The above picture marked the | kees and Dodgers. In the rear official opening of the Knights ranks can be seen civic officials of Columbus Little Big League - and K. of C. league executive baseball season. This group em- | members and team coaches, braces about 50° boys, playing | Harold Mothersill handles the on four teams and all equipped | Yankees, Alex Korkush runs with uniforms to live up their ' the Braves, Bud Houston has coaches the Dodgers, These boys play: ever night of the week ex- | cept Friday ahd on Friday, the "farm. teams", boys of eight and nine, perform, to make a bid .for a Little League uni- form. On the extreme left is Joe Walsh, publicity chairman for names of Cards, Braves, Yan- | the Cardinals and Bill Cooper Ryan Hits 4-For-4 As Ideals Defeat Flynn's Having the top batter in the breezed along showing excellent league just isn't good enough tp, Control scattering eight hits, al win ball games and' Ozhawh 'owing no walks and striking out @lynn's Sports can well testify to eight Oshawa batters for his third this fact as they suffered their Victory third-straight loss in the Leaside Flynn's jumped off on the right Junior Baseball Association, 7 - 3 to Ideal Welding, in a game play- Teddy Roberts' single pass first ed at Alexandra Park Saturday base. He immediately stole sec- ond and came romping home on afternoon ; he va > sing py Johnny Ryan, batting champion Gyan s ined shot' single to cen and most valuable player in his rookie season 1957, isn't showing and never looked back. With any effect of the sophmore jinz two out, Flynn's committed no He blasted -out four hits in four | : tne ess than six errors in succession tries including a double, as he to allow the visitors, Ron Wil continued to be hot as a fire, 0" pocc™ Morrison and Ted cracker, picking up half of the McGovern to cross the plate with team's eight hits in a losing three unearned runs cause, With his four hits on Satur The vis ftors upped their total to day he raised his batting average four in the eighth, when Gino to a sensational .650 Reballoto, the St. Mike's junior Bobby Winter, the curve ball hockey player, was safe on a specialist, continued to be the choice play, stole second, ad- league's hard luck kid, suffering vanced to third on a passed ball his second loss of the campaign. and came home on Butch Me- Winter pitched good enough ball Gee's sacrifice fly to win almost any normal game Ideals continued the humilia He allowed only two hits and two tion story adding three insurance walks while striking out seven puns off reliever Brewster. on batiers in the eight innings he Slezak's wrong field single, a worked. Winter was again a vic- hit batsman, an error and back tim of errors as the four runs he o-back singles by Morrison and .allowed were unearned. Bob McGovern Brewster, recognized as the top Oshawa picked two runs in the lefthander " in league last year, final chapter, on Ryan's lead-off finished up the ninth and-was hit single, Cole's follow-up single and hard allowing Ideals their other hoth came scampering home on three runs, all earned rookie Billy Milkas' blast to cen- Winnmg pitcher, Pete Slezak tre, to complete the scoring, Ideals took over the lead in 5th Oshawa Trio ONTARIO COUN Wins Season's |_SOCCER ASSOC. | First Tourney on mst * 3 12018 Fourteen entries from Oshawa. Oghawa Polonia 3 Whitby and Port Perry took part Oghawa Kickers 3 in the Oshawa Lawn Bowling Osh. Thistles 3 Club's first -open tournament of peterboro UEW 2 the season a men's trebles peter. Scottish event -- on Saturday Osh. Hollandia First prize went to Charles Pea- ogh. Old Country cock and his Oshawa team who! Claremont i had a score of 48 points. Other Oghawa Strila members of the winning team Uxbridge. were P. A. Canning and J. Cook.| gaturday's results: Oshawa Pol- Second place prizes went to Frank onia 3, Oshawa Kickers 2: Osh- Kellar, A. Whiteley and A. Met- nya Hungaria 3, Oshawa Holland: ctalfe who has a score of 46 points."j; 1. Oshawa Italia 5, Uxbridge 0 Two-game prize winners were Claremont 0, Oshawa Thistles 2 A. Cox, F. DeNure and Bruce ang peterboro Scottish 5, Oshawa Beare, of Port Perry, with a score yc ¢. 0 of 50 and a plus of 5; and S. .... -_ MacMillan, G. MacMillan and G. FUTURE GAMES Murray, of Oshawa, who had a Tonight: Floodlight Doublehead- score of 45 and a plus of 4 The prizes for high score with this area will be at Whitby on Sat one win went to G. W. Read, J, urday of this week. It will be a Biddulph and Dr. S. J. Phillips, of men's doubles event with the Oshawa, who had a score of 43 Farewell Trophy going to the pair and a plus of one with the highest score for three The next open tournament in wins ; WLTTF APs 17 > ~ pe SUBS a oCame 2 2 0 0 0 A nN = ° 0 0300 a2 100L in the opening stanza with | Slezak (WP) | Winter (LP) THE BOX SCORE AB R H RBI FLYNN'S Roberts, 2b Fisher, ss Ryan, 3b Kelly, 1b Cole, ¢ Bilenduke, cf Milkas, 1 f d-Estabrooks Bathe, rf b-Minacs, rf Winter, p c-Rrewster, p Totals WROD E LSS SSS DODO DD HDD COON =D aD Wo > IDEALS McGovern Rebalotto McGee, 2b McGregor, If Slezak, p N. Fisher, of Young, rf Draper, ¢ a-William, 3b Morrison, 1b Totals AB 55 3b, ss, ¢ SWELL XN NRND=DDDD HOOD Dr a De SODOOODmD 2 753 a replaced Draper in 4th b -- flied out for .Bathe in 7th ¢ ~ replaced Winter in the 9th d -- ran for Milkas in 9th RHE 7 0 3 8 000 030. 013 Flynn's 100 000 002 THE SUMMARY Errors Cole 3, Winter 2, Kelly, J. Fisher, Ryan; Putouts: Assists: Flynn's 27-11; Ideals: 27-8; Left on base: Flynn's, 6; Ideals, 5; Two-base hita, Ryan; Sacrifice fly: Me- Gee. Ideals 5 8 IP HR ER BB 80 983 3 0 8 24 0.2 138% 3'0 0 Brewster 9 11 9° er, Kinsmen Civic Stadium, Osh-|fore the period had ended Nichol- awa Italia vs. Oshawa Thistle, at 7.00 p.m. and Oshawa Hollandia vs. Peterboro UEW, at 8.30 p.m Thursday, June 5th: Floodlight Doubleheader, Kinsmen Civic Stadium, Oshawa Old Country Club vs. Oshawa Polonia at 7.00 p.m. and Oshawa Hungaria vs. Peterboro Scottish, at 8.30 p.m The first floodlight doublehead- er of the season will be played tonight at the Kinsmen Civie Me- morial Stadium when unbeaten Oshawa Italia will clash with Osh- awa Thistle at 7 p.m. and in the second game Peterboro UEW will play Oshawa Hollandia A doubleheader will also be played at the Stadium on Thurs- day evening. In the main action Saturday night, Oshawa Polonia and Osh- awa Hungaria maintained their unbeaten streaks with wins over Oshawa Kickers and Oshawa Hol- landia in two well-played. games. " PR --------------- --ir Labatts : li Suit! Lingos Scndag Gomes Gomes Gemes Games Gools Gosls cLus Plyd. Won Lost Tied For Ageinst Points Italia 8 7 12 Mont. Hungaria 7 12 12 Olympio-Harm, 7 mn Hungaria 14 Hom, Hungaria 4 6 White Eagle ... 6 10 Tridents 6 12 Sparta... 7 15 Mont, Cantolia 5 7 Hamilton Italia 7 15 Mont, Sparta .. 7 7", Ukraing 8 Ulster United .. 7 19 Canadian-Scots = 5 13 Malta United .. 7 15 SCHEDULE TORONTO «= Fred Hamilton Park, Shaw and College Streets, Tues., June 3rd--Malte United vs, Canadian-Scots, 8:00 p.m. Wed., June 4th--Sperte vs. White Ecgle, 8:00 p.m, Thurs., June Sth--MHungarie vs. Hamilton Italie, 8:00 p.m. Fri, June 6th--Ulster United vs. Hamilton Hungaria, 8:00 p.m, Sun., June Bth----Ukraina vs, Hungorie, 3:00 p.m. O'ALE BREWERY LIMITED r THE DAILY TIMES.-GAZETTE, Monday, June 2, 1958 BASEBALL SCORES, STANDINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS | American League American League New York 000 000 003 2-5 7 0 W L Pet. GBL| Boston 100 002 000 14 9 1 10 .7%0 | Larsen, Ditmar (8) Duyen (9 | 17 ..558 6% (and Berra; Sisler, Nixon 16) 487 9 [Kiely (10) and White A717 9% Chicago 000 000 000-0 6 21% ° 465 10 | Detroit 110 001 00x--3 9 1 452 10% | Wynn, Quahters (7) and Lollar; | 100 200 0003 7 11] 4% 11 |Foytack and Wilson, | Balti ; 421 11% Washington Raiusre i 100 110 Olx--4 7 0 Clevenger (4) and Baltimore National League | Cicotte, W L Pet. GBL! HRs: Was-Lemon (5); Bal-Mar- 17 62 (shall (3), | 6 610 Cleveland 100 120 000-4 5 4 535 {Kansas City 210 000 20x--5 7 1 New York Kansas City 'Chicago | Cleveland | Boston | Detroit Washington / {San Francisco 28 Milwaukee 25 | Pittsburgh 23 | Chicago |8t, Lois | Cincinnati {Philadelphia Los Angeles International » ) 20 / 7 25 A ' i" 20 by 2 HER BASEBALL SEASON Xt the league and in the centre,' ants, in addition to those al- left-to-right, are Aldermen Ern- ready mentioned--Bob Ireland, fe Marks, who threw the first Harry Dickenson, Harry Hus- ball, Hayward Murdoch, the bat- ' ton, Jack Brockman, Bill Pow- ter and John Brady, catcher, ers, vice-president, and Bob Grand Knight J, J, Kelly played | Dionne, président, | at 1st base. Also in the back row are the coaches and assist Staff Photo Never Won A League Game [Montreal Rochester Toronto Columbus | Richmond {Havana | Miami | Buffale "NW AWMANNNNY Delt DED tds =O O NO wit wt = pa Nt Ww WOO CAVMBNIANWRNNON = =n ~Times-Gazett L468 | Grant, Wilhelm (3) and Nixon; A462 | Urban, Gorman (8) and Chiti. | 450 HRs: Cle-Doby (2); Key-Cerv | A430 (14), . NE 395 International League (5 1 Montreal 000 000 0202 2 0 League Rochester 000 000 003-3 8 1] L Pet. GBL Giallombardo, Valdes 9 and 14 674° |Teed; Lovenguth, Kuzava (9) | 605 3 {and Grandcolas, 568 4% Havana 010 103 000-5 6 1 | 511 7 Miami 000 101 2004 14 2 A455 9% | Cueche, Sanchez (6) Amor (Ty : 447 10 (and Izquierdo; Green, Lipetri L440 10% | (6) Stewart (7) Anderson (9) andy .326 15% | Coker. |Columbus 040 010 013-9 18 2 {Richmond 000 200 010-3 9 .3 | | American League | Pepper and Rand; Bethel, Par- | ¥ . |New York 012 110 032 10 15 0 sons (3) Browning (5) and Oldis 0 ks S T tl Pl i Boston 003 010 000--4 5 3|Toronto at Buffalo ppd, rain, | d weep 1 e ayo Turley and Berra; Bauman, American Association | : _ |Wall (4) Fornieles (8) and Ber- Saturday. | { The jet-propelled Oaks, who; Jim Campbell was once again peret, | Indianapolis 1 Wichita 2 failed to win a single game dur: the -Gaks' big 'gun' as he scored washington 010 031 000--5 7 0 Charleston 7 Louisville. 6 | ing the regular season turned the four while Dale Gallant counted gaitimore 000 000--2 7 2/Omaha 4 Denver 10 tables on their opponents during the other. Willows' Jerry Bour- pageual, Hyde (7) and Court- Minneapolis at St. Paul ppd, Tain 4 ' i , Labatts | L the playoffs as they polished off dage was the only one to fin . A (5) Pappas Sunday the Willows 5-4 Friday evening to the net for his team as he scored soy; You Besmon Papp Charleston 8-2 Louisville 6-3 take the Forest Floor Hockey all four goals Cleveland 000 000 200--2 6 2 Indianapolis 2-4 Wichita 3-2 League Championship and the Both Eric Burkle 2nd Wayne gansas City 501 000 00x--6 8 3 Omaha 9 Denver 3 round 11 - 6, Campbell played stead) games in| wmeLigh, Bell (2) Kelly (5) Le- St. Paul 4 Minneapolis 2 With a surprising first period their respective team's nets mon (6) Mossi (7) and Nixon; ™ FLASH Jimmy Bryan won Saturday's Indianapolis 500 mile race ot on averoge burst, the Willows were out in WILLOWS -- Goal, Wayne Herbert and Chiti, 133.791 mph to become the 35th consecutive winner on Farestone tires. --- em ww wn ww wm wn ws wen WR GED GER WE wn wm wm mem w-- ww w-- ---- ANE WS SI WEE ES ED SS SW -- front early as they led 3-1. How- Campbell; forwards, Jim Dono- Chicago at Detroit called end of ever the Oaks completely domin- van, Jerry Bourdage, Ron Pled- eas rain. speed of 33 drivers started the race . . . all had a choice of tires from any of the world's manufacturers . . . all chose Firestone tires and paid list price | they scored four unanswered go Campbell, Terry Le Blane and National League to move ahead 5-3 : Ralph. Branton Milwaukee 010 000 0-4 5 3 11 portunities in the final stanza with wards, Lawrence Burke, Dale G (called end of 7 innings, rain) { the Willows the only ones to dent lant, Jim Campbell, Walt Rebot,! Conley, Trowbridge (2) John- one goal short, Bob Crosms Hall, 5 -- ---------------- -- San Fran 101 012 020-7 11 1 Planets Co Solar Lea ue Antonelll and Schmidt; Jones, Pp qg | Wight (7) Muffett (9) and Smith. + » HR: StL-Green (4). : Floor Hockey Championship st. ot oh § 9 !" willlams and Roseboro; Drott, ations that won them their league the score at 4-4 Cincinnati - 011 000 000-2 8 0 championship the smooth working The final stanza was close and Phil 001 000 000--1 8 2 Floor Hockey League champions mies trying desperately tn at and Lopata. Friday evening, as they edged least win this one. However Mar- Cincinnati $00 005 01-11 13 2 100 024 31-11 18 2 the two-game, total-goals round spectacular scoring efforts while (game suspended end of 8, cur-| 16-10. the most the Cosmics could mus- few) pletely outplayed in the first which left them on the short Toronto 021 010 101-6 12 0 game, showed a better passing end of a 6-5 score Buffalo 100 002 011-5 10 0 this game as they held the fine games with Tony Zarowny : t, Tsitouris (3) champs to a 3-2 margin in the being "on his toes" to keep the, Bata: Bvt Noble. For the Planets, in the initial close in drives 030 00-6 6 4 periog, Marshall Nicholishen fired COSMICS -- Goal, Les Tropak; Buffalo 300 880 00°F © 0 the other. Bill Miklas and Jerry Stata, Jerry Tymoshik, Ron Me-| 4 troth Tymoshik kept their team close Knight, Bill Miklas and Lionel nh nul s 000 011 000-2 11 1 040 100 00x--5 10 © Donnell ated play in the next period, as werbecki, 4 Jack Vachon, Brian | Both teams had few scoring op- ° OAKS Goal, Eric Burke; for- Pittsburgh 200 100 1 the twine but this still left them Billy Quinn, Rod MacLeod and gon (5) and Crandall; Friend and| St. Louls 010 000 010-2 9 | |Los Angeles 000 100 000--1 4 0 Playing with the same combin- tion of his "hat tricks', to knot p.oeman (9) and 8. Taylor. | Planets were declared 1958 Solar exciting all the way with the Cos- Purkey and Burgess; Sanford the Cosmics 6-5 and thereby took cel Boivin came through with two Phil The Cosmics, who were com- ter was a goal by Lionel Kelly, Yaternational League attack and steadier checking in Both goal-keepers played very Scantlebury, Tiefenauer (9) and first period Cosmics under control on some mo -onto 310 000 25-11 11 0 two while Myron Mech scored forwards, Lowell Harrison, Rich yy smpson: Cox, Daley (7) and las they scored singletons. Kelly, Richmond Bill Miklas put his team ahead! Planets -- Goal, Tony Zarowny; for the first time in the series as/forwards, Stan Dalidowicz, Jim {he scored two nice goals but be- Rowden, Mare dn, Wayne Rand: Welsler, Parsons (7) Jame Nicholisher A {(8) and Command. . -- : {Columb 000 103 0-4 7 0 - | Richmond 000 010 0--1 1 3 Giants and Washington Redskins| Gibbon and Rapd; Dick, Bethel after he graduated from the Uni: (7) and Oldis. versity of Indiana "Havana 000 000 010-1 4 1 og Miami 010 140 00x--8 5 0 J. 1. Smith, Larias_ (5), and Izquierdo, Acota (7); Bunker and Greta Anderson isi Wins Mexico Swim }avan o01 0100-2 4 0 mi GUAYAMAS, Mexico (AP) Cade, Pena (4) and Acosta; Greta Anderson of Denmark Sun-|paige and Bucha, day won the second international | Montreal 000 021 801-7 12 © swimming marathon and 30,000 Rochester. 000 030 001-4 8 2 pesos (about $2,400). Harris, Collum (6) and Teed; She swam the 42 'kilometres Browning, McClain (6), Kuzava (26 miles) in the unofficial time|(7) Greason (8) and Watlington. of 12 hours, 26 minutes and 13 Saturday seconds | National 1eagus 215 0 Tom Park, formerly of Hamil. Los Angeles 0013 ton, Ont, and now living at At. |Chicago 100 210 000-4 12 0 Filchock came to Canada after 'antic City, swam only three] Erskine, Kipp (5) and Rose . . °- seven seasons in the National miles before being pulled out, He Oro: Walker (8); H 8 Fre : a a pviona | 8 man (4) Nichols (5) Fodge (7 Football League with New York won the event last year. Elston (9) and S. Taylor, Tap?pe Naranjo, Swanson 5, O' (6) Arroyo (7) Douglas (8) and ishen came up with the comple- Filchock To Coach Sarnia's Bears - SARNIA (CP) -- Sarnia Golden Bears of the Ontario Rugby Foot. hall Union today announced the signing of Frank Filchock as head coach, Filchock last season coached Saskatchewan Roughrid. ers of the Western Interprovin- cial Football Union, Filchock coached Saskatchewan for five years after spending two years with Edmonton Eskimos as playing - coach. He starred as quarterback with Grey Cup-winn- ing Montreal Alouettes of the Big Four Football Union in 1949, The lessons we learn at the Indianapolis Speedway make you safer | an fhe highway! I ARO SEB BHR 90206 S553 J IMPERIAL £ss0) DEALER v , There's more power in Ease, too--more than you've ever found before in Canada's ,?' largest-selling gasoline. - For 3 out of 4 cars on the road, including many of the newest models, Esso is today's big economy buy! refining Esso scientists a : es catalyst to prodmes IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST. (8), 7 n Fran 020 240 010 000-9 15 1 Hy Louis 100 082 300 001-10 12 2 Monzant, Worthington (5) Me- Cormick (6) Miller (8) and Schmidt; McDaniel, Barnes (5) Martin (8) Paine (7) Jackson (11) and Smith. "HRs: SF-Jablonski (4), Cepeda (13): StL-Smith (1), Boyer (8). Milwaukee 300 102 101-8 18 0 Pittsburgh Spahn Porterfield (6) Smith ( (8) and Kravitz. Cincinnati 000 021 010--4 12 0 Phil 012 100 10x--5 11 0 Nuxhall, Acker (3) Jeffcoat (7) and Burgess; Roberts and pata. and Crandall; 7) Daniels ¥ abla MEN WANTED to train os "DRAFTSMEN In a' few months you can be cash ing big pay cheques There is @ tremendous demand for draftsmen, We will train you at home in your spare time te be a draftsman. No drafting background or previout training meeded. All books and in- structions for as low as $6 month, Established 1897 not for rofit WERE'S YOUR, CHANCE TO PRI. PARE FOR BIG, STEADY PAY AND A GOOD FUTURE AS A DRAFTS. MAN, AMERICAN SCHOOL 847 Princess Street Becawse the drivers of Indianapolis choose Firestone tires to the exclusion of all others, anly Firestone has learned the lessons of heat and speed at this famous outdoor laboratory. The 500 miles of heat, speed and torsion at Kingston, Onterie =n Firestone plete information on training | checked ond 1564-page book on over 50 gbod-paying opportunities, or JP ~ McLELLAN TIRE AND BATTERY -=Tool Making «Business Management 38 PRINCE ST. RA 5-1021 FIRESTONE STORE ~--Diesel «--=Private Secretary 190 KING ST. E. RA 5-6566 --=Accounting ==Machinist --Electronics Civil Engineering «Mechanical Engineering \ J Indianapolis packs a lifetime of normal driving into a few short hours -- and , Firestone engineers have used this unique testing ground to dévelop the safest, longest wearing tires for your family car. . COOPER'S SERVICE STATIONS 56 BRUCE ST. - 410 RITSON RD. N. RA 3-9632 RA 5-8033 ~, FIRESTONE ~--Elecfrical Engineering mo QUALITY LEADER » {7 ADDRESS ,.ivssnsensnnens