ADDING THEIR SIGNATURES Belleville will be the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Floyd John- son whose marriage was solem- nized recently at St. George Angliean Church. Formerly Miss Beverley Dianne Camp- bell, the bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Civil Servants | Wages Raised | OTTAWA (CP) Substantial pay boosts for the federal govern- ment's senior civil servants have Heen approved by cabinet, it was reported Friday. + A formal announcement giving | details of amounts involved is ex-| fected to be made soon by Prime| | B. Campbell of Oshawa and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs Walter Johnson of Belleville and the late Mr. Johnson. --Photo by Ireland 'prompted her to begin training WANTED 'Woman Welfare Worker Finds | Aussie Farmerette ' Practical Ideas For Rooms Vocation as Family Court Judge | Visiting Ontario | 75 Ba Designed On A Budget By ELANOR ROSS Window treatments are unusual | By IAN MACDONALD as a welfare officer, and she ob- Lucas, 23-year - old Australian,| Canadian Press Staff Writer |tained a post at the St. John's/has begun a two-week tour of the| An interior decorator for aland effective. ST. JOHN'S, Nfld, (CP) mental hospital where she stayed |Ontaric farm scene with visits to|large New York department store| For example, full-length win- Sadie Butt, newly - appointed as|ior 1% years. When Newfound-|tWo of the top Jersey cattle herds has the right idea. She likes toldows are fitted with cane doors |Newfoundland's first woman|land entered the Canadian Con-/in North America. (do rooms that are dreamily|which guarantee privacy yet per- ljudge, has to learn to strike a|federation in 1949, she became| Miss Lucas, who last year was beautiful, rich in color and exotic|mit plenty of light to shine |palance between administering |cligible for a McGill University judged the best junior farmer in|in feeling, but she likes her lay-|{hrough into a pretty living room. the law and helping people with mental health work grant. She/New South Wales, Tuesday outs to suggest ideas that are , wide-ledge window seat is | their problems. spent one year with the Univer-|visited the B. H. Bull and Son|practical for rooms that must bel, Lilt out ito. the room. In front Accepting a position as judge|Sity working in a family agency, farm at Brampton and the Jer-|designed on a budget. She has lof the family court was a dif-(and another year specializing in sey herd =f Marrice C. Beaty of succeeded in doing this in her lat-| J very low table and two huge {ficult decision, said the attractive social psychology. | Milton, '|est series of seven-room settings square pillows, covered in pea- welfare worker. "I really didn't] She returned to her post at the, Miss Lucas assists her father that show an Oriental influence. | on oc feel qualified, I am not a lawyer|St. John's hospital before the in the management of a Jersey| She uses much black and white The window seat is really used land I was a little worried about course was completed, and then|stud herd at Demerara Farm, and spices these two basics with Io a EE |public opinion." {was interrupted in her career for|Armidale, N.S.W. Many Bramp- a clear sapphire blue, a clear, 9 "Wl 8 FIERO Sh Sb 0 But public opinion apparently is|several years by illness. Return-|ton Jerseys have gone to Aus- sharp mustard yellow, a bright tatforms gsed on the floors. of in her favor. |ing then to Montreal, she worked tralia where they have played a emerald green, hot orange Ga ib homes, the Toom takes She began teaching after re-|n a day nursery and in 1953 large role in the development of|for softness, some beige. i = ceiving a bachelor of arts de- earned her de E } ree Texture plays a leading role in/0n 2 charming Oriental look. r gree .as bachelor of [the breed. ; in oN : ; of it is a grouping consisting of} Black and white drapery trim-| centre of the orange stripes. at home in a charming bedroom with a spacious, airy look. Ac-| tually, it is a bed-sitting room | where one could spend much time without becoming bored with the decor despite its exotic hues and tones. The orange hue is used for the THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Soturday, June 7, 1958 © in other rooms brilliantly, as in carpeting, for the lamps and is one instance where shades are set off nicely by white walls and bordered vertically with broad window curtains of sheer white stripes of orange velvet ribbon.|linen with black pin stripes. The bedspread is a lively affair ming is used in strips down the of orange with pink and red 2 flower and bird appliques. Simi A vibrant orange tone appears lar appliques are used for a screen. The furniture is modern in a soft fruitwood finish. Don't delay when something's 'gst -- If you value it diai RA 2.3492 and place a Times-Gazette Lost Ad at once. lgree from Acadia University at/social science. | Her Ontario itinerary includes| 4 |Wolfville, N.S. After five years| Then she came back to New-| _. . I besa Tue tod CC Auments. Shaggy nylon, fur-ithe decorator has sought, and 'she "found el routine foundiand and a post in the city|? visit to New Liskeard June 10, soft and very deep, is used for successfully, to blend the window se ound €'assroom {win 0 i Jo Vit istrict of Timiskaming June|accent and area rugs and 'therejinto the background rather than y - | welfare off! b she hel he Dis 8 rather wearing, although I en-| welfare office, a job she held un.| iat |{is much use of suede cloth [play it up for effect. |joyed the personal contact with|til her appointment as a judge. !1, 12 and the District of Coch-|%p Loy LK very handsome and, In ome room, roller shades of |students." | Of the problems she encounters rane South June 13. She will fly|¢oa res both modern and tradi- mustard yellow suede cloth {FOUND VOCATION in court, she says: "All behaviour |from Timmins to Ottawa June 16./tiona) pieces in a soft warm|match the walls. | Office work didn't fit the bill has and deli y is {brown finish. The roller blind device is used either. "I was reading the paper cymptomatic of something wrong| ] on my way to work this partic-|in the family. ular morning and saw an adver-| "wea just can't condemn the tisement for a family court rec- symptom. We must try to find : order. ; : what's caused the trouble." 'sSomething clicked. I had been i doing office work and knew that| HOUSEHOLD HINT wasn't for me. But until I saw| : : : Shop s : : | Remember to cut stems of with a high-protein, good-yielding the ad I hadn't realized what I . ' a : p wanted to do." {flowers at a long slant. If they wheat crop being harvested this + : can absorb twice as much water, year, the newspaper says, a Miss Butt says she had been they'll bright A k tices d d f rity wheat "unconsciously seeking a niche" |theY righten your home twice strong demand for quality whea as long. lis indicated. for a number of years before she joined the division of child wel- fare in 1944. BY THE GRAIN MEN HAPPY WINNIPEG (CP) -- The Free Press Weekly Prairie Farmer says grain officials in Winnipeg | are looking at the 1958 Canadian | {Wheat picture with the brightest optimism in several years. Even| PROBLEMS" f'Solved By "RE-NU-TEX" iThe revolutionary textile re- finishing process . . . Re-nu- tex replaces the natural oils removed by ordinary dry leaning and returns the ori- Rainal "shape" and "feel" of the garment . . . Keeps it cleaner, longer too. "RE-NU-TEX" Done Only By ing. 1 learned not only my job but about people . . . It meant a great geal to me." * WIDE EXPERIENCE Her interest in human relations KNITTERS MAKE UP TO IN YOUR The next four years provided Rinker's SCHOOL OF DANCING Cleaners 51 BURK ST. RA 5-1191 $1.00 PER HOUR SPARE TIME | | Q. Does the fast pace of modern living couse mental breakdowns? A. It probably does in some cases but it may be high time to get another whipping boy. An Eng- lish doctor says too much stress is being placed on stress, He tells patients that life is a battle against many unavoidable stresses, The healthy attitude is to enjoy the fight. We might all do better by facing the facts of life. Q. Where is the thought center located? A. There is nc such thing. The rain as a whole does the think- ing, not just one portion. Q. Can a person be mentally ill ond not show it? A. Yes. The neighbors might not suspect but it doesn't toke a trained person long to pick out the mentally or emotionally up- set person. Doctors recently visited 200 homes in an eight- block area in Salt Lake City. Using a friendly, personal aop- proach, the physicians inter- viewed obout 350 adults. The doctors picked out 111 persons who had some evidence of men- tal or emotional trouble, With one out of three people affected it's no wonder doctors say that mental and emotional illness is today's top medical preblem. Letters will be answered in Direct your inquiries to ® Mental Health ® Thought Centre ® Eye Exercises Q. Will eye exercise improve vision? A. The general oponion is that eve exercises will not improve vision. However, some people who take eye training exercises learn to use the vision they hove to better advantage. They learn, for example, that a triangular- shoped letter, even though it can hardly be seen, is usually on A if it points up or a V if it points down. The improved obility to recognize 'fuzzy' characters helps, but it's not due to better vision. - Eye doctors often prescribe eye exercises but in most cases it is to improve muscle balance, not poor vision, Material in MEDICAL MIRROR is based on various scientific pub- lications and. does not necessarily reflect the opinion of all doctors. The diagnosis and treatment of 'disease requires the skill ond knowledge which only a phy- sician can aoply by personally attending the patient, these columns anonymously J. Downey Ralston, M.D. For information phone: SCIENCE EDITORS, P.O. BOX 396 Friday, June 13th 7:30 P.M. 0.C.V.. Minister Diefenbaker. This is ex- pected to be followed later by a general increase for other civil servants. .K. W. Taylor, deputy minister of finance, sald he has not seen any order-in-council approving in- creases for senior civil servants. eases fo seo ci VACTRCI CANADA LTD. owever, he ed that "the sub- ct has. been under. discuseion| 2490 EGLINTON AVE. WEST, TORONTO 23 ATHOL W. -- RA 3-4912 4 RITSON N. -- RA 5-1944 OSHAWA-RA 5-2357 WHITBY-MO 8-2243 or write to THERE IS NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR RE-NU-TEX CHILDREN 25¢ 11 Well cleaned clothes-when appearance counts ADULTS 50¢ Published As A 28 King St. E has gone through." Madison Square Station, New York 10, N.Y. Public Service By Kann Druga RA 3-4621 Oshawa INVITE YOU TO ATTEND THEIR WHITBY HOME-FURNISHERS wi 215 DUNDAS ST. EAST FREE cookine | I OTHER 30 30 E. D. Smit Mazolo--1 Shopsy"s-- coco p Instent--1 NU-MILK APPLE PIE FILLER SALAD OIL ALL BEEF FRANKS Betty Crocker--814 ox. pkf The following famous products Il be featured in the Dominion stores ' FUN WITH FOOD COOKING SCHOOL Aylmer--Fancy Dew Drop--15-"ox. tin GREEN PEAS ... 2 Fr 37 h--20 ox. tin 29 42. 65: . 29: 37 6 ox. btl 1 Ib. pkg. ORES... Ib. pkg. "s Active FAMOUS KELVINATOR HOME APPLIANCES SCHOOL DRY YEAST, pkg. Color Quic! 3x17 k=1 1b. pkg. BLUE BONNET MARGARINE 35: I Magic--8 BAKING TBY TOWN HAL EASY FLOUR Tender Leaf--60's TEA BAGS Chose and i INSTANT ingersoli---- CHEESE SPREAD ox. tin POWDER ...... 23: Five Roses--35 Ib. bog 79: Sanborn=2 ox. jor COFFEE -- 5c off 49: 35: oyal--4 oz. pkg. INSTANT Domestic--3¢ off pack SHORTEN Betty Croc BUDGET BOSTON TERMS FRE TIN OF "SUCCESS WAX" TO THE FIRST 300 PERSONS Zam' DAY DONATED BY WHITBY HOME FURNISHERS 215 DUNDAS ST. EAST PHONE MO 8-3611 Sliced Whit Heavy Dut SUCCESS Javox--16 RICHMELLO BREAD DRY BLEACH. . PUDDING 2 ror 25 ING -- 1b. pkg. Sd CREAN one or. pkg.. 37 e-~24 ox. loaf Lr 18 y-~pint tin WAX Hellmen---8 oz. jar HAYONNAISE oz. pkg.