50--Articles For Sale (50--Articles For Sale . BALLERINA length nylon net dress, WE highest price in the for TRILIGHT lamp, plate, drop pink, size 14. Reasonable. Phone RA Ee Tiare Pretty's Used Paribas table or coliage, a made hop Test 58517 or RA 85441 120b Store, RA 3.3271. June 10 ry hot Phone RA 8-5460, 11% USED tires, most ail sizes, u CEDAN Jost for sale. RA 3.3292 after [NEW records -- Decca, Victor, Capitol, B. F. Goodrich Store. RA 5-4543. Of Albert Steet. 117 ete, 78's and 45's, Four for $1.00 Meagh- June? BOXE Plast br Snands to choose hc bees furnishings. We buy, rom. vely, rdy, purssly grown |and exchange. For furniture bargains HARDWARE boxed plants. Glecoff IGA Super- contve. Community Furniture Store, weekly al Winds, market, open to 10 p.m. aay, 35¢ box, |atso your Necchi-Bernina Sewing Ma 3 boxes for $1. May 31 chine desler. 19 Prince Street. Phone TELEVISION sets for rent, $1 per day, RA 8-113], After 6 phone RA 5.1423. 7-day minimum. Also tape recorders June 6 interior, exterior, fiat, and record players for rent. Meagher's, we 5 Street West, RA \ 3-3425. June 21 | PAINT, | loss, olors $2.95 gal. Oshawa 8 Church. RA 3.7624. fall ef w ING machine, new Filter Suess | vacuum cleaner, kitchen cabinet, ete jand_Electrie, June 1 Apply 160 College Avenue. TR Swed Thi, " i . Plyw pole, FALCOLATER 60 cycle rangetie. Phone Scugog Street, Bowmanville, 1200 © VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, DOUBLE bed, spring parts, attachments, brushes, guaran. cheap, Phone RA 37319. teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free, ne Rentalls, Vacuum cleaners. Service. RA 8-1081 anytime. WILLIAMS pianos, now at a price you can afford, at Parkway T 918 Simcoe Street North. RA 3-3043. June 20 ELECTRIC razor service, cords and cutting heads, ete, for Sunbeam, Rem- ington, Schick, Philishave, Ronson. Meagher's, 5 King Street West, RA 3-3425, une 21 |( BOAT trailer, $85. Lawn oy $10, with Phone RA 3-2138. 118f TWO Paceship runabouts, 12, and 14- foot, with centre deck, 62 beam, depth 23". Ome year old, RA 50279. or 308 Beverley street, 120b | $15; BEAUTIFUL antique Georgian Period 3-7624. {mahogany dining room suite, well cen- Junel fre design buffet, table, Sint holster. 1956 Nymph Boat, with all ories, | ed chairs, serving table. 30 hp Evinrude and trailer, 500 Green 82785. S20 Street, Whitby, 119¢ | BOY'S Rawlelth bicycle, good shape, CABIN trailer, Ble, Apply joa| Lone RA 51515. 118f {THREE speed racer bicycle, oie Gibbon, 1 after 5 p.m, NORTHERN Fleciic -- combinsin on 00 0 "Te i radio - phonograph, walnut finish, con. | -- sole model, $59. Meagher's, 5 King|1957 Admiral TV console model, per- Street West, RA 3-3425 118¢ | fect condition. Phone RA 5-1053. Ty -- PE AQUARIUM, 12 x 7 inches, approxi. |'GRADCO' left hand golf clubs, good SINGER sewing machine, mately o tropical fish, complete with | condition. Phone RA 3.2518 120a '®00d condition. Reasonable. RA Hie pump and plants easonable price Oa oh LARGE crib, small crib, go-cart and _ RA 3.3115 118 nich chair, All for $20. Good condition. ONE large crib, card table and) . F. Goodrich Stores, 'tires, "batleries, Phone RA 5-1337, 1 120¢ chairs, mixmaster, single bed and inner 2 Kelvinator reirigerator, television. | cu EN "doors, small windows, fur spring mattress, 3.3 hp outboard motor, |5 Legal Notices Thrifty budget plan. RA 5-4543. June 1, [C0 ony Gove 'pipes with damper, pipe 119/77 will not be responsible for any fittings, stool and tank, flat rim sink, COM Club racer bicycle, 3-speed, good | of grass catcher, lawn mower, RA 33290 | condition, Apply Crowell's Service Sta-| before 10 a.m. and from 47 p.m. 120f | tion, 22 Bond Eagl 1191 | AUCTION sale Friday evening, May |ig fool Lakecraft boat with 30 hp John- -|23, 6.30. Fars Inachinesy, Jivencek aa ston motor, slightly used, "Sat household furniture, al averne e- CRA 5-36 mens, Ist farm north of Hampton. 1 116f wheel, lights and controls. R. oan 4» "a good 5 " "1 will not be responsible for any hE A "S08 DE THREE - hole ice-cream cabinet. Sac-| gehts contracted In my name by my fully equipped. Sleep 6. Like brand new. rifice. Phone MA 3.5589 Bowmanville yife, Thelma Bould, on and hereafter Inquire anytime, 1st house on Nonquon 119 this * date, Friday, May 23, 1958. r, breakfast ~Herbert Bola Osawa. ee... ume 1B iL Tele perfect a Phone RA Man Wins Car But No Address TENTS, 1 a A h {tion, ideal for apartment or summer] (wai pine bis, Om aourist | cottage. Apply 336 Central Park a |8 Church Street. RA 3.7624 Tune 13 50uth- G utility trailer, propane g gas| SUDBURY (CP) Charles Feestone of 135 Market St, somewhere may be a poor man { who thinks he doesn't own a car. But he does. obiles Wi stove, water tank, new tires. Light | HIGHEST 'prices paid for good cars, 'Taveller. RA 3.7462. May 23 He won a 1958 car in a Sudbury |Hardrocks football team draw. Seaway Motors Lid, 428 King West, FIBRE glas ako 3 Gnawa or"308 Dundas West, "Whitby, Lm Sse 42 boat, Mase your oid June 2ither information phone RA 3.2263, LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars Barons' Radio and Electric Ltd., 426 Although he listed his name for free estimates, RA | and street address, he failed to 8-8571. | put down his city or town. There COLONIAL ALUMINUM js no Market Street in Sudbury Office and display court lor its suburbs, {cream with white wall tires, Motor Prefect, $75 or trade for anything of JARESHORE Aun Jocks want ears simcoe South : i. 2 5-1181 or RA 5-1182 June 8/SAVE $38 on boats, motors and trail Junel8 Evenings Call RA 8-1062 | The Hardrocks are keeping the Be Sure With Colonial car and wondering what to de completely overhauled. Hurry! Only same value, Phone RA 5.8122 14 '40 -- - ers, Cedar strip, fibreglass, aluminum ns | Junel2 with it. $745. Seaway Motors, opposite Shop- |i Pontiac, good condition, 3575; hat {and moulded plywood. See Provincial HIGHEST PRICES TREADLE = {ping Centre. 116f | ord, radio, heater, good body, $275: Tire Co., 43 Bond Street West, RA PAID FOR SEWING MACHINES THE VERY BEST COSTS NO MORE seven-room brick house, situ- ated on King St. E., near |'86 Meteor Custom Tudor, + with eco- | zs Ford Custom Tudor, custom radio, | {nomicai 6-cylinder motor. Your Auto|gni hed in dark metallic green, Low 5-6511 June 10 BARGAINS -- New Singer Sewing Ma- Good clean cars. Trade up or own. Liens paid off, Fully Reconditioned "WINTER SEAL" "KRYLASTIC" weather-proofed Storm $10 and up Screen windows. "WINTER SEAL" -- Aluminum Combination public school end bus stop, |Buy Week Special, only $1345. Seaway (cage $1295. Seaway Motors, Dun- chines -- As low as $9.50 down or $99.50 DoDD MOTOR SALES SINGER Doors, (See the new Jal-O-See). "KOOL LITE AWNINGS" -- RA 5.9014 Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. 116f 4.. snd Centre street. Whitby 1166 wail full price. Liberal trade-in allowances. | Fully guaranteed 5 years, serviced | 314 PARK RD. S, RA 3.9421 ; Ventilated Aluminum Awnings and Conopies. See the newest 14 SEWING CENTRE in adjustable awnings. "KOOL-SIDE" -- Awninigs and Canopies. locally. RA 81131, 19 Prince Street. CASH "They open and close from inside." ""BEAUTI-DOR"" -- Shower PHONE RA 5-5443 1B 50--Articles For Sale &9--Automobile Repairs PARTS -- Repairs -- Accessories, Con- venient weekly, monthly payments, Monty's BA Station, 284 Simcoe South or Ward's Auto Supply, 79 Simcoe North, June 10 SMITHS CAR CLEAN UP Make yours like new, Sirnon- izing job, paint touch up, chrome, upholstery, tires cleaned, mats, trunks, wheels cleoned, painted. Many other extras. Work guaranteed. Free estimates, Smiths Car Clinic. RA 5-7192 |47--Automobiles For Sale| 47 --Automoblles For Sale | Ford Sedan, Hnished in Seaspray | {1962 "Pontiac sedan, mew motor, radio; 6 moto! for Private. Phone RA |S Buy Week, ns. Seaway Motors, $202 1" | opposite Shopping oid rere 11951 Studebaker Ra A good | clean car, $350, Phone Pickering 2 1 46--Real Estate Wanted 18 THE DALY TIMES-SAZETTE, Pridey, Mey 23, 1938 45--Real Estate For Sale THREE - bedroom brick veneer, bun- galow, large kitchen and lving room, tiled 4-plece bath, forced air oil beat 1200) ing, storms and screens, Im- mediate possession. Best down payment acotptad Apply 205 Malaga Road, RA 5-3749 119 COMBINATION nine - room house and , Apply 633 Albert rt Street. RA S165, May$,16,23 NINE - room brick, Hicome home, Twa Faia: self-contained bas 47--Automodiles For Sale baths, apart- ment, hot water oil heating, large lob, | orga --y paren ; RA. Fado, whitewalls, windshield washers, |'s] Pontiac sedan. Just like new. Pri- mit available. A planning act. School taxes paid. $1000. 118f | strawberries, fruit trees. 738 Simcoe [forth BA._3:7588, ta 3-4483 after 5 p.m. 118¢ |vate. Apply 355 Montrave Avenue be "$4 Chevrolet coach, one owner, like | ore 5.30. 11 RA 58480 after 6 p.m. BUILDING lot, Montrave Avenue, S0( orn: RA 27970 $1500 down NHA--8 percent t mortgage, Tike new. May be seen at Russell's Sunoca, '57 Pontiac fordor, hardtop, automatic Service,7 4 Simcoe South. 120b | power steering, radio, mileage 10.00 A 5-3826. x 115 ft. Phone RA 86-1158. 118¢ S Dire morgage LOT for sale, 70 2 218 5 feet. si VA Juive extras in these homes are un- month R 50 ny nolo , radio, good econdi- tion. RA 3 120¢|'48 Pontia: Taunton. Phone 9 | imited, $68 ly. Have models NEW five - room a of sale on available to be seen, location Harmony = th, roto = 0 Riley, 3 seater, | sion aad? More, very good plus, Reasonable for cash, Centre. Chadburn Street. Apply 224 Chadburn Heights, For .further information call - el ern homes and buildings, THOUSAND dollars down, fiveToom Weekdays RA 5.9502, evenings RA ping 120b We are interested in procur- ing listings on a few g properties around the City, If you are interested in sell- ing your home please tele- phone our office. We would be pleased to extend our ser- vices to you. Robert S, Mc- Collum, Realtor, RA 5.6402. RBivER oat Joks, on Pigeon River, 8. River, 8 Rusk at Om LOT for sale in Fa w-- Pha RA 5.4049. '87 Pontiac Deluxe Coach, tutone green, automatic, fully equipped, Low mileage cor, top price required. Terms. Apply: Days Lander Coal, 43 King W.; Evenings RA 3-2874, 1196] SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER - VOLKSWAGEN SALES & SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. S. OSHAWA, ONT. TEL. RAndolph 3-3461 May 26 BUCK'S BODY SHOP Excellent collision work, weld- ing, painting, towing and storage. Cars bought and sold. H. Marlyn, proprietor, 361 Bloor St. E. RA 5-4513 or RA 5.7456, Junel? BUSINESS IS GOOD AT WELLMAN'S Because people are turning from high powered, elongated, gos eating monsters to sane economical meons of trans- portation. 35-40 M.P.G. up to 85 M.P.H, without sacri- ficing comfort, safety or ap- pearance, 40 - 50 thousand miles on a set of tires is not unusual "RIDE IN STYLE... . FOR LESS PER MILE" Hillmon of course sold and serviced by Wellman Motors Ltd. for nearly ten years. Come in today for Free Dem- onstration or call: 5-7981 And we will pick you up. Small payment or trade, up to 36 months on balance. June22 sad Convenient payments, Ward's, 79 June 10 GR prices paid in Osh. .a for used furniture by the Commuhity, So ud niture Store, 19 Prince Street. RA 81131. 3 CLASS B step ra racing L | also steering wheel and crash throttle, (winner of several cups). Special price 365. : Birdseye Center Cabin Park, ist LOVELY six room ranch style bungs- low with attached garage, «dlored bath- room, large lot. RA 8.8882, June 8 LARGY®, brick home, fire- place, ofl beat, iandacied Soa) close to |store school, church bus. Rossland West. RA 3-9705 '8 Plymouth Savoy V-8, black and | white, 2-door, good condition. $1250. RA | 8-8278 after 7. a fd Pontiac sedan tutone green, quick {sale, cash or terms, $475. Can be seen June2l fat 539 Montrave. 119¢ '51 Triumph Mayflower and '50 Morris| Minor Apply 10 Olive Avenue after 4 p.m., all day Saturday, 11 17 ONE acre lot, tiled well, building per- NE 10 ft. meat. case, late inode, one Jrindow, air-conditioner, RA 115¢ lizoyD ay baby age, blué !and white with mattress, only 8 months old; also pram suite, like new, resson- able. RA 5-8702, ue BARGAINS! One Marconi Hi-Fi, cab-|TSIREE - piece chesterfield, good con t model, $139.50; one 4-burner stove (dition, ideal for cottage or recreations Simcoe surest and mattress, 120f Repair | B blinds, June 18} 5 ft. 8 inches. Sea-Breeze mangle iron; large baby crib. Phone RA| 5-0333, 120¢ '48 Oldsmobile, $65. '4% '49 Meteor, have radios, opposite hop 11 june8 BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LTD. 1271 Simcoe North PHONE RA 3-4675 Spciolists in Ford service ond parts, Wheel alignment with latest type equipment. June 6 50--Articles For Sale PAINT, interior, exterior, flat, gloss, all colors $2.95 gal. Oshawa Hardware and Electric. 8 Church. RA 3- Street or phone RA 5-6604. trick O'Donnell, at RA 5654. John May22,23; May29,30 | 8 J. Bolahood Limited, Realtors. 120c FOR mode --- hone 9877. June 13 prick bungalow, like Dew, Attached | 7291. '58 Ford Tudor Sedan, tutone green, r RA >in 9 RA S007. Sn Voy Close to school. Immadiate pos- 3.228 clean original upholstery, runs like MODERN five room brick bungalow, session. May consider renting to vos [SMALL ¢ car, r, Vauxhall or r Hillman, ¢ ete, new. Only $795. Seaway Motors, Dun-| RO a i num orm sad IH sponsible tenant. Apply 237 McNaugh- 10 roulld good body, reasonable, cash. /das and Center street, Whitby, 116 | . - - 32 Clarke Street. Phone RA 53782. |i Avenue. 120} ! 1200 |e Ti wil Sui. 118¢/ (81 Mercury Viton plek- ab Suck b3 matic transmission, Dower rakes and | i cellent condition. Phone power windows, radio, clock, white | Fiv-roor brick Seen, "52 Ford custom, good condition, $575 a ae Sises, a ow washers, si 7 two bedrooms, good-sized Alt (or aeatest efter. RA ves 00 "or best offer. Call before 5.30, chen with built-in ct " Commander, RA 8.8868, 176 condition, private. RA 5-8505, rd tiled walls, modern bathroom |, 5 Deluxe, in excellent 5 Ford, customline, radio, condition throughout, will accept trade. with built-in bath and shower |terms. Try "Stew" at Wellman's. ond tiled walls, Wall-to-wall 3.7197. 118¢ 57981 Dial RA a " 8) Sedan, good second car 57 Chev, 10,000 miles. Best offer. Try 52 broadioom living room, |"Stew" at Wellman's. RA 57981 120e [for cottage. Reduced for Auto Buy dining room ond two halls, Hot oir heated with oil. Week, $205, Seaway Motors, Dundas id Vis radio, excellent condi-|and Centre street, Whitby. 116¢ | fon, $1205, terms. "Stew" at Well '54 Find Tudor, black, white cap, slip ja RA 3.4031 120¢ | cove: s, deep tread tires, Special for Idealy located on. McLoughlin $1095, Soyer Buy Week, $795, Seaway Motors Blvd., close to school, church ond bus, Private. Call be- tween 9-6 RA 5-6311, after 6 RA 3-2825. peo size, $45; one Astral frig, room, reasonable. 724 $45; one 9 x 12 rug (new) $119.50; one south bedroom suite (new) reg. value over! Rr rere] $300, now $149.50; ome suite condi~ used) $49.50; % bed or full metal bed 119% tion. $40. Phone RA 58507, SEE! FRIGIDAIRE SHEER LOOK - PLUS AT HOME APPLIANCES 90 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-8332 51--Swap and Barter model TV, two- plece ped chesterfield (Alrhost new) $49.50; two-piece leathereits bed ches- terfield thew $89.50; girl's bike, only boy's bike, $22. For bargains try Store, 19 Prince Street, Phone RA 8-1181, June 13 18 ft. aluminum house trailer. Fully equipped. 21 Prince Street, Bowman- ville. MA 3.5200, 1154 14 FT. Peterborough Cedar Strip boat, centre deck, and $150. Apply 751 Stone St. 119¢ [SWAP 12 Plywood speed boat for rege TWO - piece Kroehler chesterfield, War fishing boat, Phone RA 8-1373. 118 Clean $20. Phone RA 58589. TELEVISION, outboard and gas motor, 119f (floor furnace space heater, boiler and "electric, Fads, steel and wood cabinets, plumb- ing supplies installed; for what have you. Chinn's Park Road South and Hillside, RA 3-7088, June 10 $1 500 DOWN | 1 NHA, | MORTGAGE brick bungalow, tiled bath, steel recreation Immediate in Al 120b $1495, RA 120¢ in 3-bedroom ook floors, kitchen cupboards, room facilities possession FOR APPOINTMEN RA 8-1338 ANYTIME 158 dat two-tone, white-ws terms. Try "Stew" at Wellman's 1 RA [opposite Shopping Centre. 116 120¢ aint aaa Casta . yndi 4 Pontiac 88d 30 Dros. Cab CAE Yi Po "ist [seen at 461 Park Road South belween * oe {4.6 pm. Weekday or all day Sunday '4 Pontiac, radio, , heater, signals, | Ap-| at 42 Sandra, 120f | ply 264 Elizabeth Street. RA 3-3098 115¢ 115¢ "50 Dodge, good mechanical order, $325. "50 Dodge, low mileage on new motor SE = Phone after 6 p.m. RA 58522 120f and tires, body in excellent condition. | Bi ; [Will sacrifice. Phone RA 5-9506 115f| NEW N.HA PLAN HOUSE FOR SALE |'58 Chev., new, Best offer. Try "Stew" | |at Wellman's, RA 57981 120¢ | 54 Chevrolet deluxe four-door "sedan, | Wonderful located new bun- ry good condition, extra's, $300 and! galow between No, 2 ond FULL DOWN PAYMENT {51 Oldsmobile sedan, automatic, , Built very illinois Tl F144 ir 401 highways, Ajox-Whitby in radio, very good condition, Has Townline, Cressar Ave., lost FULL PRICE {be sold this weekend. Best offer A ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up| 0b house. Yellow solid brick, oil 99 Egin Street East to 20 per cent. Nine months to pay. heating, double lot 116' x MONTHLY WE pay cash for used furniture, appli- ances, TV, sewing machines, pianos, stoves. Also sell and exchange. 19 Prinses Street, RA 8 1131 May30o --Mr, Michael Wg 118e ON and after this date, May 22, 1958, th Hugh Grant, will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by m my wife, Mildred Joan Grant, 119 tion. Located in trailer park. After 6 MO 8-4925 Whitby 115¢ AWNINGS, plain colors, or gay stripes, Prompt service. Free estimates, Order now for early delivery. Chair and table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, "low NEW '58 Ford Prefect "Sedans, com. For personal service at your home, call! 270', finished basement, 15- rr | plete with heaters, signals, licence, RA 5-2802 June 9 room very big house for large |tools, etc, Now only $1765. Seaway | Motors, opposite Shopping Cen Centre. 116 '56 Chev., "excellent condition, or two families, Open for in- spection every doy except agon. 54 Meteor, four-door, mileage. RA 8-879 aftér 6 p.m. Sundays, Possession Ist of | STATION wagon - + | nine passenger, white-walls, wheel disc|/56 Ford, custom line, one owner, low July, low taxes. Phone MO 8- 2169, $2,500 down, $100 'and radio, Can be financed. RA 8-5397 | mileage Perfect condition. Two-tone ONE rangette, refrigerator, a month set and kitchen cabinet, |5-5508 between 5 and 7 p.m. ' SPECIAL PRE SUMMER PRICES Doors, windows, awnings, heavy inch door completely installed $41.95. No extras to buy. Finest in features, finest in quality. Call now 115 | green and white. Phone RA 5-8613, 118f |'86 Chevrolet, good tires and| isi Crevroiet deluxe sedan, Immaculate {mechanical condition, heater. $65. 3 condition. Call RA 8-8334, after 6 p.m 13-7049 after 6 P m 118¢ "55 Ford Tudor Sedan, four May 24 tires, new slip covers, faultless, mechanically perfect | Seaway Motors, opposite Shopping Cen- [tre 116f [755 Chev. deluxe "fordoor sedan, one "47 Chev, wood condition, best offer, (owner car, low mileage. RA 37625. 117f | Apply 225' Johnson Avenue 118¢ [i53 Chevrolet, mew paint, "excellent | "53 Ford "Customline, tutone green and | condition, $605. For quick sale. Also '5l rand new 51 Monarch, white-wall tires, custom | ome radio, Must sacrifice, $295. RA 5.7873. | 17 | 48--A t your heating needs attended to now -- Avoid delays this Fall No pay- ments; until September, OIL FIRED UNITS GAS FIRED UNITS OIL & GAS CONVERSIONS Registered Ontario Fuel Board Installer W. BORROWDALE HEATING SALES, OSHAWA RA 3-4878 Have IDEAL LOCATION Two acres of land and a-large BUYING A CAR? BEFORE YOU DO SEE "HONEST ED" | 58 OR "IRISH STEW" | e NEVER UNDER SOLD _ ® TOP DOLLAR FOR TRADES eo WRITTEN GUARANTEE ® EASY TERMS '49 STUDE Running condition '50 PONTIAC . $175 Good Running Condition '50 CHEV $345 Sound Cor '50 FORD New Tires and Slips '53 PONTIAC . $495 Sedan Delivery i . One NHA. Loon between 6 ond 10 p.m PRIVATE SALE 1957 METEOR Two-tone, automatic trons- 5.RO0M BUNGALOW mission A-1 eondition Solid brick, 3 large bedrooms, PHONE RA 3.4513 nicely located with clear 1 view of loke. Con be seen ony gnig or weekend Ownec being 1322 MINDEN ST. OWNER BEING TRANSFERRED 120 119b| . 3 bedrooms MUST SELL NEW | in bose . Rec. room fae. t ment, In 4. Air condition heat 200 Lorge kitchen, spacious 'eupboards 6. Near-new Grade 8 school. BUYING or SELLING See TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Rood) June 21 RA 5- 5574 May 30 ONE brand new 1958 Johnston Super | Fog Te Bangg Ray ranty. Price $850 RA 3-3553 119¢ FOR YOUR CAR MACKIE MOTORS WILSON RD. S. AMANA freezer, upright, 20 cubic feet, | RA 5:5743 or RA'S-1392 ies, tar, The Ra ows, J JunelO RA 3-230. 120¢ enclosures, Fireplace Equipment and Wrought Iron Railings and furnishings, Toronto prices, LES EVENISS SALES LIMITED 15 PRINCE STREET RA 5-4632 LES EVENISS -- RA 3.2707 DON HOWE -- RA 5.0313 LIENS PAID OFF May28 WILBAK MOTORS 137 KING ST. W, RA 5-0732 BEEKEEPERS complete outfit, seven a 5 WE pay cash for all good used furni- dune. 21 hives, insulated, two frame extractor, |elector knife, hat, veil, extra supers [Phone RA 3.7347 or 40 Gibbon Street. $75 ture, also sell and exchange. 446 Si1icoe CLEAN CARS Street South. RA 5.8131. After hours RA 5-6782. June 22 TRADE UP 1195 OR DOWN W. J. LAMSON BROKER RA 5.8831 RA 8-5075 119b MEAT slicer, 'Burchel' small hand model, good condition, $100, 329 Simcoe Street South. Phone RA 8-1211 120b 14 ft, Plywood boat, reasonable: 'two tricycles. Apply 426 Fairleigh Avenue, 1206 FOR SALE é - PHONE RA. 8-1720 CALL AFTER 6 PM. 120b 1957 16 FOOT PETERBOROUGH HARD TOP Complete with 35 h.p. elec- tric start motor, and ell | she} A 5-0823 4 "at, Sewing Machine { HOLODY SALES q ale RES 90 SIMCOE N. ALUMINUM Reconditioned and guaranteed machines that must be cleared from our trade-in dept. Portables, consoles, .reverse stitch, many WINDOWS | Singers, AIR SHADE 50% OFF The fi Aluminum Awni BhisPiaglng bh hi | OR BEST OFFER VISIT OR CALL YOUR LNA SEWING CENTRE RA 53-2591 MAY SPECIAL SELF-STORING DOORS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE May 16, 17,28, 24 New room Bungalow RA 3 4494 Res; 1958 FORD and EDSELS | Terrific deals ond terms. Also @ wide selection of used cars and trucks, For your demonstration osk for Jock Lees, Seaway Motors Ltd., 301 Dundas West, Whitby, MO 8.3331, Oshowa, RA 3-7746 LUXURY OUTBOARDING ! BUDGET PRICES ! See the power loaded new ELTOS! 3 to 35 hp. 2 | electric starting models. | Full warranty, Choose yours now, Terms, Cy Preece Garage. Elto Soles and Service, Gliddon at Verdun Rd. RA 5-9251, JOHN A, J. $345 BOLAHOOD LIMITED - REALTORS OPEN EVENINGS 169 SIMCOE ST. S. RA. 5-6544 $500 DOWN $500 Attention, hondymon! 6- room brick, needs cleaning, oll large rooms, kitchen has new cupboards installed, full basement, furnace, 3 - pc. bath, bus at door. Immediate possession For oppoint- ment to see this home, call Howard McCobe ot RA 5.6544 $1,500 BUYS 2 HOUSES | | '52 FORD $595 Automatic '55 FORD A Lovely Cor '55 CHEVS $1295 up Always three to choose from. New Look . . . Low Price. '55 BUICK Hardtop, Dyna Flow, Radio, | White Walls, | | LOOK! OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 2PM. TO8 PM. Brick bungalows -- finished rec rooms -- over 1020 sq. feet of floor space -- S models. $900 DOWN & UP MODEL HOMES WILL BE OPEN LOCATION Park Road South ot Gaspe Avenue -- Salesmen will be there to furnish you with all the information you require. Be sure ond stop ot the model home -- get acquainted with our salesmen. DUMP TRUCKS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Tandem or single oxle dump needed immediately work on the new 401 High- way at Trenton. May 16, 23, 30 FOR SALE Dodge for only $1,295 Plymouth Station Wag- gon, radio, new paint $495 Cheviolet Va2-Ton Pick- up. Deluxe cab, turn signals, top $1295 June 16 BOAT KITS $56.00 and Up 1956 evenings and week- 1951 Open ends. Brooklin Marine Storage Supply Ltd. PHONE 87 $1595 1951 '57 CHEVROLET GM Executive's Car in new eondition, AND MANY MORE trucks GMC %-Ton Panel, real good $525 GMC V2-Ton Pick-Up, new paint $325 GMC 3-Ton Dump $325 two- $495 Chevrolet Deluxe, rad- io, turn signals, very clean cor $495 Chevrolet Deluxe, un- der repair Pontiac, good running CHORD ORGAN (Wurlitzer) Free home demonstrations Phone Alto Music Supplies, RA 5-1501. New and Used Musical In- struments for sale, Studios: 447 Simcoe St. S June 29 | Hillman offers automatic | transmission, You are invit- ed to test drive it without obligation to buy, 36 Months To Pay ON NEW CARS AT WELLMAN'S Apply GARWIN CONTRACTING COMPANY LTD. BAYSIDE DRIVE Quinte Drive In Theatre Rd. Nice insul brick bungalows, one of which can be rented, leaving you very cheap living in the other house. These houses are located on about one-acre of land. For more information call © Bill Rat- cliffe at RA 5-6544, $1,500 DOWN $1,500 54.95 completely installed LIFETIME GUARANTEE RA 5-2431 Monarch, radio, tone June FOR THE FINEST 40 CHESTERFIELD AND BED DAVENPORT Large 4-room bungalow, situ- ated near Courtice, on a nice lot 105 x 160, living room 21 x 13, 2 bedrooms, large modern kitchen, and 4-pc. bath. Only 4 years old, and hos full basement with forced air oil furnace heating. Full price only $8,000. Call Jim Laverty ot RA 5-6544, WEST SIDE S5-.room bungalow, garage, breezeway, natural fireplace, completely land- scoped, forced air oil heat- ing, built-in breakfast nook, 4.pc. colored bath, low down payment, 10-year mortgage. Owner anxious to sell. Call Len Abramoff at RA 5-6544, $1,500 DOWN $1,500 Looking for a lot for your money, 6-room brick, 3 bed- rooms, natural fireplace, 3- room basement apartment, completely finished. N.H.A, mortgage Bus at door, schoo! 2 blocks. For appoint- ment call Jock Appleby ot RA 5.6544, $2,000 DOWN $2,000 Beautiful 2 - storey brick home, private drive and gar- age, completely londscoped, nicely decorated, four blocks from downtown, owner tak- ing back balance, reasonable terms ond carrying charges. For further details call Ber- tho Appleby at RA 5.6544, CALL ANY TIME 24-HOUR ANSWERING SERVICE AT RA. 5-6544 attached JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS 5-6544 LLOYD REALTY INSURANCE ~~ REALTORS OPEN EVENINGS DUPLEX VERY CENTRAL ONLY $11,900 AND $1,900 DOWN This is your chance for a good investment, a large two- storey brick home - with 7 rooms, 2 kitchens, 2 private entrances, garoge, gos hot water heater, and T.V. an- tenna. Delay will mean dis- appointment, see this home today before it is sold. CALL DOUG HURST RA 8.5123 or RA 8.8726 $450.00 DOWN $450.00 And only $55.00 monthly will give you a start os a home owner, This home needs soap, water, hammer and saw, and a good worker, Four rooms Full price $3,500.00. Call Mr. HORCHIK RA 8-5123 immediately, Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd., 93 Simcoe St. N,, RA 8-5123 LIST WITH LLOYD 1206 | |46--Real Estate 'Wanted |sio00 deposit for three-bedroom home, in | Oshawa. Write Box "ws Ths Guetis. | 1200 car $75 OSHAWA BODY SHOP 109 BLOOR EAST, OSHAWA | RAS5.8332 May21,23 Spencers Car Market The only car dealer in the Whitby, Oshawa and Ajax Area to have the famous | year guarantee on all 1954 used car models & up. This is the safest and most complete guarantee ever offered to a used car buyer, Backed by Universal Auto Bonders Ont. Ltd. AND 401 HIGHWAY TRENTON, ONTARIO or eal EXETER 2-9344 47--Automobiles For Sale Authorized RAMBLER-HILLMAN Soles and Service NONQUON RD. RA 3-4431 OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M, 1196 1957 CHEVROLET SEDAN Just like 5,000 miles GUARANTEE. 1956 FORD & cylinder, in | A-1 condition, 2-door, | Priced to Sell. 1-YEAR GUARANTEE new, only 1-YEAR 1953 PONTIAC, clean Wn every way, white wall tires. FORD CUSTOM SE- Special at only $798 DAN, 8 cylinde ' Beautiful cor YEAR GUARANTEE, PLYMOUTH white wall door Sedan, radio, tires, 4- 1953 MONARCH CONV, SUITES ALWAYS ON DISPLAY AT BRADLEYS FURNITURE DRIVE - IN 299 SIMCOE S. June? PETERBOROUGH BOATS Cedarstrip, aluminum, mould- ed plywood, fibreglas. Moulded mahogany hull Evinrude motors TEE-NEE TRAILERS Layaway plan, no finance charges. Factory approved service, Marine Storage and Supply Ltd. Brooklin, Ontario Phone 87 Open evenings ond weekends, | June 7| BOXED PLANTS Thousands To Choose From Tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, BUICK 4-Door, low mileage, automatic, radio, new white wall tires, Owner's on request GUARANTEE tires, COME IN ANU SEE THESE PRICED TO SELL SPENCER'S CAR MARKET 1952 CADILLAC CONV, his FORD VICTORIA | 1-YEAR HARDTOP, white wall | radio, eutomatie. | 1952 PONTIAC CONV, Pansies, Carnations, Petunias, Salvias, etc. Lovely sturdy nursery grown boxed plants 35¢ Box or | 3 Boxes For $1 GLECOFF |.G A. SUPERMARKET 146 BROCK $T. NORTH WHITBY, ONT, PHONE MO 8-485! 119% OPEN TO 10 P.M, DAILY 119 WINDOWS-DOORS! ADAM'S USED FURNITURE CLEARANCE Bed in 99.95 QUALITY AT THE BEST PRICES FOR ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS, DOORS, AWNINGS | KOOLVENT- NASH | RA 3-2219 YOU SAVE $8889 ON SELF-STORING ALUMINUM DOORS 1-inch door, 3-Pce. Bedroom Set: Double Dresser, grey colour 3-Pce. Bedroom Set: natural colour . Chest, Bookcase Double Dresser, Chest, Bookcase Bed in . 25.00 89.95 verasss 298 9.98 . 6.95% ..2.00 ..79.98% 15.98 1 Rangette in good condition 17 Marconi TV, Base, wrought iren for 17" TV Seskna mes Bridge Set: Table and 4 folding chairs excellent condition. . .. Marconi radio. Grey colour--each 2 -- 27 x 51 Rugs--each Coal, S-Pce. Chrome Set Sylvania radio. Colour red. In very nice condition 1 Tri-lite 1 Coffee Table -- platinum walnut. Was 34.95---NOW 1 Table Lamp 1-39" Box Spring, was 29.95 -- NOW 3--4'6"" Mattresses Spring Filled NOW -- each 1-39" bed outfit with spring filled mattress. . . wood and electric stove. Lovely condition welded corners, adjustable channels, 18" hid- den hinges, 100% extruded aluminum, 5-year free service policy, lifetime guarantee. PHONE RA 81338 | -- were 29.95 to 39.95 i 15.00 29.95 19.95 13.95-- 8.95 ..99.95 8.95 2-Pce Used Chesterfield ideal for cottage 7--36" Springs. Clear-outs. Perfect condition. Were NOW 2-Pee. Daveno in red frieze--Beoutiful eondition Were 15.95 -- NOW | FOR BETTER QUALITY 4-48" Springs. Clear-outs AWNINGS ETC. 1 Only -- Bed chesterfield 1--6'9" 1 Only -- Gents' Cycle. Maroon. Was $1.95--NOW x 9' Rug and underpad SEASON-AIRE ALUMINUM LTD. All-Canadion Co 29.95% 1100 I y_.,z