iN roughnecks mostly lack an ade- quate purpose in life, as individ- vals, groups or gangs. So they get involved in deviltry--because Satan finds mischief for idle hands; a fact that our forefathers MARY HAWORTH MAIL Girl, 17, Differs With Boy - $i » OSE WREATH DOILY tions, simply send a stamped, self-addressed envelope plus ten cents for handling, to the | Needlecraft Department of this paper, requesting Rose Wreath, Leaflet No. C-S8-757. 2 a BR Like a member of high so- clety, this elegant design has richness, charm and dignity. lacy wheel is done in fine, A ron we LEP IN TRIM Shape Up And Slim Down With This Suggested Routine && ii dimes : Jil By IDA JEAN KAIN | In exercising, it is helpful to butier 1 POS oe iy and A small amount of regular ex- hold the muscle contraction, but|.agishes 15, large baked apple ercise is beneficial in many|You should avoid holding your 150, (use 1 thsp. sugar; if more ways. Exercise tones up the sys-|breath. Breathe normally, Here cycotoning is desired, add hot tem and helps you to get back in|is an easy routine for beginners: peverage (clear) 0, total 440. shape. Flabby muscles are bulky,| Position: Lying on back on| motal calories for day 1,030 to toned muscles hug the figure, But|floor, left knee bent, sole of foot 1 ggg, even more important is the feel-|flat on floor, right arm stretched ing of aliveness that comes from back on floor overhead restoring tone to the big muscles| Movement: Contract with ab-| WIFE of the body. {dominal muscles and get small| If you are rusty on calisthenics, [Of back as flat against the floor| don't get the notion that you can|as possible. Now stretch all along i whip right into brisk exercise! the right side, pushing down with You won't feel the. effects the the right foot and. up with the first day, and maybe not the right hand. Keep small of back second--but on the third day,/on floor, Stretch 3 times, you'll get the full impact. | smoothly. Reverse position of leg Ease into your exercise rou. and arms and stretch again. { tine. Keep the movements| Position: Lying face downward smooth and flowing. When you|on floor, head resting on folded stretch, centre the stretch where|3rms. : the figure needs discipline,| Movement: Raise alternate hip through the middle. Then follow |and leg as high as comfortable, through with a smooth side-bend. Keeping knee straight. Hold. Hold the muscle contraction to a Slowly lower. Do not '"'roll" as slow count of six, and slowly re- leg is raised. Perform slowly ten lease. times. Hit and miss exercises are a FIFTH DAY waste of effort. In each move-| Breakfast: Grapefruit juice 4 that are stitched in place along the edge. This 14-inch doily will lend beauty to your table tops, dressing tables or any cosy corners in your home, To ob- tain the easy crochet instruc- with gelatin 30, (add gelatine to hot or celd tomato juice if de- (sired). Dinner: Choice of: Brofled scal- lops, 4 oz. (6 medium) prepared with 1 tsp. melted butter plus lemon juice or cube steak, broiled 3 oz. (185 cal.) 125, chopped spin- PRESERVER Co LXE IN ge Lift vegetables out of cooking water, rather than pouring the water off; this way, minute parti- {cles of dirt which have settled to the bottom will not be poured pack over the food. Dear Mary Haworth: I've read your May 7 column where the 14- year-old boy, G.R., defends neck- ing in his age group. I am a girl 17, and I couldn't disagree with him more. Some of today's teen-agers are a bit boobish, but you can't judge all by some of them. G.R. claims {that we are maturing faster than {the teen-agers of yesteryear. This may be, but I don't think we arz mature enough to start dating at zge 13. A girl thate~age may be a little too curious for her own good; and the same holds true | "lof the bey; and that's how they |get in tpouble, | G.L. admits necking with his girl friend--"but- we don't make a spectacle of ourselves," he claims, How can they avoid being a spectacle? By sneaking off to be alone out of sight? That only makes things look worse. I think a girl shouldn't start dating until she is at least 15. By then she should have had time to consider the kind of companion she'd like 40 be. If a girl starts dating at 14, it should be a double date or a group date, |and stay that way all evening. |NECKING IS END | Some girls think the only way they can hold a boy is by neck- 'ng. They couldn't be farther from the truth! Once a girl starts necking sessions with a boy she dates, she's had it! Sure, she'll more than likely get quite a few dates, but they all will end the same way. Don't get me wrong; I don't object to dating different boys; in fact I do. I've had double dates and single dates, but 1 prefer {double dating. Sooner or later {you run out of words on a single date, but. with two or three couples present the conversation is always going and everyone has {a wonderful time. There is more Who Defends Teenage Dating, ther, until their lives are ruined. I am a boy 17, considered (I believe) a leader of my fellow youth: that is why I know their feelings. They bring their prob- lems to me and I always listen-- and it makes them feel good if 1 agree with their views, Of kept in mind, Maybe a judici revival of child labor would help the - situation, Who knows?--| M.H. Mary Haworth counsels through SAFE SPOT SOLUTION ot 1 y Last week one of my very good customers called, es Sous, wot By al o per She was almost in tears. She had J nr a new dress for 0a, JHEyew. her daughter. The first time it was acquired a nasty stain, My customer had a bottle of solvent she had icked up at the supermarket . ... a good product, too, if care of this newspaper. course if I disagree I don't force | it down their throat. 1 gat it] across casually, and they acypept | it more readily. | (Teen-agers should be watched over; they still need it. But to- day's adults don't know how to get across to young minds, Teen- agers have fresh active minds, and if challenged they lash back, If parents would talk to them in adult vein, they'd stand a better chance of being heard. If this aoesn't work, it's time for a little strapping, fd | them in a re- sponsive mood (starting at an early age). REPORTS DAMAGING Two more points: 1. Newspa- per publicity given teen-agers in big bold type is damaging. The accent is always bad. Searching is used right. She tried to take the spot out herself and left an even worse mark. The solvent had taken the color vight out of the dress. : She brought the dress in, Bob, our "spotter", tried every trick in the book. He couldnt do. a thing. That was the end of a pretty, new dress. There had been a chemical reaction between the solvent and the stain that made a small amount of a powerful bleach, The maral of the story is: Don't try to remove spots unless you are sure you are right. Better to call us and be safe. We'll be glad to tell you if you can remove the spot yourself . . . and how tp do it if it is safe. « INVITATIONS « RECEPTION CARDS WAAAAN This business of t removal is getting more complicated all the time. That's why we you that the safest way is to let us remove the the inside pages with a magnify- ing glass, you might find a two- | line item about something good | that youth has done. Makes it seem ost silly to do anything good finy more, 2. Rock-and-roll is fading, Good music is coming around; so why doesn't our adult population clam up and stop noticing rock-and- roll? Stop: feeding it with atten- tion, let it die on its feet. , , E.C. Dear Scribes: Thanks for your | contributions. They ought to give GR. food for thought and jar his | complacency a bit--which should | be good for him, | Teen-agers generally would be better off if they had real work -spots for you. And you tan make the job safer, and surer, if yA just label the stain, telling. us what made. it. We keep the spots and send the | lecti Complete Selection garments back like new. Prompt Delivery ® Wedding 'Serviettes ® Wedding Cake Boxes Kom / MH) dnd "TNE 53555 Fioily 24 HR. Mr MOST CL ~ oT, ® KINSMEN CLUB BINGO © TUESDAY NIGHT -- JUBILEE PAVILION AAAAAAN Walmsley & Magill 9 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA -- RA 5-3506 CLEANIT SERVICE to do, and less attention paid them, as a species. Adolescent to dating than just necking. . . | | Why try to get old fast? In a {normal life span you are going |} to be old for many more years] {than you were young: I'd ap preciate your publishing this, .if only to prove that G.R. doesn't | speak for all teen-agers.--K.M. Dear Mary Haworth: May 1 file my opinion of G.R.? Some- body has failed at raising that THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 10 A.M.-------- ... they want us to come as we are! boy up. He is merely looking for something new. When parking] and necking, a boy and girl are | walking on the devil's ground. } |Each time they go a little far-| HAVING | Wringer Troubles? | | maa We are wringer speciolists, Our experts will rebuild your wringer os good as mew . . ot reasonable rates ! JACK BIDDULPH APPLIANCE SERVICE (Jacek Christie, owner) At Reor of 68 Simcoe St. N. RA 5-1179 For Pick-up end Delivery > ment, concentrate on the muscles oz. 50 calories, poached egg 80, in need of toning and make surelon thin slice "toast 50, coffee] the line of pull is directly black 0, total 180. through that exact spot. Energy pick-up--mid morning EXERCISE LYING DOWN |or evening: Dieter's vanilla milk If you are very heavy, it is/shake 85 (to one cup skim milk better to take exercise from a|add drop of vanilla and non-nu- lying down position. Also, it tritive sweetener; shake vigor would be well to talk with your | ously) doctor about the advisability off Luncheon: "Cream' of tomato taking calisthenics. He may rec-|soup, 6 ox, (dilute 1:1 with skim ommend that you postpone this milk) 105, choice of: Seafood sa-| kind of exercise until after you|lad lobster or crabmeat, 3 ox. # have reduced, say 30 or so/mayonnaise thinned with skim pounds. In the meantime, walk. milk or cottage cheese with chive : Start with 15 minutes and grad-|% cup (110 cal.) 140, toasted rye| gsm ually increase to 30 minutes, wafers, 3 60, hot tea with lemon later make it two 30 minute0, total 295. walks a day. Late day pick-up: Hot bouillon "PRESSING PROBLEMS" Solved By "RE-NU-TEX" The revolutionary. textile re- finishing process . . . Re-nu- tex replaces the natural oils removed by ordinary dry cleaning and returns the ori- ginal "shape" and "feel" of the garment . . . Keeps it cleaner, longer too. | | | | | LETUS MAKE (TT CLOTHES LOOK NEW + CLARION - Quadraphonic Sound --featuring four individually-tuned speak- ers. Perfect reproduction from 20 to 40,000 c.p.s. $2,500.00 WOR INCLUDING An Electrohome High-Fidelity Phonograph SEE AND HEAR THE NEW PLAN TO ATTEND! ... BRING A FRIEND! Ask For A Free Demonstratiod Of Electrohome High Fidelity WITH "QUADRAPHONIC" SOUND CONCORD CUSTOM With Electrohome's exclusive Triphonic sound . . , three high- ost quality speakers for perfect responaq from 20 to 20,000 ¢.p.s. TH OF VALUABLE PRIZES CS --_-- CHIPPENDALE MARK IV Four-speaker "Quadraphonie Sound." Distortion-free re sponse from 20 to 40,000 c.p.s TO BE GIVEN AWAY Every woman looks lovelies " Gothic fhere's good reason why Gothic becomes more women than any other bra on the market today. The secret lies in the cleverly constructed bust cups and in the firming Cordtex* inserts. If you haven't wom a Gothic bra, get fitted today. You'll find it's pretty too and Santiyl, for lasting freshness. In embroidered broadcloth and elastic $2.00. Other styles from $1.75. "RE-NU-TEX" Rinker's Cleaners 51 BURKE RA 5-1191 23 ATHOL W. -- RA 3.4912 N. -- RA 5.1944 4 RITSON 5 ERRAND * 0 y. = the choice of fashionable women the world over THERE IS NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR RE-NU-TEX Well cleaned clothes-when apprearance counts Created by } GOTHIC « SARONG « DAISY FRESH » NUBACK « LILY OF FRANCE « TEENFORM FREE DRAW TICKET Everyone attending the opening of Oshawa's newest store will receive @ free ticket in our Giant Drow , , . 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The overall result of this triumph of sound engineering is o quality of sound to delight the ear of the most critical audiophile . , . to delight the heart of the most discerning music lover! ; Hear the C d | on OTN TL LD doc) > Pp by & nm