George Matthews end Mrs. B.| THE DAILY TIMES-GAZFTTE, Wednesdey, Mey 28, 1958 23 ---- mn A -- . attended the fumeral of Whelr|weshond of Mr. and Mrs. ale 0ys uncle, Norse Callacutt of Bow-|Jack Hooker, Legs. ir a-- 4 {manville ou Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, C. Les and Mr.| rs. George Matthews and | prooklin gathered a group of 12-thedral, Toronto. From Kinsale t i Memory Of Two Napoleon | e . x P e S Win Return | Mes. George Curl apent a few 334 CL 1 (FEERGP, Tod Im randianghie Vickle, and Miss| oar 014 boys from his parish tojwere Shannon Smith and Teddy | of Brooklin, were Tuesday eve- |days with her sister, Cheney, of Ran] | " Cid guests of Mr, and Mrs, R,|Sherman of Toronto, were Sun-| yi... 4 services at St. James*Co- Leg. Dominates French Politics |p ioqqg [mm 0 Trees widely LO as bulent , Inclusion of half a dozen dif-| There has been much agitation Mrs, Howard Stell were: Mr, and events of the last 10 Mays in/ferent political parties in one in recent years for a change in L. L. WALTHAM Mrs. Doris Harrls and Linda, and ME a Toronto, ae Rev. VE Fuller ot | aris and Algeria have put the cabinet has often led to timid ac-|the proportional representation Correspondent { . : spotlight on the Fre i polit {tion or inaction. |system, But parliament never] KINSALE -- Sigma-C boys, iver ay yim inhi gd Their love was an J which resulted | Why so many parties? It's alllhas been able to agree on anya return baseball match with bridge; Mr, and Mrs, B. Harris Th R . S [ M $0 R . since the part of French tradition of hav-inew system. Greenwood, won 3.2. Edith, Julle and Mr. and Mrs, e Roaring saga or exicos Raging IZ / % . This article ing parties to represent various| Opponents of change point out| The ity was saddened Ray Harris, all of Toronto. . . ' (4) (=X 7 groups. . |France* has used no less than py the death of Mrs, Jake Wagg,| Mr. and Mrs, Noble Stevenson Tiger on a White Horse dn ] : By HARVEY HUDSON Some of the parties are separ-|five different systems since 1870, early Sunday morning, after a|and family of Burlington, and PARIS (AP) ~ The memory of ated only by small nuances of but none produced governmental af {liness, IMr. and Mrs. Alvin romley and py 7 we Napoleons has been the dom. political outlook. Two of the bigistability. | Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gray children of Orangeville, were 7» outlaw's penalty! ¢ fmant principle of French politi parties, the Socialists (97 depu-| The present Pflimlin : . Basuiniro J 7 7 i pow eal life for fhe last 90 years, |ties) and MRP (75) are split oy alking about reinforcing the ex- . n of | a g BA lone explosive issue--the granting oo tive by making it necessary] [Eilidh OUT OF LIFE... GO OUT. YO A MOVIF iG 3 7S) i f r in ®. 4 7 Sapo twice seized power Info state funds to church schools.!tor the opposition to agree on a I 4 > e 2 typ 7 / a firm Hand for 15 years before] The multi-party system is en- new premier and a program be- SENSATIONAL All-Color SHOW ' ip ) Ll 4 agli 5) be Be was forced to abdicate In 1814, couraged by the proportional rep- fore voting a government out of L] / » a 1 / " Sonie 30 years later his nephew, resentation election system. Aloffice. Ir 2% A 1 1]: Ee] 1], TO "Napoleon 111, took over in a coup. department (county) may be al-| pigeolytion now is extremely AlA o oy L2d 4 5 dps. 4 | RORY CALHOUN TH E BO 14 0) E R , These two experiences seem to|lotted five deputies. These five qiricuit, Pflimlin has proposed HN SIEINBECK ¢ iN MILLER ...and must pay an / binet 1s! mm -------- have decided the French people|seats are then partitioned out ac-\jpa¢ provision be made for dis- for ever against any kind of|cording to the share of the vole| iu ing the assembly in case of or personal government. each party gets. Almost never between the deputies and no 4 To guard against a recurrence, |does one party get all the seats (ho government. pw the power in France during both/from a department. Each im-| the third (1870-1940) and fourth portant segment of political opin-| = Ls A | MW PA A wn | (since 1947) republics lms been ion gets something. vested in parliament. The executive arm, called the] Council of Ministers or cabinet,| MANCHESTER is voted into office by the Na- tional Assembly and can be ¥0'8d| \\ NCHESTER -- Next Sun sssturig JEAN PETERS win Anthony out whenever a majority of the SS ly deputies wish, bly d in k Rev 2 prs pi Mo : peda pdb TL oF | e assembly deputies are bac d { ! i do A THE BIG FUN SHOW week vacation in Florida and Businessmen's Luncheon WRANERCOLON reee WARNER B08. THE . ' DAZE with : 20th Contury-Fox prosants In CINEMAS COPE "fi OY | at URANIUM CRAZE! divided among 16 parties as var- BX Weed fed--and changing--in policy as '2 a, STAR the colors of the rainbow. Their] The Woman's Association will Hot & Cold Buffet 3 R w difficulty in making up their col- entertain associations from Scu- ling & Vit ers | TOMOR 0 lective mind has led to unending/gog and Prospect in the church 4 neni MOTOR HOTELS confusion, on June 5. Miss Wesley of Green I y A . Si the Second World War bank will be the guest speaker. LAST of 0 1 ADULT 44 " A the mverape life of a cabinet has| Congratulations are being giv-[| Fully Air-Conditioned [ll BAY: The Female Animal" 2" "Damn Citizen" | . MANSFIELD been a little over six months, en Mrs. Sandison, Mrs, Samells : Ji ay 7% The assembly now includes 143 and pupils for the fine perforr- Highw N Y i o. 401 of Communists and ahout 30 Pou- ance of their pupils at the music ghway ; Bowmanyille Cloverleaf ot © on Jadists who are in systematic op- festival, Martyn De Haaf and family position to anything the govern / ih ment proposes. Take out the have moved onto the farm lately Just 12 Minutes from sts vhased from William McCart Communists and Poujadists, and purchased from Ie So [ i > ' a i) 1 Ea any prospective premier has al ney. rial 4 EA HA ih * fleld of about 400 deputies -- Mrs. Lawrence Midgley enter { ; fs I [3 il Rock H te ? 5 5 Will Success Spo unter? [ | ranging from socialists to right- tained Jay ule Srieids of : Tr 3 wing independents -- In which to sister, Vicky McCartney on lay - eee eee A, : 3 Co-starring BESTY DRAKE and JOAN BLONDELL STARTING find a Nvorkable majority of 2 oe the occasion of her 10th i about 32 suppor ers ds virthday. ONE SHOW ONLY | on v oo | | OSHAWA || [EPPA BILTMORE a THURS. |, 1.1: BIG EVENT FAIRGROUNDS wg [ANSE i) omer nism Ad ned | far Do, The Long Haul" & "World Was His Jury" Aviv TONIGHT || EEE cs PWR |. than their love oy VARIETY CLUB A nd CLUB | : » | for each ether? PRESENTS THIS FRIDAY MAY 30 rect Show Or WIENER ROAST anedon MR g c 5 . ES Top Square Dance *LES CLARKE" from Toronto as our guest YWO.A. -- 199 CENTRE ST, fl} = ss tm mten 100 en enter 128 Wl oli | STARTING TOMORROW (Thursday) ro CimNASCORE 1BLOOD ARROW" ely hfs a #147 At All Participating ~ Kinsmen Club of Ajax | WNT SALES | -- Regen | : io MONSTER vo aoe coer | TORAY "House of Numbers" & "Inisoe Boy" A U T [) 5 U Y Al 0 W ; B | i G . " Showrooms and Businesses EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT 8:00 P.M. - : ROTARY HALL | adit Ske 00 OVER $1,000.00 : = o Simply visit any of the IN PRIZES NIGHTLY - |, following places. DAILY %. SAMES NJ : e Fill in your name and CASH address. PRIZE Up to $1,100 in Prizes Other Special Games | ® Some lucky person will be chosen every day . . . A com- Let the experts at Millwork and Bullding Supplies help | mittee will be named by the executive and all decisions you by supplying top grade lumber and materials ot | pertaining to this contest made by the committee will lowest prices and prove to you as they have to others . . . . that summer living oF your awit cologe con be yours be final. This contest is restricted to all adults (only) over for the asking. | 18 years of age. eo LUMBER eo LOG SIDING eo SHINGLES | © The tickets will be drawn daily in the offices of the Osh- e HARDWARE eo INSULATION awa Chamber of Commerce, and the lucky winner will e TRIM © PLYWOOD oo PAINT be announced daily in The Times-Gazette. Your Favorite New and Used Car Dealer Is Listed Below -- See Him Now ! ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. D. G. SPENCER CAR MARKET LTD. Everything You Need At One Place HARRY DONALD LTD. BELL'S GARAGE TONIGHT : alg } At Prices You Can Afford 4 ROBINSON MOTORS LAW MOTOR SALES LTD. OSHAWA PICKERING AT 8:00 : a ~ wn CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. FRED AINSWORTH MOTORS AJAX OSHAWA SHOW STARTS AT DUSK . . . -- NO DOWN PAYMENT -- FREE ESTIMATES -- SEAWAY amar E10: SUY ean SON WILLIAM HOLDEN ~~ DAVID NIVEN ond OSHAWA-WHITBY BROOKLIN ¢ : "THE MOON IS BLU E' YAN HEUSEN MOTORS LTD. McMAHON & ELMS LTD, A WHITBY ADULT ULT ENTERTAINMENT Oshawa's Most Complete Supply House CRANFIELD MOTOR SALES WHITBY MOTORS LTD. WHITBY ® Plus Action!! ® ! DODD MOTOR SALES ROY NICHOLS JANE RUSSELL DRIVES CORNEL WILDE IN M LLWORK d BU ID NG SU p bn R di | p LIES MACKIE'S MOTOR SALES PALMER MOTOR SALES "HOT BLOOD" 1279 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 3-4694 WELLMAN MOTORS LTD. ROBSON MOTORS LTD. IN COLOR AND CINEMASCOPE OSHAWA BOWMANYILLE A Cu eh A Soy