Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 2 Jun 1958, p. 2

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Vad DAILY TMES-GA ETTE, Monday, June 2, 1958 ANNUAL OSHAWA CUB RALLY DRA Sel wil 1 4 5 (4 # | (Blanche), 1 | been in good health for four years Oshawa 20 years ago had lived| cHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT . Sw THE ANNUAL RALLY OF | the city, During the afternoon, the Cubs of Oshawa, at Alex- | despite showers of rain, the andra Park Saturday afternoon, | Cubs held athletic competi- | titions. In the upper picture a was attended by more than 1500 | tions and display special pro- group of Cubs are examining Cubs from all the Cub Packs in | jects. The 14th "A" Pack from | one of the projects. In the lower | LATE DEATHS Called Twice To Same Fire WHITBY -- "Whitby volunteer Boudreau an loving father of Mrs Burns (Melva) Toronto, The late [ire brigade was called back twice Fielding Funeral Home. Service in St. Andrew's United 'Church on Wednesday June 4, Over the weekend. at 3.30 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery n lieu of flowers contributions to Re : tarded: Children's Fund will be appre.| BOCK street, was turned in just clated, Ea | Holy Trinity Anglican Church | picture won top honors in the compe- another group lend vocal support to their favorites in one of the athletic tests. Times-Gazette Photos Bicycle Roadeo Splendid Success Ninetysour children particip- record player, Second prize win- ated in tha finals of the Bicycle!ners, a General Electric mantel y, Roadeo held'by the Oshawa Civi- radio, and third prize winners a tan Club at the Shoppinb Centre generator and light for a bicycle Saturday afternoon. Of these 12| Oshawa "Police Chief Herbert were judged winmers after they Flintoff presente' the prizes to had completed a series of eight the winning children urging them tests in their bicycles. to continue to practise the safety The winners are as follows: rules after the competition was Boys 11-13--1st, John Mitruk, 44 over Birk street; 2nd, Ralph Robinson,| "It's most important you ride 77 Queen street; 3rd, Jim Spiers, your bicycles properly and obey 487 Miller street, the safety rules," he said. "Osh Girls 11-13--1st, Ruth Bell, 160 awa has had its 12 bicycle acci Rosehill Blvd.; 2nd, Gail Mad- dent today and we would like you dock, 597 Louisa street; 3rd, to do all in your power to prevent Joan Tisdall, 190 Winona avenue, any more." ' : 2 a Lib Lat, John Armstrong. wale Preliminazits of te 13/0 ihe Oranse and Black Lodges are back to deal with i. exandra str H . an A ¢ f asked te attend this service in the Holmes, 593 Rosemere street; 3rd some of the school grounds of the Funeral Home on Tuesday at 7 p.m. Ronald Masters, 46 Gladstone eve. SHY, Over Puig Shidren parkieln. nue. |ated. the children and 2. 3 Girls 810--1st, nh WEATHER mings, 87 Oaks avenue; 2nd, series of safety tests. Bonnie Crim. bicycles were put . throu Maria Drygala, RR 3, Oshawa; Steve Marian, who handled tne | FIELDING -- In Oshawa Hospital on Monday, June 2, 1958, W. Dudley Field Ing (Assistant Director of Sales G.M The first call, had to quell a blaze in the living BELL Entered into rest in the room. Oshawa General Hospital on Sunday June 1, 1958, Thomas Bell' (492 Front Kel 1 father Reis, and Jute Fy erable damage from the flames. Oshawa and was Bell Junior of Chi. Much of the furnishings cago in his 86th years. Resting at the vaged and placed in the backyard of Mrs. O. lucas Mrs Allin (Velma) memorial Wednesday, service June in the chapel, 2 on 1 p.m, Interment to the dwelling suffered consider- heat during the early determined by firemen. TORONTO (CP)--Official fore- OBITUARIES MRS. JACOB WAGG | KINSALE -- The village was shocked to learn of the sudden !passing fn Oshawa General Hos- St. ~ FUNERAL OF FREDERICK J. MCNALLY High requiem mass was sung in Gregory's -. Roman Catholic pital, early Sunday morning, May Church at 10sa.m, today for Fred- 1125, of Mrs. Jacob Wagg. Although!erick Joseph McNally, Taunton 'Ishe had not enjoyed good health road west, who died at the Osh- been seriously for just days. The late Mrs, Wagg was born m 1488. She was the|ory's Cemetery. and Mrs. Henry! The pallbearers were Melville at Goodwood in daughter "of Mr. Leach, She attended. school at Gari- McNally, Harold Brasley, for the last few years, she had|awa General Hospital last Thurs- a few ay. Rev. J. E. Lawlor sang the ass, interment was in-8t. Greg- McNally, Frank McNally, James Phil baldi, Married in 1905, she and Conlin and Jack Bawks: her husband lived for some years on the Sixth Concession of Ux- bridge township before moving to | Kinsale in 1914, THOMAS BELL An employe of the Ontario Mal- leable Iron Company for 40 years, Exercise Is Postponed The Ontario and Quebec Ground Observer Corps Exercise "Can Dc", scheduled for the May 31 - June 1 weekend, was postponed a week due to bad weather, Dean Kelly of Oshawa Ground Observ- er Post reports. "The planes taking part in the] exercise will have to fly low as enemy bombers are likely to do| { to avoid radar detection," he said, "and so it would have been| dangerous for them to operate in| cloudy weather like we had over) the weekend." | The coming weekend, however, | the post hopes to take an active s resting at Mcintosh within 12 hours to the same house him from the city hall to Don|he was painting it in a field when to the home of Michael Bell at 900 after 6 p.m. Sunday when firemen They confined the fire to. the St.) beloved husband of the late Emma one room, which suffered consid- were sal- Armstrong Funeral Home Oshawa, with However, at 4 a.m, this morning, a partially burned bed again flar- Oshawa Union Cemetery, All members ed up, and the brigade was called Bell's barbership, located next which had contained $95,000 in| Police sald he is not charged able damage from smoke and| Police sald blaze. Cause of the fire could not be/truck and it was equipped with he is charged with retaining it at part in the exercise, using high| powered radio equipment in Osh-! § awa Alrport control tower. CITY AND DISTRICT | Always interested in women's Thomas Bell, 492 Front street, work, Mrs. Wagg was a great died at the Oshawa General Hos- worker in the Women's Institute, pital on Sunday, June 1. He had| being president of the local been seriously ill for two weeks. | branch for several years, and Born at City Tyrone, Ireland, in| later becoming convener of his- 1873, the deceased was a son of| torical rescarch of which she!the late Mr. and Mrs. James Bell. | made quite a study. > He had been a resident of Canada | In her earlier years, she wis a and Oshawa for 60 years. member of the WA where she! MF. Bell was a member of - held the post of treasurer. Until Orange Lodge, No. 686 and of the STREETS CLOSED | ill health overtook her, her abil- Black Knights. He was also a] Due to construction the follow-| \ity and ready wit made her much member of the Golden Age Club. (ing streets will be closed in Osh- | in demand for social programs. He leaves his wife, the former awa today and Tuesday: Anna-| Her greatest hobby was per- Emma Kelly, whom he married polis avenue, from Nipigon street| : haps her flower garden, which! in 1916; two daughters, Mrs. Owenifo Park road north; Nipigon i was well known around the dis- Lucas (Sadie), of Belleville and street, closed at Annapolis av- trict, and she will long be remem. Mrs, Ed. Allin (Velma), of Osh- enue; Annapolis avenue, closed bered for the beautiful flowers awa and cne son, Thomas Bell, |from Gibbons street to: Steven- | which brovght so much pleasure Jr. ef Chicago. |son's road nogth; ~ Park road] to £0 many people, Also surviving are two brothers, north, closed from Louisa street She is survived by her hus- prank, of Edinburgh, Scotland (tc Annapolis avenue; Muriel av- band, one Caughter, Mrs. Stanley and Robert, of Glasgow, Scotland. enue, closed at Park road north; | Roge (Celia), ef London, Ont.: will be and Ritson road nerth, closed! two sons, Garnet and Verle, of from Hillcroft street to Rossland | LJ Kir grandchildren, road east {closed today only), GM Executive and t Mrs. A, Canre = WG Dicks id (Blanche ne r uffville June 4. Rev, W. G. Dickson, min. | SMOKE SCARE William Dudley Fielding, one of(emigrating to Canada. Prior to The funeral service, very large- SCF of cere Sirest } nied) A smoke scare at Seaway Mo- Canada's most widely known) joining GM he worked three years ly attended, was conducted by the Church, will conduct the services. yo. yt4, Grenfell street, caused and best loved automotive fig-|in Winnipeg for the Canadian Na- Reo H, Moore. from the Robin.|interment will be in the Oshawa, fire alarm Sunday. The Oshawa |ures, died in Oshawa General tional Express Company. son Funeral Parlors Brooklin, on Union Cemetery. Fire Department also received Hospital early today. He was 56., The deceased was an adherent Tuesday May 27. The many The members of the Orange and three ambulance calls during the |For the past 15 years he hadlof St. Andrew's United Church beautiful floral tributes showed Black Knight Lodges will hold allast 24 hours. [been assistant director of sales,|and a member of Lebanon Lodge, the respect in which the deceased memorial service at the funeral | |General Motors of Canada. IAF and AM vas held ~|home at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, ILA INJURED slit | Mr. Fielding joined the Chevro-| He leaves his wife, the former | Pallbearers "w ? . June 3, y rison, 3, w ght- Moto As «| Lucienne dreau Lo hes Ton ly Injured in a traffic accident at |, MoLCF, Company, 58, BSCE HL Kenneth Burns, of To. prisgham. Jas | or yg hor GEORGE A, TRIMBLE [312 King street east at 10.20 a.m. after three years transferred to ronto oy ry Jack Ling gvree "| In failing health for some years Saturday, Two automobiles Were General Motors of Canada as dis- Alsp surviving are a sister, Mrs, tear ent was in Salem Ceme- the death occurred at the Osh. i8valved in . Tearend COINSIOn. viet manager for Chevrolet, with Florence Clarke, of Oshawa; a ery. java General ey ag kin Ad wg Mpg 857 Park Lane headquarters in Winnipeg. In 1930 nists, Sheryl Clatke, o Oshawa NORMAN CUTHBERTSON _ Trimble, Farewell avenue. drive and Stanley Shangraw, 41, he bivale, ale an IAI Gnd We glanceni/oren, PAYEE The death occurred at the Osh-| A son of the late Mr, and Mrs, (of Lot 15, Con. 3, Portland town-| "ye "ng" ales promoticn man.| The remains are resting at the awa General Hospital on Sunday. George Trimble, the deceased hip, Harrowsmith, Murray Was ger in Toroato in 1931-32: zone McIntosh Funeral Chapel for ser- June 1, of Norman Cuthbertson, (was born at Brampton on June 3 Passenger in the Saison car. anager at Winnipeg, 1932-37; as- vice in St Andrew's United 60 Cadillac avenue S. He had not 23, 1904, and prior to moving to| "stima amage was 310. |sistant zone manager. in Mont- Church at 3.30 p.m. on Wednes- (real, 1937-29; assistant sales man- day, June 4. 1 in Toronto. How spiritual enlightenment|ager in Oshawa, 1939-41; and| The service will be conducted Mr, Trimble had been employed) rings Phi from ih bondage zone manager in Re; nay Sask., (by Rev. Dr. George Telford. In. the On avlo Malleshle Iron|ot materialism was brought out|1941-43. He was appointed assist- ferment vi be in the. Oshawa mpany for 12 years. He was a ot Christian Science services on ant director of sales in 1943. Jnion Cemetery, 1923, he had lived in Oshawa for member of Local 1817, United | gynday, June 1, | Mr. Fielding was born in Dub-| In lieu of flowers contributions lin, Nov, 17, 1801, and attended to the Retarded Children's Fund be appreciated. ithe past 18 years, Steelworkers of America. ' | Mr. Cuthbertson was the motion He leaves his wife, the for- COLLECTIONS LOWER |private schools in Ireland before would Inicture projectionist'at the Regent MT Bertha St. Arnold Pleau; a| Oshawa customs and excise for| ------ ------ m-------- pretie aniwasa Prerber of the step-daughter, Mrs. Fred Hirsch-'May totalled $8,613,761.14, Total | International Allied Theatre and fcld (Doreen), of - Oshawa and for May, 1957, was $9,672,658.79. Stage Em loves Union No 173 three stepsons, Louis, Russell and|This May's total was made up of stage rmployes \ » 0 2% Raymond Pleau,. all of Oshawa. $1,266,797.99 import duty, $7,345, He was a member of elder of The memorial service will be|512.40 excise taxes, $445.50 excise St, Paul's Presbyterian Churchipelq at the Armstrong Funeral duty and $1,005.25 sundry collec. and Sevoled his share time to 11s | Chapel at '2 pm. on Tuesday, tions, ¥ church an 8 home, € was also ; 3, i by interment in| a life member of the Oshawa June 3 Joyowed by | Cemetery. | WOMEN'S NEWS | At Whitby Kinsmen Club. Rev. M. A. Bury, minister of| The attention of readers inter- | | He leaves his wife, the former ging Street United Church will | ested in women's activities in the| {Gladys I. Rymal and a sister, sonduct the services. {community is drawn to. the fact escapade of a "Silver Bull", Mrs. Carolyn Wells, of Toronto. | that news of interest to them ap- unique exhibit at the opening fina | The funeral service will be held pear on Pages 18 and 19 of to-lemonies for the Ralston Purina lat the McIntosh Funeral Chapel! ALDERMAN DIES day's issue. new plant on Hopkins street, Whit-|animal which was led back to the at 2 p.m, on Wednesday, June 4,| NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP) . by caused herdsman Harvey Pens none the worse for its little followed by. interment in Mount Alderman Hugh G. Brooks, 55, ERROR IN CUTLINES |pontling some concern Saturday|jaunt. {Lawn Cemetery. Rev. Bruce died Sunday, Born in Bridgetown, | A most SN inate en ng morning. CENSORSHIP ENDS Miles, of Listowel former minis-|N.S., he.came Lere 35 years ago » 8p] The animal, nine months old,| PARIS (Reuters) -- Censorshi ter of St. Paul's Church, will con-|and founded a bullding contract. on page three of Saturday's issue. and weighing 900 pounds is valu-|of French newepapers and ir y i t duct the services. ing firm. Gor Swusously uted a ed at $10,000 and is owned by the|ended Sunday night, the ministry new auto from Don Gavas a Cparford Farms of Markham. Itiof information announced. Official salesman for Ontario Motor Sales, |\S 8 Pure white Charalals bull, a censorship began last week Mr, Gavas is an employe of Mills French breed brought to Canada/when government-appointed offi Motors Sales and the vehicle was|® Short time ago. It formed the cials arrived ih all French news. purchased from that agency. [bot Pucin of a spécial exhibition papers, news agencies and radio 4 { by, Purina for the occasion of the stations to control news eirculat NEWS IN BRIEF opening of the new plant, and'ing within France. DIES OF BURNS | WINDSOR. (CP) -- Ars. Carre] qT R (0) U »] Squires, an 87-year-old Cottam woman who was seriously burned | 54 SIMCOE NORTH Tuesday and Wednesday Only! Sensational Meat Features Thursday dled Saturday in hos- FRESH CUT 69° WILLIAM DUDLEY FIELDING Death Removes The memorial service held at the Arnwstrong Funeral Chapel at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, He. was in his 63rd year. Born in Toronto, he was a son of the late Hugh and Mary Cuth- |b' bertson. Married in Toronto in CO gi Bull Takes Early Stroll {drew admiring remarks from the estin.ated 11,000 farmers and the {families who visited Whitby Sat~ urday. In the early hours of Saturday morning, Mr. Pontling, the herdsman, discovered that the {valuable animal was missing. It {had jumped a four-foot fence. He eon bull grazing in the new Park Vise WHITBY An early noting) subdivision about a block away. Mr. Pontling "borrowed" a clothesline and captured the Cell Is Damaged By ickering Man TORONTO -- William Colqu-|charge, was getting ° ready to houn, 42, of Pickering, went ber-|work on the seaway with it when zerk in the patrol wagon taking arrested near Cardinal. They sald |jall Saturday, It 'was the third Ontario Provincial police arrived) {time Colquhoun, who is held on a in answer to a call charge of retaining a stolen] Colquhoun Is charged with ma- truck, had caused damage while liciously damaging his cell. "A in custody, police said. ipipe was broken and 'a ceiling In Brockville jail he damaged |light cover ripped away. The his cell. At 12.50 a.m. Saturday, screen was torn from the window Patrol Sgt. William McDonald of [in the patrol wagon. Other pris- Regent street station found him oners were terrorized as Colqu- in his' flooded cell a pipe houn's fist and feet made. a broken -- about two hours after bulge in the paddy wagon. The {he was brought from Brockville. patrol driver called for help and |Dets. Kenneth Craven anda scout car from Court street {George McGowan charged him station responded. Colquhoun was with retaining the truck stolen handcuffed and removed to. the {from Simms Metro transport, jail. POLIO VICTIM KILLED OTTAWA (CP) -- A polio-crip-| pled four-year-old boy died in hospital here Saturday night, the victim of a car accident, Young Roger Cardinal hobbled onto the road in front of his home in nearby Cyrville Friday, not seeing the oncoming car driven by Oscar Gravelle, 32, of Orleans Ont. The boy, his left leg de-|f {In connection with the theft of (the truck in the first place. It was abandoned at Pickering and cosmetics. the removed stake body from the | had been la dump body. Colquhoun, theyithat time, 3rd, Norman Graham, 573 Fern- project for the Oshawa Civitan hill, Club, said that the roadeo was so First prize winners were pre: successful that the club planned sented with a Sea Breeze 4 speed to make it an annual event casts issued by the public weather office at 5 am,: Synopsis: The storm which moved across Southern Ontario Sunday brought varying alunts of | rain. Most places reported less than a quarter of an inch. The storm has moved eastward to the Maritimes and in its wake a cool, high-pressure area is moving info Ontario. Afternoon temperatures of about 65 degrees near the lower lakes will be some 10 de-| | grees cooler than Sunday In Northern Ontario temperatures] today will be about the same as| Sunday. Lake Erle, Lake Huron, west- ern Lake Ontario, Haliburton re- gions; Windsor, London, Toronto: | Clearing thls morning. Mostly | sunny and cool this afternoon and | Tuesday. Winds northerly 20 to-| day, light tonight and Tuesday. | Regional forecasts valid until. I midnight k Eastern Lake Ontario, Niagara, Hamilton: Clearing this after: noon. Mainly clear and cool the rest of today and Tuesday. Winds wrtherly 20 today, light. tonight and Tuesday : Georgian Bay, Kirkland Lake North Bay, Sudbury: Mostly sunny with not much change in temperature today and Tuesday. | Winds worth 20 today, light to. aight and Tuesday." | Timmins-Kapuskasing: Mostly | unny with not much change in! temperature today and Tuesday Winds light Forest Temperatures Lows ionighi, highs Tuesday T'orento frend | Rl Hamilt {Windsor CAPSULE NEWS $400,000 Damage Caused In Quebec Cannery Fire NAPIERVILLE, Que. (CP)--A|eastern Canada within the last 35 fast-spreading fire roared through years. a cannery in this town 25 miles) Survivors include his wife, two sofith of Montreal Sunday and|daughters and two sons, one of left the wooden-frame structure them Dr. Geoffrey Waddington, a burnt-out hulk. Damage was CBC director of music. estimated! at $400,000 including . spoilage of canning equipment. __ DOCTOR DIES No one was in the building, SCOTLAND, Ont. (CP) Dr when the blaze started. Its cause H. R. Serles, who practised here was not known immediately. for the past 24 years, died Satur day in hospital. COLUMNIST DIES { Born in Waterford and edu. TORONTO. (CP) Funeral cated in Niagara Falls, Ont. he services were held Saturday for r entered university in 1914. He en Beatrice: (Bea) Phipps, former listed, ins {he army medical corps ist with the/ln World War One and was Yepurtee sud columuly awarded the military medal for : 3 ravery. She died Friday after an fll-| "got 0 include his wife, two Neg of tho Weak The Tele. sons, Gordon of Toronto and gram abput 30 years, first as a | Fie LE Douglas of Brantford. reporter and later as the author) ROAD-EO FINALIST of the weekly column on pels.| gr CATHARINES (CP) Doug She retired from the paper Iniyperig 19, of Elmira won the 1948 and had been engaged Tre western Ontario finals of the cently in public relations work.!teen . age safe driving road-eq Saturday. . AUCTIONEER DIES The grade student com; TORONTO (CP)Frank Glad. 577 out of a ihia 800 ooints i stone Waddington, 80, well-known beat out 35 other champions from auctioneer, died Saturday tow n We 0 He had conducted sales tario, He represent Ye throughout Canada for almost 30 gion in the Canadian finals years, particularly in Toronte (Medicine Hat, Alta, in July. A - he . PE p . I 3 led ne 45 I Oshaka League the which Branch of \uxiliar in the work of training') members of the Sir Fran Drake Sea Cadet Corps and | tre Hawkins Navy League Ca- | IT 5 / ns and cities tern i> 4 \ his 1 1 Af 15 " 4 wl 0 ) i } ! at n 70 ( 0 NAVY LEAGUE AUXILIARY formed, could not move fast enough to get out of the way. CHANGED VOTE {| LETCHWORTH, England (CP) By 2,644 votes to 766, citizens of this Hertfordshire town voted in| favor of having their first tavern, | They had rejected it seven times in the last 52 years. NO EFFECT TORONTO (CP) -- Paul-Henri | Spaak of Belgium, secretary-gen-| eral of the North Atlantic Treaty | Organization, said Sunday night the shift in French governments | will not affect NATO. » NATO, Mr. Spaak sald, deals with whatever government is in| power. | PORK CHOPS 29° She suffered burns over three-| THIN SLICED 99° quarters of her body when her| PORK LIVER 29° clothing caught fire while she was| | : FRESH SLICED ~ 47+ burning rubbish in her garden. | FRESH MADE Mrs. Squires was found rolling) LAMB PATTIES on the ground by a neighbor, | GRADE "A" LARGE SIZE |Mrs, Fay McKibbon. EGGS AN YOUR CONTAINER--DOZ, LB. City of Oshawa--Second Instalments 1958 TAXES DUE DATES WARD DIRECTIONAL SUBONII INSTALMFNT NUMBERS DISTRICTS BDIVISIONS DUE DATE . 1,2&3 N/W; S/W; N/E 1 TO 35 JUNE 2nd 4 and 5 S/E & Cedardale 36 to 61D June 5th Ward 6 Annexed Area 62 to 85B June 9th PAY TAXES BY MAIL by cheque or money order (if convenient) enclosing COMPLETE tax bill «-- receipted 'bill will be returned. AVOID STANDING IN LINE by paying before any due date OR by depositing sealed envelope containing cheque ond Tax Bill in "City Hall Mail" letter drop ot City Hall main entrance any time. ALL OSHAWA BANKS OF COMMERCE will accept current taxes within two weeks befére any instalment. date providing Tox Bill is presented for receipting AND PROVIDING NO INSTALMENT IS PAST DUE. FAILURE TO PAY ANY ONE INSTALMENT on or before due date necessitates the Thx Collector to proceed to collect by several Statutory and Local By-Law provisions such jos Collection of Rents where property is tenant occupied; Division Court Action in some ol and by possible "Bailiff Seizure" of chattels, { 7-9 p.m. Closed Saturdayk. Dial RA 5-1150 Office hrs. 8:30 to 5 p.m Special hrs, June CIVIC ADMINISTRATION BLDG. CLARENCE L. CO City Tox Collect LS Pa i Lan to NAMES EXECUTIVE its new | Cassidy, vice chairman. Back from left: Mrs, Kenneth Vail, treasurer and Mrs, 'Her. bert A. Maynard, secretary. ~Times-Gazette Photo | dets, recently named 2rd onk executive, Front row, from left, * row, are: Mrs, Robert Andrews, past chairman; Mrs. Frank Starkey, chairman; and Mrs. Joseph | 50 CENTRE STREET

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