Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 2 Jun 1958, p. 18

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-1 Home And School Gouncl Elects. pug mm GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES i fy rs cy ® ' ' v Wy og criti Mrs. John T Gaskell, President ow f { yarn H SCHOOL AUX. CALVARY BAPTIST WMS yy | ; i 3 7 % he regular meeting of the| The regular 'meeti { the At the May meeting of the Osh-|in memory of the late Mrs. R. 8, A ot egula ing o ie! awa Home and Sehool Council|McLaughlin in the new Adelaide 7 2 " Church Seiiool Auxiliary of Holy WMS of Calvary Baptist Church|; held in the E. A. Lovell School on| McLaughlin School. 74 : nity Church (Anglican) watiwas held on Thursday afternoon Tuesday evening, Mrs. J. T. Gas- INTRODUCTIONS / / 5, " 5 hed Jecently at he Sluseh hall, at the church. Mrs. Henry Me-|/ kell was elected president. The! The new president of the as' by y 1 7 ; o Mrs. Leonard Eccles presi [Cite fod in the singing of Joule f other officers are vice presidents, sociation were introduced and the Z 4" . : : ymns and read a poem on faith. {f Mrs. George Lofthouse, Mrs. A. J. annual reports were given as fol- " Z Yr ii The meeting pened With pray: |The president, Mrs, Grace Mon-| Allen, Mrs. David Hutcheon and lows: Citizenship, Mrs. George 4 ? ' 4 er after which Mrs, Carl Creamericur, led in prayer. Mrs. Ottol! tars. Earl Hoy: recording secre- Vebster reported for the chair- 4 4 2 : read the scripture. _ |Sharrard read the minutes of the. tary, Mrs. G. E, Moss; treasurer, man, Mrs, W. A, Dixon; Mrs. 7 a / ' | The minutes of the previousilast meeting and a letter from|y Mrs. Alee Yonson: correspond. O. R, Marlfin, children's reading; / ' meeting and the treasurer's re-|Port Perry Baptist Church invit-|% ing secretary, Mrs. F. C. Piper; Mrs. George, Cummin, health and 7 4 [port were read. Mrs. Robertiing the group to attend its meet-|: executive members, Mrs, William visual aid; Mrs. F. C. Piper, par- 7% id {Stuart reported that the May tea ing on Tuesday evening, June 10. Goyne, Mrs, J. W. Hart, Mr.'ent education; Mrs. Earl Hoy, 1 {had been a decided success. |Next week Mrs. Farle Hurlbert ' Earl Campbell Mrs. Donald publicity. A letter was read from y Ph It was decided to make a dona- will show slides of Miss Audrey Wood, Mrs. Cordon Cummins. . |Miss - Gertrude Tucker, health tion to the churchwardens for Hurlbert's work in Africa.' Mrs. The officers were installed by Supervisor of the Oshawa Public current a] anges. Final Blas Sepert Armstrong offered. prayer | the past president Mrs. Harold schools, thanking the members / by, + Here a er Hie congrega nat jon behalf of the missionaries. | Donald who was presented with for the help given in the poliomy-| 7 / ; {PH June 14 clei atk Mrs. Glenn Wardell spoke oni' a sheaf of red roses by Mrs. |elitis program for pre-school / {church at 1.30 . vi are ny the "Kindness of God". Referring g A. J. Allen. On behalf of the children. It was announced that 4 yi ' i DE vith > . AY |t5"the story of David and Mephi-| a |executive members Mrs, E. A./polio vaccine is now available ? met be asked to cull there batore Posheth in 2 Samuel, chapter 9,|* ; "1. - MRS, W. T. DEMPSEY MRS. JOHN KAUFFMAN |Mounce pinned a sapphire service to everyone free. and if one has yf £5, {leaving for the park she pointed out David's kindness GR ADU ATING ¥ [pin on Mrs. Donald and paid PSI, it's completely free, if not Y 4 / 6 | It was decided to .ancel the '© one who had been on the side | 4 ¥ 4 tribute to her for the fine work @ small charge is made for the 7 / i | $ of the enemy. Because of Da-| vy ronation nsta S {accomplished during her term of needles. f i ume meeting ig thé Bex vid's Jove to Jonathon and fhe) , Miss Marlene Brain, daugh- office. THANKS FOR CITATION i 2 / 7 Fe Sng ing We 2 flidiisrionid jv: covenant he had made with him,| tf of Mr. and "Mrs. H. T. Mrs. E. A. Mounce expressed ; / 4 7 fy Sy Pee Le ion this kindness was shown to Mephi-| Brain, Masson street, will New President And Offi DuABETE TALK ON DIABETES viati / ; : ; fv ew Iesl en nN A 1CETS Mr. Arthur Head addressed the' her appraciation 1b the members 7 ; 7 ments were served by Mrs, Doskieth Wie as given 2 place at: graduate from the School of Mrs. John Kauffman was in-| The meeting was in the form meeting on behalf of the Diabetic © So "gro che was given a cita- > ; pin IB George, Coverley and Mrs. Fred dit lade alt son where he| Nursing of St, Michael's Hose stalled as presidelt of Corona- of a pot luck supper. OF behalf Association, and stated that this ooo 4 1ico on embership in Home 7 4H 2 Ii) Schultz. Ff xar ually. pital on Wednesday, June $3. tion Home and School Asso. of the Association, Mrs, Gren. is a fairly common condition and ou 'coon she said that it was aA g 7 y | We need to realize afresh God's Th aduation exercises -will ciation .at its May meeting. She ville Williams presented a cup there are around one thousand , 0 ono. by the name of Me | £ A, 7 9TH SCOUT. MOTHER'S AUX. loving kindness to us in Chyist and) © gr succeeds Mrs. W, T. Dempsey and saucer to the four teachers diabetics in and around Oshawa.'y., uiin oho were responsible] Vi 7 7 0% The 9th Scout Mothers' Auxil-'to be kindly-affectioned /one to| °° held in Convocation Hall, who has been president for the who are leaving the school, Mrs. The purpose of the Oda for Wer start in Home and School | 4 7 A) / {lary met recently in the auditor-| 4, other, showing forth the kind-| Toronto. Miss Brain who is. the past year, | Fieanor Holman, Mrs. Audrey Diabetic Association is to' tell oy "rye Jate Mrs, Frank Me-| /s / / 7% ium at St. Gregory's Rom an {ness of God to. th tact! granddaughter of Mrs. J. J, other officers are: Vice- Fullerton, Miss Marlene Pyne people about diabetes, to help yp i, berguaded her to attend Yh / 7 y 4 {Catholle Chureh, (ay of God to those we contact (onan, Oshawa, attended presidents, Mrs. R. A. Donald and Mrs. Joy Noble people who have it, and educate J" ootino at Mary Street Associ! 1 The president, Mrs. Walter day by day, - | St. Gregory's School and Osh- and Mrs. R. 1. Mark; secretary, wi. wm pempsey. retiring o%¢ Who haven't got it. ation and the speaker was the |Atherfold, opened the meeting! Mrs. Jack Dugan closed the| awa Collegiate and Vocational 'Mrs. D. 8. Sugden; correspond-| "°° T° °° pse) . ® A membership campaign Is jate Mrs. R, S. McLaughlin who Mrs. Charles Plews gave the meeting with prayer. Institute. ing secretary, Mrs. John Chm. President, was presented with a peing held in the month of June spoke on parent education. From treasurer's report, and Mrs. ara: treasurer, Mrs. Norman Home and School pin and a gift. and they will be happy to receive that time on she had taken an Peter Barron read the minutes of | soy Raike; executive members, Mrs Reports of the year's "work for members anyone interested. active ipterest in Home and the previous meeting. da David Munroe, Mrs. N. E. Win- : The speaker, a diabetic himself, School work, and told of the plea- 7 Fis 3 ae: 10; WAIN " en by the icers and | 2 4 | A donation was approved and ter, Mrs. P. R, Duncanson, Mrs. were given by the officers an told how he discovered he was gyre she had of working with Osh- - |will be given to the men's com-! ADDING THEIR SIGNATURES {mittee to purchase Scout and John Mathews, Mrs, Harry Tre. conveners showing a successful a diabetic, told of treatment given awa Home and School Council of | and demonstrated the kit used which she is. past president. Mrs. R! [| Head stressed that by taking in-| man gave her annual report Mrs.| ring ceremony of St. Andrew's | is the son of Mr, and Mrs. given the Catholic Women's| sulin a diabetic can egt and eat\y w Hart, Council représenta- United Church were Mr. and | Ervan Rainey of Orono. Mr, and League. in appreciation of the use| ¥~ well; however the intake of food tive to the Oshawa Safety Coun-| Mrs, Gerald Robert Rainey. | i NM Tiv of its kitchen utensils, 7 --_-- has to balance the insulin taken: " Mrs, Rainey will live in Bow- 7Z i cil, gave her report. Formerly Miss Darlene Ann "Mrs. Gunter Aeson gave a re {there isn't anything a controll Mrs. George Thomson, presi-| Danks, the bride is the daugh- | manville, port from headquarters regard. diabetic cannot do except e#/gent of Cedar Dale Association, ter of Mr. and Mrs, F. C. Danks Photo by Ireland. |ing a conference to be held in sugar. The three things he has t0/n5ved a note of thanks to the October. It was decided to send a have are good food, exercise and retiring officers of Home and] . donation to headquarters for insulin School Council : ag ide Virs. Harold Donald, Mrs. J. J Refreshments were served by prides, 31 wa jilfo, Secided that Gaskell and Mrs. E. A. Mounce Harmony and Queen ' Elizabeth ings until September were appointed as a committee Association under the convener Mrs. Walter Atherfold thanked | to select a memorial to be placed ship of Mrs. Walter Ritzie. os 3 ; ] i - e members for their support . i : ] cduring the season. Refreshments y 00 children have been sponsored ps 1 y Canadian Charity under this scheme ere served by Mrs. James Me. ; "I feel just like a postman," - Through USC | sise, r e trated : resic ; {Cub camping 'equipment, It was % more -- and how insulin Is taken, Mr. Alec Yonson, publication chair- Married recently in a double- | of Oshawa and the bridegroom also decided that a donation be| ; said the tireless globe-trotting i ; ' qd \ . ELECT NEW HEAD Is World Wide |rumanitartas whe Bow » uy {Jo Aldwinckle, = Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474| MONTREAL (CP) -- Dr. Gar- | 1; Seem rrr (niet Thomas Page of Ottawa and By CAROLYN WILLETT | Lo Rorea 10 Jaance for foster j@ THE DAILY. TIMES-GAZETTE, Monday, June 2, 1958 Montreal has been appointed Canadian Press Staff Writer ir ------------------ i - -- m-- ---- |general secretary of the Engin- eering Institute of Canada, it was OTTAWA (CP) Dr. Lotta red M M Hood Writes of Vo a o {announced Sunday. He succeeds ye . . Y g I] |L. Austin Wright, who has re- Hitschmanova says her 13th Antiques Displa |tired after 20 years as general 275 {TT world tour of Unitarian Service Committee prajects was 'the Fo 1 1 3 N H Lo d B S ik | ' most worthwhile of all." I Springtime Tea ew ome, Nn on us tr1 e ey. Take was Jorn: i Egg Creme Shampoo BOTH ONLY gust havk Jour a Jakee montis At Rossland Home Word has been received from only 35 minutes from the office. tary of the Chemical Institute of Regular 75¢ size 5 r, St | Mr. M. McIntyre Hood, former My address will be 5 Old Forge Canada. ; PLUS NEW QUICK (0) (0) econ 'old a press conference it now is! One of the highlights of the! adi pe ' : : o : : itor of The Daily Times- Cloze, Stanmore, Middlesex. Dossivie io i Concrete Fesules springtime season was the de-|Gazette, who left Oshawa recent-| "I've become English hoa uy home permanent g Years of hand work, lightfully arranged tea held by ly to assume an editorship with hurry as I spent yesterday after- SOCIAL NOTICE régular « super + gentle During the last year, the USC group 1 of the Woman's Associa-| The. Thomson British Publications noon at I I's watching the Coun- has put "money into walls" to tion of Knox Presbyterian church jn London. Mr. Hood writes in ty Cricket match between Middle- | ENGAGEMENT build clinics, hostels and welfare held at the home of Mrs. A. S.|part: | nd S It tl M dM atrick | centres from Korea to Greece. |Ross, Rossland road east, last "We had h [sex . Ussex. p Save me jus wi hp Mrs. Patrick McGarry | With nearly 50 projects in|Wednesday. e had a wretched voyage the relaxation I nepded. sh to announce the engagement 5 iy p! | Recelving th across the Atlantic. Quite the| "London seems strange without |of their daughter, Mary Eileen, to 4 go | European and Aslan countrles,| Receiving the guests in rooms worst I have ever had. Goinglits buses and as a result' of the Mr: Nicholas Coady, son of Mr. bid i $2,500 00 Son ibaied Hore 8 Fac vey arrange th treas-| gown the St. Lawrence was de- hus strike which seems no nearer |2nd Mrs. Gerald Coady all of ' fy {han 42.300, 8 bul Bp funds, [rec antiques i G Pxingiime jightful, but after passing Cape settlement, the tube trains are|Oshawa. The wedding will take HELLO GRANDMA! Le dur a a Cal nd other | president of the Woman's Asso. Race we had three days of rough packed morning and evening. (Place on Saturday, June 28, at . , [supplies during the last 13 Yeats. | P| Side 4 nN oman 8 830° |seas and heavy swell. We hardly But, even without the buses the|!l 8m. at St. Gregory's Roman On her first birthday lately, | Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Camp- |, Dr. Hitsc hmanova said she ciation hon > ames ett our cabin during that time!streets in the city seem crowded, Catholic Church. Lora Denise Campbell had a | bell, Park road south, and found great appreciation for USC gi jp o ow 1 With because of mal de mer and we The taxi men are reaping a rich] conversation with her 4 granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs, (Projects overseas--'every ounce ostess, Mrs. A. S. Ross, in|yere glad when we saw the harvest, yet everyone seems to ; grandma | p "1 "Co nbell"and Mr. and. Of it done in the name of Can. an attractive afternoon gown of rola v. VBL 'everyone seen on her play telephone, The | Mrs. Carman Weatherall, all of ada." coffee tone in lace and taffeta ry read, although the sea get around with little difficulty STAUFFER Mrs. C all, | . * {was still rough, inni 'on- | HOME REDUCING little lady is the daughter of | Collingwood, --Mary's Studio. TO AID MOTHERS The dining room hostesses were, "It was a trernendous relief to an Jeople are DeguIng Bo won| Eo PLAN A major area of need is In the vig Hugh Hail, ar Find- get foot on land at Greenock on'many buses cluttering up the] HN kK)' Representative E R {Middle East, where through the vas. re Alibbs: it: Monday afternoon, May 19, and streets. Certainly, I have not had we GRACE i United Nations Relief and Works delis and Mrs. Lo Hew: to reach Edinburgh that night. |any trouble getting to any place || ma THOMAS 128 KING DIAL 3-46/ {Agency the USC has promised to! Mrs. Alex Si 3 Te eWson, "I came to London the follow-|1 wanted to reach, simply by 4 Ph. RA 3.9212 - 4 ATS. [LEX Simpson was in charge ing Thursday and have had 8|ysing the Underground." | PH 4 supply 25,000 layettes for Arab , On the occasion of the 35th!was master of ceremonies for the refugee thar Jot the home baking a Mes. } = BUSY eS house Junting from - Mrs. | Brighton to Richmond, ave | wedding anniversary of Mr, and presentation at the Gardian-Allen aol 1av " : Mrs. T. L. Wilson, Colborne wedding reception at the Polish, Loos laveties are as me | George Hamilton incharge of ad-|heen successful in securing RECORD ATTENDANCE | street east, two surprise parties Hall, Banting avenue, on Satur-| ; : 5 mission. » 'ery: Jovelv : ; ¢ N ¢ y old + idav ni ? = 'ho must' w 4 a very lovely house, completely, VICTORIA (CP) -- Mayors were held; one on Friday night, day afternoon, May 31. ee us Wi Bey born Pouring tea at various times|furnished in the village of Stan- | reeves, aldermen and councillors Yours many YOUR FROG Wy STORE HouRs: m 4 the department heads of The . | "In five countries, the USC also Ver¢ Mrs. F. L. Lamble, Mrs. more, Middlesex, at a reasonable from 300 communities arrived | FRCL Ercopt Wednesday imes-Gazette and their wives; Mrs. W .G. Rapley and Mrs.|_ onsors 22 homes for 58¢ : Duncan Campbell, Mrs. Roy-Mec-| rent, |Sunday for the annual meeting | (sai 9 a.m. to 12.20 a.m. and, one on Saturday night, by a H. M. Gibson, Simcoe street SPONSOrS 22 homes for 580 child- intosh and Mrs. R, S. Evans of| "It is just a d f a pl { the Canadian Federation of| RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CAN OPEN_ FRIDAY NIGHT group of friends both from Osh- north, have returned from a rea who are supported by Cana- mopontg : y vith » fo hoy 3 gn Sayers ata Municipalities al fil THe 9. P.M, ing 8 st P dian "foster parents." Since, the! : bh ely : 1 by . awa and Toronto, who gathered motoring holiday to West Palm P 3 °¢ M11 Many guests enjoyed the sunny northern outskirts of London, be- record attendance of more than 21 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH TELEPHONE RA8-2294 to mark the occasion. Beach by way of New Orleans, |>ccond World War, more than 4, | _- - "afternoon in an attractive country |vond Harrow. It is on the Under-|700 is expected for the four-day setting and conveners reports alground line (Bakerloo) and is!convention, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Riordan, | ceived his degree in dentistry at { ou NO MORE f . ; TUESDAY ONLY ! ' Mrs. E, 8. Joynt of Oshawa. Driscoll Sr., Mrs, George Price Mr. Peter Baron was master Mr and Mrs. Harold KryhullKrvhul's . J ! ) 3 | Kn) parents, Mr. and Mrs, | -- are meem------ ee ---------------------------- . of ceremonies at the .Ferenc- and children, Shawn, Debbie and|Dan Kryhul, Mal i : Shubaly wedding reception in St.!Susan, of Ottawa, are Visiting +4) Pie ryhul, Malaga road, this ; Georges Greek Catholic Hall on addi a -- Simcoe street north, held a recep- the Spring Convocation of the Uni- : ¥ versity of Toronto on Jednesday, SPECIA OFFE | Joa May 28. Mrs. C. C. Baxter was J 4 living room hostess. Also greeting, © " [11 4 » wid MEN'S Serving were Mrs, Patrick Me-| : kp." ~ Rc ] - Daniels of Whitby, Mrs. Harold § - A BF | The Revolutionary i Stott of Toronto, Mrs. Patrick| § fh | ' y £5 3 3 98 Saturday evening, May 31. | THE BEST COSTS | tion on Saturday evening for their | ' . y : fa i AT DOWNTOWN ZELLER S son, Dr. Peter Riordan, who re- ! Richard * the guests was Mrs. Peter Rior- | dan. Pouring tea were Mrs. An- TY : : gus Harrison of Cornwall and i > 77 rk fit PYJAMAS Wiley of Ajax, Mrs. Th a : 4 . . _® . tose, Mrs, George Price bf A fwd 'Textile Refinishing Process and Mrs. Joseph Riordan Jr., of Oshawa. Dr. Riordan -who willl . 'Bl A practice in Oshawa, will be as-| Rh n 4 d Bac, BON bah | | AND WHAT IT stered nurse. Bh ' Mrs. Frank Williams, West | : ere ! . : BUY 2 FOR 5 97 foreland avenue and Mrs. Al == DOES FOR YOU ) . bert Woodward, Buckingham av. ; . enue, attended the graduation| | a ; exercises held at the varsity | H : AND SAVE 1.96 of Toronto on Thursday when ON | f - is their niece, Miss Jean Victoria pees RE NU TEX" Stubley, received her Bachelor of [rr Ld = Arts degree, pass course. Miss you, ; ; 3 For the men of your family big savings! Stubley is the daughter of Mr.| } " ™ 2.75 Val 1. Replaces the natural oils removed by dry 3 CI tor eses cotrofiYh piSin shades, gud Ms. Redvers Stibley id i' Egg Creme Shampoo a Olue cleaning. )) | stripes or novelty designs. Elastic waist, double ? i Regular 75¢ si OTH QNLY 2. Rerews the original "FEEL" of the cloth X Chi ; x sewn seams for longer wear. See the new Mis, James Moots, Misa Cola | y f si2e d b " "4 r 'Shortle' styles in cool 'Stagline crepe' that Bird, Mrs. John Oakes and Mr and gives back to it the "LIFE" it possess- hte r y : ; gline e 1 ' PLUS NEw QUICK ed when new. \ x3 requires little or no ironing. Available in sizes ¢ : A to D. REMEMBER FATHER'S DAY JUNE Denis Timmermins attended the Metropolitan Opera's presenta- home permanent tion of "Aida" at the Maple Leal = regu/ar. supers gentle s ardent Friday. + . : . Gardens on 'Friday 4. Requires less cleaning, is more resistant to iss Eli h Anderson WRN Foun : M > . --e ae era Spots and siaim, A CHECK NEWSPAPER . .. RADIO ... WINDOWS ce. FOR DAILY SPECIALS on board the RMS Sylvania to 5. Gives you this premium quality service at return to her home in Cupar, " Fife, Scotland. Miss Anderson has 4 E L regular prices heen living in Canada for the , last two years. : 2 : Our services are designed for your use and convenience. Mr." Robert McDonald, Park Cosme Rago THERE IS NO EXTRA COST road north, went to Montreal : 5 . i DEPENDABLE--Serving Oshawa & district over 20 years. ZELLER"S during the weekend to met his FOR THIS SPECIAL SERVICE TELEPHONE --You may order by telephone: RA 3.2294. cousin, Miss Ann McDonald, who JERR A Tou! | 530 SIMCOE ST. S dh I arrived on the 58 Saxonfa and EIT: 3-2245 | OSHAWA PHONE RAS 3546 : DELIVERY ye deliveries daily within city limit, ry : --For your convenience at no extra cost. pp OWNTOWN plans o spend an extended visit SK A 7 i" in Canada. ING ST. W. - BOWMANVILLE - PHONE MA3-5778 IN SIS { ON RE-NU- { EX CHEQUES --Baby bonus and pay cheques cashed. ) . a (0 wrac A GUARANTEE --Merchendise satisfactory or money refunded. > ve in Polish eirel fo Acti ole iy oseph Hall 317 BROCK ST, SOUTH, WHITBY MO 8.2338 . 3. Retains the shope of the garment longer. > AGE 15TH.

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