Daily Times-Gazette (Oshawa Edition), 23 May 1958, p. 15

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THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTY, Fridey, Mey 23, 1958 18 THEATRE GUIDE |-- ! p.m, Last complete show at Biltmore -- "FLAME AND THE! 240 pm. FLESH" in Technicolor shown daily at 12.30, 3.40, 6,55, 10.05 Regent -- "SEVEN HILLS OF pa. also "UNTAMED rr -- YOUTH" shown daily at 2.15, FUN AND 5.30, 8.45 p.m. Last complete N.B. Phone Rate | Increase Granted | SAINT JOHN, NB. (CP)--A |general 165-per - cent rate in- |crease effective July 1 has been granted to the New Brunswick Telephone Company by the prov- lince's public utilities board, show starts at 8.45 p.m. One-party lines in Saint John ee increased 80 cents to Marks "CONQUEST - OF er" A two-party li cents to, § E" 2.15, nis career on his broad forehead.| Sober and clearspoken, theo. ©, orp y Higes 9 eanls p SPACE shows dally a 113 1 ivi - sha indburned cowpoke has taken| Party nes 1 cents 10, 6.05, p.m. 2180 | It's a vivid horseshoe - shaped | win burned cowpo 184.40, One-party business lines HEAD FROM WYOMING" scar, planted so deeply that tic the Canadian title several years [Ly "0 io onieq $250 to $15. | shown dally at 135, 4.90, 7.25,! "mark of the nails can be seen. That meant coming first in at| The awd Ts the first Drovinoe:| aoa or Lak ate, Fis 4 "1 got that from a stud horse least three events during the sea- wide increase-in telephone nee 23 2 : Ls on my ranch last year," saysison and walking off with the in Canada in several years, at 855 pm. Wilf Canadian cowboy champion most dollars for the year besides. The board said in its decision Plaza "JUNGLE HEAT" z in 1957, interviewed recently at! He has also been president ol the 'company's rate of return of shown daily at 3.04, 6.00, 8.45 a rodeo here, [the Cowboys Protective Aswele: yp per cent during the last year| p.m, "NAKED TRUTH" shown | "But 1 haven't thought of re-ition, a group of veterans Whoi , in .cicient to meet dividend] daily at 1.35, 4.19, 7.15, 10.00 | tiring from the rodeo circuit yet," look for ways to save cowboy Sand interest requirements -- ih 'adds the 29-year-old native of necks in the rough sport. {amounting to 5.19 per cent. Youngstown, Alta, who began SERIOUS BUSINESS | ™' riding in the bonecracking shows, Wilf discounts the idea that ro- ale Sompany got Ys last gen- i when he was 17. "Now I | ROME" in CinemaScope and color shown dally at 1.30, 3.25, 5.20, 7.20, 9.15 p.m. Last com~ plete show at 9.05 p.m. Sovenag AWAITS YOU! # 4 5 i The Bosh Br pastsstion ovmeets Ie} The Naked Truth EL THOS - VETER SELES - PESKY MOA SHR EA - DONS PE (1: TODAY and SATURDAY 'Cowboy Wears Brand Of Career "| By GERARD McNEIL jon a wild horse for eight sec- t| Canadian Press Staff Writer (onds--off his list several years 3 EDMONTON (CP) -- Wilf Ger-lago when he took a bad throw. § itz, lean - shanked as a cowboy His shoulder hasn't been the should be, wears the brand of same since. have deo riders are a high - living) more responsibilities though and| crowd. 1 1 can't go on forever."| 'Most of the boys don't drink | : HARD {much, Those that do don't last. | South African HARD EARNINGS Goods Boycotted Twelve years in rodeo have|l buy a bottle of whisky after I left Wilf with a bad shoulder, a|72* hurt, but that's the only few scars and enough money to time." LONGBENTON Eng. (Reuters) "split on a ranch in Youngstown - After the interview, Wilf pe Longbenton city council has ' 7 f yt A 47 with a partner, The Gerlitz ranch checked his saddle, a prize from|acided to boycott goods from B.C. CAST JUDGED BEST IN DRAMA FESTIVAL | specializes in quarter-horses. la 1947 Montana rodeo, and rode | goth Africa in protest 'against Philip Hope-Walldce, drama | Primrose, Franklyn Johnson, critic of the Manchester Guar- | director, Felicie Mitchell and Semi-retired since he was mar-|into the arena for the calf roping its "brotal racial discrimination dian, praised their rendition of | Punch Mitchell, The 25th annual Let's Make It A Date 3 > The Ger-Together Club Admission 50¢ 8:30 - 11:30 - ------------------ TI TO SR TP nT IN ADDITION TO OUR REGULAR FEATURE SHOWN ONCE ONLY AT 12 NOON ROY ROGERS in 'PALS 2, GOLDEN WEST} THE " p DOORS OPEN EVERY SATURDAY 11:30 AM. L/ ' oz Happy White Rock players from British Columbia display some of the awards they won ONE SHOW ONLY OSHAWA FAIRGROUNDS WED. MAY 28 3:30 P.M. OSHAWA KIWANIS CLUB PRESENTS Show on Wheels GET MORE OUT OF LIFE... GO OUT TO A MOVIE! By D'ARCY O'Donnell The Greate Seven Hills of in Magnificent COLOR! HEAR LANZA SING... pt "Seven Hills of Rome" "Rigoletto" + "Jezebel" "Arrivederci, Roma™ «and others! « Businessmen's Luncheon Hot & Cold Buffet Fully Air-Conditioned worio samous Ams RABRASING TORAMP LEAP dogth THROUGH SPACE @unk --- ww ---- C--O WS WS We WS We WE OW WR WS WE Wwe a A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEAIRE / ee vv ew mw were ceemd 070080 THEIR 2-BIGGEST HITS! AMERICA'S NUMBER ONE FUN TEAM.3 AT THEIR FUNNIEST! Presented in Co-operation with ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 140 BOND ST, W, OSHAWA PHONE: RA 5-6501 Highway No. 401 ot Bowmanville Cloverleaf Just 12 Minutes from MAIN LINE Downtown Oshawa The main line of the former Grank Trunk Railway between Montreal and Toronto opened in 1856, two years after the line to Quebec, | ried three years ago, he plans to event. He lassoed his dogie first fey." |ride only in Canadian shows this time but had to make a difficult | The 'council, which governs 26, |year In other years, Wilf has front-leg tie. His time was 2% S€C- 1000 people, have decided unani- } J "Play Jestern | drama festival drew many tal- for the best team performance Playboy of the Wes! ert - 3 in the Dominion Drama festival | World', From left are: Neil | ented actors and actresses from at Halifax, British adjudicator, ' Primrose, president, Margaret | across Canada. orl "By getting our contractors t plains, Each time he enters a ro-|the shaken-up Gerlitz off to the | ooeots ing on Kakioe Fi deo, he must bring along two sidelines, hope to light a fire onteh will horses, his saddles and other| Badgered by a knee wren:hed | J d limit!to protect its industries --eap-- m-- a ------ te, outspoken president of most of their powers an ] ) Ds De lee Lab or/the powers of the federal govern-| We pay higher wages than all . party, says the new federation of ment. The colonies retained, for others, including Trinidad, and A erican male Obss : sed ith Sex, Graham S | ith dex, Lraham days | tedly said in an interview jects. : ion those tariffs will be gone. But heated Tr committed to federa-! Sir Alexander said it was es- they will not go as a result of tion with a constitution which timated the federation needs &t complacency on my part." solve many problems in every re- Revolution by Professor Sorokin, | alm of life," the evangelist told a Harvard University sociologist, California assembly subcommit-|that a revolution in sex attitudes governing dominion within the us out on a healthy basis I would |eould look forward to a true fed: Commonwealth, he contended. have got up and said 'no money, eration and not a farcical one CHAMPIONS JAMAICA no federation' and politely bade such as we have." I'shing and distributing - smut; |In8 literature and pulp maga- that southern California was the ?ines. centre of the nude photo industry We all agree there must be {ranged as far as Mexico and onds 15 behind the leader, | gear, besides enough money tolearlier in the week - long show, Sweep on and engulf the present | the West Indies is "a farce, |instance, their right to impose/when they start making such SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Billyla erusade at the San Francisco gives us no greater power than a least $375,000,000 over the next gir Alexander said he favors tee considering legislation to was penetrating every area of Sir Alexander, who has been|them adieu a _ /ia Graham, currently conducting legislation that will check porno- co 8 : imously to embargo anything with | ---- Madison Square Garden in New| A few minutes later, a hutips.s South African tag "as a protest York. backed, 2,000-pound brahma bul against the brutal racial diserim, "I've made several thousand tossed Wilf up on its bull, bucked ination policy of the South Afri. ~ |dollars some years, but it's just him into the dirt, then turned on : {evil 4 of South Africa." lensure passage home. |Wilf didn't take any of the $10,-|€Vil governors u ca." | oomnme | "It cost me $1,800 to get to New 000-prize money at Edmonton. He Ivork and 1 spent all 1 made in seemed philosophical about it. WESTERN FORT (LIMITED POWERS ment to establish a customs un-|ye ejty," | "If you took all the cowboys| A fort 25 miles from the pres-| Canadian Press Staff Writer In accepting federation the col-|ion of all the members of the| ig rodeo specialties are calf-\in Canada at the end of the year, ent site of Edmonton was built less we can their own customs and tariffs things as garments, knitted goods Sopiied 19 Talus ness a sub- and to regulate the movement of land footwear and dump them in stantial grant " people from one island to an- our country then trouble will The 74-year-old union organizer other. The federal government star ' he sald. Graham says that Americans|Cow Palace, was subpoenaed by have become "absorbed and ob- the committee, sessed with sex, especially the fe-| Graham said he was no expert, male bosom." and not prepared to recommend municipal government." 10 vears if it is to succeed. the principle of federation but The federal government was He addec not under existing terms without the constitutional power "Had I led the federal deputa-| "If we had a proper constitu- and without the funds needed totion to England last year when tion and if we had started with control pornographic publications American life, and pictures. | © Graham said the revolution rep- He said an Investigation by a|resented "one of the most dan- Protestant magazine, Christian-|gerous and critical points in the jailed several times for clashes "That is what I had to do on with constituted authority, says one occasion wren I led a dele- that he is not going to let the gation from Jamaica to Britain federation as it now exists harm The colonial secretary said he £ graphy but more than that this bye Finally country needs a moral bath," | maica legislature Sir Alexander I simply said good ! | nt pp ope of the federa-'we were given many days in {Graham said. | : : can government," . {like farming--you have to put it'him. A clown diverted the bull, 4 or [all back in machinery," he ex- and a couple of railbirds helped One council member declared V, . Trini i stitution | ' ie ed t0|1opj pull riding. !T don't think you'd find $10 in the!by the Hudson's Bay Compan; SPAIN, Trinidad onies insisted on a constitution federation, Jamaica wante roping and brahma bu : v pany eo > Alexander Busta- that would allow them to retain retain the right to impose tariffs jo crossed brone riding--stayingllot," he laughed. lin 1794, who claims he has African, Irish has no major source of funds to) 'we have tariffs to protect our and Spanish blood in his veins, sponsor economy-improving Pro: industries and with customs un "If the female bosom were specific legislation, He quoted completely covered that would from a book The American Sex lead the British colonies in the|the British government said they a large loan at moderate inter- Caribbean to the status of a self- had not enough money to startiest and a large grant then we ity Today, showed California has country's history," He declared become a moral cesspool in pub.| the problem went beyond controll his native Jamaica 'without one was very busy and could give hell of a fight." only 15 minutes to our delega- . ad | s------ -- | tion's first parliament, However, which to discusc our case. he TTT | /| CAUTIOUS VIEW | JLECTRIC DEMAND roto i t | Generation of electric power in Opposition leader in the Ja-ition. 1 didn't create any dispute, "Y" VARIETY CLUB DANCE - MARTIN ~LEWIS, forms the official opposition in| He has urged the governmen parliament, holding 19 of the 45/to send a delegation to Canada, CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamiltos CBLT-TV Channel 6-Toronto Australia has more than doubled seats in the House of Represen-|the United States and the United WROCTV Chapel S--Rochester since 1949. tatives. Sir Grantley Adams and Kingdom to obtain financial help. | 0C- nne oche { his Socialist Federal Labor party | forms the government. | "1 plan to co-operate with Sir Grantley but if he does anything to harm the economy of Jamaica, 1 will do everything I can to over- throw him," said Sir Alexander Brought together in the federa- tion are Antigua, Barbados, Do- minica, Grenada, Jamaica, Mont- serrat, St, Crristopher-Nevis and Anguilla, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and Trinidad and Tobago Criticize "But remember this,' he sald,| wep av Channel 2--Buffalo "the investing world is not an- xious to entrust capital to a so- cialist government. "However moderate a socialist government may be at the out- set no one may be certain what it will do when the opportunity presents itself and it feels it is solidly established." Sir Alexander said the people of Jamaica will firmly oppose any move by the federal govern- Propose Youth Movement By NEVILLE NANKIVELL Canadian Press Staff Writer TORONTO (CP) H J. A Brown. secretary-treasurer of the Canadian School Trustees' Asso- ciation, wants a national youth movement organized in Canada to develop an "esprit de corps' among students to boost pride in academic achievement, But his suggestion, made at a convention of the Associated High School Boards of Ontario would model the organization along the lines of fomer Nazi and Fascist youth movements in Germany 'and Italy and he has already met criticism by some school hoard officials : "There were certain virtues in what developed in Germany and Italy," he said Wednesday night in an interview, referring to the Hitler youth movement in Nazi Germany and the Balilla and Avanguardia youth o zations set up in Mussolini's Italy "They had standards of behav jor and conduct and esprit de corps and intense patriotism They failed because they were used for politial movements The two youth muvements were militaristic and dedicated to the service of the state VIRTUE IN DISCIPLINE "There are certain virtues in that type of discipline," Mr Brown said. "The army distip line, the color and glamor of bands and marching and un forms. gives a touch of color and stirs the imagination." But he stressed that the objec tives of a Canadian national youth. movement would be differ ent from those of the European groups He said there is a need for a nationally-supported youth move ment in which the main aim would be pride of membership and a membership gained through academic achievement good citizenship, sportsmanship and usefulness to the community. "Today if students try to gain academic achievement they are called eggheads and squares "Their academic level has been lowered because they conform to the group. They don't work up to the level of their potential abil BASED ON PERFORMANCE Mr. Brown said qualification for membership in suc h an organiza tion should be based on student producing up to the capacity of their academic level | "The great emotion reservoir in our. youth today Is diverted into the cult of popular singers and dancers." A national youth movement could tap that reservoir and di- rect youthful enthusiasm from rock 'n' roll to worthwhile social aims "The members could be respon- sible for social welfare and pos- sibly civil defence jobs." There would be several aims, based on the social needs of the community and the role of the youth in the community; schools would be the logical place to start such a movement, Mem bers would be between the ages of 13 and 19 STILL ONLY SUGGESTION "Of course," he said, 'this whole idea was just a suggestion launched at the school boards meeting in London, Ont, and it would have to be carried through at a higher level." He said financing of the move ment should come from the fed eral government, such as the fi na n,, of cadet corps at schools by the national defence depart. ment The movement would be com- plimentary to other youth move. ments. such as the YMCA and YWCA and the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides movements, It would he desirable to have a combination of school teachers, social workers and military per. sonnel, as leaders of the move. ment In Vaacouver, educational and boys' club officials have reacted cooly to Mr. Brown's suggestion George Robson, chairman of the Vancouver school board, said such a movement "could easily be influenced the wrong way. | think he (Mr, Brown) has used an unfortunate choice of words." Dr. E. 1. Signori, with the Uni versity of British Columbia psy chology department, said any attempt by the state to control and discipline youth probably wouldn't work in Canada More homework would curb some delinquency, hé said, bul the major problem Is still the at titude of parents. Bob Smith, executive director of the Vancouver Boys' Clubs Association, said he didn't think anything like Mr. Brown's plan as needed. He suggested "edu cation of parents" would help feurh delinquency High | WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffale | PRIDAY EVENING PM 1--Family Theatre 6-Barney's Gang S--FPlayhouse 4--Fun to earn 2~Buecaneers 5.15 P.M. 4-Children's Theatre 530 P.M, 8.2-Mickey Mouse 600 P.M. 6-~Willie | 4---~Headlines; News 2=Colonel Bleep 6.15 P.M, 4=Claco Kid 630 P.M {11,2-News; Weather | Sports 6-~Movie Museum | »M | 6,54~News 2~Comedy Capers 1.00 P.M, 11-Movie 6~Tablold S5--Mama 4~Sword of Freedom 2-Sheriff of Cochise 5--Real McCoys 4--Boing-Boing Show 2-Rin Tin Tin 5.00 P.M 11,81 ~Jeffer 4~Trackdown Jim Bowie 8.30 P.M, 11,6--Plouffe Family 5-Life ot Hiley 4---~Zane Grey Theatre 2- Mickey Spillane vou P.M, 11-~Turn of Fate 6-Big Record 5-M Squad 4-Phil Silvers 2~Frank Sinatra 280 PM 11,6--Country Hoedown 5<Thin Man 4---Playhouse 2---Patrica Munsel noe PM, 11,6,5--Cavalcade of Sports 4-Line Up 2-Kingdom of the Sea | 10.80 P.M 4--Person To Person 2 Code 3 10:45 P.M 11,6-Jim Coleman 8--Post Fight Beat no P.M, 1, 6 5 & 3=Newm Sports 1.18 P.M, 6 Viewpoint 8--~Feature Movie nae PM, 11 Wrestling 6--Premiere Perform. ance 4-Film Feature 2-General Playhouse 12.00 P.M, 3-Swing Shift SATURDAY R30 AM, &=Popey+'s Playhouse bon AM, 4 Science Museum 2~Rumpus Hoom 0.15 AT 5~Farm and Home 0.30 AM, 4-Capt Kangaroo 2-~Western 10.00 S~Howdy 10.30 AM, S--Ruff and Ready Mighty Mouse 1 AM. S$ Fury 4-Cartoon Show 2--8earch for Adventure nw AM Andy's Gang 4=Flilm Featurette 3~Long John Silver 12.00 NOON 3 ~Trus Story 4-Jimmy Dean 2-Bar 2 Ranch 1am rum, 5 Wrestling Lov P.M, | $=Lane Ranger Nance Parly Roundup AM | 1.30 P.M, 8--Big Picture &~Mr, and Mrs, 1.45 PM 4&Film Featurette 2h PM, B-Frankie Laine 30 P.M, 6-Matinee 5.4-Baseball | 2-20th Century Fox Hour 380 PM, | 11 Wrestling | 8-Leave It To Beaver | | | 2-Teachers College 4.00 P.M, 8 Bowling 2-Feature Performance 4.30 PM, 11-Cartoon Party SATURDAY EVE, 5.00 P.M, 11,6-Zorro 4--Race of the Week 2-Where Were You 5.80 P.M, 11,6-Wild Bill Hickock S~Maverick 2-Billy Graham 600 P.M, 11--Provincial Affairs 6-Here and There 4-~News: Sports 6.30 P.M, 11 Federal Men 6-Mr., Fix-It, N 5---Lawrence 4--Last of the Mohicans Yesterday's Newsree) 7.00 P.M, 11-=Jamboree 6-V Gun Win Travel 4-U of B Round Table | 2=Ranch Party 7.30 PM, 8-Holiday Ranch S--People Are Funny 4~Perry Mason 2~Dick Clark Show Ron PM. 11,6,5--Perry Como | Country Musie R30 ¥ 4-Top Dollar 0.00 P.M, M. 00 11,6---Movie 5-Club Oasis 4-Oh! Susanna 2-Lawrence Walk sso PM 5~Turning Point 4---~Have Gun Will Travel 10.00 P.M, S~Amateur Hour 4- Gunsmoke 2-Fun Fest * 10.50 P.M, 11,6 Hit Parade 5-Pat Boone 4- Silent Service 2-Harhor Command non PM, t1---News: Late Show 4.2-News; waather; Sports 6----News, 5-26 Men 1115 PM, Just Musie 11.3 PM Juliette | 8=Wrestling 5=Movie A-Plavhouse 2-Swing Shift SUNDAY "00 AM. S--Christian Science 4-Ohlldver'y Program $-The Christophers win AM $--Industry on Parade 030 A 5This is the Life 2 Christian Science 10.00 AM. | sChristophers | #=Lamp Unto My | Look S-Little Rascals 2 Feel 2-4'hureh Invitation ns AM at Congress 4~Uncle Jerry 2--Bible \dventure 1045 AM, Film Feature non AM. Church Service Roy Rogers Eye on New York ~Morning Gospel 1.3 AM 11.45 AM, 2-Fiim Feature 12.00 NOON 8-Cartoon Theatre &~News: Weather $-This Is the Life 1218 P.M, 4~look at Congress 1230 PM, 6-This 1s the Life | 8---Little Rascals 4 Wild Bil' Hickok 2--People Without Fear Lo PM, 11~Bravo Theatre 6 Roy Forrest (5-Mr. Wizard 4---Playhouse 2--8clence Sermons 1.30 P.M, Calendar | 200 P.M, 6--Junior Magazine S--Frankie Laine 2-Playhouse | La PM, I1--~Marion Day Rally | 85--Comment | 4--Hospital Commission | 3.00 P.M 6-Lost World 4--Soccer Matches §:Billy Graham wih PM, 6-Game Country 2--8ea Hunt 00 P.M, i1--Festival of Faith 6-You Are There 5--Wide, Wide World 2--Theatre 430 P.M, Il--~Rev. Roberts 6--Lassie 2-Paul Winchell M 5.00 P.M, 11,6---Shirley Temple 4--Great Challenge 2-Texas Rangers 530 PM 5-~Saber of London 2-~Lone Ranger 6.00 P.M. 11--Lassie 8 Burns and Allen 5---~Meet the Press 4-1 Love Lucy | 2=Captain Grief 630 Pp | 11 Playhouse 6--Father Knows Best | S--Scott Island 4-Air Power 2--Bishop Sheen 7.00 P.M, 11~Father Knows Best 6--December Bride 5--Silent Service 4 Lassie 2-~Boots and Saddle 80 PM, | 11--~Movie Showcase 6~News Magazine 5-Nn Warning 4-Bachelor Father 2~Maverick 8.00 P.M, 8.4-Ed Sullivan B--Steve Allen R30 PM, 2-Adveriture at Island PM Lon PM, 11,6-World's Stage 5-Chevy Show 4~GE Theatre 2-8id Caesar nig PM, 11,6--Showtime 4-Alfred Hitchcock 2-You Asked For won PM, Close Up Loretta Young $64,000 Challenge I Led Three Lives 10.30 P.M. | 11,8 Explorations | 5.4-Whats My Line | 2 Jaclae Gleason | He PM, 11-News: Late Show 6--Nows; This Week 5-Paris Precinct | 43 News; Weather; Sports ths PM 2-8wing Shift | ns PM, 6~Camera Three 5~All 'Star Theatre 4 Theatre Scott DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT ROCK 'N' ROLL COUNTRY- MODERN To Radio Stars CHUCK FORTUNE @ JIMMY & JOHNNY THE SHEY BROS, ® RENA SYLVESTER Pretty Young Songstress ® PHIL EXTON Featured Performers from the Palace Pier Shows, RED BARN DANCELAND 199 CENTRE ST. Y.W.C.A, 9.00 p.m. to 12.00 p.m, DOORS CLOSE AT 11:00 P.M. Come and have fun FRIDAY, MAY 23 "Y"" Members 75¢ -- Non Members $1.00 GIANT DOUBLE FUN SHOW! You'll SCREAM with LAUGHTER ! "SCARED STIFF" Co-Starring ELIZABETH SCOTT FREE KIDDIES' PLAY ! und all kiddies under 12 SR0UAD I GC) So bring them along, there's no baby-sitting cost when you \ - 300... MARILYN MONROE IN "BUS STOP" IN CINEMASCOPE ON OSHAWA'S LARGEST SCREEN Plus JOHN PAYNE IN "ROAD TO DENVER" ALL COLOR SHOW BOX OFFICE OPEN AT 8:00 SHOW STARTS AT DUSK VISIT OUR SNACK BAR !! WILSON & LEE LIMITED MUSIC STUDIOS Register Now For Lessons On These Popular Instruments CLARINET HAWAIIAN GUITAR TROMBONE ACCORDION VIOLIN SPANISH GUITAR POPULAR PIANO SAXAPHONE VIOLA © TRUMPET CELLO Our 6-week beginner's course on the accordion at $1.50 weekly includes the FREE use of an accordion during that period which is taken home for practice. IN AJAX Our accordion studios are downstairs In the Conith Building, Ajox Shopping Plaza. 9-5 Saturdays only at Alox. Appointments may be made in Ajax or by phoning our store in Oshawa, RA 5-4706, anytime during the week from 9 AM. to 9 P.M, On these calls please reverse the charges, WILSON & LEE LTD. 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH MUSIC STORE RA 5-4706 4 1 < < CARMEN MIRANDA | IT'S A RIP ROARING RIOT OF FUN! "JUMPING JACKS" Co-Starring MONA FREEMAN DON DeFORE Hey Kids! -- Special Bonus Feature SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY ! ADDED TO OUR REGULAR PROGRAM RANDOLPH SCOTT in "TO THE LAST MAN" "3 LAST SHOWINGS TODAY: "FLAME AND THE FLESH' & "UNTAMED YOUTH' 80T b ADUL | MEN... or MAVERICKS ' «euShe puts her brand | on both! color BY Thor NIRS ANNAN INS INNS 5 PSNI. of 0 JJ J. 0 JINN 7 REDHEAD from WYOMING ~ Sta wr wow RR A 4 Sy -~ MAUREEN O'HARA -ALEX NICOL wn ROBERT STRAUSS - ALEXANDER SCOURBY PLUS! e Astounding Story Behind Today's Headlines! | CONQUEST OF SPACE CF oon TEOHNGOLOR 5,5 ERE ETON LORE DAE LINN GEE WOTTON toner oe wot ONCREY OOMESTELL od LLY LY PRR FEE

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