9 THE DAILY TIMES-SAZETTE, Wednssdey, Mey 15, 1938 4 vv > i . elections were by acclamation, | William Borrowdale and Har- only two being decided by bal- | old Phillips. Elected for a one- lot. Two members of last year's | year term were: John Kent, executive still have one year | president; Lloyd Corson, first to serve, These are directors | vice - president; Jack Ander- Oshawa Lions Club held its I election of officers in Room of Hotel Gen- day night. No Atlantic iff this, as most of the Local Centre Among Best On Continent <hawa Shopping Centre ference discussing promotion, either," he added. least as good, if not much managements and other com- COMPARES WELL t most of the shopping mon problems. When The Daily Times repor- ie United States sta-| «It gave one the chance to ter asked Mr. Gorrie if the Osh- manager Of meet the top personnel in the awa Shopping Centre fell down store In| shopping centre and branch in any way when compared to from a gore development business," the ones he saw, he replied, States sald Mr. Gorrie, "thus I was| The only aspect of the Oshawa represented able to gain valuable knowledge Shopping Centre which suffered Urban Land|for the Oshawa Shopping Cen- Dy comparison to those in the ty Bullder's|tre as well as our own store." |U shed State; was its approaches petings in Minneapo-| CENTRES STUDIED NC entrances. esota, from May 21 10| The delegates to the eonfer-| very highway and main ence spent their third day visit street approaching the American - centres was extremely well The organization is made up ing a variety of shopping centres marked with adequate signs of the best architects and devel-/in the Minneapolis area, Time telling the public un the shop. opers in the Unifed States, Can- was also spent studying those in ing bie PD was andthe Dest ada and Honolulu as well as re- Chicago and Milwaukee, > to reach it." oe tives of most of the| "The potential of the Oshawa 'It's apparent that the city rtment store organiz- Shopping Centre is as good as councils in the U.S. Communities 1ese countries, that of any on the continent," |where the shopping centres are i wee 8 year to dis- said Mr. Gorrie. "It stands out located, realize. the tremendous bl Es a3 shopping from the point of view of archi- penefits they reap from the cen- lannet ot mites, tecture, and its stores and mall tres both from taxes they collect and promotional are kept better than most." and the facilities which the cen- Spr . | Mr. Gorrie stated that he tres offer the community," he EXCHANGE IDEAS - didn't see a shopping centre as sald. The new developers," sald clean as Oshawa's which he felt| "From a public relations and Mr. Gorrie, "receive benefit and was a tribute to Oshawa shop-| promotional standpoint, the Osh-| experience from the knowledge pery who 'park their cars prop-|awa Shopping Centre does as| and acumen of the ploneers inlerly and are not litterbugs." {well as most with the facilities the field. A great deal is galned| He sald that considering thelit has," he concluded. | from the interchange of ideal." area it serves the shopping cen-| 'Shopping Centre officials here The executive managers, own. tre in this city offers better are making an effort to be an or managers and advertising|parking facilities than the ones integral part of the community of all the leading he saw below the border. "No by putting these facilities at the) g centres on the conti-|"centre" of our type has ary | disposal of the service groups in pent spent a full day of the con: better landscaping or gardens'this city." $200,000 Spent [Driver To Here By Ford Co. |GetClock | Ford Motor Co. of Canada, Ltd.\tlon and In purchases of mater-| Jim Johnston, 18, winner of did: more than $200,000 worth of|ials, parts and services from 2,300! the local Junior Chamber of| business in Oshawa last year by|Canadian automotive suppliers. | Commerce Teen-Age Safe Driv-| way of purchases of production| The company's business with its ing Roadeo, will be awarded materials, facilities and services|supplier firms represented more with a travel alarm clock for his | vital to the manufacture of every [than half of the total expenditure prowess tonight. [| A ear and truck which came off the --in excess o £$130,000,000 worth. | auto company's assembly lines.[The sum flowed into 211 commun-|0jl to local winners of the ev-| Among the major companies in|ities across Canada where the ent in cities across Canada, will the community with whom Ford auto company turned to local in- come in handy for Jim to awak- did business Fabricated dustries to provide the raw ma-len him when he competes in the Metals and Stampings; Ontariolterials, the parts and sub-regional finals of the roadeo on Malleable Iroh; Alger Press Lim-|assemblies for its cars and/gatyrday. fted; Coulter N facturing Co. ; |trucks. Jim will represent Oshawa at ar lagic P 1g Company.| Major centres sharing Ford of (pe Catharines event F r ar spent by the auto|Canada's buying last year were: | leaving Friday night ' tor that oc v helped bolster payrolls,| Metropolitan Toronto, $40 million; city with Bill Carey, Jaycees er nd increase consum- Windsor, $26.8 million; Hamilton,| Roadeo Committee Chairman. Ji were ¥ The award, given by Imperial approximately $1500 was destroy. and is| er. OFFICERS FOR ENSUING YEAR son, second vice - president; | Rowe, lion tamer. Elected as John Mintern, third vice-presi- | directors for a two-year term dent; Dr. Ted Watt, secretary; were Stew Babeock and George Max Palter, treasurer; Norm | Paxton, Gower, tail twister and John --Times-Gazette Photo Liberal Leader To Visit Oshawa John Wintermeyer, newly elected leader of the Ontario Lib eral Party, will be the guest speaker at the nomination con- vention of the Oshawa Riding Liberal Convention to be held in the McLaughlin Library "Theatre Thursday night, | The meeting, to get under way at 8 p.m., will nominate a can- didate for the expected provincial election, |OTHER SPEAKERS Other guest speakers for the Z | evening will be Dr. C. H. Vipond, } |Liberal party candidate for On- ? tario Riding in the federal elec tion held March 31, 1958 and Wil- liam Lawson of Ajax, Oshawa |Riding Liberal candidate in the last provincial election. Oshawa riding starts at the city of Oshawa and extends along the lakeshore west and south of High- way 401, Going north again, on the west borders of Whitby as far, as the 4th Concession of Picker ing township, the riding ends at ol Lio hmm the east boundary of metropolitan! He i out 3 mes to Toronto. pré av I 1949 ana stap- . lished his own firm in 1949 and John J. Wintermeyer, QC, 41, i. 4 nrecent partner in JOHN WINTERMEYER senior {was born and educated in Kit {the firm of Wintermeyer, Askin, chener. Casey and Smith. BRILLIANT STUDENT After serving three years on A brilliant student, Mr. Winter. Kitchener City Council he was meyer graduated with a bachelor elected to the Ontario Legislature of commerce degree sumna cum|for Waterloo North in the general laude, from Notre Dame Univer- election in 1955. For the past sity in South Bend, Indiana, inithree years he has been the Lib- 1939 and was awarded his Phijeral F y financial critic in the Beta Kappa. legislature He was an honor graduate from| He was elected leader of the the Harvard Law School in 1942, Ontario Liberal Party at its con- receiving an LL.B. degree. In/vention on April 19, 1958. He fis 1943 he graduated from Dalhousie married to the former Helen Law School in Halifax, Nova Sco-| Delaney of Cambridge, Mass. and tla, and was called to the Nova is the father of four daughters Scotia Bar in the same year land two sons CITY AND DISTRICT DEARTMENT EXAMS Written examina 8 fi the members of the O y Flying ed hy fire at the Kassinger sub- Club will be held here on ed division, Beaufort avenue, at 7.30 nesday, June 11 p.m. Tuesday. The blaze wa a 3 caused by a scrap fire which set FIVE NEW MEMBERS the lumber pile on fire. Oshawa! 'The Ontario County Flying Club fire fighters extinguished the has welcomed five new members blazing pile. in recent weeks, The new mem- {bers are Don Doolittle, Gordon | ONE GRASS FIRE Dickson, Murray Adkins, Laverne The Oshawa Fire Department rrjl] and Clark Campbell, was called to fight one grass fire LUMBER PILE BURNS pile of lumber, valued at er purchasing power in .the com: $2 million; Oukvilie, #4 3 oti F. L. Bennett of Imperial Oil|Tuesday. Two ambulance calls{ COMLETE DUAL FLIGHTS mt on; ener, million; | oi y seive, , > allt ' 'h a / i|will present Jim with the clock were also received by the de-| Momcea Schnier]l and Walter vv Andy M tr 8 ir Pr hy Sitios; London, jn 5" ceremony which will take partment during the last 24 hours. Grealis of the Ontario County Lid: ma otor* Co. of Canada, $3.2 million; St. Thomas, $2.3 mil-| y1pce gt Jim's home, 968 Mo- Flying Club have completed their Ltd. made the Canadian economy|lion; Stratford, $2.3 million; Sti}. ow st | NIGHT IN JAIL dual ss cogntrv fig} . spent the ual cross country flights, | richer in 1957 by more than $222,-|Catharines, $1.9 million; § JIE J | One Oshawa man : | If Jim, who is a student at ; Ingersoll, $1.6 mil: ochawa Collegiate and Vocation-|Dght in the police department SOLO LIGHTS McLaughlin, Ralph 000.000 185.4 million; al Institute, is successful in the jail. He was charged with failing} p., Easterbrook, Ed. That was the amount spent by|lion; Tillsonburg, $1.4 million;| "OTT ys 1 y . the ¢ any largely in the form|Brantford, $1.2 million; Galt, 31. 31. Catharines regional finals, io Toman at the scene of an Meyers, Bill he will then go to the National ACCXC®nt. |How, Bill Baluk and Eric Bell of of rolls, taxes, donations, million; Ajax, $1 million; ig rans -f 4 freight transportation, construc land, $1 million, Roadeo Finals at Medicine Hat, | THREE.WAY ACCIDENT Alta. in July. | Three automobiles were involv. have completed the! solo flights. Church at 5.20 p.m. Tuesday:|,", "0 spend of the wind has OBITUARY | port Hope Man Total damage was estimated at been installed on the hangar at I : od 3 rreperick sony penny | Awarded Damages $20, A cor driven by Stantey [TE G00 60 5 Gerald Bice, 21, e death occurred at his| COBOURG, Ont. (CP) -- Dam-|street, collided with the rear of PLAN FOR FLY-IN Members of the Ontario County By Kiddi Y 1 1e8 | home, 26 McGregor St., late Tues-| ages and costs of more thah $2,-|another automobile, driven by ed in a collision on King street ~i ps east near King Street United] BUY WIND GAUGE A new anemometer, Fine Program {the Ontario County Flying Club | which | " The pil f Glenhol [day afternoon, May 27, of Fred.|{800 have been awarded against _ hool i. St. BT x | erick John Perry, a former Osh. Orillia solicitor Wallace Card in mg It in turn into an automobile in breakfast on Sunday, June 15, Robinson Simpson, 52, of 81 Cen-|fiying Club have almost com. | tral Park boulevard north, push- | 5)ated the planning for their fly- cellent program at the meeting of Wa alderman. Mr. Perry suffer. | connection with an alleged error ing the Oshawa and District Associa-|©d @ heart attack shortly after in filing a mortgage. driven by Robert M. Jones, 19, of |A Jarge number of the members tion for Retarded Children on returning from work. He was in| The action against Mr. Card [122 Rosedale avenue. of district and Ontario clubs are Monday night. Arthur Holds-|{his 65th year, {was taken by H. L. Hugh of Port BOY INJURED : president, presided. | Born In Somerset, England, on Hope. He claimed Mr. Card had| ,, > " , § rset, y n eight-year-old Oshawa boy the meeting Mrs. T. A.|Aug. 15, 1893, the deceased came made 3 efTor In filing a mort-| ag injured when his bicycle coi- | TE AN CHURCH FARADE ve incipal of the school,to Canada 45 years ago and|ZhES &er the sale of Mr. Hugh's |jided with an automobile at 1398 gystriot will hold thelr annual ented a short report of the moved to Oshawa from Colling. hardware business at Brechin. |gimcoe street south at 4.30 p.m. | ehurch pa Fis Pi A onal | h pars 'kering rogress made in the junior wood 37 years ago. Handing down his decision, | Tuesday. Ted Jenkins, 8, of 1258! gunday. June 1. The members expected to be on hand at 9 a.m. lasses, Mrs. H. G. Willes report-| {Chief Justice J. C. McRuer of y Mr, Pe been : | on the intermediate class; lop 5. Party had be 0 Smplove the Ontario Siipreme Court said: wl e ny, R. J Heages lola of (At the time of his death he was What is the use of hiring a the b aking and sewing one bY omployed in the truck division. |Solicitor 3 he does not do the he young a ss. {work required im? The winners of the attendance| The deceased was a very ac-| jie iy in gti 0 Jat Simcoe street south, was taken |yiii meet at the community hall to Oshawa Clinic with a scraped left hand. The automobile was drivea by George William Pres ton, 26, of 510 Front street. Dam- age to both vehicles was estimat at 2 pm CORRECTION The site of the proposed new Iquor store in Oshawa was incor. ere ine tig Rg On cider of the | demning a solictor but if I did|ed at $25. ectly given as the south west . Alice Scrivers, | . {not do so, I feel I would ing | a corner of Church and Ric rry and Betty Blasko, Howard ehureh, he had served for sev-|, disservice to the ie be do "ot THANKS BADGE PRESENTED Eo Monta 's eoiton od ei Sun as secretary of the the province of Ontario." Cecil McKnight, scoutmaster of |pDaily Times. The property, lo- The school rhythm hand, taught ey a ik Rg Jo, Jomme ph | the 1st Oshawa Boy Scout Troop cated at the south east corner Mrs. S. Harkins and assisted] W2® r of the board of | for the past 10 years, was hono™ {tas a frontage of 16 a y y iG 16 we managers. Mr, Perry was also a EXEMPLIFY DEGREE {ed at the troop meeting Tuesday | Richmond ae ad 0 ee = the teachers, presented th 1p singing of a safety song Member of Local 222, UAW, | On Thursday last the second night when a Thanks Badge was| Church street. The property was followed by musical games and| He ledves his wife. the former degree team of the Whitby Odd presented by Bobbie Stapley, a|sld by exercise of option on a dance. The senior band render-| Frances Irene Lounds, whom he| Fellows lodge pald a visit to member of the troop. Richard nmonday, May 26, by the Oshawa ed "Lavender Blue" and a Ger- married at Collingwood on June Corinthian Lodge, No. 61, Osh- Crouter, chairman of the group! Rea Estate firm of Ristow and man folk [19, 1918. A brother, Ernest, pre-| 8% and conferred the degree, |committee, spoke with regret of jsen, Realtors I isit of the Raindrops" deceased him in Toronto on No-|1né occasion also marked the Mr. McKnight's retirement v the senlor and inter. vember of last year, fas ottical visit of the year hy Executive Commissioner Stanley GOOD TURN-OUT 3g) Mindy nior class| The memorial service will be un Andrews re Was Richardson alsv spoke briefly. More than 45 persons attended Mothers' Day song. held at the Armstrong Funeral -- BE eel - "RADIO EXAMS Me last session, of de Ostava ors en pre - Chapel at' 2 p.m. on Thursday, him An inspector from the depari- p i ol B Idi .- Sue Oshawa L a r hoy t 8 ade by May 29, followed by interment in| TARMAC DANCE ment of transport paid a visit to The 8 hg Ling uest Ry Bight, 'gren at the schoo Mount Lawn Cemetery, Rev. Dr.| The members of the Ontario|the Oshawa Airport on Tuesday Wh a How adjourned for e of thanks was tendered George Telford, minister of St. County Flying Club are planning [night of this week to conduct or, il ey un ? ananibs nd wil be lark r he row' i pe : ' e : ral | resume Sep and Sep Harkins for her work Andrew 3 United Church, will a tarmac dance at the airport on [examinations for those seeking Machirate § sid A is ri aie pW 0 L 5 | Magistra ank S, Ebbs services, |Saturday, June 7 radio licences \charge of thie clinic song rhythm band. rt em 0 Sy Sams fo Aims Ss te a oi Sa | | Short Cake or FRUIT RING FROZEN FOODS LEMONADE Green Beans FISH BITES SUGGESTIONS AND SPECIAL VALUES FOR THURSDAY TO SATURDAY MAY 29 TO 31st SAVE 4c ROSE BRAND MARGARINE 1-Ib. Pkg. , 2=49: BAKERY ITEMS SUNBEAM Choice 29% BIRDSEYE 6-0x2, Tins 29¢ BIRDSEYE FRENCH STYLE Pkg. BIRDSEYE TENDER MEATY SHORT RIB ROASTS 7c SWIFT'S PREMUM --= BROWN N' SERVE SAUSAGE body . . . but everybody . . . who shops here knows of quality foods costs less becouse every item in it We con't picture anyons not saving money at SPROULE'S! Every- t & co "tow priced. powing We keep all our prices os low as possible all the time by ' on to our customers the savings of our efficient, low-cost storekeoep- Get a true picture of real economy. Shop here where TOTAL ing. SAVINGS ARE GREATER! QUALITY BEEF SPROULE'S Beef is Red Brand Beef to assure quality, flavour and tenderness, Red Brand with friendly personalized service. BLADE ROAST BLADE BONE REMOVED b. He CUT AND TRIMMED TO GIVE COMPLETE SATISFACTION RED BRAND -- WITH FRIENDLY PERSOLALIZED SERVICE 99 LB. Cut and trimmed to give complete satisfaction, SWIFT'S DINNER QAULITY PREMIUM FRANKS 49. SWIFT'S PREMIUM 6-0Z, PKG. 34° Platter Pork r 45* 4 Vorieties in Each Packege 8-01. Pkg. 39¢ Bonus ! Bargain ! Peanut Butter 16-01. Jelly Powders RED & WHITE PURE 16-0x. on 1.00 RED & WHITE Evaporated MILK 7 i 1.00 6c OFF PACK! OUR OWN BLEND TEA 1b. bag 65¢ SUPREME PICKLES 2-PIECE Contour fit -- Non-shifting IRONING SET Heat-reflecting silicone Ironing Cover end Foam Cushion Pad, ONLY 89 PER SET SAVE 12¢c GREEN GIANT FANCY 15-0z. Tins b for 00. 25 59° RED & WHITE jor 4, 29 SAVE 9c WHITE CROSS INTERLAKE TOILET TISSUE SAVE 9c GREEN PEAS 5 rows 59: | STORE HOURS Open Thursday, Friday end Seoturdey Nights SPROULE"S--King at Ritson Open Fridey end Seturdey Nights SPROULE"S--Simcoe at Mill SPROULE"S--Simcoe at Colborne ® Best Value for your Food Dollar at SPROULE'S. ® AMPLE FREE PARKING eo DELIVERY AT A NOMINAL CHARGE LIBBY'S SPAGHETTI mar 89: 79 SAVE 6c LIBBY'S Deep Browned BEANS J SAVE 10c SWIFT'S -- BEEF OR BROTH BEEF or IRISH STEW 15-0Z, TINS LARGE 24-07, TIN FLUFFO SHORTENING | GARDEN FRESH w 31° FRUITS AND VEGETABLES SAVE 8¢ PARAMOUNT FANCY Pink Salmon ve 1.00 YORK FANCY RED Raspberries FINEST QUALITY CUBAN -- GOOD SIZE PINEAPPLES 15-0x, 89° SAVE 4c FIVE ROSES 2 i 49. GOLDEN RIPE -- SELECTED QUALITY FLOUR Sih. ame bag Bananas 229: