Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 23 May 1958, p. 3

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LEADERS IN "YOU AUTO BUY NOW" CAMPAIGN ROSS SLUTE Mod Wi . J. SKINNER JAMES GRIEVE ern Bowling Alley Being Built A 32-lane bowling alley, costing complete it will require a regular more than $300,000, at 78 Rich mond street west, which has been under construction since April 15 will be complete by Sept. 15, re- ports owner - manager Matt Kotelko. The new lanes, like those al-| ready owned by Mr. Kotelko on Simcoe street north, will be known as Motor City Bowling Lanes. J. J. Wilksinson Construc- tion Co. has the contract. The building will be 94 feet by 130 feet and will include two stor- eys and a basement, It is to be constructed of concrete blocks and steel. It will be completely fireproof. At the moment the whole site has been excavated about 15 feet and 'is surrounded by a high wooden fence. In charge of oper- ations on the site is Foreman Alex Scott of Whitby, who sup- plied further details about the new building. MODERN EQUIPMENT It will have a brick front, a steel staircase and an acoustic eeiling with indirect hs alleys will be ABC Brunswick regulation and will be equipped with a range finder and Tel-E- Fouls. Also in the new building will be a modern coffee shop, wash rooms and the latest air condi- tioning and heating equipment. Mr. Kotelko further reports that there will be lots of parking space around the building Altogether at least 100 men, largely recruited locally, will be employed on the project Once COMING EVENTS THORNTON'S Corners Community Park officially opens with gala parade. hime baking, amusement booths, bingo and display of fireworks, Saturday, May 24, 6 pm. 120f ANN'S Pantry mammoth bake Friday, May 30, 2.30. St. George's Par jsh Hall, Centre Street Women's Guid a #INGo At UAWA Hall, May 24, 20 game $10 a game, 5 games - $28. Jackpots -- one game $150. 'Share the wealth to go. May 23, 24, June 6, 7 sale, Oshawa and District Associ: ation for Retarded Children will hold their Monthly Meeting ot the CRA. Hall, Gibb St., ot 8 p.m., Monday May 26. Everybody welcome 120b Coronation Orange Temple, Saturday, May 24th, 8 p.m 20 regular games, share the wealth, 4 $40 jackpots to go 1 $150 Special to go. BINGO - TONIGHT ST. JOHN'S HALL (corner Bloor and Simcoe) 20 Games -- $5 ond $7 5 $40 Jackpots PM, -- staff of 35 full-time employes. Mr. Kotelko, who has managed the Simcoe street Motor City Bowling Lanes for the past 10 years, also states that leagues in the new lanes will run Monday through Saturday each week On Saturdays the lanes will be used for open bowling. He also hopes to start housewife after- noon leagues. He feels confident that the new building will imme- diately attract capacity crowds. "More than 20 million people bow! in North America," he said "It's a sport that appeals to men |G women and youngsters." TO GET DEGREE Ottenbrite, M 1115 7 brought a heavy fine and a sus- 7 pended sentence to an Ashburn 'man District Auto To Hit At Recession THE MUNICIPAL WORLD Subsidized Rental Plan Explained | | | By ARTHUR GRIFFITHS Oshawa City Council's special ittee to i the possibl lity of launching a low cost hous- ling project, which would elim- |inate the city's slums, will mee {probably within the next few |days. The committee will talk over two plans offering provincial and |rederal aid. Recently The Daily {Times ran an article on one of them called "The full recovery housing project'. Today we give an outline of the other plan en- titled "the subsidized rental hous- ing project'. This type of project is only considered in conjunction with an urban redevelopment scheme where the income levels of pros- pective tenants are lower than would be required to carry a full recovery rental housing project. |PERIODIC REVISION In cases where the families Imost in need of housing are un- |able to afford economic rentals, |the Federal-Provincial Partner- ship must agree to operate a pro- ject at an annual deficit. In such projects a rent scale is used which sets each rental periodi- cally in relation to the income and size of the tenant family A formal resolution of the muni- cipal council is required to in- itiate the project. The resolution requests that the Minister of Planning and Development and Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation consider a rental housing project on a subsidized pasis The resolution with the follow- HARRY DONALD Had 2 Guns, Is Fined $50 Illegal possession of two guns in Oshawa Police Court Thursday David George Andrew, 22, of RR 1, Ashburn, was fined $50 and costs or one month in the county jail on a charge of illegal possession of a gun On a second charge of illegal possession of a gun he was hand- ed a two-year suspended sent- ence, He was released on $500 joint recognizance with his father Andrew was ordered to pay the costs of the court and to report to the probation officer at least the province: number of units required; location of land and al- ternative site; required and municipal eer's estimate of cost; ;and to the partners; rental lev- els and incomes of Individuals who need housing; estimated engin- ing information must be sent to level of services cost of People See Buffaloes At Drive-In PEEKSKILL, N. Y. (AP)- People sitting in cars watching a movie at a drive-in theatre be: gan to perk up with startled ex- pression over a sight that wasn't on the screen. A man hopped out of his car and raced into the projection booth to exclaim: "There are buffaloes out there!" Others began arriving with cimilar tales--buffalo were roam- ing among the cars. The show people called the state police, The state police] called cowboys from a nearby dude ranch. The cowboys came with lariats. Zoom went their lassoes, and zoom went the two buffalo, right off into the woods unlassoed. The buffalo are owned by Henry Burton. He bought them at a government surplus sale, fi- guring he might keep them around for people to see. They apparently were provoked by teasing children late Wednesday and jumped the corral fence | | | | of May 31. Raphael P once a month. He was also or- dered to submit to a psychiatric examination and any prescribed treatment. Defence Attorney R. D. Hum- phreys, QC, stated that the ac- cused's parents were highly re- ee pectable citizens in Ashburn, |The guns had been registered, |but no permit had been obtained |for possession outside of a dwell- |ing. The guns had been found in Oshawa, one in the accused's room in the Hotel Lancaster, and the others in a friend's residence. Andrew's parents said that their son had been visiting a girl friend in Oshawa. Crown Attorney Alec C. Hall, QC, commented that Andrew had delusions about being a private detective Green St., Whitby, a graduate of De La Salle High School, To- ronto, will receive his Bachelor Science degree from Assumption University of Wind- sor at the 9th convocation on Immigrant Gets Chance An immigrant told Magistrate Frank S. Ebbs, in Oshawa Police Court Thursday, that he wanted to return to his native Poland, when given a six-months sus- pended sentence for trespassing. Henry Swider, 33, of 1107 Lang- lois street, Windsor, was convict- ed 'of trespassing on a CNR train without a ticket. The hobo was caught by the train conductor after the train had left Toronto Swider told Magistrate Ebbs that he had come to Canada in 1954. He had been unemployed for the past six months. He claim- ed to be unable to find work "I want to go home to Poland", he said. Crown Attorney Alex C Hall, QC, commented that Swider was discouraged and disillusioned due to unemployment, Brigadier V. MacLean, 2 Dead Airmen Are Identified OTTAWA (CP) -- Two airmen killed Wednesday night in the crash of their plane near Moose Jaw, Sask., Thursday were identi fied by headquarters as Flying Officer Raymond Neil Perkins, 22, of Borden, Sask., and Niagara Falls, Ont.,, and Flight Cadet Peter Cumberland, 21, of To Osh- ronto. taxes on the project (current mill rate and assessment basis), availability of existing schools and churches in the proposed project. Outline of shopping and transportation _ facilities; assur- ance from the municipality that adequate sewer and water will be available to the edge of the pro- ject area. With the approval of both the minister of planning and develop- ment and the federal minister, an |agreement between the munici- pality, the provincial minister and Central Motrgage and Hous. ing Corporation is prepared for discussion with the municipal of- ficials. AGREEMENT PROVISIONS If satisfactory it is submitted to the municipal council for its formal approval. This agreement would provide, in general, for the following: Acquisition of the land by the partnership at its own expense; planning of the subdivision by Central Mortgage. The . plan would be submitted to the muni- cipal planning board and the mu- nicipal council for draft approval in exactly the same way as culd apply to a private subdivid- er. The plan would also be regi- stered in the same way Services for the subdivision would be designed by the munici- pal engineer. The municipality nership would operate on exactly © 7% the same basis as would apply,' to a private subdivider. The only |' lexception is in respect of engin- |} |eering design and on-site super-| | vision for which there is the stan- 'dard schedule of fees, If the partnership, normal provisions, expected to bear any proportion of the cost of services within the project area, the partnership would pro- under its © THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Pridey, Mey 33, 1958 . § Dealers Buying Drive Is Under Way The new "You Auto Buy Now" campaign -- organized by dealers of new and used cars -- swung into action Thursday following appoint. ment of a special committee, and officials are hopeful it will receive the same splendid response in Oshawa and distriet that it did in various other parts of Canada in the past few weeks. "An aggressive buying drive" was suggested by Prime Minister John Diefenbaker as a solution |vide financing for this share, 15: YEAR AMORTIZATION The municipality would be per- mitted to'repay the money ad- (vanced to it under this provision DENTISTRY GRADUATE over a li-year period at a rate of pater jonn Riordan, son of interest current for the federal- nr. and Mrs Joseph L. Rior- provincial portion at the time the dan. 166 "Simeoe St. N. agreement was signed. At pres. iv' oooive his degree in inn : p s degree in den- ent the rate of interest is 4.5 per tistry at the spring convocation | cent ' of the University of Toronto The rent paid by a tenant is| next Wednesday. He is a grad- computed according to a progres-| uate of the Faculty of Den- sive rental scale and is roughly| tisiry He received his elemen- 20 per cent of income. The in-| tary education at Holy Cross come in this connection is the| gohool and the OCVI. He will monthly family income and| practice at 3 Simcoe St. S. means the aggregate amount! gi. wife is the former Verna from all members including| Harrison Reg. N., of Cornwall wages, salaries, compensation for ------ -- rem-- |personal services, net profits from the operation of business, pension, unemployment insur ance, workmen's ' compensation, Favor Changes relief or social © service Aa Highway Exi ments under the Family ance Act, 1944, At least once a year a review Oshawa Traffic Advisory Com of the family income is made by mittee Wednesday night decided the local housing authority man ager. The rents in such a pro that a suggestion should be made ject are established to meet to the department of highways about five-sixths of the full re- that the exit from Highway 401 covery rentals. be at the Bloor street and Ste. Housing units are allocated to . applicants on a point system, Yenson road intersections Also They are generally allocated for: that fhe exit at he Cromvell the condition and adequacy of the yover al De ise ut i con- applicant's present accommoda- i Tg 0g NSEC 28 an enrance tion; the rent he is paying at|/'® . present; the number of depend-| After Ald. A. Haywood Mur- ants he has; emergency condi-|doch said there had been com- tions such as imminent eviction; |Plaints about congested parking the family involuntarily divided, in the Alma street area, It was that is, unable to secure accom. decided to recommend that there modation for all its members in be no parking on the south side one dwelling. |of Alma street from Golf street TAXES REDUCED 10 Kaiser erastent, There shall be no capital in SUGGEST THROUGH STREET vestment by the municipality to-| A letter from Duplate (Canada) wards the cost of a subsidized| Limited said that the corner of rental housing. development, and|Beatty street and Drew street to match the rental subsidy pro- had been the scene of :veral ac- vided by the federal! provincial cidents because the view to Drew who |business circles. As one merchant for Canada's lagging economy recently when he addressed the Canadian Labor Congress conven: tion in Winnipeg, or ple today were "letting George do it," and that more sales will mean more jobs, ess & "The way to stop a continuation explained: of recession talk is to go all out This is a way out of the psy-|and to beat it," said A. H. Bram- chological recession by installing|ley of Oshawa. {confidence in a nervous buying| "Buying now can cure this un- power, I is Davies Jremeudous| malty situation and create more es and Jobs for everyone," h A (we know it will enjoy the same| y . | etccess Tere" |OTHER QUOTES | More details of the campaign| 581d an Oshawa auto dealer will be announced from day to nay: |day, but the committee person-| would be shortsighted to nel 'was announced today as fol. consider this effort by business te lows: help ig as being wholly selfish, Se : : No one knows better than busi. ( ! / | i oD dimen. J, Norval Ovbason, nessmen or industrialists that sate Wom WI Wilson Cliff | 1sfactory business conditions are Mills Motors Ltd., Oshawa; com-| Salon mous ie employment, mittee members, Ross Slute, Sea- ter ® Mean Jobs. There is no bet. way Motors Ltd, Whithy and wages > to provide work and Oshawa; Fred Skinner, Van! premier Heusen Motors Ltd, Oshawa; crc speech {Harry Donald, Harry Donald's|ers Jahor and Ltd., Whitby; Albert Bramley of ate [Bramley Motor Sales Ltd., Osh-| Rit etn Lr ipmpena] mans Consumers to sir an "at [Davidson, Whitby Motors Ltd [Bressive buying drive" to put | Davidson, money into circulation pointing {Whitby; Cliff Mills of Cliff Mills|q, that bank . Motors Ltd., Oshawa; and James| a, ank savings are up by Grieve, of Van Heusen Motors ou Six Per Cent over last yeat, Toit 5 Years For FABORABLE COMMENT The initiative displayed by the auto dealers was hailed today in Diefenbaker, in his called on consume business to co-oper- ate in getting Canadian business back to its former buoyancy, He Typical of the favorable com- ments which greeted the new campaign was that of Harry Don- ald of Whitby who said: "We are all very enthusiastic| about this campaign and feel that| this is the beginning of an up| surge in general business. Other {groups of merchants will undoubt- |edly take up the Buy Now slogan {and business will continue to boom, It will help the entire com. | munity." | James Grieve said Father 0f 11 A father of 11 children was |tenced to five years in the King- {ston Penitentiary in Oshawa {Police Court Thursday, John James Wilson, 47, of 724 Margaret street, was convicted of | committing incest with his own that the partnership, the municipality ac- was obscured when cepts payments in lieu of taxes east to Beatty. proportionately reduced from full taxes. If the incomes of prospective on Drew making Beatty street recession talk, tenants rise, the taxes payable to|safe rise and the subsidy provided by | the municipality ingly rise and th vided by the partners would be redi-ced Allocations will be made only to applicants whose gross family income from all sources is not less than $150 per month and not greater than five times the aver- age rental of all houses in the project with the addition of $25 For example if the reduced average rent in a subsidized de- {velopment should be $53, irre- spective of the type of house, the maximum family income level to qualify for a house per month, RENTS MAY INCREASE If family income increases the|ing on the east side of Centre| The giant lock, most. westerly same Street from Avenue street to the structure in the St. Lawrence sea- |rent increase. By the {token, if the family income de- "This situation could be reme- died if stop signs were erected traffic.' The shift for "During letter added avenue." The committee recommended making Beatty and Etna streets a through street from Ritson road to Howard street. |WOULD STOP PARKING | Alderman Murdoch mentioned the problem of out-of-town trans- {ports parking on the south side |of Wentworth street and Simcoe, |obscuring stop signs. | A recommendation was made {that no parking be allowed on would be $290 both sides of Wentworth street|ia (from Ritson to Park road It was also decided to ban park- {CPR property. travelling auto dealers were trying to re- changes Buy Now campaign. I know of would accord-|there is a large exodus of cars/many families who want new|family life as sacrosanct. In the e subsidy pro-/from our parking lot on First cars and can afford them but the At last reports they were still awa Salvation Army Citadel, sug- roaming the . . er woods. | gested that the accused could re- It wasn't until late Thursday, ceive help from the Salvation that Burton finally caught up|Army. He promised that Swider with the animals and drove them would be given refuge in the To- back into their corral ronto Citadel Hostel. Efforts - --|would be made to find Swider a Their Harvard was on a train. Would call the tenders for con- ing flight from the RCAF station Struction of services within the at Moose Jaw when it crashed Project and award the contracts, and burned in the area of Briar subject to approval by the part- crest, Sask. Cause of the crash|nership . was not known but an investiga- Payment for services the tion has been. started municipality would have to ac- FO Perkins, who raduated top cept responsibility for bringing |creases, the rent decreases. If the family income of a tenant in-|its or losses to the same extent. creases So that it exceeds the! Tenders are called by Central | maximum allowed in the Pro- Mortgage for the construction of |Bressive rental scale, the rent|the buildings. If a satisfactory bid |payable by such a tenant is the|is received the contract is aggregate of the following: the awarded by Central {amount shown in the scale as Motrgage| -- 120b Charged Drover Dies Of Heart Attack | CHATHAM (CP) -- One of two {brothers facing a total of 46 charges under hog marketing leg- islation, Gordon Knight, 52, died in hospital Thursday following a heart attack In a hearing Wednesday, Mag- |istrate F. K. Jasperson set trial {for the two Blenheim farmers for! |June. They had reserved their plea. Of the 46 charges, 18 were filed against Gordon individually. Counsel S. L. Clunis of {Chatham said Thursday he is awaiting word from authorities 120fion disposal of the charges WOODVIEW COM MUNITY CENTRE job. Magistrate Ebbs suspended Swi- in care of the Salvation y learned to fly at .7 at the St. Catharines Flying Club. He joined ithe RCAF 'n October, 1955. der Arm in his class from Centralia, Ont., services to the edge of the pro- payable by such a tenant ject area. As regards cost of Iwithin the project area, t services he part- c respect to the maximum; 30 per cent of the amount in excess lof the maximum income per | month, This provision is to ensure that a subsidy is not supplied to a tenant whose income is adequate Ite, handle a fully economic ren- tal It will be noted that the main |difference between a full recovery |and a subsidized rental housi {development is that in the latter |case, the municipality does not {make a capital contirubtion, ac- {cepts a reduced payment in lieu |of taxes, and does not participate in any profits or losses which Imay arise from the operation of the development. In a full recovery project the municipality is responsible for | with the approval of the province. | Construction will be supervised | by Central Mortgage and must meet its minimum building stan- dard or the municipality's stan- dard, whichever {is the more stringent, i The property remains in the {ownership of the federal-provin-| |cial partnership which assigns | managemnt responsibilities to) the local housing authority. Appointments to the housing authority are made by the lieu- tenant-governor in council of the province. The members of the) authority should be broadly re- presentative of the community and have an understanding of the problems t. {They act without remuneration and are responsible for the prop- er use and care of the housing entrusted to them. In large rental | housing projects a full-time em- |daughter. The girl, 14, is now ib her third month of pregnancy. Crown Attorney Alex C. Hall, QC, asked the court for a severe bing sentence in view of the girl's cop. 4 I know of," he|di'ion. "Society condemns this |continued, "is by means of the kind of action," he commented, "Society has always viewed the build optimism "It can be done." "The best method of curbin and added, 1 |course of family life - greater in recession talk has them worried. |timacy ny oh family They hesitate to buy because they| members than usual, Less clothes are afraid of the future. It's this|are worn than outside. This inci- hesitation that is largely respon-'dent is worse than rape." |sible for the economic slump." The crown attorney felt that the | Ross Slute said too many peo-/father, by his actions, had pos- -- ---- === sibly marred the life of the girl for years to come, Wilson blamed alcohol for his actions, He had pleaded guilty, "Booze got me into this," he wept, Ship Opens Seaway Lock IROQUOIS (CP) -- The Calgar-| n, a 254-foot canal ship, is the first ship to use officially the new| seaway lock here. | BUSINESS MEN'S RENDEZVOUS THE TALLY-HO ROOM HOTEL LANCASTER {way channel from Montreal to Lake Ontario, was tested - last year, but went formally into operation Thursday. The Iroquois lock is one of seven locks in the new 27-foot navigation channel that will be opened fully early next year. For The Best Performance In Its Class For Economy Beyond Compare (UP TO 40 MILES PER GALLON) TEST DRIVE the unique |7% per cent of the capital cost and shares in the operating prof- MONSTER BINGO ploye is engaged MONDAY, MAY 26, 8 PM CASH PRIZES $1300.00 CASH PRIZES INCLUDING $100 FREE CASH DOOR PRIZES (Four Prizes $50, $25, $15, $10) ALSO TWO $250 JACKPOTS (52-56 NUMBERS) ONE $150 JACKPOT (Must Go) 20 Games at $20 -- 5 Games at $30 Plus Free Passes to Person on RED BARN ah $1.00 ADMISSION INCLUDES ON $100.00 CA BUS SERVIC A & P STORE, NORTH OSHAWA) Right of Every Regular Winner RN LEFT 1 BLOCK PAST 1 CARD AND FREE CHANCE SH DOOR PRIZE E TO DOOR. 120k GM PRESIDENT CONGRATULATES CONTEST WINNER The 23 General day night, when they learned | of the prizes they had won letter writing E. H. Walker (left), president were feted at a dinner in the and general manager, is here | Granite Club. Toronto, Wednes- | seen eongratulating Donald €. | top winners in the Motors Golden Mile stone contest Lowe, Oshawa boulevard south, Oshawa who won a Frigidaire Deluxe kitchen for submitting the second prize letter Mrs. Lowe, who was also a winner in the eontest, looks on. COLONIAL A 1 Beautifully De ONLY 41.95 COMPLETELY INSTALLED Pe sign LUM. DOOR SPECIAL LIMITED OFFER CALL NOW! After Hours Call RA 8.1062 COLONIAL ALUM. 289 PARK RD. SOUTH = Positive Tight Corner ~All weather Stripped I Bar Heavy Picture Window Insert Bug-proof Screen Included Concealed Heavy Duty Hinge Security Knob-Latch Set Heavy Inch Constructi~~ Strong Kick Plate Adjustable Sweep With Many Extras RA 8-8571 DKW: QUALITY BUILT BY GERMAN CRAFTSMEN NOW ON DISPLAY AT Andy Nagy's 408 KING ST. W. BODY SHoP RA 3.7132 4 OSHAWA

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