22 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesday, Moy 28, 1958 8 sisi rr -- TRAINING SHIP PAYS VISIT TO OSHAWA HARBOR HMCS Oshawa, the Portage was launched in November, 1942 and served in the Atlantic dur- ing the Second World War carrying out escort duties, She displaces 1335 tons and is 235 feet long, and hag a breadth of 35 feet. She carriés one 4-inch has visited Oshawa. Normally based in the Atlantic coast, the ship will be based at Hamilton during the summer months and | will provide sea training for a large number of naval reserve sailors, Of the same class as | Tuesday night HMCS Por- ttage, an Algerine Class escort svessel tied up at Oshawa Har- 'bor. It was the first time since the summer of 1943 when HMCS Oshawa paid a visit to the harbor that a ship of this class ' | 11~Frontier i a gun, a hedgehog marine weapon) and depth charges. She has a speed of 16 knots and has a complement of 90 officers and men, The com- manding officer of the Portage is Lt.-Cdr. Charles W. Fleming, CD, RCN. PLANS KEPT SECRET Dionne Quintuplets Mark 24th Birthday ; MONTREAL (CP) -- The four pital from a recurrent blood Corbell, Ont. where the elder * surviving Dionne quintuplets are blister, or that they visited An-|Dionnes now live. 24 today, but any plans they may nette, studying for music exams| A report from friends several have made for birthday celebra-/at a Roman Catholic convent in|weeks ago said that Cecile is ex- tions are shrouded in secrecw. |Nicolet, Que. |pecting a child, and some news- The girls -- Annette, Ceclle, | The year before, the girls were papers already are speculating Yvonne and Marie -- all make equally elusive and reports that|about the possibility of a quint their homes in the Montreal area, they went 'somewhere out of|giving birth to quints. but efforts to reach them or per- town" for their birthdays were| It is also reported that Yvonne, sons close to them for informa-| never confirmed or elaborated on./ no longer a nurse at Notre Dame tion about their birthday plans At that time, Marie was busy de 1'Esperance Hospital, and have met with no success. |with her flower shop on Mont-| Marie, are not living together in The quints, two of whom now|real's fashionable Pine Ave., an|their plush downtown apartment, are married, have tried when- enterprise which closed in bank- but their whereabouts remain a| ever possible to avoid public at-ruptcy less than a year later. [mystery to the.press. | tention, particularly since they| On their 21st birthday in 1955, | HARMONY turped 31 and came into sizeable the girls went home to Callander, | QUEENIE FLETCHER | fortunes from a trust fund re./Ont. where they visited their | ported to be $1,000,000, |parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ovila ah he gitls at Bisth- Dionne. | y out Emilie, frailest of the Attempts to avoid publicity five, who died Aug. 6, 1954, dur-| were less successful wor Ann-| Correspondent ing an epileptic seizure. ette last October married Ger- HARMONY -- The frame Last May 28 on their 23rd birth-| main Allard, 23, a University of |Pulding on Wilson Road South day, Yvonne and Cecile, student Montreal student. [Which has served the congrega-| nurses at Notre Dame de I'Es- tion of St. Matthew's Anglican perance Hospital in suburban St.|CUTNUMBERED GUESTS [Church for the past three years Laurent, eluded newspaper men| At that wedding, photograph-|is to be moved to a new site on and checked out of the hospital|érs' flash bulbs popped in the Thomas and Cedar Streets. at 4 p.m, leaving no forwarding eves of the bride and groom, and| A representative of the Church address, |press, Fadie and television per- Army, Toronto, is conducting a {sonnel far outnumbered guests. loor-to-door survey in the new| PRESS SPECULATES Cecile's marriage to CBC tech-| parish in the southwest district, It was speculated that the two|nician Philippe Langlois, 26, took|and services will be held regu- visited Marie, recovering in hos-'place the following month at!larly once all details about the building have been worked out. Meanwhile, the removal of this assembled on its present site, is presenting a problem, Because of width, its transport through the Wilson Road under-| pass is impossible, and some other route will have to be plan-| ned, Harmony Home and School Association is planning to fete| {the members of the 1958 gradua- |ting class of Harmony Public School with a dinner and dance to be held next month. | (anti-sub- | building, which apparently was | CHCH-TV Channel 1l--Hamilten CBLT-TV. Channel 6--Toronto WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester WGR-TV Channel 2-Buffalo WBEN-TV Cuannel 4--Buffale WEDNESDAY P.M, | 600 P.M, {1=Family (hea're 6--Toes in Tempo | 5--Playhouse 4--Fun to earn 2~-Wild Bill Jeron wis P.M, | 4=Children's Theatre { 530 P.M, 6--~Rin Tin (in | 2=~Mickey Mores | 6.00 P.uL | 6=~Mama 4--Headlines, News 7 | 2--Colonel Bleep 30 P.M, , Weather | Sports 6--Meet 6:4 | 6,8,4--~News 2--Comedy Capers 7.00 P.M, Larraine 5 P.} Doctor 6-Tablo'd | 8--~Zorre | #--~Arizona Rangers | 2=Grey Ghost 7.30 P.M, 11,6,2-- Disneyland 5---~Wagon Train 4=December Bride 8.00 P.M, 4--Leave it to Beaver PM 11,6-Wyatt Earp S--Father Knows 4-Dig Record 2--Tombstone Territory son PM, Vise Best 11-The 6-5-Kraft Theatre ! 4--=Millionaire 2--Ozxzie and Harriet P 0.30 P.M 11-Youth Looks Up 4-I've Got a Secret 2--The Unexpected 10.00 P.M, B=Chevy Show 5-This is Your Life 4 High Adventure | 2=Boxing 10.50 P.M, B-Gray Ghost [ 10:45 P.M, 2-Stag Room 1.00 P.M, 111,8,5,4,2--News Weather; Sports 11:15 P.M, 6 Viewpoint 8- Bhock 2--8ports Reel | nn 4~First Run Theatre 2-Swing Shift THURSDAY L] B8-Today &--Captain Kangaroo 8:45 P.M, 2-Rumpus Room 0.00 AM, 5--Busie 4~Popeye's Playhouse 2~Eddie Cantor 9.30 AM, S5--District Attorney 2--Boston Blackie 4--Busie 10.00 A.M, B--Dough Ra Mi 4~--Garry Moore Little Margie 2-My 10.30 AM, 5-Treasure '"funt 4--~How Do You Rate 2--~Abbott and Costello 1.00 AM, 5--Price 1» Right 4--Arthur Godfrey 2~Favorite Story 11.30 AM, 8--Truth or Conse News, ANeaher 2-Love of Life 12.30 P.M, 4--Search For To- morrow 2---Mid-Day Matinee Sit Could be You 1.00 P.M, 5---Movie (heatre 4--~Meet the Millers 1.30 P.M, 4-The World Turng 2.0 P.M, 4--Beat The Clock Relay Neville p--Flower Arrangements 2.30 P.M, 6--Matinee 5--~Home "ooking 4--House Party 2-Laff Time 3.00 P.M, 11--~Movie Matinee 5---~Matinee 4--~The Big Payoff 2--American Bandstand 530 P.M, 4--The Verdict is Yours 2-Trust Your Wife PM 4.00 , 11--Fun with Food 6--~Open House 5~Queen For a Day 4--Serial Stories 2--American Band. stand 430 PM, 11, 6--Howdy Doody 4--Edge of Night 445 P.M, 8--Modern Romances THURS. EVENING 5.00 P.M. 11--Family Theatre 6--Maggle Mugging S--Playhouse . 4~Fun To Learn 2~Wondy Wnodpecker 515 P.M, 6--Fables of La Fon. taine 4~Children's Theatre 5.30 P.M, 6-The Lone Ranger 4~Headlines; News 2-Mickey Mouse 6.00 P.M, 6-1 Married Joan 2-Jungle Jim 615 P.M, 4~Clisco Kid 6:30 P.M, 11,2~News; Weather; Sports 6--Wonders of the Wild 645 PM, 6, 5, 4-News 2~Comedy Capers 7.00 p.m. 11--~Movie 6 Tab) loid S~Last of the Mohicans 4--Studio 57 2-Casey Jones 7.30 PM, 6-Oh Susanna 8-Tic Tac Dough 4--5gt. Preston 2~Circus Boy 5.00 P.M, 11,6--~Musicmakers 5--~You Bet Your Life 4--Private Detective 2~Zorro 5.30 P.M, | 11---8earch for Adventure 6-4-Climax S5--Dragnet 2-The Real 2.00 P 11---Garden. Fun 5--People's Cholce 2--Pat Boone McCoy' M, 9.30 PM, 11,6---Loretta Young 5--~Ford Show 4--Playhouse 90 2-Navy Log 10.00 P.M, 11--Playhouse 6--Folio S--Lux Show 2--Make Me Laugh 10.30 P.M, 8--Pantomime Quiz 3~Martin Kane P.M. 1.00 P. 11,6,5,4,2---News Sports 1.15 P.M, 8---Viewpoint 5-Movie Theatre 11.30 P.M, 11 ~The Late Show 6--Playhouse 4--~Theatre 2--Big Story 12.00 Midnight 2-8hock By PETER SYPNOWICH Canadian Press Staff Writer TORONTO (CP) Premier Frost has appointed economist Walter L, Gordon to lead an in- vestigation into how a democratic government can avoid France's impotency without aping Russia's powerful bureaucracy. The premier Tuesday an nounced a three-man committee will study government-by - com- mission in Ontario, examining the operation of 24 government boards and commissions. man of the royal commission in- quiry that reported on Canada's economic prospects, the commit- wee will include Dr. W. A, Mac- kintosh, principal of Queen's Uni- versity in Kingston, and Clifford R. Magone, former deputy attor- ney-general, ""We must see that these boards 2nd commissions don't get so strong and powerful that they |overwhelm government itself," {Premier Frost told reporters. '"At the same time the problem in a world that is half-slave and | half-free is that the free world doesn't perish simply because it hasn't the power to act quickly and effectively, France is so af. fected by indecision and the im- potency of government that that great nation can't function." TO HAVE FREE HAND Mr, Frost sald the committee will have "a free hand" to bring down recommendations which would be submitted to a select committee of the Ontario legisla- ture representative of all parties. Mr, Gordon, in a subsequent in. terview, said he will begin or- ganizing the ely, At least a year will be [needed to finish it, he said. | Mr, Gordon said investigations {will probably be carried out with- [out the powers of a royal com. mission offered by the premier, (] Headed by Mr, Gordon, chair-| inquiry immediat-| The committee would accumulate information informally, talking to sions, although "there may be occasions for public hearings." BLACKSTOCK MRS, R. C. HILL Corespondent BLACKSTOCK -- Several mem- bers of the W.A. joined with the WMS members for the May |meeting of WMS held at the {home of Mrs, Ino Carnaghan Wednesday afternoon, There were 30 ladies and 10 pre-school children present. Pre- ¢ident opened with a poem] "Prayer". | Mrs. Romeril gave a splendid | devotional talk from Jesus' mes: | sage. "Ask and ye <hall receive", and led in prayer. The roll call was well answered by "Something I read in the Missionary Monthly". Mrs, Gordon Strong, group Leader, was in charge of the pro- gram, Mrs. Harold Kyte sang "All That Thrills My Soul", Mrs, Er- |nest Larmer introduced Mrs. A, | Drummond of Orono who gave a very fine address on 'Our Mis-| sion in this World", "Is Jesus Dead," she asked, "No, just let loose in the world. Jesus told His disciples to go and teach" and that is our mission today. "This is not easy but if we do rot neglect prayer we shall grow in grace and be real disciples". Mrs. Strong thanked Mrs. Drummond and all who assisted Premier heads of boards and commis-| after provincial auditor Harvey Cotnam submitted an annual re- | Later a dainty lunch was served and a social time enjoyed, The public school board are very pleased to be able to lower the mill rate to 11 mills this year, TELEVISION LOG Gordon To Head Probe Government Agencies The inquiry was pronfised by Frost last Februu y port expressing concern over the growing number of government boards. Biggest of Ontario's 24 boards end commissions is the Hydro Electric Power Commi sion which has assets worth $2,260, 000,000 and last year listed cap- ital expenditures of $200,000,000-- more than any government de- partment except highways. The nospital services commission will become a $300,000,000-a - year eign after Ontario's hospital insu! 'ance plan comes into oper- ation next year, ONLY TO CABINET Some of the commissions are responsible only to the Ontario cabinet and their accounts are not scrutinized by the legislature as are those of government de- partments. During the recent session of the legislature the standing com- mittee on commissions confessed it was unable to carry out its an. nual task of inspecting the gov- ernment agencies and pleaded for a new arrangement. Members of the committee also asked that [the legislature have a hand in any inquiry into the problem. In Tuesday's announcement Premier Frost sald he considers the inquiry *'a matter of high im- portance in these days. "Some will contend that the democratic form of government 1s not competing favorably with the other principal type of gov- ernment in the world "On the other hand, the very in the meeting and the hostess. |basis of our way of life is liberty predicated upon government of the people, by the people and for the people. "This committee, and subse- quently the legislature, will be dealing with this very problem." THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 10 A.M. | THEATRE GUIDE | [Biltmore--" Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter" shown daily in color at 1:05, 4:35, 8:10 p.m,, also "Viva Zapata" shown daily at 2:40, 6:15, 9:50 p.m. Last complete show at 8:10 p.m. Marks--"The Long Haul" shown daily at 1:15, 4:10, 7:10, 10:10 pm, "The World Was His Jury" shown daily at 2:40, 5:40, 8:45 p.m. Last complete show at 8:45 p.m. Plaza -- "Damn Citizen" shown daily at 2:59, 5:53, 8:47 p.m. also 'Female Animal" (adult) shown daily at 1:35, 4:23, 7:17, 10:11 p.m. Last complete show at 8:40 pm. Regent -- '"'House Of Numbers" shown daily at 3:15, 6:20, 9:25 p.m., also "The Invisible Boy" shown daily at 1:45, 4:50, 8:00 p.m. Last complete show at 8:00 p.m. business, more popularity, socially. family and your friends, color and price. Want Ads. the "Used Car Ads" by local dealers. THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETT "ONTARIO COUNTY'S BEST SALESMAN" Sure! You Could Use a Better Used Car. A "LIKE-NEW" used car gives you added prestige in It offers the means to more fun and pleasure for you, your The Times-Gazette Want Ads carry a very large selection of used cars from which to choose, enabling you to select the car that matches your requirements as to make, model, Your chances for a bargain are greater, your buying satis- faction increased when you consult The Times-Gazette To get the car you want at the price you want to pay, read ...they want us to come as we are! want §. . fun. he NS A eompletely automatic , There are far too many to list here . . « + + a Coffield washer . . broadloom installation , . . SEE THE NEW A smart new 30" electric range with THERMAL EYE thot watches your cooking end maintains the exact heat desired for frying, boiling, warming. It makes every utensil + TELL-U-HEAT swtiches show you at a glance the heat you HIGH-SPEED OVEN ELEMENT for real broling and a SUPERSIZE OVEN with automatic timer. Be sure you see it. Plan to Attend! Bring a Friend! $2,500 IN VALUABLE PRIZES TO BE GIVEN AWAY . here are but a few . . . . an Electrohome high fidelity phonograph . , . a complete lawn ensemble, Umbrella table and chairs . A Serta perfect sleeper mattress, It promises to be exciting. Be sure you get in on the FREE 8" 10" lithographed print of the picture above to the first 1500 people attending the opening. 9 3 SEE THE NEW 1958 FINDLAY GAS RANGES ALSO ON DISPLAY o McClary Refrigerator a wall-to-wall ¥ up to, IN| THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN OSHAWA The Store That Offers More Loner n] 9" SEE THE NEWEST COOKING MIRACLE COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC FREE DRAW TICKET Everyone attending the opening of Oshawa's newest store, will receive a free ticket in our giant draw . . . and an additional free ticket on each and every visit to the store and including June 30th. IT'S THE PARAGON With Thermal-Eye Tell-U-Heat Switches High-Speed Oven Element Supersize Oven Se