AMONG THE guests wel- | Hedwig's Society, Mrs. L. B. were Mr. T. D. Thomas, MLA, comed by the president of St. | | Ci osk and Mrs. Thomas. --Times-Gazette Staff Photo Springtime Festival Dance Happy Event At Polish Hall Prazmowski, second from right, | Mrs, Jan E. Ciosk and Mrs. The Ladies' Society of St. Hed- Mrs. Thomas, Mr. J. J. Kelly, | wigs Church held their "May- Mrs. V. Halik, Mr. C. Dobro time in Poland" dance last Fri-/lecki, Mr. M. Dobrolecki, Mrs. | day in the Polish National Union M. Rulkowski, Mr. J. Zolna, Mr. | Hall with great success. {M. Buczynski, Mr. and Mrs. M. The hall was beautifully Malarz, Mr. and Mrs, W. Lesz- festooned with gold 'and purple kowicz, Miss 8. Pawlenzuk, Miss! streamers and the front of the|H. Landfors. Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Women, Dial RA 3-3474 stage was filled with sprays of Mis H. Dean, Mr. R. Roman- blossom, tulips, daffodils and foli- czyk, Mr. and Mrs. W. Sobezyk, | 8 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Fridey, Moy 23, 1958 age. A vase of flowers centered | ir, and Mrs, F. Wawrzniak, Mr. each of the tables that outlined and Mrs. F. Sobczyk, Mr. and the dance floor : . |Mrs, C. Stankiewicz, Mr. W Mrs. Leslie Prazmowski, presi-| Howorko, Mrs. A. Kolodniej, Mr Over 250 Guests Honor Couple Sheila C. Bradd Honored by Friends Miss Sheila C. Bradd whose marriage to Mr. Jack F. Ander. son takes place tomorrow after noon at Christ Memorial Anglican Church has been honored at sev- ergl pre-nuptial events. Her co- workers in the office "building service, General Motors, held a dinner and presented the future bride with a place setting and serving piece in her special china. Miss Alice Eldridge and Mrs. Harry Eldridge, Montrave avenue, held a personal shower. Miss Lois Matthews of Oshawa boulevard south, assisted by Mrs. John Matthews and Miss Joan Matthews held a miscellan- eous shower. Miss Margaret Jones and Miss Gertrude Jones, of Oshawa boule vard north, arranged a miscel- laneous shower and were assisted by Mrs. David Jones and Mrs, George Coverly. Miss Doreen Ceverly helped serve. Mrs. William Matthew and Miss Marilyn Matthews of Park road south, were hostesses at a miscellaneous shower. Miss Di- anne Bradd and Miss Judy Cun- liffe served. After the rehearsal this even- ing the bridal party will be en- tertained at the home of the pros- pective bridegroom's parents', Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Anderson, Jarvis street. SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Edward Ted) Clarke of Oshawa wish fo an- nounce the engagement of their |daughter, Donna Marie, to Mr. Edward George Sweeney, son of Mrs. Andrew Jastrazab of Osh- |awa, and the late Mr. Sweeney. The marriage is to take place at Holy Trinity Anglican Church on Saturday, May 31, at 7.30 p.m. ENGAGEMENT MRS. A, W. WILSON Heights Home and School Asso- Siskion at its annual May meet- ng. The other officers are as fol- lows: past president, Mrs. A, C. Clifford; vice-presidents, Mrs. 1. N. Greenway and Mrs. Alex Yonson; urer, Mrs. Bert ponding sectetary, Mrs, Fred Pearse; exectuive members, Mrs. 8. R. Springstein, Mrs. Gordon Reesor, Mrs. | Mooney, Mrs. {Mrs. A. B. Woods, Mrs. A, James Allen, treasur- er of Home and School Council, installed the mew officers. the conclusion of the ceremony { Mrs, Jack Langmaid presented Mrs. Allen with a small gift, Mrs, A. C. Clifford conducted | Many Hostesses Entertain For Barbara Yvonne Spencer Miss Barbara Yvonne marriage to Mr, ! MRS, A. C. CLIFFORD 'Sunset Heights H-S Installs New President and Officers Mrs. A. W. Wilson was instal-| led as president of te Bunset first week in June as the annual stated the field day should be the (field day st Alexandra Park is June 11, Mrs, Greenway 's con- vening the school's field day this year, room count was won by Mr. Cotie's room, It was decided to set aside a recording secretary, sum of money to send two dele- Mrs. W. B. McCullough; treas- gates to Camp Couchiching, the Nell; corres-| training camp for Home and | Behool officers. Mrs. W. B, McCullough, sec- | retary, read the minutes of the H. A.|annual meeting of May, 1057, W. H. Calvert,|and the secretary's annual re-| port. The following anual reports were read: At| Treasurer, Mrs, Bert Neil; or. Sager entertained at a miscel- an | responding secretary, Mrs, Greenway; publications, Mrs. | Alex Yonson; membership, Mrs {H. H. Calvert; program, whose MeNsught will take place in §¢ | Paul's Presbyterian Chureh fic morrow afternoon has been gues of honor at several pre nuptis was wearing navy blue linen, Miss Joanne Cyjting kept the door and Miss HBr Bo presided over the ; , James . evening, bridal party entertained at the home of and Mrs. James McNaught, pare ents of the bride 1¢ home of Miss Mat. ice, Fernhill bosevar, Serving 'ere Mrs, Arnold Mattice fiss Barbara Brant, Mrs, Wil ard , mother of the iride-to-be poured tea, 1B Foll Mr. prospective groom. Charles Anderson, Mrs, Peeling and Mrs. George Weldon ured tea. Serving were Miss Boana Moorcroft, Miss Lottie nderson, as Carol iles, i. ) m base, Hy a ra Mattice, s Gall f Hise Beth aidon, Mrs. William Keeler, Mrs. Henry Gatehell, Mrs mas Abbott, Mrs. Dorothy Carswell and Mrs, Vietor Cutting. Presiding in the rooms contain- ing the wedding, shower gifts, and trousseau were Miss Dianne Spéncer and Mrs, Ronald Siblock, Mrs. Dwight Bunnér was host a pantry shelf shower, g were Mrs. Arthur Clark, |Mrs. Alfred Harrell, Mrs. Erie Solly and Mrs. Jack Milne, Mrs. Charles Anderson, Mrs, | Ronald Siblock and Miss Barbara oe - ... at Karns $2.00 for your old camera (Regardless of make or condition) ON THE NEW laneous shower, with Miss Louise *|Anderson assisting in serving. | The girls from the accounts Mrs. | payable division, General Motors the regular business meeting Jack Langmaid; publicity, Mrs. hel { With San HD MCirenld W. Brows sel convener, a a Wisctfiancous shower af reading the minutes of the April| Mrs, C. R, Halliday. meeting and Mrs. Bert Neil givi| Mr. Cecil Brownson showed dent, greeted guests on arrival and Mrs. J. Bulinski, Mr. and The engagement is announced | . . and Mr, Edward Krol acted as/mrs N. Naklicki. At fA th W dd g A ] Y lof Joyce Louise, youngest daugh- master of ceremonies. Many of | Miss A. Labus, Mr. J. Diugosz, | e 1n nniversa (ror of Mr. pe Mrs. Millard the guests won door prizes and pr, and Mrs. Dulny, Mr. and| Congratulations and good wish-| set from the Minister of Labor|whyte, t6 Mr, Donald Norman birthday honors were sung for Mrs B. Labus, Mr. J. Budzynski, es were expressed to Mr, and|the Honorable Michael Starr and|yjttleproud, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oshawa Jaycettes several . others. were prepared by the committee, Lively polkas, waltzes and tangos kept the dancers going until 2 am Among those seen dancing were Mr, T. D. Thomas MLA and LODGES AND Miss C. Brearton, Mr. J. Bajorek, [family and friends on the occa- lef, cake container, dispenser |Mr, and Mrs. Z. Tomezak. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gajda, Mr. |versary and daughter, Master Freddy and and Mrs. P. Solowski, Mr. and| Two hundred and fifty guests, Miss Linda Mandryk. |Mrs. J. Lasek, Mr. and Mrs. Z.|from Oshawa, Toronto, Port] Flowers were also presented Kilber, Mr. and Mrs. J. Debicki,| Hope, Hamilton and Cleveland, from the guests, Mr. Peter Len- | Mr, and Mrs. C. Jaworowski, Mr, | Ohio, extended greetings at a re- chak and Mr, and Mrs. J T. Czechowski, Mr. and Mrs. W.|ception, at the UNF Hall, honor- Kurintschenko. Bonchek, Mr. and Mrs. P. Bralek, ing the well known couple. | Mrs. Mandryk wore a cocktail Mr. and Mrs. F, Kryso. | Mr, Michael Wladyka, deputy peau de sole {gown of ice blue Mr. B. Gurny, Mrs. B. Jasen- reeve of Port Hope, presiding as with a corsage of white gar Refreshments | niisg J, Brearton, Mr. J. Zosik,|Mrs, Stephen Mandryk by their Mrs, Starr; an aluminum ecanis-| Norman Littleproud, all of Osh- awa, The. marriage will take Church on Saturday, June 21, 1958, at 4 o'clock, ENGAGEMENT Mr sion of their 25th wedding anni- and bread box set from their son place at St. George's Anglican correspondence. Mrs. Clifford introduced Mr. T. H. Cotie, acting principal of | the school, who spoke briefly the mothers of the children in yy, @ outlining the néw enrolment for Miss G. Trull's morning kinder- Genes and Mrs. John T. Gask- the enlarged school this Fall, He/garten class. ing the treasurer's report, Mrs. a film entitled lan Greenway read the current Sea" 1:The Eighth which pictured in detail the St. Lawrence Seaway Pro- Ject, Refreshments were served by ell wish to announce the eng | ment of their daughter, Eliza- beth Disley, to Mr. William Cor- Inell Hutcheson, son of Mr. and Size Problem, Instalment Sellin Elect Officers The Oshawa Jaycettes held thelr anfilar meeiiny recenay rey Room of the Hotel ha. The president, Mrs. Willlam Edwards welcomed Mrs. Keith Buchanan, and presented her with a Jaycette pin, With Starflash Camera - An interesting business meeting | to C A |began with Mrs. Edwards' an- Issues Facing onsumers SSI. | ual Report and summary of the VICTORIA (CP) -- The e¢on-, One of the bigger issues the as. vg pha yities 3 res {sumer should be offered the sociation is working on is stand-| Annual reports were read from: goods he wants and not have to ardization of sizes In children's entertainment chairman, Mrs. Al- settle for lower-standard substi: | clothing, {fred Gravel; membership, Mrs tutes, says Miss Isabel Atkinson| "We're in quite a muddle with Jack Jeffs; 'telephone, Mrs. Wil- in your choice of colors Everything needed for day-and. night snapshooting. Brownie Starflash Camera that takes Eke tachrome color slides as well as black-and-white and Kodaeolor snaps, Built-in fasholder. Plus batteries, lashbulbs, Verichrome Pan Film, instructions. Camera in choice of colors: coral red, sk line blue, alpine white, jet block. 11.98 ska, Mr. T. Dobrolecki, Mrs. S.|master of ceremonies, greeted denias, She wore a tiara present. Mrs. William C, Hutcheson, all SUNBEAM CHAPTER OES |Scuik, Mrs. J. A. Aldwinckle, the bridal couple and attendants eq to her by her cousin, Mrs. [of Oshawa. The marriage ls to The regular stated meeting of Mrs: 8. Kaminski (Detroit, of 25 years ago. Evelyn Anonychuk. [take place at St. George's An- Sunbeam Chapter No, 73 OES, Mich), Miss M. Kotynska, Mr.| Mr, and Mrs. Mandryk received | To the bride of 25 years ago, |glican Church on Saturday, June was held in Masonic Temple. |W. Balart. many handsome gifts including the bridegroom presented a 21, at 3 o'clock, Mrs. Dorothy Hiley, yoriny Mod od, In Cok, if an automatic washer and silver diamond ring. tron, presided, assist y Mr, e L1, WiKi, Mr, |tray from the assembled guests; | | Harry Shelley, Worthy Patron. | Mrs. A. Karwowski, Mr. and Mrs.|y dryer from Mrs. MaRryK's qanmmter or Mr. ab GP rieha, IRI FREED Bore. The Flag was presented by Mrs.|W. Zygmont, Mr. and Mrs. J. parents, Mr. and Mrs, F. Mucha, | nrucha of Toronto, and Stephenlard MeGinty, 26, and his wife of Ottawa, president of the Cana: |it now. But you get a rough idea liam Carey; ways and means Alice Davis, Marshall and placed Zygmont, Mr. W. Dezback, MT. 'her brothers and sisters, Mr. ant | mandrvk, son of A Ms jeu 1 a yy a guilty | dian Association of Consumers. |of the headaches it is when you Mrs, Jerrold Rutherford; public. in the East, Mrs. Agnes Kemlo, 1 Zalewski, Mr P. Soltys, Mr. Mrs, M. Wladyka and Mr. and Mrs N. Mandryk of Ukraine, Wednesday on charges of failing] "Mr. Eisenhower has asked the know that what we call a size ity, Mrs. Douglas Knowler; trea- acting Conducttess., Toe Hor | | iT Fis a, Pasckowsii Mrs. M. Mucha, their daughter|were married at St. George's to provide the necessities of life | people of the United States to buy | Six comes in nine different sizes surer, Mrs. Alan Lockard; Matron Weieomed sible dy om 4 aM 3. Kac 28% yw /|and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R.|Greek Catholic Church in Oh.|to residents of a nursing home all the goods they can, and at across the country. (Amendments to the constitution cers for their loyal support, Mrs. Mr. an rs. B. Kaczmarek, Mr. ey own [they operated at Stouffville, Mag.| the recent labor congress in Win- | "Another issue the CAC is deal- were discussed and voted upon, McLeese Gr. Representative for and Mrs. Chester Borek, Miss S. Tennesee Gr. Chapter, Mrs. | Knipe, Miss E. Heasman, Miss Agnes Kemlo, Mrs. May Lang, |A. Treck, Mr. and Mrs. L. Pater- Mrs, Stewart, Mrs. MacDonald, kowski, Mr. and Mrs. E. Krol, Mrs. Wight, Miss Langmaid, Mr, and Mrs. L. B. Prazmowski. M-s. Dunlop, Mrs. Moore| Miss J. Gorycki, Mr. J. Gory- PDDGM, Mrs. Anne Creighton | eki, Mrs, J. Rzony, Mrs. R. PDDGM, honorary member of Florek, Mrs. J. Adamcewicz, GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES CHALLENGER GROUP |Leczel; sterling silver decanter | awa on May 13, 1933. Th |and operate the Stephen Mandryk |istrate O. §. Hollinrake said in-|Nipeg Sailor Shop on Simcoe street sufficient evidence had been pre. south, sented to support the charges. Sunbeam, Mr. Frank Traln and Mr. Shelley. | The Worthy Matron thanked Mrs. Kemlo, Mrs. Wight, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Dunlop for taking offices, also reminded members of church service in St. George's Church on May 25. | Mrs. Jean Scott formerly of| Madoc Chapter was sincerely wel: | comed as a member of Sunbeam | Chapter by our presiding officers and members. | The change in the bylaws was discussed and will be brought in at a later date. Miss Flora lurdie gave the sick and sunshine report. Flowers and cards have been sent. | | Mrs. J. Kolynska, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Krechowicz, Mrs. M. Misiaszek and many others. Joy Walker, Donald Dawson Exchange Vows The marriage of Marleine Joy : Walker, daughter of Mrs. Evelyn] The minutes, treasurer's re- Walker of Oshawa and Mr. Ar: port, correspondence and com- thur Walker of Bowmanville and mittee reports were read. Donald Andrew Dawson, son of It was anounced that prep-| Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dawson of arations were being made to hold re-|a rummage sale on May 26. The meeting of the Challenger Group of the WA of Albert Street United Church was held recently with the president, Mrs, Clayon Lee, presiding. Mrs, Ste- wart Graham led in the devotion. {al period: The scripture lesson {was read by Mrs, Thomas Peters land Mrs. Edward Holland sang a | solo. "Thoughts For The Day" | were read by Mrs. Henry Ho- garth, was solemnized Invitations were accepted for Montreal, Past-Officers night to Butfalo| cently in Rosedale United WEAVERS' GUILD June 18. Those wishing to go to Buffalo please contact the Worthy Matron or Mrs. Mabel Alpine. A donation of $50 v-as given to the Ontario County Unit Cancer So- ciety, the Worthy Patron gave the. farewell Refreshments were served by Mrs. Girard, Mrs, Wright and their committee. PAST MATRONS' CLUB The regular meeting of theland she carried a white semi Oshawa Past liatrons' Club, Or. der of the Eastern Star, was held in the Port Perry library. Mrs. { Lloyd Wood, the president, ex-/was the bride's only attendant Church, Montreal. Dr. George Dewey officiated. | The wedding music was played {by Mr. Edward Hudson. | Given in marriage by her fa- {ther, the bride wore a ballerina {gown of white lace with taffeta land tulle underskirts. The bodice featured a square neckline and long sleeves edged with iridiscent |sequins. A small sequined crown held her shoulder - length veil |cascade of shasta chrysanthe- mums. Miss Anna Jean MacMillan who pressed her pleasure in the num- wore powder blue nylon tulle ber of members attending the crystalette with blue and white meeting and thanked all for be-|accessories and carried white ing present on this birthday. shasta and pink pom pom chry- Mrs. Margaret Jeffrey, immed: santhemums. oate Past Matron of Blue Ray Mr, Howard Wilkinson was best Chapter, Port Perry was initiated man. Ushering were Messrs. into the club. The business of George Cram and Peter Smith. the year being completed, Mrs.| The reception was held at the Wood expressed a, reciation of Berkeley Hotel, Montreal, where the help and supp rt of the mem. the bride's mother received in bers throughout "her years, and then handed the gavel over to {smoky blue French lace with {navy blue accessories. The bride- The monthly meeting of the Oshawa Weavers' Guild was held at the home of Mrs. Frank God- den, Kingston road, Whitby. Mrs. Hans Geissberger pre- sided, The minutes were read by {the secretary and the treasurer gave her report, Arrangements for the weaving display and sale to be sponsored by the Afternoon Guild of Christ Memorial Church were dis- cussed. Miss Mary MacLean, delegate {to the Annual Conference of the Handweavers and Spinners of On- tario at London, gave her report and also spoke of the London Weavers' annual exhibition that {was held at the London Art Gal. ery. The next meeting of the Guild (will be held at the home of Mrs. W. D. Arnold, 221 College avenue | on June 16, when a pot luck sup- per will be served. HOUSEHOLD HINT Mrs. Sidney Lang, the new presi: groom's mother assisting was In| your rubber scraper and other| NATIONAL PRESIDENT CFUW di President of the C Mr, Diefenbaker said: | 'Continue to buy,' ' she said in | an interview here, "But we must not become pawns to be shoved into indis- criminate buying. The consumer is not just a kind of - economic unit; he is & human being, "To maintain one sound econ- omy the structure from producer to manufacturer to retailer must become more * consumer-centred. That is, the consumer should be offered the goods he wants and not have to do with lower-stand: ard substitutes." |ing with is installment selling {used for sales promotion, | "Some $600,000,000 was spent in advertising in Canada last year, some good, some bad: Indirectly the consumer pays for all of this. ' , +, Canadian retall sales in 1957 totalled $12,500,000,000. Now you see the consumer never has been so important.' The CAC is treated with eon. sideration and respect by governs ment agencies and manufactur erf--"and more and more we are invited to high - level meet. ings where our opinion is sought." Mrs, Jack Jeffs, convener of the refreshment booth at the Jay- cee Homebuilders Fair advised of a successful project and thank. | ed the members for their assist. ance, The election of officers for the 1968-50 terms was conducted Mrs. Willlam Edwards as follows: Presidet, Mrs. Robert t 1st vice-president, Mrs, Donald Brown; 2nd vice-president, Mrs, Roy Smith; secretary, Mrs. Don: ald Lowe; treasurer, Mrs, Jer: rold Rutherford. The new officers will be installs ed at a joint Jaycee-Jaycette din- ner and installation ceremony to TORONTO (CP)--Visiting shut. ins is no job for amateurs, says Miss Hope Holmested, chairman] of the senior citizens' committee of the Ontario Red Cross. - Miss Holmested considers visit ing as a task that requires al- most as much skill and training as a nurse has. With the object of producing trained personnel, the Red Cross has prepared a course entitled "friendly visiting," and so far has course. to visit, how to visit, and how to help old and lonely shut-ins," she said. | Ap of English at the dest, Schalt of the embers MISE blue silk with matching ac- mn beha § MIS. cegsories. Lang presented the immediate Ceo honeymoon was spent in Past President with a gift, and ihe Thousand Islands, . Kingston. told her how much he york| When leaving the bride wore a during We past year ha en sowder blue suit with a white hat appreciated. and new-blue accessories. Mr. RL Jecided that re as And Mrs. Dawson will live in at the home of Mrs, 8. Lang. 20| awa. Oshawa Blvd. North. Mrs. Mable Chapman and her SEARCH FOR FLAGS committee arranged contests, {are to be opened here Mrs. Leonard Colbear. NO EXTRA CHARGES FOR CREDIT .00 1.00 DOWN WEEKLY BURNS CREDIT games and] TOKYO (Reuters)--Tokyo de tectives today searched the city After the social hour a very for 1,000 flags, representing 20 tasty salad plate was served |countries. which were removed and all the members shared in|from main roads leading to the the birthday cake, prepared by stadium where the Aslan Games | University of Manitoba, Dr. rubber kitchen ware need regu-| pederation of University Wom. Saunders received her degree i) th | | lar care. Never soak them in en, Doris Boyce Saunders, | MILKMAN TIPOFF The milkman is the chief as- sistant in discovering who needs visiting. She suggests that wom- en's organizations which want fo [trace the aged and sick in their communities should get in touch with the milkmen who know ev- ery household. The milkman of course is only one source. Miss Holmested rays would-be visitors should consult doctors, libraries, post offices, churches, he units and the [Victorian Order of Nurses -- and Visiting Shut-Ins Requires Understanding, Good Humor | tried about 250 persons in this "We try to teach people whom| traced, there are some useful guides for visiting. "Don't dress up in your best clothes," sald Miss Holmested. "Don't take expensive gifts. Don't rush around -- and don't gossip." HUMOR HELPS The positive qualities required are a friendly disposition, a warm heart, lively observation| and common sense. "We want visitors to have a sense of humor, to accept a per- son where she is, and to set casy goals for the shut-ins to attain," sald Miss Holmested. Red Cross trained visitors must be prepared to take shut-ins out to shop or to the library, or to a movie. They must be responsible/ persons who will always keep ap. pointments to visit. | "It will be the visitors' job to] see that the shut-in meets other {old people in the same locality," | __ | said Miss Holmested. Additional courses are planned in advising on how to visit blind | deaf or handicapped people. be held at the Genosha Hotel on June 13. Door prizes were won by: Mrs. Fred Whalley, Mrs. J. E. Ruther-| ford, Mrs. Jack Jeffs. { SPECIAL QUALITY l Canada has four varieties of ash trees, noted for their tough Your Old Comera__ 2,00 You pay ... $9.95 IHURRY! OFFER EXPIRES 28 KING ST. E. RA 3.4610 but elastic wood. Easy to apply, and one co covers most surfaces. Kem-G WHEN YOU USE COLORFUL GLO at lo dries in 3 to 4 hours to a beauti- ful lustre finish that looks and like the baked enamel on washes a new refrigerator. YES, WE'LL LEND YOU THE COLOR HARMONY BOOK = FREE! wy SHERWIN-WILLIAMS 0. 110. CED lalso check the waiting list for | water as this will soften the rub-| from the University of British {ber. Wash them as soon after| LLD, will visit the Oshawa | Columbia and a winner of using as possible, then dry im-| cub at the annual meeting on | mediately and thoroughly. | Monday next at Adelaide House. ford University. 'Compounding Yer Photiiens Presciption ia Our Profession" JURY & LOVE PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS 530 Simcoe St. S. RA 5-3546 8 King St. E. RA 3.2245 15 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE MA 3.5778 317 BROCK ST. §. WHITBY MO 8.2338 OSHAWA a travelling scholarship to Ox- | Once the shut - ins have been . : . . . . . . . . . . N . "esses essssans, DOES A NEARING AID Not on your life! The Zenith Money Back Guarantee! A DEMONSTRATION TODAY! NAVE TO B88 | TO BE THE BEST? Quality 50-R is $50 complete «..yet is unexcelled in per. formance by hearing aids sell- Come in... or phone for home demonstration today! Zo om oly Honing, Aids Imperial Optical Company 22%; SIMCOE ST. §., OSHAWA RT TRY TT "ests snnssnsrnnsnnnn ing for $200, or more. 10-Day COME IN FOR Dairy) (Above Home JEWELLERS 32 KING ST. WEST RA 3.7022 "WE SEND MEDICINES TO EUROPE -- POSTAGE FREE" the old folks' home in their dis-| trict. | day affair, or can be spread over two evenings or two afternoons. The present course is an Al 16 BOND ST. E. RA 5-1362 ENAMEL of "OZONE", Uincent Presents "a y A 0 N E"" Spectacular treatment of skin, scalp and hair, entirely new in beauty culture. "O' INE" helps to normalize skin, scalp and hair conditions. Visit our salon and relax under the soothing and healing influence MISS BETTY of Switzerland is your Beauticion TELEPHO end App NE RA 5-8631 Veeurils FINE HAIR STYLING "The Salon of Smart Oshawa Women" 110 KING ST. E., OSHAWA PARKING AT REAR