I ¥ vd of, | / Giants Back On Top; | 'Dodgers Win Couple | 2, 1958 8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZITTE, Mondey, June king with a 19-7 won-lost recerd last year. Ray Jablonski was the leading hitter with two hits and three) runs batted in for the Giants, who tagged Sam Jones with his sixth defeat. Jones struck out seven in six Innings but walked five. Pittsburgh took care of Mil- waukee in the first inning with three off Gene Conley on a walk, singles by Dick Groat and Ted Kluszewski and Frank Thomas'| triple, The second game at Philadel Jphia was a wild affair after a tame opener. Eleven pitchers) 'were used as the Phils overcame a 10-3 Cincinnati lead. Cincinnati was batting in the ninth when curfew rang. Seven. pitchers and four catch- While the Dodgers were trying to' win games and influence vot- ers, San Francisco Giants climbed back into first place by snapping St, Louis Cards four- game winning streak, 7-2. After dropping three straight, the Giant backed up Johnny Antonelli with _/'|.By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS | _7| Maybe Walter O'Malley should "let Walter Alston do his Chavez " "|Ravine electioneering. Whatever '| Alston toid the Dodgers behind 4! closed doors the other day must, (have been a pep talk in the @ Knute Rockse tradition, >a The Dodgers reacted Saturday, a0 11-bit attack dl! after a double defeat Friday, and = Bob Friehd, Pittsburgh and the bombed the Chicago Cubs. Then rain combined to drop Milwaukee came Sunday and a two-hit 1-0 into second place. Friend held the shutout by Stan Williams, a 21- Braves to five hits while the Pir- | year-old rookie ates built up a 51 edge. Rain Although the Dodgers still are stopped the game three times {buried fn the National League and finally forced the umpires to |cellar, 10 games back, with the call it off after seven innings. It [big election coming up Tuesday, "a8 Friend's eighth victory. at least they are showing signs of Cincinnati's Bob Purkey won rife. Williams probably won more his sixth, 2-1 over Philadelphia in |""ves" votes for the Chavez deal the first game, The two clubs than all the threats from Warren struggled to an 11-11 tie in the Giles' office. second game finally stopped by Williams had pitched only three the Sunday curfew (6:5) Phila- innings until Alston gave him the delphia time) in the ninth. It goes call Sunday, into the records as a suspended Working in 48-degree weather §ame to be completed later and a stiff. 20-mile wind, Will-| Williams, the Dodgers' new jams allowed only two singles-- hope, was with the club in spring {one by Al Dark in the first and training but was farmed out to one by loser Dick Drott in the St. Paul of the American Associ- third ation where he was the strikeout y BRITISH COLORS IN RACE Aitken, son of Lord Beaver- brook, is one of three British yachts brought in by the freight- er to compete in the Newport-to Bermuda race on June 14, TO FL The graceful yacht "Drum. | beat" is unloaded from a freighter after arrivai at Brook- lyn. The yacht, owned by Max SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR day as the Dodgers bombed the, Cubs 9-4. It took 12 inpings to do it, but the Cardinals came through with a 10-9 victory over the Giants while the visiting Mil-| waukee Braves were taking Pitts- | burgh 8-3 and Cincinnati was dropping a close one to Phila- delphia, 5-4 Bob Turley's 8th Win Aided By Carey's Bat on Saturday afternoon and that marks the fourth loss already By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS games behind the Yanks by The rhubarb in Baltimore came in the short season, for the local lads who galloped through the Casey Stengel can pick his whipping Cleveland 6-2, after when Camilo Pascual, the winn- Leaside Junior League competition last year to win champion- starting pitcher for the July 8 all- scoring five unearned runs on Cal ing pitcher, topped a ball to the ship honors, Johnny Ryan, currently belting the horsehide at star game at Baltimore without McLish in the first inning. Ray mound and Loes threw to the the phenomenal batting average of 650 had a great day on any delay. Bob Turley of his New Herbert blanked the Indians with plate, In the rundown, Loes tried Saturday, with four-four-four but unfortunately the rest of his York Yankees is burning up the three hits in the first six innings to chase Aspromonte for the tag mates couldn't match that pace. While the season is still young American League and finished with a six-hitter. All but the Senator dove safely home and there's lots of time for Flynn's' to start rolling, the fact Turley boosted his season won- this after Bob Bragan had After Loes slammed the ball to remains that they are making too many errors defensively, lost record to 8-1 Sunday by blasted his Indians as "compla- the ground, the man who was on) which offsets the good pitching they've been getting most games throwing a five-hitter at the Bos- cent and indifferent' in a pre- first base originally Julio Bec" and as a team, they are not getting enough hits to build up ton Red Sox for a 10-4 romp. game lecture. quer, also scored and Pascual] scoring rallies. Ryan has been approached by the Cincinnati Red- Using his breaking stuff more Billy Loes wound up with a $100 wound up on third. A wild throw legs and will have a chat with them as soon as his school term than his pet fast ball, Turley fine and an indefinite suspension by Brooks Robinson allowed Pas- is finished Lorne Jeffs, another member of the local team, struck out 10 and took .over the from Baltimore manager Paul cual to scored the third run of along with Ryan have been invited to a Class D farm club, league lead with 53 victims, Richards after he blew up and the inning. It was Loes' fifth de- late this month, to show their wares It was Turley's eighth complete charged an umpire while Wash- feat without a victory Sy | ay, 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' OSHAWA JUNIORS (Joe Flynn's Sports) dropped a 7-3 de cision to the Ideal Welding Braves, here at Alexandra Park ers saw action in Chicago Satur- K-W Dutchies And Oakville Still On Unbeaten Streak | By THE CANADIAN PRESS (the first and eighth innings. Kitchener - Waterloo Dutchmen!Kitchener's Harry Psutka had win big, Oakville Oaks win small. five hits, a two-rup homer and As far as the other seven teams|five runs batted in. Joe Yosurak in the Senior Intercounty Base- and Dan Jackson also hit homers ball League are concerned, both for Kitchener while Luther win too much. (Shanty) Clifford hit a two-run The Dutchies and the Oaks circuit for Galt. each reeled off their sixth Joe Latin, who got relief help straight victory Saturday to move from Charlie Johnson in the 2% games ahead of the idle eighth, won his second in as 'Brantford Red Sox. And the wins many decisions. Galt starter are typical of each team's play Frank Marentette, knocked out this season. in the first inning, lost his first The high « powered Dutchies against one win. . blasted their- way to a if vic- THREE HITS EACH tory over Galt Terriers, almost : - matching their previous high of! 25k Btincippi aud Sram Rid: 20. Only once this season have . Oakville. London's Stan (Gabby) the defending champions won by Anderson hit the only home Tun fewer than three runs. Playi y ying manager Ross Paton Oakville beat London Majors oo." the route for his second 10-8 to stay tied for the lead. straight win, Don McLennan, who Only once have the Oaks won by |, relieved by Dutch Perkins in more than two runs and three of the fifth, lost his first their victories have been by one St. Thomas moved into fourth "ix place with its second win in five! VISITORS ALL WIN |gamies, scoring five .runs in. the In .a third game, St. Thomas first five innings. Meanwhile, Elgins made it a clean sweep for John Ambrose set down the first the visiting teams by beating Lis- 12 men in order and gained his towel Legionnaires 5-3. first win sgainst two defeats. Kitchener and Galt combined John Poholsky, who had shaky in a 35hit slugfest, with the|fielding support as well as con- Dutchies scoring seven runs in'trol trouble, lost his first start. Electrofome NO TRADE-IN LOSS car radios INSTALLED TODAY FOR ONLY. 5.00 9.50 WEEKLY Models for All Cars and Trucks IN @ 5 ond 6 Tube Chassis (6 or 12 volts) ® Push Botton PROVINCIAL TIRE co. DIVISION OF omer Domi ion Rubber 48 BOND ST. WEST RA 5-6511 OPEN DAILY 8:00 -- 6:00 MAJOR LEAGUE | Japan's Hopes _ LEADERS | For Olympics By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ! Given Boost American League AB Pet. TOKYO (AP) -- Japan's hopes Nietap, Baliimore io 1 i A358 of being host to the 1964 Olympics Ward, Cleve 03 14.3 boomed today with her impres- ard, Cleveland 103 14.35 340 iyo gaging of the Asian Games Kuenn, Detroit 160 24 54 .338 Vernon, Cleveland 99 17 33 .333 "I am sure Japan is prepared to organize even a greater event Runs--Cerv, Kansas City, 35. Ee OY Tire are a \ yames, Runs batted in--Cerv, 42. Avery. Brundage, = international Hits--Fox, 56. !Olympie chief, said as the third Doubles--Kuenn, 186. Asiad ended Saturday night in a Triples--Tuttle, Kansas City 4 lavish spectacle of parading ath- a . letes, fireworks and massed Home runs--Cery, 14. i : bands. Stolen bases -- Aparicio, Chic: pyjor 45 the evening final cere- ago, 11. : mony, the last three sports titles Pitching (five or more deci- were settled, in football, basket- ® Transistor DOMINION | ROYAL | | TIRES Oshawa Minor Softball Association officers and team representatives are reminded of the important meeting this evening, at Simcoe Hall. The meeting is called for eight o'clock sharp and all Neighbourhood Parks intending to enter a team in the Kiwanis Bantam League this season, should have an. adult delegate on hand, as also should any prospective midget boys softball teams. It's expected the Bantam League game in nine starts. Three of the ington was beating the Orioles runs scored by Boston came 5-2 |when Jackie Jensen's wind-blown After Loes chased Ken Aspro- pop fly to short left with the monte over home plate, while bases loaded fell just inside .the trying to tag him on a rundown foul line play in the fifth, the tempera | Andy Carey, who has to share mental pitcher slammed the ball {the. third base job with Jerry to the ground and went after um- Lumpe because of his erratic pire Larry Napp. Another run hitting, came through with five scored and .a runner took third straight hits, Two homers, a as the ball rolled away double and two singles helped The Chicago-Detroit game was BRIGHT BITS:--Whitby Larry's BA go to St. Clair Stadium him add 51 points to his average, postponed because of rain after tomorrow night for a West Toronto League game with Milanis and which now measures .256. four innings With Detroit leading on Wednesday night, they will open their "home season" with a Kansas City remained 8% 10 on Al Kaline's home run floodlight game here at Kinsmen Civic Memorial Stadium. The m------ m------ ---- - - - "Pape" club will be the visitors on Wednesday and the game is scheduled to start at 7:45 o'clock . . . LARRY'S chalked up an im- pressive 100 win over East Riverdale on Thursday night and are now stepping out in front of the pack, in the West Toronto Léague race , .. CHARLIE PEACOCK and lis two mates, '"Pard" Can- | ~yhing and J. Cook, won the trebles tourney, first of the season, at [ Oshawa Lawn Bowling Club on Saturday, Frank Kellar's trio were the runners-up , . . FLOODLIGHT SOCCER makes its debut in Before Sept. 30 Oshawa tonight, at Kinsmen Stadium, with a doubleheader, first game at 7 o'clock and the second expected to start about 8:30 pm. | PARIS (AP) -- The World Box:| . +» , FLOOR HOCKEY action for the season closed out at Simcoe ing Committee, trying to stimu- been able to Hall on Friday night, with Planets winning the Solar League title 'late activity in the heavyweight leagues, is again tearing the In- while the Oaks won the championship in the 'Forest League". division, has ordered champion ternational league apart. Oaks didn't win a game in schedule play but they spent their time Floyd Patterson to defend his In three days the veteran Tor- well, learning the game--and they marched through the playoffs title before Sept. 30 or lose the onto Leaf first baseman -- three without defeat . . . WALT ARU, husky athlete from OCVI, won championship. times the International's most the senior shot put title in the annual Ontario Schoolboys Secondary | The committee, linking the New| valuable player--connected with Schools track and field meet at Lake Couchiching on Saturday . . . york State commission, the Brit- four home runs and drove in 12 BILLY LOES, following an umpire's decision, through a temper tan- js Boxing Board of Control and runs to pull trum Sunday, pushed the Umps, threw the ball away--and the the European Boxing Union, spec- leader in both departments. ball game and Mgr. Paul Richards promptly levied a $100 fine and ified Sunday that Patterson Nelson hit bis 19th and 20th will swing into action by the middie of this month which means that all teams wishing to get into this season's schedule had better be prepared to make their official entry at once. Patterson Defend Crown By suspended Loes--perhaps for good, as far as the Orioles are con- [should fight one of four contend home runs among his six hits © eerned , . . FLOYD PATTERSON has been ordered by the world ers Eddie Machen, Zora Folley, Sunday, and drove in seven runs boxing committee to defend his heavyweight title before Sept. 30 Willie Pastrano or Roy Harris. to run his RBI total to 50 as the or forfeit the crown . , . ROCKY NELSON belted a couple of hom-| gaturday, the committee had/Leafs blasted five Buffalo pitch ers yesterday to help Leafs beat Buffalo Bisons 6-5 and 116 in pracketed Machen and Folley as ers for 23 hits and 6-5 and 1i-6 their twin-bill at Buffalo . . . YANKEES whipped Red Sox yester- {pho No. 1 contenders and listed victories. Must Rocky Nelson's Homers | 'Helps Leafs Win Twice THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Wings, Rocky Nelson, who never has|aided by the sun. With the score| stick in the major|tied 3-3 in the seventh, and two) Richards announced his discip-| gions) Turley, New York, 81, ball and the 160-kilometre bicycle linary action after the game and| ggg |road race . umpire Napp said he would file| Strikeouts--Turley, 83. a report with the league for fur-| i ther action | National League On Saturday, it took the Yan- AB R H. Pet. kees 10 innings to dispose of Bos-| Musial, St. Louis 144 22 62 .431 ton, 2-1, with Ryne Duren, who|mays, San Fran 182 40 74 .407 "Let's go fishing this weekend!" came in in the ninth, picking up|Aghburn, Phil 154 26 54 the win. Chicago played the per-|gpencer, San Fran 182 33 63 fect host to Detroit, the visitors Crowe, Cin 101 10 34 picking up a 3-0 victory on Paul |Covington, Mil 83 12 28 Foytack's six - hitter. Baltimore "po M © beat Washington 4-3 and Kansas nsf 2Y8, $1. City edged Cleveland 54 - ago, 40. Hits--Mays, 74. Doubles--Hoak, Cincinnati, Triples--Mays, 7.. | chicago, Thomas, Pittsburgh Montreal ago and Ashburn, 8. Pitching -- Spahn, men on base, Bob Lennon hoisted |8-1 a long fly to centre where Duke| 8 Carmel lost it in the sun. Two ~ runs scored and Lennon crossed the plate when the relay was bobbled. | obby Usher hit a grand slam] in the first game and Frank Her- second. Dick Bunker yielded only senior series by four hits in chalking up his third borough Petes victory in the opener | nigh Lefthander Joe Gibbon of the Jets pitched a brilliant one-hitter with four goals. Rev. Runs batted in--Banks, Chic- | Home runs--Banks and Walls, Mays and Cepeda, San Francisco 13, | Royals were| Stolen bases--T. Taylor, Chle- Milwaukee, 889, trikeouts--Jones, St. Louis, 53. Brampton Moves Home runs were a. factor In| Sr. Lacrosse Lead | the Miami sweep of two games away 8s the league } ' 4 am| BRAMPTON (CP) -- Brampton Excelsiors took over first place in era. a three-run homer in the the Ontario Lacrosse Association defeating Peter- 14-12 Saturday ght. Bill Wanless paced Brampton) Bennett | scored three times while Harvey .351 346 337 337 | WITH A NEW TAKE-ALONG NAS ( Every Sea-horse "Take-along" is packed with famous, dependable Johnson power--portable as your suit case. Put one in the car trunk and it's always ready to power you out where the big ones lurk as soon as you reach water's edge. The quick starting, easy operating Johnson "Take-alongs" are the world's finest portable motors. They slow troll with never & stalf. See them and all eleven new Sea-horses from 3 to 50 h.p. Ask your Johnson dealer about _ convenient terms... he's listed in your telephone book yellow pages. 4 wm ts, thrilling "*Take-along" models .p. 7% h.p. 51% h.p. . thy 4 BoP Bn LP oh B All horsepower 0.B.C. rated. Made in Canada, Sales and Service Everywhere Zone prices slightly higher in some arear A JOHNSON MOTORS rrTERBOROUGH CANADA 16. and "8 { A division of OUTBOARD MARINE CORPORATION OF CANADA LTD, CANADA'S LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF OUTBOARD MOTORS 3-23 day and Saturday but Kansas City beat Cleveland twice also--|pagtrano and Harris next in line. He clouted two home runs and in the seven-inning second game | Madgett and Ralph McCormick ..DODGERS beat Cubs twice over the In the opener the Virginians/each scored twice. Single goals i Fy f 3 i. to hold second place "The in which the world drove in five runs Friday when week-end but San Francisco continues to lead the league by beat- on period hie world To h guns y = scored - four runs in the second! heavyweight title should have the Leafs split with the same ing Cards twice, Braces beat Pirates Saturday but lost to them jo. jerended has been exceeded Bisons. Rain kept the two squads Inning and then coasted the rest yesterday 4) by far," the committee report idle Saturday of the way. Gair Allie hit a home 4 - meas ate "| said, taking note that Patterson Luke Faster also hit a pair of TP in each game for Columbus {has not risked his title since his three-run homers for the Bisons In the three games played Sat. {knockout of Pete Rademacher Sunday. Four Buffalo. errors in urday, Rochester beat Montreal {last Aug. 22 the nightcap gave the Leafs 3-2 with three runs in the ninth, d"AMATO KEY FIGURE {seven unearned runs and a vic- Havana edged Miami 5-4 and NHL Clubs Plan Rule To tory after defeat had seemed cer- Columbus walloped Richmond went to Burt Johnston, Jack] Madgett and Bert Russell. 7 Norm Corcoran of St. Cathar- ines, who signed with the Petes| just before the game, tallied five 491 RITSON RD. S. RA 3.3343 MITH' PORT 353 KING ST. WEST times while playing-coach Curly Mason and Larry Ferguson each counted twice. Dan Quinlan, Billy Floyd and Paul Parnell scored singles. RA 3-9311 Hobble Jacques Plante? |G misses oo " d'Amato, was unavilable for com-| > . | Now In other Sunday games, Mont. men i New York. He had wid real beat Rochester Red Wings riday, however, thal he Wasi, ;, 5 single game, Miami Mar- close to signing for two or three; = ont "a doubleheader from title fights but declined to name... Sugar Kings 6-1 and 4-2 MONTREAL (CP) -- The Na- bell has given his opinion on tional Hockey League opens its some types of these ammual three-day meeting .today MIGHT INJURE OPPONENTS amid speculation that some clubs oo 1. Liled- against a type plan moves to restrain nomadic ,¢ gjpqy pad used by the Detroit gohltenders ty. however, that Red Wings. And during the last Nol oa ad Fe ns would Stasley Cup_plavolis oe turded Squawk loud rg Te gd Dollard St. Laurent of Canadiens pipposa's to pi y wanted to wear to protect an in- Eon oe pe hn, woud Linck one pase y In both cases Campbell took gas Plante, the Montreal the position that the squipment godlie, introduced the wanderlust Might injure opposing players feature to NHL netminding and because of its bulkiness a was beyond doubt the most no The rules committee, alier i madic puck-stopper in the league cussing NHL rules, wat 2 mee Plante often strayed from the With representatives of a pro pet to: intercept the puck and on leagues and the Canadian Ama- occasions raced almost to the leur Hockey Association in what blueline to clear a loose puck has become known as the joint from harm's way. Several of the rules committee netminders on the other NHL The CAHA was teams have copied his roving propose international amateur style, but to a lesser degree hockey rules for minor leagues The NHL rules gommittee was for players in the 14-17 age also to consider such things as bracket. The rules, limiting body face masks and elbow pads checking and boarding, are League president Clarence Camp: played in world tournaments 18 Horses To Run In Plate Trials TORONTO (CP) Eighteen horses will run in the two divi sions of the Queen's Plate Trials when the 36-day summer meet ing opens at New Woodbine to- day. The Canadian-bred three year-olds will run one mile and one-sixteenth in their final test for next Saturday's 99th annual renewal of the Queen's Plate foxy Phil' and Caledon Beau were entered in the second divi- sion but are certain to be scratched since they ran Satur day at Old Woodbine. Foxy Phil won Saturday's $7,500 Marine | Stakes while Caledon Beau fin- ished fourin in ihe same Tare Each division of the trial will carry a purse of $5000. Satur. day's running of the Queen's Plate, North America's oldest lawn tennis championship with a takes race, will have a gross f-1, 6-0 victory over Mimi Arnoold of approximately $40,000. lof Redwood City, Calif, i expected to The 10 entries in the first divi sion of the trial are: Eskimo | Flyer, Knuckle Duster, Canadian | Flyer, Dr. Em Jay, Money's | Worth, Staffield, White Apache, | | opponents, dates or sites. and: Columbus Jets split with The committee re-elected Ju- Richmond, winning the see Jiu Helfand, chairman of the 4.1 after dropping the opener 5-2 New York State etic Commis. __ , sion as president SUN HELPS ROYALS It rejected Sunday the applica. In salvaging their only victory tion of the Canadian Boxing and of the four-game set with the Red Wrestling Federation for full = y IRERE membership The Canadian _federatiof made 12-Year-Old Boy it request by a letter from its president, I» M. McKenzie, to Great Skeet Shot, Helfand. . "THe committee decided Can- - ada is a meenber of the Common- Has 250 Straight wealth and could not be admitted LUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) -- A directly," said Helfand. 12-year-old Roselle, Iil., boy won| The commonwealth nations are the all-gauge title in the Kentucky represented through the British open Bluegrass skeet champion- board, headed by J. Onslow Fane. ships Sunday by smashing 250 He opposed the Canadian appli- straight clay targets. 1 cation | Bobby Shuley, a sixth-grader, The committee Saturday ac- wasn't flustered by his title. But cepted the resignation of the his adult competitors, including United States National Boxing some of the nation's top shooters, Association from its ranks were astounded. | v , | . | ELIMINATION Bossator, Tamarind and Wise De- 2 FORMER WORLD CHAMPIONS PITTED 'cision, AGAINST EACH OTHER The eight entries in the second | MONDAY, JUNE 2nd -- 8:45 P.M. -- WHITBY ARENA division are: Epic Lad, Agray- py WHIPPER able, Jokers Hill, Chomiru, Mat- A i ador, Bull Pine, Bright Page and BILLY Happy Harry, ! i FORMER CHAMPION vs The notable absentee is the un- wip heaten filly, Stole the Ring, fav- | BILL orite in the Queen's Plate. Stole the Ring. awned by Miss Blanche Allo Forum chanron, Armstrong, won't start until the SPECIAL TAG TEAM MATCH plate when she will be ridden by | THE BAILLARGEON BROS. the veteran Johnny Longden. ? vs. - ATKINS and KORMAN ALTHEA KEEPS TITLE SURRITON, Eng, (AP) = Al! thea Gibson of New York, reign. | ing Wimbledon singles champion, Saturday retained her Surrey 1 BARON GATTONI vs FARMER BOY TICKETS -- CASINO RESTAURANT -- DIAL 3.9721 RINGSIDES $1.25 -- © $1.00 -- CHILDREN 75¢ i Pat Milosh, Promater EE WHIPPER WATSON Today there's a new extra value for you in " every gallon of Esso Extra. Because in Esso Extra there is an entirely new gasoline base--Powerformate!' Produced by Imperial's exclusive new | Powerforming® process, Powerformate is blended with several other high quality gasoline components'to give peak in your car. (Yor extra value fill up with Esso Extra today} Now more than ever ALWAYS LOOK TO