Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 28 May 1958, p. 11

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Writer Lionel Shapiro | Dies In Montreal | MONTREAL (CP) Lionel |after work as a war correspond | |Shapiro, one of Canada's best-lent in the Mediterranean and He| {known writers, died here Tues {day night. The 50-year-old former war cor- respondent, author of novels, plays, magazine and newspaper articles, died in Montreal Gen- eral Hospital after a recurrence lof cancer of the liver for which {he was operated on last July. Shapiro, whose highly-success- ful novels after the Second World War earned him financial inde- pendence, knew that he had little if any chance of pulling through his illness and had advised his {doctors to go ahead with any treatment, even experimental. A few days ago, he told a/Club selection friend he felt that in two years or| so "thousands of lives" would be| saved by cancer treatments now under development. While he tried to confine word of his condition to an intimate circle, before his death messages of encouragement reached his hospital bed from dozens of pro- western European theatres. | represented the Montreal Gazette, | Maclean's Magazine and the North American Newspaper Alli- ance, | REPORTED SALERNO | The Montreal-born writer re- ported the touch-and-go American) landing and béachhead defence) at Salerno, Italy, He was a D-Day | reporter of the Allied invasion of Normandy in 1944, | The Normandy landing opening the campaign on the Continent fi- gured in the climax of Shapiro's third novel, The Sixth of June, an American Book - of - the - Month in 1955 and a Canadian Governor - General's Award winner for fiction, Shapiro started his career in writing as a Montreal Gazette sports reporter after graduation from McGill University in 1929. Believing a Canadian has an equal chance and equal right to "jump out into the world forum second half of the 20th century more handicapped by weak lead- ership than anything else. Shapiro had started work on a fourth novel before his operation last year, but abandoned it in- complete. He is survived by his mother, | {Mrs, Simon Shapiro of Montreal. |the biggest week in Shapiro's life/and wrote one and The Post | Two brothers died while he was a as a newspaper man. {bought and printed it.. child, | [there was Shapiro standing up- mgm beside them taking notes. | oss Munro, a Canadian Press| " . war correspondent now editor of| be said, "I think I'll take a week the Vancouver Province, worked of 80 off and write a short story closely with Shapiro overseas and|for the Saturday Evening Post. said D-Day in Normandy and the| Shapiro, who had never written days immediately following were|8 short story before, went ahead A. Upper, "They appealed to all his deep Funeral arrangements have not respect for human courage and yet been announced. |endurance, to his every instinct A Canadian Army officer sald!for the dramatic and the high of Shapiro: "He suffered more--nerves and worry--than any other war cor- respondent before any battle or assault landing but he never missed the boat. He covered more tough going than most and lit cost him more physically and | mentally than any of the others." The officer also said: "Shapiro was the only war cor- respondent to sense accurately why after the great victories of {Normandy, Belgium and Holland, there was a complete stalemate lon 'the front for four months; |fears the war might be over sud- denly with Montgomery com- imanding all U.S, field forces; Monty wanting to grab Berlin and Prague before the Russians; Eisenhower arguing he was not | moments of history," Munro said. "any times in subsequent months as we jecped from one battle area to another he would deliver long soliloguies on the significance of D-Day. Even then he was writing The Sixth of June in his head. "'Shap's grasp of military strat- egy was really quite remarkable and some staff officers have done worse than listen to his analysis| of a battle situation after he had|Paign . . to remember "He hated the filth, thundcr|formidable rival--a cold, drab, and disaster of war but he kept|Brey-complexioned portable type- writer, to which Shapiro is ir- month after month with good revocably wed." personally 'cased' the matter, plugging along on all fronts| humor which he tried hard to dis-| Marjorie Earl provided this ex- planation in a Mayfair magazine| article: | The second largest book club, The Literary Guild, offered to take The Sixth of June but Shap- iro instructed his publishers to turn the offer down. He was con- fident the largest club, the Book- of-the-Month Club, would take the novel, which it did. He never married although he moved in a circle that included {some of the most beautiful women of the stage and screen. THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesdey, Mey 28, 1958 11 Engineer Dies At Golf Tourney BUFFALO, N.Y. 47, Niagara Fall Ont., metallurgical engineer, di uesday at Golf Club while playing in a tour- uament arranged by the Iron and Steel Institute, the Orchard Park Mr. Upper was an employe the Norton Company of Chippawa for the last 24 years. He wi graduated from the University Toronto. 4 He was born in Thorold Towns ship, Ont. Survivors include hi wife, two daughters and a son, "Any woman planning a cam- . would be well advised that she has a It was a happy union. guise behind preverse grumbling and with determination to see it] through with the Canadians." His! concerned with such political ob- Canadianism was a deep, burn- FIND BODY LION'S HEAD, Ont, (CP)--The » y here gave sight to Pat Sullivan after 50 years of total blind- | his eyes to the Eye Bank of yy be oo HT Through ow EYE BANK MEANS RE The operation In progress { ness, It was possible because some thoughtful person willed | Canada the chance to lease a legacy Lions Club, Oshawa citizens have a of sight to other blind Canadians. minent friends and acquaintances and make a reputation and a lincluding Field Marshal Earl|livelihood as a writer," he left Alexander, Field Marshal Vis- Montreal to become a Manhattan count Montgomery; Lt.-Gen. Guy|columnist. Later he returned to Simonds, former chief of the The Gazette as columnist, Canadian general staff, and Les- Even after his writing had ter Pearson, former minister of given him financial independence external affairs. land established him as one of HAD MANY FRIENDS |Canada's most successful fiction Shapiro had acquaintances in authors, he travelled extensively all brackets of international so- collecting material for magazine ciety. and newspaper articles on tang- Walter Winchell, the American led world politics and events, columnist was a friend and ad- which he observed with a shrewd viser in Shapiro's days as a New eye, York columnist just before the MARKET UNLIMITED Second World War. England's, In recent years, he felt his suc- late Gertrude Lawrence also was cess had demonstrated that the a close friend. She had Shaviro's|/market for a good Canadian au- help writing A Star Danced, her thor was unlimited. autobiography. Another observation was that | FISHY-BACKING' } . PRINCE ALBERT | Shapiro, a tall, slender man|the Western world entered the |with a dark, aristocratic mous- S---------------- tache, was known to his colleag- F Corrrespondent E. SMITH Transport Minister PRINCE ALBERT ues as Shap He was the author of three novels which sold more than 2. Mr. and|p00,000 copies. Two of the novels Mrs. Rolland Robinson received and a shorter story were made | ! H 5 SU jectives. Shapiro was the only one who even touched on that at| the time." A COSMOPOLITAN | The bright lights of Paris, Lon-| don, Naples and Brussels ap- pealed to him as well as the suc- cesses of Broadway. In the noise and dirt of the Second Front, he went about his reporting humm-| ing tunes from the current smash| musical comedy hit, Oklahoma, seen during home leave just be- fore D-Day. He was particularly proud that he was the only Canadian re- porter at Salerno and would grin expansively at a picture taken in the beachhead during a big air raid. Generals Mark Clark and Alexander were ducking, but a [Fody of an usidentiisd man was d 'ound Monday on the Lake Huron WROTE FIRST BOOK side of the Bruce Peninsula, Shapiro's experiences in Sicily| three-quarters of a mile north of and Italy were the basis for his Pike Bay. It was estimated the first book, They Left the Back body had been in the water for a Door Open. His first novel, The year. Sealed Verdict, a story about the, war crimes trials, was published] ROB GABOR APARTMENT in 1947, The film rights were, NEW YORK (AP) -- Two gun-| bought by Paramount for $65,000..men Tuesday invaded the plush! In 1950 Shapiro brought out his apartment of actress Magda Ga- " ] 3 od FAST RELIEF FROM DISCOMFORT OF you have a cold you fT want relief from the pain and discomfort and you want it fast ... That's Aspirin! A tablet starts disintegrating almost the instant you take it -- starts to relieve that pain almost instantly! Always Ask For second novel, Torch For a Dark bor, tied up her husband and Journey. stole $13,473 in cash and jewelry. He had confidence -in himself The husband, U and once, when a friend asked|Gallucci, was alone in the a; him about his immediate plans,'ment at the time. part- | contractor Arthur| . | 'Choice of colors; Coral Pink, Mist Green, Dawn Yellow, all White. many useful and lovely gifts at alinto motion pictures in Holly- shower held in their honour, Tues- | wood, He also wrote a book--his '" OTTAWA (CP) -- The St. Law-|tion facilities in an expanding na day SvenIne: fire} 00 x Selly eRperiences nce seaway may hint a new!tion like Canada was one facing =. : i" Th eLy. x F avel term--"'fishy-backing."" 'all levels of government." Nevathat ey the gig ne rt atten i » is AK 18 L - i. Transport Minister Hees used! Mr, Hees had little encourage: Newnham home land and the Unitéd States Hl # Tuesday night. Talking about ment for those who feel rapid-| ay. and Mrs, G. Hunter and |one, The Bridge. was produced the integration of motor trans- transit systems would solve the pi4.an were with her sister, on the stage in Bristol, England port and railways . christened problem of cc ngested traffic, It Mrs. L. Glasgow at Brussels, by the famed Old Vie Company. iggy-backing he foresaw was contended that there Was ont from Saturday till Monday.| Shapiro was awarded the OBE flar developments on water. jnothing wrong with mass transit) wo, he "Mr and Mrs. Hunter ver -- " "With the opening of the go that eders ugh speed Sui called on the Petersen family who ce seaway," he sald in an| ment ry 2 are y 2 suing recently moved to Centralia. #ddress prepared for delivery at/PRoP © 10 WORT FERAT BA Mr. and Mrs. B. Smith spent the Ontario Traffic Conference, ""2PY y 3 the Jong holiday weekend with "jt is expected that fishy-back-| "While this proposal appearsiaj. and Mrs. Rolla Parker atl fng, the carrying of loaded truck attractive tough costly, we must Cape Vincent, N.Y. trailers on steamships, will grow seriously consider whether it is Mr. and Mrs. E. Leslie and fo great importance as a unit of actually realistic to look for a ..\ gr ce Mr. and Mrs. F, Ster- transportation." revival of mass public transit, ratt and con, Milton, Miss I. Les- » The United States was building 521d Mr. Hees, lie and a friend, Toronto, visited ships that would carry truck trail- : . Mr and Mrs. Don Leslie s halfway across the continent FIRST IN 267 Mr. and Mrs, J. Davidson, Jr., hen the seaway started next! MOOSE JAW, Sask. (CP)--A and children spent the weekend ar. 14 - month-old child was killed and Monday with the St. Martin Tone minister was discussing Monday, ending 267 traffic fatal- family at Sudbury. feel better for it. | problems posed in modern so- ity-free days for this city. Ken-| Mr. Ben St. Martin and daugh-| Get your June Reader's by the tremendous growthneth Roy Cheesman was struck ter, Sudbury spent the past week| Digest today--at newsstands | motor traffic. The challenge|by a three-ton truck as it moved with his sister and family, Mrs everywhere, provide adequate transporta-{from a parking spot. Jim Davidson. { * Coins Travel Word Mrs. C. Huntley at Newnham, Miss C evening WALKONAIR! Millions of tiny air bubbles cushion every step Here are 3 of the many styles available Step Lively! Walking is something we take for granted . . . but many | people walk very badly! June | Reader's Digest claims there | are real health benefits in walking properly . . . shows you how to improve the way you walk -- and says you'll | Light and comfy, and you can tle these raffia sandals so many different ways! Ga: print insole, light leather outsole. Avail- able in various colours. $ $ | | COMFORT | | i TT Yet on v | Beatt | . y --- OR ONE OF THE 2859 OTHER BIG CASH PRIZES IN THE EASY, ENTERTAINING, measure only 52°, 'Heap big medicine gets clothes clean' ONTARIO QUIZ CONTEST TORONTO LS SEE TODAY'S tists Perfect for summer sports, yet dressy enough to wear into town. Washable too! Toss 'em in the machine and out they come spanking fresh. HAPPY HOLIDAY COMFORT AY BETTER STORES EVERYWHERE | Mom ws never dismayed by junior's fon; she takes everything with a smile to her Beatty Wondermatic washer. After setting the one dial that controls the complete washing cycle, mom and her little brave are off to his happy scrubbing grounds. There's never any problem to washing the dirtiest of clothes or even the most delicate fabrics when they're done Wondermatically. Everything washable comes thoroughly clean and bright. New! Nylon straw vamps. Flexi : ble, light, long-lasting, good- looking. "Foamtread" sole is welded to upper. No nails. No stitches, No cement. Can't come apart! Soft leather outsole wears longer than thickest leather sole. AREER} cooL COMFORT The secret of Kaufman "Foamtreads" NO CEMENT + NO NAILS + NO sTiTcHiNg "0 0rt and long life KAUFMAN Fe WASHABLE SUMMER SHOES Made by KAUFMAN Rubber Co. Ltd. Kitchener, Ontario ' ped} Within the beautiful, high fashion cabinet are many exclusive features that promise you the cleanest wash you could ever hope for. " AUTOMATIC LINT DISPOSER -- Loose lint is flushed out through a built-in lint disposer and pumped away to the drain. No messy lint pan to remove and clean. ALL-FABRIC DUAL WASHING ACTION == By actual test this fast double action washes clean in half the time with one-fifth the wash wear. TOP.FLOW POWER RINSE-- All soap and scum is forced up and out of the spinning tub, never down through the clothes. TRI-COLOR GUIDE CONTROLS --~ Now you can quickly select the proper wash, rinse and time eontrol settings for both soil and Jabric. Available from: YOUR BETTER SHOE GUILD STORES OF DOWNTOWN OSHAWA BURNS KING AT SIMCOE RA 5-4611 memsers or: J) ANCEY'S 18 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-1833 DAVIDSON'S 31 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 5-3312 "Goods Satisfactory 0] © Joni von vom : Tow > 5 Or Money Refunded" erie OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. BEATTY DELUXE IRONER yeta72278 WONDERMATIC (O1®1)\, } &.4 0 oie il: AUTOMAT WASHER Another famous ap- plionce in the Beatty family of washers, dryers, ironers, ranges, refrigerators, freezers, vacuum cleaners, polishers, (I SEE CANADA'S CLEANEST WASHING AUTOMATIC AT YOUR NEAREST BEATTY DEALER MASON & DALE HARWARE LTD. 36: KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE MA 3-5408 DEAN KELLY ENTERPRIZES 81 KING ST. W. PHONE RA 5-5121 GEO. WADDELL BETHANY A A PHONE 23R22 Co OT SA So

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