Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 28 May 1958, p. 8

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| Conant H&S Association Names| || Mrs. William Baldwin, President Mrs. William Baldwin was in-(the members and guests and Mrs, stalled as president of Conant| William Baldwin, secretary, gave| Home and School Association at/her annual report. Correspond-| {its annual meeting held recently enze was read by Mrs, Garent| in the school auditorium, {Shaves oy also AE let Te 4 . iport for the year. The urer's | pr semer, Olticers oe a annual repert was given by Mrs. | | {first vice-president, Mrs, H, A, H. A. Maynard, | Maynard; second vice-president, Mr. F. H. Wilkinson announced {Mrs, Douglas Pelow; recording that the school field day would |secretary, Mrs. Garnet Shaver; The engagement is an- nounged today of Miss Patricia Gall Terry and Mr, Joseph Cembal who plan to be married al St, George's Memorial Church on Saturday, June 21. | be held on June 9, md reporsl | be sent out on June 1 {corresponding secretary, Mrs. [So 0" | {Fred Dewsbury; treasurer, Mrs, Me. hig ae ns ed Fred Britten; executive commit-ig 1" principal in the fall to tee, Mrs, Ivan Smale, Mrs. E. » Campbell, Mr, Garent Shaver [take up the duties of principal Mrs. Kesnetlh Bat, and Mrs. | Westmount public school, | Lo a Youn ' '| Following the business part of 4 g |the meeting coloured slides of Mrs. Fred Britten, nominating mexico were shown by Mr. E. K, 1 chairman, introduced Mrs, J. N.|Campbell, Badour, vice-president of Home| Refreshments were served by i jand School Council who Installed the social convener Mrs. Joan : the new officers. Smale and mother of pupils in Grade six. ; many ribbons fhe Maas 8 ned. |spresd out of. them. i : : I Ni she ber i Her Daily Routine {sor beces _-- ho for ! : | junior farmers by the Rural que pont, membersip, ben On Australian Farm poo sew sou weiss. ater {Women's League was held at the, WINNIPEG (CP)--Anyone who Visiting Canada she will go 1 parish hall with some 86 mem- .uy ¢ninks women are the weaker Britain, Scandinavia and Westers bers attending. sex might have a changed opinion | Seated at the head table were {the Rev. Francis Mahoney, spirit. #/ter hearing the daily routine of | C-- J . » . at Karn's $2.00 {ual director; Mrs, Patrick Rob-' Rosemary Lucas, an Australian for your lerts, president; Mrs. Angus Nell.|,arm gir! now visiting Canada. | old camera past president and a former| } Her family runs a 160 - scre| member of the league, Mm. dairy farm near Armidale, 365 (Regardless of make or condition) Hater, w miles north of Sydney in New ON THE NEW | St. Gertrude's CWL|Girl Describes Annual Banquet Grace was said Father |gouth Wales I Mahoney, At the end of the ban-| 181 quet, for which Mrs. John y frost There. her day starts at 4:18 and her committee are to be 8.m. with the milking of 30 cows. highly commended, Father! "Mother and 1 do the milking Mahoney introduced the 14 new in the morning, feed the cows members present. {and scrub all utensils, them we| Following was a short business return fo the house to prepare meeting at which the various breakfast, served at 8 o'clock,' group leaders gave their reports. whe sald in an interview. Mrs, L, Rorabeck who Is a mem-| "Following breakfast, I take the ber of the Catholic Church Exten-| cows to the paddocks for green sion Society, gave a report on the. pasture feed, check and repair work of preparing hoxes for|equipment and tattoo or brand of Oshawa and her fiance is [priests in the foreign missions cattle, of which we have 80 head, | the son of Mrs, Frank Dolinski (and stated that St. Gertrude's! pedigreed ferseys." of Toronto, and the late Mr. had been very highly commend- Then she does some gardening. Steven Cembal. ed for its part In this work. | any painting that is necessary, or A delegation of three were BD- | perhaps works in the kitchen, iis 4 IED IN JUNE The bride - to - be is the daughter of Mrs. Clifford Clark THE YOUNG EXECUTIVE old on April 10, He is the grand. son of Mr. George Stezik, Osh- Awa Wo. man is son of Stezik, Al- one ar This bright John Michael George Mr. and Mrs, John bert street. John was omen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3.3474 8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesdey, Mey 28, 1958 | young Photo by Mary's Studio Overweight Seeks Challengers When life gets humdrum and| Get off to the right start, Atm| PTA Meeting dull, it's easy to turn to food.|to reduce » bousds a month. C bi P Over-eating is often a substitute| Twenty pounds is too fast to lose| for other yo of satisfactions, |for health, beauty, » fun of hak ombines rogram Anything that rouses your inter-/ing. On starvation fare you lose| : hi brings a quickening of the your laughter. Resolve to change| And Business he ie poweridl velo. windy iT food ablis--that'y the wire The regular meeting of Si, "hallenge can be |W lie y /e bh! . : | stimulating, Are you game to ac-/lem, Christopher's CPTA was held In cept a challenge from another ov- FIRST DAY the school auditorium, erweight? Here it is -- from a| Breakfast: Chilled orange juice! Mrs, Max Coleman presided [reader who prefers to keep her\q oz, 55 calories, soft cooked egg/Mrs. George King read the sec- {identity a mystery. She writes: (go, thin slice toast (high proteiniretary's report in the absence of "Do you have a reader who bread) 50, butter, % pat 25, cof- Mrs. Leonard Weeks. The treas- will admit she is 40 pounds over-fee, clear 0. Total 210, urer's report was given by Mrs. weight, the same as I am? If her | Energy pick-up -- mid morning! Kenneth Johnson, experience is similar to mine, or evening: Hot cocoa made with| Results of the home baking she has gone on countless diets, | skim milk and non - nutritive/sale held on May 16 were very stayed with them a few days sweetener 100. |gratifying: and the president then back to overeating | Luncheon: Hot tomato juice|/thanked all who contributed in To give the gloomy detaus-- |. ih herbs or chilled tomato Juice any way to its success, my added weight came on 5 5 | (depending on whether) 50, gril-| It was decided that instead of a period of five years. In M led cheese, 1 oz. or slice of rye|giving a breakfast to #ie first tall and weigh 170 poun " YI bread 160, Tart apple or other|Communion class a party be held idea Frog Jor one De. (i fruit 75. Total 265, for them at a later date. The | BOR ; . ¥ Dick-Up: president announc 1at a sand {ton 8 note--10 pounds is right,)| ate Do a Up: Hot boullion ons had been purchased and IT do hope some of your over-| 1 rp sold| paid for from the proceeds of a [weight readers will want to ac- SPoon ge atine on % eup cold|P Tart Told earlier fn. the | ce Water; add 1 beef or chicken card party he cept this challenge, Maybe we bouillon cube or desired amount month. ean help each gr anonymous |°f bouillon powder to % cup boil-| It was decided to hold a ban challengers, 1 could stick it out,/ ing water and stir until dissolved; quet in honor of the graduation Would it be possible to report to| combine with gelatine-water mix-/class on June 25 at 7 p.m, at you once a month through the ture and reheat; serve piping hot. which the graduates' parents and _... |newspapers in the various eities (Add slice of lemon if desired). [special guests would be invited to 9H carrying your column? In that! Dinner: Meat loaf (beef and attend. The graduates are to be { lway we would be able to com-|veal) 2 thin slices, 4' by 2%" by each presented with a rosary as {| |pare our progress with that of %'" 230, String beans, % cup 20,/8 memento of the occasion, Mrs : oi Pr Bi Baked potato, % 50, Butter, % C. D. Connor and Mrs, D. Cook How about it? If those words pat 25, Mixed green salad 15, Will be conveners of the banquet. leap up at you and you suddenly French dressing, 1 tbsp. (half| It was agreed that Miss Mary get a surge of feeling "This is/oll, half vinegar; seasonings) 60,| McKinney, teacher of the first {just what I've been walting for!" |Choice of: Fresh pineapple, me- Communion class, purchase flow- |=then this is for you, Accept this lon or tangerine 50, Hot beverage ers for the occasion. [challenge eagerly. It might well (clear) 0. Total 450. St. Christopher's Unit was very Work 4 miracle fn your Jie, Total calories for day 1,075 proud to observe its new charter -- " : Ba " |with the 1958 seal affixed on it The class count for this month was won by Mr, Frank Le Vay's class, The meeting was brought to a close with prayer by the president, Mrs. Max Coleman. The remainder of the evening {was then taken over by Mrs || Encourage Child To Acquire Habit Of Thoroughness By G. CLEVELAND MYERS |watch--which was so prevalent If you want your child to do|20 years ago--has subsided some-| John Brady, convener of the May| well in science, mathematics, So a, the average child supposes i meeting. The Reverend Norbert 1 | gineering or any of the profes-|it is better to be rapid than right.| Gignac, spiritual director, spoke | |slons, you will encourage him to/He doesn't have enough practice on the sacrament of "Confirma-| lacquire, as early as posable, thei mastering a few things at a tion." habit of doing things thoroughly. time. en Mr Such habits, moreover, will) Yet there's only one way tol Mr, Brady thed jsltodocet ni» prove useful to him whatever his spell a word, as a rule; only one |: D. Sei . on. an imaginary! life work may be or however far correct answer to the sum of 9|0¢ rg or Ontario, speak- he goes in education. |and 7, the difference between 13 Sour " Its ork vega and also of the! We are living in an age of ma-land 5 or the product of 8 times|'™® © dvd rb f Elliott Lake. chines which must be made and 4. The pupll needs to practice r2P!d Sh Lik thanked Mr ed with great precision. them early and continue until he Mrs: Harry La The habit of doing things has mastered them, Thomas, oroughly can begin right at WASTE OF TIME 4% A. 4 MRS, MYLES SMITH (Incoming) ¢ MRS, KENNETH MARKLE (Retiring) New President And Executive For Woodcrest H & 5 Association ur ASTE'OF TIME" | Mis. Bernard O'Brien gave a ome, Mrs. Myles Smith was installed |strated the methods used in artl-| HIGH 'STANDARD {teacher In the upper grades, high School meeting. A draw on a ms president of Woodcrest Home ficial respiration and life-saving.| When your child does his chores school and even college must necklace and earrings set was and School Association at its an nual meeting held recently. She succeeds Mrs. Kenneth Markle who has been president for the past year The other officers are: first-vice-president, Mrs, Glynn Peprce second - vice - presi dent, Mrs. E. B. Seed: treasurer, Mrs. Irvia Welsh: recording sec. retary, Mrs. William Clark; cor responding secretary, Mrs. Har- old Brownlee; executive mem bers, Mrs, John Kent, Mrs J. D. Morrison, Mrs. John Rich. ardson, Mrs. Willlam Matthews, Mr; Harry Ross The officers were installed by Mrs. Kenneth Markle whe prusid ed at the meeting The schoo] choir, eonsisting of pupils from Grades 4, 5 and 6, entertained with several selec tiogs under the direction of Mrs P. Dodds, and accompanied at the' piano by Mrs. Albert Wilson The program entitled health and safety was convened by Mrs Gordon Cummins A film entitled "Don't Drown" was shown on water safety A group of Boy Scouts demon first. [Davies with Mr, and Mrs, A. R.|Langhorn to be Archd {reunion were Mr, and Mrs, lof visitors or have been visiting {Stratford Theatre Festival Found- duction Mrs. Bernard O'Brien gave al Mr. A. F. Higgs presented the| _making the bed, washing the spend correcting wriften work held; the winner being Mrs. CIif-| trophy for public speaking to Paul | dishes or the car--whether the that is sloppy and hard to read! [ford Roesch. Mrs. Brady and her | task 1s voluntary or assigned, Such written work, often submit. committee then served refresh of Oshawa announce the engage-| pointed to attend the CWL con-| |vention at the Royal York Hotel| Miss Lucas says that in her iin Toronto in June. |free time she does junior farmer | |work, similar to the 4-H club work | lof North America, She prepares grass or clover collections, does | needlework or prepares cattle for | exhibition. She has collected 500 prizes for her efforts and has <0 | | i PERSONALS Noticed at the opening night of the Metropolitan Opera season in i Toronto were Mr, and Mrs. John| HAMILTON (CP) -- Rt. Rev. Harris and their daughter, Mrs, w. E, Bagnall, Anglican Bishop Eric Henry and a party of | of Niagara, Tuesday announced friends, Mr. and Mrs, E. D, V,|the appointment of Canon W. H. of | Lincoln and Welland in succes- {sion to the late Ven. A, T. F. Sunday guests at the home of | Holmes. Togo Bed ly Morton, | Arcisiescon Langhor oo Just " el h | lel e parish of Grace Church, romwell avenue, for 8 Lame | Hamilton, for Christ Church, | Mr, | Niagara Falls, where he also suc-| 'lceeds the late Archdeacon) Holmes. ¥ ARCHDEACON APPOINTED STAUFFER HOME REDUCING PLAN McMurrich of Hamilton. % Representative y GRACE THOMAS liard Heasman, Omemee, 7 Ph. RA 3.9272 and Mrs, G. C. Garbutt, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Sexsmith, Mrs. Truesdale, St. Catharines, | Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Street and| 19 AAA AAA AAR A ER RT daughter, Darlene, Gravenhurst, | ® PY ( l Mrs. Vera Hatherly and Audrey, Peterborough, Mr. Harvey Street, HINTS COLLECTED BY MRS, DAN ERE EE RE EE RE RE EEE EY) With Starflash Camera in your choice of colors Everything needed for day-end. night snapshooting. Brownie Starfiash Camere that takes Ek. tachrome color slides as well as black-and-white ond Kodaceler snaps. Built-in flasholder. Plus batteries, flashbulbs, \Verichrome Pan Film, instructions. Camera in choice of colors: coral red, sky. line blue, alpine white, jet black. 11.95 Your Old Camera 2.00 }. You pay ... $9.95 Toronto, and Miss Sandra Fergu son, Blackstock, . . . . * . . ER, MOTHER OF § Little items of social news are always welcome In this column. | A column-reading [suit the awakening taste buds of If you are enjoying the company | mother writ s: "1itykes. Fruits, vegetables, vegetable was surprised to meat dishes, Meat Dinners, egg v7 bp, find that I learned yolks and desserts make up the viz mis more about what | happy list, was best for baby by the little | mistakes I made. After all, I didn't | Mrs. Lloyd Courtice, Provincial! know she would prefer being bathed, Vice - President of the Ontario fed or held another way until I did Federation of Home and School 1g ihe wIong way. Interesting. The Associations, is in Ottawa all this a and hind System Obviously week attending the National Con- as real educational value, vention, Mrs. Courtice is one of five delegates from Ontario and will be in charge of registration yourself why not telephone 3-3474 and share your pleasure with ethers, ' * . * Straight talk. Sure it's a temptation to gurgle and coo at baby in his own kind of baby talk. But try not to overdo it. Your day-by-day way of spedking to baby ays an important Variety review. Doctors add OM La in an foods to baby's menu at an early [development of age, partly for increased nutritive speech later. And , benefits, but also because early | remember to talk 7 acceptance of variety makes for a lot, If you're silent most of the future good eating habits time, baby won't have much incentive to learn, {HURRY! OFFER EXPIRES Newswomen Visit Stratford STRATFORD -- About Menu planning made easy. 100 women of the Ontarlo-Quebec Gerber offers variety galore--over Baby strikes It rich when you serve B\ 45 good-tasting Gerber Strained Meat Dinners. 4 Strained Foods-- | That's because they're a good source bh; vv oo all notable for ap- | of Fioins baby needs for growth v i 1G 4 rp) region of the Canadian Women's Press Club were guests of the petizing colors and | and development of all body struc naturally good tures. Selected cuts of meat are A flavors. Carefully | subtly blended with choice vegetables Members met the cast and pro- cooked in the and cereal for unusual flavor interest staff of the Stratford absence of air for to please baby. 7 succulent varieties Festival, The visit ended a two. Maximum retention of 'wholesome from which to choose. Gerber Baby day regional conference at Lon. food values--delicately seasoned to | Foods, Niagara Falls, Canada, ation Sunday. 28 KING ST, £. RA 3.4621 £ ™ you can WAY THIS WEEK AT [7752000 DOMINION HAS THE GREATEST VARIETY OF FROZEN Fooos / 7 HAVE You NOTICED HOW AND STILL EVERYTHING 18 GUARANTEED YOU CAN SEE THE PRICES AT A GLANCE / ISN'T EVERYTHING J] NICELY DISPLAYED/ IA MOST OF IT IS ONTARIO URE PLEASUR GROWN / TO SHOP AT Speaking Voice Can Charm Or Chill| LONDON, Ont, (CP)--Feminine | chatter has more far-reaching ef- [fects than most people realize, THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FoR TOMORROW | This should be an excellent period for making plans, contact. ing new leads, for financial matters gencrally. Don't fail to follpv: through on carefully plan ned programs. A piece of good news should also help to make this a really bright day FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates pleas. ant prospects. Joh matters should take an upward swing next month, and efforts put forth as of NOW should bring gratifying reward in September, During Oc tober and November, you can avoid budget problem hv em phasizing and conserv. atisin Where personal relationships are concerned, there will be an| accent on sockl and domestic matters during July and August; on romance in October. Best pe. riods for travel will be mid-July | and late December. You ¢ expect some excellent new December A child born on this day will pe endowed with quick perception, a lively imagination and great versatility Hereford Cathedral In FEng-| , comipleted in the 15th cen-| ud replaced an edifice founded | 3 0 AD. 5 he sald. Taylor, | "The human wvdice can sound| Refreshments were served by {exquisite when progerly {gained, (Mr, and Mrs. Robert Galpin and but few persons have any knowl: |My. and Mrs. Roy Webster. The edge of its value. next meeting will be held on Sep Mr, Dearing asserted that few [{ember 17 women are good public speakers | -- , - -- -- hecause their voices are either HOUSEHOLD HINT ton weak or too penetrating. He| Cheese served as dessert should suggested that a tape recorder be accompanied by both knife might be used to detect and to and fork, preferably a small or correct faults in speech 'tea knife and fork. economy FUR STORAGE TIME for FREE Bonded Pick-up Phone RA 5.2722 7 "FUR SALON" 26 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Walter Muns. The attendance standard of workmanship. Take of handing in slovenly work over| Mrs. Leonard Brash read a re-| york, |work at home, Insist on reason- Mrs. C. F. Wray read the treas- am sure, are not exacting! If he's writing a creative story, i the membership committee, pro: |eisively, and punctuation. Later, go over Winnifred, to Mr. Arnold Albert Reports on the Home and jobs, not caring whether they are (the proper form, (Scotia. The wedding will take Kenneth Markle, Mrs. Lenard| Even at school the youngster|you did. This should be greatly June 28, at 4:30 p.m, Harold Brownlee, high standards of neatness and|should be morally wholesome for! 5; \ (wishes to announce the engage- pin by Mrs, Gordon Cummins. (spell and cipher against the| Q Can we hope to cultivate re./ment of her daughter, 12 by requiri i bal, s Mrs. Frank Dolinskl 1958, closed the business meeting \ quiring him 10 do a few bal, son of Mrs ra v ive penalties for his failing to do take place on Saturday, June 21, erie Thomson's and Miss Marilyn t y y MERRY MATES e---------- ---- -- meeting in the parish hall, and Mrs. Malcolm Adam, when | at Kiwanis Camp on June 14. atre, Mr, and Mrs, Ross Scott and Mr, |volces as with their appearance, |under the direction of Mr. D. R. BY THE . Friday, June 13th Huchnergard, | The minutes of the 1957 annual hold him to a reasonably highited by bright puplls, is the result (ments. prize was won by Miss A. Paga: time to show him what you ex-|the years and having it accepted. | char's room pect and don't accept sloppy, When your child does written port of the nominating commit-| While some parents are too| able standards of neatness and , tee. fussy in this direction, most, 1 precision. ENGAGEMENT [ | Mr, and Mrs. Stephen Evenden urer's report. enough, If they are, they may urge him to put it down quickly| Reports were also heard from | merely scold instead of acting de-|and not to worry about spelling | ment of their daughter, Hazel gram conveners and correspond-| Normally, the younger of 6, 12|it with him to correct the errors Arnberg, son of Mr. and Mrs, ing secretary. or 14 hurries through his regular and have him copy it neatly in| Albert Arnberg of Kentville, Nova School Convention held In Hamil: (done well or not You might note on his paper, place at St. George's Memorial ton recently were read by Mrs. [LACKS PRACTICE lover your signature, just what|Church, Oshawa, on Saturday, Brash, Mrs. John Knox and Mrs. |is not usually held to reasonably appreciated by" the teacher and ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Kenneth Markle was pre- achievement. While the practice|the child, Mrs. Clifford Clark of Oshawa sented with her past president's of having school children write,| PARENTS' QUESTIONS | ore Patricia Ma. Myles" Salih. the new sponsibility in the child of 6 to|Gall Terry, to Mr. Joseph Cem. president o e Association for| Refresh t hi GROUPS, CLUBS regular home chores? lof Toronto, and the late Mr, efreshments were served hy A. Yes; if yo -|Steven Cembal. The wedding will the mothers of the pupils in Val. AUXILIARIES You Set Jolie eitect. Steven Cemh 8 8 | hem promptly. And these penal-|ai 2 p.m. at St. George's Memo- Adams rooms. ties shouldn" include scolding. |rial Church. The Merry Mates of Christ| -- --_----_ Memorial Church held thelr May | A short business meeting was conducted by the presidents, Mr. | {final plans were discussed for the | |Sunday School plenie to be held | says Peter Dearing, artistic di.| | : The meeting was turned over rector of the London Little The: |, the MACLng. was committee, | Women, should take as much and Mrs, Gordon Lofthouse, who : I I A | care with the sound of 'their had arranged square dancing 7:30 P.M. 0.C.V.L ADULTS 50¢ CHILDREN 25¢ DOMINION / Enter This Wonderful New Contest Today! Read how easy it is for you to win big cash prizes -- 1. REGISTER -- Fill in your name, address and phone number ONLY on. the simple registration form available free at your Dominion Store. De- posit in the entry box provided. Register today! Register often! The more often you fogs the more likely you are to be phoned by the Treasure Title Contest. 2, SOLVE THE PUZZLE ---Above is a picture puzzle. Underneath the picture is a list of suggested titles. One title and one alone is the correct title_-- the Treasure Title that can win you a big cash prize. Decide on the Treasure Title NOW, Write it down and put it beside your telephone. DO NOT mail in or deposit your Treasure Title at Dominion. Keep it be- side your telephone, 3. ANSWER "DOMINION" -- If your phone rings any Saturday night bes tween 7:00 and 8.00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, do not answer "hello." Instead say "Dominion Stores." If you do, and it is the Dominion Treasure Title Contest calling, you automatically win $500! NEXT, if you can correctly name the Treasure Title of the above puzzle, you win another $500. NEXT, if you have a Dominion cash register slip dated this week totalling $5.00 or more, your prize is DOUBLED! 4. SAVE REGISTER SLIPS--Shop at Dominion every week and save your cash fegicter slips. One $5.00 slip can be worth $1,000 to you, 39 Put each week's slips AND the Treasure Title C of the puzzle beside your telephone. Employees and agents of Dominion Stores Limited and their families are not eligible for this contest. Te8 PM, EDT. THE CORRECT TITLE IS IN THIS LIST (<) Only Dominion has ( ) Dominion is a truly Richmelle Ice Cream, re. Folks are more friendly At Dominion all prices at Dominion, are plainly marked, You can save on milk Only Dominion has twe at Dominion, Meat Departments. Dominion has the wides! Dominion sells only Top Quality Meats, selection of brands, Only Dominion has You can cut food costs at Dominion. Braeside Enos. At Dominion everything 1t's more pleasant to Is 100% guaranteed, shop at Dominion, Only Dominion has Dominion features Richmello Coffee Canadian products. Deminion has the greatest Fruits and Vegetables are fresher at Dominion. A SAT IRIDALY NIG YT TI TA I )) OA LF (RFA _ «) Y ) L = ION STORES LITER be) EDee CAE REEF INE TITTIES (oT TNRCIN ATT)

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