15--Reel 'Estote For Sale (45--Real Estate ¥. For Sale [46--Reol Estate Wanted OR sale -- frame 1% . Srey homa.| rt cash, balance a ren, | four ur oom: | TOUR or five-room bungalow with bath, Avge eabutiful Tandses; ona athroom, pew. fursace, a! Lor a waiting client. If you ean he aved road with excellent bus servies.| |ing, mewly Secvisted, gare garage : fruit | ;all Gerald Barrow, Broker, RA soit | |47--Automobiles For Sale bath and mod (sees, Conant ; 1244755 iiliman, good condition, ¥438, Phone 19 Ford $125, New brake. els 4 12M ment, private entrance, no children | TP Kilchen, New school in liagh Sh: BA sil. : BA $7345, 4 1261 starter and sess covers, RA 5 REE uniurnished rooms, with three BA 88865, "Ria. we 8 ity ng 5K THREE bedroom brick tile 756 gn Wei Bardiop, 300 AD-| 5 | fioos isce bath, Lights, heat and water sup | 4 -- wim and hardwood floors, aluminum, storms : |ersodBuress Wainy, 126¢ | 3295 Some have radios. Mad, Rungeiis, Adults prelerred, Vos 45--Reol Estate For Sele SIVER front lois, on Pigeon iver, 1 and screens, central, phone shies § pm. a A we ws. Some have sadivtosf pr June 2, RA 32129 2A LpVELY Tot KA "x 200 an a on 4 _Omemes. __ vita RA s, elie ona owner caren excellent. con: |pomite the Shopping Centre, | Rey \TBREE or four unfurnished rooms APRs - off. Gerrar Rond ort modern Borges $750 full down payment, 3 only, Smart 3 dition, two tome, many extras, Phone Be aa Couple, one child welcomed. RA 56852, Box 519, viii Ther «124 Phone RA 57423 or RA 59877. June 13 poqroom, gt Wop with com RA 3.27%, : 126¢ Asti Dmg Insurance, gi 1241 inished recroom, exhaust fi a SAVE $850 on this private sale, five Pontiac, immaculate condition, res Haely f For personal services at your home, THREE + room basement spariment, | room modern brick bungalow, NHA re-| sonable, RA 54057. kitchen. Many other extras, 'Dow's RA 52802. Y J wparate enirance, heavy duty wining, sale, interest 5% per cent, pe war South GM, business couple, KA ments $53, principal snd interest Yn Phone KA" 58 plekis fruck, good } cond) RA 30452 after 8 p.m THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Mondoy, Jume 2, 1958 ~ (*4--For Rent 184--For Rent ; IHPEE rooms and bath, Bear sout IREE - room private, ground floor | srtment, andl GM. Avihy % ok in kitchen Private baths, io ang a Road, June 7 Airing. Wear Dupiste. Phot BA 56497. SOUR . room, self - contained spar: | J furnace, three-piece 32--Articles Wanted 136--Female Help Wanted FAIRLY sont two wheel sidewalk Dike SHORT order cook, Must be fully « fo suit child ¢ years old. Dial 32159 perienced on grill 1284 belt, Genosha® Hotel ous basement ond wi sruces Laing: ive us 8 call, We imeos Stress 47-- Automobiles For .§ Cor Jun wallresses waple Apply Mr. is cut EXPERIENCED valuable #iso bus prs Apply Mr, Campbel pay you Genoshs ARNEL BA EXPERIENCED waiiress, ADP 5 JUBTL pany Redourant, 454 Gimeve Mos: or . We ore interested in procur- ing listings on a few good properties oround the City, If you are interested in sell ing your -home plecse tele- phone our office, We would / be pleased to extend our ser- vices to you, Robert 5, Me- Collum, Realtor, RA 5.6402. BBh, i ABUR women oF a T ond sell and exchange. 19° om v rince ive in with widow snd mind ehil » Stross, BA 81131, June dren while mother works, Good home WANTED =~ ne, sed Godar sirip, remunerstion. Phone Ajex 13%, 1% a, 1250 CASMIERS ~, fully experienced fo! day week, isa Buick Century hardtop, new 5 wien Sutomatie, radio, two |older model, trade considered, P {Must sell, HA 59640 after pm. 1%3 | Ford, fordor sedan, custom radio, car rivate, 125¢ i | a ir "or Baby Supermarket, five nd, ay San, ake and Sie 825, TimesGorette i Market, Ajox SHAW E staring selsry, Apply Bassin's ¥ 9 o¢ Ms x Wnopping Centre. 126¢ -- for household duties 4 and centrally locsted » apariment Hy furnished hone RA 59920. ATTRACTIVE four - room July snd August, Com time work, to Live in. Two y small children RAG AND METAL MO 84122 Joke Shaw wilt pay ou more for your scrap ron, tin, copper brass lead, aluminum, etc, 89 BLOOR ST, EAST RA 5-2311 Open Soturdoys Also Auto Wrecking on days, Apply In Filiott's Restaurant, | Worth, §* Simeoe course, ree ~ Experience tions. Apply #2 Bimene Street North BECOME sn Avon representative # June 12 earn good income in your spare time in IED Opening for eapable woman in po ares of Oshaws. Write or phone 2.7667. Miss Blvd, Toronto 19, Ob CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METALS LTD IRON METALS WANTED ~-- experienced woman counter serving, Apply Jubilee re on dg of Fairdresier for oy ONE refined young indy wanied for evening work, and one for part - time only Breet 123 pit A Wigh whe Cd 7 see, living in Wi #0! 127) ferred, giod salary snd working cond 12m E. Outerbridge 42 Saranac Mey 28.2030; June 244 available in private {or Pavil - vos THREE . 1 PAPERS +: RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5.3432 RESIDENCE RA 5.4159 100 ANNIS STREET ° FREE PICK-UP STENOGRAPHER Experience preferred, good salery" ond - working condj- tions, Apply 82 Simcoe St, June20: North, Oshawa, 4 35--Employment W FOLLY experienced stenographer re. quires full time work, Phone RA 51723, 1244 EXPERIENCED Iady requires geners) office position, or, J ehbosrd prefer ably. Phone RA 3908; 128 "GENTLEMAN wants Part "Ume work, 8am tol pm. daily, Chaulfeur's li eense, Anything considered. Phone RA 4922 124 MAN and station wagon for hire, hour: | Iv, daily, weekly, RA 85 1280 WAITRESS 36--Femcle Help Wonted | Experienced, evening work, SALESLADY part time, experienced in Apply; selling better class suits, coats, dresses BQ-PEEP RESTAURANT ond sportswear. References and good Rppearance essentinl, Apply in person Oshawa Shopping Centre Beigneurs Sportswear, Oshawa Shop ping, Centre 1m JANITORS WANTED FOR OSHAWA SCHOOLS Must be of good character ond copable of assuming responsibilties, Abstainers only, LADY TO TAKE CHARGE OF THE CAFETERIA ot the Dr, 8. J, Donevan Collegiate Institute, one with previeus experience preferred; duties to commence September 1, 1958, MATRON for the new Collegiate; duties to commence September 1 next, Apply In own handwriting giving full particulars of experience ond qualifications, S$. G. SAYWELL, Chalrmon Board of Education Capable, responsible, generol Good Euro- housekeeper, Live in, conditions, References, peon prefered _ PHONE RA 8- 5416 W. GORDON BUNKER Business Administrator 128es/0ll heated. RA 51880 127b Chita welcome. Phone RA 58060 128b Flitele Help Wanted 4 5 glass bal requ og tely, APPly | to 8 Richmond ally. Apply in' person . RADTER and decorator, 0p wer s 88522 after 6 p.m FPLANTERER wanted Wakes IBINGLE "furnished room, suitable andy work, Phone MA 3-503 Apply L. Taft, Balmoral Hotel, ville August 1, Medd, 3 after 5 pm "2% FOUR 7 NEAT and courteous drivers wanted Et Apply in person only, United Tax, 143 phd 1280 TWO Ring © furnished. Apply 575 Finuea WANTED experienced caretaker, #150 fia 5.1684 after § p.m, week doorman, for Friday and Saturday FOUR. oom PTY nlghta Jubliee Pavilion 127% Bond Street ¥ SALESMAN en Good salary and com- ToOm ApAriment, A241 * two rooms and bath, very adults, immediate possession. | Box 426, Time zette three bedrooms, eentral 124 | by librarian and family, girl i Oo] THAER unfurnished room Ross hot water, Garsge included. 1341 monthly and one-half hydre. , for [5 545 one or two gentlemen, Phone RA 8.8025 1240 DOWNSTAIRS Apa apartment, "Bulit-in cup. on {Bond Phone RA 5.0212 "to ehil Ld 1261 - room "basement apartment, un Street 126( ' very eentral. | fldren wel Juneio BELF-coniained unfurnished apartment, | central, Write 126¢| FURNISHED room, girls only, wo! may share, refrigerator, electric kettle, land laundry privileges. Close to hospi ital and downtdwsn. Phone RA, ft" FOUR 7 room seid contained "apariment, new stove and 'frig., adults only, $77.50. {BA 5.4569 125 (My $50. 227 Dearborn Ave. RA 59298 1274 TWO rooms in new home, private "bath | Kitchen cupboards and sink, Close to! GM and school, No children, Apply 249 Hillside Avenue 125 THREE room unfurnished part Private bath, Adults. Abstainers. | RU #8 MaMilias Drive side entrance July Junez) Yooms home. 82 Park] North, 6 pm, 10 7 p.m. RA 8671 June - room apariment, builtin cupboards, sink and hydro, Private en "trance, re bath. Abstajners. Apply 630 Ki est, NEARLY new, #ix y near south GM, Available end of a 354 King Street East, RA 51995 eve nings. 124 ™o "room apartment {and one large] housekeeping room, All on ground flooy 127% large rooms, upstairs, light wir water hydro included, very) central, private entrance, 201 Athol East, RA 57043, 1271 ONE or two furnished or r_ unfurnished rooms, in new home, private bathroom | and entrance, parking. Nice for gentle | men or business couple, RA 3.7070, 1271 | | APARTMENT three Yooms, , avaliable | | June 1, #59 monthly, Phone Bowman. | ville, MA 3-5578 before 6 p.m, 1274] FOUR ment on see ATTRACTIVELY ¥ furnished J FOUR ing, heat, room Apartment on second | | fiver of duplex for rent, on Athol Street | East. 875 per month, Call Reg. Aker at fA 322605, Schofield Insurance Assocl | aes Limited 1270 | THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms. Apply 590 Wilson Read South | Junelf | PRACTIONLLY complete, three room | apartment, all convenience floor. Apply Box 529, Time [Two Isrge rooms, heavy wirin able for old age pensioners or Prd {business couple, No children, Reason |able, RA 3.4048 after 5. 128¢ |FouR = room, semi-furnished or un furnished apartment, stove and refrig. | erator, Apply 496 Simeoe North, Apt. 4, RA 56309, 128¢ THREE large room basement spari: ment, furnished or unfurnished, private bath, central. RA 52341, 183 Arthur Street, 1284 THREE room apartment, ground floor, private 'entrance, $15 weekly. Small children welcomed, will day care, Bloor Street West, RA #1719, 128 FURNISHED four - room apartment, Rests, central, Phone RA 3.7602 after 128b "contained thres - room modern apartment, heavy. duty wiring, Avall able June 15, RA 85-1354 1284 TWO - room sell - contained apartment, all_eonvenlences, ground floor, private| ath, reasonable, Ses it to Appreciate. | m2 Elizabeth Street, RA 5.8108 1280 SELF . 1281 prices $12,800, with $4500 dows. A 488 Cunningham Avenie, BA Sad Court, two bi for| Centre, Phone inity oar. A work in gl bar, Phone RAI BEE unfurnished rooms, mice loca). $8580, HOUSE sad pits with 3 actep of land, fruit, close 10 Oshawa ir [Would house in Osh. awa. Write Box #25 mas-Garetie Rd HOUSES wanied. Buyers walling some all cash or your ally. W. McAuley Realtor RA 32512. EA, Minkson sales | may RA 8822. June?! $11,400 LOT -- All services, "w x 61. Terms i needed. 536 New, modern, S-room, 3-bed- Street, WA 51198. rane 05.000 buys 10 sere sere lots on paved near Bowmanville. MArket 3.2996, CURTOM bull bungalow, wo rooms, sll large rooms, L shape vik. dining room, with fireplace; finished recreation room, many- extra's, large Jot, fully landscaped or two acres, Pri plumbing, ond loundry tubs, immediate possession, Phone RA 3-2017, 127b LOT for sale, SX x 134, on Harris, north ng A 54956, 1256 SACRIFICE PRICE FOR QUICK SALE Will occept low down payment Five-room brick ond stone bungolow, three bedrooms, clothes closets, lorge kitchen, | vate sale. RA 5.7137, June 2, 4, 6 NORTH West -- new S-room brick A moTEaLe, 81,800 Ay y three left: hurry befofe you miss out. on this terrific offer For location (and additions] information, contact Bill | Rateliffe at RA 56544, John A. J. Bols- hood Limited, Realtors 123 NOTHING DOWN COLONIAL HOME Offers several choices on 3- ond 2-bedroom bungalows delivered to your lot, reo Junez} [original clean upholstery, $095. No| 4 | down i If you want to sell your home ond want fast efficient serv- ice don't hesitate any long- €r, gives us a coll ot RA 3-2254 anytime LLOYD AYERS REALTOR Ozzie Addison, Soles Representative 1245180 party. running condition. Deut est offer. fer, Whitby, MO 8.4818, 1935 Plymouth -- good fires, King Street East. 1952 Pontiac sedan, Sew motor, radio, excellent condition, Private, Pivhe A une " cycle 900 cc. Like new. Can arrange finance, Phone RA 50571. 120 BUCK'S BODY SHOR! Excellent collision work, weld ing, pointing, towing ond storoge. Cars bought and sold, H. Marlyn, proprigion 361 Bloor St, E. id i Buick sedan, two tone, mission, radio, Good eondition. Call RA 85-5478, 127¢ for eosy erection; "Colonial Homes, RA 8.8571, 289 Pork Roed South, Oshawa, LARGE brick home. Natural fireplace, oil heat, landscaped lot, close to school, \ehures snd bus, Rossland Wert: 3A June12 3.9708, built-in cupboards. Lorge bright living rom, four-piece bathroom, bath end shower, oll hardwood ond tile floors, oil heated, full size bosement, foundry tubs, copper plumb- ing. Very lorge size lot, Beautiful location on Meadow Crescent off Gerrard Rd, Pri-~ vate, immediote occuponcy, RA 11 or RA 5-2539 after 6 p.m. 1264 LARGE APPROVED LOTS AT COURTICE RA 8-8582 126b NEW N.H.A. HOMES I $1,400.00 DOWN Nicely-kept 5-room, 3-bedroom insul stone bungalow on Rowena $t., heating is hot oir-cool, 3-piece both, loods of cupboards, g00d- size lot, Full price only $6,900, $1,500.00 DOWN No qualifications necessary to purchase this lovely 3-bedroom brick bungalow on Meadow Crescent, extra-large kitchen, 4-pce, both, forced air oil heating, hardwood and tile floors; immediote possession, Full price $11,900, LOTS lots, B2 ft, x 265 #., Taunton Rood E, Priced from LLOYD J AYERS REALTOR - RA 3-2254 128b| $975.00 DOWN $69.00 MONTHLY These new 3-bedroom, solid brick are a terrific buy at this low, low down payment, Sev- eral different models to choose from, FOR APPOINTMENT CALL RA 8-1338 ANYTIME BOEM CONSTRUCTION BETTER BUILT BY BOEM [THREE - room unfurnished basement |apartment, private toilet and shower THREE room sell cohiained unfurnish- ed apartment, with private entrance, So TV Adults, Available now. RA 00ms, continuous Rent Bult Apply 212 Ritson South, RA 1250 couple 1 boards, heavy duty range, Garage Business or elderly couple preferred Phone RA 3.7308 between 2 and 7 1284) TAREE unfurnished houReROPIg | rooms, good conveniences, central lo. | cation. RA 3.7703, Jung ny Moder 4- and 5-room apartments. Electrically equipped. Best location, $90 ond $105. A. J. SCHATZ REALTOR GENERAL INSURANCE 7% SIMCOE STREET 8. § OSHAWA » NORTH OSHAWA $3,500 down, 3 bedrooms, brick ranch bungalow, mod- em in every way, completely londscoped lot, N.H.A, Re- sole, INGOME HOME $14,500" for. 7-room, 4 bed- rooms, 2 bathrooms, very large kitchen; 3-room apt. now rented for $6500 month, Attached garage. Wonderful value, COLBORNE STREET EAST Executive type ronch-style home built on a beoudiful large lot-- large living end dining room with broodloom wall to wall, notural stone fireplace, 3 large bedrooms with extra «large clothes closets, The kitchen has on abundance of cupboards ond o large eoting orea, with windows overlooking a rovine, colored fixtures in tiled bathroom with built-in vanity, Partial stone front and ottached goroge, aluminum storms ond screens plus o covered potio ot rear of gar All this for only $19,000, Reasonable down poyment, Con be seen by appoint- ment only, MAPLE GROVE Situated on No. 2 Highwoy = 7-miles east of Oshawa -- 2- storey brick Duplex on 2 acres of good garden land with large chicken house, 2 bedrooms, living room, bedroom end bath- room on second floor with private entronce. Built-in walk In freezer in basement -- well decorated ond landscaped. Just listed ot $16,000 with holf cosh required, EAST SECTION Beoutiful brick with stone front | Va-storey, 7-room house with ottached garage, completed In every way end includes large living room with notural fireplace, large dining room, modern kitchen with rubber tile floors -- den or breakfast room, 3 forge bedrooms, ceromic tiled bathroom, divided basement, beoutiful grounds -- chestnut trim -- a real quality hos, listed ot $15,800 with $9,100 cash poyment required. BURKE STREET Lorge 6 room home In convenlent location with beautiful fenced rear yord, Idec! for children; natural fireplace, oil heot- ing, $10,000, APARTMENT LOT 75' x 300' lot zoned for apartment, in good location backing u lo lo Jeni volley and creek. $4,500, Call Lloyd Metcalf ot 5-698 INCOME HOME 1Va-storey, S-room brick. home with extra washroom upstairs, natural fireploce, oil heating ---- well londscoped --- hedged yord, close to public school, $11,800 with $3,800 down, LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE 12 white tine 47--Automobiles For Sale "55 Ford sedan fudone black and, whit iranupottation 4795, No| n payment responsible party, | (Seaway Motors opposite the the Shopp) ng Centre, 1231 ' oMemobiie; sutomdtic sedan, will accept trade, car or lots, very reason (able, 199 King Street West, 1 |'53 Pontiac - sedan deluxe, immaculate] '$4 Chevrolet coach, in tion, For information Ask for Mr, Finer, 86 Mercury, black and white, sutoma- te Stanamission, radio, white walls, A-1 condition. RA 57200 before 5 p.m. 123 THREE - ton Chevrolet, 14, fi. van |body. Phooe Bowmanville, MA' ia SUPER Fox', 125 e model, excellent condi call RA 3-488) 123 5.4513 or RA 5.7456, SABYAN MOTOR, SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER VOLKSWAQH SALES and , SOUTH only 3000 yO. Halt "Pres. Apply 100 condition, two tone, custom radio, auto | matie transmission. Windshield wrsh-| ers, ofl filler and many extras, Best offer RA 58718, {Alma Bree Street. APPING 7780 4 Buick Special, four - door, dyn he cream and red, radio, Excellent ¢ condi tion. Original owner, $1350, Apply 28 1! | Beaufort Street, fio, "56 Ddge good condition, recent paint 0 Chev. deluxe, ony parts in selon condition, Phone RA Seaway Motors Lid A 127¢ (Oshawa or 200 Dundas West, Whitby, 1231 48--Automobiles Wanted All HIGHEST pr prices paid for ood cars, ing Wi 428 it, June 2 Phone 1 AK Auto Wreckers jab, good rubber, Will RA 58522 after 6 o'clock, fo RA '53 Pontiac sedan, good condition. 124 53347 after 5.15 p.m, BUSINESS 1S GOOD AT WELLMAN'S Because people ore tuming from high powered, elongated, gos eating monsters to sone economical meons of trons. portation, 35-40 M.P.G. up to 85 M.P.H. without sacri ficing comfort, sofety or op- pearance, 40 - 50 thousond miles on o set of tires Is not unusual "RIDE IN STYLE, . FOR LESS PER MILE" "Hillmen of course sold end serviced by Wellman Motors Ltd, for nearly ten years, Come in today for Free Dem- onstration or coll: RA 5-7981 And 'we will pick you up. Small payment or trade, up The 6th Scout Group wish ei a 125f for wrecking. Highest prices 41748 Chevrolet, in good a. $1 conditbon for 8-1030 between %1 am, 122 1181 or RA 85-1182, ash, Phone RA nd 4 p.m. to dispose of ao 1949 MERCURY PANEL TRUCK Bids to be sent with 10% of purchase price to: N. WRG RR1, OSHAWA 3.4392 PRIVATE One owner, well cored for '53 Meteor, custom, tudor," 42,000 miles in showroom condition, . Fully equipped. Must be sold, RA 5-2879 or 25 Brock W.| 123¢] CLEAN CARS™ WANTED TRADE UP OR DOWN LIENS PAID OFF ni qure oo ow PETIT: a WILBAK MOTORS 137 KING ST. W, RA 5-0732 7 June 21 BUYING or SELLING See. r TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Rood) to 36 months on balance. June22 June 21 RA 3-4494 Res: RA 5.5574 Brand-new Plymouth, s value, equipped with VAN HEUSEN YOU AUTO BUY NOW licenses, prestone, tank full of gas. Only $2295 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH-FARGO= DEALER 149 King Street West HIGHEST PRICES, PAID FOR "1 Good clean cars, Vrady up Bi down, Liens paid off . DODD MOTOR SALES: 314 PARK RD, §,' *™ RA 3-9421 : CASH " FOR YOUR CAR MACKIE MOTORS WILSON RD, § RA 5.5743 or RA 5-1892 Jue10 pecial "Auto Buy Now" heater, undercoating, MOTORS LTD. 49--Automobile Repairs SMITHS CAR CLEAN UP. Make yours like new, S| Izing job, int touch , chrome, upholstery, rex cleaned, mats, trunks, whi cleaned, painted. Many extras... Work guarants Free estimates, ihe op Clinic. RA 5- 7192. is A 5-3557 May 30, 31, June 2, 4 BRAMLEY JOT0R "= 1271 Simcoe North yo ai PHONE RA 3-4673° ad Spcialists in Ford series and parts, Wheel alignment 314 Simcoe Street South Dial: RA 3-9329 or 5-6551 _ After 5,30 Dial 5.9191 Berneice Armstrong 5.6243 Everett Elliott '| COVELY Three-room unfurnished apart . ment, Ground floor, Private entrance RA 8 8676 and private bath, Builtdns in kitchen Vacant now, Phone RA 5.7038, 126¢ APARTMENT -- Four rooms, second| floor, completely self-contained How | wiring, Adults, RA 3.9850, 4 127b TWO large unfurnished rooms, Kitchen | | with sink, cupboards and bedroom 41---Room and Board | and clothes closets, Washing facilities "hone RA 3.9462 126 | ROOM and board for one we Toot. Tw TWO rooms, private bath, extras, north | walk from four corners, and two min. © nd, couple only. RA 3.7052 Lug utes' walk from north and west plant MODERN saven - room house, i Jocated 45--Real Estate For | Sale of GMC, RA 34040 1241 On main street of Bowmanville, 0 " heated, Will lease. Phone MA 3.0935. ROOM and breakfast for gentleman, 1231 | ve days a ok, b 39146 -- --- - - five day we near bus. RA 123¢ FOUR rooms and hath, downtown Available June 1. A LL] A ROOM "and "hoard for two "gentlemen East i PRY King Bireet| « "three large unfurnished five or seven days a week, preferably| steady hag workers, centrally located CENTRAL, 126 a Lo0A, light wiring. Baby welcome. 65 Citurle 123 | RA 81716 ROOM and hoard for young man, will | mission, preferred with camera and radio ex- perience: Apply 82 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, NEW N.H.A, with latest type equipmeht:: $900 to $1,600 down, 3-4 Line bedroom split level and ranch style homes, A few left, For particulars call Mrs, Simpson, RA 5.8461, evenings RA 5.7420, RA 5.8461 MO 8.3337 Pickering 590 Member Local Real Estate Boon LC] YOU AUTO BUY NOW WIN $25 A Bailey $25. door prize will be given to the person who's ticket is drawn after visiting any one of the Auto Buy Now dealerships. STOP IN NOW PLYMOUTH Plaza two-door, turn signals, wind- shield washers, wheel covers.. Special value «June? ® . 5.0457 3.9290 1280 SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. RA 3-2265 N.H.A. RESALE 412% NEAR KING STREET EAST A beautiful S-room brick bungalow, Garage ond paved drive, Jos Dick 5 who een en For Rent or Sale 12 acres, between Shopping Centre and 401, adjoining CPR railway, Apply 21 JOHN'S GARAGE Repairs to all cars Two locations to serve Motor overhaul, bral clutch, transmission, differens tial, tune ups, 226 Celina RA 3-4233 Church Street 1 Ry Abi A Ristow & Olsen be Or Corner of RA! aoe and Ritson ot RA Station ! 50--Articles For sadly 1957 $1825 » New twin beds, Ing to share, all conveniences, laun. AT Whithy, two-bedroom suite In apart dry. Abstainers. North Simcoe, near ment building, electrically equipped Pell Telephone Garage, RA 5.105) Antennae; immediate possession. MO June2n 8 4231 Whitby June 3 REST in town, single beds, £11 modern TWO rooms and kitchen, sink, cup conveniences, close to south GM. RA hoards, heavy duty wiring. One, two $1168. Apply 536 Lorraine Street children welcome, RA 85477. Apply 777 June Rowena Street 12% FOUR rogm apartment, with bath, hot ROOM and hoard, wven days weekly newly decorated, near 5. GM, home privileges, RA 54710, water heated, Muy30, June2, Juned floor, Lawson SINGLE beds, good meals, washing 05° RA 3.4820 dope. Four blocks east of Motors, 135 THREE Central Park North. RA 3.2688. June 6 hot wates ROOM 'or rogm and hoard young ladies, in now home, veniences. RA 5.0231 128¢ ROOM and board good home cook: for a lady, In apartment bulld ing, central, 10 minutes walk from four ply #7 Gibb Street, Apt. #& Svea STV for Tent ADR lmVEN "room "house in , Street, four bedrooms, large lot, ROOM and board, five minutes from per month. Available June four corners, Phone RA 5.9303 128¢ | 5:3566 EXCELLENT room and hoard. Cean, THREE bus at door, close to Private entrance, 350 a month and half business distric nice location, hydro; heat included in rent. RA 3 408 Simcoe Streit orth 138¢ 2 WILL give hoard: and good care {or children, 6 to 13 years, months. Write Mrs RR L Fenelon Falls, ont 42--Room and Board 1201 | Phone RA 51019 for two NICE bright furnished room, large all con closers, plate privileges. RA 3.4585. 127b 127¢ 1251 roolns to rent In new home UNFURNISHED apartment for young married couple. Use of kitchen if de for summer goeq Apply 231 Bealty Avenue. Phone George Hopkins, na 37818 12 1284 - FOUR 'voom bungalow. Will share in exchange for companionship, also two room apartment, heat, light and water second | Bivd,, children welcome. | unfurn ished rooms, continuo | NEWLY decorated bachelor apartment ing. AD: 125¢ | "Gibbon |* "no! A REALTORS NOT JUST ONE OF A reality to the handy, requires the finishing touches of like fieldstone firegloce and special built into this home, Call Ron Douglas at RA 5.6165 for full details, Our "small builder' constructed brick bat'ys Where bus red brick bungolow with fireplace The kitchen has ample cupboards eating. Located on Masson Street by calling Ray Lathangue at RA featuring ao DESIGNED TO MO! PRICED RIGHT FOR YOU is just completing two of his finest quality bungalows In the Southmead area, Finonced through N.H A" with low down payments, these homes have tiled stone planters, three bedrooms with a good sized kitchen and living room, Call George Topping at RA 5-6165, THE AREA WANTED BY MOST + and shopping is only one block away. Twe bedroom and: built-in bookcase. THOSE THINGS | this home located on Parklane Avenue a handyman. Many features Anderson windows are already comfortable large living room Dining' room is separate but still sufficient space for Price and further particulars 5.3412 anytime, DERN LIVING very smartly landécaped back end front, bedrooms, Featuring living room 12 x 16 with adjoining dining room 10 x 12. Two nice sized Four-piece bath and gas furnace. Carries for $51.17 nterest, principal ond taxes, . $8,500 FULL PRICE A real neat two-bedroom bungalow ---- 6 years old, on a lot 45 x 250, nicely landscaped with a white picket fence around back, ideal for a retiring couple, featuring large kitchen 1 four-piece bath, forced air oil heat, school and bus, x 10, newly decorated, close to AN IDEAL LOCATION Large B.room brick, 2-storey home, located on Simcoe St. N. below Rossland Road, family-size dining room and large kitchen, and heated sur room suitable for a den, piece bath, schools, Comprised of spacious living room, Upstairs has 4 good-size bedrooms and 3. Very close to public and separate and also high Substantial down payment required, HAVE A LOOK YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU DID -- Large six-room brick, ene and o half storey home on Wilson Rd. § King St. E bedrooms ond 4.piece bath rooms and 3-piece bath month, A short distance from Downstairs comprised of living room, kitchen and 2 Upstairs consists of 2 very large Upstairs now rented for $50.00 per Large completed rec.room in basement, Landscaped 1956 mony other extras .. 1956 FORD two-door V-8, radi 1955 A-l in every woy PONTIAC two-door, and guaranteed OLDSMOBILE four-door, custom radio, Only DODGE Royal V-8, power car, only one owner . 1955 turn 1954 1954 1953 visor, two-tone 1953 1953 1953 FORD Mainline, real value tires, Summer's fun ot OLDSMOBILE, custom radi OLDSMOBILE four-door, mission, 1951 CHEVROLET two-door, A-1 1952 1951 CHRYSLER Windsor four- CHRYSLER Windsor four-dpor powerflyte, two-tone, PLYMOUTH Savoy four-door, custom radio, sun METEOR Custom four-door, radio, two-tone paint PONTIAC Convertible, custom radio, white wall radio, automatic trans- Satisfaction guaronteed ot door powerflyte, radio, $2595 |p teed rebuilt machines. um VACUUM cleaner repairs, all m arts, attachments, brushes, Estima "of 0, whitewalls, In sharp $1595 acu Service, RA 8.1001 anytime, 'June 18 $1995 signals, reconditioned « $1395 automatic transmission, $! 595 PA C P Ni flyte, large comfortable $1395 wi at P at o, won car at P WE pay cash for all ture, also sell and eXhahe. kh Streat South, RA 5.8131. After Hoy ELECTRIC razor service, cutting heads, ete, for Sunbeam, ington, Meagher's, 5 King 3.3425, eto, 78's ers, Ww ances, TV good wu -- a Schick, Philishave, R Street wen. AINTS « Wallpapers 'onvenlent monthly Dayan, aint, 85 Simcoe Street Ni EW records -- Decea, Vi -- and 45's, Four for $1. 0 X 5 King W West, UTBOARD 1 motors, guns, Fishing tackle, tools and car oi eekly payments. Norm arts, 79 Simcoe Street North. ay cash for used furniture sewing machines, # os, loves, Also sell and exchangenia rince Street. RA 8-113. J) ra Ries, 3 \ Reirigerators and free: off, Kelly TV, 81 King? 5.8121, In every way .. 5% . This large five-room home with attached garage will impress even the family who favors modern ideas, Walking through the entrance to the spacious living room with large picture window and corner stone fireplace you pass the kitchen with modern trends such os glass sliding cupboard doors and built-in radio. Jo tee. these other features of home, coll Ron Douglas at RA ond decorated. Oil heating, aluminum storms end séreens. Good for income or someone needing 4 bedrooms, N.H.A. RESALE Seven-room brick home on LaSalle Ave. close to King. St. E. . This centrolly-located home features living room, dining room, kitchen and two bedrooms downstairs, and two spacibus bed- rooms upstairs, The four bedrooms make this on ideal home for a large family, It also could be used as the previous owner used it, he had space equivalent to an averd five-room bun- galow for himself downstairs, and rented the upstairs for $50.00 per month, OwneRhas moved from city and has told the writer asking frice $11,000 and low down payment, Co-op No. 141. 2 LOCATIONS: TO SERVE YOU BETTER 12 PRINCE ST. RA 8-1624 6 SIMCOE ST. N., RA 3-2265 AFTER SIX PLEASE CALL RA 5.8489 Bill McFeeters RA 5.9870 Steve Macko ,... Reg. Aker .... RA 5.0201 1] supplied, parking, laundry facilities iE Wan ed -- RA M7088 125 Paitting room with meals in TWO room furnished apartment, with eentral residential district of Oshawa, !gink and refrigerator, suitable for busi oe Tyree Jey lady of ean RA two men, or girls, central © u lon who 1251 comes In dailys to attend to her needs - : ---- THREE unfurnished rooms for rent Reply to Hox 4 Ban; Hine 248 sink, cupboards in kitchen, share bath Ay une 24.8 no heavy wiring, immediate possession Apply 558 Masson after-6 p.m 1284 44--For Rent or LOVELY three room, newly furnish APARTMENT to Trent, unfurnish. ®d apartment with bath, Good district od, central, reasonable. Apply Mrs, E./Close transportation "to hospital and Taylor, 40 Butterworth Avenus, Toron. GM. TV outlet and parking. Suit busi 10, Telephone OXford 42043 evenings. "®*% colpie. Phone RA 5.5001 1281 June 15 BAC WELOR quarters, nicely furnish. | bed « sitting roam, dinette, kitchen FURNISHED rooms. frignds | W hah otte, Private entrance, 430 King West po Mig yA tH Rosehill Boule across from Shopping Centre 1380 vard Juned THREE . room apartment wiih bath Stave and refrigerator In Oshawa THREE room apartment, Whithy. 128¢ CHORD ORGAN Warlitamye! Free home demonstratiens Phone Alto Music Supplies; RA 5-1501. New and Used) Musical | ff struments for sale, Stu oF, 447 Simcoe St, S wh § 1950 FORD four-door 1950 PONTIAC. two-door 1949 DODGE four-door FOR TRUCKS 1952 MERCURY half-ton Express .... 1951 FARGO half-ton Panel VAN HEUSEN-MOTORS LTD. CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH FARGO DEALER 149 King Street, West RA 5-3557 YOU AUTO BUY NOW Mav28,30,June2 EE I I SS SO Cerra GRANDVIEW AREA Jurie "Sars lot end pleasant area make this three-bedroom home ith modern kitchen, attached garage, breezeway and many other features ideal for you. For further particulars call George Topping at RA 5.6165, Have your heating _-- . attended to now -- A (ef delays this Fall. No pays: ments until September. [pa OIL 'FIRED UNITS 1 GAS, FIRED UNITS Oil & GAS CONVERSIONS Registered Ontario Fuel Board Installer W. BORROWDALE" HEATING SALES, OSHAWA RA 3.4878 _Jiiglh (Continued on Page 14 SELECT SUBURBAN LOCATION : ¢ p For the retiring couple a lovely two-bedroom brick home with attached garage, situated on a large shady lot with excellent garden facilities, Regular bus service by the door, The price is ht. the financing attractive, Call Ray Lathangue at RA 5.6165, second floor, Central. Phone MO 8.2398, cupboards and sink in kitchen, heavy wiring. Apply 149 Burk Street 194¢ ONE bedroom apartment self: contain. | od ideal for business couple close, to TWO large unfurnished rooms to let In transportation North End, RA 8.7561 new house, Very reasonable, Tele 1234 phone' RA 3.7345 fter 5 p.m, ° Junels : TWO unfurnished rooms, downtown and Shepping Centre able now. Apply 47 Nassau Street room apartment, unfurnished, private bath, tewly with stove: abstainers, adults; private E rooms, I orth end. RA B67, 130c entrance and bath, RA 5.3468. May 30| RA 5.6165 19 Athol St. West Joa Bosco Member of the Oshawa end District Real Estate Boord | 128e RA 5.3412 Oshawa ONE room, suitable for one gentleman 10 ar Indy. Apply in person 345 Verdun, Ava Road after 5 pm 12% 1244 | FOUR close RA 5.1726 RA 5.0771 Don Poole 1280