lincoln, has yet to break {Kansas City 000 000 100--1 0 * season to | the feat her [ eason 0 Pi 2a Jus By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS House; Pappas and Triandos, |Rochester International League Richmond gaining first major league com-| Seantlebury and Hannah; Gib-| Hitting: Mickey Mantle, Yan-|Rochestér 000 000 000 10th of year for a total of six in and Coker. 'over the | Nuxhall (2-2) vs Gomez (5-4). International League Pet. 30 30 27 26 24 22 24 18 20-. 21 24 27 28 31 Nn 32 Today's Games (7) Toronto at Columbus Montreal at Richmond 0 1 Buffalo at Havana 1 7 0 Rochester at Miami Conley Sunday's Games Toronto' at Columbus (2) 130 100 010-6 13 0 Montreal at Richmond (2} 243 100 00x-10 10 5|Buffalo at Havana (2) lallombardo, Birrer (2) Rochester at Miami (3) i "I intend to go right out from * «the start," he sa He estimate *he has run about 26. races this vear, including nine 'miles and a ..4:03.1 time earlier this year. "I believe I'm just scratching =the ce on times. 1 think 1 can lower my time and Saturday "may be it. Lincoln mentioned "Henderson when asked to pame what he ex- pected to be the toughest eom- petition. 3 he was back on third base for regular in the majors, Reno Allister ended Kornylo's stay.|con, rf; Cook, If; Bo\ce, p and; triple. In the fifth, they got In the 7th, Selby walked and "yl oi and p; Frayne, ss;| EBENEZER -- M. Osborne, cf; Canadian Press Staff Writer |led to his release by Derbyshire. ter, ¢; Snow, cf; Mackness, lb; {Local 205 Leatherworkers 18 - 12 MCLAUGHLIN FUEL -- Piph- pected spin - bewling talent inlgop, | winners and Boneham and Griffin It marked the public debut of hitters took | pon, blonde Yorkshiremaa whose But a major transformation in| county this spring to take over|a score of 79. In his first four Pitching for Jury and Lovell] OSHAWA DAIRY BANTAMS year chants to one hit, to earn a 4-0 off an upset victory with a well 50 then Hill clicked for a solid single|the second and third frames and first test match against Australia ampaign, did it three times in Jury and Lovell picked up twe| Meanwhile, Coughlin, pitching] tent batsman in the in-and-out set most of these feats, although the dard and Campbell but they didn't er singled with one out then with ! building, released him at the end side bell walked and so did Topping all after two out, on a walk to . meagre talents. It contained one| Watsonshire may continue to {Campbell was sife on an error Oshawa Dairy won by getting] : year - old close - fielding expertithing new. {3b; Reeson, 1b; Plews, cf; Cough- Ellis, p;' Powlenzuk, 2b; Hooper, cf. gers Thursday promoted their league teams never to field a Ossie Virgil from their Charles- a Negro player or face a boycott. 000 210 00x--3 7 0 Buffalo 100 203 1-6 9 2 Giants. a0 bar against Negro players," Law, Porterfield (4) R. G.|(7) and Noble. Santiago (6) San- ' pitcher Bob Shaw, 1-2 with the we'd do almost anything to help! , Rush, McMalion (8) and Cran-| New York 721 8% Negro piayers in their farm sys- -- | Cincinnati 000 005 000--5 7 2) Detroit 25 457 11% Schmidt. Detroit at Washington -- Bunn- be inclined to give Saturday's nized because he was paced. Washington 000 000 200--2 4 2|leski (6-4) vs Ford (6-2). , Australians -- Mervyn Lincoln,! "The main thing to do is win," {Chicago 001 010 000--2 5 0 San Francisco 29 ish to discount England's Derek t HRs: Chi-Phillips (4); Bos-Mal- Philadelphia 19 "I'm. quite satisfied with my Turley and Berra mons (4-3) vs McDaniel (3-4). Los Angeles two weeks ago. YESTERDAY'S Johnson and Triandos, Ginsberg , Cincinnati at San Francisco-- four minutes but he admitted 4 Montr |Baltimore 000 012 00x--3 7 0 Montreal +GO RIGHT OUT Pitching: Milt Pappas, Orioles] HR: Bal-Triandos (10). Columbus | three, didn't walk a man and had Toronto 000 402 200-8 10 1| Miami plete game in nightcap of 2-1, 34 bon, Swanson (6) Arroyo 8 kees--Drove in first four runs Miami 000 000 001 six games, and also singled for Montreal Enjoy low-cost hot water with an Automatic Electric Water Heat For only a few cents a day, you can enjoy plenty er of hot water for your household needs, with an automatic electric water heater at special low Hydro flat rates. / NN / Live better electrically-safe, clean, modern