\ nnglon (WOSSAJ; 8, J. Shuster,! 100 yards -- 3. B, McCarthy,|Charies, Sudbury. ler, St. Thomas (WOSSA). Height TE DALY TIMES. GABETTE, Mondey, June . IPR MAY TIE dune 3, 908 | ~~ WwW 1t A WwW ~ |Lgamington. North 'Bay Algonquin (NOSSA).| Hop, step, jump--3, J, Musieo, 10-£, nine in. =] awa S a Tu ins Shot put--1. W. Aru, Oghawa| 220 yards--3. B. McCarthy. {Sudbury ' (COSSA) 47 ft., % in, 880 yards--1. R. Gougeon, Sud- ~ Pole vault--1, J. Ther, Tim-| + FAMOUS ROAD THREE - GRAND MAN-THAT'S STAN! « C od |" Intermediate event' point winn-|bury (NOSSA). " {mins " (NOSSA); 2. Moskal,| There are 233 bridges on the . RRR n Sr Schoolboy Shot Put 11 12) ers: | High jump--3. V. McAfee, St./Brantford (CWOSSA);' 3. A. Mil-11,523-mile Alaska highway. / 5 . te eee -------------------------- see se cm------ - rer -------- A-------- N ~ A STAN . 5 By RON ANDREWS jor 120-yard hurdles behind Rich-| TDIAA won 10 events. WOSSA y MUSIAL, ill Canadian Press Staff Writer. 'mond Hill's John Passmore, took seven victories but had an : / ) THE ORILLIA (CP) -- Led by Whose time of 15.2 seconds tied a edge in total points from 10 sec- X : b| Soaiaes, [) (Walkerville's Dick Ra, Western record en fave soni ad 1ouF ir] ?. Ki oe ry Schools As-| Ji Irons of Brampton . OBEYS THAT 7) | Ontario Secondary Schools As mmy Irons Commi Plan by TDIAA. : " 7 |sociatiod Saturddy won its sec- (TDIAA) won the tw v KD ADASE, #7 ond straight title in the annual in 9:44.6, 1.2 seconds faster than, Five victories went to TSSAA 7 KEEP YOUR EVE / {track and field championships of the old record. Awhile COSSA won three and i Y 7 oN 7HE BALL] Bi the Ontario Federation of School TDIAA's Port Credit set a rec- NOSSA two events, WA Athletic Associations. ord In the 440-yard relay with a poINT WINNERS | . Vo 45 KE wALLOPS THE Rau scored two victories, both ¢ 5 } | D . ime of 45.1 seconds. The old rec- A ' " A or THT SetTong records, and fIDIShed Se ine uy 45.3 secant, olor even point winners in MALE HM THE {ond 'in his other event. His 131" yo are or Medway estab: Ye; 7.1 River. Duis or your an - : EW MEMBER points helped WOSSA retain the A h lished a mark in the senior jave- A " {championship with 87 points, six |i cy' "yn. Another WOSSA | ¥iie, (SOSA); 3. R. Hart TCS {more than second-place Toronto! 10/0 Whit Tucker of Forster,| [District Interscholastic Athletic won the intermediate broad Jump fle -- 2. B. Andrews, Acton | Association, . (CWOSSA) a B30 lin a record 22 ft. 5 in. : . Made right for | Third wiih 35 points was Toi" & record 22 FBI | mile--2, B. Andrews; 3, F 9 Keep Your Grass Green & Growing {ronto Secondary Schools Athletic ud Weaver. Paris (CWOSSA), ONTARIO ba 4h GOLDEN Your grass has greened up and you haven't Association. Central Ontario Sec- lished by Brampton's Bruce Mc- i ondary Schools Association fin- Kague of TDIAA in the inter- Broad jump -- 2. N. Dunstan, [ished fourth with 28 points, Norther mediate hop, step and jump with Niagara Falls (SO8SA). LAWNS fed it yet? It's not too late! You can still give /'lern Ontario Secondary Schools a distance of 45 ft. 10% fin. Pole vault--2, R. Moore, Leam- ; weaiess | Association fifth. with 20, South- OU ES CR SE S-- ; : wy 1 your lawn the help it needs for season long ern Ontario Secondary Schools | -- booty. ; . | Association sixth with 17 and [At | ' uty LOAND | ® [Central Western Ontario Second- / |ary Schools Associations last with » {nine, > | % & 77| SEVEN RECORDS SET | Uy (ort Seven records weré set and an- N . Ho ¥ rn ~\d wy ' t | , mow with Golden Vigoro, com- ' > ' ¥ 1F. 5 § other was tied in the events, ' : ¥ 0 474% 2g 45 ROUGH Heaped 22 ft. 44 "Ive breaking the A i 0 K i 3 0 ] OS ia rn that's wet, even feed your lawn with y NR Wy / OF RECORD BOON arose formes Yesord of 28 4 2 pl on new. grass, No burn! Not a blade will be bumed y EY 7 Fh Ly ii Are hop, Sep and jump whic Je won when you want if when Golden Vigoro is used in the recommended G (4) L D E N ek TOTAL BASES RECORD. | ta gd vau. 45 i ¥ In. on Sn Did you know that you could arrange amounts of 1 to 3 Ibs. per 100 square feet. Golden i ved' seco » sen: a y iu on OK, loan of Citizens Finance by Vigoro supplies the nourishment that grass needs (COSSA A ]---- ]-- -- ¥ You can feed your lawn right ------------------------ | " : | ee | ; picking wp your phone? Call our friend! S " ' Duly Priitlis ------------T---- Loon Manager, give hin oll he par Ji She al Sieh Net ar Sows v's soda - . ticulars, Then drop in later to si d right for our | s. Use Golden V . i . : Rian Smaiied | NEW REDUCED PRICE| | Cobiimans | |/wemmmweliutil 2 ZC ZZ ON typical of Citizens desire to provide a GOLDEN VIGORO "LONDON (CP) ~ Alclide, loan service that's fast, convenient and #lids-on favorite to win the Ep. m Derby until he pulled a courteous. When you want money for Is also available with Chlordane added for ants and white grubs. By » opplying 50 Ibs. per 1600 sq. ft. you will be assured of protection against omach cle five d gomich, muse five, devs ago, Premium STOVE OIL ony wiehul purpose, just coll Ciizens : bi gon. il Bis trainer Sunday i 4 - : Capt, "Cecil Boyd Rochford an- : Quality i Hon fo ny, loan is 0 KI" | ¢ like to say, "Your loan is 0.K. STORE HOURS AFTER MAY 31 id MONRAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY, & FRIDAY, 8 AM, TO 6 PM, gounced the horse was with Lg after a warmup canter LJ Prompt Delivery " Cc "He. showed no life at all," the ® Courteous Service wae said. © Ro a Tce ¢ GAL. ; ITIZ ENS . INANCE , WEDNESDAY 8 AM. TO 5 PM. SATURDAY 8 A.M. TO 12 NOON Bas the 3 15 Jwvortie movie] For Delivery By Metered Trucks Phone D t D | (0) d T d f/ face betting Friday night Alcide | . 'lc Om P ANY A 4% tT sD on eiay -- Jr was not quoted RA 5-1109 MO 8-3644 = Yoon Ponoger DON TUNE y er (o] ay LJ EY Ri-mile clastic will Je run OSHAWA WHITBY sdnesday. e next callover ; \ 104 Brock Street S., Whitby, MO 8.2 F will be today Oshava residents call RA 3.9691 (no i ARID (4) HA : : -- M pen Friday till 8 p.m., Saturday till 12 no. Watt TERN FARR Park VIGOR OIL CO. LI ITED Loans made in Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering and oll bond towns | 5 i Ase en ss MIN ©" 0 r.ce2 in aii riincirai cizias | 34 CHURCH ST. 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