14 THE DAILY TIMES-GAZETTE, Pridey, Mey 23, 1958 Toronto, Montreal Noon Stocks TORONTO By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--May 2 § (Quotations in cents unless marked §. 2-dd lot, xd--Exdividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw---Ex-warrants.) Industrials 4 High Low Noon Ch'ge $28'% 28% 315% 19% 28 Sales High 100 $12% 100 120 35 35 95% $1644 $33% Int Ut $267 Acme Gas Stoek Abitibi Acad-Atl A Bales 40 250 25 Argus 2.40 pr 1% Ashdown B z100 $11 Bank Mont 95 Bath Pow A 25 Bell Phone 431 v [2] BA oil C Prospect Cent Del C Mic Mac 200 C West Pete 400 Dev-Pal 2000 Duvex 1000 Home Oil A 575 Home Oil B N Bristol N Chamb Northeal Pac Pete Petrol Phillips Provo Gas Quon o Royalite Sapphire Scurry Secur Free Spooner Tex Cal Triad Ofl Un Oils 3550 W Can OG 200 W C OG rts 1629 Yan Can 1000 Pow ris 2735 Brown 100 al Pow 210 an Cem 75 'I Fndry 100 an Wire B 250 Collieries 225 Colli pr 250 Curt W 1500 > Hydro C xd 85 > Hdro C rts 125 Cdn Ol) C Oil rts CPR Cockshutt Conf Life Con Gas Craig Bit Crown Zell Dist Seag D Bridge Dom Scot D Stores Dom Tar Fam Play Fleet Mig Ford (US) Fraser Gen Dev H Dauch Hughes O Imp Oil Imp Tob I Ac wis 1 Bronze Int Pete 6000 600 Advocate Agnico Akaitcho Algom Amal Rare Ansil Area Arion Aumaque Aunor Baska Beveon Bicroft 360 54 4500 1000 13100 17000 2000 990 1000 500 pr 80 $2 750 975 150 50 275 200 1000 2170 2000 7000 pr C-Met wis t ariboco Cassiar Chib Jac Coch Will C Denison > Den wits Discovery Arrow Halliwell M and § Mogul Coprand Crestaur Cusco D'Aragon Dome East Mal East Sull East Min Elder Expl All Falcon Frobisher Galkeno Geco Mines Genex Goldcrest 8000 Grah Bousq 1000 Gunnar Gun wis Halmon Hard Rock Headway Heath Hoyle Inspiration Int Nickel Int Ran Iron Bay Jacobus Jaye Expl Jellicoe Kerr Add Labrador House Expected bi M-West wis Moison A Molson B Moore N Hos B N St Car O Jockey Page-Hers Pbina New Powell R 420 400 5000 500 500 500 525 300 100 3000 1000 1500 231 800 1100 430 500 < « CG « ( ( 200 245 100 260 Royal Bank Roy Bk rts Russell StL Corp Salada-S Salada wis Shawin Sicks Bicks vt SKD Mig Stedman 2000 500 100 1166 220 Trans-Mt Twin C Un Gas Univer Prod Walk GW Webb Knp Wstn Copp $000 200 7000 105'4 100 54 200 $105% 105% Wpg Cent $5 5% Non-confidence Motion OTTAWA (CP)--The Commonsjand by students who want tax throne speech debate reaches a cuts on their summer earnings. milestone late today when the| Rodolphe Leduc (L--Gatineau) House votes for the first time this proposed a long-term' works pro Parliament on a non-confidence ject to relieve unemployment 'n motion. the Ottawa-Hull area: construc- The CCF motion, presented by tion of a 70-mile pipeline to de: party House leader Hazen Argue liver pure water from 31-Mile 10 days ago, calls for planned Lake, Que., to the capital area economic policies to ensure an which now must get its drinking ever-rising standard of living and water from the polluted Ottawa measures to expand trade with River. He estimated the cost at all countries. There is no doubt more than $30,000,000 and said it the huge government majority is regarded as feasible by engin. will defeat the motion that may eers. be supported by the Liberals. Lloyd R. Crouse (PC--Queens- The throne speec' debate in the Lunenburg) said Commonwealth Commons Thursday ranged over vessels should be excluded from| many subjects. Canada's coastal trade. Unless) Erhart Regier (CCF--Burnaby- present conditions were changed' Mines High Low Noon a's 11 158 ~3 Tay Noon Pts (1 Stocks Bales 12% 12% -- % Lake Cn 1000 Pom ite LL Lae Found MacLeod Maralgo Maritime Martin Matateh Milliken Min Corp Moly Multi-M Nama Cr New Cal New Delhi N Dicken Newlund N Mylama Newnor 5 Sendion Rim 5% 16% i 33% Joe Smi Mase; M0 rou Nick Noranda Norlartie Norsyne Northsp Norsp A wis Ogama 5 Opem Paymast Pce Exp Pick Crow Preston Pronio Pronto wis Pros Air Q Metal Rexspar Rix Athab oche Sherritt Sil Stand 8 scoe Stdcona staleigh Stanigh wis Starratt Steeloy Secp R Sullivan Sylvanite Ti H 04 15% + 9 310 25-18 830 Royal Royali Royal StL C Steel Webb Abitca Auto Can D « « c Dom 10% + % 185 113 180 130 17% Mai Pa Ke Temag Trans Res U Mining U dont Upp Can Vandoo Waite Willroy Yellorex Zenmac Curb Pato 358 14 54 Hydro Mex Moore Am Que F Reitm, 2000 Trans Trans 300 3 Sales to 11 a.m.: 852,000, MONTREAL By The Canadian Press Montreal Stock Exchange--May 23 (quotations in © unless marked $, 2---0dd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Exe rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) Industrials Net High Low Noon Ch ge $28's 28 $1915 $2614 Algom Alscope Burnt Camp Cent Chib c Contin « East Emp Fundy Futur Gunna Halme Sales 650 250 Stock Abitibi Acad Alumin Argus Asbestos 1750 Bail § 5% pc 100 Bank Mont 1000 Bell Phone 530 Brazil 905 BA Ol 270 BCE 4%pe pr 75 BCE 5lpe pr 50 BC Forest 115 BC Power BC Pow rts Brown Bu'ld Prod 50 Cal Pow 75 Can Cem 100 Safe 4.40 pr 50 200 1200 Atl A 194% 26% Iso 1 Kerr Labra Melnt Merril Mid ( Mon Mor N G N § N Vr Nocan NA R Okalt Opem Ocha Pauda Porcu 8. pr k Com Brew 25 Husky 100 Int Pow pr 130 Cdn Oil 100 Cdn Oil rts 800 CPR 145 C Vickers 100 Cockshutt 1000 Con M and § 125 Con Glass 50 Crown Zell 350 Dist Seag 2100 D Bridge 500 Pp Fndry 125 Rexsr 11% Sta 18% 29 19 28% 21% 20% Steep Un 0O $28% 21% $29% Sale mines | Natural Gas 3 | Charge To Be | Fair, Proper | TORONTO (CP) -- Attorney: | General Roberts of Ontario says consumers of natural gas in the province "can rest assured that rates to be charged in any local- ity will be fair and proper." | He told the Progressive Con. | servative Businessmen's Club of Toronto Thursday that from natural gas distributing sys- tems in Ontario will be related to the investment in dollars and their equivalent, He compared the Ontario fuel | {board with the Alberta utilities' 187% 15% -- W o Vote 29% a Canada's coastal fleet would be wiped out as its deep sea fleet had been. Hubert Badanai (L--Fort Will- iam) asked for action on civil de- fence planning, There had been "a tidal wave" of talk from fed- eral officials but no action to pro- tect the big grain elevators at the Lakehead. P. B. Rynard (PC -- Simcoe East) called for joint federal-pro- vincial action against a current rabies epidemic in Ontario. Ade- quate federal compensation should be paid for lost livestock, and the provincial bounty on foxes, apparent carriers of the disease, should be increased to encourage eradication. Coquitlam) accused Prime Min- jigs sey {ster Diefenbaker of having "a tendency to decide it all or do it| all." Mr. Diefenbaker was not in the House at the time, Mr. Regier mentioned no spec-| #ic case but said that a cabinet minister, having responsibilities of his own, should not be "a mouthpiece for another." He also criticized Progressive Conservative election campaign Mterature showing a photograph of federal cabinet ministers sur- rounding Governor-General Mas: sey. It was captioned: The Dief- enbaker cabinet. Mr, Regier said this was an in- sult to the Crown because in fact Mr. Massey was not a member of the cabinet. HITS NORAD ACTION Farmers Mor OTTAWA (CP) -- The govern- ment's new price props are bring-| ing farmers more revenue but they're not without their pitfalls! and problems. Take asparagus and butter. Originally the government had no plan to put a floor price under, asparagus, officials said Thurs- day, but along came British Col- umbia growers. | Most of the aspragus crop is grown in Ontario, but the B.C. Lucien Cardin (L -- Richelieu farmers appealed for federal help| Vercheres) jabbed at the prime because packers wouldn't take minister for his action last Tucs- their crop for canning this year. day in reversing a previous de. The government agreed to a cision and agreeing to let Parlia- floor price of 17 cents a pound if ment debate the North American the packers would take the crop air defence--~NORAD--treaty. about 300,000 pounds -- at 14 He said Mr. Diefenbaker had cents. In other words the govern- tried to create the impression of ment would pay growers three * going the opposition a favor when cents a pound which on the basis i fact the opposition had the of a 300,000-pound crop would be right to debate the treaty. It was a mere $9,000 a further example of government, Ontario canners were furious. disregard for parliamentary cus- They had just agreed to pay On- New Price Props Bring toms 18 cents a nound «Murray Smith and this province "usually mar vestigate the needs of education. (PC--Winnipeg North) proposed the government . set up a special committee to in- tariv growers kets a crop of between 2,500,000 and 3,000,000 pounds. Ontario packers broke their | board which controls production land distribution of gas and oil in| | Alberta and regulates the price. | The Ontario board had com-| |parable authority. Profits any e evenue | distributing company would be| able to make in the distribution | The government quickly agreed lot the utility would be related to! [to help. It placed a floor of 1g/the investment in dollars and | t |cents on Ontario asparagus, pro-| Meir equivalent, | Mr. Roberts said the province| [ding the packers agreed to P*¥ followed the right course in ap- cents. pointing investigators who would In other words, the federal |report to him with transcripts of treasury would shell out three |evidence, exhibits and recom. cents a pound, or a total of be-|mendations on their findings con- tween $75,000 and $90,000. This|cerning the share transactions of |added to the B.C, bill would bring|Northern Ontario Natural Gas the total to almost $100,000. Company Limited, | THOUSANDS OF HOUSE- WIVES IN OSHAWA ARE TALKING ABOUT... POWER Prices POWER Quality Dom Tar Fraser Gypsum Hud Bay Imp Inv A 2100 Prov Trans Que Nat Gs 725 Robertson J Rie AV Can 225 Tr-Can PL Dredge Ford A H Dauch NQ Pow 1 pr z10 Russell Un Gas Canalask Canalask Canorama Jae Denison Jardun Mogador trary Idvue ring Portage Vanguard Ned Sales HI Tou Neon Ch'ge 1% 12% Ww 1s 22% 24% 2v 19% Ya 41% 9 225 500 100 25 540 7H Play ation oll A ith 3m y F . A pr 5 455 Molson B N St Car Noranda Ogilvie Powell R 100 50 25 $60 100 100 Bank 30 te Bk ris 185 460 orp 2 50 108 215 1500 Canadian 5 50 ~1 100 100 100 --200 2h 2% 23% --1 240 33% EL) Can Knp 500 500 300 300 reon) 200 r 202 Ollcloth 2 110 1000 zl 22 60 Fab B ) Sug 240 $33% $34 $76%% $444 $914 | $10 Sole $2414 $25 $16 $10 12 $57% 282% . Mines 20 $18 3500 24 10%0 3 400 1000 1000 6200 2495 2200 600 240 76% A414 - Wa 10 68% -- Sec LP 75 150 725 300 145 100 Phone ans Can Mt 18 2 13 520 Hil 13 Chib 520 Man entl urnor Sull Oil ity r on Hollinger 6500 3000 100 100 220 2000 2200 2500 2000 700 1000 5200 500 3000 500 100 1000 2500 5700 19500 6500 ran Add dor yre | hib ray a are M iska n ash pine ar Gld R ils 3 ~4 s to 11:30 am,: and oils 104,300. industrials 31,300, Mr. Roberts defended the gov- ernment's decision to investigate the government-chartered com- pany's transactions under the On- tari» Securities Act, rather than by a royal commission, as asked by the CCF party. | Receipts from Western Canada| LIVESTOCK REVIEW Steer Prices Close Fully Steady At Mart TORONTO (CP) -- Steer prices totalled 183 head, a Soengine | closed fully steady at the Ontario|from last week"of 40 head. (he bureau of statistics reported 0 es of new motor vehicles in, Canada last year droppped eight per cent tn 458,209 ts from 499,921 in 1956. Sales Canadian, U.S. wi Car Sales Drop |i OTTAWA (CP)--Sales of Can. [of is 1 passenger cars declined dian and United States manufac-|to 382,023 valued at $1,087,620,000 tured vehicles in Canada de-|from 408,233 units in 1956 valued creased to 404,499 units in 1957 at $1,128,640,000. Comercial ve- from 461,907 in 1956, while sales nicles dropped to 76,276 units of British and European vehicles | valued at $281,311,000 from 91,688 rose to 43,000 units from 30,014, |in 1956 valued at $326,735,000, public stockyards this week. ments to eastern C + Cows made up 85% per cent of | laughterers vere | four carloads. the slaughter cattle offered, which pei centage-wise, is a rec-| Slaughter ees Choice steers ord. In spite of the heavy num- ZE%, good 24-24.75; medium bers, prices were no more than|22-24; common 20-22; good heif- 50 cents a hundredweight lower | ers 22.50-23 with az; Sood at 23.50 with the in between kinds of cows | land an odd top at 24; medium josing the most, Heifer and year) 121-22; common 18-21; choice fed ing prices' were firm. |vearlings 24.50-25.50 with a few Bulls were in broad demand fancy steer calves at 26; good with prices gaining 25 cents a 324; Bood cows 19.50-20; com- hundredweight and more. Veal ™on 1650-18; canners and cut. call prices were $1 higher and [ters 13-16; good heavy bologna hogs were steady. Sheep prices Pulls 25-21; were unchanged and spring lamp | ium 15-19, prices were lower, oe lagesment Eattle Good . Cattle receipts were about 300° TS with some extreme nead fewer than last week and tops af 26.50; medium 20-23. : t k in 1957. Calves: Good veal calves 31. about the same this weel 1 Byer Toul Bi J selling up to 35; medium 26-30; common 20-25; boners 12-20, Hogs: Grade A 34.50; Lid Charges Firms |rows 26 with numerous light sows |at 28 dressed. Stags 16 a hun- |dredweight, Copy Designs |" Sheep and lambs: Spring lambs | ranged from 26-31 a hundred. OTTAWA (CP) An execu- weight; cheep 4-10 with some tive of a Canadian textile com. 800d light sheep selling at 12. pany has accused American tex- tile mills of "repeatedly copy- ing" cotton fabric designs origin. ated by his company. { The charge was m-de Thurs- common and med- OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS suggest The Most Important Minutes In a Man's Life... Two or three times in the average man's lifetime he takes a few minutes to buy a life insurance Bin Those few moments provide 7% of the estates of all Canadians who die, ® Life Insurance is the saf, surest way to finan ndence. JOHN GRAVELLE -- Representative GORDON BIRNEY ---- Representative 72 MAX SLESSOR -- District Monager | District Office: 178 SIMCOE ST, NORTH, OSHAWA Phone RA 5-9711 Monarch Life ASSURANCE COMPANY \day by J. D. Paddon of Corn- |wall, vice-president of Canadian |Cottons Limited, before the tar- | iff board, Mr, Paddon was asked by Arthur Klurfeld, counsel for the lus. Textile Fabrics Association which is opposing higher tariffs, to produce samples of copied de- | signs, Mr. Paddon submittd two \samples of his company's cotton fabrics used for playsuits. He said the design was copied within {two months by American mills | {and placed on the Canadian mar- ket, He did not identify the U.S. mills. | MRS. §. KOESSLER, 5025 Cypress St., | Vancouver, B.C., "My 1958 Edsel has amazing 1 power and pick- up yet it is so cconomical to operate, 1 am # | particularly \* | proud of Edsel's pi | distinctive styling : land appear- | ance." Edsel's " big, new V-8 engines . , . with up to | 345 horsepower . . . are the newest {in the industry. You' ve never | handled so much useable power, | Feel the real difference behind the wheel. See your dealer today , , find out what the 1958 Edsel can do for you, Drive 1958 EDSEL FORD OF CANADA ¥ Choose a delivery. BY SIMPLY profits | 1 NEW 18" WHIRLWIND Here is a mower that gives you bar, features and performance. One 10° section includes one 6' post 4" by 4", «so For Privacy, Protection... DELIVERED, PRE-OUT READY TO BUILD ¥ Simply Measure Your Lot Package-Unit Fence ¥ Phone OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS... order by section or running foot for prompt .. .52 per lineal ft. $5.18 per 10' section THE NEW 4.-WAY FENCE MAY BE DESIGNED TO YOUR OWN PATTERN VARYING THE SPACING OF THE RAILS. 2 rails 1" by 6" by 10' pine, 2 roils 1" by 4" by 10' pine, and one 1" by 4" by 3' vertical rail, ... J4Vac per ft. L$. 43 per 10' section THE TRADITIONALLY BEAUTIFUL GOTHIC PICKET FENCE HAS EVERY ADVANTAGE One 10' section includes one 6' post 4 by 4", 2 rails 2" by 4" by 10, and 15 spruce pickets, HIGH BOY cassis sasanesns anes J30V2e per lineal ff. $5.63 per 10' section A FRIENDLY NEIGHBOR FENCE CONSISTING OF TWO RAILS ON YOUR SIDE AND TWO ON YOUR NEIGHBOR'S. One 10' section includes one 6' post 4" by 4", and four pes. 1' by 6 by 10' pine. LOW BOY A LOW MODERN TWO RAIL FENCE WHERE ONLY A DIVISION FENCE IS NECESSARY One 10' section includes one 4' post 4' by 4', and two pes. 1" by 6" by 10' pine, ains in quality, t's built to give years of dependable, trouble-free service. Mows grass, weeds, pulverizes leaves you complete lawn care. LOOK AT THESE Height-of-cut change in seconds without tools. Throttle, stop and start controls at your and trims close to give TORO FEATURES sass sensssassininneese +30V2e per lineal ff $3.05 per 10' section 43%c per lineal ft. $4.35 per 10' section INEXPENSIVE, ATTRACTIVE AND EASY TO BUILD, THE THREE RAIL RANCH FENCE IS ONTARIO'S MOST POPULAR FENCE. One 10 section includes one 5' post 4" by 4", and 3 pes. 1" by 6" by 10 pine. Each length of fence always requires one extra post which Vi fingertips. Staggered wh is not included in the section prices above. eel design prevents purchase agreement and growers "On to Ottawa." It could be approached by uni- versities seeking financial help raised the cry: scalping. POWER Free Gifts POWER Courfesy POWER SUPERMARKET Your Shopping Delivered To Your Home -- Only 25¢ 564 King St. Eost ot Wilson Road North (Hwy, 2) SHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LIMITED 6 OSHAWA TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU | Leaf Mulcher attachment included free. ™ $00.95 Powerful 1.75 4-cycle engine vwith recoil starter and special Toro Audi{tine Muffler. Larger and power propelled models also available! A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 1015 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA \ Need extra cash for car repairs ? LOW DOWN PAYMENT EASY TERMS A NIAGARA loan will banish cares! Downtown Showroom 84 SIMCOE §. RA 8-1617 AJAX ZE 2-9600 rags GAR A Office and Showroom COURTICE RA 8-1611 BOWMANVILLE MA 32130 LOANS Largest All-Canadian Loan Compeny 37 King Street East, Alger Building Next to Biltmore Theatre), Suite 27 Phone RA 5.6561 Open until noon on Saturdey | Downtown Office Open Friday Until 9 P.M.