[3 "Oldsmobile, automatic sedan, will HIGHEST prices, pad for ood Sn TOE Shes, Jot afl sizes, $3 up. MOVING out of city, S-plece dining- accept trade, car or lots, very reason- Seaway Motors Ltd, 428 King est, oodrich Store. 4543, June 1 room suite, service station tools, ete. 45--Real Estate For Sale |[46--Real Estate Wanted |avie. 199 King Street West. 123 |Oshawa or 209 Dundas West, ii BOXED plants, thousands to choose |Call RA 5-3600 1226 PETERBOROUGH -- 1 with bath, !" | Pontiac, "good condition, 3 Sos; '49 | from. Lovely, sturdy, nursery grown RANGETTE Vor Ba Sale, I ood condi. TOT -- All servieas, ideal" location, FOUR or fiveroom bungalow with help | Ford, radio, heater, good $275; | LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars |boxed plants. Glecoff 1GA _ Super: (tion, Phone RA 5.7163 © © BOATS EY he i A Cll FE ae 01 Fs Wiuide 15 | yyy Sm [PARRA | | PY oY | 1 Sta ed one bg Save Auer! 47 --A '51 Pontiac, good condition, reasonable. (7474s Chevrolet, in good condition Jor | VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, hii Bani ed plywood, fibreglas. Realtor RA 3.2512, Ed. Hinkson sales-| V/ -- utomobiles For Sale| phone RA 56057. w 121f | cash, Phone RA 8-1030 between 11 a.m Parts, aitdehments, | ndran. for this $36.95 three-piece curved sec-| Moulded mahogany hull man RA 88228 June? 557 Plymouth Pla azz, Tudor, Pa whe. doo, oy bisck apd and 4 p.m. 12) Rentalls, Vacuum cleaners. Repair tions! living xoom sult, spat soderh Evinrude motors WINDSOR (CP)--If a patient |mubleipslities "might have been Se ET il To rie on So LA wr LT OARS [re 8 Ct REE) | YEE NEE TRAILERS are forse lo pay fs hop cid n, a ie more on i only three left: hurry before you miss| Leslie Street. 23 |"51 Pontiac sedan. Just like new, Pri- |can afford, at Parkway Vine. Xie spring mattress and matching box Layaway plan, no finance promivin.in Se Orb Po Pp . out on this terrific offer For location /5¢ Chevrolet coach, in excellent condi-|vate. Apply 555 Montrave Avenue Se spring. Great reduction, 9 pieces, only Simcoe Street North. RA 3.3043. June 20 and additional jaforsuation, pe am. Hor information call RA Sal lone sw, 19¢ WANTED EPCRA sam 2 ee sus. Free utility lamp Jrorth $19.95] charges, Factory approved |services plan? . r. ner. » wit ) % i Jasciitie 8 1 phi. » hd 0 a "Reasonable, RA au igre go me See cutting heads, ete. for Sunbeam, Rem-| pq, Wilson' Furniture a= 20" Charen service, The guest speaker and mem- Thrill-Slayer Sets zior | TRADE UP ington, Schick, Philishave, Ronson. |g, 122t| Marine Storage and Supply Ltd. |hers of the Welfare Officers' As- , call ' - THREE - bedroom brick veneer, bun- 5-2438. 123¢ | For personal service at your home, ca meagher's, 5 King Street West, RA A : galow, large kitchen and living room, '86 Mercury, black and white, automa [RA 52802. June 9 OR DOWN 325. June 21|SPECTACULAR savings on baby furni- Brooklin, Ontario sociation of Ontario disagreed on P oun ation ed 4-plece bath, forced air oil heat-|tic transmission, radio, white walls, A-1|'56 Triumph motorcycle 500 ce, Like ture. Brand new Plextone, large size, the subject at the association's il plec BOY'S Rawleigh bicycle, good shape, crib with spring-filled mattress, only Phone 87 CHICAGO (AP) -- Parolled ing, aluminum storms and screens, Im-|condition. RA 57200 before 5 p.m. 123 new. Can arrange finance, Phone RA Phone RA 5-1515, 36, B Open evenings ond weekends. |annual convention here Monday.|, " mediate possession. Best down payment | soe cron oii Rel aire convertible, |5-0571. 123 | LIENS PAID OFF | SCREEN dobre. small windows, Tors 3%. Drang fifi cartiges greatly P 9 June 7| They were concerned with only|thrill-slayer Nathan Leopold has accepted. Apply 205 Malaga Road, bl power gli Llide and radio. Phone atter 3, 57 Ford sedans 8 to choose from, Only | nace and stove pipes with damper, pipe lers $5.95; also play pens and hi-chairs, 51s TT) the small percentage of the peo-|<et Up a foundation to aid emo- "18295 down. Some have radios white- fittings, stool and tank, flat rim sink, |See them today. Ed Wilson Furniture --WaAPp an arter tionally disturbed, retarded or de- THREE bedroom brick bungalow tile. gg pai and '50 Morris, Can be walls tutone etc. Seaway Motors op WILBAK MOTO RS grass catcher, lawn mower. RA 33290 | co 20 Church street. 122 P ple of Ontario not expected to Jin wil ouths his attorney said and hardwood floors, aluminum, storms seen at 461 Park Road South between posite the Shopping Centre. 123) {before 10 a.m. and from 47 pm. IG aie on floor coverings, Bright FELEVISION, Sutbenra a pine) Melos: joinin. the scheme, i : id and screens, central, phone after 5 p.m. |4 . § p.m. Weekday or all day Sunday RANGETTE good condition, reason- oor furnace space heater, er an: Under the plan which begins B RA 59289, 124634" 42 "Sandra. 101 HO we on ws 137 KING 57. W. Ble, Dial RA 5.8570 at noon. 122¢ terme in Toor enveria "emia acl) PAL: |rads, steel and wood cabinets, plumb-| "0" 0c Ps employed in| Main source of income will be A LAE SS : . 1, A : LOVELY lof "i00 BR. dental; 38 Buick Roadmaster sedan, power down payment to responsible party. RA 5.0732 Crossley super TV 21" including goleum, Armstrong, Quaker, Sandran, ing supplies Snstallea; for what have groups of 15 or more will have to royalties from the sale of Leo area, Gerrard Road Nort windows, power seat brakes, steering, |g.,.., Motors opposite the Shopping June 23 |30 tt. antenna, $110. After 6 p.m. Phone |Rexoleum, cn sale' from 37 cents per (iliside. RA 37088, June 10|nay. They and others who want Pold's book Life Plus 99 Years, 519 Times-Gazette, 124f| and radio, four new Royal Master 1236 RA 5-6892. 122¢ |foot. Wilson Furniture Co., 20 Church |"@ side, RA 3-1 Lo sane 4) . RE a four Tooms tires, A-1 condition. Will trade, RA Centre. CES ORE Tacs reskin se ahi XIE. 2150s". 122¢ to join are expected to total 85| Leopold, now 54, was sentenced $500 cash, balance as rent, four oom . ; and bas loi new furnace, oil 3343 to 7 p.m.; after 7 p.m., 571/53 Ford, fordor sedan, custom radio, ONE Le, A awl iweoa [WI say Theol price BS 55 5 Te 52 Legal Notices . ot al of Or TOTaEion, in 1024 to life and 99 years for his 3 ing, newly decorated, garage and | Desn Avenue. pms (OHERSL clean upholstery, 3693, No and 7 pm. ____Jaafused furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture Dr, John B. Nielson of Toronto,|Part in the kidnapping and slay- trees. South end of town. RA se | TAREE + ton Chevrolet, 14 ft. van- down paymen Po! Supplies | Store, RA 3.327 June 10 fy in f 14-year-old Bobby Frank: f body. Phone Bowmanville, MA 3-3745. |Seaway Motors, opposite the Shopping PAINTS a lipagers = BUppllen | ATRT, ik --exterior--iat gions] NOTICE TO CREDITORS [director of the hospital services ig 0 fi Foi ve ran rd oR 1231 | Centre. tony enle d . branch of the Ontario hospital fie. now is a a-month techni , homes and treet North. J 10| all colors $2.95 gal. Osh H : > DP! LR $367. June 13| STATION wagon, 74 Meteor four-door, |'55 Dodge Siaiion Wagon, reasonable: Paivl, 83 Simeos Street North, June 10 8, Es kobe Harduare All persons having any claim [services commission, said Mon- cian at a hospital in Puerto Rico, helio a d white -831 24f NEW records -- Decea, Victor, Capitol, i h f the | » cme nch siyle bungs-|nine 8: radio an terms. RA 5- fe June 1| against the estate of the late |qay LOVELY six rom ra 4 bath. (walls. RA 85397, 3 ogo co ete. 78's and 45's. Four for $1.00 Meagh. oro eae od Ty . low with Stlachea sarage, toured bai ' \ SPER For Ti odd 5; 3 © . 124 ers, 5 King West June? set, desk pin refigeraier, Wing oom died ot te on or about the Discussing the new scheme, COOL AND CUTE ot. 88832. ' x9 od . 1 N : : inhi [only 3000 miles. Halt price. Apply' 106 "55 Meteor Niagara, one owner, perfect THREE - hole ice-cream cabinet. Sac-(nut finish. All less than nine months 24th da on re 1957, |Dr. Nielson said Ontario's Public| . Alma Street 123¢ condition. Phone RA | 46, rifice. Phone MA 3.5589 Bowmayilis, old, RA 8-1300, 124c should Oy od their ime 0d Hospital Act will be amended to NOTHING DOWN 2 Mercury, $1 $is0 , i, ¥adlo, 0, wood condl | 500, Tow mileago, ai I 3 Fos BARGAINS! One Marconi HLF, cab-| the undersigned on or before |Prevent municipalities from re- on, Ath f? 1] : COTTAGE urniture, smoke stan net del, $139.50; 4b i i i COLONIAL HOME MO 8.3889 i forced to se] Tandem or single axle dump [Golcn, two sets drawe nels bed apartment size, $45: one Astral 'trig,| the 30th doy of May, 1958, Claiming unpaid hospital bills Offers several choices on 3- J rrr trucks needed immediately, |and mattress, electric + electric $45; one 9 x 12 nig (new) $119.50; one| ot which time the estate will rom an individual. and 2-bedroom bungalows PRIVATE | I Fin Ja, tw Fools oe" RA| Work on the new 401 High. lroner. RA 83111 Lal edroun BS ANE) ek. valde wver( by distributed, He said under the amendment delivered to your lot, ready One owner, well cored for (aon. sway ot Trenton, Se Anaaxh A et (used) $49.50; % bed or full metal bed| Doted at Peterborough this if a patient refuses to pay his for easy erection, Colonial '53 Meteor, custom, tudor, so Digs good condition, recent paint ols bein Bes Pua Souci vs yi with spring and mattress (used) 815.95; go. doy of Moy, 1958 hospital bills, the municipality Homes, RA 8-8571. 289 Park 42,000 miles in showroom bber, Will sacrifice. Phone PPYY: Parts, 70 Simcoe Street North, June 10(90¢ Sinker portable (new motor) sews ' will have to pay the hospital at ' |jab, good rubber, good, $25; one cabinet model TV, $75; tase A Minnie Myrtle Hood, a fixed per diem rate yet to be Road South, Oshawa. | condition, Fully equipped. [RA 58522 after 6 o'clock. 1% WE pay gash for used furniture appli-|two-plece bed chesterfield (almost new) ie Junel2| pict be sold. 749 Ford mechanically A-1 body in fair GARWIN ances, TV sewing machines, pianos, $49.50; two-piece leatherette bed ches. Administratrix, established. He said the hospital ood - tires $195, RA 8.32/1. stoves, Also sell and exchange. 19 terfield (new) $89.30; girl's bike, only by her solicitor sources commission would make | | Prince Stree » RA 5-2879 or 25 Brock W., condition & 1236 Prince Street, RA 8:1131 June 6 $15; boy's bike, $22. For bargains try 4 : aR ¥ SIMCOE ST. NORTH 1236} or ee" ORF CONTRACTING HALF - price new washer, vacuum |Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince Richord 8, Jotien, , up the difference between that R lard Rd 55 Chev, "fourdoor Aelute. hey 4 cleaner, floor polisher, 17-plece water ree hone R 8113 i dune , Peterborough, per diem rate and the statutary South of Ross! . car, low mileage, excel Hon. COMPANY LTD ess cookware sel, humidifier. Apply [TWO - plece Kroehler chesterfield. Ontario, rate and would repay the muni- Four bedrooms, living room, BUYING or SELLING RA 8.8879, . {atter 3 pm 176 Roxborough Avenue. Clean condition. $20, Phone RA 35-8589. May 14, 21, 28 cipality t hr o u gh unconditional dining room, den and kitch- 7h Ford, 125, mew brake job and new BAYSIC | 1224 ir NAR )E DRIVE | . - loans. en. Hot woter heating. Nice- See starter, Seat covers. RA 83710. 124 YS ANTHAL refrigerator, perfect econdl-| NEW prefab i vated 3 ly landscoped, brick garage, TED CAMPIN 1 Chevrolet coach, In excellent condi: : > ; [on, ideal for apartment or summer | with rs ia) sarage, ail ime anal NOTICE TO CREDITORS |MEETS OPPOSITION close to school. $2,000 down, MOTORS |tion, $593, can be financed. RA Ss. Quinte Drive in Theatre Rd [cottae Apply 336 Central Park "i 33 mer case, in price. Write Box AND OTHERS The announcement met with [South 3 siti i Y Qtr Vil take ick RAS. ST OSHAWA 50 Chevrolet five "passenger "coupe de- AND 401 HIGHWAY IBABY carriage, good condition, $20,(30 ft, De-luxe triple Yagi antenna "and In the Estate of WILLIAM Oppost don from convention dele. 0 489, G 807 KING of Wilson Road) [luxe clean car, $395. RA s743. 126) TRENTON, ONTARIO Also baby walker, 68 Charles street use ber none. Ja E310 hi RAY BARTLEY, Welder, de. or. Nielson said 2 survey 1s Schofield Insurance Associates ]1!'51 Chevrolet coach, "perfect "condition, Yip [i X for drall-| Consed, ing made of every hospital in 12 jute? or call {THREE pisces bedroom wyjfe, good on): chloe cabinet ang' smal des All persons having claims |Ontario to calculate the per diem 4a black finish, $495, low down payment, | \ ' h i | -4494 Res: RA 5.5574 124b condition, Phone RA 5.3191 122 | Phone RA 8.7819. 124( . RA 3 es 74 IRA 54513. EXETER 2-3106 | - ii [1957 Johnson 8% hp. outboard motor,| 0goinst the estate of WIL. [rate It would average $16 to $24 $500 DOWN "53 Pontise sedan deluxe, Sainte S$ - Ronan, 9 Eommeua Sree. Fame y new, $165, May be seen any LIAM RAY BARTLEY, late |a day. An attempt would be made DON'T HESITATE SABYAN MOTOR [conor B00 en. "Windshield wish 124c {rntition, 5 time. Apply 233 Gibbon ll] of the Town of Whitby, in |lo deal with the fact that costs SEE THESE NOW ofl filter and many extras. Best -- ET a) with | PIANO Steinway, large table model, ex-| the County of Ontario, Weld- were higher in some municipal- Three homes to choose from, sr LES Ie. offer RA 58715 124 49 Automobile Repairs [od anaes drum.' Phone RA 85134, Jaa cellent tone go Bg og ls i er, deceased, who died on or |ites than in others. - ---- or weekends, Ajax 6R 124¢/ obout the 3rd day of Jan- Association President Joseph solid brick bungalows, featur- SERVICE ------ Ms ASTRAL refrigerator. wultable for, col SALES and t | e or apartment, like new $50. Apply | FRIGIDAIRE "sale. ranges, washers,| uary, 1958, are hereby |Vernon of East York township ing lovely bright cupboard- RITSON RD. SOUTH | Group wish tag, filled kitchens, oversize living 334 BTN ONT { Tw Sth Secor oup SMITHS CAR [128 Hortop_ Street b dryers. 'Refrigerators and freezers up notified to send in to the [said the removal of the reclaim rooms, three bedrooms, full TEL: RAndolph 3-3461 0. Jispo RUCK SIX cubic foot cement mixer with en- RA Soar: Rely TV » Xing ane9i| undersigned Personal Repre- |clause from the Public Hospital I i tr Dorn . olp une26 1949 MERCURY PANEL T CLEAN Up gine, on trailer, $60. Also concrete | a ee sentatives of the said de- |Act as outlined by Dr. Nielson 1 > 0 u. o construction, natural gas it Bids to be sent with "10% It add pons eh ti rr Fears, bY 1b. wR only 28" etosed i or Before ve 25th was "a bold step but not one I'd heating. Ideal Whitby loca- of purchase price to: Make: yours lik : " Ai aly 3794.10 de, save $168 off with trade. Kelly lay of June, , full par- |want to take when 72 per cent| For Father Foforea BUSINESS 1S GOOD n WRIGHT RR, OSHAWA | ok Yours She new, Swen | tables, good condition. Phone TV RA 5-5121. June 24| ticulars of their claims. Im- lof our people already have taken By ALICE BROOKS tion, call AT A 3- 4392 chrome, upholstery, tires . RET USED and repossessed TV | sets, aerials mediately ofter the said date [care of themselves," through| Bunny and scattered posies are R ESTATE a { ' {COTTAGE furniture, dining 'rigs, ranges, washers an FYeH the said Personal Repre- rivate plans. appropriate trim for this set! SATOK REAL cleaned, mats, trunks, wheels fet, ' porcelain top table, large oak Terms, Kelly Frigidaire, 81 King West 5 p p , Whitby -- MO 8-4741 WELLMAN'S cleaned, painted. Many other : [rocker, adjustable screens, 30" conti- RA 5.5121. June 24| sentatives will distribute the He said that removal clause Make this sundress for daughter, 124a| ; 0 extras. Work teed nental bed, table lamp. 149 Park Road | rae ew ro haps carriage, biue| 0Ssets of the said deceased with introduction of t ruffle-edged panties, too. Because people are turning SABYAN M TOR §ucranteed., N 123f| 2nd white with mattress, only 8 months| having regard only to claims the health] Dress opens out: easy to iron, F t tes. h: i ree estimates. Smiths Cor old; 'also pram suite, like new, reasct| of which they shall then have pian --oug oy oR Sad Pattern 7035: children's sizes 2, | from high powered, elongated, Clinic, | TWO full size steel beds, complete, op LLOYD REALT | Set agling mensie rise Sune SALES LTD. |dresser, green davenport, like new, twojable. RA 38702. _______ notice, Why should they pay the prem. % 6 included. Pattern, transfer, 20 THE DALY TIMELSAZFTTL, , Wednesday, Mey 28, 1958 |47--Automobiles Por Sale|48--Automobiles Wanted |50--Articles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale | 50-Articles For Sale H ® t 1 Plan of t - - [1 oom rugs, approximately 9x10, | FGHEST SH paid in Oshawa for A 4 feuncmuice! meets of Jom STUDEBAKER - VOLKSWAGEN RA 5-7192 I I ER ner electric [Led furniture by the Community. Fur. DATED ot Oshawa this 17th lium," when they could receive Cutting charts, directions. INSURANCE REALTORS | © P ERVICE _juneB stove (Beach), table 'model, very #0d Initure 'Store, 19° Prince Street. Phone|. day of March, A.D. 1958, |iyo"co 0 Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS i 85 M.P.H. without sacri- Shes b 3 ice ey nominee juONdition. TA 32680. 4b (RA 8-131. June 13 IDA SADENA BARTLE | $ Service hh ay SO lssionsr (coins) for this pattern (stamps icing comfort, safety or ap- 9 INING rc site, small size, wheat THREE pi hesterfield, good condi ARTLEY ond OPEN EVENINGS pearance, 40 - 50 thousand OSHAWA, ONT. BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES mre olds "odd living Tog EE Pec ete ele: Ev Vita| KENNETH BRUCE BARTLEY [of welfare and housing for Met. cannot be accepted) to Daily 10500 FULL PRICE miles on a set of tires is not TEL. RAndolph 3-346] |chairs. RA 3-2680 1240 | Gardens, Whitby. 143d] Administrators ropolitan Toronto, said he felt|]imes - Gazette, Household Arts 310, unusual, Moy 26 1271 Soe North ONE used h condition. |36 HP outboard motor, Scot Atwaier.| by their solicitors removal of the clause would in-|D€Pt., Oshawa, Ontario. Print 0,500 "RIDE IN STYLE PHONE RA 3-4675 phone RA 3-3502. 122¢| jory reasonable. 31 Westmoreland Messrs. McGibbon & Bastedo, |CTease the cost to the province | plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PAT- For one of the better buys of FOR LESS PER MILE" #8--Automobiles Wanted Spcialists in Ford service |BICYCLE for child aged three to six, Avenue, RA 3-3037 after § p.m TER bent A i * land to municipalities, ERN NUMBER, ied pring Se his six-recm "Hill f Id and ==----"|u ond ports, Wheel alignment [10 Roo A i AT POWER mower, heavy duty, self pro-| 20 Simcoe Stret North, : | Some delegates. said they felt "Send TWENTY - FIVE CENTS Rowe in. the nory-eest end of trod STi Movers HIGHEST PRICES with atest tybe cquipment. --_-- : 124e | 00S: 1000 Whith ready to worx | OSHAWA, Ontario, |that elimination of the reclama. more for a copy of our Alice the city. Among its many ex- bi RR June 6 - me {MO 83 yo oo I May28, Juned, 11 |tion clause in present laws would | Brooks Needlecraft Catalogue, tras Include large landscaped Core in todo or Fret Dons. PAID FOR | BEATTY washing = machine, meole | WELBILT" gas range Mh A my [result in an increase in the num.|Two complete patterns are print. lot, aluminum storm doors, La 50--Articles For Sale UpHEnt vA ' J34a joven roller two storage. drawers ber of persons who would not ed right in the book ... plus a i i onstration or call: Good clean cars. Trade up or hy - _ |RA 3-9842 width $100, Owner must sell. Now hot oir oil furnace, heavy RA 5.7981 a oy off | PAINT, interior, exterior, fi iow, Two wheel aller, $45; one smal using electricity, Phone RA 33474 ul NOTICE TO CREDITORS [bother to pay premiums under variety of designs that you will duty wiring, could be used as - : all colors $2.95 gal. Oshawa Hardware HO Xo "ALDI 804 Brock North, (The Times ask for Mr. Coventry. 123f AND OTHERS {the health plan. {want to order: crochet, knitting, re on income home. Low down | And we will pick you up. DODD MOTOR SALES [and Electric. 8 Church. RA 3.72 Whitby, after 5 Ve | aATi Tange conl or wood with | Mr. Smith was applauded by embroidery, huck weaving, t [ th Small ent or trade . In the E : i i ; payment and low monthly mall. payment or trade, up 314 PARK RD. §, | TELEVISION sets for rent. $1 per day, |SET of drums, $150. Phone MO 8:2072, reservoir. MO 8:3249 Whithy. 123¢ RAE. oe 2 SEORGE delegates when he said he thought| quilts, toys, dolls. payments. Phone BOB HAR- to 36 months on balance n RA 3- 9421 |7-day minimum. Also tape recorders | Whitby, 124¢ 13 plate heavy duty battery used six RIS -- RA 8-5123. June22 | ------ ------ |and record players for rent. Meagher's, | GNE red "chrome Kitchen suite, Apply weeks will sell for nalf price. PA| tors Employe, deceased. Lord Feoite: (Oshawa? Lid -- CASH 3 King Street West, RA 33425. June 2135 yilson Road § 124 | 3-2880, Sy) AN persons having. claims ROOM AND BOARD oyd Realty awa) Ltd, |WE pay cash for used furniture, Appl: BIANG Mozart 52-inch tall, if good con- UPRIGHT "piano, nice mellow tone,| against the estate of GEORGE 93 Simcoe St. N., BUCK'S BODY SHOP ances, TV, sewing machines, piano h, ently tuned, sacrifice, FOR YOUR CAR = [Lisi Thine sell and. exchange. i dition, also Singer sewing i with bench, recently tuned. sacrifice;| FRANCIS IVES, late of the RA 8.5123 Excellent collision work, weld MACKIE MOTORS [prince Street, RA 8-131. May3o| Nassau Street. City of ollisi ; . [Prince ¢ . ; y30 Nass pe ity of Oshawa, in the County 7 LIST WITH LLOYD, 124 ing, painting, towing and WILSON RD. S AWNINGS, plain colors, or gay stripes ~ | FRIGATE, Toga like able of Ontario, General Motors LAST WEEK YOU // AND THATS HOLD ON..THATS OUT. 9| storage. Cars bought and 743 RA 5 A 392 Prompt service. Free estimates. Order Cost psi $400 with sell for $150. Also| Employe, deceased, who died KINDLY OFFERED TO RAISE YOU WONT RAISE sold, H. Marlyn, proprietor, RA 5-5743 or J ar Solver nu and ae HOLODY SALES four burner Frigidaire stove H. Glecoff,( on or about the 18th day of NE THE USE OF WATEQMELONSL.. || WATERMELONS IN AY : INVEST NOW al a5 RA Junel0|fgntals. os ee June 13 74 Rion BUGS: i March, 1958, Joe hereby LE EE A Ty ca, -room semi-detached store c: or . - ONE large heavy duty electric stove i 0 send in to the S y ; GROWN Ege el id June17 47--Automobiles For Sale TE" , Sompind supplies, _dunnage ALUMINUM Beach model. Apply 99 Ama Street. | undersigned Personal Repre: VEEDBLES. BST ID LKE 10 WOULD SPREAD ALL naces, good basements, cor- -------- --" ---- wall and pup tents. Oshawa Hardware, DOORS ae -------------- sentative of the said deceased AS I'M NOT MUCH HARVEST 8 Church Street. RA 3-7624, June 13 B. F. Goodrich Stores, tires, batteries,| on or before the 25th day of FOR VEGETABLES, 8 OR 10 ner lot, central location, a $5,500 down. SAVE $38 on boats, motors and trail- Cp IB | June, 1958, full particulars I HAVE ANOTHER Luscious ers, Cedar strip, ibregiass, lieinum WINDOWS of their claims. Immediately PLANTING IDEA! BIG ONES! an moulde WOO See rovincia { $1500. DOWN Tire 'Co. 43 Bond Street West. RA SEE! after the soid date the Per- S-room modern brick and 6511 June 10 AIR SHADE sonal Representative will dis- Hone bungelow, tiled kitchen BARGAINS -- New Singer Sewing Ma- | FRIGIDAIRE {litte the assets of the said an oth, oi t - chines -- As low as $9.50 down or $99.50 i . ec ings pf bividili own full price. Liberal trade-in allowances,| The finest Aluminum Awning SHEER LOOK - PLUS eased hevimy, regard only wr hd . 5 otc. Fully guaranteed 5 years, serviced| available with the exclusive AT aims of which he shall ) RI Rc) y ? Park Rd, S. Asking $12,000, locally. RA $1131, 19 Prince Street. | "FLAIR-VENT" and "SKY- PLIANCES Then Dave notice, RESTAURANT: A Fo wee LITE design; HOME APPL of Oshawa this 18th TUNRANTS AND venient weekly, . monthly. payments 90 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5.5332 | dov of April, 1958, CH ROOMS , y Ya MAY SPECIAL June3 EDGAR FRANK BASTEDO, Monty's BA Station, 284 Simcoe South Central locations, reasonable Sonera S00 10 SELF-STORING DOORS Te ---- Executor, terms. From $2,000 up, A Bailey $25. door prize will be given to the person COM Club racer Slcycle, speed, i 54.95 SPECIAL by his solicitors, SERVICE STATION who's ticket is drawn after tn any one of the |tion, 22 Bond East. 119 ' Messrs. McGibbon & Bostedo, Auto Buy Now dealerships. 18 foot Lakecraft boat with 30 hp John corepletely installed PRE SUMMER Barristers and Solicitors, AND GARAGE ston motor, slightly used, steering 20 Simcoe Street North, Good town and highway lo- STOP IN NOW wheel, lights and controls. RA S902 LIFETIME GUARANTEE PRICES Oshawa, Ontario, cation, Whitby. Only asking " RA 5-2431 May28, June4, 11 $25,000 with half cash down. 1957 PLYMOUTH Plaza two-door, turn signals, wind- JF day sash lor Mi Seco Yd me Junsd Doors, windows, awnings, shield washers, wheel covers. Special value $1825 Street South. RA 5-8131. After hours RA heavy inch door completely WHITEY | 1956 CHRYSLER Windsor four-do erflyte, radio fora Juse 22 installed $41.95. No extras -BLACKSTOCK incsor . Tourrcoor: powerllyte, | recio, MEAT slicer, 'Burchel' small han to buy. Finest in features, 6-room, 4-bedroom bungalo: 4 extra lot, oil heating, Inga % many other extras «$2598 model, good condition, $100. 329 Simcoe YOU SAVE finest in quality. Call now MRS. R. C. HILL DAILY CROSSWORD be finished, handy man's 1956 FORD two-door V-8, 'radio, whitewalls, In shore 4 ft. Plywood hoat ble; tw for free estimates. RA chance. Make offer, green finish . . $1598 He ii oh 26 "Fairleigh Thi 8-8571. Col pondent . 3200 $ $ $ $ $ BLACKSTOCK--Msds. D. Dor- ACROSS 42. Projecting 15.A short Floielalc lA N.H.A. 1955 CHRYSLER Windsor four-door poverty, two-tone, $1993 -- remem COLONIAL ALUMINUM rell, J. Rahm, L., Byers, C. Lar.| I Finishing roof LEnGES Suv New. N.H.A. bungalows. Well A-1 in every way LUXURY OUTBOARDING! | jice: ond ctispidy cou mer, J. McKce, P. VanCamp, W.| | line edges 03 i | BOUE TO lo AIT Ciodsh | 195 PONTIAC wir am sah, onto Sick REET! i beng Cl RA S062 Toke dom, SAL) | fe niin nO ES uire a new hoi . . qui me and guaranteed ies . $1395 | See the power loaded new | SELF-STORING June 2 [district annual at i Be ly pockets . Tae Dumas" contact us first. For a good deal call: 9 1954 OLDSMOBILE four-door, automatic transmission, ELTOS! 3 to 35 hp. 2 There was to have been an 9. Gutteral DOWN ATL] | electric starting models. : : custom radio, Only vyvaavaer $1595 Full warranty. Choose yours ALUMINUM Have your heating needs [exhibit of a book of quilt blocks 19. Mine a T.Smp 1954 DODGE Royal V-8, powerflyte, large comfortable now. Terms, Cy Preece | attended to now -- Avoid at this meeting but other Insti- w McAULEY delays this Fall. No pay- |tutes decided time was too short| 12: Miss Dunne 2 Mait car, only one owner : . $1395 | Sanoe. os Sales ond | s % So Blackstock WI had| 13 Mechanical beverages ervice, Gliddon at Verdun' | DOORS ments until September. prepare. ackstoc * s REALTOR 1953 agli Savoy four-door, custom radio, sun Soi Rd. RA 5.9251. | OIL FIRED UNITS the only exhibit. Unanimous vote H" man ' 3. Kettles Yesterday's Answer 2% Prince St. Oshawe visor, two-tone . : Ture 14 Yinchi a ad GAS FIRED UNITS by the one hundred or more wo- . Luc 4. Before 22. Light 30. Yugoslavian RA 3 4 1953 METEOR Custom four-door, radio, two-tone paint $1025 | | Linch Soon, Jeldey Sr, OIL & GAS men decided that Blackstock WI gi alma Sow a: Se 25] ) | CHORD OR : cdjustable channels, id- KVERSIONS should receive th- prize. ; electrical - Nourished (poss.) 2 1953 FORD Mainline, real value at $945 Sho D ORGAN Waljisen dor hinges. 100%. extruded " 59 VER Ao) ria PRESENTS ENROLMENT 15. Stipe capacity 25. Cana. 32. Long. : egisterec Ontario Tue! On Sunday morning Donna Me- . S. Smell disn dimbed and WHITBY MO 8.3231 | 1953 PONTIAC Convertible, custom radio, white wall Phone Alto M Suppli aluminum, 5-year free service ° : Salesmen: | tires, Summer's fun ot .. $1295 | RA 5-1501. us ere policy, lifetime guarantee. Ww BOR OWDA Laughlin on behall of the TON on % fm og 35 Warble : ' h nce 5 Wi Yo Sroan | 1952 OLDSMOBILE, custom rade, cleon cor at... $895 | New and Used Musial in PHONE TT ee te norco wi] Gtr) aawre %- ie) Ovens] | 1951 OLDSMOBILE f struments for sale, Studios: HEATING SALES, OSHAWA with 17. Public cured * 26. Chills calf / Ed. Hinkson | our-door, radio, automatic trans- 447 Simcoe St. S RA 3-4878 30 names on it. Superintend- i " | 3 & on notice i Oshawa RA 8-8228 1246) mission, Satisfaction guaranteed ot Caras 29625 June 29 RA 8-1 338 | Junel8 i Larmer thanked the| 18. Offer stakes of 27. Sigel ig a ed 1951 CHEVROLET two-door, A-1 in every way ........ $595 | --- MEMORIAL SERVICE 19. Through 9. Clergyman 29. Count) 40. A size of | 46--Real Estate Wanted 1950 FORD four-door .. $195 | 40 CHESTERFIELD AND FOR BETTER QUALITY | BOAT KITS At the United Church Sunday| > Ruse) = 1% Begin {Ene.) coal ------esmes------ BED DAVENP | morning a beautiful pict f -- We are interested in procur- I7S0 PONTIAC, woiont Yrs SUITES eS 5 WI NDOWS-DOORS/ $56.00 and Up "The Good Shepherd", painted Hyg Doran Ing Listings on 9 Tv smd 1949 DODGE four-door : $145 AWNINGS ETC Open evenings and week- [by the Dutch artist C. Reyn, was from use properties. around the City. FOR TRUCKS DISPLAY AT BRADLEYS | . ends, Sedionted by Rev. Mr. Romeril.| 26. A social If you are interested He | : ii | a : . is picture was given in mem- ing a, Br 1952 MERCURY half-ton Express $495 | FURNITURE DRIVE - IN SEASON-AIRE | Brooklin Marine Storage |ory of Mr. and Mrs. Norman 28. Demian | 299 SIMCOE S. ALUMINUM LTD. Supply Ltd. Mountjoy, by the family. Two author phone our office. We would 1951 FARGO holf-ton Panel $445 ler Bed Blo nny June9 All-Canadian Co. PHONE 87 granddaughters, Elaine Mount-| 31. Propel, as be blessed fo axierd our str | - June24|joy and Janice Byers, unveiled a boat er toque mn Se: | VAN HEUSEN MOTORS LTD. THE VERY BEST COSTS NO MORE ee Tr Sore rs] 32 Wore June2l| CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH FARGO = DEALER "WINTER SEAL" | FOR THE FINEST [Larmer taking the solo parts. | 33. Greek -- ""KRYLASTIC"" weather-proofed Storm- "WINTER SEAL" -- Aluminum Combination | QUALITY - letter | : Screen windows. If you want to sell your home 149 King Street West RA 5:3557 | Doors. (See the new Jal-O-See), "KOOL LITE AWNINGS" -- AT THE BEST WILL ASK RECOUNT 34. Ahead and want fast efficient serv. A N ice don't hesitate any long- Ventilated Aluminum Awnings and Canopies, See the newest PRICES OWEN SOUND (CP) -- The 35. iEonqulan 4 il ot | in adjustable ewnings. 'KOOL-SIDE" -- Awninigs and Canopies. | " iti i er. gives. us. coll. 0 "They open and close trom inside." "BEAUTI-DOR" -- Shower FOR Den Sound Sileens sonvtice 36. Internal RA 3.2254 : enclosures, Fireplace Equipment and Wrought Iron Railings and | ALUMINUM lets in the city has decided to Yocay | furnishings. Toronto prices | ; p C bs anytime g p | \ apply for a recount of the ballots | STORM WINDOWS, in last Saturday's plebiscite con- Trait 38. Swiss LLOYD AYERS BUY NOW LES EVENISS SALES LIMITED | DOORS, AWNINGS jccune bee 'sa hu sais) |, ict REALTOR Ozzie Addisor 15 PRINCE STREET RA 5.4632 KOOLVENT- NASH beer warehouse and 58.56 for a| philasopher liquor store. A 60 per cent vote| A Soles Reoresentative LES EVENISS -- RA 3.2707 DON HOWE -- RA 5-0313 RA 3-2219 would be necessary for the estab N1- Prick painfully 124¢ M28, 30. June? l Mav28 | Mau 28 | «ment of either