THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Pridey, Mey 23, 1958 J MAY is 20 New Tables : Sitting Held For One Day COBOURG -- A one day sit- ting of the United Counties Coun- cil wii be held sometime in June, revealed Warden Ray Both- well, of Fraserville. The warden said that as yet no specific date for the sitting has been set. There has also been no word on the purpose of the spe- cial sitting. Plan School For Umpires PORT HOPE -- The Lakeshore Minor Baseball League is spon- soring a school for umpires on Saturday, June 7, from 1.30 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. in the Lions room in Community Centre, New- castle. The League has engaged Ontario's top arbiter, Max Scheff, Toronto, to run the school. All umpires along the Lake- shore and surrounding district, plus all those who would like to take up the game of officiating, COBOURG Staff Reporter--ROBERT CZIRANKA--FR. 2-7657 TB Survey Is Conducted COBOURG -- A total of 53.6/survey results: per cent of the eligible population| Northumberland County: (1954 in Northumberland participated |in braczets): in the county wide tuberculosis| Population estimated (34,087), mass survey which was con-|36,614; eligible population (25565) WHITBY and DISTRICT | Mothers, 'Daughters At Banquet The Canadian Girls in Train- |ing of the Whitby United Church held their annual Mother and HAPPY Janice Dianne Xnapp cele- brated her second birthday on May 16. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Knapp of Centre Street South, Whit- Rule Changes Are Discussed Two new rule changes h have been made in the OLA rule book for this coming season are causing a lot of talk effect upon the game is being awaited with interest the lacrosse season gets ready to un- fold. The first of the changes men- tioned above has been adcpted on a trial basis and is primarily the same that is now being used in hockey. The new ruling states that if a team is short-handed due to one of its players re- ceiving a minor penalty, the penalty automatically termin- ates when the opposing team scores a goal. There is one very important point however in: the lacrosse rule, Should a goal be scored the minor penalty does termin-! ate and the penalized club puts, another man on the floor, but! the player who was given the, minor penalty must serve the remainder of the penalty of two minutes in the penalty box and if his team is scored upon, team comes back to strength,, but the penalized player has to serve his time, re- gardless of goal-scoring. The other rule change is a dandy and does create the pos- as Ladies Schedule Given Miss MacDonald The East York Ladies Softball League, In which a ladies' team from Whitby is entered, has re- leased the schedule for the first six games. Tuesday night, the Whitby Merchants trounced Bil- lett's IGA by the score of 11 to 6. The lineup for Whitby was: Bev. Childs, rf; Carole Perrow, | 2b; Betty Jordan, ss; Gwen Campbell, ef; Joan Nicholson, 1b; Isobel Mothersill, p; Shirley Stone, lf; Sandra Smythe, 3b; Isobel Eyman, c. A lady spectator from Toronto won the weekly draw which was donated this week by Whitby IGA store, It is reported that more play- ers are wanted, and any girls wishing to play should get in touch with the Whitby tear. All home games will be every Tues- | Daugther Banquet on Tuesday. | After a toast to the Queen and |singing Grace, 24 girls and their mothers, together with several | guests representing different or-| ! ganizations in the church, en-| joyed a delicious meal planned | and served by the girls and their leaders. eri guests introduced by, Miss Judy White, who acted as caaurman for the occasion, were Mrs. Clarence Penfound, Jong associated with CGIT in this are cordially invited to free of charge. : Mr, Scheff has been running such schools all over Ontario and pected for the season. Rural League has opened schedule for another season with | Grafton stepping into Welcome the cluded recently. These prelim-|30,210; No. of X-Rays and TBN attend inary statistics released by the tests (10,884), 16,216; percentage Are In Use Ontario Department of Health coverage (42.5), 53.6. | were fomplied on he basis a Re oxi a r cent of the ulation being w (226), ; Roseneal s| is experienced at putting across Clicivle with the exception of Co. 347: Centreton (130), 187; Castle.| Parks Commission reports that his points. A large crowd is ex-|hourg where 100 per cent cover-|ton age was expected as a result of 433; Campbellford (2087), The four - team South Durham the tuberculin test clinic which Baileboro - (194), 295; its | was open. to all age groups. A breakdown of attendance at clinic centres throughout COBOURG The Cobourg (367) ithe 20 new tables proposed for 2936. | Victoria Park have been received Bewdley and are now in use, 187; Grafton (330), Wark-| The ission also propose worth (621), 640. placing 25 new park benches in Codringtor 247), 269; Colborne 'he park and these are expected (274), 320; Hastings 413; or Tuesday evening and handing Northumberland County in most (779), 743; 'Wooler (410), 531;|to b~ ready shortly. the home club a 3-2 setback in aj nstances reflects a substantial area; Rev, and Mrs. J, M, real thriller before a large increase over the 1954 survey. {Hart's Corners 347; Smithfield] The benches were built by the |372; Brighton (1370), 1227; Co- parks commission workers during and theirs the 2 club will have to carry full! Smith; Mrs. Geo. Fothergill, re- presenting the WMS; and Mrs. L. Richardson, Pres, of the WA, Miss Lynda Moorehouse pro- posed a toast to the Mothers, which was responded to by her | mother, Mrs. Wm. Moorzhouse. In her toast to the clgirch, Mis. Joan Fairman pointed out » fact that CGIT had its be- ginning in the church and con- uhlUcs 10 be church-centred. Rev. Smith replied to this toast, claiming the world-wide Christ- ian church as well as the local church is the home of Can. Girls In Training. In a toast to C.G.L.T., Miss Arita Underwood, having com- pieted five years as a member , wie organization, was well qualified to tell how the pro- gramme helped girls to develop in character and personality, In responding t~ this toast Mrs. Penfound told of her ex- periences with girls at camp and the many instances where the training which they had re- ceived in their CGIT group had helped them A play "Through the years with CGIT" was put on b all the members, Using costumes, songs and - dances, typical of each date, important events in the growth of the movement were presented. The evening was brought to a close by singing "Taps". BIRTHDAY by, and the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs, Doug Knapp, of Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs, Emi' Rutishauser, also of Oshawa Photo by Ireland ility of a lot of excitement, --- The rule makers have thrown and tradition to the inds with this one, and it will be interesling to see the out- come. GOAL The new a goalkeeper penalty within his history Pantry Shower em Is Conducted nlite: sh i Miss Fern Godfrey and her Yiling Sates Hast Jt mother, Mrs. Harold Godfrey, of own crease, Byron street north, entertained the penalty may be served by at a pantry shower in honor of a substitute. who was on the Miss Rome Satins. Muse ma. . . pan. | 118 w e é - Hoos at the time of the infrac day. May 31, at the Whithy -- . United Church, to Mr. Harold Thus far the rule is similar Collins, of Oshawa. | to the OHA ruling. However the| Mrs, C. Leipsig, of Peel street, | rule goes on to state that in all assited by Mrs. Cougle and Mrs, | other cases, that is for major K. Powell arranged a -miscel- and misconduct penalties the). c chower penalty must be served by the Mrs, B. Logan and Mrs. Sindy gal-keener himself, Logan, of Toronto, were co- This startling move means hostesses at a miscellaneous that if the goalie receives any-| shower. thing more than a minor| The ladies of Almond's United penalty, either a sub-goal-tender| Church also held a miscellaneous or some other player will have shower at the Sunday school to don the pads and do the job. hall, 4 This wovld at most mean that, Mr, George Pettes Jr. held a its| green miscellaneous shower at| alternate goaltender in all the home of Mrs. Dale Pettes. | games and have him at least! Mr. A. Huyck, of Byron street "half dressed" for action, unless north, entertained at her home! some brave forward already at a tea. Serving were: Mrs, | "suited up Is willing to go be- Frances Bartly, Miss Fern God-| to public schools. Acknowledge. mered in the 8th to deep left raer team, informed Mrs.| ment had been received from field well over the head of Pete Burns had a revious banquet tween the pipes. League frey, Miss Pat Phillips, Phillip Martyn, Mrs. Morley| Emory, Miss Ashby was the lovely gifts, She thanked every-| one who atteaded and thanks to the hostess. special | | May 15, Thurs. -- Dyson's at| 1 Billets 10a. Becomes Bride May 20, Tues. -- Dyson's at| At St. Joseph's Church, Toron. | Kiwanis; Billett's IGA at Whitby. |to, on Saturday, May 17, at 11| May 22, Thurs. -- Whitby at #m., Mary Delores MacDonald Billett's daughter of Mr. and Mrs.| May 27, Tues. -- Blllett's IGA | Dougall MacDonald, of Glace) at Dyson, | Bay, Nova Scotia, was united in| May 29, Thurs. -- Whitby at|marriage with Terrence Kendall, | Rillett's. son of Mr. and Mrs. James| June 3, Tues. -- Billett's 1GA | Kendall, of Toronto. Father E.| at Dyson's; Kiwanis at Whitby, |J. Mahonney performed the June 5, Thurs, -- Whitby at|ceremony. The wedding music Dyson's, {was played by Mrs, E. Keith Port Whitby Ww |Gail Calestock. Holds Meeting Given in marriage by her luncle, Mg". Archibald MacDonald The St. John's Anglican Church Port Whitby WA held the bride wore a white taffeta gcwn with lace inserts, full train and a shoulder length veil. She carried a bouquet of baby roses. The maid of honour was Miss crowd. Preliminary Community X-Ray |bourg (3463), 6993. the winter months cutting the The fray was a pitcher's battle all the way with Chuck Wallace besting Ken Dolley. Both hurlers went the route. ewe L1St Schedule losers with Ross Beattie doing the honors for Grafton, Thursday | night Welcome goes to Newton- | ville, last year's champions, | while Newcastle travels to Graf- ton. The complete schedule for the Annual inspection for the local OLA Junior lacrosse circuit has Sea Cadets was held at their just been released by the office ship, HMCS Skeena, on Milllof the OLA Secretary, C. W street Wednesday night with a Rowan. large crowd of onlookers. The! The schedule extending from local corps is commanded by May 30 to July 30, calls for nine Lieut. Sid. Boddison. The Inspect- home and nine road games for ing Officer was Capt, L. D. Stu-|each club. part, the Commanding Officer ai; The Whitby Merchants will take HMCS York, Toronto, and he part in the league opener on Fri- commended the cadets for their /day, May 30, in Brampton and smart appearance and precision will oppose St. Catharines at the drill, Haig Bowl in St. Catharines in He was accompanied by Com. the last game of the schedule on missioned Officer A. E. Hill who! Wednesday, July 30. is the Assistant Area Officer at! The locals' home stand begins HMCS York. After the inspection on Thursday, June 5, with St. the Women's Auxiliary of the Catharines visiting, and with the Skeena served refreshments, and exception of their last home game the parents and friends of the on the schedule, the Merchants officers and cadets joined in 2 will be playing at home every dance afterwards, Thursday night at the new start pe ing time of ait of the IODE Holds Regular Meet |OLA to cater to the fans who like to get home early, and from the IODE was held in the Legion Schedule for Whitby Merchants Hall with Regent, Mrs. H, T. OLA Junior: starting time from 8:45 p.m. to warnings issued by the OLA The general meeting of the office the league intends to en- Fallaise, presiding. Reports of| Fri, May 30 -- Whitby at various committees were pre-| -- S------ For Lacrosse Brampton, Thurs., June 5 arines at Whitby. Mon., June 9 -- Whitby at Long Branch. Thurs., June 12 -- Long Branch at Whitby, Thurs., June 19 -- Brampton at Whitby. Sat., June 21 -- Whitby at St. Cathai ines. Thurs., June 26 -- arines at Whitby, Sat., June 28 Brampton. Thurs., July 8 -- Long Branch at Whitby. Mon., July 7 -- Branch. Thurs., July 10 -- Brampton at Whitby. Sat., July 12 -- Whitby at St. Catharines. Thurs., July 17 arines at Whitby. Fri, July 18 Brampton. Thurs., "ul: 4 -- Long Branc at Whitby Sat., July 26 -- Whitby at Long Branch. Mon., July 28 -- Brampton at Whitby. Wed , July 30 -- Whitby at St. Catharines. -- St. Cath- St. Cath- Whitby at Whitby at Long St. Cath- Whitby at 8:30 p.m. is an attempt by the Viscount Greenwood Chapter force the 8:30 start. sented. Arnold, Pickering, on June 19, were almost complete, Trans- portation, etc., will be announced through the Press. Owing to the absence of the convener Mrs. D, O. Lynch, a full report on the Day Camp, will be given next month, The| committee had met and been in consultation with tke Director, Mrs. Wm, Lawlor. Miss J. Knapmann, President Provincial Chapter IODE, was appointed the Chapter's delegate to the annual meeting of National Chapter Membership. Mrs. Fothergill announced a pre- sentation and dedication of i6|ery minute of the game. flags to the new Dundas school,| Justice brought one of Tony's, By CLIFF GORDON More than 1,000 cheering fans with the Tony's tremendous ball Mrs. E. C. Petitjean reported that plans for the Garden Tea| T ers ea at the home of Mr, and Mrs, H.| 9-3 a few more practices under his {belt . . , Bob Booth the bespec- |turned out Wednesday night to|tacled catcher of the local team [see Charlie Justice the ageless/did a yeoman's job behind the colored hurler make his debut| plate, He held the big fellow Refreshment | really well and earned a mention | team. They were treated tn a even by the veteran Justice . . . game all the This was the largest crowd we way, The final score was 5-3 for have ever seen at a scheduled the defending champion Latimer game in Whitby. We feel safe in| Brokers, but the fans loved ev-|saying there was at least 1,000] |fans in attendance. They really | the| got their money's worth , , . We| cost Ship Brings Cargo Of Gas COBOURG The Imperial Hamilton docked at Cobourg Wednesday night with a cargo of gasoline, The Hamilton was the first ship to enter Cobourg har- bo this year. The cargo consisted of 500,000 gallons of gasoline, or 40,000 bar- rels. | The Hamilton is under the command of Captain Wilfred McLelland, of Sarnia. She re-| turned to Toronto yesterday morning. DAD'S DAY IS NEARING Father's Day purchases will total $350 million this year -- or approximately $10 per Dad, according to esti- mates of the Father's Day Council. To make certain men's apparel stores get their share of this gift market, Men's Wear magazine urges such stores to kick off their Dad's Day promotions three weeks before Father's Day (June 15). "For this event, presentation of merchandise | naturally should be tailored to | the store's theme. Play on fa- | shion as well as a few special price promotions." Favored items continue to be sports- wear and furnishings with quick - sell packaged items slated for an important role this year. One point for re- tailers to remember: there was a tendency this past Christmas for consumers to handle a last-minute rush of | traffic with more merchan- dise on counters, more sales- people, more packaged gift items, Will Entertain Chief Justice COBOURG The Northum- ably. also a portrait of Her Majesty loudest cheers we have heard in| were sorry that Charlie Burns | berland-Durham Law _Assocla- The Queen. ; : Arrangement has been made after fanning on his for presentation of book prizes | appearances to the plate, he the adopted Northern school for Conacher. flag folders, etc. Services at Welsh mentioned books were|in the second inning. packed for shipment, All necessary summer work. | hits off Justice, Jimmy Jordan Empire and World Affairs con-| had a pair of singles off the vener Mrs, Duguid arranged for | slants of Dowey, and Sammy a showing of the film "'Family| ark. captain of the Tony's of Nations within the Common-|team had a double and triple in wealth." The Regent voiced in|gour attempts. Justice retired the appreciation of the Chapter t0| side on three pitches in the sev- Mr. Batten of Colbourne street|enth inning. school who supplied the school's | Next week it will be Sherrins Teen and projector, also oper-|aq the visitors, and don't be too ated the film, and had the urprised if our old friend Al students of grade 7B in attend-| Pacey is on the mound for the Mrs. Duguid was thanked for | Visitors. making this possible, The meet-| DIAMOND DUST . .. We have ing closed with the singing of the had the privilege of following National Anthem, Mrs. G. Foth- | ball for some years in Whitby ergill and Mrs, F. Marsh were and we doubt if ever any one tea hostesses. man attracted so much attention as did Charlie Justice last night. He pitched a good game all the way. He is far from in shape yet, but look out, after he gets Bilingual Drama wool| Hughes and Murray Dowey were Ted |had been placed and more "wee 'ing only men to get a pair of| {many a year at a ball game as was unable to make it for last| y first two night's game but Doug Pyzer, McRuer on Monday night at the ho-| the colorful coach of the Lati-| Chateau Hotel here. The chief| us that |commitment. Sammy Stark, i i taughton homered with Playing his second game of the recipient of a large variety of home and abroad. Chaiman Mrs, |, Bruce Staugh for the winners Season, came up with a double Frank|and triple for his night's work, t lly good to see him in shape Pe on hand for the occasion at so fast , . . Next Wednesday night it will be Sherrins who will provide the opposition. LINE-UPS: LATIMER BROKERS: Gilbort, ss; Thompson, 3b; Anderson cf; Conacher, If; Kutner ¢; Colvin, rf; Staughton, 2b; Hughes 1b; | Dowey, p. TONY'S REFRESHMENTS: J. | Jordan, rf, Stark 3b; Piontek, ss; Booth, ¢; MacDermaid, 1b; M, Jordan, If; Loreno, 2b; Nich- olis, ef; Justice, p. Umpires: Geo. Campbell be- hind the plate and Norm O'Ril- ley on the bases. LINE SCORE: RHE Latimer Brokers: 020 100 020-3 9 2 Oshawa Tony's: G00 200 010-3 6 1 School To Start TORONTO (CP) -- A stocky Frenchman with almost 40 years New Annex day at 8:15 p.m. in Centennial their regular monthly meeting | MacDonald, sister of the bride, Park, and away games every|last Wednesday evening at the hursday at Dieppe Park in To- Church Hall. The meeting was ronto. opened by the president and re- May 13, Tues. -- Kiwanis at Ports were given by the sec- Billett's IGA. retary and the treasurer. Mrs. E. Vallant took the Bible rezding which was "Gospel for | Ascension Day". Mrs. Nicholson| gave a full report on the Dio RECENT GRADUATE Graduating in Engineering and Business this } the University of F A (Art) W. | He is the son o Arthur Robertson Whithw, Gardena St |cesan Annual WA meetings held| and the bridesmaid, Mrs, Mar- garet Murray, sister of the bride, were dressed alike in yellow taffeta, with nylon trim, and large picture hats, Their| and baby roses. | Mr. George Kendall was best man for his brother, Ushering was Mr, Kenneth Townsend. * experience in theatre bustled in- to Toronto Thursday to discuss settiug up a Canadian bilingual | dramatic school. Michel Saint Denis is to meet project, For School COBOURG -- A meeting of St. | Michael's Separate School Board bouquets consisted of carnations 11th # E70UP jim the Canadian ifs week awarded the contract |for the new three-room addition T to the school. The cost of the new addition is estimated to be in the neighborhood of $25,000. The board decided to accept the tender for the project offered by Jackson Brothers Construc- tion Company, Cobourg - Port Hope, which put forth the offer of $25,000. "I am not here to start a drama school," he said. "I am Room AND BOARD justice will preside over the | spring assizes of the Ontario Su- preme Court, which begirs Mon- ay. The 30 odd members of the | law association are expected to which it 'is expected that the 4 Fire Display Is Put On COBOURG -- A fire fighting demonstration was held last night at the harbor here with six fire departments from the area parti- cipating. Cobourg Fire the area, was in charge of the two - hour demonstration, The purpose of the demonstra- tion was to test the deluge hoses, which are not used by any of the nearby fire fighting units. There is the possibility that if the tests prove successful the deluge type hose may be put into operation in this area. The departments taking part in the demonstration were Cobourg, Port Hope, Newcastle, Bewdley, Colborne and Baltimore. WHOOPER KEEPS BUSY NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- Jose- phine, the first whooping crane to reproduce in capacity, laid an- other egg Wednesday--her third this spring. Officials said the whooping crane normally lays tion will entertain Chief Justice chief justice will address the] Toup. The reception was held at the Final plans were made for the home of the bride's aunt and {Great Chapter A uncle, Mr, and Mrs. MacDonaid, ir to A awa Deanety To receive the guests, the bride's Wednesday, May 2 aunt wore a brown hammered DO ie igi By B. The th. with velvet trim dress g i catering ith ink A nd Mrs. Nicholson closed the meet-|"" prt accessor os a a ing with prayer. Mrs, T, Rea|COrSage of pink carna ons els d her itt . The couple left for and, er at ee served rey neymoon trip to Cedar Grove Lodge, Huntsville. The bride| wore a grey wool suit, black and white accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. On their re- turn the couple will reside in Toronto, {in Toronto recently. WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY SOUTH WARD RATEPAYERS The 'South Ward Ratepayers Association. will hold a public meeting in Brock St. Public School tonight, at 7:30. Presi-| br | dent the association, John! TORONTO (CP) -- Magistrate arkness, reports that the main V. L. Prentice Thursday dis- topic of discussion will be the missed a charge of manslaughter town council's decision to move 28ainst Stanley Sakys, 39, aris- the Port Whitby fire truck to IE out of a fight after a card the uptown hall game March 29. | Sakys' friend, Edward Kasper-| BIG INCREASE avicius,.61, died after the fight United Kingdom Dr. Chester McLean said at pre ndustry now is three liminary hearing Thursday that times as large as in 1935. |death was caused by a brain' Manslaughter Charge Dropped | of fire Just here to advise. Everything only two eggs a clutch -- even is preliminary--it is just talk." Mr. Seint Denis, whe started a dramatic school at Strasbourg, France, and founded the Old Vie Schopl in London, adjudicated Canada's Dominion Drama Fes- tivals in 1937, 1950 and 1952. "Since 1 was here in 1952," he says, "the development of the Canadian theatre has been tre mendous." He feels started with the Stratford Srake- spearian Festival. Interest has grown every year and spread | across the country. hemorrhage. He said this was | when in native marshlands, One of Josephine"s eggs laid earlier TLL LET THE SOR. SET ROR A WEEK SO THE WXTURE OF MEAL IN IT WILL BLEND FOR GOOD GROWING LATER! GARDEN the development | has | f rarely due to a direct blow and |B A could be attributed to a sudden | [&@ surge of rage or exertion. CONCLUDE TRADE PACT PRAGUE (Reuters) --Czecho- slovakia and the United Arab Re- public will conclude a long-term trade agreement this fall extend- ing Czechoslovdkia's range of purchases in Egypt, Trade Min- blood pressure due to | [= ister Richard Dvorak said Wed: | : nesday, THEN Y KNOW \ WHATZ.IM GONG \& ACKE.T DETEST BOM... FERTILIZER, BLOOD AND BONE TO PLANT THE 3, ESPECIALL! this spring hatched April 30. Both of last year's clutch hatched and the birds survived. What Keeps A hn TURNPS AND IN TURNIPS Husband Faithful? | Our morals (and the law) say | | that a man should limit him- | self sexually to one woman for life. Yet, many husbands commit marital infidelity, | Why? Kinsey i hus- | bands are faithful only be- cause of "concern for public | opinion". | But June Reader's Digest | says most psychologists think a new pattern of marriage is | developing. Read why some | husbands are unfaithful and how happy marriages can be created. Get your June Reader's Digest today. SAFETY MONTH YOU ARE ASKED TO DO YOU PART! HAVE YOUR CAR SAFETY CHECKED at the SAFETY . LANE West of the Oshawa Police Station on Queen St. OPEN DAILY 12 noon -- 8:30 P.M. BE SURE YOUR CAR 1S MECHANICALLY SAFE SUMMER DRIVING PLEASURE SAFETY LANE SPONSORED JOINTLY BY , . THE OSHAWA POLICE DEPARTMENT, THE OSHAWA SAFETY LEAGUE, THE JAYCEES AND THE AUTOCRAFTERS