12 TVS DALY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednsedey, Mey 28, 1959 {'Kills' Bob Turley Bob Cerv's Homer By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Bob Cerv, who became a hefty kee farm hand, won his third, He walked none and struck out eight, Bun Cook Is Out As Kingston Coach KINGSTON (CP)--Fred (Bun)| Cook, coach last season with Kingston CKLCs of the Ontaric Hockey Association Senior A eastern division, was told Tues- Montreal Royals Maintain Margin By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS (fifth victory in nine decisions. Oshawa Juveniles Boxing Promoter Lakeshore Games May 19 -- Oshawa at Bowman. Offers Free Ducats To End Bus Strike vi May 22 -- Bowmanville at New- LONDON (AP)--Boxing promo- castle. The International League-lead.| Wiesler now is 1-2. The Royals' ter Jack has offered May 25 -- Oshawa at May 27 -- Newcastle at Solomons 5,000 fight tickets free of charge to London's striking busmen--if they end their three - week-old| 0 strike by next Tuesday. | Osha Solomons sald the strike is hit-| June 1 -- Cobourg 3 Omius. ting sales for the British heavy-|manville : weight title fight between cham-| jo 5s _ Bowmanville at Co- pion Joe Erskine and Brian Lon bourg June 5 -- Oshawa =! Newcastle. day his contract will not be rey. 'Montreal Royals Tuesday|Bob Lennon extended his hitting newed. night soared to their eighth vic-|streak to nine games. { Club president Reg Walton said |¢;' "10 games to maintain Rochester put together six hits Wally Brabin, who takes over as ii. 41, came margin over sec-|for seven runs in the second inn- general manager, has been Dneg- oq 1c "Rochester ling to sew up its victory, Gene otiating with Whitby Dunlops' , : {Oliver's triple, and doubles by Bus Gagnon as a new playing-| Montreal's rookie southpaw|; .; "Bake Tom Burgess and coach. Bob Glallombardo, © h25/Ed Stevens did the damage. Gagnon coached the Dunlops Siok. Syseplionl ily fo ind Cal Browning was the winner, don in White City Stadium next| two years ago when they won the tinny Virginians 30 pe | paling no-hit ball until two were week. Allan Cup, but gave way to for- & gl » BIVID| ot in the 5th. He yielded home| gg : June 8 -- Oshawa at Cobourg. mer Toronto Maple Leaf Sid|up only three hits. His mound op-| =~ = "5b" Usher and Jim omon's ticket offer is worth| June 12 -- Cobourg at New- Smith this season. ponent, lefty Bob Wiesler, gave CHS foil. and User had £2,500. castle. i Cook played with New York|up only four, but received indif-| "iv "yomer in the ninth, Bob June 12 -- Bowmanville at Osh. three times fanning Mickey Mantle, whose hitting streak was |ended at 14-games. The Yankees |scored on Elston Howard's fourth- linning homer and got two in the seventh before Urban struck out pinchhitter Harry Simpson, late of Kansas City. hitter 2fter shedding some weight, has been bad news to Bob Turley this year as Kansas City Athletics make their bid to tip the scale against the New York Yankees. The slugging outfielder, down to a trim 204 after sweating off about 10 pounds, crashed his sec-| ERROR HURTS ond home run off the no-windup| A pair of unearned runs follow- righthander and drove in four ing Frank Malzone's error gave runs as the Athletics, with three the Tigers the edge in the sixth. ex-Yankees in the lineup, won 7.3|But Vito Valentinetti recalled awa. May 27 -- Cobourg at Bowman. from the minors Saturday, had to REAL TEST COMES ON MAY 30 After recording a record- , Rathmann gets a handshake smashing trial run of 145.974 ¥ las the Athletics lost 8-1 in New had a two-hitter for eight, giving i six earned runs while complet-|in the fourth.- Tom Brewer was and made a shambles of Turley's fine pitching record. strike out pinchhitter Gene Steph- Turley, whose season-opening ens after Bill Renna's RBI double string of shutout innings was/in the ninth to save Paul Foy- junked at 19 by Cerv's home run tack's fourth victory. Foytack York May 2, had given up only up Ted Williarps' sixth home run ing each of his starts for a 7-0 the loser. record going into Tuesday night's] It was Williams' 462 major- game at Kansas City. league homer -- and his 1,055th ERA JUMPS | extra-base hit, moving the big This time he lasted only five guy past Honus Wagner into the innings, giving up six runs--three|No. 9 spot on the all-time long-hit {on Cerv's first-inning homer, His list. |earned-run average jumped from| A bases-loaded walk by relief 0.86 to 1.61. |pitcher Billy O'Dell cost the Or- | The victory hoisted the Athlet- ioles their sixth straight defeat ies past Boston into second place after J. W. Porter's first homer behind the American League-|of the year had given the In- leading Yankees, The Red Sox|dians a 6-6 tie in the ninth. Hoyt lost 3-2 at Detroit. Cleveland de-| Wilhelm won his first in relief. feated Baltimore 7-6 in 10 innings| Early Wynn (5-2) won his land Chicago White Sox beat fourth in a row for the White |Sox, but gave 10 hits and needed Rangers of the National Hockey League and coached the Ameri can League Cleveland Barons. Campanella In Wheel Chair ferent support. In other games, Rochester clob- bered Miami 10-4, Havana out-| lasted Buffalo 7-9 in 10 innings after tying the game 7-7 with and Columbus defeated Toronto |three runs in the ninth. Bob Mor- 7-6 ir 11 innings. Giallombardo struck out two land walked two in getting his doubles among its 14 hits, three awa. hy Ello Chacon, while Jose Santi.| June 15 -- Cobourg at Oshawa. ago got the victory in relief, Ken|~ Joimson was the loser, also in re- LEAFS SELL GRIMSLEY TORONTO (CP Toronte Columbus tied the score IRM Leafs a sold vet tice runs in the ninth and won eran lefthand pitcher Ross Grime i two in the 1ith to give sley to Louisville of the Ameri. uren Pepper his second win in|can Association. Grimsley, who | Frederick (1-4) was the loser. Buffalo saw its three - game winning streak go by the boards gan's two-run homer was the big il blow in that frame, | Havana blasted out seven NEW YORK (AP) -- Roy Cam- panella, Los Angeles Dodger catcher who suffered a broken four starts. Bob Tiefenauer, who won four and lost five last year relieved starter Pat Scantlebury, |for Leafs, had pitched only id was the loser, innings this year. LEGION MINOR BASEBALL neck and paralysis in an automo- bile accident Jan. 28, now is able to sit up in a wheelchair, a hos- pital spokesman said Tuesday. He sat up for the first time Monday. Plans call for him to be up in the mornings and after- noons for increasingly long per- jods. He had his lunch sitting up Tuesday and then was taken on| a wheelchair tour of the hospital. OSHAWA DAIRY BANTAMS DEFEAT WHITBY BANTAMS With Issel pitching a solid one- hitter and giving up not much] except Dairy defeated Whitby 5-2 on Monday night in Whitby, in| b® a Oshawa Legion Bantam League|O'Shea, ss; Robson, cf; Patter- (game. Reeson's single and two walks | HOUDAILLE -- Wasylyk, 2b; {Jubb, If; Kornylo, 8b; A. Adair, rf; Hentig, ss; Etchells, c; Wright, ef; D. Adair, 1b; Davis, A, Oshawa | P- Bantams| AJAX -- Hannon, rf; Claring- bold, If; Newitt, p; Arsenault, 3b; a few walks, Almost every son, ¢; Chriss, 1b; Andrews, 2b; Hogan, ec. from the owner of the car, Lee | Washington 7-3. Elkins of Kalamazoo, Mich, | Cerv, sold by the Yankees to relief in the ninth. Four runs in | Rathmann is from Miami. | Kansas City in 1956, upped his|the fourth, two scoring on an er- |league-leading RBI total to 36 ror and the other pair on Wynn's {while banging three hits, |single, bagged it against loser | Jack Urban, a one-time Yan-/Hal Griggs. BEATON'S DAIRY BOYS WHIP VICTOR'S SPORTS plus a wild pitch, gaye Whitby one run in the third and they added another in tha 7th, vial peatone Dairy defeated Vic- walks and an error. |tor's Sports 7-5 in their Legion Oshawa Dairy got two runs in Minor game at Alexandra Park [the first frame via hits by Gray,|on Monday night. Solomon anfl Lang. They added| Wilson pitched the win for two more in the fourth, L an g,|Beaton's, giving up seven hits Howard and Powlenzuk doing the hut keeping them scattered, Vie- job and one more in the sixth by|tors got a run in the first frame Lang and Howard. |and two in the third then two in OSHAWA DAIRY: Gray, Mf; the fifth, Reeson was their big |Spencer, 1b: Solomon, ¢; Yahn, hitter. 'ef; Lang, cf; Howard, rf; Tul Beaton's picked up singletons lock, 3b; Powlenzuk, 2b; Issel !in each of the first two frames A Pp. |and then scored two runs.in the Brent Oldfield; Ajax, Jack Mc- WHITBY -- Ing, Moore, Tran, fourth, mostly on walks, another . Switzer, Brown, B. Ing, Fletcher, !in the fifth and three in the sixth, | May 20 -- UAWA at Jury and Reeson, Fluke, Moohn, Maunder. Walks by Reeson gave Beaton's Lovell Drugs, Alexandra Park. 3 . most of their scoring chances May 22 -- Ajax at UAWA, Alex-| HOUDAILLE HERSHEY [und they knew enough to "cash andra Park. WINS OVER AJAX in." May 27 -- Ajax at Jury and| A run in the third inning and] BEATON'S DAIRY -- Cravier, Lovell Drugs, Alexandra Park. four runs in the sixth, sparked 3b; Jubenville, 1b; Wilson, p; May 29 -- Jury and Lovell by Jobb's opening homer, gave Godridge, c¢; Goldsmith, rf; Drugs at UAWA, Alexandra Park. |Houdaille Hershey a 5-1 win over Furey, ss; Nelson, 2b; Markus, May 31 Jury and Lovell|Ajax in a Legion Bantam game cf; Michael, If; Lutton, rf, Drugs at Ajax, Ajax Park. on Monday night at Harman VICTOR'S MacDonald, ss; | June 3 -- UAWA at Ajax, Ajax | Park Kolesnik, 2b; Reeson, p; Ferries, | Park. Chriss walked in the third and cf; Johnson, 3b; Clapp, rf; Cover, June § Jury and Lovell scored later on Newitt's single,|lf; Watt, e; Coughlin, 1b; Curley, Drugs at Ajax, Ajax Park. for Ajax's only run off Davis. |2b. June 10 -- UAWA at Jury and - Lovell Drugs, Alexandra Park. June 12 -- UAWA at Ajax, Ajax Park. June 17 -- Jury Drugs at UAWA, Park. June 19 -- Ajax at Jury and {Lovell Drugs, Alexandra Park. June 24 Ajax at UAWA, Alexandra Park. June 26 -- Jury and Lovell Drugs at Ajax, Ajax Park. July 3 -- UAWA at Jury and| Lovell Drugs, Alexandra Park, July 8 -- Ajax at Jury and Lovell Drugs, Alexandra Park, July -- Ajax at UAWA, | Alexandra Park. | July 15 -- Jury and Lovell Drugs at UAWA, Alexandra Park. July 17 -- UAWA at Ajax, Ajax Park. | Triple Schedule: Each team to play a total of 12 games; 6 home | and 6 away, Schedule to be com- pleted by July 24, 1958. All twilight games will com- mence at 6:30 p.m. with fifteen {minutes grace. All games will be | miles per hour to gain the pole position in the 500-mile race on May 30 at Indianapolis, Dick SPORTS MENU man | Legion Minor Midget League "98 Schedule Oshawa Legion Minor Baseball Association, Midget League, 1958 sehedule: Jury and Lovell Drugs, Jerry | Blair; UAWA, Ralph Taylor and | 'Warren Spahn Hurls His '7th Win on Adcock's Homer : By Geo. H. Campbell if SPORTS EDITOR Ww Everything From Soup To Nuts By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS (fourth of his 231 | Warren Spahn, working his|victories. LARRY'S BA, this district's Senior baseball entry in the West | cal magic over St. Louis Car-| Spahn, now 7-1, can set a Toronto league, opens their home schedule here at Kinsmen |ginals is a third of the way malor league record for lefthand- Civic Memorial Stadium tonight, They meet Simpson-Fords here home today in his quest for a ers by bagging his ninth 20-vic- this evening and the game is called for 7.45 p.m. Last Saturday, record ninth 20-victory season.|tory season. At the moment, he the Whitby Larry's BA team defeated Simpson-Fords 6-3 and in| And the National League sched-/shares the record with a former the opening game of the schedule, pulled off a major upset, since ule is less than one-quarter over,| American League great, Bob the Simpson-Fords team was picked to gallop to this year's! mne 37.year - old Milwaukee, 'L€fty) Grove. championship laurels. The Simpson-Fords team didn't like being graves southpaw gained his sev-| GIANTS LOSE beaten on Saturday in the opener--they're coming down to OSh-|enth vicory of the season Tues-| The Braves closed within a pincihit, two-out,{game of first-place San Fran-| major-league awa tonight determined to even the count and get full revenge. gay night. A Whether they can do it or mot presents an interesting question. ninth inning er by Joe|cisco, beaten 5-1 at Philadelphia, and Lovell Alexandra YOU AUTO BUY NOW! =P] REAL PULLEY 58 DODGE Pick-ups Easier going and EAL Zuid B The Larry's BA team, most of whom were with the club last sea-|Adcock junked Sam Jones' two-\while third - place Pittsburgh gon, not only enjoyed winning the opening game in Toronto but (hit shutout and gave the Braves moved within four games of the they are built up to win their own opener here tonight, Don't 4 3.2 decision over the Cards. top with a 5-3 victory over Los| fmow who wil get the call for piebing duly Bul 6 syn | Xt Yas Swahw's fit sivalghoiAnpeles. Clucihngy Se fealed ec Hall, the 4 patty win over St. Louis, and his sec-|Chicago Cubs 4-3 in nnings. OBA Provincial finals last season. At any rate, this game here ond this season, for a 49-26 life-| Cardinal righthander Jones is at the Kintmes Stadium otight Jromises lo Se 2 ivpical season i time record against the Redbirds 2, gall as Me pame would dn. opener with plenty of action and surprises. C singerich | _who have supplied almost ajcate after what has happened to has a solid defensive team lined up and as long as the boys can ? li ARH {him in his last two pris Last wield their bats well enough to get a few runs, they'll be tough ' {week he gave up only three hits to beat, Black Beat in losing 1-0 to Philadelphia and {Robin Roberts. BRIGHT BITS: -- Cincy Redlegs bowed to the Chicago Cubs _ J a. ues y EH 31 yesterday and while this was going on, Pittsburgh Pirates won ' t singles before the ninth inning. 5-3 over L.A, Dodgers, to keep the Dodgers in the National Leagie en S £8 em | Then Ed Mathews singled and cellar. . . MILWAUKEE BRAVES nosed out the St. Louis Cards . {Jones hit Wes Covington with a s > iants Black's Men's Wear defeated | ; anc Giants, d ; t 32 and gained 8 tll game on Sen Francisco Giants, who dropbed conf Western Tire: 80 Inthe PUGH A couple of forceouls car AR N.Y. | JAWA Softball League opening|fied Mathews home. Sad Sam Yankees with a 7-3 verdict and Turley's first defeat of the season me this week then gave up his fourth hit-- while Detroit Tigers nosed out Boston Red Sox 3-2. Chicago White | S806 Wars Jackson and Adcock's two-run shot over the Sox moved up a notch with a 7-8 win over Washington and Balti- Tamblyn pitching great ball iti centre field fence, more whipped veland et tt , SOLUMBUS Jers Sooke two was a one-hit shutout for both Hookie Curt Fioed 1 Jone aus is fe He janing =o ther io ig ® MONTREAL ROYALS pitchers until the 7th inning when gh Fifth, "Then grt hg a JeOFing one Ib LIS 38 and Roce aier whipped Miami 04 go |AImSLrong opened with a triple. |, "oy" watks--the Pret Toten won over Richmond 30 an ochester w hipped Mia x then followed by three hits and ajlis o ly Sally Kine en the International League sanding lant changed tery or Rangers alk: Black's scored four runs. ooo' forcing In a run-in the a J ' z Feats N.Y, Rangers they added two more in the 8th °7 #5 and regarded 2 2 yayve of Kingston, although Xe fae Rom the unearned, to complete their total. [SIEHD Jor 3 24 Card lend. Soo' originally, has been dropped as coach ngston's Sen-| Bannon, with two hits and a JE-RUD ME for Rockey club aa Waly Bravia, ores asst manager of Whit. walk in four chances, was thel' Rip Repulski slammed 3 Shree: by Dunlops, moves into the Limestone City to manage their Sen-| only batter to solve Tamblyn's|run homer in the first for for OHA entry, with "Bus" Gagnon, another Whitby Dunnies stal-|delivery, He got the only two|Phils against losing Giant starter wart, tagged as the future playing-coach of the Kingston club . . , hits the Western Tire pitcher al.|Stu Miller and Jack Sanford, now looks like an interesting hockey season, doesn't it ? lowed, Welsh's great one-handed 4-4, eased "home while allowing catch in the 9th, turned into a 3 huss. Sienie burn Was 4 double - play, saved Tamblyn's|for-3 in the Phils 10-hit atlack. seven innings; four and a half in- shutout. {Both Willie Mays and Bob Speake|nings to constitute a game, Home | #4 ye! {bobbled his second-inning single, of } . £4 BLACK'S -- G. Sutton, ef;| team will be responsible for the . . i A ' giving the Phils an unearned run, |; ws - | Welsh, ss; Gedge, 1b; Armstrong, | v\ "4 io1ed and scored in the| Pases for each game, Turley, Ditmar (5) Grim (7)(2h; Smith, ¢; Welsh, If; Kapp, Py P 4 Postponed games are to be . played the same week after post- bh National League "Chicago "10s Angeles 000 300 000 0--8 7 1/and Berra; Urban and Chitl. Cincinnati 001 011 000 1--4 13 0| HRs: NY - Howard (4); KcY- Hobbie, Mayer (6) Elston (8) Cerv (12). and S. Taylor; Lawrence, Nux-| hall (7) Jeffcoat (10) and Bailey. |, ' HRs: Chi-Moryn (8); Cin-Lynch| x one city 2), Robinson (3). Bara i n° 000 010 000-1 10 2| (fm cinnd 810 010 00x--5 10 0 pinaco Miller, Worthington (1) | patroit Crone (5) Burnside (7) and poiinore Schmidt; Sanford and Lopata. Washington HR: Pha-Repulski (6). 9 Los Angeles 000 120 000--3 7 2 And Drovable Pier Pittsburgh 000 230 00x--5 10 0 no vork ry hy ity Drysdale, Roebuck (5) Kipp (8) | gan 3 0) i i A gud Rosgbero: Rhine, Blackburn 'Boston at Detroit--Nixon (1-4) 9 t L. vs Lary (44) x Pe 5 3 1 Baltimore at Cleveland--Harsh- 4 = ou)s 00 000 003 341 man (5-2) vs McLish (1-1) ] ilwaul ee a I i Washington at Chicago--Ramos Jones, and Smith; Spahn and (9.4) vs Wilson (4-3), A rr 3 a Thursday's Games HRs: StL-Flood (2) Mil-Adcock No games scheduled. (7 Pct. GBL 781 515 500 487 A457 447 424 417 8% 9 91% 10% 11 11% 12 F1 Lar- ( International Leagu Col 000 200 003 02-7 10. 3 Tto 100-200 020 016 9 2 Najanjo, O'Donnell (7) Arroyo 119) Pepper (10) and Peterson; . 'Scantlebury, Tiefenauer (9) and Thompson, Miami w Pet. GBL San Francisco 26 Milwaukee Pittsburgh Philadelphia 'Cincinnati Chicago St. Louis L 14 13 000 003 001-4 § 2 Rochester 070 000 21x-10 11 0 Frederick, Mason (2) Stewart Today's Games (7) Anderson and Coker; And Probable Pitchers Browning and Oliver. " San Francisco at Philadelphia Havana 003 000 031 2-9 14 1 (N)---Antonelli (4-3) vs. Sanford Buffalo 011 000 203 0-7 12 1 (3-4) Smith, Sanchez (7) Cuellar (9) Los Angeles at Pittsburgh (N) Santiago (9) and Izquierdo; Bru- --Podres (4-3) vs Friend (7-2). |net, Tsitouris (8) Nagy (9) John. Chicago at Cincinnati (N)-- son (10) and Noble, Astroth (10). Drott (1-1) vs Purkey (5-1). {Richmond 000 000 000-0 3 2 'St. Louis at Milwaukee (N)-- Montreal 011 000 10x---3 4 0 Mizell (2-5) vs Rush (4-2) or Con-| Wiesler and Oldis; Giallom- ley (02). bardo and Teed. Thursday's Games No games scheduled. | Rochester American League Balt 021 101 001 0--8 14 1|Corome © Cleveland 101 002 002 1-7 11 1 Richmond Loes, O'Dell (9) and Triandos; | Havana Grant, Kelly (4) Ferrarese (6) Miami Mossi (7) Wilhelm (10) and|gu¢ralo Nixon. Today's Games -HRs: Bal - Triandos (7); Cle-|amiami at Sy IY Harrell (3), Porter (1). Havana at Buffalo (N) Boston 000 100 001--2 4 1icolumbus at Toronto (N) Detroit 100 002 00x--3 6 O Richmond at Montreal (N) Brewer, Wall (8) and Berberet Thursday's Games Foytack, Hoeft (9) Valentinetli Miami at Rochester (N) (9) and Wilson. Havana at Buffalo (N) HR: Bos-Williams (6) Columbus at Toronto (N) Washington 000 100 002--3 10 3 Richmond at Montreal (N) Chicago 000 421 00x--7 6 2 Griggs, Lumenti (5) Cicotte (5) American Association Ramos (8) and Courtney; Wynn, ! Indianapolis 10 Louisville 3 Staley (9) and Lollar Wi 3 Cl t York 001 00) 200 0 Oma as City 301 110 10x--7 9 2iDenver 9 § ] A417 14 .368 (7 718 605 .553 526 436 A425 409 350 Montreal 9% 6% % 11 11% 12% 14'% hita harl 3 f a . v Kans t. Paul § Pet. GBL 3b; Marshall, rf; Tamblyn, p. KENT'S -- Legree, cf; Bannon, | |2b; Johns, ss; Mathews, rf; Lu-| pel, 3b; Hurst, If; Stevenson, 1b; | |MacIntyre, c¢; Jackson, p; Me- |Knight, ¢; Keenan, 1b. Danny Murtaugh Mette's Plumbing Fined By Giles | PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Pitts. 'Beat McKeene's |burgh Pirates announced Tues- |day that manager Danny Mur- Mette's Plumbing nosed out|taugh has been fined $100 by Na- McKeene's Service Station 7-6 in|tional League president Warren a UAWA game at Alexandra Giles for his part in a fracas Park on Monday night. Sunday in the first game of a | Badgley's triple and Hikey's| doubleheader with San Francisco |double produced the first run of Giants here, [the game for the losers. They| In a telegram to Murtaugh, [picked up four runs in the fourth Giles said the disturbance "could [with Clapp hitting a homer, have been avoided had you not Yourth and McCloskey getting come off the bench when the um- {doubles. After that they had to pire was going to talk with your settle for one run in the 9th on pitcher, just as he did with (Ru- |two walks and Sova's double. ben) Gomez. For your conduct Greeley held the winners score- you are fined $100." less for five frames but in the| Gomez hit Bill Mazeroski with 6th, Mette's scored three runs on a pitched ball in the fourth inn- five good hits and they added|ing. Gomez had to dodge a pitch two more in the 7th and won the by Vernon Law in the next inn- game in the 9th with two more. Ing. Woodcock, Jordan, Darling and] When umpire Frank Dascoli Mullens were the -big hitters for walked out to warn Law, Mur- the winners. {taugh charged off the bench. METTES Woodcock, of; Jor-| While doing so, he exchanged dan, If; Ford, rf: Darling, 1b; words with Gomez and the fracas |Hurst.ss; Price, 3b; Mullens, p; was on. {Monahan, ¢; Norman, 2b; Gau-| The melee lasted 15 minutes, {det, rf: Tutak, 2b. {Involving managers, players and | McKEENE'S Yourth, 8b;|coaches from both clubs. Badgley, ss; Hickey, of; Lucas,| In Philadelphia, Gomez and If: Sova, e; Clapp, 2b; MecClos-|Giant first baseman Orlando Ce- key, rf; MacGarry, 1b; Greeley, peda said they also had been ponement wherever possible, Ar- rangements to be made between the team coaches and the secre- tary for diamonds and umpires. Due to only three teams being available for 1958, the following rounds will be played in the Midget Playoffs: The team finishing in first place will receive a 'bye'. Series "A" 2nd and 3rd teams will meet in a two-out-of- three series to decide a winner. Series '"B" -- The winner of Series "A" will meet the team finishing in first piace in a three- out-of-five series to decide the Midget championship. ROOSE SAVES KEATING costs AUTOMATIC HEATING AT ITS FINEST To get the most out of quality heating equipment, you must have first-rate installation, That's why a Gar Wood unit installed by vs is your best buy. You can't buy more comfort- giving, trouble-free automatic heating than Gar Wood . . . ond it's a matter of pride with us to give you a perfect instal- [WY AT | REASONABLE PRICES VIGOR GASOLINE STANDARD NEW SUPER HIGH TEST 39-43= GAL. GAL. Stove Oil may be purchased In any amount at this station. Tax Inc. Tox Ine. 78 BOND St. W. RA 5-1109 ee | to get the best--Gar Wood is | famous for fuel-savin lation job. Remember, I's good economy 9 ond i lasts a lifetime! : Phone, write or call for full details and estimate McLAUGHLIN HEATING A Division of McLaughlin Coal & Supplies 104 King St. W., Oshawa RA 3-3481 IT PAYS TO INVEST IRIN 11 a easier to handle! There's one way fo make sure. the mex? pick-up you buy packs real "getup and-go". That's fo see your Dodge truck dealer. He'll give you the lowdown en the quick and easy way these peppy new Dodge pick-ups breeze you through any job! %* New, friskier 184-h.p. V-8--or new- ly improved 125-h.p. "Big Six"-- put Dodge pick-ups in a class by themselves for fleet-footed power and performance! C. + 1h desi. all Dodge pick-ups results in shorter turning diameters . . . lets you turn, park, wheel in and out of tight spots without strain or fatigue! You can enjoy the extra convenience of push-button driving, teo . . . with LoadFlite 3-speed automatic frans- mission! Available on all Dodge pick-ups. If your job calls for a truck with plenty of spunk and spirit--one that does its work sweet and easy--then ou'll find it pays to call for a ODGE PICK-UP! Inside and out, Dodge pick-ups have everything it takes--and more--to help you deliver the goods faster, more efficiently, and at lower cost. For instance . . . On D100 (half-ton) models, there's the new easy-shift 3-speed transmis- sion that brings you the smoothest hand-shifting ever. New self-adjusting rear springs tailor your ride to your roads and loads! So come in now and look over a per! new Dodge pick-up. It's a truc you'll be proud to drive . . . prouder still to own! : New Dodge D100 express: 6% -foot body, 108% De ide 100 expre: New Dodge Swepttide 100 expresh wheelbase; or 7%-foot body, 116" wheelbase. style-setter of the truck world, DODGE are | RUGKS RATE G.V.W.'S FROM 4,250 LBS. TO 46,000 LBS; O.C.W.'S TO 65,000 LBS. CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED D300 with stake body-- 9,000 Ibs. max. G.V.W. D400 with van body-- D700 tractor--up to D500 with dump body-- 15,000 Ibs. max. G.V.W. $0,000 Ibs. G.C.W. 19.500 Ibs. max. G.V.W. PRODUCT OF 40 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN BUILDING BETTER TRUCKS ROBINSON MOTORS McMAHON & ELMS MOTORS 574 Ritson Road, Oshawa 401 Dundas St. East, Whitby Watch Climax--Shower of Stars every Thursday night on TV-check your local programme listing for time and channel. D100 panel 5,000 Ibs. max, G.V.Wa