Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 2 Jun 1958, p. 14

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~~ mn "w THE DAILY TIMELSAZETTY, Meidey, June 1, "eo BO--Articles For Sele |50--Articles For SH pase hesier, (heats 3 rooms) wilh | WE i. drum. Phone RA $5154, 123f used fur Phyls table, two step end|S10r® RA 3.3771. fables, good condition. Phone RA uu. 1 Fat, } Jnaslor, exterior, "Elect PIB. Tiarier. saierior, fiat, CL) 55 ga od Church, highest price in rniture, Pretty's rie. 8 Church, RA , BARGAINS! One Wareont Hi-Fi, cab June] inet model, $139.50; one 4-burner stovi do Yor | Used Furniture | June 3 flat, gions, lors $2.95 gal, Oshaws Hardware 7. | and record pla; ers for rent, Meagher's, | 718300, mow $149.50; ome bedroom suite 3 King Street West, RA 33435. June 31) (ueet) $49 30 %4 bed or ful metal bed AWNINGS, plain olors, or ay stripes. Prompt service, new motor) sews ree estimates, Order one Singer portable ( th spring and og rd (used) $15.95; now Beoms early Ey Chair and table 800d, $25; one cabinet model TV, $75; rentals. Cleve Fox, 413 Simcoe North, Oshawa, a» June. 18 SEE the new Electrohome riable $15; boy's record player, with all the Tatert ge ¥i unit; , Terms $10, §7 per month. | Street, RA 81131, § King West, RA 3343 |FIANG Steinway, large table model, ex cellent tone and condition, suit recrea- NEW rugs from old! Save up fo i. tion room or school, ai, call ovenisgs Made from your old rugs, woollens, Kends, clothing, etc, Beautiful tweed, revers- or_weel Alax 0 ible, broadioom. Phone RA 5-1532, $1.05 for big 10% eu, two-plece bed chesterfield (almost new) $49.50; two-piece leatherette bed ches terfield thew) | $03.30; B30 pms bike, only bargains try Store, 19 Prince June 13 ft, sheer-look June 30|Frigidaire, 42 Ib. freezer, only 28" ¥. Goodrich Btores, tires, batteries, ry "A 5512 RA refrigerator, television. Theifty budget plan, RA 5-4543, June 1. wide, save vd off. with trade. eet i ces paid in A "Oshawa "Tor the C Fur WHAIAMS plas, now St a pice you ture. Siore, 15 Prince Street. ~Phons 3 3 can. gfford, at Parkway lon, 18 Sirmene Sireet North, RAS une 20| "A 81131. SUNSHINE lady's bicycle, sie "trigs, new. Apply 440 Bater Avenue. ' 3 ashes and 125 | terms, en Prigidaire. sl Ry We RA s-3121. LUXURY OUTBOARDING! |iPRicHT BUDGET PRICES! -|with ben: Seg the power loaded new 24 ntly tuned, une 13 USED and repossessed TV sets, Serials recent sacrifice, 09, H, Glecolt, 174 Ritson Rost. 8, 124 ERIOS! 3 to 35 hp. 2 {YENTS tric . starting models, | warranty, Choose yours Terms. Cy Preece rage. Elto Soles ond rvice, Gliddon at Verdun - RA 5.925). wall and pup tents. Oshawa Hardware, |8 Church Street, RA 37624, (SAVE #98 on boats, motors apd trail {and moulded Tire Co, 4 June 16| 3681) - | PARTS -- Repairs -- Accessories, Con- "EBOAT KITS venient weekly, monthly payments, $56.00 and Up Open evenings ond week- ends |519 Times-Gazette. An Brooklin Marine Storage [ONE 12 cu Supply Ltd, PHONE 87 \ pre 18D 8 Hari e, still Street North, Apt, 1. June24 comfortably, with accessories, Mar! " "Mercury outboard motor, electric start. | condition, , both in perfect SPECIAL PRE SUMMER PRICES windows, awnings, r completely No extras - | FIVE violins, one over 100 ye ol excellent tone. Reasonable A fy Appl; after 5 p.m. 178 Roxborough Avenue |TRAILER, 14 feel, {sulated, unfurnished, new. Apply clitfe, RR 2, Oshawa, FLOOR len inch doo headdress a vell, installed $41.95 #0 buy. Finest in features, finest in quality. Call now gigs, cush or terms. Phone RA '8-1131 for = free estimates. RA 6 pom. RA 51423, June 30 8-8571 Ohi 1 COLONIAL -ALUMINUM Office and display court Evenings Call RA 8.1062 | = St i YOUR old electric razor is worth Be Sure With Coloniol }2 money, as a trade-in en & new razor Junel2 gy Meagher's. Large selection to choose | renee | from, Meagher's, § King Street West, | RA 3-3425, June 29 'ss NSU Motorcycle; WE 12" alum. inum roliers; 3' Beaver lathe, motor, chisels and bench. RA 5.2813, |'85 model RCA Victor 17-inch TV, @ YOU SAVE $3355 ° mm iarrl Phone RA 5-5248. | NGF Ld erweight portable e elec. | sewing machine, $65, bags, sleeping bags, oie tourist June 13 ers, Cedar op. Jorsgiam, aluminum See Provingial ond Street West, RA June 10 | Monty's BA Station, 284 Simcoe Sout! finguishing between we June 10] ch 3 oor with window on left side, Delivery and erection included in price. Write Box 124 |avold such harsh expressions, | bic foot Coldspot_reiriger- | says the current issue of The Bul- ator, RA 81420 or apply 837 Simcoe | jetin, six-times-yearly publication oa ree rrr "lof the Ontario Secondary School | | WEYMOUTH cabin cruise Hrd 75,| Teachers' Federation, not Delicacy, ------ | gested these tactful expressions, y long with their real meaning: th wedding gown, 5 hoop, | ish chair, #8, ME RA 5.5786, | them 'democratically' 136 | bully, ' Ancient Treasures May Be Brought To Toronto TORONTO (CP) --~ Exquisite carved lvories, treasures from | the ancient Assyrian city of Ca- e lah, may come to Toronto as a size, 1s) one Astral frig, result of an archaeological pro-| $43; one § x 13 rug (new) $119.50; one bedroom sulle (new) reg. value over ject being worked , in northern Iraq this spring and summer, 'Dr, A. D. Tushingham, head of the Royal Ontario Museum's art and archaeology department, said the museum will carry out the digging in co-operation with the | British School of Archaeology in/2 Iraq, Calah was built by the Assyrian "| King Assurnasirpal II, and served as the capital for the Assyrian 1241 empire during his reign and that of his son, from 883 to 82 B.C, BIBLICAL SITE Located near the city of Mosul, and site of the biblical town of Nineveh, the Calah mound was first excavated in .1842 by the British archaeologist Sir Aust Henry Layard, who was inspired in his search for ancient cities by reading the tales of the Ara' fan nights, He uncovered the historical | black obelisk of Shalmaneser 111, | son of Assurnasirpal, and a num-| ber of huge stone lions and bulls with carved human heads, now | in the British Museum at London, | Work at Calah began again af-| ter the Second World War, when| party from the University of | | | London's Institute of Archaeology {uncovered palaces, temples, and a great system of walls, More caved bulls and lions were found along with beautiful works in ivory. The ivory carv-! ings are regarded as an import. ant addition to knowledge of| ancient art, and many now are, shown in the British Museum, the | Metropolitan Museum at New| York and the Iraq Museum at Baghdad, I Teachers Try To Be Nice To Parents TORONTO (CP)--What does it mean when a high school stu. dent's report card carries jie re- mark: 'Shows difficulty "in dis- imaginery {end factual material?" In plain English: He lies. Teachers, however, like to Under the heading Department the magazine sug- "Needs ample supervision in 1% order to work well" lazy, "Needs guidance in develop- 127¢, ment of good habits of hygiene' bas bad odor, 'Resorts to physical means of | 127¢ | {winning his point or attracting at- 10 HP Johnson, smooth running, only. | tention" --too free with fists, "Needs to develop quieter hab- [its of communication' --noisy. "Has qualities of leadership but needs help in learning to use ~ he's . "Seems to feel secure only in| |group situations; needs to de | velop a sense of independence' -- roams with gangs, The magazine says these and other terms were originally pre- {pared by a teachers' committee and published in the Minnesota |Journal of Education. ON - CHONENASIES, tractor with 22 inch SELF-STORING k +41 Plough. -- Sle ALUMINUM Simcoe Street Soul LONG SEPARATION EDMONTON (CP) -- John Axmin Z 12, one ui side orev Tatsel bed with Easton city archives chairman, spring fied matinee, RA 34200 or 183 returned recently from Middleton N.Y., near New York City, where : EANGETTY or 8 condition. he Visited a brother, William, Dial RA 57163. §-" DOORS FIVE violins, one over 100 years old, H excellent tons, Reasonable price. Apply Il-Inch door, welded corners, |**T * Pm 5 " 1edjustable channels, 18" hid- SLRTINGER Vennls Tasker sad prews: (den hinges, 100% extruded excellent condition, #8. RA 59909, 128/ feluminum, 5-year free service policy, lifetime guarantees, Sou 5p 290 18 FT. cabin Nd , excellent condi tion, 53 Stone Street, Phone RA anal ELEOTRONOME radio, bination, automatic, PHONE chesta-bed, 815; small size tricycle, rt Phone RA 3.2575, RA 8-1338 FOR BETTER QUALITY CHESTERFIELD multe, twp condi WINDOWS-DOORS S57 tins 5 rime ia {AWNINGS ETC. J s like ita ER SEA Veg i SEASON-AIRE ' ALUMINUM LTD. : All-Canadian Co, Road. i Glendale Aelixe Sabin ttatler, fully equi; jeep six, like brand new. Squid. des after 3 p.m. First house on Nonquon June 7 TYFGWANER, German, Erika, port- ble, t tabulation, and shel Special features. Make offer, RA 35-8762 1350 20 ft, house TralloE, excellent con: {dition, One owner, furnished, reason ihe, cash, '52 Meteor Mainline, equip: Bed A trailer 'No. 36, Sudb A 40 CHESTERFIELD AND BED DAVENPORT 90 SIMCQE ST. S. RA 5.5332 SUITES ALWAYS ON DISPLAY AT BRADLEYS | RURNITURE DRIVE - IN sah Venetian blinds, plastic tapes. $99 SIMCOE 5. uo Ey Festi 0 outs Jun a cis STOVE. 40" Frigidaire delux model. FOR me FINEST | EF en Camorra pode; $a) | USED tires, most all izes, $3 up: Of © 0} RA 5:4543, June ! AT ie "ald 2s sevice dial RA 3.3484 for a Times-Gazette Classified ad-writer! Do it, NOW, FOR . - : ALUMINUM SEE! BOORS: AWNINGS | ofRIGIDAIRE SHEER LOOK - PLUS KOOLVENT-NASH i RA 3-2219 June +28 HOLODY SALES | PETERBOROUGH BOATS ALUMINUM .. Cedarstrip, aluminum, mould DOORS Pri Piywose, Nbregies, hull | Moulded mahogany hu WINDOWS Evinrude motors' | TEE-NEE TRAILERS AIR SHADE Loyoway glen, no Ninerice { . tor Dprove The finest Aluminum Awning a wr allable with the exclusive Marine Storage and Supply Ltd. 'FLAIR-VENT"" and "SKY- Brooklin, Ontario LITE" design. 0 Phone 87 ' n eveni d weekends, MAY SPECIAL Subdued li DOORS 51--Swap and Barter completely Installed {LIFETIME GUARANTEE |you. "Coins Bark Road South and for what have RA 5.2431 Hillside. RA 3.7008, : June 1 June9! 50-Articles For Sale THE VERY BEST COSTS NO MORE "WINTER SEAL" -- "KRYLASTIC" weather:proofed Storm- Screen windows. "WINTER SEAL" -- Aluminum Combination Ddors, (See the new Jal-O-See). "KOOL LITE AWNINGS" -- Ventilated Aluminum Awnings and Canopies. See the newest in ;odjustable. awnings, "KOOL.- SIDE" -- Awnings and Canopies, "They open and close from inside." '"BEAUTI-DOR" Shower enclosures, Fireplace Equipment ond Wand Iron Railings and futnishings. Toronto prices, LES EVENISS SALES LIMITED 15 PRINCE STREET A 5-4632 ous EVENISS -- RA 3.2707 DON HOWE -- RA 5.0313 plays ol ws; | whom he had not seen since they left their home in England 60 178 Roxborough Avenue, |YOATS ago. 128¢ KEPT RECORDS Canada Not Losing Any Wheat Sales OTTAWA (CP) -- Trade Min-| ister Churchill says Canada is not | losing any wheat sales to Com-| munist China because of United States policy towards that iu try. He was commenting on a Win. | nipeg report Friday quoting sources as saying some big in. | ternational grain trading firms, | based at New York, are afraid to sell Canadian wheat to Red] China b of U.S. opposition {to trade with the mainland, i | "That's just a rumor," Mr.| Churchill said Saturday in an In- terview, "I have no accurate in-| formation on that point. But the important thing is that we are not losing any sales to China. We have plenty of agents. to nego- tiate sales." MOST CULTIVATED Corn is more widely cultivated |around the world than any other crop grown by man, | SIZES 36 10 8 Look What A Times Want Ad Did For M "I wanted so much to have our chesterfield re-covered but both Ralph and I reasoned that our budget could not stand it. Then one day when talking fo my next door neighbor she mentioned how she had sold her old, but still useful machine through a Times-Gazette Want Ad, ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOUSE, GRAVITY fires, ofl Burner and con' Alta, (CP)--W. J. Kirby has re- tired after handling the vital sta. tistics of this foothills town for 20/46 years. In that time he regis- tered 2,344 births, 1,198 deaths and 742 marriages. ics, 53 --Legel Notices [TENDERS will be received A(20 at 4 p.m. for the erection of Faith = 1 Bat Chureh, Nhity, Drawings and be fro Herbert G. Cole, "architect, 1119 Groen 128 | Street, Whitby, upon deposit of Lowest or any tender will not neces. sarily be acce 138b CITY OF OSHAWA COURT OF REVISION Notice Is hereby given that a Court of Revision will be held in the 3rd floor Board Room, City Hell, 50 Centre Street, on ~Thursday, June 19th, . et 7 p.m, to heor oppeals against charges for sidewalks, sewers and pave- ments, which have been con- structed os local improve. ments, DATED ot Oshawa this 2nd day of June, 1958. L. R, BARRAND, City Clerk, 128a By ANNE ADAMS It's your favorite shirtdress. | Tucks slimming down the front are easy to sew with a Printed Pattern; becoming to the larger figure. Have it as a cotton day-| timer; in faille for special occa. sions. Two sleeve versions. Printed Pattern 4507: Women's Sizes 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, | Size 36 takes 4% yards 35-inch, | Printed' directions on each pat- | tern part. Easier, accurate, { Send FORTY CENTS (40c.) in| coins (stamps cannot be accept- | ed) for this pattern. Please print | plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, | STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, | care of Daily Times - Gazette, | Pattern Dept,, Oshawa. Ont. | AT ! HOME APPLIANCES | Juned| June 7| binets, plumb | F June284 'DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS | 1 Monks' titles | © 8 Wound | mark 9. City (Nev.) 10. Harmonize in color 11. Studént 12. Finished 14. Past 13. Route 16, Sen, Byrd's 13. Jot state (abbr.) tion mark | 17. Spendthrift 15. Marry | 20. Footlike 18, Ridicule part 10. River 21. Tipsy (U. 8) (slang) 20, Counter 22. An obi signs 23. Rope.. splicing tool 24. Distress signal 28. Close 27. Explodes 30. Sanskrit school 81. A new subscription 32. Exist 33. Female . fowl . 84, Metallie k roc 85. A Broadway . sh ow 37. Girl's nickname 39. Outer husk 40. Wavy (her.) 41. Places 42. Spar DOWN 1. Provident 2. Quiet 8. Cuckee 4, Coin (Peru) 8. Rob 6. Rabbit (Eur,) 7 Particle of addition 8. Female 11 Animale y LIMOS IER SIL JOITTH OIA ISIE ISERCIUIRL [ET HIAIPIS ELV [AN] EID Nas o[R| IOISIT] fa MIAINIT IA] BES ISITE IRELE getting the very price she wanted. That gave me an idea. RALPH AND I GOT BUSY that same night gathering up the chil- dren's outgrown playthings and spare articles which we thought might be of use to others. The next morning I listed them in the "Articles for Sale" column of the Daily Times-Gazette. What happened then was simply amazing. y "WE RECEIVED DOZENS OF PHONE CALLS from all over the city and district. To make a long story short, everything was sold with- in two days. Ralph was just as delighted as I was and we're planning on having the chesterfield set re-covered next week. What's more, the cellar and den are so much more tidy. It goes without saying that The Times Want Ads get results." What can Times Want Ads do for you ? Day after day Times Want Ads are al work selling property, locating ten- anis, finding qualified help, recovering lost articles, and gelting resulls no matter what the problem. That's be- cause Times Want Ads reach so many Oshawa and District homes and get such penetrating readership that they pay off regularly when put on the Job. WHY NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF TIMES WANT ADS YOURSELF ? : RA 3-3492 Times-Gazette Want Ads

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