dl Christian Unity By GEOFFREY MILLER . LONDON (AP)--Three hundred and fifty bishops of the worldwide more eagerly than ever this summer the progress being made toward Christian unity. The church universal dream of many a fervent church- man who has gazed- beyond the barriers dividing Christian de- nominations--will be high on the agenda of the Anglican Commup- jon's ninth Lambeth conference which sopgns July 6. o 1 The ¥nglican Communion con- sists. of the mother Church of England and 'the churches that {have sprung from its overseas ho Ff ACTRESSES EXCHANGE COMPLIMENTS Actress Jayne Mansfield | after -many toasts in vodka, * (left) is seated next to Russian | that she found the Russians v_ star Tatiana Samoilova at one | "cute". Miss Samollova return- !* of the parties held in Cannes, | ed the compliment saying she '* France, during the film | found Jayne as charmipg as + festival. Miss Mansfield said, | she is glamorous. : Another London 'Music Portrait , SOME UNIONS MADE J 2 Church unity has been debated By ED SIMON z [Monty Norman, who wrote the el sehaet ' blocks | music and some of the lyrics, and |' | +» LONDON (CP) -- Seven blocks |" conferences. Inter - denomina- * gnd 40 years from My Fair Lady Fi More, who helped out on : > lyrics and the book. West End theatre-goers are flock- | the '8c to see a musical portrait of| Starred as the agent is Paul piiaiy "and India will give the : #nother London. |Scofield, also making his musical | c,;500t sharper significance this i nThe setting of Expresso Bongo | debut alter 3 Sag Psi time, | 148 removed by more than time career that inc uded the title role | Sau 3 : an George Bernard Shaw's |in-the brilliant Peter Brook pro- A special committee of bishaps | Prayer and take guidance from the Lambeth conferences, called every 10 years by the Archbishop | of Canterbury, spiritual head of the Church of England. Churches represented at the |conference operate in some 40 wountries, with some 40,000,000 members. They include the Angli- can churches of Commgnwealth countries, the Protestant Episco- pal Church in the United States of America, Chung Hua Sheng Kung Hui (Holy Catholic Church in China) and Nippon Sei Ko Kai (Japan Holy Catholic Church). {currently under discussion in + Bissy Ballroom of 1920. Its| Russia a few years ago. Anglican Communion will study | {tional get - together movements Ind of Rome they would be 'giving counte- {nance to a false Christianity' if they joined in reunion discu: sions, The conferences were more successful in their -overtures to Bishops To Study | warned its members v7 1 -- the the Orthodox Eastern Church. |The two bodies at least went as| far as friendly exchanges. | In Britain, Anglicans got on a | friendlier footing with Metho- dists, Congregationalists and Baptists, These days Anglican archbishops address nonconform- |1st assemblies and nonconformist | ministers occasionally preach in Anglican cathedrals -- exchanges that would have staggered 19th- missions. All base their worship century churchmen, s lon the 1662 Book of Common OTHER EFFORTS Thus far, however, there has been only one instance of Angli- cans actually entering into cor- porate mémbership with noncon- formists., This is the Church of South India, formed in 1947 of Anglicans, Methodists and Con- gregationalists, Significantly, that new church was not admitted to the Anglican Com i The bishops who met at Lambeth in 1948 gave the experiment their passive appro- val, but that was all. Member- ship of the Communion remained the exclusive right of those who take the 1662 prayer book as a guide to their worship, The 1958 conference will hear reports on a move to establish a similar coalition church in North ia. Meanwhile, in Britain there is a move to link the established Church of England with Scottish Presbyterians. A joint committee suggested bishops for the Scols, : : jill deal with the business of! Market and Em-|duction of Hamlet which toured Wil €eal wiih ; land Presbyterian-style lay deac- | ent aiden Na Christian church unity during the ong to assist the ministry in the Douglas Barr who was master of If NEW CHURCH HEAD Leonard T. Carney, of Bos- ton, 'Mass., who today was named president of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. He succeeds Miss Mabel Ellen Lucas, of Brookline, Mass. He will serve a one- year term. TYRONE MRS. W. RAHRM Corespondent TYRONE -- The seventh an- nual Variety show, sponsored by the Tyrone Juvenile Fife and Drum Band was held in Tyrone Community Hall May 23. It is held to raise money for band equipment and uniforias. The show started with the Juvenile Band menibers singing "Y'all Come', their traditional npening chorus, The audience was welcomed by "« complete show ' dents occur in the coffee bars d jazz joints frequented by the petter than Rex Harrison's but he ! @en-agers of the 1950s. The decor |g ! gd music are not as lavish and |g Scofield's singing is only a little | hows an equal skill in putting his ongs across. James Kenney, as ' actors 'are less celebrated. the rock 'n' roll singer, has been ;Blit much of the satire has aldescribed by one of the critics as Shavian bite. Like-My Fair Lady, the story of 3 | 'Wolf Markowitz is about a man Who makes a celebrity out of a| i grubby Cockney nonentity, Her- , Bert Rudge, who sings and plays : bongo drums "'just for kicks." | : er the astute guidance of] » JBhnnie, a cynical agent, he be- domes Bongo Herbert, a squirm- : ng, raucous transatlantic version {of Elvis Presley. FIRST TRY -wit is the first musical venture 1 ¥6¥ Mankowitz, who has written | * a'number of short stories, ; and film scripts, the latter includ- A Kid for Two Farthings, |" a 4 on en : 7 both | show which was widely shown on Cas. sides of the Atlantic. His collab- wrators 'are David Heneker and THEATRE GUIDE |E it |good--or bad--enough to qualify s a teen-age idol. Expresso -Bongo is a landmark mong British musicals as the | first to break away from the tra- ition of the clever, sophisticated Its acid satirical tone is more novels | reminiscent of the American Pal |Joey than of My Fair Lady 'and he music and ballet sequences other transatlantic influ- But its background and nglish, to a degree that makes subject matter is emphatically the a doubtful export even to Can- ada where too much of the local| color might go unappreciated. Brock (Whitby) -- "The Naked Truth', also "The Seventh Sin". Evening shows at 7 p.m. Last 8:20 p.m. | Biltmore -- 'Les Girls" in Tech-| nicolor, shown daily at 12:30, $:05, 6:30, 10:00 p.m. Also "De cision at Sundown" in Techni-| color, shown daily at 1:45, 5:10, 8:40 p.m. Last complete show starts at 8:30 p.m. Marks --- "Cool | Hamilton Ti-Cats Sign Steeler Star HAMILTON (CP) -- Hamilton Tiger-Cats of the Big Four Foot- ball Union have announced sign- ing of Rogel, rated one of the finest and Crazy" |fullbacks in the National Football|stalled by Mrs. Ed. Lovelock, a Francis Steven (Fran) shown daily at 1:05, 3:40, 6:15, League. 8:55 p.m. Also 'Dragstrip Riot" | Rogel has been leading ground-| shown daily at 2:30, 5:05, 7:35,|gainer with Pittsburgh Steelers Mrs. five weeks the conference is in|Anglican Church. ¥ | ceremonies, vession at Lambeth Palace, cen-| | Leaders of both churches stud-| David Stewart, Malvern, pre- |turies-old London residence of the | Archbishop of Canterbury. In the 1920s the Roman Cathe- conference move to create closer relations between the Anglican and Roman camps. The church lied the committee's report and {decided to take a couple of years|in which 12 ladies from the audi-| {to think il over. But some dele-| lie Church rejected a Lambeth gates to Lambeth are expected to| {hail the recommendations as an- | other step towards a united Chris- | tian church. 'BROOKLIN {revues of the type of Canada's | |My Fur Lady and Spring Thaw | lor stylized parodies like The Boy |Friend. It comes up with a full-| |blown plot in which the musical {numbers contribute to story de-| velopment, MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT Correspondent BROOKLIN At the well- attended annual meeting of the |Brooklin Home and School Asso-| ciation, held in the public school, | president, Mrs. Ralph Hunter, was in charge. | Secretary's, treasurer's and an-| nual reports were given. | Miss Van Camp, of the teach-| ing staff, will be leaving at the| end of the term and Mrs. Mathew Agar, on behalf of the members of the association, presented her! with a gift. | Convener of the nominating | committee, Mrs. W. Labanovitch, | presented the slate of officers for the coming year. The slate was accepted and officers were in- past president of the association. New officers are: president, Ted Draper; vice-presi- Mrs. Ted Draper Named Home-School President been completed. Convener is Mrs. W. Labanovitch. The annual picnic for pupils in| lower grades will be held on Wednesday, June 25. Mrs. Mur- ray Robinson was appointed as convener for lunch at this picnic. Mrs. C. Johnston prepared questions, and arranged an open| discussion on '"How Good a Par-| ent Are You?" $ Lunch was served by Grade 1 mothers. KINDERGARTEN Kindergarten registration for Brooklin Public School will be held on Friday afternoon, May 30, between 2 and 3o'clock in| the basement of the Township | Roberis, sented a telepathic demonstration ence took part. The band members sang, ac- |companied by Mrs. Don Davey at the piano. Following this the band played two selections. David Stewart returned to enter- tain the audience with a memory | mozaic. After intermission the band selection, Mr. Stewart then gave a talk and demonstration of hyp- | notism, Nancy McRoberts of Bowman- ing rod and reel, won by Miss {A. Aked of Toronto. Wayne Mec- also of Bowmanville, drew the ticket for the automatic frypan won by Al. Foote of Lind. say. Lee Skinner drew the ticket Hardy of Tyrone. Draw for the basket of groceries was made b; Patti Poole of Bowmanville, a won by Jack Roberts of Bow- manville, of Grade 6, 7, and 8 have not yet Hall. Pupils to be enrolled must be five years by Dec. 31. The teacher, Mrs. Evelyn Wil- son, will be in attendance to re- ceive names, and give informa- tion to parents. Vdd YOUR LIFE'S MADE EASIER for the motor rug, won by Jerry | PRINCE ALBERT | F. 8. MITH Correspondent PRINCE ALBERT -- At the Sunday School anniversary serv- ice, the Rev. Mr, Holmes of Har-| mony United Church, Oshawa,! was speaker, assisted by the] regular minister ®Rev, E. S. Lin-| 'N TALENTED CLERK John, @vinkwater, the English poet and drainatist who died in| 1937, was for 12 years a clerk in an insurance office. Several members of the Prince | Albert WA attended the WA meet- ing at Greenbank on Wednesday | evening. stead. The Couves sisters of Greenbank assisted the junior | choir, Several bouquets of tulips graced the chancel. | Valerie and Billy Heayn are confined to the house with mumps. Mr, and Mrs. E. Martyn and Mr. and Mrs. G. Hunter were at the Royal Alex, in Toronto on Wednesday evening. 5 awa, visited Mr, Button on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Robertson, Omemee, spent a few days with their. daughter, Mrs. G. Hunter and family. Mr. and Mrs. B. Smith spent| Monday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Webb, Haliburton. M. Butson spent Sunday at Niagara Falls with friends. | Able Seaman Lee Reamsbottom spent a few days leave with Mr. | and Mrs. W. Peel and Mr. N. Howey, before leaving for = and Mrs, fax. | I I A | | sang and played a fife and drum |; ville drew the ticket for the fish- |. | Dance Recital by the HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY MONDAY, JUNE 2, 8 p.m. 0.C.C.I. SIMCOE S. TICKETS 350c end 75¢ ot Door I Mr. and Mrs. R. Reader, on R. NOTICE | "DANCE RECITAL BY THE Parents--Young People |! TEENAGE TYPING CLASSES || Oshawa Business College corn o wseful Skill e good Summer Job I Learn to TYPE! Monday to Thursdoy 4:15 to § p.m. (Any two afternoons per week) or Saturdey Morning 9-10.30 -- 10:30-12 111 Simcoe St. S. Dial 5-3375 L Get Special LILLIAN MAE MARSH SCHOOL OF DANCING Friday, June 13th 7:30 P.M. 0.C.V.. [ CHILDREN 25¢ Businessmen's Luncheon Hot & Cold Buffet Bully Air-Conditioned Highway No. 401 of Bowmanville Cloverleaf Just 12 Minutes from Downtown Oshawa GHEY MORE OUT OF LIFE OO OUT TO A MOVIN! ALL COLOR :. BIG SCREEN! AAA ROIN er Bor ad Py A tour of amour! BOTH FEATURES ADULT Never.More Fiery! Tempestuous/ Exciting' ENTERTAINMENT Seven savage punks ona weekend binge of violence! A 10:15 p.m. Last complete show for the last five years. The 30-|dents, Mrs. Alfred Spencer, Mrs. at 8:55 p.m. year-old Rogel is also noted for C. Johnston; secretary, Mrs. Plaza -- "Beautiful But Danger- his blocking ability. {Murray Robinson; treasurer, ous" shown daily at 1:15, 4:11, Me brought along former Uni- | Mrs. A. Campbell; executive, 7:07, 10:00 p.m. Also '"Ambush| versity of Pittsburgh halfback|Mrs. Raymond Kennedy, Mrs. D. at Cimarron" shown daily at|Ralph Jelic to talk to Tiger-Cat|Roberts, Mrs. Ted Mantle, Mrs. 2:58,-5:54, 10:50 p.m. Last com-|officials, Jelic, 24-year-bld, 195-| Don Mitchell, Walter Mittler, and plete show at 8:50 p.m. | pounder, was cut last year after|the principal of the school, Jack Regent -- "Forbidden Desert" in the exhibition season with the Wallace. Technicolor shown daily at 2:00, | Steelers. + Mrs. Hunter expressed her 4:15, 6:30, 8:45 p.m, Also "La-| The Hamilton club also an-|thanks to the executive, con- fayette Escadrille" shown daily| nounced signing of two of last|veners and teaching staff of. the at 2:40, 4:55, 7:10, 9:25 p.m.lyear's regulars, quarterbacks SC for their co-operation dur- Last complete show at 8:45/Rernje Faloney and Tony Cur- ing her term of office. p.m. cillo. The attendance plaque was pre- sented to Mrs. Mervyn Bird's room. Youll Relax More Easily Tonight... by chewing on a smooth, satisfying piece of Wrigley's Spearmint Gum. through CLASSIFIED ADS To solve everyday prob- lems quickly. RA 3-3492 Beautiful but Dangerous with VITTORIO GASSMAN - ROBERT ALDA Voce sf MARIO DEL MONACO GET MORE OUT OF LIFE G O OUT TO A MOVIE TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel il--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channe; 6---Toronto WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffale WBEN-TV Channel 4---Buffale | MONDAY EVENING 5.00 P.M, 11--Family Theatre 6--Hobby Corner 8---Playhouse 4--Fun to Learns 2-Superman 5.15 P.M. 6--Children's Newsreel 4--Children's Theatre 5.30 P.M, 6-Far Away Look 2--Mickey Mouse 6.00 P.M. 6--Captain Grief 4--Headlines; News 2--Colonei Bleep 615 P.M. Kia 6.30 P.M. 6----Patti Page 11, 3-News: 645 P.M. 6, 5, ¢--Weather News; 2-Comedy Capers 7.00 P.M. 11--Movie 8---Tabloid 5-8id Caesar &--Death Valley Days 2--Corliss Archer 4 2.30 P.M, & Provincial Affairs §~Price 1s Right 4---Robip Hood 2-Twilight Theatre 8.00 P.M. Weather; 11,6--Millionaire S-Restless Gun 4--Bums and Allen PM. s.30 P.M. 11,6-0n Camera S-Wells Fargo 4-Arthur Godfrey 3-Bold Journey 9.00 P.M, 11.6--1 Love Lucy 5-+Twenty-One 4-Danny Thomas 2-Volce 2 Pitestons 9 3) 30 3 11,6--Tugboat Annie S-Alcoa Theatre 4~Mer of Annapolis 2-lawrence Welk ' 0.0 PM. 11-~Man Behind The Badge 6. 4--Studio one 5Smift of Cochige 10.30 P.M. "J14O0h! Susanna Lawrence Welk &The Whistler 1.00 P.M, 11.6,5,4,2--News Weather; Sports 1.15 PM, 6 Viewpoint $-Movie Theatre 1.3% PM. 13-Late Show 8--Decoy Sa Plavhrnee 4 3--Water Sports 12,00 P.M, 3-Swing Shift TUESDAY MORNING 0 AM. $--Rumpus Room 9.00 AM. 3--S8usie 4--Popeye's Play. house 2-Eddie Cantor 9.30 AM. S-District Attorney 4--Susie 2-Boston Blackie 10.00 5--Dough Re Mi 4--Garry Moore 2 Mv Little Margie 10.30 AM. $-- Lreasure Hunt 4--How Do You Rate 2-Abbott and Costello 11.00 AM, 5--Deugh Re Mi 4--Arthur Godfrey 2-My Favorite Story 11.30 AM. $~Truth or 4--News, Weather 2-Love of Life 12.30 P.M. S=jt Could Be You 4--S8earch for Tomorrow 2-Mid-Day Matinee F P.M. S-Movie. [heatre 4--~Meet the Millers 1.30 P. | ~The World Turns 2.00 P.M | 4--Beat The Clock 2- Helen Neville 30 P.M, 6---Matinee S--~Home Cooking 4----House Party 2-La#f Time . P.M. t1---Movie Matinee S--Matiner Theatre 4&~The Big Payot 2-American Bandstand 330 PM 4 The Verdict is Yours 2-Trust Your Wile 4.00 P.M, 6--Open House $-Queen for a Day 4 -Serial Stories Ame Brndstur 430 PM. 11, 6-Howdy Doody 4~Edge of Nig 4.45 kr. A TUESDAY EVENING 00 P.M. 11--Family Theatre 6--Magic of Music S5--Playhouse 4~Fun to Learn 3-Sir Lancelot tre 530 PM. 6--Casey Jones . 2--Mickey Mouse 6.00 P.M, 6-It's a Great Life 5~Jim Bowie 4~Headlines, Sports 2-Sky King 6.15 4Cisco Kid 6.30 P.M. 11, 2--N¢ 3; Weather: Sports 6--Kaleidoscope 6.45 P.M. 6,5,4--News 2-Comedy Capers 7.00 P.M, 11--Movie 6--Tablold 3--Circus Boy 4 -Annie Oakley My Hero P.M, H That 1.30 | &=Robin | S4-Name | 2~Cheyenne 1 5.00 PM. 116 Front Page Tune 5--The Investigator | 4-Hollywood Comedy 30 P.M. | 8. g | Jd, 6---Dragnet | 4--Adorn Theatre 2---Wvatt Earp S.0n P.M. { 11, 6G M | 8--Adventures | McGraw | 4=To Tell The Truth | 2=Broken Arrow | 9.30 P.M, | 8-Bob Cumn,ings | 4=Red Skelton | 2~Pantomime Quiz P.M Presei.'s of 10.00 P.M. 11.6--~Atomic Time Table §-Californians | 4--364,000 Question 2-West Point 3 P | 10.3 MM. | 8--Death Valley Days | | 4~Decoy 2-Highway Patrol 10.00 P.M. i | 5-11-6-4-2-News | Weather; Sports | 11:15 P.M, | 8~Viewpoint $--Movie Theatre 6--Sportsview 4--Theatre | 3--Swing Shift 11:45 PM The graduation party will be held in the evening of Thursday, June 26, in the Whitby Township Hall, Brooklin. The joint field day, will be held on Thursday, June 12 at Paradise School, Pickering Beach. A definite date was not determined for Brooklin Field Day, but will be held prior to June 12. §ADDED ADVENTURE AND EXCITEMENT 1 A Rage! Mims, toc. Production + Released by 20 Century Por TODAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Plans for a bus trip for pupils YOUR 0 TAB HUNTER as one of the Volunteer Yank Air Devils who formed their own Foreign Legion! coMborT OPE lon A 7 Z a : Be Brush up on your demiing before vacation time er] | pert and see for yourself how quick and easy it is to become a popular partner, thanks to his "Magic Step" method of teaching. See, too, why so many sought- after partners are Arthur Mygray graduates. So don't wait... come in now. Put your- Act now and be all set for the best vacation self in the hands of an Arthur Murray ex- ever. Studios open.10 AM to 10 PM--daily. Studios air-conditioned ARTHUR MURRAY School of Dancing 11V2 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH, There are two big reasons why now is the time to come to Arthur Murray's. First, you can save money. And second, you can save | yourself the embarrassment of having to | apologize fdr your dancing. { ANNE NEYLAND an BOX OFFICE OPEN OSHAWA RA 8.1681 CHILDRENS PLAYGROUND -CONCESSION STAND JAMES DEAN--NATALIE WOOD and SAL MINEO in "REBEL Bl WITHOUT A CAUSE" IN CINEMASCOPE AND COLOR ON OSHAWA'S LARGEST SCREEN ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Plus Shocking Expose ! ! "MOTORCYCLE GANG" d STEVE TERRELL AT 8:00 P.M. | ADL] ENTERTAINMENT w WARNERCOLOR reow WARNER BROS Starring RAFIK SHAMMAS and spoken by MARVIN MILLER - Produced. by CEDRIG FRANCIS Witten, Directed and Photographed by JACKSON WINTER EGEN/ A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE