Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 28 May 1958, p. 9

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{MARY HAWORTH MAIL "Reader Expresses Gratitude | To Columnist For Sound Advice Dear Mary Haworth: This is aorder to the Service Department, thank-you letter. On Nov, 8, 1956, to cover the buying cost, plus {your answer to my first letter ap- mailing charges. (The price of {peared in print, It. was such athe book is $5). i {shock to me that it has taken alll The late Dr. Low founded Re- Ithis time to realize how right you'covery, Inc. with headquarters at |were; and how sound your ad- 118 South Michigan Avenue, Chi- vice was. cago, Ill, -- a pioneer effort, At the time my husband and 1ilargely s uc c e s sful, that trains were having a very difficult time psychoneurotic people in the in our marriage; and being in a Practise of psychiatric self-help, new town, without anyone to turn|His aim was to prevent recur. to, your answer made me feel | rence of emotional lliness, and to & that I really liad someone on my forestall "chronicity" in neurotic i side. {allments. So, if you find your-'¢ You advised me to read Dr. [elves slipping, plug In with Re- ¢ Abronam Low's book "Mental | ©°YeTY, Inc.--M.H. Health Through Will Training" | ea" hy orth: _ Byer (Cheiatophet Publishing House, ile or laugh there are winkles [tainable in our community. How. | Under my eyes and at the outer |i ever, we do have a public li- of Ters, 4. am gill young and brary, and there 1 started a thor-| iY oon rae alt melt ough research on books of a $M comething ean do 1. eortect oF lar nature. hing of a miracle IP this? Thank you.--C.W. / It was something of a miracle es i {o realize that my husband was CHECK EYESIGHT | almost like two different people.| Dear C.W.: If the crinkly lines || So I urged him to study himself about your eyes, when you laugh| with me, It became a fascinat-|or smile, are indicative of eye | ing project; and for the first time stra... or malnourishment, you AFTER-FIVE FOOTWEAR | | for garden parties, afternoon | asleep, he calls another time. Al THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Wednesdoy, Moy 28, 1958 § bit annoyed, she may go with -- -- ------ L. to f gaieiened Sev, Jesotved can re clue for solving such a problem. now, or in his teens, to have the so, he says, "1 want another| PARENTS' QUESTIONS [courage to say "No" to a play~ kiss." How can she refuse? Q. Can a parent who can't say/mate who wants him to do what And so, over a period of an|""No" decisively to a child of 4/he knows is wrong? hour or more, this little tyrant/or 10, expect this child, either! A. Certainly not. may keep calling his mother oT him for some service. He tries so hard to think up good new pur- poses that he's kept awake. This problem goes on, night after night month after month, exen year after year. Thousands of mothers reading Distress due fo "Being a Woman" Relieved in wes sic ini Most Cases in Tests! gi Let me repeat a true story I| Tell How a Remarkable Tablet Can Bring Blessed Relief wrote some years ago. | from Distress of "Hot Flashes" of Change-of-Life and A certain mother who was| Awful Monthly Cramps of Younger Women and Girls, about to zo out with her husband| The idea that most women must going through "change-of-life* for the evening said to the baby. | suffer distress at certain times-- got relief from the hot flashes sitter, "When little Bruce calls |7ust because they're women --is and Siritabliivy. you from his bed, go get him what| accepted today. Evidence , Pinkham's Tablets give relief he wants. 1 for torent nut that most women and girls who from these complaints of girls gst y minutes or gre subject to such suffering may and women from teens jhroush so he calls no more, quietly go|enjoy relief from it--comes from middle-age. Pinkhans also heldg and see that he Is well covered." | scientific ' older women with its blood= Late that night, the baby-sitter| It is based on hundreds of building iron, was questioned about how long| cases in which young women got 80 why endure painful, jittery the youngster kept calling. The Fémarkable relief from monthly monthly discomfort... oF the og | ressing misery of {2d answer was: "About twenty min- of-life" . . . when relief may be waiting at any Awe store? a {in our marriage we were able to{prubably can erase them almost] The new shorter skirts have X den _D discuss his childhood and his life entirely by proper health care, | ¥ hoes very | teas an before he met me. First check your eyesight with Seong JMeriie aves yey | They feature the very high We really fell in love all over an oculist, and if he prescribes muctyn lender heel which provides a again because were living to-|7lasses, get them and use them| Most important accessory for | charming balance for the bow- gether as two adults, making the for close work, such as reading,| afternoon and evening clothes. trimmed, needle-sharp toe.-- past stay where it belonged, and sewing, etc. Second, read Adelle] The shoes shown are perfect | By TRACY ADRIAN seeing the future as a team ef-|Davis' book Let's Eat Right to ---- I - - 7.|ter. She gets it for him, tucks {to sleep." She gives him another him again. Ten or 15 minutes more pass, when he calls again. Once more his mother goes to him He wants to ask her something. She ans- wers and then he finds ways of making her talk still longer. Fifteen minutes later, when the has hoped the tot was HOUSEHOLD HINT If your child balks at hand- washing before meals, try giv- ing him a "finger bow!" of warm Mr. and Mrs. William Miller | pierioni¢ relatives, financial nourished folks to look strained, ply cannot be unbecoming, at bedtime. Patiently, she goes to him. He original letter, 1 find it posed a Fath By ELEANOR ROSS (cents, or perhaps with a splash oa " 4 hati timidity in dealing with him overall, and then when you smile.|TV, join the rest of the family or shown on behalf of her favorite|these beautifully done budget {the address above) -- by sending doesn't have to be fabulously iting, And for hot weather how sudsy water at the table, to use white without a care about its up- ermark shows up immediately ing is made a game, he'll enjoy NEWLYWEDS ; ; .|Keep Fit (Harcourt, Brace) -- to ifort, And having found our mu ourt, Brace to| Married recently In Cedar | ick of Waldron, Saskatchewan, (tual love again, so many other discover if you've been cheating CHILD GUIDANCE Dale United Church were Mr, | aad the late Mr, Gosick, and [problems have seemed to solve Yourself on the score of nutrition, and Mrs. Raymond Miller, | the bridegroom Is the son of |themselves. | It's not uncomomn for poorly| Jf Fi H d I N d d Formerly Miss Romona Lor- | of Waldron, The couple will worries, children growing-up, and|pinched and fretted about the rm al S ee e raine Gosick, the bride is the | live in Milton, Ontario. even old age, all are going to be |eyes--whereas a good diet (rich m ' [) daughter of Mrs, Stanley Gos- | Photo by Mary's studio easier to take because you once|in restorative elements) gives| 1 0 Deal With Bedtime Tyrant ---- a ------------ helped me to find a backbone and |Zlossy elasticity to the skin, rout. | Wash: k le F ri Star [the will to fight my way through. ng wrinkles. te it Dia | By G. CLEVELAND MYERS |louder if she doesn't come to him ab CS [So again, thank you.--S.W, you are "in the pink," | go tots of 2 to 6 t tg/at once, | Ih Wis i | Some tots 0 6 are tyrants : [Touch PROBLEM | | ealth-wise, a crinkly smile sim | In An All-White Room | Dear 8.W.: Checking on your er, it will be charming--and b Same co Se | ; {memorably yours. So, if per. bedtime tyranny until they are go, Brobjem; oud 1 and | chance these lines about your!8 or older, The parent, usually Remember way back in the[of orange or green here and gore husband are working your|CVes are an hereditary feature, |th¢ mother, is their slave. days when a white room was|there; but predominantly white.|'o through it | (like a Grecian nose or dimple in| . It starts like this: considered the very essence of| Visitors were Intrigued with the By I review vour story--of lite | the Chin that "run in the family")| The tot Is tucked in and gets a extravagance? {model rooms and we saw several with a desperately mixed-up man |don't dwell on them as a liabil- tender pat and good-night Kkiss.| Once, when we were in London |YOUDE couples making notes. |, ype time), and your neurotic|™y The mother leaves the child's the wite of a famous author al. We asked questions and discov- ' J Put yourself in good condition|reom to do her work, read, view whi ered that the white furniture ing p Low's book . Jowed her sll.white room to be sti think That or 1 diy Dopt people will note the brightness of her guests. The child may be charity. We came, looked and ad-{rooms was furnished with a ,eeds "individually and collec |Your face, and the depth of your quiet for a few minutes, then he'll) mired, then went sadly away,|tough lacquer that can be swab- tively. | glance--not the crinkles that give begin to call, "Mama! Mama! knowing that' such beauty could bed clean with a sudsby sponge.| yf your local library doesn't |* Our eves character --M.H. Mama!' His cry will get a little: mother never be for us. Drapes, curtains amd upholst- stock it, you might order a copy| § 5 ; : ery had all been chosen with an from the publishing house (see WASHABLE MATERIALS |eye to easy care, The effect was But we were wrong! Today one|s, very lovely, so serene, 50 in-|a bank check or postoffice money Weaiihy to not ony have. ii 19 wonderfully cool! ; e in, a room white furni- ture, rugs, draperies and upholst. SHOWS UP DIRT ery. With our washable fabrics,! One reason why white furnish- plastics, leathers, paints and ings are so practical is that one wallpapers, the entire room, if|isn't likely to let them get too t i one so wishes, can be done In dirty. Every smudge, every fing- before and after eating. If wash- keep. and is sudsed off at once, before it. One of the most famous home it has a chance to make the [ furnishings stores in New York paint or the fabric dingy, or be- Ag jong as your furnishings are recently show ed some model|comes foo embedded or too diffi- washable and easily cared for, rooms for young couples on acult to remove. you won't regret it. And by budget. What was the favorite| So if you're looking for a bud-|changing small accessories (such| decorating color? It was white, get decorating scheme that islas cushions) from time to time, pristine lovely white, on its own, or mixed with yellow and gold ac- Hlustrated Indian Eagle " STORE HOURS: Ys hare youl = Dolly 9 am. te 5.30 pm. Except Wednesdey -- 9 om. to 12.20 a.m. OPEN_FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 PM, TELEPHONE RA 3-2294 as 2 NO. '435.444 NETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS 21 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH SPECIAL! MEN'S BERMUDA SHORTS SIZE 30 TO 3b » Tough Army Khaki well made for extra long wear. Double sewn seams, bartacked at points of strain. Wide belt loops strongly -einforced. Two deep pockets. You will have to see these to appreciate the quality. On sale Thursday 'morning. Shop early ! 1.98 Our services are designed for your use and convenience. ¢ DEPENDABLE--Serving Oshawa & district over 20 years ZELLER'S ® TELEPHONE -- You may order by telephone: RA 3.2294 3 . (P< ® DELIVERY Two deliveries daily within city limit, fed 4 5 SPECIALLY CREATED FOR Wery Wasim "N / 4 PLY NORTHLAND WOOLS The newly released GOLFER PATTERN has just arrived , . . See the sample sweater on display -- start one now and be a "first" on the local links with this unusual ond outstanding design -- This pattern and many others from children to grown-ups knit up so quickly that you'll be egreeably surprised . « . P.5S. The cost is reasonable too. lexcm. NORTHLAND WOOL This quality wool has been specially created for use with Mary Maxim Patterns, A portion of the natural oils are retained in the wool, giving garments remarkable water-repellent qualities. Be sure you use only Mary Maxim Northland Wool for your sweater. Available in a complete colour range, Thasy Wain. SWEATER PATTERNS $1.00 PER 4 oz. SKEIN These famous knitting patterns are printed with large, easy-to-follow graphs , . . showing you every stitch to be knit in all sizes, There's a pattern to suit the tastes of anyone . . . children to grown-ups, Patterns available for men, women aid children in all sizes from 4 to 44, JUST ARRIVED--this new full color 28 page catalogue. Featuring the 16 new designs for this year and show- ing the largest selection of bulky knit sweater designs ever published. Get your copy, only 15c. | This week only we are giving with initial . purchase of pattern and sweater wool: 1 genuine Mary Maxim Bodkin -- 1 Mary Maxim Stitch Holder -- 1 Knitting or Shopping Bag . . . 3 useful gifts when you shop this week. MEN'S T-SHIRTS Popular Jacquard designs in black and white on back and light blue, soft combed cotton, turn down collar, short sleeves. Retains shape through many washings. Sizes SM.L. A feature value ! .............. Mary Maxim . COLDWATER SOAP liquid detergent Ward's Lay-Away Plan Permits you to lay away all the nec- essary wool for your garment and pur chase it os you need it for knitting. This added service is at no extra cost to you is © concentrated for washing woolens , . . Try it for better "'worry= free' woollen washes of your prized Mary Maxim sweaters and other 19¢ woollen garments, 8-02. be RD'S ttle SIMCOE S. AT ATHOL PHONE RA 5-1151 ® LAYAWAY For your convenience at no extra cost, ® CHEQUES ---Boby bonus and pay cheques cashed ® GUARANTEE Merchandise satisfactory OWNTOWN (kai t money refur cocktail hour, | otinue to exercise thisi Wants a cookie or a drink of wa- him in again, and says, "Now, go |endearing good-night and leaves { ) SPORTSWEAR LTD. Oshawa Shopping Centre | LAST 3 DAYS | TOMORROW -- FRIDAY -- SATURDAY FINAL SPRING BARGAINS YOU CAN NOT AFFORD TO MISS! SUITS Of the Better Kind. NOW ONLY Imported English Fabrics, an Tailored. REGULAR 69.50 TO 89.50 4.97 COATS ~~ wn ou. 13:97 TO REGULAR 19.95 TO 42.50 24-97 New York Styles, 97 DRESSES 9 T REGULAR 13.95 TO 32.50 14-97 SKIRTS 1 ; REGULAR 12.95 TO 24.95 1497 SKIRTS 9.97 BLOUSES 27 T REGULAR 4.95 TO 12.95 7-97 land. Cashmere, Orlon, Ban- SWEATERS Cr zw 3% REGULAR 5.95 TO 25.00 16-97 AT THESE PRICES -- ALL SALES FINAL NOW SHOWING THE LARGEST COLLECTION OF SUN AND FUN TOGS IN OSHAWA -- CRISP NEW SUMMER DRESSES, BATHING SUITS (JANTZEN) SLIMS - SHORTS - T-SHIRTS, ETC. REM- EMBER -- WE'RE SPECIALISTS IN SPORTSWEAR. Cotton Knits -- Fine Jerseys Sheer Wools -- Ideal for Summer and Holiday Wear. Tweeds - Plains - Checks Lightweight Wools Straight Line or Full Famous Reversible by Sportrite. Gorgeous shades. The skirt you- 've always wanted. Sold through- out Canada at 25.00. Silks .- Drip-Dry Cottons Van-Heusen Plain or Prints Hundreds to choose from. Kitten--Odd shades and styles Lansea imported from Scot- OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE SEIGNEUR'S eg Sg pa

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