THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesdoy, Mey 28, 1958 § y 74 ts 4 - er py " REMANDED FOR SENTENCE Accused, 19, Admits A 19-year-old Indian, who said told him that he thought it was that Andrews had attempted to (4% he has no permanent address, a police cruiser, said PC Ed-open a pay telephone at the yesterday pleaded guilty to a Wards, and he stopped beside a College Grocery, on Dundas St, 4 charge of attempting to de eat, car which he found parked on E,, but had failed to do so, he the course of justice by confes-| Dundas St, and threw a bag of said, sing to a theft, Willard Andrews money in the car and tossed a| Cpl, Bill Middleton said that was remanded one week for sen- broken pay telephone on the Andrews had -been taken in the tence when he appeared before|ground behind (he car, then cruiser to identify the pay tele Magistrate Frank Ebbs in Whit. drove on to Toronto, phones he had claimed he had by police court, SIGNED CONFESSION opeed, The only yond he doula Andrews was charged with at-' "Andrews said that he became identify wis one 4 Highway p tempting to defeat the course of worried about it," said PC Ed- between Oshawa and Whitby, ' justice by confessing to theft! yards "and returned to Whitby TRIED TO GET CAUGHT from telephone boxes, ap offence znd after (wo or three days « (v4 1 for which two other men have (yrped himself in and freely Wiig ond sid tua bo Jot already been committed for trial signed a statement admitting truck to make a confession," by another court, the thefts," said the corporal, "He said that ple UM PC Kenneth Edwards, of the, pc Edwards added that An- he was trying to break open a ° | Whitby Police Deartment, told drew's sto id not see co- one e i GORD NICHOLLS WALLY SAMANISKI RON NELSON the court, that on Monday mort nents. wih the facts already the a6t gui he could not get the Outfield Pitcher Catcher ing, at 7:45, Andrews apeared known about the thefts and phone off the wall," at the police station and reported | after further questioning, the Crown Attorney Alex, C, Hall, 4 that he had stolen three or four|gecused admitted that his con- QC, asked that a charge of at- | |pay telephones, sometime in'fession" had been untrue, tempted theft be withdrawn i Apri, Ardrews then gave a state- since the tampering with the He said that Andrews told him ment that he had been offered telephone on Dundas St. ap- that when he had committed the $500 and a 1951 dump truck if peared to be all part of the thet, he was driving west on he would confess to the thefts, same offence Dundas St, W., in Whitby, when said PC Edwards Andrews was remanded until he saw a car folowing, Andrews Further questioning revealed next Tuesday for sentence, vide for its members training ant . representative of the On- | son of Ken Holliday, leader of itis : | tario Department of Agricul- | the Oshawa Kiwanis 4-H Club in good citii snship. In Ontario Gets 3 Months 'Hold Election & i Soqis Sean sores | aise Moule, Cis Suv | Cousty Shem am 3, ture wn € rad Of Offi IN ONTARIO COUNTY For Intoxication |OfOfficers | A former Whitby resident, said that he had been sent to Whitby Scout and Cub Troops, | . who told the court he had spent! Mimico but had been refused held their regular meeting on - u or ouris O85 three three-month terms in re-| treatment because he was un- Monday with a very good at-| formatory during the past year suitable, tendance, Rev, 8, J, Armstrong PY was yesterday jailed for another , nave done three three- very capably assisted president 0 B CG rl T k P three-month term for being in- month terms for intoxica- Mrs. Muelemeester with the oYvSs, 1 S a e ar » he told election' of officérs for the fol toxicated in public. Harold tion in the last a : Phillips, 34, who had been out Magistrate Ebbs. "The second lowing year, UXBRIDGE 4-H Club work|girls participate in these clubs. regular meeting a study program ga " 4 of jail only three weeks when|last time I got out, I was only President, Mrs. G, Lomax; is organized by the extension| During the past month Al [ls carried out, 9 h was charged, was sentenced out 12 hours before 1 was back vice-president, Mrs, H, Inkpen; branch of the Ontario. Depart: Blades, the assistant representa. The members of the Oshawa by Magistrate Frank Ebbs in|in jail again, This time I was secretary, Mrs. D, J. Cuddy; ment of Agriculture, In Ontario tive, has been visiting the homes| Kiwanis 4-H Dairy, the Brougham Whitby police court after asking out three weeks when 1 got treasurer, Mrs, C, A. Sturgess; County H. L. Fair, agricultural |of the livestock club members,|4H Dairy and Beef and the Osh 5 that he not be sent to the On- caught." press correspondent, 5, F, representative; Al, Blades, assis-|All the beef and dairy calves are/dwa Kiwanis 4-H Grain Clubs 8 | tario County Jail, at Whitby, "Make it a reformatory this McCaffrey; social convener, tant representative, Uxbridge, ear.tagged and the weanling pigs Will hold their Achievement Day re 1 " Evidence in Phillips' case was time," he asked, "not the county Mrs, E. Harlow; sewing con-|and Miss Wilda J, Gordon, Home |jn the swine club are tattooed for|at the South Ontario Agricultural y oy 4 |given last week. At that time, jail," vener, Mrs, M, McKenzie; ex- Economist, are ably assisted bylidentification, During June, July|Society Fair at Oshawa on Satur. JIM LORENO BOB BOOTH RED McDERMIAD Whitby police testified that Phil. His Worship gave him three ecutive members, | {day 2nd Baseman Catcher - Outfield First Base lips was found asleep beside a months and made a. recom-| Bowyer, Mrs, L G. Pridle, Mrs, full co-operation of the local farm|the homes of the club members earliest of the fall fairs held by [coal shed on Dundas St. E., with! mendation that he be sent to T. R. Tompkins, people, Farm boys and girls from|to see how thelr grain and potato[the different Agricultural So. four bottles of wine at his side. Mimico for treatment, He also| The business meeting followed 12 to 20 years of age participateiplots are growing and how the|cleties in the county, The other 13 Philips last week asked the fined him $10 and costs or 10 with Mrs, G. Lomax taking over |in the 4-H Club program, Each calves and swine are progress-|H Clubs have their Achieve. court to be sent somewhere for days, concurrent, for having from Mrs, B, Muelemeester, [4-H Club has one or more Spon-iing, Each club member receives ment Days at their local fair, treatment for alcoholism, Helliquor in a public place, Tentative plans were made for |#oring organizations which in-iat least one visit during the sum. | These Achievement Days offer an -- . . ---- |a Fall Bazaar, date to be an.|clude service clubs, Agricultural|mer by Al, Blades and by a local 0Pportunity for each club mem. Societies and Women's Institutes, |club leader. The purpose of these ber to compare the results of his Mrs. H, J.ithe local leaders and have the and August visits will be made today, Aug. 16, 1958. This is the | nounced later on, had | - d | d Wi Everyone interested in Scout-| The 4H emblem is a four-leafiyisits is to discuss the problems or her own work with fellow ne out un er an ing is welcome to attend the clover with the letter "H" In each|the club members are having members in competition and fo Ladies Auxiliary, leaf, The four leaves stand for with their projects, to help them|exhibit it to parents, friends and H 1d P t | The next meeting will be held |#00d luck and achievement. The with these problems, and to in- all other interested persons, ' 0 S ar Y [the fourth Monday of September | 4-H's stand for Head, Heart, spect the projects. The 4-H Club movement is a osts in All Saints parish hall {Hand and Health, and signify the| gaon 4H Club holds a regular|*Plendid opportunity for the edu. ' - -- training and development that|.,.oniniy meeting at a farm 'home Aton i Saluing a oa urs} ga y V 3 Sunderland Women's Institute {the members undergo, | " " boys and girls in leadership a --- at ov ud under the direction of Mrs, G |phries: were delightful in thelr) The chief objective of club hare Lyentock ig in community spirit. . [costs yesterday in Whitby traf- W. Johnson, an evening of enter.|3ANCinG numbers, Mary Louwork is to provide for its mem. pach 4-H Club ber has a Bod ' °T* | Baker gave several solos on the bers training in good citizenship. | onal pertaining to his or her {| fie court by Magistrate A, 8. tainment was provided for the | Mitchell, King was also ordered residents of Fairview Lodge, A|LusEeaics sud Mey, Earl Ward 17 CCL County, there are 17|PATticular project and at the FOR MISSED to attend the Oshawa Safe| community sing song led by . . | A humorous quartet performed boys and girls clubs including, | Driving Clinic to be held in Mrs, Roy Johnson opened the including Mrs. Stan Jewell, Mrs. swine, dairy and beef calf, grain, | PAPERS September, {program followed by a duet by poo Shire, Mrs, Howard Bret-|potato and forestry clubs, There TEA AND Phone He was represented by Terence Gail Shire and June Newell. |, and Mary Lou Baker, The are also 11 Homemaking Clubs| . . Friday, June 6 | moO. 8-3111 | V. Kelly, and pleaded "guilty to| Solos were performed by highli p po p 5 irls, Over 300 be and ghlights of the evening were for the girls, Over 0ys | | the charge of careless driving. |Larry Johnson and were very Masters Grant Wills and Stanley - HOMEBAKE SALE f 5 PM, On Friday, sponsored by the R. P. Allman, OPP, told the much enjoyed. Mr, Clarence purwood who played duets on | | [ court that on April 11, about| Young rendered violin * 80108 (he piano, The program closed Success Seen 7:00 p.m. he investigated a which had everyone toe tapping. | with the singing of the National motor vehicle accident on No. 2| Joan and Maria Snodden, Anthem, -. County Road, Reach township. Helen Wills, Beverly Gorrill,| The ladies of the Institute I C | 1# you have not received you : 8 , ' His investigation revealed that Mary Grobbs, and Vivian Hum-/served a delightful lunch n ampaign [ at the home of Vin Gert by 7 P.M Cel pen the King vehicle was proceeding - Whitby Red Shield campaign MRS M BOWMAN y iii 5 a " « north on No, 2 County Road appears headed for success be- NICK MIOCZECK SAMMY STARK JOE "OSCAR" PIONTEK when it went out of control and b 40th for the month's end, says Stuart| 510 Dundes Eost BELL TAXI Outfield 3rd Baseman ' Shortstop |strack a southbound vehicle serve Roblin, chairman of publicity for | Auspices Florence Davey Group {driven by Donald Wilson, 862] the campaign, So far, $2,000 of f of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Al calls unt be d between the $3,000 objective has been || Church, am SHOWN ABOVE are some of | Beaches League fastball game | pitcher, to their roster and this |Simcoe St. North, Oshawa | hd the players on Tony's Refresh. | at Centennial Park, Whitby. The | year hopes are high that Tony's | Damage was estimated at $550, | nniversary subscribed, | ments team which tonight play | team has recently added Char. | will bring a championship back Magistrate Mitchell explained host to Sher a regular | lie Justice, renowned colored | to the county town, that ia court operates Xp a 10 he Jays thal Many Andustisaly to: | Wh _cou lawn, [ and Mrs, Joseph H, St|Mr, Albert Baker, of Toronto, |And commercial fir V -- m---- r---- -- Mr, -- ~ | point, system, A careless driving; 9 . | be heard from and it appears ° Lanse ta w [John, of Sunderland, celebrated| After an evening of playing . | conviction automatic ally takes | (hoir' 40th wedding anniversary|cards and croquinole, a delicious that the objective will be reached LK WAGEN CARS & TRUCKS ase 1 nesses ucC1 e utt obi Ay % Joints, nll ol molar on Satirday night, May 24, with/lunch was served by Mrs, P.|by the week end I Bo | veept p erel, Mi arold St, J | ver, Ided, canvassers ini a reception held in their honor|{Metherel, N Harold St. John| However, he add Anvassers | Definitely Canada's Best Car Value four points, his driver's license|as their home. and Mrs, Greensides, A three- have been unable to make . is suspended for a period of two| non | . | Many gifts and cards were re-/tier wedding cake, which was|return calls to many homes ® Termed Liars Is Speaker years, ceived from the family and/made and decorated by Mrs, P.|which were visited when the SOLO SPRAYER "» iki io friends, Mr, and Mrs, St, John|Metherel, was cut by the bride. householder was absent, Any Unequalled In Performance & Quality For All Types Of Spray» All the witnesses for the about o car lengths behind him | Chosen hy the Whitby Rotary WHITBY received a radio, tea kettle and| After singing "For They Are|residents still wishing to contri-| ing, Have Your Trees and Shrubs Protected aot a Price You Saiente re : ines of = oh) Se, Be Jun that hey Club as the town's citizen of the | electric frying pan from their|Jolly Good Fellows" a lovely bute to the campaign who have Can Afford To Pay ec liars," charge gis. | : year for a trip to Ottawa, Lucille immediate family, [evening which was enjoyed by|not been visited may send their trate A. S. Mitchell vesterday|Per hour, Tutt, a Grade XII student at| PERSONALS | Members of the family attend. all came to a close, contribution to Box 2/4, Whitby, Ld SOLO MOTORHOE i Wuliby Jailic Sout x he 4 Gerad Noble, Who way travel. the WDHE, yesterday reported ing Were Mr. ad Mis Ww. G.| I This Revolutionary Moterhoe of Germon Manufacture will eorge G " ng wi ates a e time said to the ireensides, of Fort Erle, r bp Queen St, Brooklin, $100 .and that they were travelling « be- Citizenship ie Mrs. George Hewis left from and Mrs, P, J, esmorel, oi a 9 Lorge Gap, It 1s The Ideal Tool In The Market Garden, costs and suspended his driver's tween 70 and 80 miles pre hour, (at the weekly luncheon meeting Malton Airport on Thursday for| Whitby, and Mr, and Mrs, Harold owerop Work, Vineyards and Small Fruit Plantations. license for three months, Cross examination revealed that|of the club, an extended vacation in Eng-/B. St. John, of Sunderland, five CUSTOM WORK IN SPRAYING and GARDEN TILLAGE DONE Gates was represented by he was in the back seat, and| Following an introduction by|land, Scotland and various other |grandchildren, including Shirley | John Wootton, and pleaded not did not see the speedometer. Rotarian Archie Archibald, Miss places. While in London she and Donna Metherel, of Whitby,/FOR Rent -- Furnished ais aoa angrions pant cuffing, drape guilty to the charge of careless] Magistrate Mitchell, after Tutt stated that she had been! Will be visiting her sister, Mrs, Judy and Susan Anderson, of{1oim._ With itchn Sallie pirate A aaratonti0 tT June driving. {hearing the evidence, fined the One of 200 students from all|W. Selwyn, and also Mrs, T. Fort Erie, and Jimmy §t John, (givoet, : June 1 [HOURS wanied Buyers waiting, some SOL PC A. Whiteside, OPP, testi-|suspenced his license for three|Parls of Canada who had been Ruseln 2 Derbyshire, England, of Sunderland, Hr ean Y. fou LL Cal oF your equity, W. McAuley, an i .| accused $1 ost y the Ottawa Rot who is ill, | Other members present were|*™ "8 Realtor, MO 8.3231, Rep. Audrey Moore | fied that on April 20 at approxi $100 and costs and| rh Taal ary (Dr. aad Mrs. H. Re John of|%0d delivered or laid, manure, voto|Mo p4oes, June 2 PHONE MO 8.2222 600 MAPLE ST. mately 1:45 am. he was on months, | t one week in | i , Of ting, MO 8 4215 May 20] = } 'Ha May, Mrs, J. C, Marston, accom: Rochester, New York, Mrs - = [LAWN mowers sharpened. Pick up and | AFTER 7 P.M, (EVENINGS) WHITBY i bo the sanitary/delivered, Phone MO 8.3708 or MO trol with PC Harold Hawkins, ) pa During their visit, they were|Panied by her son and daughter-| Arthur Baker and Mrs. Beatrice|SErTic tanke cleaned the Atay om. June 15| OPP, when he noticed a car pass | . 4 the cruiser three miles north of | WHITBY on hand to watch the opening of jJulav, Mr. and Mrs. R. C.Doble, of Udora, Mr, and Mrs, |204 Chestnut West, Phone MO 8-288. on vent = Three oom apartment |" Brooklin ou highway No. 12. the 24th Canadian parliament, | Marston, were in Ottawa re- Wilfrid Evans, of Uxbridge, Mr. June 24|yith bath, Two children welcome, Phone The vehicle was followed for DAY-BY-DAY [They attended discussions at|°eMtY Where they visited Friends. 'and Mr. 0. W. Baker and Mrs. | Jgniats moved, iredy_ new er MO 84043; 308 Byron North, 134e i |Carleton University, s [McIllmurray, of Sunderland, and |ials installed as low as $39. Independent| FOR sale -- Antique Victorian chest. two miles at speeds up to 90] ¥, she sald,| The many friends of Mr. | oorray, of et 2 Service, MO 3001, Wane 17 srfield and one beschnut bed. Two din. N 0 TI Cc E miles per hour and brought to a| where almost every subject was| Derek Cranha h | ad p m are happy to ALTERATIONS, remodelling or bulld|\h& room suites, one studio couch, two stop at the village limits, ROTARY GUESTS dealt with from a new national (learn that he Is now back at| . Eanes ax wid chars, two ama DENIES 90 MPH ofS at this week's meeting flag to whether Indians on re- home from the hospital and Is! Fete Residents anything LBB Rg oe, utility. tables, baby businetie, manic ; Wh v ol ons shou J i | clock, dios, hot plate, 670-18 spare e itby Rotary Club in Ov e allowed to|convalescing nicely, They wish 330 p.m i DE Sg Ts kitchen Notice of By-law to close and Gates told the court that he cluded Dianne Gunn, of thel Vote. him - TI } Ba ' a complete recovery. J. -- Partly furni sink, ete. Al fect condition, Must Yas only travelling about 68 to OCCI, who represented Oshawa SEE RCMP alrview Fentral. Wor sale: aimast ew. 108 Sel tonight. Private. MO 83043, 134 dispose of highway did not 8 at his 10, he Adventure in Cltisensup They visited the RCMP bar- of My w Pe Mak The Rebekahs of Pickering toute, ped 13. M9110 tn Tent lari. twpavol | He said that he passed the Dempsey, all of Oshawa, Roger yucks and watched the men In|Mp and Mrs. Colin McLean, of and Ajax entertained the esl: hor Maingans Whitby, MO SHI (MO S00, ene S0%ic] The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Whitby cruiser about half a mile from/ Conant, J, K. Sanders and H, Glasses, They had dinner with a Ottawa, were last week - end dents of Fairview Lodge at thel Mune 1i<on for Sale -- Wor the finest in sod will se he gular esting " Monday, dn 7th, 1958, " the Brooklin, However, he admitted|Huxter, of Ajax, and Al Strike, group of recruits and while there | guests at the Macdougall resi-' monthly birthday party held on prEssmMAK and alterations. Rea. call Grant Landscaping, MO 8.2587 our of three o'clock in the wfternoon, Daylight Saving Time, that he did not know that it was|of Bowmanville. A a a a dence, |Monday, The evening was|sonable prices, Work guaranteed, Mon | June 21 Sontider ", pass o bydow providing Jo the Stopping up, a 'eruiser he had passed until | le of S, Ke ohn: | | |opened with community singing day te Friday, MO 8.4398; 863 Byron guy and sell used furniture, Special closing and disposing of that portion of the Rea owance he heard the siren. ~ NEW ROTARIAN son, Rideau Hall, home of the| Outof-town guests who at- with Mr, C. Warne at the en North, May 3 jing in handmade and remodelled fur | between Lots 32 and 33, in the Fifth Concession of the Lloyd Blain, of Oshawa, said Initiated as a new member of Governor General, was intended the Keefer - Milburn! A travelogue of the British|CUSTOM sewing on draperies, mea. 131% Sok Rot guaran i June1? said Township, which seid parcel is more particularly des- he was following Gates all the cribed os follows: | surements taken and eut from material way from Port Perry, and was the Whitby Rotary Club, at SPected by the group and a tour| wedding held recently at Faith Isles was next enjo | ) able, " i v a 1 yed. A musi. we chased. F timates. [FOR Rent -- Furnished room in re yesterday's luncheon meeting of (© the capital was made in| Baptist Church were: Mr. and|cal quiz tested the knowledge |For ia My Taking. MO. 8.3100, AR home. Phone before ap m, the club, was Carl Mantz, pub. use: provided by the Federal|Mrs, H. J. Graham of Toronto,|of the residents and the prize June 10/40 MO 8.4257 Juneld Premising that the bearing of the south limit of Provincial ---- - Highway No, 7, as shown on Deposit Plan No, 187 "High : lisher of the Whitby Weekly District Commission, which is|Mr, annd Mrs, Gurney Milburn, for the most correct answers ~ RS aL a - ili H 1 News. The initiation was con. currently developing plans for| Mr. and Mrs, Garfield Munson, went to Miss Margaret Wray. 3 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL ways" is N 73° 10' 30" E and reloting oll bearings used uxi lary 0 S ducted by Rotarians Don Tutt Moving many of the govern. Mr. and Mrs, Irwin Crulk-| Dancing and a sing song con.| . For the little camper, child's Coarse or fine, $7.00 per herein thereto: . and Maurice Slichter and the Ment buildings to the rim of the shanks, Mr. and Mrs. William! cluded the programme, | * zipper front corduroy jockets, load," Cement Gravel, $1.60 [ i t th th le of th id Lot 32: Final Meet new member was formally wel city, Lyons of Oshawa, Mr, and Ms, | The beautifully decorated assorted colors, sizes 4 to 6x, yard. Sand and Loam Fill gg hy 1 She dor fost angle o he Jo; 3 ot te 1n comed into. the club by president! She recalled that the Hon, James West of Scarborough, |birthday cake was cut by Mrs. Price $2.29 For delivery to Oshawa hee Io of the oid inenes 9 9 feet 10 the The 1st and 2nd Scouts and ell Murkar, Michael Starr, Minister of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Perry of Whittier, oldest guest, while| Men's Matched Sets = Whitby - Ajax area -- ERIC «Mr uIt ungie 91 the tog SUES Cubs Mothers' Auxiliary held] Whitby Jerry's Juventle Lavor, Ded been ate for a Orangeville, Mrs, Ed. Robert-|everyone sang happy birthday. - Khoki Shirts $3.50; Khaki BRANTON -- MO 8-2660 Thence § 17° 37° 30" K olong the cast limit of the sid their last meeting of the season|hockey cl wa dd lle breakfast date, having been de- son, of Fergus, and Mr. and|Lunch was served by the Ajax,| Pants $4.95. Ideal for work May 30 Lot 33, « distance of 386.18 feet: bin Poe Mig Bill Bai {oc ey ¢ ub, Whithy's entry in tained most of the previous night (Mrs. H. Barrey, Carol Barrey Pickering ladies. or play v onday Yeaing, oS ow the THL last season, are holding while in a discussion to avert/ and Allison Barrey, cousins of Honor guests at the party d afterwards went David's another dance Friday night in|the strike of firemen on the the groom, of Port Perry. The were: Mrs. G. Colon Miss| Ladies! See our rack of cool i Ry A to David's the arena auditorium, beginning|CPR. To make up for this, Mr. bride's table was beautifully de- Catherwood Miss Rab Gib cotton dresses for Summer, Boats, Mates, Bat Trailers, r dinner, at 8:30 p.m. until 12:00 p.m, Starr. had taken the citizens corated for the occasion with Mrs. Jane Lewin. Mrs. R. Whit. Prices $3.95 to $10.95 Cabin Trailer, Tents, Camp Thence N 17° 37° 30" W along the west limit of the said A meeting was later on held With each paid admission, a free from Ontario County on a tour|pink and white streamers and tier, Mr. J. Collins Mr, Stacy Rote Trig i i Lot 32, & distance ub S45:43 futt tu the Point ol ome its | ht phesidents Ma oller skating pass i be Jivearut the Parliament buildings. white bells centered with a Mr, A. Toynbee, Mr. B. Wilson, MERCANTILE ay Eade Tiller" " mEnsEmEnt: 0] + Teports fol / roller skating night at| They heard an address by three tier wedding cake. Those Mrs. S. Derusha, Mrs. A. 3 Foo G ; 3 were given by the treasurer,/the Whitby Community Arena.|Prime Minister Diefenbaker and|in charge of the reception were | Reilly Mr Wi Tg Hy DEPT STORE for ole Boats, Wate All persons i hig vi tke Jun watics, Mrs, D. Dair, After the busi- Dance to the up-to-date top 60|later received from him their|Mrs Roy Fallow and Mrs. Glen Th wo, on Mr 1 ibn G : Tater Dated ot Brooklin, Ontario this Sth doy of May, A.D. 1938, 1 as over n ne ECO u Phe : 1) @ MTS le ompson, Jal ora, j | Joss Sesion was ver tu Meet records including the "Purple Canadian citizenship certificates, Raker assisted by Carol and Da The Fes pie WHITBY, ONTARIO | WILDE MURRAY ROBINSON, CLERK Tb ph ola the Brock Poe aes will have adult the Wh tb Sia by thanking Allison Berry and Bernice Hicks. presented with corsages and the "The Store with the RENTAL SERVICE TOWNSHIP QF WHITBY da J he Miby club for sponsoring Mrs, Irwin Cruikshanks and! gentlemen boutonnieres and all " . | FS, $ s Log Fro MO 26 theatre | supervision. (her on the trip. Mrs, William Lyons poured tea.ireceived gifts. | g Front 8.322 FOR RENT Thence S$ 37° 44' E to «a point in the west limit of the said Lot 32, a distance of 191.87 feet more or less: June 12