THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesdoy, Moy 28, 1958 7 Railway Track T E DON (CP Brin LONDON (CP)--Britain's first -- -- al ay rac P Oo R H O P | guided-weapon regiment will join CRIBBAGE WINNER [National Institute for the Blind, R idl Laid the Army of the Rhine in Ger.| MONTREAL (CP)--Alex Gem. |Gemmell had 2401 points in 28 » H {many in the autumn, it was an-/mell of Edmonton won a national games to edge Ne! acy ol Staff Reporter--ROBERT CZIRANKA--FR, 2-7657 api Y | {them run during the period when nounced in the House of Com-!cribbage contest for blind per-| brooke, Que., and Edgar Doucette PORT HOPE -- The machine {control is required by the bylaw. mons. | p ed by the Canadian of Charlottetown. age's contribution to railway Dog Control t-- By Se bylaw. mom -- _-" - -------- i ---------------- v -- New Types | Naval Vessel ack Sastallation as Visible here Of Meters | Visits Harbor [ir io nti = Law Passed | newal of 25 miles of track be- COBURG -- A Royal Cama-li .., Grafton and Port Hope] PORT HOPE -- Town Council dian Naval vessel, the HMCS my. eastbound track is now prac-|passed a bylaw to control Port | 3 Portage put into Cobourg har-\i..ny done, with work in Co-|Hope's dogs Monday night, after esCr1 e bour this afternoon and will nay bourg Station in progress today. amending a controversial clause overnight. The ship is under the wraonines to pull spikes, ma-|which would have made it man- | COBOURG -- The Sperry-Gyro-| command of Lt-Cmdr. W. C.|chines to loosen and tighten bolts, |datory for dogs to be under con- scope Company submitted a let- Flan of Haulin. shop 10 the machines to drive mikes for the fro from May through Septem- town e occa ils, and machines to do|ber, night outlining i annual summer cruise for sea may other jobs formerly done| As finally passed, the bylaw of parking meters available, New| cadets from the various units|py pang have revolutionized track|provides that dogs must be un-| parking meters are being con- across Ontario. Sea cadets of the||avino ©, H. Wood of Oshawa, |der control in July and August. | E A T E F TH | S templated by the council, which RECS Breen, wr iy Hope, |roadmaster for the fuck laying Te lav a Jen Suis 3 an the A A will tour . d thi nday, : ' will allow drivers to pay parking The Pottese, 8 converted mine: gang, tol s paper Mo DE a ting, law, Which ) cost for the entire day. The mat- Whereas formerly a gang of 150 A 7 HONOR GRADUATE 4 of was referred SY he police sweeper, has a complemen ol men could lay nearly two miles 2 Jeash during the two mid-sum- William Henry Bryson, son of committee, officers and men, Usually the f one Jeg of track in a day, now hs. NATIO » Mr, and ry. hind, Bry- | Councillor Tom Jones suggest-|ship is accompanied by a number |, gang of 90 can easily lay four| Miss Minnette Miller 6 Wil- son, Grafton, recently gradu- ed that a fire hydrant be install-lof smaller escort vessels but| miles of one leg of track in a day. liam street, who headed a dele- ated with honors from a three- (ed on Tweed street, He said that|there were none this trip. | Mr. Wood and his gang have gation of dog owners, asked Coun- year course in photographic (at present the nearest fire hy-| The ship saw action in the At-| been laying new track since Feb-|cil not to require confinement TH k CA Y arts at Ryerson Institute, To- |drant was 700 to 800 feet away./lantic with the Royal Canadian ryary and will continue until No-|of dogs during a five . month ronto. The matter was referred to the Navy during World War II. vember, he said, The section period. She backed the other | fire, water, and light committee. from Grafton to Port Hope is provisions of the new bylaw The Cobourg Men's Softball . their third job this year. which provide for registration of | LOW LOW PRIC S BROOKLIN League asked the town council R t t every dog, and urged that these Vi Vi for a grant Monday night, The esuscl d or provisions be enforced strictly by | F d the confiscation and humane de- oC orce ' struction of unregistered dogs, same amount as last year would MRS, ARTHUR ELLIOTT be sufficient, they said. The mat- Demonstrated ; Correspondent a1 |ter was referred to the finance Speaking against the five-month BROOKLIN -- At a speclal| = =e COBOURG -- A new resuseita- Mone Stolen restriction of dogs, Reeve Read Jeeting 0 He el of te Councillor A. H. Richardson in-|, "0 "a0 "ih ted at the Co | Y Budge 131d some dof owuers Rad bom ur Vick oy Dr Kenneth | formed the council that the EW! hourg fire hall last night by a| PORT HOPE -- Thieves forced (OX TM 1 Eh 00 mie Pe * by-law governing dogs running ati . ocontative of the Batronic|the lock of Hunt Brothers egg 1. Mountjoy recommended that); ; 0 would be ready for the next men ' 3 Company. It is expected that the grading station, 45 Cavan street, | ' sant: ' 5 53 Buick Special, 4-dr., radio, more adequate fire equipment be geting, fire department will acquire one Monday night, and took about FINED $15 57 Dodge Rege Ye $2295 55 Tlimaut Yard 1495 very $ 195 cyl. , purchased. ) Earl Young, 22, of Port Hope ire UNEMPLOYMENT FUND of these new machines. $100 in cash, a 8 22, pe, oh agrecd Yat 3 mew f | 'A motion by Councillor A. C. H.| The machine will be kept at the| The cash was In a box, divided was fined $15 and costs for sup- 56 Dodge '53 Chevrolet $ The present lot and old build-|field to exempt town employees fire hall but will be used in alljup in pay envelopes for farmers plying liquor to minors on May 3. 9 t 995 '58 lssetta, the real $ ing are too small for addition, so|from contributing to the Un-|emergencies and not primarily who ri he establishment The accused pleaded guilty. Coach Bel Aire 4dr, . .. economy. cor. . t would be necessary, to employment Insurance Commis-|for persons overcome by smoke. with eggs. Nothing bu e cash | . . : ih fire hall De oy was defeated. The motion The machine will also serve in was taken and to Gariage was started down 45 minutes later, 56 Ford 54 Ford Coach, tu 904 '52 Chevrolet, 2-dr., § road machinery building needs an |proposed that employes on the|cases of drowning and for people done except to the door, where Aq the man reached about 20 Coach tone, radio, etc . . . radio, clock, signals addition it was suggested that a|town staff for three years, be who have suffered heart attacks. the lock was pried off. [feet from the ground fireman ai lenin men | Sumo ---- i new combined building could be considered permanent employes,| ~~ -- iz Marcel Lacroix climbed the '55 Dodge Crusader, '54 Plymouth Belve- $1295 50 Plymouth $295 used for both purposes Councillor A. O. Perfect made .os . structure to within five feet of 4-door dere, like new . . The Property Committee was a motion that the employes be 10 Decrees Nisi | riest da him and asked for a cigaret, The ' Sedan requested to negotiate the pur-|contacted about the matter first| man handed out his pack and chase of property, adjacent to the to get their views on the subject | fireman Roger Rivest, who had RY TO Road Building, |before any further action was| Granted By Court an om climbed up the opposite side, o oo oo Meanwhile the present fire hal] (taken. This motion was carried. COBOURG -- Ten divorce de-| iseized him | will be painted and necessary re-| Reeve C. E. Johnston said he crees were granted at the Spring | . h | Police Captain James O'Rellly, pairs made. Also 18 additional felt the men needed the security| Assizes of the Ontario Supreme | 10 erc {riding the top of a mobile exten- 574 RIT 4 . outfits for the firemen and 6ne Which the unemployment finsur- Court which begin its sittings on| : {sion ladder, then grabbed the tarpaulin will be purchased. {ance provided. Monday. Chief Justice J. C. Mec- MONTREAL (CP) --~A Roman |... tightly and both were low- COUNCIL BRIEFS | - | Ruer presided at the sittings. Catholic priest Tuesday night oreg (4 the ground. - A copy was received of the On- BUS SUBSIDY There were eleven divorce cases persuaded a 29-year-old si) io) The man was being held at tario Water Resources Commis-| Town council backed its finance on the list and only one was not| come down from his perch 60 fee !police headquarters pending a sion approval of the construction committee Monday night by au. granted, that of Throop vs.|above Montreal's waterfront after | oq. examination, of a water main on Garside and |thorizing a subsidy of $300 for one| Throop. Decrees nisi were grant. talking with him for 45 minutes. | ___ _____ Mitchell avenues and the balance month only to the Burley Bus|ed to the following: Gunter vs.| The man, whose name was| « Heber Down crescent. [Line to enable the revision of its| Gunter; Eyre vs. Eyre; Rollings withheld by police, climbed the A report from Municipal Plan- (timetable and set up uniform |vs. Rollings; Lynch vs. Lynch; steelwork beneath a grain eleva- nlag Consultants Co. Ltd. regard- [service for every week day. Crabbe vs. Crabbe; Farrow vs. |tor and leaned Pecatiously ever ing proposed official plan of this| The fin ance committee had Farrow; Ravensdale vs. Ravens. | the heads of a crowd which as- township was discussed. {recommended the subsidy, after dale; Morris vs. Morris; Bolder-|sembled below. led The council and planning board |a meeting with representatives of stone vs. Bolderstone; and Vin- Father Jean Naert ta son must decide whether to go onthe bus line. 'cent vs. Vincent, tinuously with the man, who using private wells, and septic tanks, or make all new growth conform to a municipal water supply system, and a sanitary sewage system. Clerk Murray Robinson was) authorized to complete the deal with Mr. M. B. Vipond to trade! re for a small parcel of land for Vipond Headq uarte road extension. FREEK FARM PARKING Ed Mrs. F. W. McBrien complain- - - ed of conditions existing at the the motorcycle races held at the Freek Farm and requested that handsome fo palling provisions be made on | a concession for any future Drop In and see the new, popular priced fine of matched tools for handy-about She requested chloride treat- the-house-men, hobbyists, occasional tool users -- in a word, do-it-yourself men -- ment of that road the matter was was referred to Road Superin- tendent Nicole Ross. ! [ o CTRL) TENDERS ACCEPTED | Tenders were received for a truck cab and chassis, dump body | and hoist, excavating storm sew- | er trench tractor and mower, | earth moving equipment rental, | Weed a brush spray. e tender for cab and chassis went to Cliff Mills Motors Ltd., | BLOCK we TWO TOOLS Oshawa, on a G.M.C. 91043 at net cost $5,390.00, subject to ap- PLANE 4 proval of Department of High- Ne. M1252 ways. 4 The tender for body and the d tender for the snow plow went to 4 r vawnaee " QD Eastern Steel Products at net cost | ANDYMAN Hanorman of $2,262.00, subject to aproval y ; o, Deyasimient of Highways. BLOCK PLANE -- adjust- TWO TOOLS IN ONE! And CHISEL FOR HOMECRAFTS- e tender for a storm sewer " i is "Yone trench was accepted from Frank able use with one hand. 7 iii ne irl Yan. MEN -- Handsome, plastic Thompson at cost of $5.50 per || long, 1% inch cutter. An- chet Tool drills holes, drives handle -- thin blade -- part hour. other useful Stanley Handy- and draws screws with @ of the motched Stanley ag Sender ol Bo Heron Io man Tool. One of the push, Quick.seturn action, Handyman Line. All popu- an International 3as power . Easy to work--you use on : --- i tractor and mower at net price of matched tools! Price of bons hand -- x real _-- lor sizes Prices Sturt, op $1,850.00 was accepted subject to || Plane, only $2.35. saver. Only $6.95, $1.90 each, approval of Department of High- ways The tender received from Wm. J. Medland for weed spray gr ) i A at $4.05 per gallon was accepted, gt % j Ng ' together with the tender of « Brooklin Hardware for brush gr i | spray at $9.15 per gallon, SV + 4 < x ho Ks Zo The tender received from Alnor Earth Moving Equipment | Co. was also accepted: J : R 5K, ; y / The Road Department was re- : ony wee and one coal does l quested to purchase a "traffic . AN i ' counter" to count the cars pass- ¢ : ing on a road. i . You win in every way when you use C-I-L House Paint--the paint that beats the ; ; | weather. HAND SAWS HAMMERS e You get lasting protection C-I-1 House Paint protects your property investment --it resists cracking, peeling and blistering. -- BIT BRACE FOR DO MATCHED SET * You get non-fading colors C-I-L House Paint enhances your 4 FOR IT YOURSELFERS HAND DRILL home's appearance with colors that don't fade. 11 ' GREAT' e You're money ahead Because C-I-L. House Paint stays fresh NEWS | and colorful, you don't have to paint again for at least three or four years! OSHAWA Ne. M1230 * Weather-Testing proves durability Thirty-eight different SHOPPING Bib checks are made to prove the durability of C-I-I, House Paint. CENTRE Il: Povtectly volanced. Chuck 8 dill points in hawdle. 3: e Wide choice of colors You have a complete range of smart, 'l grosps bit firmly, Part of the jow chuck with V4" capac- warm colors to choose from. 30 matched, red ond gray ity. One of the matched red For colorful protection that beats the weather, buy C-I-L House Paint. Available at Stanley Handyman Line. See end Stanley Hand oi *.1-L Pai ¥ bbe LR Ls ri ng SQUARES ; id a ivley an on | your neighborhood C-I-L Paint Dealer, Only $6.20, $5.85. THIS IS A SAMPLE OF OUR WIDE SELECTION OSHAWA W00D PRODUCTS LIMITED Downtown Showroom Office and Showroom OSHAWA'S ONLY FULL LINE C.I.L. DEALER 84 SIMCOE S. 6 OSHAWA vo COURTICE J i PAINT AND RA 8-1617 TELEPHONES RA 8-161 : oh YO SERVE YOU BOWANVILLE oy A T T E WALLPAPER LTD. ZE 2.9600 MA 3-2130 ® COLOR SCHEMING -- ALL TYPES OF DO-IT-YOURSELF RENTALS @ Downtown Office Open Friday Until 9 P.M. 85 YEARS AT 85 SIMCOE STREET NORTH, OSHAWA PHONE RA 5-3529 ---- PR ar i