DAILY TIMES-GAZETTR, Pridey, Mey 23, 1958 "EXECUTIVE OF BOWMAN election Tuesday are from the Harvey Rowe, Mur- their Officers front row bulletin editor; lowing night left assistant Members of the new execu- tive of the Bowmanville Kins- men Club are shown here fol- VILLE KINSME 1st wr vice-presi- | 2nd vice-president; John Stutt, presi- | bulletin editor, Back row: Gord "Jake" | Wilcox, treasurer; Frank Don Stutt, Sonny" Hooper, registrar; ray Larmer, dent; Charles Cattran, dent-elect Irvine Brown, president; AJAX AND DISTRICT NEWS John Mills, Representative--Phone Ajax 456 = School Marks June 1 PICKERING (Staff) 21st marks the centennial of a small, brick, one room school on the 7th. Concession of Pickering Township, about half a mile west of the Brock Road The school is 8.8. No, 12, bet- ter known as Mount Pleasant School, A big day is planned for June 21st, when it is hoped that as many former teachers and pupils as possible will attend One former pupil who has taken a keen interest in the centennial fis C. L yellow Simpson's who attended the school in 1888 In a letter to the committee in charge of the affair, he stated that he tried his entrance aminations at Whitby Collegiate Institut. that year--and needless to say he passed Probably the oldest teacher to attend will be Mrs. Morgan Pugh, 82, of Uxbridge GE Wililam E. Noble, Assess- ment Commissioner for the town of Ajax was elected to the Board of Governors of the Institute of Municipal Assess- ors at Peterboro on May 21st, Mr. Noble has been Assess. ment Commissioner for the town of Ajax for the past eight years. Last year he was an honor graduate in assessment, taking top honors in a course of study prescribed by the In- stitute of Municipal Assess- ment, in 1904 for $326 per annum. Mrs Pugh remembers climbing a wall of snow on the way of horses pulling a load of logs As the team passed, gave way beneath her feet .and she slid down the bank between the horses' heels and the sleigh runners.., Albert Madill, 93, of Burton, Honorary Chair-filie candparents so it serves {man of the board of directors of them ex- chairman, urer of the board. was a Robert who! ary was approximately $27 taught school at Mount Pleasant chairman of the board of trust ee; secretary to One of the stipulations in those school to make way for a team days was that each student was I expected to bring a half a cord the snow of Centennial with a new floor and heating system, the school re- mains much the same as when it was built Children attending a country school take their lunches, but in winter hot lunches are served from the small kitchen located between the two front doors improved ANNOUNCEMENT Ron Parke: 29, 16 Scugog street, today assumed his du- ties as the newest member of the Bowmanville Police De- partment, He replaces consta- ble Alan Densem, who recent- ly resigned. Mr. Parker is married and has two children, Douglas 6 and John He was born and raised in Simcoe, Ontario. He attended school in Simcoe and the Dominion busi- ness College, Toronto Con- stable Parker has been em- ployed with the Canadian Pa- cific Express Company for the past 13 years. He has been stationed in Bowmanville since 1950. He enjoys lunting and fishing and is president of the Bowmanville Revolver ' Club As part of his police training he will attend the Provincial Police College in Toronto, The trustees do not expect that they will ever have accommoda- tion problem Several third generation children attend the chool today and as it served Wilbur Johnson is the teacher and has grades to eight, Trustees of are Chas. Reynolds, and Roy Wilson and Lloyd Pugh, members. Mrs Lloyd Pugh secretary-treas- Mrs present from one the school 21 is The first teacher in the schoo! Porter, who and: James Sherrad and the was a John Miller on a week's sum of one wood to school notice or pay Lhe pound. NICE LIBRARY ORONO A Ossie Williams, secretary; Ar. nold Sleep, Gord Stringer and Banner Passant, directors, | ENNISKILLEN MRS. RUSSELL GRIFFE Corespondent ENNISKILLEN -- About 70 WMS, CGIT and Explorer mem- bers and leaders met in the Sun- day School room, May 13, for the re-affiliation with WMS service Also present were Presbyterial Secretary for Affiliated Explorer Groups, Mrs. Edgar Leask, Port Perry, and Presbyterial Secre- «ary for affiliated CGIT Groups, Mrs. William A. Gibb, Oshawa Chairman of the meeting, Mrs. Fred Toms, opened with timely thoughts on "Mothers" Devotional was presented by Mrs. Edgar Wright. Letters were read by Mrs. M. Stainton, from a missionary and by Mrs. Lloyd Ashton from Presbyterial Presi- dent, Mrs. W. C. Fisher. Roll call response showed nu- merous cards and parcels. CGIT leader, Mrs. O. C. Ashton and Explorer léaders, Mrs. R. Virtue and Mrs. H. Ashton were com- plimented on the fine training of youth. groups in the splendid re- affiliation service. Mrs. E. Leask received the dedication of the treasure chest from the Explorers and present- ed them with the second seal of the First Certificate Miss Lorna Wearn made the CGI" token presentation and Mrs. W. Gibb presented the CGIT with the seal of re-affiliation. Rev. Walter Logan spoke a few words. Under the leadership of Mrs. Edgar Wright, Group One served a dainty lunch. A sick fox ran across Mr, Wal- ter Ferguson's lawn on Monday morning, His wife saw it and told him about it, He had no gun so he went to his neighbor across the road, Mr, Ralph Virtue, who had the De- geer brothers helping him re. N PICKERING PERSONALS | PICKERING -- Mr, and Mrs, {Fraser and daughters, Sandra and Margo, of Fonthill, spent the holiday veckend with Mrs. Fras- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Sterritt, Mr. and Mrs. Wilf Hunt, who | have been visiting their daughter, | Barbara, Mrs. Fred Crawford, in | Brandon, Manitoba, coming home through Northern Ontario, called on old friends in Copper CIiff, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Runciman, formerly of Pickering. | Mrs. Gordon Law, who is in hos. | |pital following a recent stroke, has not improved during the past week, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Found spent Monday with Mr, and Mrs. {Robert Miller and family, New- | market, | Bert Capik, who is teaching in | Yellowknife, NWT, had a pleasant surprise a few weeks ago, while |watching CBC news on TV. |saw the main street, Pickering, and Reeve Cyril Morley present. ing the "Key to the Village" to {the Whitby Dunlops, during the |parade. | Mrs. Myrtle Crowther spent a few days this week with relatives in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Banks, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Hamilton and John, motored to Kingston over the weekend to visit Mr. and Mrs L. Ravin. Messrs. John Bushby, Ted Py- |ette and Ted Sleep, spent the |weekend at the cottage of Mr, and Mrs. Wilf Hunt on Cameron |Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Mukar and family spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Currell of {Toronto at their cottage near Parry Sound. Messrs. Jim Koch, Cliff Bar- key and Wilmot Gates were among locals who took part in the! Ontario Bowling Association play- offs in Toronto on Saturday even- ing. Miss Lynda Morley spent last weekend with her sister, Mrs William McLean and Mr McLean, Scarborough. Among others spending the holi- day at their cottages were: Mr. and Mrs. Grant Messer, at Geor- gian Bay win at Compass Lake, Mr Mrs Mr. and Mrs family at Mr. and Mrs. Muskoka. Ray ' Doble Linda Disney, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Disney, who skull when hit by the starting gate at the Uxbridge Fair on is doing nicely in the Hospital for Sick Children, Toron- to suffered a fractured race track -at Monday, Mr. C. E. Brown, who under- went surgery in the Oshawa Hos- pital recently was reported im- proving early this week. Mrs, Osborne, visited her sister, Prouse on Sunday A benefit shower fis given at Glen Grove School, Monday, May 26, at 8 p.m. Mrs. [tions of miscellaneous fully received. He | The initial race of the local |is staging a stag party at Idalia Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ir- and Wilf Hunt at Cameron Lake, and Haliburton Lake and Vern Disney at Bowmanville, Frank being on Snowden of for the Blair family, who were burn- ed out early on Monday. Dona- articles {for house-keeping will be grate-| 'All-Stars Win Second Game PORT HOPE -- The local Pee made up of members of the Port Wee All-Star baseball team won| Hope Ki Club partici di their second straight game of the in new season at King's Field here! Peterborough for large before a fair crowd when they prizes but were unable to get up {bested the visiting Cobourg nine|into the money, The same fate 'by a 4-1 count in a real thriller. | Port Hope scored singletons in|team of Leo Smith and Chuck the first and fourth stanzas and Trenouth. {clinched the game with a brace! the district tournament at # cash # was tendered their only doubles Smith captained the first team, in the sixth. Cobourg notched composed of Chuck Trenouth,! {their only run in the fifth. Robert Berry went the route for | Benedict. The second team, head- the win and helped his own cause|ed by Laverne Huffman, included |with a brace of hits. Leavens led| Ray Lingard, Lou Jones, Bill {the Port Hope club to victory|Thompson and Len Ashby. The with three 'safeties, one a triple, |third did not bowl due to the | Chuck Cooper caught. B. Sayers|large three-game string total to {and Connors each got two hits for|overcome. They were Mike Wil- the visitors. Delaney pitched the|liams, Don Retallick, Jack Brad- whole game with Sayers andlley, Ivan Markle, the club's presi- {Brian splitting the catching|dent and deputy governor James |chore. | Bird, : PIGEON NEWS | The Port Hope Kinsmen Club {Racing Pigeon Club will be heldion Friday night which will em- |on Saturday from Parry Sound, a|brace Kinsmen Clubs from Osh. {distance of 127 miles, for oldlawa, Bowmanville, Cobourg and |birds. Second race will also be Peterborough, along with mem- ifrom Parry Sound a week from bers of the other three local wel- |Saturday. {fare clubs, Rotary, Lions and Ki- One new loft with all young wanis. birds in the club this year| All proceeds from the evening |belongs to Bob Lauwe, Saturday's of fun will go to offset part of the {race will see 150 birds taking part expenses encountered by club | His many | come him Perc Kingsey, Ron Tozer and Jim! IS INSTALLED Sergeant John from the North Bay Detach- ment to District No. 5. Ser- geant Johnston was in charge of the Ajax police work when this was an Improvement Dis- trict. Later he was a Corporal attached to Whitby Detach- ment. He was transferred to North Bay three years ago. friends here wel- back. Sergeant Johnston will be in charge of the traffic division. His head. quarters will be Bond Lake, from 10 different lofts, members in attending the con- | After flying from the east for vention in June at Cleveland years, the club last year flew|House, Muskoka. from the west and this year are| Port Hope is running the pres- trying their luck at the northern|ent deputy, club member Jim, run (Bird, for governor of District 8 Three teams of five pin bowlersiat the covention. | WMS Assembles At Family Night MRS, D. C. LAVERTY | Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Whiteman, Correspondent {Oshawa, called on his brother, MAPLE GROVE -- On Friday |Mr. and Mrs. Jack Whiteman and |evening a family night for the family on Saturday. Mr. and (WMS was held at Maple Grove Mrs, Bud Pingle and family, Church. The worship service was|T.unton were Sunday guests of given by Mrs. W, H. Brown and Mr, and Mrs. R. K. Pingle and Mrs. Howard Bradley. boys Mrs. Ken Kuhnke took charge! Mr, Bill Carey and Susan, Osh- of the affiliation service for the awa, called on his sister, Mrs. Explorers. The gift from the Ex- Charles Hester and family on plorers was accepted by Mrs. Saturday afternoon. Stephen Doyle. Chief explorer,| Mr. and Mrs. John Tristram Maureen Whalen, and the explor-| and family, Nobel, were weekend er group, repeated their purpose |visitors with Mr. and Mrs. How- and prayer and sang the explorer ard Cryderman. hymn. : Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrence sent y : Lynne ester Bosc, Mary and Michael Oshawa. and Maureen Whalen, Carol Cooney Me Frank Cryderman, Bowman and Patsy Arbourne, who gradu- | e, were Sunday guess of Mr. ated to CGIT 4 |and Mrs, Howard Cryderman, 1a! . Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Brown, Bar- PRESENT GIFTS |bara and Don attended Enniskil- Graduates of last year were len anniversary services and presented with a gift. They were: were supper guests of Mr. and Sandra Gibson, Rea Raphorst, Di-/Mrs, Russell Ormiston, anne Martin and Carole Green- Mr. and M ham, Mrs. William Laird was ; iy presented with a gift by the chief explorer, for playing the piano for many practises. Gifts were given to three girls for good con- duct, Church and explorer at- tendance. They were: Judy Coon- Cy er parents, Mr. and Mrs. ey of Mrs. Burton's group, Betty urcotte and his parents, Mr. : Mrs. MacMillan's| 20d Mrs. Edgar Lebel. group and Carol Cooney of Mrs,| Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Webb and Leslie's group. Lynda Martin and! Janie, Peterborough, visited with {Linda Scott sang "Now Is The|Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Allison, re- Hour" and "Sugartime". cently. Mr. Harry Freeman introduced] Mr, and Mrs. Frank Davidson, | Reverend Linstead, a former pas-| Cobourg, called on his sister, Mrs. companied by Mr. and Mrs, Oshawa, motored holiday weekend where they visit- {Robert Labrecque and family on Roger Lebel, Jacqueline, Linda and Albert, ac- over the Photo by John Mills 700 Children 'To Be Guests AJAX (Staff) -- Several hun dred Grade 8 school children from Ajax and Pickering will be the guests of the Metro Conserva tion Authority at Greenwood Con servation Park on Saturday for a day's trout fishing The boys and girls will be selected from each school by means of a quiz program pre pared by conservation teachers A supply of trout has been sup plied by the Department of Land and Forests and released in the Duffins Creek. The area will he closed to the public to allow the children full access to the stream. Volunteer supervisors, all fish and game club members, will take the children to the area where they will be shown the fun damentals of angling. In addition some aspects of conservation will be on display and explained by officers of the Department of Lands and Forests, Authority per. sonnel and volunteer sportsmen The object of the outing is to make the children aware of the personal enjoyment of the out doors and to appreciate the need for support of every conservation Officers of the newly formed Lionette"s Club of Bowman ville are shown here at their first meeting held at the Fly ' Node. 8. 6 ) OFFICERS OF BOWMANVILLE LIONETTES CLUB l'oday the school has a nice library, piano and radio The school is always brightly decor- ated with the work of the pupils. ORONO--Weekend guests with put it, "I'm Mrs, G. Gamsby were Mr. and They all joined in the hunt for the ox which they could not find Wintermeyer until Mrs, Ferguson let out the . Visit Planned dog The fox had hidden in by the wood shed. They shot it and Its 2 head has been sent away for BOWMANVILLE - Ontarlo Liberal leader John Wintermeyer will be special speaker at the Durham Liberal Convention ten- Windsor is living but is not ex pected to attend He taught school here in 1903, HAVE 19 PUPILS The school which today has 19. As one parent : A : pupils still retains many of its Quite happy with my children Mrs. H. Snell, Toronto, Flying 100 vear old characteristics. A attending a one room country Olficer and Mrs, Mills and four wall clock believed to have been School. The children are happy, children, Aylmer an original time-piece hangs healthy and its an education for Mr. and Mrs, 0. M. J near a modern electric clock. A them not only at school, but go- Michael and Karen spent small bell on top of the scnonl ing to and from school they are weekend at Tilbury tolls the hour of noon and re discovering some new Miss Pauline Hoole MRS. A. L. HOOEY Correspondent examination for rabies They fear the dog may have been bitten or some cattle Mr. Ferguson lives about half a mile north of Enniskillen. His phone is MArket 3-2329. NEWS IN BRIEF LIGHTNING STRIKES KEANRS, Utah (AP) Light- ning struck a schocl playground Wednesday, knocked three boys| Several well known men are unconscious and badly frightened expected to contest the nomina-| other children, Another bolt hit a|tion, Members of the committee| fire station two blocks away and in charge of arrangements for| set off two sirens, The school the convention are: Keith Aiken, grounds became a scene of con-|NeWcastle, chairman. Mrs. | fusion as parents rushed to check George Kimball, Mrs. Ross Cob-| on their children while the sirens|bledick, both of Newcastle; Glen: wailed. {holme Hughes, Bowmanville; Ted Woodyard, Orono; Dick Lovekin, URGE BOYCOTT rooktle "Gon | MORECAMBE. England Newcastle, and Gordon Trick, Fagan the June 18, at 8.30 p.m. in the New castle Community Hall. Date for the meeting was set at the Durham Liberal: Associa- tion executive meeting held Tues. day night President Bob Kent oresided. Bill Henderson of King ston, president of the Ontario Liberal Association will attend the meeting Windsor, K. Mac- always Ottawa her Rowe. It was the first annual meeting of the 300-member society, the aims of which are to encourage simplicity, dignity and moderate expense in funerals J. M. Tracy, a member, said persons should choose their coffin 7. Flaw In wood 8. River (Fr.) 9. Snow vehicle 11. Bristle 17. Sash (Jap.) 10. Game of cards 20. Particle of Z addition 21. Pillar of stone 22. Fish 23. Conjuncs tion 24. Shattering at Mr, and Mrs. I. Tennant, Bow- Week Than On Weekend ronto son told the society Thursday that professor Grube suggested the Linda were Sunday guests of Mr better arrange to die during the pep Its aims were drawn from Mel day at the annual conference of DRILY CROSSWORD cussion with various church lead- charges and embalming (not re-| asaland governments based on ra- . Cotton . Toward inwards Attempted Reputation . Pierce cess. While the interior has oeenitype of bird or flower." is visiting Mr, and Mr - Donald l » Chea er To Die Durin manville, Mr. and Mrs. B. Ten p nant and sons spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. D. Tennant at their cottage, Kirkfield Mr. and Mrs. W. Watt and Rox- anne spent the holiday in To TORONTO (CP) Members of|and plan their funeral while they 3 ¥ the Toronto Memorial Society are in good health, Mr. and Mrs R Cooper and have been told it is cheaper and! "You can get a bargain this children, Lond on, have returned more convenient to die on a week way," he said. 'Your heirs after a holiday y ith i Mr. aud day than during the weekend won't," ng Li oper and Mr. anc Trustee Mrs. N. Hall-Humpher- SUGGESTS DONATION M>. and Mrs. .C. Tyrrell aud weekend. funerals are BEpesIve difference between an expensive and Mrs. G. Anderson, Hamilton. and "overtime has to be paid if 354 inexpensive funeral be don : Son oh embalmers work at weekends." ated to some charity as a living! Mr. and Mrs. A. McGill and Professor George Grube of the me 4 Heather spent the weekend with ( Ne 2 memorial h ill Barents nt Sete Reu Millbrook University of Toronto, actin The non-sectarian society was Mr McGill 5 paren's al Severn. ters) A boycott on all South| chairman, remarked: "We had formed a year ago with 75 mem Mrs Coryell spent a agian goods was urged here to- few days with parents Mr week a sermon by Rev. Donald R the Electrical Trades Union. The Stout in South Peel Unitarian conference, representing 230,000 Church, whe complained of inor- page booklet, quoting minimum British workers, passed a resolu- ACROSS dinate cost and indignity in mod-|costs for cremation ($200) and tion condemning "the inhuman 1. False rn funerals burial ($130), including chapel policies of the South African and| 8. Cod. Formed after six months of dis-| facilities but excluding cemetery| Federation of Rhodesia and Ny- Jie 8! ers the society put out an eight-|quired by law.) \cial oppression." (poss.) socks (Jap., Make vold Sky blue . Shop . Wager . Man's nickname . Ohio river . Measure Twist . Miss Day . NeW wee, India . Rubs out . Man's name (poss.) . Tree Pronoun Disfigure Republic (S.A) Frighten Harmonized Robbers (slang) , "Good Queen ----" DOWN . Mist . Border on Ist vice-president; Ber- . Village ta Kelly, secretary; Fran Allin, | (Russ.) vice-presi- | director, Back row: Eva Hock- 5. Owns treasurer; | in, Edith Cole and Bonnie Mc: | ' g piamire Retty | Donald, directors Officers front row: club from the left third Tuesday of Ruth Williams, 2nd auxiliary and its purpose every month, except July and | dent; Thelma Leslie help the Lions Club in any way | August. Some 235 members are | Molly Kent. president: J ret to know the | presently in the Lander ing Dutchman Motor Hotel Pe Tuesday ey a I'he clut is an and to ening bette lectin be are is to Ime of this church, who showed pictures of his trip to Europe Sunday afternoon, Mr, and Mrs.(on June 6 at Holy Land.|Cecil Mills and family were Sun. church. All layettes and sewing land through the District No. 5 extends from Port Credit to Oshawa. Mrs. Johnston will join her husband here as soon as accommodation can be found, Photo by John Mills on Saturday night. Score was Maple Grove 19, Newcastle 6, ORONO PLAYS Next game will be played at Maple Grove School on Wednes- day night when Orono will be iplaying our team. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden were Mr, land Mrs. Wes Down, Ebenezer, Mr. and Mrs. William Lewis and family, Bowmanville, and Mr, and Mrs. Bert Snowden. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cross and family visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Burkitt, Stein. (burg, over the weekend. Miss | Patsy Burkitt returned with them for a few days visit, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shaw, Dora and Glory Ann, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wilton and family. | Mr. and Mrs. Bert Snowden and family called on her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ross Grant, Bowe manville on Sunday evening. BALSAM-MT. ZION MRS. LORNE JONES Correspondent BALSAM AND MT. ZION -- The Monthly WA met, Wednes- |day afternoon, at the home of |Mrs. Charles Fiss with 17 mem- {bers and five visitors answering the roll call on '"'Mother", Mrs. E, Hobson who lives west (of Balsam spoke about her trip to Mexico and her hobbies. Mrs. E. D. Cornish of Oshe |awa and the Pine Grove WA are {to be guests for the June meet- ing | Articles were handed in for the [pazasr A missionary tea is to be held the Greenwood {Lunch was served and a social/day supper guests with Mrs. H.|are to be handed in at the May time was enjoyed. We were 'fortunate in having Misses Bonnie Beach and Dianne Hoar as guests in the choir on Sunday. WILL BE PRESENT On Sunday, Mr. Mel Smith, of tatively planned for Wednesday, the Sunday Szhool of the Air, willl be at Maple Grove, also Miss Joan Zubkavich and Mr. George Macko will play old time hymns on their accordions. Mr. Jack Whiteman attended the Intermediate Ball Club ban- quet at the Legion Hall in Bow- manville on Thursday evening. Mrs. Ann Howell Orillia, visited with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Howell and family over the holi- day weekend Mrs, Sam Dewell, Hampton, and Dr. and Mrs. L. H. Coates, Brantford, were weekend guests| of Mrs. L."G, Snowden, Mildred and Bob. ARE GUESTS Mrs. Robert Johnson and fam- ily, Courtice, were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Les Colla- cutt on Sunday. | 26. Greek Vv letter | Poetic : | con. QE © 3 | trac. A ? | tion | . Indian pont ONICI TYE | pig . Waist. coat Full of pains . Foot covering . Hair on lion's neck 27 AE | El Yesterday's Answer 40. God of war | 41. Commu. | nists | Ship's 43. ! record | 44. 46. Young bear | Davidson, Toronto, and Mr. an Mrs. of Mr |Mills, Enniskillen. |PLAN MEETING The meeting of Evening Auxil- (lary will be held at the home of |Mrs. Cecil Mills on Thursday evening, 'May 22. The recently- formed cub group, under Cubmas- ter Bert Snowden and Bob Barra- ball enjoyed a weekend camping trip at Gauds woods. Those who camped out overnight were and berry, Barry Whiteman {Kenny MacDonald. After church] | Sunday morning David Barraball,| Bobby Bothwell, John Cunning- ham and Teddy Wiggans joined the others for the remainder of (the camping trip. Helpers were c Charlie and Arthur Hester and John Geddes. All reported a good [time Mr. and: Mrs, Bob Labrecque and family were Sunday supper guests of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. | James Allen, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hurrie and boys and Mrs. Brinning, awa, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hurrie and boys and Mrs. Brinning, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. C. Doug. las. Port Hope. Mrs. E. Cowan, Barrie, has re- turned home after a three-week visit with her sister, Mrs. Ches-| ter McGrath, Mr. and 'Mrs. Nel. son Turner enjoyed a shopping trin to Toronto on Saturday. | Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morton and| Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stevens spent the weekend at their cot-| tare at Twin Lake, near Have- lock. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin | and Lynda, accompanied by Mrs. | R. L. Worden, Bowmanville | enjoyed a motor trip to Buckhorn! and Burleigh Falls, on Sunday. Miss Margarer Snowden spent Bitter vetch (the holidav weekend with friends | q57 fn Sault St. Mavie. Mys, John Aitchison. | Mr. and Mrs. Bill] dl Mr. and Blackstock, Alan Snowden were guest Osh-| gay | meetings. * | Mrs, Burnett Jamieson gave a reading, 'Prayers Mothers". Parcels were taken for the parcel post sale and all articles were |sold | Correspondence was read and the meeting closed with a lovely supper. Mrs. Reg Hoskins is confined to bed with pneumonia. | Mr. and Mrs. Wilment McAvoy (Kenny Cryderman, Ricky May: of Toronto visited on Sunday at {the Irving McAvoy home, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brooks and son, Guelph, spent Sunda |with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Coul- tis. Mrs. William Sadler, Highland reek, is' visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Don Piett and Paul of Hamilton visited on Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. Percy Jones and family. . Mrs. Winton White, attended (the May Court Festival at the {Ladies College, Whitby, Satur Mr, and Mrs. Ken Thompson, Miss Mary Harper and Myrna Jones, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones, 136 Foreign Firms Enter Canada OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada drew a total of 136 foreign firms last vear, all setting up new plants in this country, The trade department, in its an nual report Thursday, said it re- ceived direct inquiries from 465 firms in 30 countries in 1957, all showing an interest in establishe 'n~ manufacturing plants in Can- ada. The 136 establishing plants compared with 150 in 1956. The total included 105 from the United States, 19 from the United Kingdom and 12 from other countries. and Mrs, Ron Rogers on | Friday night. Maple Grove Pee Wees won| the hardball game at Newcastle] FOR MISSED PAPERS IN AJAX if you have not received your Times-Gozette by 7 p.m. call AJAX TAXI PHONE AJAX 333 All alls must be placed before 30 p.m. SUBSCRIBERS TIMES-GAZETTE BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3-5822 It you have not received your Times-Gazette phone your car rier boy first. If you are unable to contact him by 7:00 p.m. TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Calls Accepted Between 7 «7:30 p.m. Only a