§ THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Mondey, June 2, 19358 TROPHY WINNERS AT DART LEAGUE BANQUET PICKERING PERSONALS GRACE MILLS, Correspondent | PICKERING -- Mrs. Frank| Chapman suffered severe facial] cits in a car mishap on Friday |afternoon, near Kinsale. | Police Chief Reg. Parker and Mrs. Parker attended the Police| 4 | Chiefs Convention, held in Chat 4 ham, May 21 - 23. Ninety-three, {chief constables attended. | | | Mrs. Larry Disney spent last © {week with her sister, Mrs. Bruce = | Courtice, "at Milton. |§ Walter Nicholson was taken to = hospital on Tuesday when he suf- fered a broken hip. : John Balsdon is now very much improved. | Mrs. H. S. Shepherd visited friends at Richmond Hill for a {few days last week. 7 | A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Partridge (nee Anne Mil JOHN ALLAN BACON Ss MRS. LEGROS NEIL W. ELLIS 2» ler), Indian Head, Saskatchewan, on May 24, 1958. HAMPTON | | AJAX PERSONALS THREE SCHOOL TEACH- ers, all residents of Ajax, re- prineipal of Vaughan Willard | School, Pickering, was formerly ceived their BA degrees at | on the Ajax Public School staff. Thurgday's graduation cere- monies at the University of To- | ronto. John Allan Bacon, vice- uates, had taken an extra-mural He, like the other Ajax grad- course to obtain his degree in psychology, Mrs. Margaret Le- Gros, is the wife of William Le- * Gros, former chairman of the Ajax Public School Board. Mrs. LeGros. has been teaching nine M. HORN Correspondent HAMPTON -- Mg. and Mrs... giperiniaw, Mr. GRACE MILLS Correspondent | | | winter months with her sister and Hampton. | years. Neil "W. Ellis, rincipal | of St. Andrew's School, Ajax, The funerg] sevice has taught school nine years in and Mrs./was held in Bowmanville with) Ajax. --Photos by John Mills AJAX -- Rotarian president, percy Clarke, Greenwood, Mr. Allen Parker, Toronto. burial in the Hampton Cemetery. TROPHY WINNERS at one F-1 Dart League banquet display their silverware follow- Callus, Walter Sloan and "Bill" | Sutherland. Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Ing the presentations, Left to | Jacobs received the trophies right, J. Kearney, A. Mosier, | won by the Whitby Legion as Mrs. H. Hill, A. Stewart, Mrs, | that team was in Windsor play- | | | | 3 the | R. Jacobs, J. Humphrey, 8. | ing off in the provincial cham- pionships. Below, R. Tandy, left, receives. the "Granny" Sutherland Trophy for throw- ing the highest score, three darts, 180. Mrs. Margaret Suth- | Don Kemp and Mrs. Kemp, and Mrs.- A. J. Richards and Parry road, are attending the song, Toronto, Miss M. Boult,| ilotary International Convention | ay. Mrs. Harland Trull visited, last] Thursday with Ruth Hancock,! last Newcastle. week, Sunday to Thursday. Miss Sheila Bonfield, Toronto, spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs. M. Steer, York street, week D. Devolin, 59 Windsor avenue on galamazoo, Thursday, June 5, at 8 p.m. for its regular meeting. reek. Birthday greetings to Mrs. Gor- Michigan, were § June 2 Russell Mountjoy, Blackstock, | |and attended anniversary serv-| Hamilton -were visitors with "Mr. presented their play, 'Bachelor being held-in Dallas, Texas, this and Mrs. L. Cryderman, on Sun-|Bride" at Solina on Monday eve-| ning and gave it at Burketon on Wednesday evening. | and son Philip have purchased Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Reynolds, the Jim Smales home. Jim and The Ajax ®Women's Instilute nr and Mrs. Russell ig Kathleen and family have moved ; (will meet at the home of Mrs. Toronto, and Mrs. Floyd Miler, to their new home in Oshawa. guests of Miss Lulu Reynolds last gathered w ! {parents Ter gf | 'Mr. Mrs. rwin Mount- honor of their brother, Rev. Ted don Day, June 1 and Mr. Day, |... gd ooh Merv and Mrs, Kersey's tenth wedding anniver- Flowers in the church for serv-| ices on Sunday were from the Robbins family in memory of their mother, Mrs. Maude Rob- bins. Institute Women's members Mr. and Mrs. John Metrailler FOR MISSED PAPERS IN AJAX If you have not received your Times-Gozette by 7 p.m. call Members of the Kersey family at the home of their for a get-together in sary. Sympathy goes to Thelma Rob- SUBSCRIBERS TIMES-GAZETTE BOWMANVILLE . FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3-5822 If you have not received your PHONEY CHEQUES ices. They also visited Mr. and bins and Nelson on the recent KITCHENER (CP) -- Police Mrs. T. Dancy, Cannington. {death of their mother, The fu-| Saturday said points in Southern| Mrs. Anne Phillip has returned neral service was held in Bow- AJAX TAXI PHONE Times-Gozette phone your cor rier boy first. If you are unable to contact him by 7:00 p.m, { Ontario are being flooded with ito Kingston after spending a : phony cheques bearing the name week with her daughter, Mrs. J of Canadian Oil Refineries Lim- A. Burrows and Mr. Burrows. ited, Sarnia Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Slemon Cheques totalling $336.38 have spent a few days in Toronto. been turned over to police by, Miss Louise Goodman has re-| Kitchener merchants. turned home after spending the' manville on Friday, with burial in the Bowmanville Cemetery. Sympathy also goes to Miss Ruby Colwill, Bowmanville and sister Ruth (Mrs. Bruce Yeo), AJAX 333 All rolls must be placed before 30 p.m. TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Colls Accepted Between 7 «7:30 p.m. Only Orono, on the death of their pe mother, a former resident of' io THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 10 a.m. ... They Want Us To Come As We Are! Ss, Sa SA wa | erland, donor of the trophy, is | 91 years of age and is a real | dart enthusiast, On the right is | Arthur Newman, president of | Zone F-1 Dart League. --Photo by John Mills AJAX RAND DISTRICT NEWS + "John Mills, Representative -- Phone Ajax 426 Banquet Held For | AX -- oii Dart Loop [ma tue see ais {United Church on Sunday moin- Zone ¥-1 Dart League held its ing the Rev. Hugh Crozier for his ninth Annual Banquet on Satur- Sermon, again took a whole chap- day evening in the UAW Hall, ter from the Bible, the First Ajax, with over 100 persons in Psalm attendance to witness the presen-|' "This is a wonderful Psalm," tation of trophies. he said, "intellectual as well as Whitby Legion were not only Inspirational. A real - meditation League Champions but cleaned for every one of us, It speaks of up in Division "A" winning many the secret of happiness, of the individual trophies. Divi.) We all want to be happy and sion "B" Champions are the therefore should be anxious to RCAF "Wings" of Oshawa know the secret, which I think is Master of ceremonies 'Bill' found in this chapter. Sutherland during the presenta. If you study this Psalm you will tion of trophies drew attention to/find in it a plan. It is divided into the award of the "Granny Suther-|{wo parts, the first three 'verses land Trophy" which goes to the speak of the character of the highest individual scorer, with godly and the last three of the three darts. This year it was won character of the ungodly; the by R. Tandy with 180, which negative and positive character- means all three darts were istics of both. thrown into the 60 slot, a feat. There is a tendency in human that has been done but twice be. nature, today, to try to be like fore in the nine years the league other people. The negative char- has 'been formed acteristics of the ungodly show The trophy winners are as fol- that he is different for the godly Jows: Intercity Trophy, Whitby man is brought up to be different Legion, "A" Division Trophy, and you can pick these people for Whithy Legion, "B" Divisior, they are not easily led. Wings. Baseball-team 9 innings,! How many young men have Whitby Legion (107). Baseball, 1- gone wrong because they wish to panied by Mrs. F. Johnson, sang innings Whitby Legion, 18. Indi- be like all the others and so are vidual, baseball nine innings, R. easily led? Jacobs, Whitby Legion. Individ- CHOOSE COMPANY ual baseball, one innings, A. Mo-| It is important to choose our sier; Whitby Legion. High score, company, that is why we have three darts, R. Tandy, Sutherland churches where people can prac- First Psalm Is Discussed |principles! The secret of happi- ness is found in keeping these principles and obeying the law as Moses laid down. t So many people have the idea that church going is Christianity. Nothing of the kind! It is a means of developing Christian- ity. Although many people are being received into the churches disintegration is taking place and, as Christians, w» have such a lot to do. Every Christian should have his eyes set on what is best and have something to do for Christ. When we do not see disintegra- tion openly we can drift so easily -- look at France today. It is to be hoped that the church will lead the people to higher and better things. i The ungodly are like the chaff, they are all blown away and per- ish. We don't know much abolt the future, but whatever is com- ing, if we are prepared, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and have accepted Him as the guid- ing star\of our life then all will be well." The choir directed and accom- a hymn for Pentecost, "As comes {the breath of. spring", | Next Sunday the Sacrament of {Infant Baptism will be observed | {and parents are invited to meet {with the Rev. Mr. Crozier at Missionary Service At Ajax AJAX -- Special visitors were welcomed by the Commanding | Officer, Lieutenant Pearl Don-| nelly, at the local Salvation Army | Corps on Sunday morning. Lieu-| tenant-Colonel R. W. Gage, who| is the Divisional Commander for| the Metropolitan Toronto area,| conducted the annual Missionary | Self - Denial Altar Service and also conducted the Swearing-in| Ceremony: of a Junior and Senior| Soldier of Ajax Corps. | Scriptural lessons through the medium of '"'Scena-Felt" brought] {the parable of the Good Shep-| {herd. Prior to the morning mes-| sage, Lieutenant Colonel Gage! sang Ruth Tracy's song, "Lord Thou art questioning: Lovest thou Me?" | | Speaking from the Book of the Acts, chapter two, Mrs. Lieut. Colonel Gage spoke of "The Fire |of the Holy Spirit." Referring to] ithe history of the story of fire in| om The Store That Offers More ; # IN]THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN OSHAWA the natural world when celestial {fires were the object of -mystery| {and almost dread, she said the| 'ire was a symbol of the pres:| ence of Jehovah God as was revealed in the burning bush at! Horeb, consuming the sacrifice upon the altar on Mount Carmel or bringing judgment upon the camp of Israel. { The text gf-thé lesson was the Prophet Isaiah's call to faith) and repentance. | NEWS IN BRIEF | Plan to Attend! Bring a $2,500 IN VALUABLE TO BE GIVEN AWAY BOAT BUILDER Friend! PRIZES SEE THE ALL- "Constellation" NEW The Cleaner that Walks on Air | . he . I ing A Hoover Floor Polisher and a Steam Iron Trophy. Doubles out, J. Haggart, [tice Christianity and fellowship|10.15 a.m. before the commence.! NANTON, Alta. (CP) -- Jim. Includi 9 - Whitby Legion, Doubles in, T.|with one another. Drifting tenden- ment of the service of worship Keeley has built four boats, each| Freeman, Whitby Legion. Singles! cies must be avoided. Have fixed (which begins at 11 o'clock. |time making them a little larger champion, J. Haggart, runner up, ---------------------- hey latest was a 144oot rauabout, R. Jacobs, Whitby Legion, Dou- | which could be removed from his bles champion, R. Jacobs, H. Hill, | MAPLE GR [Froese Oseca aod Me. and Mrs. \hasement only by knocking out! runner-up J. Kerney F. Parsons. | OVE p T, Port Hope. {part of a concigte wall. | MRS. D. C. LAVERTY Correspondent FREE DRAW TICKET Every adult attending the opening of Oshawa's newest store, will re- with an additional free tickef Mrs. Meredith, Bowmanville, HIGHWAY LANDING {visited with Mrs. R. Jarvie, re IGNACE, Ont, (CP)--An Amer-| cently. ican civilian plane landed on the| Bandits Ro | ceive a free ticket in our giant draw . . . "Mr. and Mrs. oH NO Ree MAPLE GROVE -- Joan Zub- Toronto Race ack kavich and George Marko play- TORONTO (CP)--Two masked ©d hymns on their accordions at men knocked a might watchman|the Sunday service. The choir unconscious at Old Woodbine | COnsisted of a fine group of our racetrack Saturday and escaped | ©eMAge young people. Speaker with aboul $12,000 from the safe Was Mel Smith, Oshawa of Dominion Sportservice Lim-| Mr. and Mrs. Les Collacutt at fted, a catering firm tended-the Eldad Church anniver- Poliee said the men, described sary service and were ghests of as being in their mid-20s, met Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leask. William Coulter, 67, at the east, Mr. and Mrs. John Aitchison gate of the track. They spoke to|Blackstock, called on her parents. bim in a foreign language which Mr. and Mrs. Alan Swowden on he didn't understand. Then one Wednesday evening, pulled a revolver and struck him| wi. ang Mrs. Cecil Mills #nd 5a tte head. They bound him gaily "accompanied by Charles J Na gba Mills, Port Perry, visited Mr. and Whi Mr. Coulter was uncon- | Mrs, 'Albert Short, Seagrave, on scious the men forced a padlock (Sunday. 3 and smashed open the safe. Sheila Munro and De. Sunday Harry were Lang, Toronto, guests of Mrs.- LL. C Mildred and Boh Mrs. R. Jarvie |Wilmot Prouse ARCTIC COAL Coal production at the Arctic mines in Spitshergen for the pason of 1957.58 was a record ,000 tops, ; 4 Snowden visited Mrs and Charles Stuart Morton, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. William Munro, Baltimore, enjoy- ed a three-day trip to the Adirondack Mountains and visit- ed, Lake Plarid, among other places. Mr. and Mrs. 'Arthur Martin, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin, New West minster, B.C., were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright. Marion Cookson and her fiance, Bob -Peake, Whitby, visited Miss Cookson's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cookson and Victor, on Sunday Mrs. Miles Stoughtfn, Oshawa visited her brother, Ken Kuhnke and Mrs. Kuhnke and Bette Ellen on Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Lebel, Oshawa, and Marie Leger, Monc- ton, N.B., were Buests of Mr. and vrs. Roger Lebel and family on Saturday evening Beech was weekend with Mrs Nelson Turner. Janice guest {highway east of here when it was caught in a heavy snowstorm {which swept northwestern On tario. The plane was damaged! slightly when it hit a highway| sign but after being towed to a] service station for repairs and refuelling it took off again from the highway. HIBERNATING BATS DORION, Ont. (CP) -- Two boys exploring a cave near this| northwestern Ontario community | found several hundred. hibernat-| ing bats, hanging from tl.e rocky walls in clusters. One cluster contained 69 bats, some of which had been banded ESCAPED FINE CHATHAM, Ont. (CP) -- Sev-| entytwo-year-old William - Tem- ple's loyalty to his mother may have saved him a court fine. He was arrested on a drunk charge the day before Mother's Day while on his way to visit his 94- year-old mother, but the magis- trate dismissed the charge and | y with each and every visit to the store, on and up to FREE 8" x 10" Lithograph Print of the Charming Picture shown above to the first 1500 people attending the opening of Oshawa's Newest Store. ! Ra © GIANT THROW-AWAY BAG Molds more dirt. Can be = changed in only 10 seconds. KE UP A PARTY .... JOIN IN THE FUN ITS INFORMATIVE AND ENTERTAINING ONE OF CANADY'S GREAT STORES: FOR THE "Hone | 5 MA June 30th. "CHECK THESE FEATURES " | DOUBLE~STRETCH HOSE \ Clean from ceiling to | SWIVEL TOP | | floor, corner to cormer-- ° Swivel top turns smooth- ly and freely with your every cleaning move. Loooandkh / osily and quickly. A TOOL FOR EVERY CLEANING JOB : Complete 'cleaning accessories for walls, drapes, bare floors, rugs, furniture, isent_ him on his way.