Juniors Judge Stock 8 In Durham Contest ORONO -- Roy McHolm "RR 1, (tive for Kent County; Gerry Nel- | money to reorganize and further girls' softball in Port Hope, No less than 27 the first practice at the: Beach Park in the | senior group of 15 years and over. o Mae Knight, a former Toronto | Bruce Tink was second In the g,,nvide Star and Pat Scully, |Port Hope, placed first in the son, Holstein fieldman for the junior class with 726, Other win- playground supervisor, lined. up| senior division of the Durham Department of Agriculture; Herb ners were: Don Winslow, 723; the girls in two groups and feels County Livestock Judging Com-|Norey, Agricultural |John Ferguson, 712; Marion Mc-| hat two teams of equal calibre Associate petitions held in this district Fri-| Representative for Peterborough Camus, 706; Jim Rowan, 4: can be mustered. 0 day. Helen Strong, RR 2, Beth-|County; LeRoy Brown, Agricul-|Paul Tamblyn, 702; John Allin, They practice again on Monday any, was the junior winner with tural Representative for Victoria|702; Edward Watson, 699: John| ai the "Beach at 6.30 p,m. Sol {720 and Roger Gibbs, RR 2, Mill- County; Dave Stager, Assistant | Boughin, 696; Donald '|many have registered for the THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Monday, June 2, 1958 J Doug Sanders Cops Loot In Western Open DETROIT (AP) -- Youthful Doug Sanders had enough money today to pay doctor bills for the injuries that kept him out of tour~ nament golf for the better part of a year. The 24-year-old former collegi- brook, was first in the novice Agricultural Representative for Marie Kent, 684; Don Swain, 693; 13-14 a and under that! class with 700 points, | Northumberland County; Sid Mc- 693; James Byers, 693; Allin Gil-\;¢ 1.0 £%e groud al ta split tat ate swinger from the University 4| James Coombes, RR 5, Bow- Donald, Agricultural Representa-|lis, 691; David Brent, 690; David|¢o. 5 "too in he Ganaraska 0f Florida shook off the § ning team which # (blyn, John Allin and Tom Hoar. Agricultural % d were Jersey - cows, § Orono; John Rickard, Newcastle; [Other winners were: HARVESTERS HUMBLE TRENTON TEAM Bowmanville Harvesters of the Lakeshore Intermediate Baseball League are shown here Saturday at Vincent Mas- | sey Park before their powerful Harveste Trenton Philcos BOWMANVILLE Cowan's Haryesters treated fans to an exhibition of errorless ball Satur day afterndon as they downed Trenton Philcos 7-2 in their Lake- shore Intermediate League open- er at' Vincent Massey Park. Gord "Wiener" Sellers went the route for the locals in fine style as he permitted only eight hits, no walks and struckout 10 bat- ters. John Kanlback was the starting pitcher for Trenton and carried them into the seventh when Harvesters exploded with a four-run burst 5 Kanlback "allowed seven hits, struckout nine and walked .one. Jack Scott took the mound in the seventh with three runs in and allowed one hit, struckout two and walked none, Frank Peters gave Trenton an | 7-2 victory over Trenton Phil-'| team are, from the left, front | Girardi, Fred "Buck" Cowle, co's in their home opener. The | row: Johnny Mason, Don Child| Matages; > Kelly, George : ihak. tna y ones, Gord Sellers. The beard- loc als treated fans to an exhibi Vince "Vanstone, Mike Murphy, | 4 players are commemorating tion of errorless ball during the | bat-boy; Bruce Cole. Back row: Bowmanville's Centennial nine innings. Members of the | Tim Cox, Laurie Garbe, Danny ~Times-Gazette Staff Photo Junior Farmers Compete In Judging Of Animals The Quinte 472; George Taylor, 472; Bill Met- calf, 462; Ken Samis, 459; Ray Merrill, 457; Carol Macklin, 457; rs Top when he scored on a double by . . pitcher John Kanlback. -Johnny COBOURG 4 Mason tied the count in the third District Livestock Judging Com- frame when he blasted the only Petition was held at Grafton with homer of the game for Bowman- Juniors from Hastings, Prince Neil Randall, 455; Duane Kerr ville. Edward, Lennox and Addington 448; Louise Whaley, 445. Others Harvesters took the lead in the|a8 8uests of Northumberland were Carl Chatten, Eldon Kerr, fourth when Laurie Garbe cross- county. John Hicks, Alfred Whittaker, ed the plate on a single by Gord] Guernsey cows from Renwood Howard Whaley, Paul Tait, David Sellers. Tim Cox scored the win-|farms owned by Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson, Maurice Owens, Carol ning run for Harvesters in the Robertson with Bruce Butcher as Jones, Peter Stephens, Richard fifth when playing manager Fred farm manager were one dairy |" A "Burk" Cowle singled him home. class. Holsteins from the herd of Gary Counolry Joe Scott connected for a long Douglas Johnston were the other.| Newton Ashton, representative single in the sixth frame to bring |Herefords were from Old Orchard for Lennox and Addington, man- Don Barr home with Trenton's Farms Limited, of which Milton i ig final run. Johnny Mason, Fred Cornish is manager. Yorkshires Cowle, Butch Cole and George were gilts from the farm of "General" Jones scored runs for George Stephens. Bowmanville in the seventh in-! Cheviots of the Goodfellow flock ning to clinch the victory. of Codrington made a good class, Elizabeth Farmer from Scotland. Ralpl Banbury, representative for Nor. thumberland county, welcomed the visitors and thanked the live- Trenton : 3 (Canada Packers of Peterborough, |clal judges and ladies. of the |courtesy of W. A. Marshall, buy-|Grafton Women's ' Millbrook Armouries with a large College School of Port Hope, won GANARASKA PLANS Whaley, Jim Langford, Ken Rose, n i ing wi Ing| championship will "be decided i aged the contest and introduced day morning with the game being championship wi ec McKerrow. a yunioa|cailed after six innings due. t0|when these two clubs meet in| and with a view to purchasing h|being so one-sided. Port Hope Port Hope on Wednesday morn | R HE, Swine carcasses were supplied by [stock owners, club leaders, 'offi. Ple$ With hits and bases on balls pcg WINNERS |offer will also be made to Arm. Institute for|€ring: Jay hurled four for the, = province track meet held at!in Clark Township. An investi- 2 early lead in the second inning' Bowmanville 71 . L, er. [their co-operation in staging this manville, was coach of the win-|tive for Hastings; Don Taylor, (Brackenridge, 687; Victor Hall, giver peing the {Jinx and the challenge of top Jack Lidster, 681: Leslie|oneg in the East would practice competitors Sunday to win the Kenneth Rose-|.nq play at the Town Park while 95th Western open tournament. those in the West would be at Moving on the tout loss than 8 the h, Beach. This group will get within the year, Sanders sloshed through a driving rain for a final included Ken Agricultural Representative for|681; ! 'Knox, Bruce Stainton, Paul Tam- Hastings; and R. C. Banbury, Asselstine, 679; Representative for vear, 678, Roy McHolm coached the second Northumberland. Ming Junior, Winer were; place team which included Fred Algo assisting were Bey Gray, Tom Hoar, : ickard, : Hoskin, John Broughen, Gar ¥|port Hope, 8 Dore of the 4i|667; Carman Ball, 666; .Elaine going just a 5001 as final ar {Meadows and Ralph Bamsey. [Club Leaders' Association and | Syer, 657; Donald Foby, 655; Ron- 4 round 68 and made his four-un- The classes of livestock judged Mervin Smith, Cavan, 4-H Club nie Foby, 653; Ronnie Baker, 653; | BOTTLE COLLECTION der-par performance stand up for 5, Holsteins, |jeader, : |Harold Ball, 652; David Carl, 645;| A coverage of the whole town a one-stroke victorggSanders was Shorthorns, Southdown sheep and| Ralph Bamsey, 640; Garry Jef-will be made tonight by the 5th 13 strokes under Yar for the 72 |Yorkshire and hampshire swine.|SENIOR PLACINGS |fery, 638. [United Cubs and Scouts t6 pick| holes. : . Judging took place at the farms| .Bruce Bowman and Jame 5 Alfred Vandide Velde was sec- up all pop bottles in a drive to| Dow Finsterwald finished sec~ of Carl Bradley, Hampton; Car-|C bes tied for d with 740 ond in the novice class with 670.| raise funds by this troop. All local jond for the 16th time in 2%; years los Tamblyn, Orono; Don Staples, points each in the senior class. Other winners were: Fred Hos-|residents are asked to turn over and collected $2,500, half the Donal d kin, 665; Murray Brown, 663; Ed-|all surplus bottlés for this worthy amount-Sanders received for win- gar Werry, 661; Abraham Hof- cause, : ining the $25,000 tournament. Den- ; | Al Balding of Toronto played UND. sound and steady golf for th» first Fo ATION REPORTS {three rounds, then went one over Lloyd Ayre, Bowmanville, {Welsh 738; William Tamblyn, | Durham County Agricultural 736; Lawrence McLaughlin, 733; |stede, 654; Ken Knox, 653: | Representative A. 0. "Dal" Dal-|Gerald Asselstine, 732; Alan wie Wannan, 651; Doris Tins, mple and Assistant Agricultur-|Asselstine, 724: Ronald Welsh, |647; Mervin Smith, 638; Grant x ain om E. B. Burnside|720; Harold Yellowlees, 714; Hel-| Flintoff, 635; Murray Allin, 630;| TORONTO (CP) -- The. Atkin par on the final day. His 70-70- were in charge of the event len Knox, 712; Grant Glaspell, [Donald Allin, 628; Dale Fisher, 50n Charitable Foundation last 70.73--283 put him in a three-way Official reasons and placing were|709; Jim Ravan, 704; Allan Me- 624; Donald Bradburne, 619; John|Year paid out $664,837 in support tie for 16th place and $325. delivered at the town hall Friday Camus, 702; Loran Pascoe, 699;|D. Allin, 608; David Crawford, vf 40 contiguing and 55 new char-| Two other - Canadians finished afternoon. |Doug Grose, 685; Bill Tomlinson, 606; Paul Winslow, 604; Walter|itable projects, the foundation's|out of the prize money but re- | JUDGES |684; James Rickard, 675; Grant Verleysen, 571; Billy Olan, 568; annual report showed Saturday.|ceived $111.11 each for complet | Judges were A. H, Blades, As-|Tamblyn, 648; James Osborne, |Gary Meadows, 555; Glen Smith, This brought "to $4,496,914 the|ing 72 holes. They were Jerry sistant Agricultural Representa. 566, . 517. |total. amount given by the found- Magee of Toronto, 73-72-72-78-- -- |ation during the 7% years it has 290, and Rudy Horvath of Wind- |ty Week which will be held the| ee" actively operating. THOUSANDS OF HOUSE- WIVES IN OSHAWA ARE TALKING ABOUT . . . a rr go ite sor, 73-74-73-74--204. . PORT HOPE r week of June 15, indication of | community support was shown] when representatives from var-| ious local organizations met at] the Town Hall on the weekend. | Approved ideas were a safety de-| monstration in handling of a boat at the West Beach, a big opening pool at the Lions Recreation Cen- tre with a life-saving demonstra- All Stars Score Over Newcastle [airs PORT WOPE -- The annual be staged from Burwash, a flight Hope, a game of water polo. All Mess Dinner of the Hastings and of 202 miles. local schools will assist the pro-| Prince Edward Regiment was BEAT ST. ANDREW'S gram with safety films being held on Saturday evening at fhe| At Aurora on Saturday, Trinity shown during Water Safety Week. POWER Prices POWER Quality POWER Free Giffs POWER Courfesy | POWER turnout from all the companies. their second straight Little Big| Tne Ganaraska Conservation | "C"" and "D" Companies from Four cricket match when they| Authority at their regular meet | Port Hope left by bus for the din-|tripled the score on St. Andrew's ing discussed the idea of erect- {ner at four thirty in the afternoon. |to win out by a count.of 143 runs ino two permanent stone fire LOPSIDED SCORE [ox hi the losers, : places at Sylvan Glen, a popular ; ptain Frank Stephenson led picnic and swimmin. ot four t d re of 37-6 was ii : Pi g 3p od A tremendous score TCS with 57 runs. Upper Canada iio north of Port Hope. With rung up by the local Pee Wee All| College defeated Ridley which | ranresentatives from the Author- Stars of the Lakeshore Minor leaves UCC and Trinity tied with along with District Rangers a| League in Newcastle on Satur-itwo wins each and no losses. The | our was made of surrounding same and add to what the author-| ; ity already own. Adjacent land at | [have now won four games without| commencing at 11 a.m. Upper Ca-| Bowdley Ani ont | ud of |defeat. Newcastle were guilty of nada will enter the game as q I a multitude of errors which cou- heavy favorites. and helouging to MacKenzie Kidd accounted for the large run gath |" 0,654 Ontario finals for |strong Trees Ltd, for 110 acres Ports and Berry the last WO. | ake Couchiching near Orillia on| gation will also be made into the SUPERMARKET : Your Shopping Delivered To Your Home Only 25¢ 564 King St. East aot Wilson Road North (Hwy. 2) | In the senior competition the event. [Sooper did_ihe eatching wihile | Saturday, Trinity College picked pond sites at both Garden Hill| C O B OT J R ( y final standing was Edwin Cole, | The swine judges were A, Ben- nifty five for seven output. Port| ip # Svaple of Hibons when Bob |and Elizabeth with a view to |560, and he also wins the Cana- nett of the Department of Agri- Hope entertains Newcastle at|® ant agg Bn ne S00 ard He a aet evelopment by |dian National Exhibition Shield culture, Toronto: Clinton Ni shitt, | King' . Staff Reporter--ROBERT CZIRANKA--FR, 2-7657 County ani King's Field on Tuesday at 8.30 ye,' yoienighf, fame sports an-/ GIRLS SOFTBALL |for high score; Eldon Peterick, assistant in Hastings County and |p.m. : nouncer, was fourth in the 220. | mye Jocal recreation committee | Discuss Contest {551; Robin Maughan, 530; Owen Tom May. ) |SECOND RACE WATER SAFETY headed by chairman George! For Dairy John Barrett, 'In the intermedi: oa casses in eh or alr Queen carcasses were in charge of John also had birds finishing in sec- {ris Tait, 499; Harold Ingram, cock Service and Herb Norry, the winning bird was four hours, Queen was Shirley Usher of Col- and Colleen Nichols of Wooler. Watson, Bob Mumby, Wayne Anderson of Campbellford. Guern- Joust, {ith sud geventa positions. George Pollard of the Ontario the Northumberland County Hol- Cann. Arnold Coggins, and Ken Butcher and Gaynor Rendell. |and Cyril Walsh in last and tenth producers, of whici Glen Cole is seen milking machines work and ~ Shag Makes It Safer 'ROOM AND BOARD contestant in the local contest. cy and skill. Nearly every county again to have the event competition for 1958. Shaughnessy of the International || geen ArgaiD TO BE A nection with a Junior Farmer bus trip to the Kemptville School home run hitter, EVEN GET |Carr, 530; Wayne 'Kerr, 527;| mne shee ies wi , | p classes were looked Wayne Newman, 512; Charles after hy Finlay Stewart, Canada| The second Old Bird race stag-| yu connection with Water Safe-!Sneyd has decided to put up the Honey, 491; Owen Greenly, 486; Department of Agriculture: A, 0,4 by the Port Hope Racing Pig- Paul Drumm, 483; Ron Linton, | Dalrymple of Durham County and |€0n Club from Parry Sound. The 481; others were Bob Metcalf and | wil} 'Curie of Campbellford do 127-mile flight was again won by p * SWINE the loft of Bray and McGillis who COBOURG -- The committee Ralph Banbury, representative. |,q. nr io .'G for Northumberland County met! Other contestants last year i Sopivan Petherick, 350; Yop Assistant Rep. in Peterborough. six minutes and 36 seconds, about in . the Agricultural Office at|were Mrs. Helen Greer of Fen- Elmer Minifie 480: "Paul Mack. Holsteins were placed by Ger- 10 minutes slower than the prev- Brighton to make some plans for ella; Barbara Morton of Cobourg; ly) 479: Blayne Barrett 471 ald Nelson, Figldman; Harold ious week due to the weather. choosing a dairy queen. Last year Freda McCracken of Roseneath; | Others were. Ray Turk, Jack McCaul, Naphnee and Lindsay, Ted Hunt's birds finished in the 3 fourth, fifth and seventh positions. Dairy Branch discussed the pro- stein Picnic. At this time plans Herefords were placed | t ject and pointed out that it is ex- will be made for the county con- Brown. . : 3 Starr 4 of FATE i Ld Sp en Jolts © ; pected the Ontario winner will test. The eve : In the beginners who are 12 and ) oieven lofts competed with a tes e event at the CNE , Branch, Francis Way and Carl|total of 118 bird i be awarded a trip to Great Bri- draws considerable attention as 13 years old the. standing was: Thompson : 3 iit Thi birds 2\iempling He tain. The Northumberland Cream many town people have never wil Jorgensen, 492; Boyd 'Nelson, . gh, us al urday's race will ates the standing was: Jim Rusk, [cap 3 , 515; Philp Goodfellow, 514; Mor. Farke: Grader hid Pelthirougt, ond, third and sixth positions for + anada Live. complete domination. Time for borne whe competed at the CNE It is' hoped that applications : seys were in the hands of Br ; | S| He ) y or. | SEV é ruce on August 24. can be in by June 14 which ig|Hare, Cliff Robson, David Mer-| 0s C50 1 fun ants of Druce) Callly Hamer an ad a iru toms rill, Bettylou Samis, Owen Mec- , , uce in eighth, Fol S In nin chairman and Earl Drope secre- are happy to see a girl able to tary, offered prizes of $5 to each handle this matter with expedien- Pail McKinlay at whose farm the had a contestant in the activities To Follow H R. Hitter { s contest was held last year offered last year and it looks like a keen MIAMI (AP)--President Frank I'VE ALWAYS h DIDN'T I ONCE N ¥ a A : HEAR YOU SAY Some thought was given to the Northumberland County Crop League*has forbidden pitchers to OF HEIGHTY... YOU USED possibility of "having this in con- Improvement Association plans a dust off a batter who follows a|| eT me MOUNTAIN-CLIABING UP ON A LADDER, AND I BECOME DIZZY AND START © SWAY! event or Crop Improvement Twi- on Wednesday, June 11. President' Ina bulletin issued to umpires light meeting. It was suggested Will Curle with vice presidents and managers, he said: "It is that contestants be welcomed Hugh Fox and Jack Honey and getting so that now when a from all girls who feel competent | district director Reg McCann be- Player hits a home run, the next in handling the milking machine. lieve this will be an interesting player is pretty sure he is going| Applications should be address- and educational day. Applications t© be knocked down. ed to any of the following com- for places in the bus should bel "Umpires are hereby in-| mittee: G. R. Pollard, Frankford made to the Agricultural Office Structed that when this occurs No. 20 James- Bird, secretary of at Brighton by June 6. Modern - . . The pitcher will immediat-| THE FEAR OF HEIGHT, OR WEREN'T You EVER Constius OF m? SOMETHING IN MND! when it's ; ; . \ IMONEY youneed... | "Save now for two weeks with play in '59! The BNS can help you." - M, my Yous PLAY best on your vacation when you're free of money worries. That's why Jack Harmer opened his special vacation savings account at the BNS about a year ago. It took just a small deposit each payday to give Jack, Helen, Jeannie and Barbara the time of their lives this year, Visit Your Neighborhood Drugstore for 0 'When you go on your vacation next year, leave FIRST AID SUPPLIES a money worries at home. Open your BNS Vacation Account now! 8ome other ways the BNS can.pelp you Be prepared for sudden emergencies by having y ne ' a first aid kit handy in your home. Your friendly, enjoy your vacation neighborhood druggist will gladly help you select SAMPLE VACATION SAVINGS Total after 52 weoks* Total after 40 weoks*® $120 $200 $156 $200 BUDGET PLAN LIMITED $160 OSHAWA 111 SIMCOE STREET--RA. 5.653 (ABOVE CANADIAN TIRE Travellers Cheques. . . the safe way to carry funds-- the BNS will replace lost cheques. Safety Deposit Box. , . to protect your valuables for as little as 134¢ a day." a $300 "Pius Interest, of cou. Jo. Any Amount §50 fo $2500 IT'S EASY TO REPAY WE ASSOCIATES WAY The BANK of NOVA SCOTIA Lendon--New York--Chicago--The Caribbean--more than 500 branches across Canada and abroad BNS people are friendly people -- get to know them at our Oshawa branch. K. M. Hume, Manager, . the Northumberland Federation grassland methods and equip- €ly be removed from the game." Earl Drope, manager of the Har-! Agricultural" School has many incidents last week in play be- wood Co-op; Fern Tinney, presi- practical features te enjoy and |tween Buffalo and Havana at dent of the Northumberland Jun- many of the graduates living in Buffalo. | tural Office, Brighton care of trip ONTARIO SPURTS AHEAD | 3 "| WHITBY (CP)--Premier Frost | Pl F | F i 0 B " | says the growth of Ontario is sur-| an e e or pen ssizes {other states south of the interna- | tional border. Speaking Saturday |at the opening of a new feed pro- | J® COBOURG -- About 25 new Ca- "0 y Il t f t 1 es | 4 COBOURG -- The spring ses./2!! sorts of natural resources nadians will take the oath of| "os county court iy wl which "will insure the economic allegiance and receive their citi- with Judge J. A. Miller presiding. development of our comntry." Jonnties Auildiug Jor iouue 2. Ugited Counties building here, the sittings. All are believed to be the oath and will address the, Three cases are Scheduled for civil actions. It is expected that the group| will be entertained later by the! Cobourg Business and Profession- sent each of the ladies with a si-| ver maple leaf pin. -- see . Tourist Booth | COBOURG ~~ The Cobourg Chamber of Commerce tourist] on its former site in front of the | town hall, in late June. No an- nouncement has been made as ling the booth during the summer. The tourist booth has been in operation for the past few years been a sv.cessful venture. Ils purpose is to accommodate tour- | lets with imformation about rout- of Agriculture, Codrington No. 1; ment will be the feature. This Two fights followed "dusting" ior Farmers or to the Agricul- the county will wish to take the ~-- | passing that of New York and | N dians } ew Gana 1ans At Cobourg |ducing plant, he said Canada has | zenship papers at , the United The session is being held in the re group. al Women's Club which will pre-| Cobourg Plans booth is expected to be re-erected | yet regarding who will be hand- and reports indicate that it has os, hotels and motels, eights od