Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 23 May 1958, p. 16

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16 TVR DALY TIMES-SAZETTE, Pridey, Mey 13, 1958 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE Want Ads 3--Gardening & Supplies 14--Household Repairs OFFICE HOURS 8 AM to 5 P.M MONDAY fo FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 10 13 Coll the Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 | V--Accountants TALE, Friediander, Hunter and Co., Accountants and Auditors, 64 King pie work. A. Reps {21--Personal Service |25--Pets and Livestock |28--Summer Resorts |S--Svilding Trades [11--Business Opportunities| | 4, Block laying, general BODY Shop and five - room house, on |LANDSOAPING, gardens plowed, FURNITURE repaired and reuphol- TRY Ron's Janitor Service, floors ex- {PERSIAN Kittens, biack only. House LAKE Dalrymple - J. Groen, Bowman- iarge lot. Suitable for good used ear (dis: od, cleanup jobs, top soll, sod,|stered. See our materials for recover-pertly cleaned, waxed, polished, walls | . Phone RA 8-8055. ' 120a cottage, pond July 28° to > iivan Street East; B, L, Yale; A F, Fried ville, MA AO, Junel0d business. Write Box 436, Times nae ini| {lawns serviced, RA 59727 i Juneld!ing. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles cleaned by famous Wall Master ma i baby budgies, ready for "Av ust 9 to September 1. Phone RA 5 lander, B. i J. Hunter, FINISHED carpentry, all kinds o eup- Te , od MANU RE for" sale, chicken or ca Street RA 37212. Sanaiilcuion, Otes. | home and factory clean-| talking strain. Apply Y sire, [1281 118e pikes Dial |boards and trim work, iso tiled floors, store and apartment, "central, manure, 35 for one-ton load, delivered,|CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, iit, recovered ---- 5 1156 Will sell or lease. For further informa. |Call RA 88976, June 3 like new. Why pay more? Our rates | mine. Free estimates, RA 5-8676. May24| Broad. 114 Eigin Street East. May 2 PRIVATE cottage for rent, beautiful tion, phone RA 5-0970. 1200 guaran THREE hound puppies, seven weeks |Paudash Lake, fully equipped. "ishing, AMOLUTELY "tiwest sod, de ne Mattresses rebuilt, Oshaws Up . Breed, Walker and Blue Tick. RA good boat, safe beach $35 weekly s 13--Gardening & Suppliesjiaid: or lo trucks in fleld, Lowest holaiering Cone 10 Bond Street West. 119¢ [Three bedrooms RA 5-506 119¢ ian prices. Lindsay Loan Landeraviing. Dial RA 50311, Juneid a -- ICAWNS and gardens roto-tilled. Har Fairview 42549, lg A ETT or Ro S050 Tor = Boxer § a puppies. hepatitis. an oie MeDisramid, 34. Boot We ays gion] fareen . ows, | Fopatring "nd Ginishing furniture, kitch- Phone RA 5.075. uy il, y ROTO filing. Reasonable rates, Call lawns serviced. RA 59721, June i eopboards. All work guaranteed. ie wae pathing, Seseang, boarg. Harald Jensen, RA 3-4 June20 ig. Waubena Kennels. . ING -- | GOOD quality Joza, and sod, Laid o Junel WATER WELL DRILLING [tara vement. gravel Te. field | ar ed ns 8 Ma 4 15--Instructio TS GERALD FULTON [rue wa yuu. Jui Sireet, ibe Ang z ENS = tilled, Gov t. Licensed Driller ig Phone ry 81388 a HOLLAND NURSERY Music Studio for oft Instruments easonable Prices Juneld { o Tunin i AND LANDSCAPING | Pian 9 Honest Workmanship | + For complete landscaping | ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES service, stone work, sodding, | New ond Used Pianos {GARDENS "roto-tilled "and plowed, lev. Well Tile For Sale |elling done, experienced operator, Free RA 5-4067 seeding, garden maintenance, | Full Selection of all instruments nursery stock, etc. Call RA New ond Used) |estimates, No gardens too small, Glen June 10 |Munro, 414 Park Road South. RA 5.7887. 5-7442. 477 Simeos St. South May 30 Please Note Deadlines now In effect for this column: Cards of 9 AM. SAME DAY DEATHS -- 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 8, 7 and Company, Certified |E free, RA Public Accountants, 172 Fat PAINTS East, Oshawa, Ontarig. RA 5 --- W {Convenient monthly payments Patties Ha BL re 2 Paint, 85 Simcoe Street North MONTEITH, Monteith, Reinl "and Co ering, ste: Chartered Accountants, licensed Trus A nd, 707. tees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford, To- Junie2i sonia; Hon. J. W. Monteith, FCA;| air th, B. Comm., CA; G. W. | Rieti, CA; R. F, Lightfoot CA; George BIRTHS |W. Trethewsy CA., RA 5-3527, 135 Bim-| leoe Street North Oshawa. Juned BOB Clancy's Ontario Accounting Ser vices for small business, 184 Bond Street West, Room 1, Office, RA 5-0397;| FLOORS FLOORS FLOORS Sold, Installed, Repaired by Experts with 25 years ex- perience, Free estimates, All work guaranteed, ROSS ENDICOTT FLOORS PH. RA 5-2274 SANDY BAY Rice Lake, housekeeping cot- tages, sleep 6, Electric re- frigerators and plates, wood stoves, Gocd fishing, sofe sandy beach. Write to R. McCracken, R.R. 4, Hastings, nt, NINE kittens to home Apply 103 Nassau MACGREGOR -- Hon and Joan (nee Bowen) are bappy to anpounce the ar- rival of their baby girl, Janet Eliza. Residence RA 37605, Jupel DOG TRAINING SCHOOL We train you to train your dog. Have him become a better canine citizen, Classes now commencing, PICKERING 240M4 AND PICKERING 87J3 Junel8 | June 6 Modern, attractive, new, Housekeeping Cottages, on Weller's Bay. Excellent fish ing, sandy bzoches, Seventy miles from Oshawa, Vocan- cies to July 12th ond from August 16th, For reservae tions write: Hutcheson's Boots and Cottages, Carrying yrone, Junel' Place, Ontario, or Phone Six pigs, seven weeks) Brighton 98R21, old. Phone Brooklin 632RS5. 1208 1 27 --Fuel Wood 29--Summer Properties HARDWOOD cuttings, #5 - $10 ings FAROWOOD cuttings, $8: . $10, ina For Sale or Wanted June? | COTTAGE for sale -- Aldread's Beach, 2 -- Sommer Resorts 4 RA 68-5036. 118¢ | FOR sale -- Sturgeon Lake front cote "Lake ~Couchiching, oN safe beach, for July, $350. RA SVsten new modern! {tage, three bedrooms, pressure water running hot and cold water, three - bedroom cottage, all conven i boat Nouse. Key Wate ve 4203 118¢ , OF € fo hi a 53571, Toronto, J room cottage, a '" -------- rymple, electric stove and re ONE 10 x 18 Insulbric cot! | freiace fishing and boat, gg 38131. [ed on a wooded lot, 233 ft. frontage on 120b | Garrison Lake. Good hunting and good | soi TTAGES, excellent fishing an bathing, Slesirie lights and refrigera tors, $30 weekly, good boats. RA sa, June SINGER SEWING MACHINE RENTALS -- Weekly, Free pick-up. REPAIRS -- Free estimotes by competent servicemen, June 13 TREE removal and trimming, wood cut with chain saw, free estimates Also odd fobs done RA 57754, Juneld RUNION'S Sod Supply. Sod laid or de livered, Sold in field. Roto-tiller rental |service. Top soll grading. Phone Ajax 1419. May? Monthly or delivery ond June | 16--Insurance [ALLSTATE | Auto insurance, Save up to 20 percent, nine months to pay for SINGER SEWING CENTER | personal service st your home, Call A. CRAWFORD vit Juneis| 14-16 Ontario St, Oshawa CALL 26--Farmer's Column DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. Phone collect Bowmanville, MA 3-2679. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone, Junel? PLASTERING NEW AND REPAIRS | sidewalks, founda- plastered, waterproof- May 26! BOWMAN, LEWINGTON 5 5.9502. Residence, RA 37291. May 2§| tions FLOWERS ZT Baimers, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, 9' | PHONE RA 39533 [aie ls" Sincor size Neri, Bal WOOD'S PLASTERING 24 King St. East, Oshowa RA 8-1311 May 24| de from Kamn's Drug |MUMPHREYS and Boychyn, Barris | store ---- ters, Solicitors; R. D. Humphreys, Qc; June 2G. E. Boychyn, BA; W. A Hillman, ---- LLB, 6 King Street West, Phones:| Office, RA 5-1177; Res. RA 5.4604; or IN MEMORIAM Whitby, MO 82761. Money te loan. Junel LYTLE -- In loving memory of U0 Nt eT Eau RA Sie | dear sister, Gladys Irene (nee Woolley) | Block, 26% 8 029 Junei | who passed away May 23, 1051 Residence, Dial 3-4029, JOHEN A MacDonald, Barris | bun, 8 Ibs, 13 ozs., on Thursday, May L. Schapelouman accounting "service. 1958, at the Oshawa General Hos- Specializing in accounting and com- Bh A sister for Brian 120a plete book-keeping service, Income tax and financial reports, 686 Osler St, Oshawa, RA 59953 Junes ART STEVENS DEATHS |2--Barristers EXCAVATION BALFH S. Jones, BA and Thomat..| Basement dug, trenching end BUTCHER --Entered into rest in iors, 65 Simcoe Street South, RA 5:3525.| septic tanks installed, weep- DT ay els oy | Mortgage Waus avaliable, dunes) ing tile for, oe |CAWNS and gardens ploughed, Roto- cy Henry Butch 03 * " husband of the late Edith May Bidwell, (GREER and Kelly, Barristers, y, Solici- tilled and disced. EP andecapiny: No job in his 57th year. Resting at the Arm. (Wors, etc, 7% Simcoe Street South BROOKLIN. 173W lioo small "or large, RA 5.0345 RA For manure, grovel ond fill, | ~----------------e------------ Phone RA 5-5443 FOR sale -- | strong Funers] Home, Oshawa, with|Dial RA 3.2278. Residence phones: M J 16! |53676. Mr, Len Bowler, May PHONE | June 2 memorial service in the chapel Satur. Greer, BA. Sc., RA 53368; Terence V. une i FIRE INSURANCE day, M 24, 11 a.m, Interment Mount Kelly, BA, BC. RA 5-2602 Juneld {LAWNS a: and gardens Roto-tilled. Phone RA 5.3756 | WITH BROAD Lawn ( ery, Oshaw G d M nald, Bar- I" : -- GREER, Marphy wd Machons Public, FN roted m manure for "sale, | by yard EXTENDED COVERAGE COLD FUR STORAGE # King Street East, RA 54717. Russell for load, Phone RA 5-3756 JUHAD {| nme ------------ All Risk Outboard Motor and ON THE PREMISES For Funeral Flower J. 'Murphy and' James A. MacDonald, | ROTO 'Tiling. Reasonable rates. OSHAWA GARDEN Boat Policies. Save 10% with i y ee Jack Mulligan, Whitby MO| » y osite P Auto In- Arrangements See Dayid L., Barrister and| 'Stucco, | Apply Oshawa RA 39973 May24 | SERVICE 9 Composite Hiey, Pl if PHONE RA 5-6312 olicitor, 3% Simcoe Street South, RA| a-------- i 24" high surance, Installment ans | 5.01 Residen |CAWNS and gardens pou, Privet Hedge, 2 igh, desired [tilled and disced. Landscaping. No job $25.00 per hundred pieces, MORRISON FURS i Sod supplied and loid, Seed- 12 KING ST, WEST June 20{TH ROBERT 5. McCALLUM too small or large, RA 5 . 5.3576. Mr. Len Bowler, ing. and stone wolks, PHONE RA 5-6402 86 Tounton Rd, W, -- RA CEDAR {rees for hedges -- June 6 3-3222. 30", $35; 4', $65; 5, 300; 0, $125 per May 28 100 delivered. Also other shade trees ee and evergreens at wholesale prices in! quantity, Bowmanville MA 3-3966, June? | 17--Money to Loan May y28 CLIENTS money to loan on first mort- -------- --= | gage. Mortgage and agreements of sale | purchased, NHA mortgages arranged, {Srelirion, Drynan and Mur- COURTICE SOD AND Crely Fraser, I LANDSCAPING SERVICES FIRST and second | mortgages, sale |agreements purchased and sold, Hen. Sod sproyed ond fertilized, nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Lawns. levelled, sodded and [Street East, RA 3-7232. Juned seeded. Loa. ond fill shrub- (2 ors SEVERAL THOUSAND YARDS OF TOPSO L FOR SALE | Immediate Kelivery in Whitby, Oshawa," Bow OSHAWA TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE Courteous operators to answer your phone and relay mess- oges 24 hours a day, Start enjoying Telephone Freedom, Apply 'or our service now at 143 King East, RA 5-2601, |fishing, Twenty lakes within a five-mile dius, Price $1000. RA 5-4580, 119 FIVE - room summer cottage, on Lake Dalrymple, sandy beach, Furnished, FOR rent by the week or season, a electric refrigerator, and well. Phone new housekeeping cottages, three bed. RA 85-2162, 1200 |rooms, new refrigerator, built-in cup boards, hot and cold running water, | 30--Lost and Found er, RR No. |FouND =~ Female German shepherd w. H. PARRY Flag- MANNING F. Swartz, Barrister, Solich Landscope Supplies, stone, Rockery, Cut Stone, Patios and Walks {posses in patio, bathroom, shower, oO a Robert J. Parkin, CLIENTS' monies available for first BA, Evening comes and shadows fall But sweet remembrance outlasts all. ter ~Lovingly remembered by sister Au drey, Victor and nephews, LYTLE -- In loving memory of our dear daughte dys Irene Woolley, who passed aw May 23, 1951. Today recalls sad memories Of a loved one gone to rest, N D So phone RA 8.5373 CREIGHTON, Mi and Solicitor, 101 orth, Phone RA 8-8511 ONALD Blake Dodds, solicitor, 26% King Street East Business RA 5-3501; Fraser, urdoch, Barristers, Solicitors, Simcoe Street Junel | Barrister and Tele-| Residence | Junel Drynan and No-| manville and New castle, ALSO DRIVEWAY Loam, | | LOAM, GRAVEL AND FILL Layed, Troctor Grading DIAL RA 5-2279 Junel8 Reasonable rates, cement and land second mortgages. Mortgages and agreements of sale purchased, Apply IM, ¥ Swartz, Barrister and Notary | Public, 26% King East, Oshawa, RA 3-4697, Junell bery. For free estimotes call Ed. Knowlton, RA 5-6047 COLORED | June . Mortgage Loans ---- owner- occupied homes, carefully For Better Dry Cleaning Call MODERN DRY CLEANERS flush toilet, June? 19% tle Britain or eall 26R14, Little dog. May Britain. June21 [ing for this ad. Phone RA 8607. 1158 115¢ CLYFFE HOUSE MARY LAKE sundy beach, boats, tennis, Special atten- water skiing, ave by identify! and pay LOST -- Black pen, Parker 51, King ad Rita South district. Reward, Se 4. 208 or "-- Dog large black setter, § ty | River tag, Seen Myrtle Station area, If found phone Toronto collect, OX 1.7483, i selected for maximum safety, backed by 35 years exper. jence, less thon 50% op- praised value, $4,500 7%, new home, good covenant, $4,400.00 7V2% home with acreage. ALSO two choice seconds owner-occu- pied property, big equity, | good return, Oshawa Accep- tance Corporation Ltd., J. E. Harris, President, 112 Sime coe St. North, Oshawa, Ont, RA 5.3568, PAVING KEN ASHMORE PAVING CONTRACTOR RA 8-8412 |LOST -- Brown and white collie dog. Would finder please call RA 8-86397 tion to meals, Reserve now fo ra wonderful vacation, MISS DORIS JENNER PORT SYDNEY Phone Utterson 62 Ring 3 June23 And we who think of her today tary Public, Bank of Commerce Build-| Are the ones who loved her best ing, 5 Simcoe Street North, as Ras ta; --~Always remembered by Mom and 7" K Creighton, QC; Dad and daughters Bonnie and Betty. qc; G, K. Drynan; al $ Arran ed. ROSTAR -- In loving memory of a| A MOrEAge 8 dear father, Victor Rostar, who hh MeGIBBON and Bastedo, "Barristers away May 23, 1956 and Solicitors, Clients' funds available | While you, dear father, rest and sleep for first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street Your loving memory we'll always North, RA 5.3566, Charles C. McGib-| keep bon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC ~Lovingly remembered by daughter, June20 Olga, son-in.law, John and grandchil dren Linda and Debbie. dri gravel, also 34" stone, veway RA 5-2156 PATIO SLABS Sold ond laid, brick or stone barbecues, Free estimotes ond delivery. RA 3-3291, June8 321 OLIVE AVE. RA 5-7193 e ONE STOP SERVICE eo ODORLESS DRY CLEAN- ING | | new shirt service l Beyond Compare | | EV. GIBSON -- GEO. RUSSELL June 15 | PS "Murdoch | June? 31--Articles for Rent CEMENT mixer, electric. Bs deliver, 611 King Street West. Phone RA 3.7462, 5.77pm. Ma; FOLDING wheel-chairs, hospital beds, also roll-away beds and cribs, Phone RA 31644. Juned June5 op SOIL | $7. PER LOAD | SOD---LOAM FILL ' | | | | | A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE | Everything for your ! garden Our is FAMOUS PICKEREL SPOT Below Hecley Folls where Crowe and Trent Rivers join, Troll, drift or cast May, June at Cole's Point, Resort, Family cottages with boat $30 week up, also week-ends. Cliff Penhale, Box 268, Compbell- ford, Phone 646WS5, |5--Nursing Services at ANDEN iy memes br we wie m4 \RSING HOME CARD OF THANKS KING ST. WEST Exclusive nursing home for thank Dr. G. W. Lindsey, | convalescent and elderly peo- | Alr WE wish to be J. 0 Ruddy and hospital doctors, ple. (Men and Women), and coal burners, Sheet metal Nurses ond dieticions in everyone in 3B Oshawa General, who| were so wonderful to me fluring my| work end built-up roofing. attendance, Tray service, recent stay in the hospital. We would radio, T.V, lounge. | LOCKWOOD PHONE RA 52330 | HEATING LTD. also lke to thank Rev Miss Davey's Group of St | June2| 288 Arthur St. RA 3-2511 Presbyterian Church, our many friends, | Gee) Junell| velatives and neighbors who sent choco- Optometrists a lates, flowers and good wishes. A spe: C. H. Tuck, Optometrist, elal thank you to my supervisors and in muscle anomalies, eyesight fellow workers of the General Motors. glasses. Evenings Mon, Wed., Fri, 6 8 -- The Cowan Family, 213 St. Lawrence Invalids examined at home, RA A treet, Whitby Disney Bidg., 31 King East. May 26 Peterborough Airport Survey, Is Underway OTTAWA (CP) Surveys to determine the feasibility of an airport for Peterborough are un- der way, It was reported Wed- nesday A delegation from the Ontario eity, which saw Transport Minis- ter Hees to ask what federal aid might be given, reported the minister as saying one survey has started and another is about lo begin Gordon K. Fraser, Progressive Conservative member of Parlia- ment for Peterborough reported Mr. Hees sald physical studies to determine the best likely site are in progress. Economic studies into the worthwhileness of the idea would start soon "We're waiting for the comple- tion of the two reports now, and we expect them soon--within the mext two months," Mr. Fraser Block laying, footings, com- plete ' foundations, framing and trimming. Workmanship Guaranteed, Free Estimates, J. & A. CONSTRUCTION PHONE RA 5-0551 May29 a GRAVEL~ WHITTAKER -- In loving memory of 8 beloved husband and father, Harry Whittaker, who passed away May % FOR SUITS -- DRESSES Oshawa's Finest Cleaners . | DIAL RA 5-1023 Money Available] RADIANT CLEANERS | OSHAWA SHOPPIN ENTR to Home 0 OPPING CENTRE Junel?7 Owners | Up to $3,000 for any good purpose, including down pay- ment on home, payment of existing mortgage, consolida- tion of debts, or purchases of any kind NO PENALTY FOR PREPAYMENT NO BONUS For fast, friendly service call SEABOARD DISCOUNT CANADIAN LTD. 29a Simcoe Street South TOOLS FOR RENT Cement Finishing Machine, Motor Chain Saw, Electric Hedge Trimmer, Many other Tools and Equipment, ® Spring Special ® B-H White Outside Paint Beaver Brand 15% off, WEBBINGS HARDWARE 282 King St, W. RA 3-4873 Ample Free Parking June 11 DO-IT-YOURSELF RENT A FLOOR SANDER AND FINISHER from HARRISON & KINSMAN 337 Simcoe St. S. RA 3-4425 June 13 Order Now! ALF LINES HAULAGE PHONE RA 5-1905 Sell field. may25 Annual plants in boxes -- | Flower- and Vegetable Seeds, Peat Moss, Loam, and sod. to truckers In June 15 conditioning, oil, gos TOP SOIL.- MANURE NURSFRY STOCK GARDEN MAINTENANCE | HARDSAND LANDSCAPING All work and materials guaranteed, RA 5-1721 CHATEAU WOODLAND Haliburton, Ontario, A rus- tic resort in wooded parkland with 1,400 feet frontoge on Loke Kashagawigamog. De- lightfully informal, club-like atmosphere, Private bath- rooms, heated cottages, all sports, excellent meals, American plan, reasonable rates. Recommended by AAA, ATRO and Duncan Hines. For illustrated folder, write W. F. Salter, Box 99, Haliburton, Ont, SoD - MODELLING SELF IMPROVEMENT Vibrator Massage for better health and more enjoyable living using MAXINE'S sys- tem for eo REDUCING eo GENERAL BODY CULTURE JANE BLACK STUDIO 451 Simcoe S. RA 5.9602 June 21 32--Redio and T.V. Repairs | TV aerials moved and repaired, install: ed and UHF a speciality, Ron's TV RA 54274 3 May 26 A 5-1121 TELEVISION, home and car radio re aly Bellvue) pairs. All makes, Specialized work, Trees, shrubs, Ever- greens, Roses, Perenn- ials, Rockery Plants, Fruit Trees Etc. Patio Stone, Wall Stone, Tools, Power Mowers, Tractors, Tillers, Lawn Ornaments, Garden Fur- specializing] | [ adi Jack 'C. MacDonald | PAINTER & DECORATOR Poperhanging ond Painting Fro OSHAWA SOD SUPPLY All work Guaranteed | 50 Nassau St. RA 3-7080 | niture. We speciclize in good quality sod only, For prompt delivery rh area Junel? DIAL RA 8-8639 RA 5-1764 [RarVayme and Engineering, 13 Bloor | June12/ 101 5 KING ST. EAST | M.W.F. till June 16 Pred, Tiompepn, 157 Elliot Street, Call Street East, Oshawa, Ontario i. LOAM AND | i GRAVEL SUPPLY | AJAX SOD SUPPLY be in ST] 18--Loan Wanted [EN and Lou's antennae, iy | "SPRING PLANNING FIRST mortgage 'money "required, | [DONALD H. Trollope, Ontario | A y lice Street, £881 G ; Surveyor, 218 Alice Street, RA § | d top soil, loam fill, road cement gravel, stone "good | installed, Fair rates. Phone RA 57844 Jocunity, interpst 7 per cent. Write OF MA 3.3942. June$ Whitby | Post Office | Box 848. ORDER NOW Lawn Seeds, Bulk Vegetable Juned satisfaction 120b PORTABLE T.V. Seeds, Flower Seeds, for Fertilizers, Garden Fertilizers, SALE OR RENT Peat Moss, Fruit Tree Sprays, PARKWAY T.V. Garden Tools, Bug Killers 918 SIMCOE Tudor June 15 [7% 7 Surveyors G. T. Horton and As Ontario | Land Surveyors, Professional Engineer | ing, 70 Harwood Avenue South, Alax, | 728 Junelo| June! ELNA SEWING MACHINE RENTALS Straight Stitch end Zig-Zog RA 5-2591 PAIGNTON HOUSES AND COTTAGES ON LAKE ROSSEAU MINETT P.O.,, MUSKOKA Fun for all members of the fomily. Special June rates for children under 10 years, $2.00 weekly. Complete recreation facilities. Shore lunches aot no extra charge for fishermen, Heated Deluxe Motel, Cot- tage or Lodge Accommoda- tion from $42 to $75 weekly, Wonderful food graciously served in our modern dining room, Write for free color folders. Junelé GREAT FISHING! IN LAND O' LAKES Housekeeping cabins, boats, swimming. $25 week. Write: JUKES CAMP MATAWATCHAN, ONTARIO, June! OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE June gravel, sand, and For dial 8---Building Trades ALL types of building, full contracts or sub . contracts, block laying, concrete floors and footings, concrete, steps, curbs and sidewalks prefab or poured RA 5-6937 May 30 CONCRETE work, driveways, side walks, cellar floors, steps, general re. pairs. RA 58314 1181 FOR house painting phone Brooklin 1200 ALL Sod delivered and laid, loam, sand, fill and stone, grading, asphalt, excavating, Phone AJAX 431 or RA 5-3422, | ANDREW BUTLER | June 15 | BUILDING CONTRACTORS | | sagged | OSHAWA ACME | re HAULAGE LTD. | | Concrete Work, General Repairs, Alterations, | Sod--Loam--Fill | Sand--Gravel--Stone | Satisfaction Guaranteed DIAL RA 3-3528 | Free Estimates. June8 For Sale RA 5-0547 RAY'S | GOOD LOAM HAULAGE | WM Pay RA 52379 Chain Saws, Gos and Electric, Complete Floor Sanding end Polishing Equipment and Materials (new machines); Skill Saw; Sanders; Drill; Extension 'Ladders; Paint Sprayers; 10-ft, Tree Pruner; Pipe Threading Equipment; Electric Hammer; Chain Hoist; Post Hole Auger; Blow Torch; Electric Soldering Iron; Sump Pumps; Lowne mowers; Electric Hedge Trime mers, Stan's Sharpening Ser- vice, corner King and Burke Sts, -- Dial RA 3-3224, June20 RA 55279 i; 180--Mortgages | MORTGAGES, | bought, Agreements of sale sold and arranged, $1600 up, [city rural and summer cottage proper ty. Oshawa Acceptance Corporation Ltd., 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario RA 5-3568, June 13 WE have clients with monies to pur- chase first and second mortgages and For Delivery agreer of sale at a d . Louis S. Hyman, QC, 37 King Street East, Oshawa, RA 3.4043 June 14 Cooper Smith Co. js mamat 16 CELINA ST. RA 3-2312 [CAR going to Yarmouth Nova Scotia June 20) via Bar Harbour Friday or Saturday s wa wanted RA 58205, 118¢ HAVE you a drinking problem? Write Alcoholics Anonymous, Box 402. Times. Gazette, May 2% HYGENIO supplies (rubber goods), malled post paid in plain sealed enve- lopes with price list, 6 samples 25 cents; 24 samples $1.00, Mail Order Dept. A-11, Nov Rubber Co, Box 91, Hamilton, Ontario. Lawn exterior 100W plumbing and heating supplies Phone RA 5-3521, Harold R. Stark Ltd, plumbing, heating and engineering, 255 Simeve Street South Junell June9 BOB ARNOLD'S RADIO AND APPLIANCE SERVICE Repairs to radios, car radios, record players, toasters, irons, polishers, vacuum cleaners, etc, For free pick-up ond delivery phone RA 8-8297. June22 T. Horton and Associates, Commer- cial White Printing, 70 Harwood Ave nue South, Ajax, Phone Ajax 728 | Juneld Ju 9| BUILDERS, contractors -- Carpenter rr | Oh or ox PRE-CAST CONCRETE small. Free estimates, Work guaran. teed. RA 3.7196 or RA 3.3078 May29 SIDEWALK SLABS COLORED PATIO SLABS 32--Articles Wanted WE pay cash for used furniture, appli ances, TV, sewing machines, pianos, stoves, Also sell and exchange, 19 Prince Street. RA 8-1131. June § IF your basement and garage is elute tered up with articles taking valuable space, ive | i a call. We will pay you cash. mcoe Street South, RA 58131, Ahr hours RA 5.6782. June) FOUR . burner heavy duty aparte mont size electric stove. RA 5.612" SCRAP Raw furs, live poultry, fea- thers, scrap iron ond metal, I. TURNER RA 3-2043 (collect) and excavating. ree estimates. 32 Charles Street. By LLDOZING "Dial RA 3831 Taylor Hg June 5 id PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings, sai fixtures, new and used, changing from | | | Clarence B. Neal, a Peter- septic tanks to sewer a specialty. In-| UNIT STEPS--RAILINGS | borough industrialist, sald "we stallations "at reasonable rates. Infor-| cy pRBING | | | | | Prompt -- Same Day 24-HOUR TV SERVICE CALL RA 8-5286 ANYTIME OSHAWA ELECTRONICS May 29 23--Women"s Column SPECIAL -- heat Jpermanents, cold waves, $5. Page Halrdres {396 Pine Avenue, RA 5-563. Ma, CAMPBELL'S STUDIO For Fine PORTRAITURE SINCE 1908 26 SIMCOE SOUTH RA 3-2532 BULLDOZING r AND EXCAVATING SOUTH END SAND, GRAVEL SOD SUPPLY FILL, AND T Sod del d op quality So elivered or TOP SOIL laid, Prompt delivery. Free Free Estimates, estimates, We also supply Reasonable Rates scd in the field for trucks, RA 3.2281 RA5.8552 May24 Housekeeping Cottages Safe Sandy Beach, Good fish- ing. Electric frig and stove, Lawton's Cove Doe Lake Oshawa. RA 5-1287 T.W.T.Junel3 had a : mation and estimates free on any type! the ary Eve £oepton and ¢ plumbing. Dial RA 5.4241, J. Foley.| SEPTIC TANKS outioo Is hopetu BAR-B-Q's May 24] Mr. Fraser added, "We made y SATISFACTION GUARANTEED types building repairs, chimneys | our case---we nope." repaired; roofing, siding repairs; Heading the delegation fepairs, sidewalks, fireplace, Mayor John Dewart BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS SANDALWOOD RESTAURANT 1626 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Under New Management Dinners--Take-out Orders Businessmen's Lunch June 16 ELECTROLYSIS Removal of Superfluous Hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, May 27, 28. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment. ALL built, ae Plaster Was |laving ties LANSDOWNE LODGE North shore Georgian Bay; American Plan, excellent meals, deluxe cabins, main lodge, boats, guides, sand beach, Excellent bass-pike fishing. June 20 to Sept, 10. Write for rates, folder, 8104 E. Jefferson, Detroit 14, Michigan. After June 1 to Box 70, Little Current, On- tario, May 29 VERSLUIS LANDSCAPING SERVICE For all your garden needs. Evergreens, Shrubs, Roses, Perennials; Loam, sod, stone, All work and material guar- onteed, Free estimates. | CALL RA 5.9642 | May26| CROSS TOWN SOD SUPPLY A-1 rolled fertilized, sod, fresh daily. Delivered or loid Free estimates. Prompt deliv. ery: Phone RA B-8B868 BACKYARD BARBECUING Outdoor fireplaces for bar- becuing at its best, built and installed by -- June? | June 12 ASHMORE CONCRETE PRODUCTS Phone RA 8-8412 June 12 BEVERWYCK GARDENS ON NO. 12 HIGHWAY NORTH OF WHITBY See our Fine Display of TULIPS IN. BLOOM Order now for Fall planting Also ROSES, BUSHES, SHRUBS, LILAC TREES, PEAT MOSS AND FERTILIZER, SHAW RAG AND METAL Jake Shaw will pay you more for your scrap iron, tin, copper brass lead, aluminum, etc. 89 BLOOR ST. EAST RA 5-2311 Open Saturdays Also Auto Wrecking June 12 CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON MET, 1D. METALS that Special Someone ! complete line of MIDO, LORIE ond BULOVA watches, Diamonds, Cultured Pearls, etc . CORNISH JEWELLERS 20 BOND STREET WEST Your Watch Personally Serviced, June 1 LONE MAPLE CAMP PIGEON LAKE Housekeeping cottages. conveniences. Vacancies, Write Box 28 Bobcaygeon; Phone 45R22 | Tues., Fri,, June é PINELANDS -- the " little For A All Asphalt Paving, Sand Phone RA 8.8412 June? JUNBRD | cena _ dune? Phone RA 5.7247, Gordon | who was ac- May May 28| companied by most of Peter- yor rent electric cement mixer, borough city council 2% cuble foot, excellent for small Transport department officers Kalas, uP, and. footings, delivered. : 787 said the physical survey is look HAYNES hardwood fio pot oM 1 = Bp aii 8 hardwoo or exp ing toward the area between [nol made like new, new floors made LIMITED Peterborough and Lindsay as like glass, laid, sanded, finished; kit. ikeliest to produce a suitable chen and bathroom tiling. Phone R : Bke F , 3.7196 or RA 3-3078 May20| Phone Brooklin 155 -- BRICKS, blocks, stone works, concrete | June repairs. Phone A. Mecllvenna, asict . Hill. Reverse charges une 10-- h r German Ship CARPENTRY, framing, trimming, kit Sho pening Service -- chen cabinets, custom work, Altera: POWER mowers, hand mowers, shel | tions, repairs. No job too big or small. |scissors etc., precision sharpened, guar- Blamed For rash Work guaranteed, RA 3.3579 June2l anteed work ek up and delivery. m udge, h St e . . i CARPENTER work, remodelling Kitch- | 5.7616 Burch Steel oT DETROIT (AP) -- A 1953 col-'ep cupboards, bathrooms floor tiling Fone be n Ti t|SHINGLING; chimneys; cement, stone isi N oT . anda Time aymen A LL i ' -- lision in the St. Clair River he Charnes RA 51754 Junezi and block work. Carpentry and alters: tween a German motorship and? tions. Free estimates. RA 8.5350, May29 an American ore carrier has CARFENTER ; work, fvming. . tim POWER onl and Tew orraee"ary been ruled 95 per cent the fault Forme ons and repairs. No job too big, Nears precision sharpened, saws filed of the German vessel or too small. Work guaranteed. RA Pick up and delivery. RA 3.3266, Juneld Judge Clifford O'Sullivan said 3.3579 Jufie2l WAVE your lawnmower sharpened now, / an "OV 3 ws, sel k » N Wednesday the owners of the mo: kgN Ashmore 02 Hiahlond. nied, Ste. Percy Nall: torship Wallschiff and the carrier and Gravel Haulage ---- | sioneer should be assessed ' pre HAND, and rotary mowers, scissors, Pioneer shou be asses pro shears sharpened; saws filed. Gerald| May 30 portionately Power, 1262 Simcoe North, RA 3.7016 27.27 20---Cartage The Wallschiff sank 14--Household Repairs AM'S cartage and | delivery | dian waters off Port YOUR local chimney cleaner, chim- od sold and delivered. Phone | was owned by the German firm neys built and repaired, gas linings in 84 partenreederei walschiff. The Pioneer is owned by Cleveland Chffs Iron Company. O'Sullivan told lawyers for bot! sides to get together and decide the actual damages. stalled, furnaces vacuumed, Free esti.| mates. RA 3.2097, FURNACES CLEANED COMPLETE SUMMER SERVICE OIL FURNACES $7.00 COAL FURNACES $4.00 Windows, f W JWa Whitt A em { Nall W Calls $4 J PHONE RA 8-1905 ANYTIME "WHERE WELL DRESS WOMEN SHOP" LA VOGUE JACQUELINE 2| "DRESSES » SUITS COATS ou RERUN 0d TRO hon. 8 or SPORTSWEAR ® MILLINERY [8-3042, Whitby June2l/e BRIDE and ATTENDANTS | 21--Personal Service LA VOGUE JACQUELINE CELINA at :ATHOL Downtown Oshawa ED sr ---- n Can: SAVE $100.00 FURNACE June20 i Huron. It Notural gas, brand nome au- tomatic gravity furnace, Reg $399.00, NOW $299.00 or $6.70 per month, on gos ac- Completely installed BROS. LTD, RA Authorized Consum Dealer. Offer limited June TOU serv A 5 Recipe for Long Hot Summer': A tennis on our clay courts, pitch horseshoes, a swim in crystal-clear Loke Joseph at our famous private beach, a delightful meal with friendly folks, a game of IRON shuffleboard on our new courts, It all adds up to @ PAPERS RAGS 1 of. | | OPEN SAT'IRDCAYS ALL DAY $ 5-3432 I" "NCE RA 5-4159 100 ANNIS STREET FREE PICK-UP 11--Business Opportunities SERVICE station, BA, garage, gro: ceries, with arartment," on Highway 12, near Orillia, at Uptergrove, busy loca | tion; very good turnover; one Phone FA 4.3922, Chas, McD count LESLIE 59611 ers' Gas D & J CLEANERS ished, FUEL OIL SOLICITORS WANTED | CUT FLOWERS STEAL SILK OR SAL oe | . , Pp A tr $15 for every Don e are Imp rted Gladiolus YoR®. AP) ruck Coar ar ne dri p a 0 bulbs for 60c¢ $40,000 June 1 1 25 Pets and Livestock BLACK Labrador weeks ok Phone {GERMAN Shepherd stud service, Sired RA 5-8916 {oy Yukon of Longworth. Very good| Breeding line, Phone MO 8.4438 Whithy, | | money in ne dreary NEW on containin worth of silk i A ne : goods wa Wedues ¢ 9 per load when its driver parked it to make Phone "RA 5 S27 79. » Anja g puppies, porebre wvailable ila t. For RA stolen cer indays es, Port Carling until 8:30 pom. "Phone RA 5-805] {|

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